The Role Anna Hazare in The Development of Relangana Sidhi

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The role anna hazare in the development of relangana sidhi

Gandhiji told to procceds in village but after the independence our thought become changed

The people from villages migrated to the cities and town the slum in the cities is increasing day by day
but development of villages is reducing and that’s the biggest cause for the development of criminal
offence in the cities ,and the other cause is the exploitation of human and nature we are exploiting the
water ,cioal diesel ,petrol and other natural resources according to M.ghandhi the development by the
exploitation is not the true development it will destroyed one day .There is some limitations of using
the nature and there resources as the population is increases day by day the resources will be
completely finsh.for example today there is a scarcity of water on the planet ,tomorrow there will be no
petrol then the deseil will be exploited then what about for our next generation.

The main things to be remember that there should be humble use of nature and there resources. For
that the water reservoir or water conservation is the important things in the development of society and
the nature,and the most important things for the development of village according to Gandhi ji are
roti,kapda ,makan ,education and we are seeing that if for the development of village than
there is increasing the floor of the panchayati building,to make the pucca road,to provide the water tap
in the village.this is not the true development for example in Mumbai there is the 25 storeys building
are constructed but what are the result the thougt of people is going down .

To constructing high building is not wrong thing but as the height of building is increasing like that the
thought of society should be developed

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