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Pricing methods:

Brand awareness: how much people know and identify

Cost Plus/Mark up Pricing the brand by its branding.
Penetration Pricing Brand development: The result of the efforts that the
company makes to improve the branding.
Price Skimming

Loss leader Brand loyalty: the extent to which participants are de-
voted to the brand.
Price Discrimination
Brand value: the extent to which participants consider the
Psychological Pricing brand name when buying a product based on its image.

Predatory Pricing

Boston Consulting
Group Matrix (BCG Ma-

The 4 P’s trix) is used in order for

businesses to analyse
their product portfolio

The Product Life cycle shows different stages of a prod-

ucts life.

Extension Strategies to extend PLC. Development : The product is being researched and de-
Finding new markets
Introduction: The product is launched.
Develop a wider product range diversified portfolio
Growth : Sales begin to rise. Product is established and
Change the look of the product to attract con- costs decrease.
sumers again.
Maturity: Growth in sales levels off. Market becomes
saturated because of more competitors.

Decline : Sales eventually decline. Change in con-

sumers taste.

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