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Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and

Aquatic School of Technology

Malita, Davao Occidental

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Computer Hardware

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Identify hand tools in computer hardware servicing
B. Explain the importance of hand tools in computer hardware servicing
C. Demonstrate the proper usage of hand tools in performing computer


Lesson: Prepare Hand Tools for Computer Hardware Servicing
Competency: Appropriate hand tools and equipment are identified
according to requirements/use.
Materials: Visual aids, hand-outs, chalk, marker, and rating sheets
Method: Speaking, and Lecture-Discussion
Values: Cooperation, Attention, and Self ready

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Seating Arrangement
d. Attendance
B. Review
Direction: The teacher will ask questions to the learner randomly.
1. What was our topic last meeting?
2. What is a computer?
3. What is the importance of computers?

“4 Pics, 1 Word”
Direction: The teacher will post an image on the board to be predicted
by the learners voluntarily. Provided the image on the board, the
learners should determine the image presented.

D. Lesson Proper: Presentation of the lesson and objectives




Most tools used in the computer assembly process are small hand
tools. They are available individually or as part of a computer repair toolkit
and it is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task. Toolkits range
widely in size, quality, and price. Some common hand tools and their uses are
Flat-head screwdriver: Used to tighten or loosen slotted screws.
The importance of knowing the appropriate usage of hand tools for
computer system services knows what tools you need in different situations,
like what to use if there are screws that need to be removed or put back. The
appropriate cleaning tools are essential when maintaining and repairing

The Four Main Categories of the Computer Hardware Tools

A toolkit should contain all the tools necessary to complete hardware repairs.
As you gain experience, you learn which tools to have available for different types of
jobs. Hardware tools are grouped into four categories:
 ESD tools
 Hand tools
 Cleaning tools
 Diagnostic tools

1. ESD Tools (Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Tools)

a. ESD equipment works to actively neutralize the threat posed by static

electricity by working to prevent ESD events, safely discharge static
charges and, protect the environment and everything therein.

2. Hand tools
- A hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical
system using only hands.
The hand tools can be manually used employing force, or electrically powered,
using electrical current.
a. Flat-Head Screwdriver

A flat-head screwdriver is a screwdriver with a wedge-shaped flat tip,

used to tighten or loosen screws that have a straight, linear notch in
their heads.

b. Phillips Head Screwdriver

Also known as cross-head screwdrivers, Phillips screwdrivers are one of

the most common types. It has a head with pointed edges in the shape
of a cross, which fits neatly into the cross slots of a Phillips screw. 

c. Torx Screwdriver

Torx keys are similar to hex keys and have the same L-shape, except
this tool has a six-point, star-shaped cross section. Torx screwdrivers
provide a secure grip on the fastener head.
d. Needle-Nose Plier

Needle-nose pliers are used to manipulate wire using the textured

teeth. They are not sturdy enough to cut large, hardened wires, and
they are not to be used on live electrical wires.

e. Wire Cutter

Wire and cable cutters are tools that have been designed to properly
cut either wire or cable with minimal damage to the insulation or
internal conductors of the wire or cable.

f. Tweezers

Tweezers (or Forceps) are an extension of our fingers and they allow
us to grab, grip, place, remove or hold items that are too small or
delicate for our fingers to manipulate.
3. Cleaning tools
- Having the appropriate cleaning tools is essential when maintaining or
repairing computers.
Using these tools ensures that computer components are not damaged during

a. Lint-Free Cloth
A lint free cloth is a special type of cleaning cloth that does not give up
any fluff when used. Being free of lint means the cloth is less likely to
build up a charge, which can cause ESD, damaging electronic
equipment, like HD televisions, computer monitors and digital cameras.

b. Compressed Air
Compressed air is a combination of under pressure gases that are
squeezed into a can. With computers and electronics, compressed air is
the preferred method for removing dust and dirt from sensitive
c. Cable Ties
 Also known as zip ties, they're fasteners that bundle your cables
and wires together to keep them organized and prevent

d. Parts Organizer
A computer parts organizer organizes various computer parts according
to size and quantities of the computer parts.

4. Diagnostic tools

a. Multi-tester
It checks alternating current (AC) voltage, direct current (DC) voltage,
resistance and amperage. Use a Multi-tester/multimeter to test
electricity in batteries, appliances and outlets.
E. Activity: The class will be divided into 5 groups, and each group is
expected to have a leader, secretary, and reporter who will deliver the

Direction: Each group will select one item from the mystery box, determine to
which category the tools belong, and describe the item's purpose and
significance. Each output is evaluated using the following criteria:

Content and
A correct response Good solid response
with detailed with correct
Explanation and Explanation is Misses key points
explanation explanation
Content 50% unclear
With Correct Correct and properly Correct Not properly
handling and demonstrated demonstration demonstrated
and Knowledge
Totally meets the Meets the Hardly meets the Did not meet the
requirements and requirements requirements requirements
Neatness and
Total: 100% Total Score:


Afterward, the teacher will deepen the knowledge of the learners. As

the teacher discussed the lesson, he will ask questions to the learners
so that he can address misconceptions within the lesson.

The teacher will be asking the question to the learners
1. What is the importance of hand tools and equipment in our
daily lives?
Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, using the misplaced letters supplied,
write the word in its proper formation.

1. R S T Z E E E W
2. N I G A L N C E O S T L O
3. A E C B L I E T S
4. E S M P O R E D S C R I A
5. T R A P S S Z R R O G E A I N


1. T W E E Z E R S
2. C L E A N I N G T O O L S
3. C A B L E T I E S
4. C O M P R E S S E D A I R
5. P A R T S O R G A N I Z E R S


In ½ crosswise, write what you have learned from the discussion.

Prepared by:

Romson G. Lobitaña
Pre-Service Teacher

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