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Name: Gwyneth Nicole A.

Maraña Professor: Bern Escorial

Date: March 28, 2022

Course Code: GE 11 Section: S

1st Assignment for Midterm


1. Give your own definition/understanding on the description of GE 11, which is GENDER AND
SOCIETY. How is this subject relevant to you? Explain. (10pts)

- I have learned that debates about Gender Roles and Sexuality have been occurring since ancient times.
Particular countries differ their perspective on one’s gender. Some believe that men are more superior
than women and some the other way around. And as the time passed by, people’s perspective about
gender dominance changed. Women in this generation now can fight and use their voices to say their
opinions without people discriminating them. Everyone realized that women can be also capable of doing
what people think that only men can do. And sometimes, women can be more reliable. I also learned that
no matter what your gender is, if you are comfortable in doing what makes you happy even though people
say that it is not right for you to do it and it is contrary to their beliefs, you should always follow your
heart because it is absolutely okay to do so. No one should control and judge what you do because of your
life, your say.

2. Define and differentiate Gender and Sex. Explain further. (10pts)

- Sex refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex. A person
typically has their sex assigned at birth based on physiological characteristics, including their genitalia
and chromosome composition. This assigned sex is called a person’s “natal sex.” Gender, on the other
hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike natal sex, gender is not made up of binary forms. Instead,
gender is a broad spectrum. A person may identify at any point within this spectrum or outside of it

3. On the following aspects: How do they view Gender and Sex? (10pts)

a. Sociological -  sociologists and most other social scientists view sex and gender as conceptually
distinct. Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both
primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and
muscularity. Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or
female. A person’s sex, as determined by his or her biology, does not always correspond with his or her
gender. Therefore, the terms sex and gender are not interchangeable. A baby boy who is born with male
genitalia will be identified as male. As he grows, however, he may identify with the feminine aspects of
his culture. Since the term sex refers to biological or physical distinctions, characteristics of sex will not
vary significantly between different human societies.
b. Cultural- In Contemporary Western models, 'sex' is defined as the biological status of a person as either
male or female based on anatomical characteristics, whereas 'gender' is used to refer to socially
constructed roles and cultural representations.

c. Political- Sex is viewed as the differences in the amount of power that male and female people have in
a society or group. Gender norms restrict women's responsibilities in public life, causing political
opposition. As a result of these standards, women's participation in public and political life is limited in
practical ways.

d. Religion- religion viewed sex as for what reproductive organ you have when you are born and it cannot
be change because of its beliefs. While gender, it is common for gender to influence the religious
significance of space and materiality. Women's engagement in patriarchal faiths has been studied by
academics interested in non-liberal religious organizations, and they've found that they frequently do so
for selfish reasons.

e. Psychological- In psychological sex is viewed as everyone's feelings, thoughts, and actions are
influenced by their sexuality. Means of reproduction, psychological and sociological representations of
self, and orientation of attraction to others are all defined by the term "sexuality." The brain and body are
conditioned to seek out pleasure as a result. While gender, maleness and femaleness are two distinct
concepts that are referred to as "gender" in this context. Culture plays a large role in determining one's
gender, especially among men and women.

4. Give at least 10 examples of Gender Issues around the World. (10pts)

1. Gender Bias in Education

2. The Gender Pay Gap
3. Gender Disparities in Agriculture
4. Poor Access to Healthcare
5. Child Marriage and Other Forms of Gender-Based Violence
6. Lack of Representation for Women and Girls at The Policy Level
7. Discriminatory Divorce Rights
8. Custody Rights
9. Professional Obstacles
10. Restricted Land Ownership

5. Is SOGIE Bill necessary? Why? Explain. (10pts)

- Yes, the protections the bill affords may be considered special but that does not make them unfair. It is
special because it is necessary. Non-LGBTQ+ members simply don’t face the same harassment,
discrimination and hate crimes that the LGBTQ+ do for their identities.

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