Q3 PT1 Reproductive Health and Wellness - Taking Care Your Reproductive Health

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Name: Cajugao, Lance Ashley C. Criteria Score

(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial) Relevance to the idea
/ informative /10
Section: 10-Berzelius (10 points)
Design, Creativity and
Science 10 Lay-out /10
(10 points)
Quarter 3 Weeks 1-2
Completeness and
Timeliness (10 pts)
PERFORMANCE TASK 1 Total Score /30

Reproductive Health and Wellness:

Taking Care Your Reproductive Health!

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

1. Investigate the role of hormones involved in male and female reproductive system. (S10LT-IIIb-

Taking care of the health of the reproductive system is an important part of being a young
adult like you. Practicing good hygiene is one way of taking care of your reproductive
health. Applying the knowledge that you have gained about the structure and function of
reproductive system, you are going to make an informative brochure. Your brochure must
briefly discuss practices that promotes reproductive health and wellness.

• Male learners will present practices that promote healthy male reproductive system
while female learners will present practices the promote healthy female reproductive
• Each of the given practices must be accompanied by informative illustrations.
• Use Long paper size (8.5“ x 13“) and the format should be 4-page bi-fold format (see
illustration below).

4-Page Bi-Fold

• Make sure to include references and source links for contents taken from the internet at
the last part of your brochure.
• Here is a sample reference that you may use along with your other references:
• Deadline of submission is on Friday, March 17, 2023.

Subject Teacher
*IMPORTANT REMINDER: Your output may be manually written and drawn or
printed in digital (computerized) format. Print a copy of this instructions and
attach it on your output. Have your parents check your output before
submission and ask them to affix their signature on the space provided below.

Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
8-10 5-7 1-4
Relevance to
Discussion of concepts Discussion of concepts
the idea / Discussion of concepts
is exceptional – is very good – brief,
informative is satisfactory but can
concise, accurate, accurate and relevant.
(10 points) still be improved.
relevant and relatable.
8-10 5-7 1-4
The design and The design is very The design is
creativity are excellent good, creativity is satisfactory but can
Creativity and
– pleasing to the eye evident and the lay- still be enhanced and
and catchy, and the out of pictures and the lay-out of pictures
(10 points)
lay-out of pictures and texts is very good. and texts can still be
texts is excellent. improved.
8-10 5-7 1-4
All the essential parts
are present with
several additions that Most of the essential
All the essential parts
enhanced the parts are present;
are present;
Completeness material;
and The output is
The output is
Timeliness The output is submitted 6 or more
submitted 3-5 days
(10 pts) submitted on or before days overdue (with 1
overdue (with 1 point
the due date or point deduction per
deduction per day of
maximum of 2 days day of late
late submission).
overdue (with 1 point submission).
deduction per day of
late submission).

Parent’s /Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

Date signed

Subject Teacher

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