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Name : Rahma Meilinda S

NIM 2203321058
Class : English Education D 2020
Subject : English for Young Learners

Meeting 10. EYL Perangkat Pembelajaran

Learning devices are instruments or equipment to carry out activities to educate
students. Learning tools are teacher guidelines for learning activities, both in the
classroom, outside the classroom and in the laboratory. While the syllabus is one of the
learning tools. A syllabus is a detailed plan regarding the arrangement or sequence of
teacher teaching made in a particular theme or subject category. Meanwhile, in making
Learning Devices, it must be based on the curriculum. Curriculum and learning have a
very close relationship because the curriculum itself is a subject that must be taken and
studied by students to gain knowledge. The three of them plan development activities in
learning. Because the syllabus is part of the curriculum.

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