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Entrance Test for Grade- IV

Subject : English

Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________

QI. Read the passage given below and answer the questions
that follow .

One rainy night, there was a lot of thunder. Amelia got scared of
the loud noise. She woke up and went to her window to see
outside. She saw a white light emerge from the clouds and
touch the earth. She was very surprised to see this. She ran to
her parent's room .
She asked her father, "What is that daddy?" He said, "That's
called lightning Amelia". And thunder is the sound caused by
lightning. Amelia heard every word her father spoke. She also
asked, "Why does lightning come before thunder?" He
answered, “Because light travels faster than sound". Amelia
listened carefully.
She felt that she had learnt something new. She was no longer
scared, and quickly went to sleep. Next day at school, she had a
new story to tell her friends. When she was narrating last
night's discovery to her school friends, they listened as carefully
as she had the night before. They were as amazed as her.

Q1. Answer the following questions:

a) What did Amelia see outside the window? [2M]
b) Why does lightning come before thunder? [2M]


c) Write a word from the passage which means the same as the
following word.

1. frightened ------------------------------------- [1M]

QII. a) Circle the common nouns. [2M]

1. I know this man .
2. She searched her purse everywhere .

b) Underline the proper nouns. [2M]

1. I met James at the post office .

2. He went to Rose Park to play baseball .
QIII. Write the plural forms of the given nouns. [2M]
Singular Plural
1. child ---------------------
2. library ---------------------

QIV. Write the nouns that belong to the female group of the
given nouns. [2M]

Male group Female group

1. man -----------------------
2. nephew ------------------------

QV. Fill in the blanks with the suitable adjectives from the
brackets . [2M]

1. This car is ---------------------- . ( tasty / big )

2. The architect designed the ----------------------- house .

QVI.Underline the pronouns in the following sentences . [2M]

1. She likes to dance .

2. They were using crayons .

QVII. Fill in the blanks with ‘ a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ . [2M]

1. Give me --------- chocolate .

2. --------- Sun is shining brightly .
Q VIII. Fill in the blanks with words from the box . [2M]

CO eaten, play , smiling


1. The boys --------------- in the garden.

2. I have ----------------- my dinner already .

Q IX. Underline the correct adverbs given in brackets . [2M]

1. It is good to exercise ( quickly/regularly) .

2. Mary sang (sweetly / gracefully ) .

Q X. Choose the correct prepositions from the brackets. [2M]

1. The dog ran ------------- ( on / between ) the road .

2. Asha fell --------------- ( under/ into ) the ditch .

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