MMW Reflection Bustaleño

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College of Engineering Education




Althia Amor F. Bustaleño

First Year
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Structural
Rosyl Matin-ao
December 10, 2022

1. b.) -8,-1,0,1,0,_ _ _ = -8, -1,0,1,0, 15, 22, 29 (my answer)

This number requests the sequence and the three terms, and my response is "Arithmetic
Sequence," which has three terms of 15, 22, and 29. I answered "Arithmetic" because
the first two terms and the next term after the 0 were the same, so I thought that it would
just be an addition of seven to get the answer, but it should be in cubic sequence to get
the correct answer.
2. e.) 625, 676, 729, 784, _ _ _= 625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900, 961 (my answer) This is
also asking for the sequence and the terms. I have the correct answer in the terms, but I
used the triangular sequence to get the ask term by simply adding 57, 59, and 61, when
the correct sequence to use is the squared sequence.
(Mistake: Letter b and e)


In reasoning, I am always confused in Inductive and Deductive, how did they differ to
each other and how will I know if it is Inductive or Deductive but as you explain the
reasoning ma’am na kwaan gamay akong kalibog mao tong isa ray mali nako sa quiz
hehe. I thought it is specific to general which is Inductive but it’s general to specific po
pala iyon.
(Mistake: #2)

4. In translating this sentence ‘The square of the first number multiplied by cube of the
other number’ into mathematic equation, my translation was (𝑥 2 ) (𝑥 3 ) which is wrong
because it should be (y) as the ‘other number’ instead of using (𝑥 3 ).
Correct Answer: (𝑥 2 ) (𝑦 3 )
5. ‘The sum of the squares of three consecutive odd numbers’. I used odd numbers, 1, 3,
and 5, and squared them all (12 + 32 + 52 ) in this translation; I thought it was the
correct answer, but as Mr. Ragot answered on the board, I never expected that 𝑥 2 +
(𝑥 + 23 )+ (𝑥 + 4)2 would be the answer. Layo ra kayo akong answer ma’am hehe
6. ‘The sum of five less a number and a number less than five, is less than five’. Ang aking
sagot sa numerong ito ay (5-x)+(x-5)≤5. Tama ang aking first term ditto po pero sa
second term ko ay nagka baliktad, dapat pala (5-x)+(5-x)≤5.
7. ‘Thrice of the square of a number added to twice of the cube of a number.’ Same with
number 6, nagka baliktas ang aking sagot po dapat pala 2𝑥 3 + 3𝑥 2 hindi 3𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 3 .
8. My response for the final question, 𝑐 2 +(a+b), was incorrect because the 𝑐 2 according to
the instructions, should be on the right side.

9. The given problem was asking for a parameter and my answer is “WOMEN” but it was
wrong because the problem don’t have a parameter.
10. The problem was also asking for a statistics of it and I only answer one and it was wrong
because the given problem has a lot of statistics on it and I only answer one.
(Mistake: Statistics and Parameter)

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