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Eric Jehran S.


A Brief Essay of a Debate

During the pandemic, almost every student went to online classes due to the virus spreading around
the world. Since 2020 until now, schools still do online learning with face-to-face classes. Mostly in other
schools they have 3 days of face to face classes and 2 days of online classes in a week. And in other
schools can be vice versa. Although, a debate arises when people are asked that schools should do full
face to face or not.

People can still experience the effects when looking in front of the screen after a long period of time.
Such as eye strain, blurriness, computer vision syndrome, and headaches. According to a study that I
found in , 50% and more than of children who attend online classes for more than two
hours a day reported symptoms of eye strain. At this rate, the chances of getting astigmatism will rise.
Although, this will benefit their safety from the virus because this sickness is still around and it can still
harm you.

On the other hand, face to face classes brings back the people they befriended with before the
pandemic. Students will eventually create a large bond to each other. Removing this will make a big
impact with a lot of people. Since that classes before the pandemic are already a big impact to people’s
lives, they couldn’t insist in disagreeing and while some disagree on it. According to a survey in GMA
news, 94% of adults in the Philippines prefer full face to face classes for their children while 4%
somewhat disagrees.

Students will also experience extra-curricular activities again at school such as Halloween programs,
sports fests, Christmas programs, and more. These are the activities that will enjoy while at school and
making a large bond towards their classmates. They can also participate with other works, clubs, or
chorale. With blended learning in online class, they can’t interact with their close friends. Majority of
students would prefer face-to-face classes because it better to interact with other people than in online

Having face-to-face classes is a great experience but it doesn’t mean that they can always avoid the
contact of the virus, which is still roaming around the places of the Philippines. To answer the question,
yes, I think we should do full face-to-face classes for people to socialize more and to experience new
things. Having blended-learning is also good but even though they stay safe at home, they still can’t
avoid the effects of looking at the screen for a long period of time. Some people agree to this and some
don’t when it comes to this topic. But in the end, people will learn new things whether it is about
academics, work, or life. In addition to this enjoying what you’re learning on makes it better because it’s
temporary to have like this.

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