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Research on Consumer’s perception of Mirinda’s Influencer

marketing campaign Tết Hà Há Ha: A case study of Ho Chi
Minh City University of Foreign Languages - Information
Technology students.

Lecturer : Doan Gia Au Du

Student’s name: Le Nguyen Thanh Phong_19DH480324

Nguyen Tri Tan_19DH480268

Ha Hoang Thuan_19DH480295


This research paper purpose is to give valuable data on the perception of HUFLIT’s students on
one of Mirinda recent influencer marketing campaign for Tet 2022 named “Tết Hà Há Ha”. A
direct survey with survey sheet in Vietnamese was gave out by all members to the HUFLIT’s
student on the B basis, through the result based on the answer sheets this marketing campaign
has not done well as the previous one of Mirinda. Unfortunately, while the song contained lovely
messages but the way it was performed was not quite good and the message was not spread out
as it should have been because the song contained too many promoting elements rather than
messages, as opposed to previous campaign songs which truly left an impression on Vietnamese
youth. When asked, "Do you know Mirinda Tet 2022 song performed by Trúc Nhân and Ninh
Dương Lan Ngọc?" most of them claimed that they've never heard of it, while some say they
may have heard but can't recall what it's about. This research paper will be carried out by using
the casual research method to provide the accuracy of the research hypotheses and to provide the
important data for the direction of future research and advertising campaigns. In conclusion, this
article is a great help to briefly show the consumer’s perception level toward Tết Hà Há Ha
campaign and how its affected the brand recognition of HUFLIT’s student in order to show the
effectiveness of this campaign toward the market segment of the youth.

Key words: Huflit’s student, Tet 2022, Mirinda Tet marrketing campaign, Tet Ha Ha Ha, market
segment of the youth, influencer marketing.
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the research................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Tết Hà Há Ha Influencer markting campaign...........................................................2
1.2 Problem statement...............................................................................................................3
1.3 Scope and limitation...........................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Scope.........................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Limitation..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objective of this paper........................................................................................................3
1.5 Research methodologies.....................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Primary data..............................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Secondary data..........................................................................................................4
2. Findings and Discussion..............................................................................................................4
2.1 Mirinda brief overview.......................................................................................................4
2.2 Focus group.........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Data collection....................................................................................................................5
2.4 Data analysis.......................................................................................................................5
2.5 Problems and solutions.....................................................................................................12
2.5.1 Problems.................................................................................................................12 Model of a good Influencer marketing......................................................13 Problems of Mirinda Tết Hà Há Ha...........................................................14
2.5.2 Solutions.................................................................................................................15 Invest more in its marketing campaign .................................................15 Re-adjust the amount of advertising elements...................................15 Timeliness.................................................................................................15
3. Recommendations and Conclusion............................................................................................16
3.1 Recommendations.............................................................................................................16
3.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................................16

Chart 1 Heard of Mirinda...................................................................................................................6
Chart 2 Like one or more Mirinda's drinks........................................................................................6
Chart 3 Think Mirinda are delicious..................................................................................................7
Chart 4 Often see ads on media channels...........................................................................................7
Chart 5 Heard of the promotion.........................................................................................................7
Chart 6 Interested in the MV.............................................................................................................8
Chart 7 Aware of the message in MV................................................................................................8
Chart 8 Know about Trúc Nhân.........................................................................................................9
Chart 9 Know about Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc.....................................................................................9
Chart 10 Impression on Trúc Nhân..................................................................................................10
Chart 11 Impression on Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc..............................................................................10
Chart 12 Remember the campaign messages...................................................................................11
Chart 13 Viewer's thought of the campaign messages.....................................................................11
Chart 14 Impressed by the color and images...................................................................................12
Chart 15 Amazed campaigns............................................................................................................12

Image 1 . Elements effect an Influencer marketing campaign’s quality...........................................13

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.1.1 Definitions
Trends among the youth these days are constantly changing and hard to predictable, leading to a
dynamic but also full of unexpected changes that caused headaches to marketers who tried to
make their advertising campaign attractive, unique and appeal to young people. In Vietnam
market, influencers have taken a huge part in promotion recently, nearly every famous brand
have used influencer marketing but not every influencer marketing campaign brought back the
expected success.
Influencer marketing is a type of marketing strategy by merging celebrities' images into content-
driven marketing campaigns and the practice of rewarding users for posting about a product or
service on social media, this is a hybrid of old and modern marketing methods. In this case, a
brand collaborates with influencer to promote its product, Mirinda chose Trúc Nhân and Ninh
Dương Lan Ngọc song to spread it messages.

The importance of choosing the right influencer is indisputable. Influencer is someone who
publishes contents on social media for a fee is known as an influencer (Campbell & Grimm,
2019). Influencers can post to any social media network, but the most popular are Instagram,
Facebook and Youtube (Association of National Advertisers, 2018). A celebrity influencer is
someone who is well-known outside of social media and is used by marketers because of their
enormous following. Influencers with over a million followers and large endorsement deals with
well-known businesses are common. Celebrity influencers usually work with businesses linked
with their previous work (e.g., music or cinema), and their cultural capital allows them to fetch
far larger fees than non-celebrity influencers. Celebrity influencers can have high levels of
perceived competence, which is another element in their high salary, despite the fact that they
tend to build poor brand ties.
Companies are choosing influencer marketing because of the following reasons. To begin with,
consumers' media consumption has migrated from print to internet. Second, when customers are
online, they have a distinct reaction to advertisements. Consumers are considered to be goal-
oriented when using the internet, which makes them more adverse to overt ads ((Cho & Cheon,
2004) As a result, advertising in online contexts has become more complex, leading to the

development of gentler, less overt, and more authentic marketing tactics (Association of National
Advertisers, 2018). Third, customers nowadays spend a significant amount of time online on
social media, this is especially true for the generation Z. Fourth, social media broadens the scope
of consumer decision-making by extending the phases of deliberation and evaluation (Lindsey-
Mullikin & Borin, 2017) demanding less intense but more regular exposure to product and brand
information Finally, the internet allows for easy consumer aggregation based on similar interests.
This makes it easier for influencers to develop who cater to relatively small, long-tail audiences.

1.1.2 Tết Hà Há Ha Influencer markting campaign

Mirinda recently launched an Influencer marketing campaign called Tết Hà Há Ha to remind
consumer about the trio must have on the occasion of Tet 2022, with two representative faces
that are extremely familiar to the mass audience and have appeared many times in Mirinda's
previous Tet campaigns was Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc. Tết Hà Há Ha music video
conveys a very meaningful and positive message to everyone: Tet is to be happy, Tet is to laugh,
“Hà Há Ha”! Looking back, the past year has been a difficult year in all aspects, especially
health and economy. Therefore, the atmosphere of Tet in the first couples of seconds of the
music videos this year's seems to be sag as families are worried about hundreds of things to
spend on Tet holiday when the whole year's income has been reduced. Instead of preparing to
welcome Tet in joy and excitement, it is rather gloomy atmosphere, just like the family of Trúc
Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc in this MV. Then came Mirinda, the atmosphere in the video
changed all the way around, it was colorful and full of laughter spreading meaningful message
“Năm cũ qua rồi người ơi, năm nay mình làm tới nơi. Chuyện cũ qua rồi mình nên bỏ qua, còn
chuyện mới mình khoan tính xa” which told listener to have a joyful Tet and to dispel the
sadness of a down economic year caused by the covid-19 epidemic.

Unfortunately, the song might have lovely messages and meaningful words but the ways it was
sung was not quite there yet, and the message was not widely disseminated as it should have
been since the song had too much promotional elements than to disseminate messages. compared
to the previous campaign’s song like: Chuyện Cũ Bỏ Qua, Ai chuyện cũ bán không, which are
truly leave a mark in Vietnamese young people. When asked “have they heard of Mirinda's
promotional event Tết Hà Há Ha?” up to 51% of the attendee say that they never heard of it and

some of them said that they might have listened but don’t remember what it’s about. Those are
some of many reasons why Campaign Tết Hà Há Ha could not attract the young people and lead
to the low in coverage this is a drawback of Mirinda Advertisement.

1.2 Problem statement

The influence of Mirinda's Tết Hà Há Ha campaign was not really effective might be due to
many reasons: Too many advertising elements, Ineffective coverage rate, did not catch the
attention of the youth, not many people knowing about the presence of the advertising in the
campaign. In addition, because Mirinda’s previous Tet influence marketing campaigns are so
prominent, it is possible that the Tết “Hà Há Ha” campaign may not be achieved the same levels
of influence as previous campaigns. This campaign is not as successful as it should be despite of
the same influencers were entrusted, it was not able to reach young people and hadn’t able to
create a trend to highlight it uniqueness like the previous campaigns.

1.3 Scope and limitation

1.3.1 Scope
We were able to collect 210 samples form specifically 210 students studying at the B Head
quarter located on Su Van Hanh Street, which is a relatively small group of Huflit students in
order to partially represent the young people and to facilitate direct contact with the survey
subjects in order to be more efficient and to have more accurate survey quality control.

1.3.2 Limitation
With the human resource of 3 people and a minimum budget, the research can only be carried
out on about 210 students so it couldn’t cover the problem and not really effective. Besides,
because this is a recent marketing campaign, so we don’t have the internal sales, revenues data
from Mirinda to actually analyse the effectiveness of this campaign base on return on
investment, there is no original statistical data from the company itself, so this study is for
reference only.

1.4 Objective of this paper

In this study, we will make analysis and try to clarify the reasons why the above Influencer
marketing campaign Tết Hà Há Ha wasn’t really effective, so that we can suggest some ways to
improve and overcome it, in order to create better conditions for future commercial campaign as
well as future research.
Specifically, in this research, we will provide answers to the following questions, there are three
questions: Was this campaign did not attractive enough for young people, Was the promotion
coverage wide enough, Was the brand representative suitable.

1.5 Research methodologies

The survey will be carried out by using quantitative method and direct survey questionnaire. We
analyze them by test and statistical methods, as well as descriptive charts, to get a more general
view of this research topic.

1.5.1 Primary data

Primary data is information gathered from primary sources by a researcher using methods such
as surveys, interviews, and experiments. In this research, primary data is the data that comes
from Mirinda such as revenue, internal influencer marketing campaign analyses, etc. Since this is
a personal research paper, we don’t have permission to use, and no internal data will be
provided. Therefore, in this study, the primary data mentioned mainly come from the direct
survey responses that have been analyzed and measured.

1.5.2 Secondary data

Secondary data used in this study are subject to source control. Articles can only be collected in
the following formats: Research articles, Official books.
Only acquire data from reliable sources such as: Science Direct, Google Scholar, Econ Journals,
Research gate. Only use articles written from 2019 to present date in order to improve the
timeliness and to have an accurate view of the current market and trends of the young people.

1. Findings and Discussion

1.1 Mirinda brief overview

Mirinda was created in 1959 in Spain and later re-owned by Pepsico in 1970. In Vietnam,
Mirinda is one of the leading carbonated beverage brands, own by Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam
Beverage group (SPVB), SPVB was officially established in April 2013 with 100% foreign fund,
is an alliance between PepsiCo and Suntory. Headquartered in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
In the future, SPVB will continue to pursue the goal of sustainable development, bringing
benefits to employees and business partners, as well as contributing to the communities where
the company does business. The company's mission and vision are to continue to strengthen and
maintain its leading position in the beverage industry while living up to the company's values.

1.2 Focus group

This study is aimed at a relatively small group of Huflit students, specifically 210 samples from
students studying at the B Head quarter located on Su Van Hanh Street in order to partially
represent the young people and to facilitate direct contact with the survey subjects in order to be
more efficient and to have more accurate survey quality control.

With the human resource of 3 people and a minimum budget, the research can only be carried
out on about 210 students so it couldn’t cover the problem and not really effective. Besides,
because there is no original statistical data from the company itself, this study is for reference

1.3 Data collection

Direct physical survey was performed for this research, this method of data collection can
provide more accurate sample for statistical analysis. First, the questionnaire was built in order to
collect the awareness of the Tết Hà Há Ha campaign from the attendees and the needed data for
analyzing. 250 hard copies were printed and only 210 samples qualified from HUFLIT’s students
at the B campus was collected, to guarantee that all essential data is collected, the survey was last
for 2 days with the total of 8 hours.

1.4 Data analysis

When asked, all 210 students have heard of Mirinda said yes, they know about Mirinda and its
drinks. Through the chart 1 and 2 below, we can confidently say that Mirinda did a good job in

branding it’s brand to the youth. In total 95% of the attendees said that they like two or more
products of Mirinda but only 74% of them agreed that they think Mirinda are delicious, data
showed in chart 3.

Chart 1 Heard of Mirinda

Chart 2 Like one or more Mirinda's drinks

Chart 3 Think Mirinda are delicious
According to the chart 4 and 5 below we can see that there are 74 percent student often watch
ads on media channels, but 51 percent student didn’t hear about Mirinda’s promotion event Tết
“Hà Há Ha”. This is because the coverage rate is low, and it didn’t attract so people usually skip


Chart 4 Often see ads on media channels

Chart 5 Heard of the promotion
This led to the rate of student have seen the MV Tết Hà Há Ha kind of low, it is clearly that the
promotion didn’t effective as the old one had done. It is so viral that today when ask about
Mirinda almost everyone knew to the MV chuyện cũ bỏ qua, you can see the detail here.
What we want to conclude is the music video Tết Hà Há Ha didn’t attractive and not funny
enough to keep the customer on screen, so it is certainly that people don’t have any interested in
the ads. Even they have seen it, it is a fail for marketing development when at least half of the
people have looked at the ads, they still didn’t get it. Please follow the chart 6 and 7 below for

Chart 6 Interested in the MV

Chart 7 Aware of the message in MV

Mirinda chose Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc to become their brand representative,
which is a right decision, not just in this Tết Hà Há Ha campaign but also in previous campaign
dated back in Tết 2020. The chart 8 and 9 below shown that, more than 94% attendees agreed
that they know about Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc, 98% agreed the same to Trúc Nhân. Also, through
the collected data, Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc all have good reputation, which are
shown in chart 10, 11.

Chart 8 Know about Trúc Nhân

Chart 9 Know about Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc



40 31
4 1

1 2 3 4 5

Chart 10 Impression on Trúc Nhân

79 80
10 6 7

1 2 3 4 5

Chart 11 Impression on Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc

So, we can sure that the problem here is not came from the influencers, but rather the marketing
and creator team, they might wasn’t done their job probably. From the lyrics to the catchy of the
beats and it have not been advertising through multiple channels like the previous MV.

But it is not all bad, we must agreed that the meaning of the MV is good and suitable to the after
pandemic situation. It’s about the bright future, together we rise up after the Covid 19 pandemic.
A Fact that’s the number shown in chart 12 of students that are remember about the message are
pretty high and they have a very good reaction to the MV, more than 75% of them thinks very
positive and impressed by it, shown in chart 13.

Chart 12 Remember the campaign messages

Chart 13 Viewer's thought of the campaign messages

Another thing is that, most students shown signs of not interested or didn’t remember about the
color of the Tết Hà Há Ha music video and the campaign itself. The main color tone of this
campaign is green, specifically forest green, which is the color of the product Mirinda creamed
soda, and it’s a cold tone color. This is rather a mistake since the theme color of Tết is yellow
and red maybe orange, these are all “hot color” represent happiness and wishes for a happy new
year. In previous Tết campaign, Mirinda was truly did a good job on blending all of its product
colors into the campaign, they chose orange and yellow as the main color tone and only added

touches of green to represent its creamed soda. This led to a high percentage of neutral opinions
shown in the chart 14 bellow.

140 134
36 30
20 4 6

1 2 3 4 5

Chart 14 Impressed by the color and images

Finally, when compared Tết Hà Há Ha with Mirinda previous Tết Influencer marketing
campaigns, Tết Hà Há Ha is a big drawback. Almost all students answered to the question
“Which Mirinda Influencer marketing campaign amazed you most?” were Chuyện cũ bỏ qua or
Ai chuyện cũ bán không.

Ai chuyện cũ bán không Ai chuyện cũ bán không, Chuyện
100 cũ bỏ qua
80 Chuyện cũ bỏ qua Other
60 Tết "Hà Há Ha" Tết "Hà Há Ha", Chuyện cũ bỏ
40 qua
16 12 12 18 14

Chart 15 Amazed campaigns

1.5 Problems and solutions
1.5.1 Problems
By doing online research, we can conclude these main factors: attitude, perceived behavioral
control, trust, inspiration are the one that affect the purchase intention, positive brand image,
opinion leader (Chopra et al., 2021). For the purchase intention, due to the lack of internal

revenues and sales data, we can’t probably analyse how the above elements affected on the
purchase intention of the consumer. Model of a good Influencer marketing

Image 1. Elements effect an Influencer marketing campaign’s quality

Attitude: The degree to which an individual has a favorable or negative opinion of a specific
conduct is referred to as attitude. Audience tends to follow the attitude toward the content of the
trusted influencer (Chopra et al., 2021).
Even though the message of this marketing campaign is meaning full and easy to remember “Tết
cười ha ha là nhà có phúc” this was show in the number of 73 respondents remember the
message out of 103 who said that they have heard about this marketing campaign, this showed us
that 75% people who watched the Tết Hà Há Ha will probably remember the message that
Mirinda tried to broadcast.

Perceived Behavioral Control
Perceived Behavioral Control is about the awareness of the brand, a slogan, image, or a color
may have an impact to our mind and the brain will be accident remember it. So, when mention
about it our brain will be immediately remind it. In this Mirinda promotion is the color and the
image of the product appear through all over the MV and that is the problem. High frequency of
ads with 14 times in 180 seconds, it makes the consumer might be annoying when see too many
ads in spike of the Mirinda do that to emphasize the slogan and the meaning of MV to everyone.
Main color tone is green to remind the main product of Mirinda that is cream soda but it is not
suitable for the tradition festival like Tết which the main colors are red, yellow and in the willing
increase sales and remind people of its products, Mirinda might achieve what they want but also
leave annoying to the customer watch the MV when it is too much ads and lost the sense of
humor like the two previous MV.

Through the data above, it’s clearly that the drawback of Tết Hà Há Ha was not come from the
two influencers Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc, since almost all people who do the
survey said that they know these influencers and express positive attitudes toward them. Problems of Mirinda Tết Hà Há Ha

Since Mirinda have had years of successful in Influencer marketing, there is no need to discuss
about it planning skills, goal planning skills, monitor, refine, etc. Mirinda did a good job on
writing its message and Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc couldn’t be more suitable for this
marketing campaign as they have good reputation and good image in the audience eyes. We can
make a consumption that the problems causing the drawback of Tet Ha Ha Ha were from the
marketing team of Mirinda as they didn’t try their best to enhance the coverage rate of this
campaign since its purpose mostly is to remind. The music video has too much advertising
element with low highlighting contents like humorous elements, timeliness, and unsuitable color
tone. High frequency of ads without the highlighting elements causing Tet Ha Ha Ha to be
boredom, causing the low coverage rate of this campaign. Young audience weren’t amazed by
Tet Ha Ha Ha leading to low sharing rate and also the message wasn’t able to spread out like it
supposed to be.

Based on the data and our viewing perspective, Tet Ha Ha Ha didn’t receive enough investing
from Mirinda itself. Previous influencer marketing campaign Mirinda did a good job on branding
and promoting the Mirinda cream soda to the public, but now Mirinda creamed soda is on the
near end of the maturity stage of the product life cycle, so in this Tết 2022 Influencer marketing
campaign, Mirinda only aimed at reminding their consumer about their current products narrow
down the budget of marketing and to prepare for publishing a new product, a new product life
cycle, which is Mirnida blueberry creamed soda.

1.5.2 Solutions Invest more in its marketing campaign
Even though this is just a reminder MV to promote the current product, Mirinda has a great
confident into their product awareness, so they decide not to put too much effort into the MV
2022 to reduce the cost and focus to the new product up coming. Tết still a huge festival and
Mirinda have lost their profit when think like that when establish a low cost 2022 MV, the profit
that lost maybe didn’t make a big change, but it can be better. Re-adjust the amount of advertising elements

Advertising nowadays needs to be gentle as consumer already develop an “ads blocking immune
system”, when expose to a traditional advertising they tend to build up negative reaction. The
meaning of Influencer marketing is to help combating this ad blocking mechanism of consumer,
by creating the more genuine content than traditional promotion (Association of National
Advertisers, 2018). Even though Tet Ha Ha Ha is a reminder influencer marketing campaign, too
many ads’ elements are not suitable in the marketing world now.
Mirinda should enhance their story plot and delicately integrated promoting elements into the Tết
Hà Há Ha music video. By doing this, audience will likely be more welcoming and take down
their ads blocking mechanism. To be a successful marketing campaign is to make their audience
remember about the brand, the products, and the messages, not to make them avoid it. Timeliness

Mirinda did a good job on the song lyrics and choosing Influencers. The song is closely related
to its audiences, since it mentioned about the after COVID 19 situation, Trúc Nhân and Ninh
Dương Lan Ngọc already built their “Tết image” in audience’s mind.
However, Mirinda takes a false step in choosing the main tone color which is green. Tết in Asia
is related to red and yellow or others hot color group, so using green in the occasion of Tết is
inappropriate or we can say it’s the opposite of the Tết spirit, Mirinda should be more careful in
choosing color tone. Even though, Tết Hà Há Ha is for reminding purposes and green is the color
tone of Mirinda creamed soda, its shouldn’t be use for Tết related marketing

2. Recommendations and Conclusion

2.1 Recommendations
On the overall point of view, Mirinda has lots of successful experiences in Influencer marketing
based on the result of previous campaign. For future campaign a recommendation for Mirinda is
to be focusing more in enhancing elements that make an Influencer marketing campaign
Mirinda should choose a suitable occasion for the suitable product. In this case is Mirinda
creamed soda, its main color is green which is matching the color tone of Christmas or green
environment related ads, etc.
It is recommended for Mirinda to direct it future Influencer marketing campaign at specific
customer segments. KOL (Key Opinion Leader) is suitable for the youth and modern middle age,
as they spend lots of time on social media, KOL is strong for it high coverage rate and another
thing is the foundation of KOL marketing is trust which enhancing the purchase intention.
Focusing on telling the story not just the advertising, when it comes to marketing storytelling,
there are two major considerations: emotional impact and relatability. To put it another way,
when expressing brand's narrative, it is needed to do so in such way that connects Mirinda to
their target audience. Too much promoting elements will not only causing negative emotions
toward the ads, but also make the messages of the Influencer marketing to be fade out.

2.2 Conclusion
In order to have successful Influencer campaign companies should be really careful in audience
targeting, choosing influencer, planning the campaign and outline the ideas of the marketing

campaign not just overt ads. Influencer marketing is the way of the future. Influencers instill trust
in prospective customers by utilizing particular products and services themselves. They establish
what appears to be a personal bond between themselves and their audience. Consequently, the
hype around influencer marketing is unsurprising.

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- Faculty of Business Administration -
I. Demographic

In this section, please fill in some of your personal information. Please mark your answer
and we GUARANTEED the answer that contains YOUR personal information in this
questionnaire will be kept PRIVATE.



£ 18-20

£ 21-23

£ >23

£ Male

£ Female

£ Others

Your faculty:________________________

II. Survey information:
The purpose of this survey is related to the perception of Huflit students with Mirinda's
"Influencer marketing" campaign "Tet Ha Ha Ha". Please answer all questions to the best of your
knowledge. There are no wrong answers to any of these questions. All answers are completely

1. I have heard of or drink Mirinda:

£ Yes

£ No

2. I like one or more Mirinda’s drink:

£ Yes

£ No

3. I often see ads on media channels:

£ Yes

£ No

4. have heard of Mirinda's promotional event Tết “Hà Há Ha”

£ Yes

£ No

5. I do think Mirinda are delicious.

£ Yes

£ No

6. I like the flavor of ___ Mirinda:

£ Orange

£ Sassafras

£ Iced tamarind

£ Creamed soda

£ Blueberry creamed soda

7. I have heard of Trúc Nhân

£ Yes

£ No

8. I have heard of Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc

£ Yes

£ No

9. I have seen one of these MV sponsor by Mirinda:

£ Tết “Hà Há Ha”

£ Chuyện cũ bỏ qua

£ Cá tháng tư thật thật đùa đùa

£ Ai chuyện cũ bán No

£ Others

10. This promotion MV by Mirinda amazed me the most:

£ Tết Hà Há Ha

£ Chuyện cũ bỏ qua

£ Cá tháng tư thật thật đùa đùa

£ Ai chuyện cũ bán không

£ Others

11. I do know the messages of the MV Tết Hà Há Ha:
£ Yes

£ No

12. I Like one of the Mirinda Influencer marketing campaign:

£ Tết Hà Há Ha

£ Chuyện cũ bỏ qua

£ Cá tháng tư thật thật đùa đùa

£ Chuyện cũ bỏ qua 3

£ Others

13. Your thoughts of Mirinda influencer marketing “ Tết Hà Há Ha” campaign.


14. Do you think “Tết Hà Há Ha” is a good marketing campaign.


15. How are you impressed with the campaign "Tet Ha Ha Ha"


16. Which part do you think the campaign "Tet Ha Ha Ha" has not done well:

On this part, please give your opinion on the scale from 1 to 5, 1 is the most negative, 3 is
neutral and 5 is the most positive.
17. Your feeling toward the MV “Tết Hà Há Ha” by Trúc Nhân and Ninh Dương Lan
1 2 3 4 5

18. Your impressions of Trúc Nhân

1 2 3 4 5

19. Your impressions of Ninh Dương Lan Ngọc

1 2 3 4 5

20. Your preference for Mirinda soft drinks:

1 2 3 4 5

21. How impressed are you with the color of MV Tết Hà Há Ha

1 2 3 4 5


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