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Instructors can benefit from using TOS to make decisions about test production more clear and to
improve the accuracy of teacher assessments based on tests used in the classroom. Although this
concept may be used in a wide range of assessment frameworks, it is typically linked to the
development of traditional summative examinations. The TOS can help teachers decide what
kinds of items to include on their assessments by comparing the number of class hours spent on
each objective
Directions: with the
Answer the following
cognitive level at which each objective was acquired. 

1. What is TOS? Why do teachers create one?

2. What are the teaching objectives? Give example of objectives aligned to the core of
As these comprehension,
ideas teach application,
educators how andthe
to quantify analysis are the
indefinable teaching
goals objectives.
their school or
Thehas established,
ability to identify knowledge
what one isoflooking
andin reliability
a given topicenables
is one educators to make
of the objectives
choices that improve the academic and social lives of their children.
that align with the core of knowledge. For example, the teacher constructs a test Validity will tell you
the atopic
test "noun
is in a and
specific circumstance,
pronoun." Studentsand reliability
should willtotell
be able you how
identify the reliable
noun and a
result will be. Unless you are certain that the
in the given test using their core knowledge. test is reliable, you cannot infer any
meaningful inferences from the results.

3. Why it is important to create a valid and reliable test items?

4. How will you determine that test items is reliable and valid?

It must produce consistent outcomes in order for an exam or assessment to be regarded as reliable.
Divergences from data trends and unusual outcomes or replies may indicate that a particular exam
question is deceptive or inaccurate.

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