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1. Introduction
1.1 About CSoup

Image 1 CSoup logo

CSoup Company is a clean instant food company that specialized in instant food. With
the mission to provide convenient dried soup and other soup products to everyone, from
college student to office worker who don’t have time to cook.

1.2 Csoup’s products

CSoup offer a variety of selections of soup for our customer, the soups are customized so
that it suite to the taste of Vietnamese. Our main product are kimchi chicken soup, tofu &
seaweed soup, and sour vegetable soup, we also have vegan yams soup, and mushroom
soup. Dried soup cubes are produced with sublimation freeze dry technology at sub-zero
temperatures, so the original taste, color, and freshness of the dish as well as all the
nutrients and micronutrient are well preserved. CSoup products are all made 100% from
fresh ingredients, selected from suppliers with strict control to ensure that they meet the
requirements of food safety and hygiene. Besides, CSoup guarantee thet we do not use
synthetic fragrances, synthetic colors, or preservatives, so the customers don’t have to
worry about health problems when using the quality of CSoup's products.

Image 2 CSoup Tofu & Seaweed dried soup

Image 3 CSoup Kimchi soup

Image 4 CSoup Sour vegetable soup

1.3 CSoup’s Mission & Vision

1.3.1 Mission
With the mission of bringing the convenience and nutrition to the customer, CSoup was
established. We want to deliver delicious, convenient, and nutritious bowls of soup to
everyone, so that people can focus on working but still have enough nutrients for a
healthy life.

Image 5 CSoup slogan
1.3.2 Vision
In the future, CSoup wants to aim to become one of the leading companies in the
processing and production of clean instant food in Vietnam. CSoup also hopes that its
products will be available on a global scale in the not-too-distant future. 

2. Digital marketing plan for CSoup

2.1 P.E.S.T analysis
2.1.1 Political factors
In Vietnam, there is only one party, which is the Communist Party of Vietnam. Because
there is only one party to manage, political stability in Vietnam is always maintained for
a long time, this is an advantage of Vietnam compared to many other countries in the
world. Despite maintaining political stability, human rights monitoring organizations
report that in recent years, issues such as human rights and freedom of expression have
arisen not only in Vietnam but also in Ho Chi Minh City is going in a negative direction
(“Phân Tích PESTLE Việt Nam 2021 - Kinh Tế Quản Trị,” n.d.).

2.1.2 Economic

The growth rate of GRDP in Ho Chi Minh City in the first nine months of 2022 is
estimated to increase by 9.44% over the same period for the first time and exceed the set
plan (the 2022 plan is 6–6.5%). In 2022, it is expected that approximately 15/19 targets
will be met or exceeded.

The current salary level for employees working under labor contracts in Ho Chi Minh
City must not be lower than the regional minimum wage specified in Decree
90/2019/ND-CP. As follows:

Belonging to area I, including District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4, District 5,

District 6, District 7, District 8, District 9, District 10, District 11, District 12, Binh
Thanh, Tan Phu, Tan Binh, Binh Tan, Phu Nhuan, Go Vap, Thu Duc, and Cu Chi, Hoc
Mon, Binh Chanh, and Nha Be districts: The minimum salary is 4,420,000 VND per

Belonging to Region II is Can Gio district, where the minimum salary is 3,920,000 VND
per month (“Mức Lương Tối Thiểu Vùng Hiện Tại ở Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh Là Bao
Nhiêu? Mức Lương Tối Thiểu Vùng Là Mức Lương Thấp Nhất Làm Cơ Sở Để Trả
Lương Cho Người Lao Động Có Đúng Không?,” n.d.).

2.1.3 Social

Ho Chi Minh City's population is expected to reach 9,077,158 by 2022.The average life
expectancy of people in Ho Chi Minh City is 76.6 years, higher than the national average.
The number of men and women in Ho Chi Minh City is relatively equal. Males are about
48.7% and females are about 51.3% (“Dân Số Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh Năm 2023 Là
Bao Nhiêu?,” n.d.).

In addition, the population in Ho Chi Minh City is facing population aging. Accordingly,
the population aging index of the city is 49.4%, higher than that of the whole country at
48.8%. In particular, the health care system has not kept pace with the aging population
(“TP.HCM: Báo Động Mức Sinh Thấp Nhất Nước, Già Hóa Dân Số Tăng - Chi Cuc Dan
so-Ke Hoach Hoa Gia Dinh Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh,” n.d.).

In Ho Chi Minh City, there are many supermarkets and large commercial centers, and
usually people in Ho Chi Minh City have the habit of going to these places to shop or
entertain, so the use of banner ads It will be effective when it is easy to attract attention
from people.

2.1.4 Technology

In recent years, Vietnam has been focusing on developing technology, creating a

technology workforce, implementing policies to attract foreign investors, and
encouraging people to start businesses. According to the Ministry of Science and
Technology in 2020, the information technology field has attracted 700 companies,
including 200 foreign companies, mainly focusing on big cities, including Ho Chi Minh

It can be said that Vietnam is providing information technology services such as

educational technology, outsourcing, e-commerce, and artificial intelligence, and this has
impact on Ho Chi Minh City. However, many companies are currently facing the
challenge of a limited and inexperienced workforce (“Phân Tích PESTLE Việt Nam 2021
- Kinh Tế Quản Trị,” n.d.).

Besides, in the era of 4.0, as information technology is increasingly developing, reaching

customers through advertising with email marketing, mobile marketing, search engine
marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), and Facebook marketing will
become easier.

2.2 3Cs analysis

2.2.1 Customer
Nowadays, with the growth of technology and both the global and domestic economies,
people's lives are all getting faster and busier, leaving limited time to do chores such as
grocery shopping and cooking. Another factor is that more and more women prefer to
work and earn their own money rather than just being housewives. Realizing the
opportunities, CSoup has entered the instant food market with fast, convenient, and
nutritious instant soup to help our customers save time while still being able to enjoy
delicious, healthy soups.
In general, we targeted customers between the ages of 20 and 50. However, we also
specifically target office workers and college students who have limited time in their
daily lives. Office workers and college students often don’t have time to cook, so they
reached out to instant noodles as a fast and convenient solution.

2.2.2 Competitor
The Vietnamese instant food market is large, with many strong competitors who control
large portions of the market. We divided them in to two types indirect and direct

Indirect competitors

Image 6 VIFON logo

VIFON is one of the largest company in the instant food market and probably is the
oldest company on the Vietnamese market. VIFON offers a wide range of product
options, from Phở to rice porridge, to meet their customers' demand for instant
foods. VIFON is most famous for their Phở product line and most Vietnamese when they
want to buy instant Phở, they often seek for VIFON products. With the high quality
comes the high price, as VIFON was also known for their expensiveness in the instant
food market when compare to other brands.

UNIBEN - 3 Miền

Image 7 3 Miền logo

Established and on the market since 1992, after more than 30 years on the market, 3 Miền
has achieved great success and earned the trust of millions of Vietnamese customers. 3

Miền’s products are not only of good quality, but they are also delicious and pretty cheap,
only about 4,000 Vietnam dong on average.

Acecook - Hảo Hảo

Image 8 Hảo Hảo logo

Entered the instant food market of Vietnam, Hảo Hảo quickly growth into the most
favorite brand of instant noodle in Vietnam. Up to now, Hao Hao has launched many
flavors, such as fried garlic pork ribs, purple onion satay, and sweet and sour fried
shrimp, all for only 3,500 VND, making them affordable while still ensuring minimal
nutrition for all consumers.

Direct competitors
Asuzac Food Vietnam
Asuzac Food is a Japan company that sell instant soup package that was dried by freeze
dry and air dry technology. Asuzac Food entered Vietnam market in 1994 and in 2011
they started to sell instant seaweed soup to Vietnamese customer. Asuzac instant soup are
affordable and can easily be found in nearly every convenience store across Vietnam.

Image 9 Asuzac Foods products

Image 10 Asuzac Foods products

Image 11 Asuzac Foods products

With the price of 47,000 Vietnam dong per box that has 10 packages of soup, customers
will only need to wait for 3 minutes and they will have a delicious bowl of seaweed soup.
However, Asuzac Food only has a few selections for the customer, and the taste of their
products is all "Japanese," which might not suit the taste of many Vietnamese.
Aside from Asuzac Food Vietnam, the market is flooded with instant soup products.
However, nearly 90% of them are all seaweed soup and were imported from other
countries, mostly Japan.

2.2.3 Company
CSoup was established and targeted specifically at Vietnamese so all of CSoup product
was create based on the taste of Vietnamese customer. CSoup offered many types of
instant soup that casually appear on Vietnamese daily meals such as sour vegetable soup,
watercress soup, etc. CSoup products are all 100% natural and with the freeze dry
technology, we were able to retain the nutrients from the soup ingredients.

2.3 S.W.O.T analysis

2.3.1 Strengths

CSoup is a Vietnamese brand.

CSoup products matched the taste of Vietnamese.

The company's products meet the quality requirements: food safety, and hygiene
with no artificial colors, no preservatives, Product diversification.

2.3.2 Weakness

As a new brand, it is not widely known in the Vietnamese market. As a newly established
company, we do not have much experience in the market. There are not many campaigns
to promote the product. The product is still in development and unable to compete with
instant food brands in Vietnam such as Hao Hao, Omachi, etc.

2.3.3 Opportunities.

Nowadays, people tend to use instant food when they are always busy with their work.
The instant food market in Vietnam has a lot of potential to explore: There are more than
50 companies producing instant food in Vietnam, including many foreign brands.

Consumers are increasingly interested in product quality and, above all, their own health,
as well as green consumption. Currently, consumers are increasingly interested in smart
and sustainable consumption, as well as environmentally friendly products and services
from production to consumption and use.Consumption today not only requires
intelligence about product quality, but also requires a deep understanding of the sociality
and humanity of each product.

2.3.4 Threats

The market is fiercely competitive: in Vietnam, there are many big players specializing in
instant food such as Hao Hao, Omachi, etc.

Food manufacturing companies will be drawn in by the potential industry market.thereby
making the instant food market more and more fiercely competitive.

Competitors often have new advertising tactics to gain market share.

Not only domestic, but overseas competitors also want to enter the market.

3. Digital marketing
3.1 Targeted market
With this line of products, it is suitable for most of the ages from 10 to all above it. But
the target that we focus on is at the age 18 to 55, at this age, without the time to cooking
when going to work or busy in the job, so lead to not be able to spend time for a
nutritious meal. With all the nutrition in the soup plus with the convenience, this can be
use at any time, with the small packaging easy to carry out, consumer can bring it
anywhere they want like school, office, etc. The specific target markets we aim to reach
are the student and office staff from 18 to 34, because at this age, it has the highest
percentage of people using the Internet for work and entertainment. Especially there are
more than 60% of all accounts on the popular network channel come from this age range
which these channels are Facebook, Youtube, Instagram. It is a perfect chance for doing
digital marketing on these channels and its coincidence fits with the target of the
company in age, lifestyle, etc.

3.2 4 Ps
3.2.1 Price
The market has not been crowded so with the similar product we have more strength than
other brand in this market, our product has more spread, we will collaborate with many
distributors and retailer like green grocery, Winmart and will be available on much e-
commerce. Because of that we decided to use the skimming price strategy, Price
skimming raises product prices at first, then drops them as rivals enter the market, skim
pricing is the opposite of penetration pricing. The main reason is at this target market are
willing to pay a higher price than other, office staff have finance to buying a product that
fit with the demand convenient, nutritious and fast like this, it might higher price than
other similar product but doesn’t mean it positioning itself at a high-end product but with

price skimming can helps build a high-quality image with a acceptable price, it only
approximately about 6% higher than other product. But price skimming has a
disadvantage. If want to do it in the long term, new competitors will enter the market with
products that have lower prices, so the company needs to launch more promotions to
attract the consumer.

3.2.2 Place
For approach closer to the consumer, the place is important, the place must be appeared
regularly with the target customer beside that combine with the fit able ads, from that
arouse the curious of consumer but it must be always available for sell. The place we are
going to distribution is near the office building and university, we will use the retailer
who are the convenience store like Circle K, 7- Eleven, GS 25, cause at this place have
consumer primarily are come from the age of 16- 30, but it still have a high flow of
passersby, the strength of the convenience store is the number of store are huge and
spreads all over in the main district with prime location, about the space inside, all
convenience store are small so the change to catch the eye of consumer will increase
more. But the main distribution channel we want to focus on is on the Internet, including
e-commerce and websites. It is clear we must choose this kind of distribution because our
target customer spends most of their time on it, so if we are doing the right ads, message
we will touch them easier. First will reduce the cost for brick-and-mortar stores rent fee,
staff, and other cost of living, we want focus on the supply chain to provided full good on
the retailer store and other platform. Second, the report recorded that 58% of Vietnamese
consumers said they would continue to shop for groceries on e-commerce because of
convenience with the first and second places which are Shopee and Lazada, open a stall
on these platforms are cost less than 30 minute and will bring more potential customer to
the brand. The last is about websites, Website is the face of business in the age of
technology. People who want to shop or cooperate with businesses on the Internet will
visit the website to find out if it meets their needs. The website is now a bridge providing
comprehensive information about the mission, vision as well as the products provided by
the business. Talking about the role of the website for businesses, saving communication
costs is something that cannot be missed. Just owning a website with an effective SEO
and content building plan, businesses could reach global users at a cost of 0$.

3.2.3 Product
Grasp the need for a convenient, nutritious, easy-to-buy and less time-consuming food to
cook. Our company has researched and applied the latest freeze-drying technology from
Japan to make this product. With advanced drying technology, the taste, freshness, color
of the soup as well as the nutritional and micro-nutrient content are still preserved as it
has just been cooked. This product does not contain preservatives and synthetic flavors
should ensure absolute food safety, besides, it also obtained international food safety
certifications such as ISO 22000, HACCP, BRC FOOD. With an extremely light weight
of only 7g for each dried soup and the volume of only like an eraser, it is very convenient
to bring to work every day and it just needs only 200ml of boiling water and 3 minutes
wait, you have a bowl of hot soup right away. In the immediate future, there will be three
products: watercress soup with meat, chicken seaweed soup and chicken kimchi soup, we
will consider the user's attitude to adjust the taste and then offer more products. We use
paper to do the packaging, paper will reduce the waste to our environment as it is just as
easily degradable as recycling. move towards a greener and it will stimulate customers
buying behavior because the market is tending to go green, Paper packaging can
withstand good forces, avoid breakage, during transportation and storage, have good
waterproof properties, help preserve foods. Designing and printing paper packaging is
easier, with more colors and designs, and cheaper than other types of packaging. We will
use paper packaging box form, it will be vacuumed and wrapped by glossy paper outside.
In addition, we also provide other services such as product warranty and exchange,
products with signs of damage or expiration when purchased, we will exchange products
for free. If a customer need suggestions or advice, we also have a hotline for customers to
contact. All the characteristics above have led us to the brand name CSoup which mean
convenient soup, consider the customer as the core, we will do our best to bring the
convenient to the consumer

3.2.4 Promotion

This step is last but not least, it affects many on the brand like the branding, strength the
brand image, increase or decrease the demand in the market. Promotion encompasses
advertising, public relations, and the overall media strategy for introducing a product.
The promotion often comes with the place because combine it element therefore to reach
to the core consumer. In place we have chosen the main distribution is online so with the
promotion we will use the online type. But first we have decided our budget are
500.000.000 VNĐ. We will be using online marketing like advertising, social media ads,
and SEO. With advertising we use display ads, display advertising conveys advertising
messages visually using text, logos, animations, videos, images, or other graphic media.
Display ads often target users with unique characteristics to increase advertising
effectiveness, Google ads is a perfect tool for this, easy and friendly to use. Just pump up
the money then the ads will run immediately after a few minutes later. The social media
channel we talking here is Facebook and Instagram, we will use stories ads and
messenger ads on Facebook, stories can transmission the message in within 15 second
and through it customer can easily to press the ads an if they do it, they'll be sent a
detailed view of the product or service, complete with a call to action to go to a site or
begin a conversation with an agent. Because Instagram advertising depends so heavily on
images and videos, photos and video ads will be the most prevalent type of user and
encounter on the platform. Users may regularly see advertisements directing them to a
brand's page or website in between updates from their friends and followers (“Social
Media Advertising: Best Platforms + Tips for Success,” n.d.).
One more reason to choose both these platforms is they have the same holding company
so the transfer of data and control of the campaign ads will be easier. When you need an
answer to a question where do you go? Naturally, the Google search results page. SEO is
a “Basic” part of digital marketing. Every business need SEO because organic traffic is
the most prominent source of traffic for their website. SEO helps increase the conversion
rate that turns traffic into sales. More traffic means getting the most out of site, increased
reach of potential customers means higher order conversions. Support to save and
optimize the management of Marketing costs. The cost of investing in SEO will not be
the same as advertising costs, because if stop paying on any marketing channel, the
website will no longer appear. However, if apply SEO, it will be completely different, it
do not need to spend too much budget to invest in running ads.

Nowadays, technology, internet and e-commerce have developed so much that it has
become the must have of every business in the world. With the right digital advertising
strategy and plan, businesses can quickly reach the targeted customer and from there earn
sales, awareness and profit.

Dân số thành phố Hồ Chí Minh năm 2023 là bao nhiêu? (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023,
Mức lương tối thiểu vùng hiện tại ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh là bao nhiêu? Mức lương tối
thiểu vùng là mức lương thấp nhất làm cơ sở để trả lương cho người lao động có đúng
không? (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
Phân tích PESTLE Việt Nam 2021 - Kinh Tế Quản Trị. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023,
Social Media Advertising: Best Platforms + Tips for Success. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2,
2023, from
TP.HCM: Báo động mức sinh thấp nhất nước, già hóa dân số tăng - Chi cuc Dan so-Ke hoach
hoa gia dinh thanh pho Ho Chi Minh. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from


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