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Rotation 1: General Physical Survey (taking and recording vital signs).

“What are vital signs?”

-this are measurement of the body’s most basic functions.

--what is inside the vital signs. --- Temperature --- Pulse Rate --- Blood Pressure --- Respiratory Rate ---
lastly considered as the 5th vital sign is --- Pain ---.

“Purposes of vital signs?”

- To obtain an accurate record of the patient’s temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood

- To aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient.

- To detect any deviation that may be indicated of a disease process to the body.

Normal Range of Vital Signs:

TEMPERATURE: normal range: 36.5 degree Celsius to 37.2 degree Celsius.

-Some Doctors may consider 37.5 degree Celsius as not normal.

 Hypothermia --- Hypo --- means low, --- thermia ---means temperature (below normal)

 Hyperthermia --- Hyper --- means high, --- thermia --- means temperature (above normal)

PULSE RATE: No. of times the heart beats.

Adult -------------60 – 100 bpm (beats per minute)

Infant ------------120 – 160 bpm

Toddler ----------90 – 140 bpm

Preschooler ----80 – 110 bpm

Adolescent -----60 – 90 bpm

 Bradycardia --- Brady --- means low, --- cardia --- means heart (below normal)

 Tachycardia --- Tachy --- means high, --- cardia --- means heart (above normal)

RESPIRATORY RATE: No. of breaths a person takes per minute.

Unit of measurement: (cpm) (cycles per minute), (bpm) (breaths per minute)

Normal Range:

0 – 6 weeks: 30 – 60 cpm Oxygen: SPO2 – 95 below is not normal

6 wks – 6 months: 25 – 40 cpm -- 95 above is normal

1 yr – 3 yrs: 20 – 30 cpm Nosocomial Infection: infections caught from hospitals

3 yrs – 6 yrs: 20 – 25 cpm

10yrs – 14 yrs: 15 –20 cpm

Adult: 12 –20 cpm

 Bradypnea --- Brady --- means low, --- pnea --- means respiratory (below normal)

 Tachypnea --- Tachy --- means high, --- pnea --- means respiratory (above normal)

 Apnea --- absence of breathing.

BLOOD PRESSURE: Unit of Measurement --- (mmHg) --- millimeter per mercury.

Normal: Stage 1 Hypertension: Stage 2 Hypertension:

Systolic – 120 Systolic – 130 --- 139 Systolic – 140 +

Diastolic – 80 Diastolic – 80 --- 90 Diastolic – 90 +

Elevated: Hypertensive Crisis:

Systolic – 120 --- 129 Systolic – 180 +

Diastolic – 80 Diastolic – 120 +

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