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ACTIVITY #: 4.a, 5.a, 6.a

Almacen Jobert


1 Abrogated To end a law, agreement, or custom formally.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
Contextual Sentence Unfortunately he had recently abrogated the
agreement with the partners for no reason given.
2 Acquiescence The act of accepting or agreeing to something,
often unwillingly.
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The acquiescence by the CEO led to the downfall
of the business.
3 Adduce To give reasons why you think something is true.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
I was kindly asked to adduce my statements by
the judge.

4 Affirmed To state something as true.

Chapter 4
Case 4-1
He affirmed multiple times that he wasn’t the one
who broke the item, but the detectives didn’t want
still doesn’t want to believe him.

5 Ambit The range or limits of the influence of something.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2

The ambit of Eula has on the city reaches far and

wide that everyone knows who she is, and
respects her immensely.

6 Anent About or concerning.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2

All the documents anent to the crimes of my

father were finally found and he can be arrested.

7 Annulment An official announcement that something such as a

law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists, or
Chapter 6 the process of making this announcement.
Case 6-2
The church will make the annulment of all the
recent divorces, the annulment will be on
Monday next week.

8 Antedated Assign to a date prior to that of actual occurrence.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
Both parties have antedated on the date of the
trial, which will be on March.
9 Appellate An attempt to get a legal decision changed.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
A few days after the trial he and his party
appellate the jury about their decision.

10 Arraignment A legal process in a law court where someone is

accused of a particular crime and asked to say if
Chapter 4 they are guilty or not.
Case 4-3
The judge ask for an arraignment for the friends
of the criminal to make sure if they were involved
with the crime.

11 Arrears Debt that has accumulated and that has not yet
been paid upon the due date.
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The couple cannot go out or do anything as a
family because there is not a penny spare and
their rent is in arrears.

12 Ascertain To discover something.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The detectives has finally ascertain the hidden
hideout of the drug dealers with the help of the

13 Assailed Attack someone violently or criticize someone

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
Multiple police officers were assailed by the
hoard of people during the riot.

14 Assent An official agreement to or approval of an idea,

plan, or request.
Chapter 5
Case 5-3
The president gave his assent on the
implementation of the new curriculum for the
upcoming school year.

15 Assiduously A way that involves great care and attention to

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
We have to read all these documents assiduously
since any small detail can give us a lead on who
is killer.

16 Axiomatic True and therefore not needing to be proved.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
It seems axiomatic that everyone believes that
Ayaka is at fault and not Shenhe.

17 Baseless Not based on facts.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
All they gave were baseless claims, which didn’t
help in the trial.
18 Belabor Explain something more than necessary.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
I got lost though making me belabored about the
details of the agreement.

19 Blockchain A system used to make a digital record of all the

occasions a cryptocurrency is bought or sold, and
Chapter 6 that is constantly growing as more blocks are
Case 6-3 added.
The blockchain proved that the company had
been stealing peoples money.

20 Bolo A long heavy single-edged knife of Philippine

origin used to cut vegetation and as a weapon.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The weapon used to kill the victim was a Bolo,
unfortunately we couldn’t find any fingerprints
on it.

21 Bolster Support or improve something or make it stronger.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
All the evidence provided really bolstered their
claims about the case.

22 Bushy Full of or overgrown with bushes.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The body was found buried under the bushy

23 Buttressed A structure made of stone or brick that sticks out

from and supports a wall of a building.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The ones who built house didn’t make the
buttressed sturdy enough to support it the house.

24 Cargo The goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other large

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
All the cargo was lost to due the extreme typhoon
that occurred.

25 Carriage A vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled

by horses and was used mainly in the past.
Chapter 4
Case 4-2
She was last seen riding a carriage going towards
her home.

26 Certiorari A writ of superior court to call up the records of an

inferior court or a body acting in a quasi-judicial
Chapter 4 capacity.
Case 4-2
The court will issue a certiorari to help in
making the final decision.
27 Cogent Clearly expressed and persuades people to believe
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
The company’s advertisement is very cogent
making sales to up as more people are buying the

28 Condonation Implied pardon of an offense by treating the

offender as if it had not been committed.
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
After giving it a lot of thought, the judge decided
to give a condonation to the offender

29 Conjectures Guess about something based on how it seems and

not on proof.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
The detectives aren’t sure who to believe since
the witness were all making conjectures.

30 Construed Analyze the arrangement and connection of words

in (a sentence or sentence part).
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
Our head detective told us to construed the
documents again especially near the end of the

31 Contingent A group of people representing an organization or

country, or a part of a military force.
Chapter 6
Case 6-3
It’s hard to narrow the possible witnesses since
the contingent of the country is too many.

32 Corollary Something that results from something else.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The recent success of Chris had to be corollary to
the sudden disappearance of his father.

33 Countenance Extend approval or toleration to.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
He had no other choice other than to
countenance the case due to the unforeseen

34 Covenants A formal agreement or promise between two or

more people.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
We made a covenant that we wouldn’t target
each other’s business, there’s no way we would
break that promise.

35 Credence Belief that something is true.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
He has a strong credence that his best friend
isn’t the killer.
36 Crossclaim Claim against a party on the same side of a legal
Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The sudden crossclaim of the lawyer left
everyone speechless.

37 Culpability Fact that someone deserves to be blamed or

considered responsible for something bad.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
There’s too much culpability that’s hard to deny
that he guily for all the crimes he did.

38 Dacion En Pago Handing back the keys to a lender, and in

exchange a lender discharges in full the mortgage
Chapter 5 liability not holding a borrower liable in the future.
Case 5-2
The lender said that the both you made a Dacion
En Pago last week Wednesday afternoon.

39 Dation The legal act of giving or conferring.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The court were given the green light to dation
from the supreme court.

40 Deed Intentional act, especially a very bad or very good

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
Yes I admit, I’m the one who did the deed.

41 Defrauded To deprive of something by deception or fraud.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
Russel defrauded Francis right under his nose
all this time.

42 Demobilize Release someone from one of the armed forces,

especially at the end of a war.
Chapter 6
Case 6-1
Due to his injury, the commander had no choice
but to demobilize him.

43 Devoid Lack or be without something that is necessary or

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The testimony is devoid from evidence, which
makes it unbelievable.

44 Discern See, recognize, or understand something that is not

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
They detectives need more time since they need
time to discern the claims of the suspects.

45 Discretion The power of a judge, public official or private

party to act according to the dictates of their own
Chapter 4 judgment and conscience within general legal
Case 4-1 principles
The discretions of the judge have completely
removed all disputes between the parties in an

46 Distress Feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The family and friends of the Rick are feeling
great distress after receiving news of his passing.

47 Docketed To place on the docket for legal action

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He docketed all the things needed before hand.

48 Dominion Dominion means to control over a country or

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He had dominion of the country for over a

49 Duly Correct way or at the correct time; as expected.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
All the objections during the trial were duly
50 Elude Escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The reasons why he committed the murder still
eludes us to this day.

51 Emeritus Holding after retirement an honorary title

corresponding to that held last during active
Chapter 6 service.
Case 6-3
After much discussion we have to a decision to
make Rin the chairman emeritus.

52 Encumbrances A claim (such as a mortgage) against property.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
If he decides to form the partnership all the
encumbrances will be handled by the partner.

53 Ensued To happen after something else, especially as a

result of it.
Chapter 6
Case 6-2
A riot ensued after the murder of the president.

54 Erroneous Containing or characterized by error: Mistaken.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
It had been erroneous reported that Nagi was the
one committed the crime.

55 Escalation A situation in which something becomes greater or

more serious.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
We had to send in more officials to prevent
further escalation of the riot.

56 Estates A large area of land in the country that is owned

by a family or an organization and is often used for
Chapter 6 growing crops or raising animals.
Case 6-2
He has been hiding in the Almancen estates all
this time.

57 Executrix A female executor.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
Eula agreed to be the executrix for the criminal.

58 Exonerate To show or state that someone or something is not

guilty of something.
Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The detective’s report exonerates Mike from all
charges of misdemeanor.
59 Extraneous Not directly connected with or related to
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
There’s so much extraneous information that it’s
hard to analyze everything.

60 Facsimile An exact copy, especially of a document.

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
Little did he know that I had a facsimile of the

61 Felonious In an illegal manner that is a felony.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
He broke into the residence with a felonious

62 Fest A gathering, event, or show having a specified

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
There will a fest for the birthday of the founder
of the school next week.

63 Fraudulent The intentional use of deceit, a trick or some

dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its
Chapter 6 money, property or a legal right
Case 6-1
The vice president did fraudulent agreements
with the president in order to destroy the business
from the inside.

64 Guileless Innocent, Naive

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
He fell into multiple scams because he is a
guileless person.

65 Hampered To restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The gun shot wound hampered the criminal
enough to let the police catch up to him.

66 Hinge A jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid,

or other swinging part turns.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
He broke the hinges of the door with just one

67 Idle Not working or being used.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The machine was left idle for multiple hours on
68 Imminent Coming or likely to happen very soon.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The road will lead into imminent danger, are you
sure your ready?

69 Implead Sue or prosecute at law.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
He had no choice but to implead about the
domestic abuse he dealt with.

70 Impute To say that someone is responsible for something

that has happened, especially something bad, or
Chapter 4 that something is the cause of something else.
Case 4-3
He for whatever reason impute the damages of
the car to his neighbors.

71 Incentive To something that encourages a person to do

Chapter 6
Case 6-3
I’ll give you 50% of our profit as an incentive for
you to join our partnership.

72 Incurred To become liable or subject to: bring down upon

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The business incurred so many debts over it’s

73 Indicium Signs, indications, or distinguishing marks.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The main indicium about the killer is his dragon
tattoo in his right eye.

74 Infanticide The crime of killing a child.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
The otaku killer is most known for his multiple

75 Infringement An action that breaks a rule, law.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
Placing this music into your video will lead to a
copyright infringement.

76 Insidious Gradually and secretly causing harm.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
The mafia’s tactics are becoming more insidious
as time goes on.
77 Insolvent Not having enough money to pay debts, buy
Chapter 6
Case 6-1
During the liquidation of the partnership,
partner A has become insolvent.

78 Insurer A person or company that insures someone or

Chapter 6
Case 6-3
The insurer agrees to pay off the maintenance
expense of the business.

79 Intestate Having made no valid will.

Chapter 4
Case 4-1
It’s natural to worry about what would happen to
your child if you died intestate.

80 Inured Accustom to accept something undesirable.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
I have been inured to the hot climate of the

81 Inveigled To persuade someone to do something in a clever

and dishonest way, when they do not want to do it.
Chapter 6
Case 6-2
The spy managed to inveigled the information
about the secret bomb from the CEO.
82 Invoke To use a law in order to achieve something, or to
mention something in order to explain something
Chapter 4 or to support your opinion or action.
Case 4-2
The privileges he wants to invoke are not clear

83 Iota Extremely small amount.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The detectives said that they had one iota of
progress on the investigation.

84 Latter Near or toward the end of something.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The former is a crime against the law while the
latter is a crime is against humanity itself.

85 Libelous A piece of writing that is libelous contains bad and

false statements about a person.
Chapter 5
Case 5-3
Many Libelous about the victim were spread all
over social media.

86 Liens An official order that allows someone to keep the

property of a person who owes them money until it
Chapter 5 has been paid.
Case 5-2
I’ve been granted a lien on my friends property.

87 Lieu In the place of: instead of.

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
Take this painting in lieu of the ring you wanted.

88 Lis Pendens A written notice of a pending suit involving

property usually filed in the appropriate office (as
Chapter 6 a registry of deeds)
Case 6-2
I will handle the Lis Pendens as ordered.

89 Litigation The process of taking a case to a court of law so

that a judgment can be made.
Chapter 4
Case 4-1
We have to perform litigation so that this case
can finally be put to rest.

90 Lone Having no company.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
According to the CCTV he has lone in the park
last night.
91 Machination A scheming or crafty action or artful design
intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
Chapter 6
Case 6-2
He had made multiple machinations so that the
agreement would always go his way.

92 Memoranda An informal written record of an agreement that

has not yet become official.
Chapter 6
Case 6-1
He was given a memoranda to be given to the
CEO in tomorrows meeting.

93 Merit Quality of being good and deserving praise.

Chapter 4
Case 4-1
He often received merits during his training back
in the day.

94 Misapprehension A failure to understand something, or an

understanding or belief about something that is not
Chapter 6 correct.
Case 6-1
It seems like you had a misapprehension about
the things your father did in the basement.

95 Mortification A sense of humiliation and shame caused by

something that wounds one's pride or self-respect.
Chapter 5
Case 5-3
You can see in his eyes the mortification while he
was being bullied.

96 Notarized To acknowledge or attest as a notary public.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
The mayor will notarized the new ordinance first
thing in the morning.

97 Novation A situation in which all the parties to a contract

agree that a person named in the contract can be
Chapter 5 changed for another person, or agree to changes in
Case 5-1 its conditions.
We all agree to the novations that happened
during the meeting.

98 Opined Express an opinion.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The president opined that we needed a change in

99 Opted To make a choice, especially of one thing or

possibility instead of others.
Chapter 6
Case 6-1
We opted to go with our father since we trust him
more than our mother.
100 Overtake To catch up with and pass by.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The wanted to overtake the slow moving bus in
front of him.

101 Palpably A way that is so obvious that it can easily be seen

or known, or (of a feeling) in a way that is so
Chapter 6 strong that it seems as if it can be physically felt.
Case 6-1
You are palpably too tired to continue working
from all the stress this past few days.

102 Parricide The crime of murdering a close relation, especially

a parent.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
He is going to be charged of parricide.

103 Pegging Effecting transactions in an instrument underlying

an option to prevent a decline in the price of the
Chapter 5 instrument shortly prior to the option's expiration
Case 5-1 date so that previously written put options will
expire worthless, thus protecting premiums
previously received.
Pegging business rates to rental values isn’t a
good move since it redistributes all the revenues
from large properties to smaller ones.

104 Pivotal Central and important.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
Getting ready all for counter-claims will be
pivotal for this trial

105 Posits Suggest something as a basic fact or principle from

which a further idea is formed or developed.
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He posited that religions differed from one
another, due to the clashing beliefs of the

106 Postulated Assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary:

depend upon or start from the postulate of.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
NASA have already postulated multiple times the
existence of water in mars.

107 Precipitated To make something happen suddenly or sooner

than expected.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
A single mistake can precipitate a disaster for the
whole investigation.

108 Premised An idea or theory on which a statement or action is

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
However, all these investigations are going on
the premise that the killer is still alive.

109 Probing To search into and explore very thoroughly:

subject to a penetrating investigation.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
We already probed every single building in the
estate and found nothing.

110 Procure To get something, especially after an effort.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
After weeks of hard work we are finally able to
procure the prototype and bring to the professor.

111 Proscription The act of not allowing something.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The proscription of the payment will lead the
business into hot waters.

112 Quieting To make secure by freeing from dispute or

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He’s quieting the testimony of his client really

113 Quo Received or given for something else.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
I will quo him something else since I don’t have
the money to buy him a house.
114 Ram To hit or push something with force.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
He rammed into the tree to avoid hitting the deer
that was in the middle of the road.

115 Rebuffed Refuse to accept a helpful suggestion or offer from

someone, often by answering in an unfriendly
Chapter 5 way:
Case 5-1
Brad rebuffed all the suggestions that his
employees gave him.

116 Reckoned To determine by reference to a fixed basis.

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
I reckoned that they will be done with the
investigation by the end of the week.

117 Reclusion Perpetua When a person commits a crime, the court of law
will punish which later imprison them, depriving
Chapter 4 them of their freedom and removing them from
Case 4-3 society.
The crime will be noted as a reclusion perpetua
by the officers.

118 Recourse Using something or someone as a way of getting

help, especially in a difficult or dangerous
Chapter 6 situation.
Case 6-2
We need to seek recourse if we want to have a
chance to win debate.

119 Reimbursement To pay back to someone.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
All am asking is a reimbursement for all the
expense that my partner made last week.

120 Relinquish The act of giving up something such as a

responsibility, claim, or possession.
Chapter 5
Case 5-1
I had no choice but to the relinquish the business
to my cousin.

121 Renegotiated To negotiate again.

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
She is begging them to renegotiate the formation
of the corporation.

122 Repugnant Exciting distaste or aversion.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
The idea of cheating is repugnant to all
123 Rescind Make a law, agreement, order, or decision no
longer have any (legal) power.
Chapter 6
Case 6-2
The new major decided to rescind all the
ordinances of the previous major.

124 Sequestered Set apart or to segregate.

Chapter 5
Case 5-3
As instructed we have sequestered all the
necessary files for today's meeting.

125 Spouses A person's husband or wife.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
He felt extreme anger after witnessing the
murder of his spouse.

126 Statutes A law enacted by the legislative branch of a

Chapter 4
Case 4-1
The statute provided for a sentence of 3 weeks to
6 months.

127 Stoppage The act of stopping: the state of being stopped.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
They had to wait until first-half stoppage time to
take the lead

128 Subrogation The ability that an insurance company has to get

the money it has paid to a customer back from the
Chapter 4 person who caused the accident, damage.
Case 4-2
It’s fair for Philhealth to charge him with

129 Suffices Enough or adequate.

Chapter 4
Case 4-3
I hope all the evidence will be suffice to prove
that Levy is the one who did the crime.

130 Summons An official demand to appear in a court of law.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The judge has kindly summoned the family of the

131 Surmises Guess something, without having much or any

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
I guess we have to surmise on where the hideout
of the drug dealer is.
132 Tacitly Expressed or carried on without words or speech.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He tacitly took over the investigation team.

133 Tantamount Almost the same or having the same effect as

something, usually something bad
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
Any objections will a seen as a tantamount to

134 Tiling Action or work of one who tiles.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
He will have finished tiling all of the first floor by

135 Treachery Behavior that deceives or is not loyal to someone

who trusts you.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
You know exactly what you did was treachery.

136 Trier Someone or something that tries.

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
All the triers did their best today, there’s no need
to be harsh on them.

137 Uncorroborated Not supported or made certain by evidence or

authority: not corroborated.
Chapter 4
Case 4-3
All your claims are uncorroborated, so there is
no need to take them to court.

138 Undeniably A way that is certainly true.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
He was undeniably the MVP of the game.

139 Unearthing Dig up out of or as if out of the earth.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
We are currently unearthing all the secrets of
abandoned hospital.

140 Unequivocal Total, or expressed in a clear and certain way.

Chapter 5
Case 5-2
The instructions given to us about the activity are
141 Unrecouped An artist has received an advance but has not yet
earned monies equal to that advance.
Chapter 6
Case 6-1
The boy band BGYO had been unrecouped for
multiple months already.

142 Untenable Not able to be defended.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
He was felt untenable for the whole night.

143 Vacate Leave a room, building, chair, etc. so that it is

available for other people.
Chapter 5
Case 5-2
We were asked kindly to vacate the room after
the meeting has finished.

144 Vacuous Emptied of or lacking content.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
Your presentation is vacuous to say the least.

145 Veer Change direction.

Chapter 4
Case 4-2
The sudden veer caused them to crash into
another vehicle.

146 Vindicated Free from allegation or blame.

Chapter 4
Case 4-1
After the trial, Johnny was finally vindicated
from all allegations.

147 Vitiated Make faulty or defective: Impair.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
He intentionally vitiated the elevator to make her
use the stairs.

148 Waiver An agreement that you do not have to pay or obey

Chapter 5
Case 5-1
In order to enter the school during the weekends
we need a signed wavier from the principal

149 Wanton Extreme and showing no care at all.

Chapter 6
Case 6-2
He was always know for his wanton cruelty
towards other people.
150 Zealously Very enthusiastic and eager way.

Chapter 6
Case 6-1
His zealously is often being exploited by other


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online

dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from https://www.merriam-
English dictionary, translations & thesaurus. Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20,
2023, from

Search legal contracts, clauses and legal definitions. Law Insider. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20,
2023, from

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