5 Stages of Development by Rostow - Alawi, Jehan

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1. Write the name of your barangay and state how many years your family is
residing in the said barangay

Answer: We’re currently residing in Barangay Tambacan Iligan City for than 21

2. Describe your barangay using the stages by Rostow by Stage and provide the
real scenarios in your community per stage.

STAGE 1 - Traditional Society

Barangay Tambacan is one of the 44 barangays of Iligan City It is near the

vicinity of Iligan's central business and it is subdivided into 12 Puroks. Due to the
fact that Barangay Tambacan's highway helps to divert traffic from the city's main
highways, it is quickly emerging as one of the most important bypassing routes
for Iligan's trunk line for land transportation. At this stage, the main source of
income for the majority of barangay Tambacan's residents is fishing. Not just due
to its close to Iligan bay, but also one of its districts serves as Iligan's primary
dropping point for fish trades from the main fish ports in Mindanao.


In this stage the barangay Tambacan, fishing is not the only occupation that can
people do here but also some of residents living work here is transportation such
as trisikad and tartanilla a small lightweight carriage, usually pulled by a single
horse. The infrastructure in barangay Tambacan is also improving there are now
small to big enterprises that established here like pawn shop, pharmacy,
restaurants, money remittances, furniture and lumber business and a lot more.


The barangay Tambacan is becoming popular in other barangay because of the
industrialization growing business and the fishing business here. proximity of the
location for fish wholesale has become an advantage for its local fish traders who
are one of the majorities of the fish traders of Iligan's two major market places
which are The Pala-o Supermaket and Iligan's Wet Market (formerly Old Public
Market). Not just the two market place is the fish traders in barangay Tambacan
also in different places like Lanao Del sur. People from other barangays come to
Tambacan to visit or to buy fresh fish here and also some of them are just stop
by to buy a food here because there is a lot food business here.

Our Barangay Tambacan Iligan City up to Stage 3 only in 5 stages of

development by Rostow

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