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Translational Issues in Psychological Science © 2015 American Psychological Association

2015, Vol. 1, No. 3, 229 –238 2332-2179/15/$12.00

Associations Among Self-Compassion, Mindful Eating, Eating

Disorder Symptomatology, and Body Mass Index
in College Students

Maija B. Taylor Suzanne Daiss

Bowling Green State University Northern Arizona University

Kendra Krietsch
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

University of Florida
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

This study investigated the relationships among self-compassion, mindful eating, eating
disorder symptomatology, and body mass index. Participants (N ⫽ 150) were college
students. Average body mass index was 23.02 [(weight in pounds/height in inches2) ⫻
703]; average age was 19.23 years. Participants completed measures of self-compassion,
mindful eating, and disordered eating and provided self-reported height and weight.
Higher self-compassion predicted lower body mass index and eating disorder symp-
tomatology. In addition, higher self-compassion predicted higher mindful eating and
explained a notable 11% of variance in mindful eating. These findings have implica-
tions for the development and testing of self-compassion mindful-eating (SC-ME)
training programs on college campuses that are oriented toward improving body image,
reducing eating disorder symptomatology, decreasing mindless eating, and preventing
weight gain.

Keywords: self-compassion, mindful eating, disordered eating, body mass index, college students

Self-compassion and mindful eating have re- compassion training on body image, eating-
cently gained attention in the study of weight related cognitive and affective processes, and
management. Research supports numerous ben- eating behaviors (Adams & Leary, 2007; Fer-
efits of trait self-compassion (an innate propen- reira, Pinto-Gouveia, & Duarte, 2011; Schoe-
sity to be self-compassionate); self-compassion nefeld & Webb, 2013; Wasylkiw, MacKinnon,
induction (presentation of material designed to & MacLellan, 2012; Webb & Forman, 2013).
elicit a self-compassionate attitude); and self- Furthermore, clinical psychologists have begun
successfully integrating self-compassion and
mindful eating into treatment programs for eat-
ing disorders (Gale, Gilbert, Read, & Goss,
2014; Kristeller, Wolever, & Sheets, 2014).
Maija B. Taylor, Department of Psychology, Bowling
Green State University; Suzanne Daiss, Department of Psy-
chology, Northern Arizona University; Kendra Krietsch, Self-Compassion and Mindful
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University
of Florida. Eating Definitions
Maija B. Taylor thanks Dr. Daniel Weidler and Dr. Nora
Dunbar from Northern Arizona University, who assisted in Self-compassion is operationally defined in
study design, analysis, and evaluation. Maija B. Taylor and this research study as being open to one’s per-
Suzanne Daiss designed the study. Maija B. Taylor con- sonal failures, inadequacies, and suffering and
ducted the literature review and statistical analyses and
wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Suzanne Daiss and responding to them with common humanity,
Kendra Krietsch revised and edited subsequent drafts. All mindfulness, and self-kindness (Neff, 2003a).
authors contributed to and have approved the final manu- Common humanity involves viewing personally
script. difficult experiences as common human experi-
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to Maija B. Taylor, Department of Psychology, ences. Mindful eating is operationally defined
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH as food consumption that is driven by appropri-
43403-0228. E-mail: ate cues for eating. It involves high levels of

eating inhibition, awareness of personal eating female college student sample. Hearing a self-
behavior, and awareness of external cues to eat compassion induction may have buffered
as well as low emotional responses to eating and against distress-related eating via reduction in
engagement in distractive activities while eating eating- and body-related negative self-
(Framson et al., 2009). judgments in response to donut consumption.
Using a self-compassion induction or self-
Self-Compassion and compassion training with restrictive eaters
Eating-Related Variables may reduce distress-related eating and pro-
mote appropriate and adaptive eating behav-
Higher self-compassion is related to a iors.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

greater body acceptance and appreciation and

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

lower levels of body preoccupation, food- and

body-related concerns, and body dissatisfac- Self-Compassion, Intuitive and Mindful
tion in nonclinical college student and com- Eating, and Other Eating-Related Variables
munity samples and clinical samples (Fer-
reira, Pinto-Gouveia, & Duarte, 2011, 2013; No studies have explored the relationship
Kelly, Vimalakanthan, & Carter, 2014; between self-compassion and mindful eating.
Schoenefeld & Webb, 2013; Wasylkiw et al., However, previous research shows that self-
2012; Webb & Forman, 2013). Lower self- compassion is positively related to intuitive
compassion is associated with a higher drive eating (r ⫽ .39; Schoenefeld & Webb, 2013).
for thinness, dietary restraint, guilt associated Mindful eating is best viewed as an expansive
with eating foods perceived as unhealthy, bu- construct, which includes most components
limic symptomatology, and binge eating (Fer- of intuitive eating. Given the conceptual over-
reira et al., 2013; Kelly et al., 2014; Webb & lap, it can be hypothesized that self-compas-
Forman, 2013). sion and mindful eating may feature a similar
Ferreira and colleagues (2013) recently es- statistical relationship to self-compassion and
tablished that lower self-compassion partially intuitive eating and that mindful and intuitive
mediates the significant relationship between eating may be similarly related to eating-
external shame and drive for thinness among related variables (Framson et al., 2009; Tylka,
a female nonclinical community sample. Con- 2006). Intuitive eating is inversely related to
versely, a more self-compassionate attitude eating disorder symptomatology, which sug-
attenuated the positive association between gests that mindful eating may be as well
shame and motivation to reduce one’s body
(Tylka, 2006; Tylka & Kroon Van Diest,
size. Webb and Forman (2013) further dem-
onstrated that both higher unconditional self-
Mindless eating may partially explain why cer-
acceptance and emotional tolerance fully
mediate the inverse relationship between self- tain internal and external variables can culminate
compassion and binge eating severity in a in overconsumption of nutrient-poor, calorie-
primarily female nonclinical college student dense foods and disordered eating, which can re-
sample. This suggests that greater uncondi- sult in mental health issues and weight gain over
tional self-acceptance and emotional distress the long term. Eating in response to inappropriate
tolerance explained the relationship between cues (e.g., intense emotional states, the mere pres-
higher self-compassion and lower binge eat- ence of food) and disinhibited eating can both lead
ing symptomatology. to excess intake of energy-dense food and inter-
Adams and Leary (2007) found that elicit- nal distress that may increase the likelihood
ing a self-compassionate attitude (by provid- of subsequent dysregulated eating behaviors.
ing self-compassionate verbal information) Likewise, mental distraction and insufficient
among highly restrictive eaters (those report- attention to the sensory experience of eating
ing strong desires and efforts to avoid eating can reduce awareness of the sensory pleasure
perceived unhealthy foods) after they con- of eating, external eating cues to consume
sumed a donut weakened self-reported nega- calorie-dense foods or overeat, and satiety
tive affect and inhibited overeating on a sub- signals, which may lead to problematic eating
sequent candy taste test among a nonclinical behavior.

How Self-Compassion May Be Study Aim

Theoretically Related to Mindful Eating
and Other Eating-Related Variables Despite research connecting greater self-
compassion to improved body image and lower
The mindfulness component of self-compas- eating disorder symptomatology, no research
sion features flexible awareness, nonjudgment, studies to date have found a significant relation-
and acceptance of experiences, which may extend ship between self-compassion and body mass in-
to experiences of difficult eating-related thoughts dex (BMI; Schoenefeld & Webb, 2013; Webb &
Forman, 2013). Furthermore, few studies have
and feelings and problematic eating (Raes, Pom-
shown that greater mindful eating and intuitive
mier, Neff, & Van Gucht, 2011). This stance may
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

eating have small inverse correlations with BMI

protect against labeling these experiences as neg-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

among college students (Moor, Scott, & McIn-

ative and being distressed by them and may pro- tosh, 2013; Schoenefeld & Webb, 2013; Tylka,
mote adaptive responses over the long term. This 2006; Tylka & Kroon Van Diest, 2013). Thus, this
may manifest in lower mindless eating, disordered study sought to replicate and expand the literature
eating behaviors, or overeating. by investigating the relationships among self-
The common humanity component of the con- compassion, mindful eating, BMI, and eating dis-
struct of self-compassion involves viewing per- order symptomatology.
sonally difficult experiences as common human
experiences, which may include viewing difficult
eating-related thoughts and feelings and perceived Hypotheses
problematic eating behavior as normal parts of the
On the basis of past research, we hypothesized
human condition. This social normalization may
that self-compassion would be positively associ-
help individuals feel less alone during these expe-
ated with mindful eating and negatively associated
riences and less likely to evaluate these experi- with eating disorder symptomatology and BMI.
ences and themselves as abnormal and defective. We also hypothesized that mindful eating would
This may help them be more likely to engage in be negatively associated with eating disorder
more adaptive behaviors, especially seeking social symptomatology and BMI and that mindful eating
support to help them with these difficult experi- would moderate the relationship between self-
ences, and engage in less mindless eating, disor- compassion and eating disorder symptomatology
dered eating behaviors, or overeating. as well as the relationship between self-compas-
The self-kindness component of the construct sion and BMI.
of self-compassion extends an attitude of nonjudg-
ment, understanding, caring, and patience toward
oneself during difficult experiences, which may Method
translate to being more tender and loving toward
oneself in the face of difficult eating-related Participants
thoughts and feelings and perceived problematic
Participants were 150 undergraduate college
eating behavior (Raes et al., 2011). This approach
students between 18 and 25 years of age (M ⫽
may impede the development of a vicious cycle of
19.23, SD ⫽ 1.50). Eighty-five percent of the
global negative self-judgments, self-blame for participants were females and 55% were fresh-
perceived problematic eating, augmented in- man. The average BMI in the sample was 23.02
ternal distress, and more subjective problem- (SD ⫽ 3.69). Twenty-six percent of the sample
atic eating. This may in turn manifest in less was overweight or obese. Seventy-four percent of
mindless eating behavior, disordered eating the participants were non-Hispanic White, 12%
behaviors, or overeating and may also pro- were Hispanic American, and the remaining par-
mote higher general engagement in self- ticipants identified with another racial or ethnic
nourishing, enjoyed, health-promotional ac- category. Traditional college students were used
tivities, such as mindful eating, consumption for the current study, which were defined as un-
of nutrient-dense foods, and exercise, which dergraduate college students between 18 and 25
may promote a healthy weight (Terry & years of age that had never married and that cur-
Leary, 2011). rently lived in a nonfamilial living environment.

Procedure ing and judgmental about my own flaws and in-

adequacies (reverse scored).” The internal reliabil-
The university institutional review board ap- ity of the SCS-SF was high (␣ ⫽ .84) in this study.
proved the study. Participants were recruited from MEQ. The MEQ Framson et al., 2009 fea-
the undergraduate introductory psychology re- tures 28 items that assess the mindful eating fac-
search pool at a medium-sized, public university tors of disinhibition, awareness, external cues,
in the southwest. The study was administered on- emotional response, and distraction. This measure
line. Participants signed digital informed consent. uses a response scale ranging from 1 (never/
Eligibility was assessed online; participants were rarely) to 4 (usually/always). Examples of items
ineligible if they were not traditional college stu- are “I notice when the food I eat affects my
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

dents as previously operationally defined. Subse- emotional state” and “I recognize when I’m eating
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

quently, participants completed five of the six and not hungry.” Two questions were reworded in
primary study measures, which included the Self- the current study to be more applicable to college
Compassion Scale–Short Form (SCS-SF) and students with or without a job and college students
Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ). Three of who do or do not live in a house. The two re-
these measures were part of a larger study and will worded items were “When I’m feeling stressed at
not be addressed in the current research article. school or work I’ll go find something to eat” and
The unaddressed measures examined the person- “I have trouble not eating ice cream, cookies, or
ality orientations of sociotropy and autonomy chips if they’re around.” The internal reliability of
(Personal Style Inventory–Revised), attachment the MEQ was high (␣ ⫽ .84) in this study.
insecurity in romantic relationships (the Revised EAT-26. The EAT-26 (Garner, Olmsted,
Experiences in Close Relationships [ECR-R]), Bohr, & Garfinkel, 1982) features 26 items that
and attachment insecurity in friendships (a re- measure disordered eating attitudes and behav-
searcher-modification of the ECR-R; Fraley, iors. This measure assesses dieting, bulimia,
Waller, & Brennan, 2000; Sibley & Liu, 2004; food preoccupation, and oral control using three
Robins et al., 1994). A 5 ⫻ 5 Latin-Square design subscales. Most items are measured using a
was used to counterbalance these five measures response scale that ranges from never to always.
(Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). After completion of Examples of items are “I am terrified about
the primary measures, participants were asked to being overweight,” “I have gone on eating
complete the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26). binges where I feel I am not able to stop,” and
This measure was administered last to prevent “I display self-control around food.” The inter-
potential priming of eating- and weight-related nal reliability of the EAT-26 was good (␣ ⫽
cognitions and emotions that could influence par- .87) in this study.
ticipants’ responses on the other measures. Lastly, BMI. BMI was calculated from participants’
participants completed a survey on demographic self-reported height and weight on the EAT-26.
and general information variables. Students re- Weight was reported in pounds and height was
ceived research participation credit for their in- reported in inches. BMI was calculated using the
volvement in the study. 共weight in pounds兲
formula BMI ⫽ ⫻ 703.
共height in inches兲2

Data Analysis
SCS-SF. The 12-item SCS-SF (Raes et al.,
2011) was used to measure self-compassion. The Analyses were conducted using product-
measure comprises self-compassion items that as- moment Pearson correlation analyses and a se-
sess self-kindness, common humanity, and mind- ries of linear regressions within IBM SPSS Sta-
fulness and reverse-scored self-critical judgment tistics version 21.
items that assess self-judgment, isolation, and
overidentification. This measure uses a response Results
scale ranging from 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost
always). Examples of items are “When I’m going Preliminary Data Analyses
through a very hard time, I give myself the caring
and tenderness I need,” “I try to see my failings as Of the 159 eligible participants, 150 were
part of the human condition,” and “I’m disapprov- included in the final analyses after removal of

outliers with z scores above 3.29 or less than ance in mindful eating, R2adj ⫽ .11, F(1, 148) ⫽
–3.29. Preliminary data analyses demonstrated 18.81, p ⬍ .001. Self-compassion negatively
that these data were suitable for regression anal- predicted BMI (p ⬍ .01). It explained 4% of the
ysis given that all variables were normally and adjusted variance in BMI, Radj 2
⫽ .04, F(1,
linearly distributed after removal of outliers 148) ⫽ 7.48, p ⬍ .01. Self-compassion nega-
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2009). Mean scores, tively predicted eating disorder symptomatol-
standard deviations, and ranges for the mea- ogy (p ⬍ .05). It explained 2% of the adjusted
sures did not deviate from previously docu- variance in eating disorder symptomatology,
mented values in college student and young R2adj ⫽ .02, F(1, 148) ⫽ 4.25, p ⬍ .05. Self-
adult samples (Table 1; Framson et al., 2009; compassion negatively predicted eating disor-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Raes et al., 2011). der symptomatology dieting subscale scores

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Correlations (p ⬍ .01). It explained 5% of the adjusted

variance in dieting-related eating disorder
Self-compassion was positively correlated symptomatology, R2 ⫽ .05, F(1, 148) ⫽ 8.07,
with mindful eating and negatively correlated p ⬍ .01.
with both total eating disorder symptomatology
and BMI. Furthermore, self-compassion was Moderations
negatively correlated with the eating disorder
symptomatology subscale of dieting and was To test whether the relationship between self-
not correlated with the other two eating disorder compassion and eating disorder symptomatol-
symptomatology subscales. BMI was positively ogy and BMI depended on levels of mindful
correlated with total eating disorder symptom- eating, researchers conducted two moderator
atology. More specifically, BMI was positively analyses predicting BMI and total eating disor-
correlated with the eating disorder symptom- der symptomatology scores. Hierarchical linear
atology subscale of dieting and was not corre- regressions included mindful eating and self-
lated with the other eating disorder symptom- compassion scores in block 1 and a mindful
atology subscales. There was no significant eating by self-compassion interaction in block
correlation between mindful eating and total 2. In the first moderator analysis, in block 1
eating disorder symptomatology or between mindful eating and self-compassion signifi-
mindful eating and BMI. Refer to Table 2 for cantly predicted BMI, F(2, 147) ⫽ 3.83, p ⫽
specific correlation values. .02, and explained approximately 5% of the
Simple Regressions variance in BMI. However, adding the mindful
eating by self-compassion interaction term did
Self-compassion positively predicted mindful not lead to a significant increase in variance
eating (p ⬍ .001) such that that higher scores on explained (⌬R2 ⫽ .00, Finc(1, 146) ⫽ .025, p ⫽
the self-compassion scale predicted higher .87). Thus, the degree to which self-compassion
scores on the mindful eating scale. Self- was able to predict BMI did not depend on
compassion explained 11% of the adjusted vari- levels of mindful eating.

Table 1
Means and Standard Deviations of Study Variables
Variable Current sample means Sample SD Theoretical score range Range in sample Mean norms
MEQ 2.86 0.38 1.00–4.00 1.29–3.73 2.79
SCS-SF 3.12 0.64 1.00–5.00 1.33–5.00 3.00
EAT-26 9.65 8.69 0.00–78.00 0.00–52.00 —
BMI 23.02 3.69 — 17.10–48.70 —
Note. MEQ ⫽ Mindful Eating Questionnaire; SCS-SF ⫽ Self-Compassion Scale Short Form; EAT-26 ⫽ Eating Attitudes
Test 26; BMI ⫽ body mass index. Norms for the MEQ originated from a study conducted by Framson et al. (2009). Norms
for the SCS-SF originated from a study conducted by Raes et al. (2011). The reported ranges for the EAT-26 and BMI are
the ranges that were present in the sample before removal of outliers. The reported means and standard deviations for these
variables were those that were present in the sample after removal of outliers.

Table 2
Correlations (Two-Tailed Pearson r) Among MEQ, SCS-SF, EAT-26, EAT-26
Subscales, and BMI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. MEQ
2. SCS⫺SF .34ⴱⴱ
3. EAT-26 ⫺.08 ⫺.17ⴱ
4. EAT-26 DIET ⫺.11 ⫺.23ⴱⴱ .95ⴱⴱ
5. EAT-26 BUL/FP ⫺.28ⴱⴱ ⫺.11 .65ⴱⴱ .53ⴱⴱ
6. EAT-26 OC .33ⴱⴱ .09 .59ⴱⴱ .46ⴱⴱ .19ⴱ
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

7. BMI ⫺.11 ⫺.22ⴱⴱ .23ⴱⴱ .26ⴱⴱ .15 ⫺.03

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. N ⫽ 150. MEQ ⫽ Mindful Eating Questionnaire; SCS-SF ⫽ Self-Compassion

Scale-Short Form; EAT-26 ⫽ Eating Attitudes Test-26; EAT-26 DIET ⫽ Eating Attitudes
Test-26 dieting subscale; EAT-26 BUL/FP ⫽ Eating Attitudes Test-26 bulimia and food
preoccupation subscale; EAT-26 OC ⫽ Eating Attitudes Test-26 oral control subscale;
BMI ⫽ body mass index.

p ⬍ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .01.

In the second moderator analysis, the same in valued hobbies, and use of stress manage-
independent variables were used to predict eat- ment strategies.
ing disorder symptomatology. Mindful eating Self-compassion negatively predicted diet-
and self-compassion did not significantly pre- ing-related eating disorder symptomatology.
dict eating disorder symptomatology in block 1, The EAT-26 dieting subscale items measure
F(2, 147) ⫽ 2.15, p ⫽ .12, and the interaction fear of being full and gaining weight, preoccu-
term (block 2) for these variables also did not pation with thinness, awareness of the caloric
significantly predict this variable (⌬R2 ⫽ .03, content of food, avoidance of high-carbohydrate
Finc(1, 146) ⫽ .80, p ⫽ .37). and high-sugar foods, consumption of diet
foods, and posteating guilt and discomfort. Per-
Discussion haps self-compassionate individuals’ kind, tol-
erant stance toward themselves is incompatible
This study found that self-compassion nega- with excessive food monitoring, food depriva-
tively predicted eating disorder symptomatol- tion behavior, and a drive to modify superficial
ogy and dieting-related eating disorder symp- physical aspects of the self. Their self-love may
tomatology specifically, which aligns with the preclude excessive self-deprivation and the pur-
current researchers’ hypothesis and previous re- suit of thinness. A self-compassionate attitude
search findings. A healthy level of self- promotes self-trust and self-care, which is in
compassion may prevent individuals from en- contrast to generation of rigid rules for the self,
gaging in disordered eating despite the presence excessive self-monitoring, and inflexible self-
of disordered eating thoughts and emotional control. Self-compassion likely promotes di-
responses or may reduce the occurrence of these etary flexibility rather than rigid dieting behav-
thoughts and feelings. It may be that self- ior. Self-compassion may help individuals
compassionate individuals are more aware of respond to perceived negative eating events
eating disordered thoughts and feelings; ap- with nonjudgment, kindness, and future health
proach them with a patient, nonjudgmental at- behavior goal-setting rather than rigid thinking
titude; and remind themselves that they are not and subsequent self-deprivation motivated diet-
alone in their suffering. This approach may pro- ing.
mote individuals’ engagement in adaptive cop- Expanding upon this finding, dieting-related
ing techniques in response to distressing eating disorder symptomatology was also posi-
thoughts and emotions (including disordered tively associated with BMI in this study. This
eating thoughts and emotional responses), such association may be due to eating behavior re-
as engaging in quality social interactions, en- bounding after dieting. Restraint theory is help-
gaging in various health behaviors, involvement ful in understanding this positive association.

Restrained eating is described as efforts to man- tion. Future research should investigate differ-
age body weight by cognitively controlling food ences in reasons for engagement in healthy
intake (Ruderman, 1986). Restraint theory pro- weight management activities among individu-
poses that dieting contributes to overeating and als high and low in self-compassion, specifi-
eating disorders via several mechanisms, one of cally focusing on self-punishing and self-
which is disinhibition of food intake after a nourishing motivational factors. Researchers
dietary violation (Herman, Polivy, & Leone, may also want to investigate shifts in self-
2005; Polivy & Herman, 1985, 1993). The de- compassion levels and levels of these motiva-
velopers of this theory have shown that re- tional factors over time and how they relate to
strained eaters show elevated food intake after enjoyment and engagement in various weight
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

being forced to consume forbidden amounts or management activities.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

types of food (Herman & Polivy, 2004). Com- These findings and related hypotheses also
pelling support for a meaningful relationship align with the hypothesized significant positive
between dietary restraint and BMI comes from relationship between self-compassion and
research that shows that restrained eating scores mindful eating. The positive correlational value
are uniquely associated with BMI and subse- between these variables (r ⫽ .34) is very similar
quent weight gain across a 4-year time span in to the previously evidenced positive correla-
same-sex twins after accounting for genetic and tional value between self-compassion and intu-
shared environmental factors (Schur, Heckbert, itive eating (r ⫽ .39; Schoenefeld & Webb,
& Goldberg, 2010). Thus, it may be that indi- 2013). This finding is a novel contribution to the
viduals with dieting-related eating disorder literature and suggests that those who are self-
symptomatology develop rigid rules regarding compassionate may engage in more mindful
what to eat and how much to eat, and when they eating because they view mindful eating as an
break these rules and experience distress, they act of self-kindness that they deserve to experi-
overeat and gain weight. ence. The positive relationship between self-
The significant negative relationship between compassion and mindful eating may also be
self-compassion and BMI found in this study is explained by the shared component of mindful-
a novel contribution to the literature. No re- ness. Both self-compassion and mindful eating
search to date has documented a significant link involve awareness, curiosity and openness to
between these variables. This inverse relation- experience, introspection, and a desire to ac-
ship may be explained by greater engagement in knowledge and respect the self. It may be that
self-nourishing healthy weight management be- more mindful individuals are more likely to be
haviors in self-compassionate individuals, mo- self-compassionate and engage in mindful eat-
tivated by a desire to care for the self. For ing.
example, self-compassionate individuals may Mindful eating was not significantly corre-
eat a more balanced and less calorie-dense diet lated with BMI as hypothesized. This finding
or engage in more physical activity. Given pre- was surprising given previous research that
vious research, these individuals may be less demonstrated a significant albeit small negative
fixated on their body shape or weight and thus relationship between these variables (Moor et
less motivated to engage in weight management al., 2013). It may be that mindful eaters do not
behaviors out of a sense of duty, a desire to necessarily have healthy diets and in fact con-
dominate and modify the physical self to sume highly caloric and processed food, but in
achieve a sense of self-control, or a desire a mindful manner. Future research should in-
to punish the self for perceived mistakes. It may vestigate the relationship between mindful eat-
be that healthy weight management behaviors ing and dietary quality. Another possibility is
motivated by a desire to care for the self may that mindful eating may not predict BMI among
facilitate consumption of a more balanced and college students, but it may predict this variable
less calorie-dense diet and more physical activ- among older adults because of physiological
ity, which in turn is reflected in a lower BMI. A changes associated with aging. In addition,
relatively lower BMI among self-compassion- mindful eating may not predict BMI in college
ate individuals may simply be a beneficial by- students because they may face fewer barriers
product of engaging in more health behaviors (time, energy, financial barriers) to eating bal-
motivated by greater self-nourishing motiva- anced, appropriate calorie diets as compared

with older individuals or individuals of a similar and using them to guide behavior. The signifi-
average age without a college education. cant positive correlation between self-compas-
Mindful eating was not significantly corre- sion and mindful eating attests to their shared
lated with eating disorder symptomatology, variance. Future research should measure broad
which was also contrary to our hypothesis. It mindfulness and conduct mediation analysis to
may be that these constructs feature little over- determine if the inverse relationship between
lap, such that some mindful eaters have disor- self-compassion and BMI or self-compassion
dered eating symptomatology and others do not. and eating disorder symptomatology is partially
Some restrictive eaters following extreme low- or fully explained by broad mindfulness or if
calorie diets or diets that eliminate certain food these relationships remain statistically stable.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

groups may practice mindful eating with the This study provided additional support for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

aim to enjoy the small quantities or restricted existing literature that demonstrates that self-
types of food they ingest. Other individuals with compassion is an important predictor of eating
disordered eating symptomatology may develop disorder symptomatology. It suggested that self-
mindful eating skills while trying to develop a compassion is specifically predictive of dieting-
healthier relationship with food. Mindful eating related eating disorder symptomatology. In ad-
may help them develop more attunement to the dition, it provided the unique contribution that
body’s energy needs and more acceptance of self-compassion is positively predictive of
negative emotional and cognitive responses to mindful eating and negatively predictive of
food as they attempt to develop more normal- BMI. However, given past research suggesting
ized eating patterns. that self-compassion is not significantly related
Given that mindfulness is one component of
to BMI, more evidence should still be gathered
self-compassion, we questioned whether the
on this variable pair.
construct of mindfulness and one of its repre-
sentations (mindful eating behavior) might in-
teract with self-compassion to predict BMI and Limitations
disordered eating symptomatology. Specifi-
A primary limitation in this study was the
cally, it was suspected that there would be a
calculation of the primary outcome variable of
more significant negative relationship between
BMI from self-reported height and weight,
self-compassion and BMI and between self-
which limits the interpretation of the results.
compassion and eating disorder symptomatol-
ogy in individuals high in mindful eating as Future researchers should assess BMI using ob-
compared with individuals low in mindful eat- jective measurement. A second limitation of the
ing. When considering how to address this study was its correlational cross-sectional de-
question, mediational analyses did not seem sign. This type of design reveals the direction
suitable given the fact that mindful eating fea- and strength of relationships between variables
tures substantial differences from the broad at one point in time, but it does not provide
mindfulness component of self-compassion. information on causality that would allow for
Thus, there were not presumed sequential indi- causal interpretations. Other limitations of the
rect effect chains from self-compassion to current study include an unequal number of
mindful eating to either disordered eating symp- females and males included in the study sample
tomatology or BMI. Results from moderation and the lack of assessment and control for po-
analyses revealed that the predictive relation- tentially relevant variables, such as psychopa-
ships between self-compassion and BMI and thology, exposure to self-compassion, mindful
between self-compassion and disordered eating eating, or other mindfulness-related concepts or
symptomology did not depend on levels of training. The current study’s findings are only
mindful eating. It may be that the construct of directly generalizable to traditional college stu-
self-compassion subsumed the majority of ben- dents. Researchers may wish to replicate in
eficial components of the construct of mindful younger or older age groups, in nontraditional
eating through its measurement of broad mind- college students, or in young adults that are not
fulness. For example, they both involve active attending college. The relationships among the
awareness of one’s internal cues (physical, current study’s variables should be investigated
emotional, mental), valuing and trusting them, further in more diverse samples with appropri-

ate assessment and control for potentially rele- Ferreira, C., Pinto-Gouveia, J., & Duarte, C. (2013).
vant variables. Self-compassion in the face of shame and body
image dissatisfaction: Implications for eating dis-
orders. Eating Behaviors, 14, 207–210. http://dx
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ing healthy weight management behaviors in tionnaire. Journal of the American Dietetic Asso-
college students. Mental health professionals ciation, 109, 1439 –1444.
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