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Name : Rahma Meilinda S

NIM : 2203321058

Meeting 11. Mini Research

Chosen Issue to be
No. Root of the Issue Solution
Students are unable It is because students are By using the Scientific
to distinguish not used to using 24 hours Approach, 5M Methods
1. between the hours of clocks because from a (Mengamati, Menanyakan,
the day and young age they are used to Mengumpulkan informasi,
night. using 12 hours clocks. Mengasosiasikan, dan
That’s why the students also Mengkomunikasikan) and
Students are not do not understand the using media in the form of a
able to identify the meaning of A.M. and P.M. paper clock board, we hope
use of 'past', 'to', 'a Not only that, the students that:
quarter' and 'half' in also will have a hard time to a) Students can understand
2. understand how to say certain how to determine time and
spoken and written
transactional minutes at certain hours. The hours.
interaction texts root of the problem is not b) Students understand the
only in students but also in meaning of A.M. and
the teacher, namely because P.M.
rather than writing on the
Students are not able c) Improve students'
blackboard, the teacher
to say the time in understanding about the
mostly uses verbal
3. English with the differences of 'past' , 'to', 'a
correct format and quarter' and 'half' in the
clear pronunciation text.
d) Students can describe the
time in the form of paper
clocks correctly and
precisely according to the
information provided.

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