VOLUME - 01 Absolutely Owned

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Volume 1 Absolute possession

Jieun: Shim Yak Island

Publisher: Kim Ki-chul

Published: TenBook

Address: No. 416 (Woo 08501), Aces 225 Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea

Phone: 070-8823-8681

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Publishing Registration: 2018-000040

Email: tenbook@tenbook.co.kr

Home page: www.tenbook.co.kr

ⓒShim Yak Island, 2021

※ ※ ISBN: 979-11-6758-431-1

※ Price: 4,000 won

※ Issue date: 03 December 2021

※ Unauthorized reproduction and reproduction without the approval of the copyright

holder are prohibited.

※ The background and setting of the work are virtual countries adapted from
reality, and the characters, events, and place names are different from the facts.


"Oh, it hurts. It hurts...…. Ugh...!"

"Are you sick because you've grown up?" I'm sorry. Until you get used to it, ugh,
I'll punch you in every day.”
"Ah, ah, ah...…!”

"When you grow up, haha, I'm sorry, Lia."

"Yeah, uh, uh...…!”

Evan's upper body, which was panting, collapsed. Evan hugged Lia's body like it was
crushing her body and shook her back with a huge build. Whenever Lia gasped, Evan's
chest muscles got wet. The damp heat filled the room.

"It's hot. It's hot."

In the dim consciousness, the body steadily heated up. In particular, the yinbu,
where the cock was going in and out, was as if it were on fire.

Evan's semen, which he pushed instead of lubricants, turned into a bubbling bubble
and dried up in his thighs and conspiracy. Now, the sap from Lia's vagina was
helping the insertion smoothly.

Deep, deep, deep! Blowing out!

Every time Evan shook his back, water splashed in all directions. The conspiracy to
fill his groin tightly also remained drenched in grief.

"Sigh, Lia. Lia...."

"Well, well, well...…!”

"Let's go together. Can you go together?”

"Oh, my.…!”

Ivan put Lia's leg on my shoulder. And he found the clitoris hidden between the
plots and pressed it with his thumb.


Lia's eyes, which had been closed, flashed open.

As the nukes were crushed while holding their jaws, the waves of joy beyond
description hit her body. The whole body trembled like a twitch.

"Oh, oh...!"


Evan pleaded in a frantic tightening quality. Without leaving a drop, she shook off
everything and filled her stomach.

"It's hot, it's hot, yo...….”

Lia fluttered.

Her dress was bent over her chest, and her bra was lifted up to expose her breast.
He was not completely naked or dressed properly.

Lia had no time to think about what had happened to me because of the intense
orgasm she had never felt in her life. Evan approached such Lia and whispered

"This is my semen."


[I hope to spend Christmas with my family]]

Lia looked at the paper in her hand.

It was a postcard with an illustration of St. Peter on the outside. Friendly

greetings ended with the sentence 'To my beloved daughter.'

'I can't believe I love you....’

Like this.

Lia pushed the folded postcard deep into the bag.

Did you ever love me?’

The sender was her stepfather.

Gelbrunn sent letters to his two daughters ahead of Christmas. It was to celebrate
that he, who resigned as mayor due to unsavory events in the past, reigned as the
king of Langdesi again.

Gelbrun Henriksen, a loving father who sends Christmas postcards to his daughters
after checking the results of the ballot counting.』

A week ago.

Lia saw her father's article in the local newspaper she was subscribed to. In the
photo, he was writing a letter surrounded by post office workers clapping their
hands with a bright smile.

Just two days later, a postcard arrived. There was not a single phone call from my
father in those two days. He didn't even say he sent a letter.

He was always like that.

He was a family father and a good politician in front of reporters with cameras,
and a head of the family who reigned in an authoritative manner.

Le Eden was the number one welfare state in Northern Europe, with the slogan of
'cradle to grave'. As a country that made its reputation so famous, it valued the
family. And my father was a monster who could do anything to gain power.

Gelbrunn, who took the mayor position again, needed Lia. No, to be exact, the
perfect "family" that everyone would envy.

The Christmas postcard sent by Gelbrun was nothing short of an appearance summons.
It threatened Lia through newspapers seen by countless people.

I'm still alive and well. So don't resist and come home and stick to your role, my
dear daughter.

Lia looked out of the window in a lump.

It was drizzling from dawn, and it was foggy outside the car window. I don't even
know where I am.

However, one thing was certain.

Leah's train was heading for Langdesh across the capital of Le Eden.

I don't want to bother my family anymore. Allow me to be independent.’

'Do as you please.’

The resignation of her father led to a decline in her family, and to make matters
worse, Lia even had a stalker. That day, Lia decided to become independent, which
she always wanted so badly.

'……Well, are you sure you'll let me?’

'Come on, you useless thing. Don't ever show up in front of me again.’

Gelbrunn was a hard-nosed man who could throw away his worthless daughter like a
pack. On the day when her existence was denied by her only father, Lia's hard-
working sorrow filled her neck.

But I had to endure it. If you gain, you lose.

I thought I finally got my hands on freedom.

It was a naive illusion.

Gelbrunn was again king over his family, and Lia Henriksen was still unable to
escape the influence of her father and mother.

The surname Henriksen after his name was like a shackle that could never be cut

A sense of helplessness strangled me.

The feeling of walking into hell on its own was disastrous.

"The next station is-,"

Then, the familiar station name came out on the broadcast. There are less than two
stops left until the last stop, Langde. My stomach ached and my normal eyelids
twitched finely. I felt like I was going to cry, but I held it in.

Lia didn't take her eyes off the car window.

It was still foggy. a breathtaking fog I thought I could walk into that fog and
disappear forever.

If it's impossible to escape, resist, or escape...….


"……I wish I could disappear."


The train stopped with an unknowingly protruding self-talk. Lia's body shook back
and forth in a series of recoil.

Lia hurriedly grabbed the bag beside her and kept her balance. There was a rustle
of postcards in the bag.

"The final destination is Langde Station."

When I opened the door and went out, a flight attendant with a bright yellow bell
was guiding the guests out of the room.

It was time for Lia to rush her steps.


I felt something stuck under my feet and stopped flinching. When I lowered my head,
a child was hanging from my leg like a cicada. The child looked up at Lia with
round eyes blinking constantly.

"Hi, where are your parents?”

Lia smiled at the child's eye level. Then the child hopped back. I was a cicada a
while ago, but now I look like a rabbit.

The children are so lovely

Lia's smile spread on her face for the first time.

"It's amazing!"

"Huh? What?"

"It's amazing!"

When the child said it again, Lia smiled and nodded. It seemed strange that he, an
Asian, greeted himself fluently in Leeds.

"Baby, were you here?”

"I told you not to run around."

Then a young couple who appeared to be the parents of the child approached. Lia
vaguely guessed that the couple was about the same age as me.

"I can't believe there's a kid this big already."’

Naturally, the image of a young man holding a child came to me in an unusually

unfamiliar way.

"Dad! She's amazing!"

The child pointed at Lia with a dainty finger. The young couple looked at Lia at
the same time. Then they said to the child, "No, no," with a startled look on their

"It's not interesting. You can't say that to a person. Well, I mean, he's--"

Lia brushed her hair awkwardly. The dark black hair split gently between the
fingers of the delicate hands.

The population of Le Eden was 80% white, 12% black, and the remaining 8% were Asian
and a minority.

Among them, the percentage of Asians was overwhelmingly low. Only tourists, office
workers, and international students were Asian in Gisil-Eden.

So I didn't feel bad at all just because my child looked at me strangely. There was
no hostility in the child's eyes that glistened like a recording.

This has been going through a lot since I was adopted to Le Eden at the age of

"He's very brave."

Unable to make a good young couple racist, Lia had to break her own iron rule of
not talking to strangers first.

"I'm four years old now."

The child's mother naturally accepted Lia's words. So the three adults continued a
short conversation after getting off the train.


"Yes, you too."

Lia lowered her body and waved her hand to match the child's eye level again. The
child's body smelled sweet and cozy as if he had a snack on the train.

unexpected happiness found on a gloomy way home My heart moved without realizing
it. These small happinesses gather together and make people stand up.

How happy parents must be to have such a lovely child.’

Lia turned her back after saying goodbye to the young couple. It was time to take
that step.

"She's Lia Henriksen, right?"

"I think it's true that you're talking naturally”

"Should I go and ask for your autograph now?"”

"What? You're not even a celebrity. What's your autograph?"

"She's the mayor's daughter. I've been on TV so many times. And he's probably the
same age as us”

"I didn't know you were so interested in her. Then why did you confess that you
were the only one in school?"

H. I shouldn't have talked to you.

I should have just gotten off the train.

Lia was late in regret. Their voices were louder even though the distance was
getting farther away. I didn't even know it was because it was about me.

'You were really the same age.’

How does it feel to finally establish a family with someone you've liked since
childhood? When Lia glanced back, the young couple were leaning on each other and
laughing as if they had forgotten her existence.

It was very ironic.

As soon as I turned around, I envied a young couple who treated me like gossip
rather than hate them. I was so envious of that harmony. I didn't even know it was
because I didn't dare to think it was mine.

Only today did I understand why my father has been managing his image as the head
of a harmonious family. Many people, including myself, want this kind of happiness.

With a vague realization, Lia headed home in one of the lined taxis.

* * *

"Excuse me, but are you Miss Lia Henriksen?"

In the taxi, there was also an unwelcome egg. Leah, staring blankly out the window,
suddenly raised her head at the sound of a cough.

"What did you just say?”

Lia asked with round eyes.

"Lia Henriksen, right?”

The taxi driver with a red beard smiled as he looked into the room mirror. Unlike
her messy face, her white teeth felt exceptionally threatening, but Lia tried to
hide her fear and laughed after him.

"Yes, that's right."

"It's an honor to give a ride to a girl from the Henriksen family."

Lia lowered her head slightly to avoid the gaze she encountered. A badge of the
ruling party to which Gelbrun belongs was hung in the room mirror. Somehow, there
was anxiety that the conversation would be prolonged.

"By the way, is it okay for you to walk around alone?”

And the always ominous foreboding doesn't go astray.

"I thought you'd carry a chauffeur. Why didn't you leave your hometown because of a

A year ago, Lia left the Henriksen family and became independent. Externally, it
was known that Lia Henriksen left Langde because of the stalker.

It wasn't a lie. Of course, it wasn't the real reason Lia left her hometown. In a
way, it was helped because it was allowed to become independent thanks to the

A stalker is a stalker, though.

Just thinking about the past memories of being nervous about the terrible human
being made me exhausted.

Lia couldn't wait to end this wasteful conversation. However, she had no
determination to cut off the rudeness of others at once.

It was because they were raised as children who obeyed their parents' words as
absolute truth, and were consumed as interesting things, not as a single person,

Such years piled up to create the current Lia Henriksen. She realized that it was
easier to wait quietly for a terrible moment to pass, rather than directly
contradicting her rudeness.

Of course, easy doesn't mean it's not painful. One, as long as time goes by, the
current pain will end someday. The only problem is that new pain comes constantly,
giving her no time to catch her breath.

"Oh, I made a slip of the tongue."

Fortunately, the taxi driver was not without a case. When Lia no longer looked at
the room mirror, the topic naturally changed.

"I'm relieved that you won this election!"

Based on his long political career, Gelbrunn's supporters were quite thick.

In the past, it was Gelbrun who proposed to designate Le Eden's largest slum as a
slum sanctuary. As a young man, he transformed Langdesi into a clean city. to serve
in the main office as a great achievement I was able to get elected mayor.

Of course, it was a protected area because it was a good word, but it was
practically a camp. Anyway, when Gelbrunn was mayor, there was never a riot in this
protected area.

The reason why he was able to be elected again in this election, after stepping
down from his post as mayor himself, was because the former mayor failed to control
the poor protection zone and the riot spread throughout Le Eden. In the slums,
casualties continued day by day.

"I cast a precious vote for the Henriksen family at every vote. No one cares about
Rangdesi as much as you and your wife. Of course!"

The taxi driver tapped the ruling party badge on the room mirror.

"Thank you."

Lia muttered in a soulless voice.

At that moment, the sound of shutters constantly clicking with the tinnitus filled
my head.

"Lia Henriksen, please look over here!"

'Why did you go straight into Henriksen's office after college? Can I see it as a
sign that politics has a will unlike my sister who is a pianist?’

"Do you still think of Korea these days?"’

Do you want to find your biological parents?’

"No, it's not."

Lia shook her head inside, clasping her hands tightly on her knees. It's all
auditory hallucinations. It's all auditory hallucinations.

After a few minutes with his eyes closed like that, the shutter sound that was
ringing his head disappeared.

"It hurts."

However, after the auditory hallucination disappeared, my fingertips began to numb.

It was a badly injured right hand before. Today, I felt that only my right hand was

"I wish this pain was an illusion."’

Lia clasped her numb hand once and opened it. If my hands were fine, would I have
been able to play the piano? Every time I breathed, things such as sighs, regrets,
and regrets were mixed up. I was confused.

'But the piano wasn't my way...….’

Lia gave up easily. However, the pain felt in the right hand did not disappear for
a long time no matter how much I tried to ignore it.

* * *
Before I knew it, the taxi was completely out of town.

As she left the forest filled with spruce trees, the castle that seemed to come out
in a fairy tale welcomed her. The wonder brought about by nature in Northern Europe
made the castle even more stylish.

"I don't need any change.”

Lia handed over a bill and quickly closed the back door. She stepped back as if she
were running away. Fortunately, the taxi driver no longer spoke to him and went
back the way he had come.

Actually, this was an empty house. The Henriksen family's residence was long east
by the castle. If you walk leisurely, it takes about 30 minutes.

Minji, this is where you live. How do you like it, isn't it?’

The director's voice, who was talking while showing a picture of the castle's
panoramic view, was as clear as yesterday.

It was a castle where a nobleman of Le Eden lived until just 200 years ago. The
descendant of the nobleman was Leah's adoptive mother, Sarvina Henriksen.

No one lived in this castle today. Except when it was opened to the public for
tourism and public relations purposes, workers who regularly performed maintenance
work were the only guests.

It was not until she arrived in Le Eden that Lia found out that the modern mansion
built near the castle, not the castle in the picture, was a real house.

I know that the director wasn't lying to deceive him. He must have just wanted to
reassure a child who would live as an eternal stranger in a strange land.

As a result, I felt rather fortunate now.

If I had lived in such a big castle, I wouldn't have survived. It was clear that
even if he woke up at dawn and started cleaning, he would not be able to clean up
even half of it.

On gloomy days like now, Lia would visit this castle from time to time. And I stood
there and enjoyed the castle surrounded by the mysterious nature of Northern

Then, I felt like I was back in my childhood full of hope while dreaming of a new
family at the nursery school, so my depression was relieved a little.

If you can go back to the past,

If I had a choice,

I would never have left Korea.

Even if you hug the director, cry, and beg him. If so, even the friendly director
wouldn't have sent me to a distant foreign land. But what's the point of

"Let's go back."

Lia headed to the "real house" leaving behind the castle where hundreds of years of
history and childhood memories were piled up.

* * *

Why is it so dark?

It was only 2 p.m., but the darkness that seemed to have come even in the polar
night colored the sky. Le Eden is a country without a polar night, so sinisterness
has doubled.

Lia hurried her steps as much as she was anxious. However, after arriving in front
of the house, I hesitated for a long time.

I don't want to go in either.

But I didn't have the courage to run away now.

There was nowhere to run.


Lia looked up.

It was a modern-style house designed with glass on the front of the first floor and
parts of the second and third floors. The glass on the first floor was especially
transparent, so the inside was clearly visible as if there were no windows.

"There's no one here."’

Lia looked carefully into the house. There was no human movement. Given that there
were no users, it seemed that all of them were given a Christmas vacation this

Gelbrun Henriksen valued the image of a politician. Even if it's a direct hire. So,
right after resignation, most of the employees were fired.

"Your parents must be inside, right?"’

Maybe my parents were deep beyond the whole glass. The space was only accessible to
the Henriksen family. Since the user was not allowed to enter, it was only Lia's
job to be called like a bell in it.

'You have to get in there and prepare your meal.’

The ingredients will be prepared in the shared kitchen. Mother's favorite wine
should be brewed in advance. My sister Ishana arrived late in the evening on
Christmas Day, so there was nothing to prepare for now.

When I thought of what to do today step by step, my anxious mind calmed down little
by little. It was better mentally to use my body and suffer. I felt like I was a
resident helper after a short vacation.

"Huh? Whose car is that?"’

Then, a black sedan parked far away caught my eye. First car, unfamiliar car
number. In addition, it was suspicious to park the car outside the parking area.

I need to ask the head of security.’

Lia rummaged through her bag. At the same time as I took out my cell phone, the
postcard I received from my father fell, but I had no time to pick it up.

'My mother called me.’

Lia's face was pale.

I ignored all missed calls from my mother because I turned off my cell phone
notification. There were more than ten text messages.

The hand holding the cell phone trembled beyond comparison in the taxi. The fear of
her mother was tattooed on Lia's body.

[All the employees are on vacation, so keep that in mind]

[Are you coming?] Aren't you answering the phone?]

[You're going to live your own way because you let them be independent?]]

[You've become ungrateful] [Doesn't know the grace]

Leah had never defied Sarvina. I had to run out at 2 a.m. when she called. Her
relationship with Lia was more like a lady and a maid, not a mother and a daughter.

'I. From now on, Lia will be my mom's little secretary. You have to be a good kid
who answers your mom's calls regularly?’


The first cell phone I received at the age of 12 also had never been silent.

So after independence, Lia first set her cell phone to silent. Who would have
thought that the small sense of freedom would hold him back? But it's too late to

"What do I do? What do I do?"’

Before Christmas, Sarvina became especially sharp and sensitive, so she used to
bully Lia over even the smallest things. I thought she'd pop out and grab my hair
and shake it.

My heart thumped like someone was hitting a rib with a hammer. Lia ran home,
forgetting her worries about the unfamiliar car.


Leah passed a corridor where only the Henriksen family could enter and exit. Even
the head of the security office and the accompanying secretary cannot enter this
place without the father's call.

In other words, everything that happened beyond the corridor meant that no one knew
except for the Henriksen family.


Before facing her parents, Lia leaned against the wall and regained her short
breath. However, whenever I inhale strangely, I felt a rusty smell of iron.

"What's this smell?"

Lia looked around. The fireplace was burning firewood. The light of the stove
brightened the modern-style drawing room, and Gelbrun sat on the sofa facing the

"…… father, mother. I'm here."

Lia slowly approached behind her father.


Then, a cigarette pipe from Gelbrunn's right hand dropped to the floor. The ash
powder inside the pipe scattered over the carpet.

Lia leaned instinctively.

"Are you sleeping?"

Lia reached out and asked, clutching her pipe.

As I asked, I felt strange. It was a strange thing. This is because Gelbrun was not
a person who leaned on the sofa and enjoyed a nap. He was always buried in his work
and regarded naps as the exclusive property of the losers.

When there was no answer, Lia slowly raised her head. The moment when I saw my

Hit it.

The pipe fell back to the floor as the hand loosened. Lia bowed her head hastily. I
reached for the pipe I missed, but it was already deep inside the sofa.

Did I see it wrong?

I need to check again...….

No, I didn't see it wrong.

Lia pulled her nails up and scratched the carpet. The body stiffened as it was. I
couldn't even make a squeak because my throat was stiff.

No, he might have instinctively swallowed a scream because there was no one to save
him even if he made a loud noise.

a bruised blue mark

My father's thick neck left a sign of sleepiness.

And the upside-down father's...….


Lia stopped thinking and crawled away from the sofa. It was not until I hit my back
against the wall that I stepped back so wildly that I came to my senses.

'My father died...…, No, he was killed.’

Lia closed her mouth with her hands. The sound of unsteady breathing crumbled in my
folded palm.

It's clink!

Then, the sound of glass breaking was heard in the distance.


Lia leaned close to the wall and looked at the sound. It was in the direction of
the entrance to the basement where wine was stored. His feet moved as if possessed
by the sound. Lia walked slowly there with her back against the wall.

Crispy. Crispy.

A small piece of glass was stepped on the floor. My heart thumped. Is this how it
feels to walk in a minefield? Grabbing a shaky leg, I barely turned the corner and
saw an open wine cellar door.

"………uh, mother?”

And as soon as she found her mother collapsed between the open doors, Lia sank
helplessly like a sand castle in front of the waves.

"Ah, ah...!”

When I inhaled, the smell of wine soaked my lungs. It was the scent of wine that my
mother took out every Christmas.

The sound just now would be the sound of a wine bottle rolling underground. If I
had arrived home a little earlier, I might have been lying there.


Lia hurriedly closed her mouth, which was causing nausea. My pocket was empty as I
rummaged through my coat with my other hand to report it to the police.

No way.

Did he drop it in the hallway?

Leah glanced down the hall trying not to look at her father on the sofa. It was
only a short distance of twenty steps.
But the body didn't move.

I knew nothing about whether there was one criminal, whether there was an
accomplice, and how many there were. Even the reason for killing my parents.

One thing was certain anyway.

If he's still here...….


You'll die soon.

"Ha, ha....”

Lia took a breath with her forehead on the floor.

If I die, if I'm killed, how do I die? Will I be strangled? Or get hit on the head
with a blunt instrument?

When I thought of the worst that could happen, my stomach began to calm down for
some reason.

If only I could die here.

If only someone could end this boring life.

Strange glances flashed in his gloomy eyes. It looked like a monk who had gained
enlightenment through asceticism. But it was even more empty inside.

Suddenly, I remembered a post I saw one day.

Lia would sometimes look around the Korean community when she wanted to breathe. It
was an escape, to be exact. The black-haired adoptee in Le Eden was an eternal

I accidentally clicked on a link to a site with many male users, and it was a topic
related to me that it was posted as a popular article on such a site.

[Adopted girl Kim Minji.jpg]

└ Is that Kim Minji's house? Nakwon-guk class

└ Why is Le Eden a paradise?

└ Le Eden Paradise Paradise Country

└ It's pretty. I think he would live like that even in other countries

└ No, in front of the white horse, it's Hulim

└ I'm having a hard time with stalkers these daysI'm good

└ Isn't that a rumor?

└ She's the daughter of the mayor. Why would you leave her stalker alone?
└ When was the last time you got fired for corruption in the market? You watch the
news? ㅉㅉ

└ He didn't get fired. He resigned

└ What the hell is this guy? You must have resigned because you had something to
do. You're pretending to know

└ What's up with the spelling here? ㅉㅉ

I thought I had become dull about this, but my heart sank in the face of still raw
criticism. The rudeness of the young couple I met on the train was even thought to
be a joke.

Even in the land where he was born, he was a stranger. A being that can't be mixed
up to no one.

So even on the day of independence, I didn't dare to go back to Korea. I haven't

used Korean since I was seven years old, so it was more awkward to speak it than Le
Eden even if it was possible to read it.

It was.

Lia's last 27 years have been a series of pain that ordinary people cannot bear.

When I think about it, I always feel like I couldn't die.

There were no reasons to live, but there were countless reasons why it was okay to

And now,

There was a savior waiting for me somewhere to end this hellish life.

Lia slowly rose, recalling the world beyond the fog seen from the train.

I wanted to walk into a fog where I couldn't see an inch ahead and disappear
forever. I wanted to disappear from everyone's memory without leaving a trace of
existence in this world.

'You just have to take one more step. That's where my grave will be.'

The will brought Lia to her feet.

* * *

A week ago.

Port of Gilunburg, Le Eden.

The Port of Gilunburg has long been neglected due to large toxic waste spills.
Whenever the seagulls flapped, oil water splattered, and a strange odor that could
not be expressed in words came up from the sea water.

Hundreds of discarded containers were piled up on one side of the port, waiting for
the day to be shipped again. Among them, a faint light leaked from a large
container that seemed to be managed.

Two men were sitting facing each other in it. The race and atmosphere were
different, but there was no hostile energy.

Ivan Yelka and Eric Han.

Eric was a handsome Asian with a sturdy build and good looks. His eyes, which
seemed to have a deep story, also created an atmosphere like a leading actor in a
movie in the 90s.

However, as soon as his gaze shifts to the man sitting opposite him, Eric's beauty
turns from a leading actor to an extra with a faint presence.

Ivan's impression was intense in a word, and at the same time, it could not be
defined as intense.

Evan only wore a t-shirt that stuck to his body, but he was bigger than a person
who wore a layer of fur. Nevertheless, he looked sleek rather than dull, perhaps
because of his coolly stretched arms and legs.

The reason why Evan catches the eye was not simply because of his tall height and
physique of more than 190 centimeters.

The light in the dark container was all about laptop lights and bulb lights that
blinked as if they were going to go out right away. However, despite the dim
lighting, Ivan's silver hair did not lose its ecstatic light.

It was a brilliant silver hair that could not even penetrate the darkness. I
thought that the lighting inside wasn't the lighting.

He was a man who suited the expression "shining". Beethoven's first movement of the
Moonlight Sonata was like a background sound for him.

"How's the negotiation going?"

asked Ivan.

It was as light as the posture of sitting crooked with one arm on the back of the
sofa. It was not because I was really curious, but because I was tired of silence.


So Eric didn't say anything.

When there was no answer, Ivan raised his chin. The silver hair reclined back,
revealing a spotless clear and fine skin texture.

Eric still couldn't take his eyes off the laptop. His back was bent like a shrimp
because the height of the coffee table on which the laptop was placed was
ridiculously low for his tall height.

Braille and numbers like Morse code appeared and disappeared on the screen Eric was
looking at. It was an encrypted language. Only Eric and the other person can
interpret it. Of course, Ivan invented the language, so there were three people in

"It's okay."

Finally Eric replied.

"Sing it high."

"Do you need money?"

"No, but it's good to sell it at a high price since it's over."

Ivan shrugged his shoulders.

The container was equipped with simple furniture such as a sink, including a sofa
and a coffee table. It didn't feel like a home, but if I had to say, it was like a
cheap rental office located underground.

Evan picked up a thin, long bag piled up in the corner of the table. There was
white, shiny powder inside. Evan poured all the powder into the cup.

"Stay sober when you work with me."


Evan suddenly raised his head at Eric's sighing voice. Eric had a tired look on his
face as a teacher who was teaching a troublemaker.

Ivan's face is also distorted.

Perhaps because of the unusually rich eyelashes, the distorted expression felt like
a scene in the movie. This is the eyes that the protagonist, who was betrayed by
his trusted colleague, not a delinquent student.

"I'm disappointed, Eric. How many years have we worked together and you still don't
know me?"

Evan protested by shaking an empty paper bag.

Eric was quickly tired as a man over 190 centimeters tall was whining like a child.
At the same time, instinctively, the muscles of the body were tense.

"Of course I don't know."

Ivan Yelka was as unpredictable as his mysterious appearance in mythology. A person

who would not be surprised if he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head right

Eric was protected by such Evan.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sent Eric Han to Le Eden for a top-secret
mission. In the mission, Ivan Yelka played the role of Eric's bodyguard and

"The director is out of his mind, too

No matter how many times I don't have a contact in Le Eden, I can't believe I'm
thinking of putting a second-largest wretch on my subordinate.
"Ivan Yelka has decided to guard you."

'Don't joke, Commissioner.'

"I don't do jokes."

"What did he do in America?"

'It happened with my permission. I feel responsible for that.'


He's been with the CIA for a long time anyway. That's how much we work, and we
don't have to be bothered by the contract.'

The director trusted Ivan. Eric also trusted Ivan's abilities, connections, and
information he had. During his time as a CIA informant, Ivan provided high-quality
information. Of course, I didn't give it to you for free.

I admit it.

Ivan Yelka was the best helper to find in Le Eden. The problem is that he is a
human being who cannot be judged by common sense.

In the U.S., he went back with the fuss, but in his own domain, Le Eden, he would
not have added or failed.

Moreover, he was a gang member before joining hands with the CIA.

So it wasn't strange if Evan took drugs. No, Eric thought it was better to be a
druggist. It was a real nut job to do something crazy sober, but if you took the
medicine, at least it meant you were normally sane.

Unfortunately, Ivan was a real madman who was doing crazy things sober.

"Look. Look, Eric."

Ivan leaned and showed the envelope in his hand horizontally.

Just in time, the opponent's reply slowed down. Most of the time this was taking
was to get rid of the evidence. For some reason, I don't think it's the end we

Anyway, thanks to you, I barely had time to catch my breath. Eric pushed his finger
in and pulled his tie loose. As the tension eased, I could afford to fit in with
Ivan's whining.

"Read it."

At the ensuing urging, Eric raised his head and read with his eyes the words
written on the envelope Ivan gave out.

……White, Sugar.

"It's sugar."
"It's sugar."

Ivan smiled proudly and buried his back on the sofa again. Eric turned to his
laptop, bracing himself with the tension that had almost loosened.

"I don't do drugs."

Then, Ivan said.

Evan spun around the sugar-filled cup. Sugar crystals quickly permeated the
transparent water.

After rolling a sip of sugar water in his mouth, he glanced at Eric.

"What do you mean, drugs?"

Ivan laughed with his lips hidden in the cup.

He was very naive because he grew up beautifully as a CIA agent with only elites.
Where Evan grew up. On the floor, a knife is stuck in the back just five steps,
staggering out of the bar. I woke up at dawn because I felt strange, and it was
unusual that someone was aiming a gun on my forehead.

"Life is precious."

Evan thought.

Ivan Yelka had never touched a drug. It wasn't an iron rule, but I didn't feel the
need to touch it. Similarly, alcohol, cigarettes, and women. Evan was not
interested in entertainment.

For him, those were more self-harming than entertainment. Furthermore, it was
tantamount to suicide. Isn't it all life threatening?

Think about it. There are more than one idiot who died drinking, drugs, cigarettes,
and women. The history of the streets proved this.


Murder is fine.

If I kill you first, that's fine.

And money is fine.

Unless you're betting your whole life on money.

Evan liked to save money. I felt good to see the Swiss account balance accumulating
one by one.

I wasn't obsessed enough to remember the last digit of the money saved in my bank
account. In fact, I didn't remember the front seat, and it's been a long time since
I forgot how many bank accounts I have.

Even if the money in my bank account evaporated overnight, I had no desire for
materiality enough to live casually. Nevertheless, when I received a fair reward
through a request, I felt relieved that I was somehow living the right life.
Being a cog in a society is very important to humans. Responsibility is the driving
force of life. A man without purpose is bound to die quickly.

an underprivileged person who doesn't even have an elementary education

But above all, I liked it the most because I was afraid of myself, Ivan Yelka.

In the contract, it was "B", but it was a position called "Gap", which actually led
the transaction. It was a position that only Ivan Yelka, who made a brilliant
contribution to putting the boss of Boaq, one of Le Eden's top organizations, in
prison, could take the lead.

"More than that, Eric. Didn't you say you had something to do last time?”

"Oh, yes."

Eric didn't drop his gaze from the laptop, but just stretched his arm sideways.

I was going to tell you after this hostage negotiation, but Ivan took the lead
first. It seemed to have been pretty boring.

Eric handed over a sealed envelope.

Blowing out.

Evan opened the envelope, which was written openly as "Top Secret," as if it were
potato chips sold at a mart. The contents of the report were clear in consideration
of Ivan's temper, who could not stand long legs.

[Gelbrun Henriksen]

After resigning as mayor of Langde, he was elected mayor this year

This time, politicians appeared to be politicians. Langdesi was also the location
of Ivan's hometown, the largest slum in Le Eden.

The slum turned into a living hell after it was designated as a protected area.
This is because the poor were controlled not to go outside in the name of

As a result, good citizens of Langde were able to make a living without feeling
guilty to the poor who held their pants and begged on their way to work.

"I mean, Eric."


Ivan recalled his childhood.

Gelbrunn, who solved the slum problem, was a hero of the citizens of Langde.

What about the slums? Well.

"Is it because of the movie I watched when I was young? I thought America was on
the side of justice. The U.S. always picks up on many countries and solves

Ivan said sarcastically.

"I didn't expect such a country to need me."

Ivan's voice sank sharply.

Eric gulped down his saliva. The air in the flesh felt unusually cold. Without
realizing it, I was looking at Ivan's eyes from the screen.

"Movies must be movies. America is the dirtiest country I've ever worked in."

"……I hear it as a compliment."

"Yes, it's a compliment. I like working with dirty people."

Evan smiled broadly as if he had never done so.

I didn't care if the innocent feelings of my childhood were tainted. I didn't even
have a childhood to call myself innocent in the first place.

I thought it would be quiet like that, but Ivan found a new interest. He found a
picture of Gelbrunn's family accompanying the report.

His infinitely transparent blue eyes glistened. Like a kid who found a present in a
sock on a Christmas morning.

"I know this woman."

a photograph in Ivan's hand

In the picture, a woman with black hair was looking straight ahead. I was smiling,
but somehow my expression was sad. In particular, her eyes were empty as if she
didn't know how to capture the light of the world.

However, despite such an indifferent smile, it caught the eye of the viewer.

silky hair and white flesh The small face has well-arranged features. It was a
beautiful appearance that was praised as a beauty in both East and West.

"I suppose so."

Eric didn't even raise his head and noticed who Evan was talking to.

"No one in Le Eden knows Leah Henriksen."


A picture of Lia fell on the table.

Maybe he didn't like Eric's answer, Evan poked Lia in the picture with the tip of
his index finger. I only tapped it a few times with my finger, but the picture was
crumpled as if a dart was stuck.

"You're a celebrity who used to appear on TV, newspapers, and magazines all the

"I'm not pretending to know it because I've seen it in the papers a few times."
It was time for Evan to lengthen the end of his sentence.


There was a crash of something in the distance.

"Hey, please be quiet. Can't you see we're talking?

Evan's face was filled with irritation. Then he raised himself up by cursing at
him, which language he did not know.

"I can't do this. I guess I'm hungry. I'm going to feed you."

Ivan walked into the corner with a cup in one hand and banged the switch on the
wall with the other hand. Then the light bulb blinked and turned on.


My vision brightened in an instant.

Evan's blue eyes swept down the air.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

There was a man on the floor wrapped in tape. It was a Russian agent who attacked
Eric early this morning. Of course, Ivan, who was standing next to him, overpowered
him in 7 seconds.

"Now, it's time to drink water."

Ivan crouched down in front of him and poured water into the cup. But the Russian
agent's mouth was also covered with tape. The sugar water, which could not find the
entrance, flowed down to the floor.

"Huh! Huh! "Hahaha

The Russian agent wriggled like a drowned rat. Ivan giggled like a caterpillar.

"Let's be quiet, will you? I'm negotiating your ransom right now. If you keep doing
that, how can you kill them by asking for a large amount of money that they can't

Ivan tapped a Russian agent on the forehead with an empty cup. The agent sobbed as
if the plastic cup was a hammer.

"Negotiations break down."

Like this.

Eric said, covering his laptop.

Eric leaned back comfortably on the sofa, enjoying a feeling of freedom. I didn't
get the money, but my life was fine and the information wasn't handed over, so it
didn't matter.


"The other side disconnected. You've decided you'd rather lose an agent than get
involved with us."

"Oh, you shouldn't have called me from the beginning. It was a waste of time.”

They contacted us first. Ivan grumbled with his chin on his back.

At that time, the Russian agent, who was listening to the conversation between the
two in silence, twisted his body and made a sound as if he understood the

"Why? Do you have something to say?"”

asked Ivan kindly.

The Russian agent nodded with mournful eyes. Ivan looked pitifully at the man
mumbling to see if he had anything to say.

"You want to give us information?"

"Ugh! Ugh!"

When Ivan managed to understand what he was saying, a Russian agent nodded

Eric looked at the figure with his arms folded. It was a real spectacle. He's going
to kill him anyway, I don't know why he's doing that kind of hope torture.

"So you want me to save you?"

"Ugh! Ugh!"

The agent shook his head again.

Evan groaned and made a sound with a fake look on his face.

"What do I do, Eric? "I feel so bad for him. Can you cut me some slack?"

Ivan looked at Eric and asked.

It was like a child who was begging his parents to raise a puppy. Eric frowned in
amazement. Ivan whispered to the agent when he sent me an eye asking why he asked
me that.

"Sorry. My mom said no Russian agents. They bark so much that they're hurting their

"I'm not your mother, Evan."

"Yes, yes, mom."

Ivan rose to his feet, ignoring Eric's rebuttal. The long legs stretched without
knowing the end. Finally, he straightened his folded legs and turned into a giant
monster as if he would touch the ceiling right away.

"I have the information you have. In short, it's not worth it."


Ivan rubbed his thumb and index finger vulgarly, and took the revolver from the
pistol box and grabbed it. As the gun pointed at me, the agent twisted more
desperately. Ivan escorted the agent's soul with a skillful Russian greeting.



A flock of seagulls flew up at the sound of guns spreading in the container. The
wind swept the sea toward the land diluted the smell of blood.

"Oh, the smell of the sea."

Good. Ivan murmured, breathing deeply. It must smell like oil. Eric gave me a hard
time. Evan threw a random gun on the floor and went back to his seat.

"Poor thing. Used and abandoned like a dog. Eric, aren't you going to be like that

Ivan pointed his thumb behind his back. Eric replied in a detached voice. At first
glance, there was a glimpse of solemnity.

"I'm ready for this."

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Straighten your face! America is on the side of justice.
Should I let an elite CIA agent die in a remote area?"


Eric smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Well, this wasn't the reaction I wanted. Evan thought something over, added with a
devilish smile.

"I don't know the president, but I wouldn't abandon you as much as the CIA


Eric's expression quickly darkened when he mentioned the director. Bingo. Evan
smiled and observed Eric's expression.

But Eric didn't waste his time with Ivan either. That wretched Le Eden kid. Eric
naturally changed the subject, wrapping up his anger with adult observation.

"You said you knew Lia Henriksen personally. Ivan, are you sure you're all right?"

"Oh, you mean the killing thing? It can't be helped because it's work."

Evan replied with a cute, refreshing face. It was Eric's side that made me nervous.

How did you know about Lia Henriksen?’

She was an Asian adoptee of the Henriksen family, not living in seclusion, but only
her family interacted outside of official activities. There has never been a common
scandal that would have been commonplace for a daughter of a politician.

No personal SNS. After graduating from junior college, he took on his mother's
secretary job and volunteered for the family. Of course, recently I heard that he
became independent beyond the influence of the Henriksen family.
Considering Evan's personal connections, it was not strange to know her, but I was
honestly curious.

What does Leah Henriksen mean to Ivan Yelka?

In neither the Ivan Yelka survey nor the Gelbrun Henriksen report, the contact
point between Ivan and Lia was recorded.

"Do you have any bad feelings for her?”

Eric caught off guard.

Evan stared at Eric with a blank look on his face. The prolonged silence was
tantamount to revealing one's source. So it should be Evan who is being
outnumbered, but strangely, only Eric became more nervous.


Not at all. It's not a bad feeling. Evan denied it in a leisurely flowing tone.

But it wasn't really an excuse. Gestures that gently shake their heads, instead of
stubborn denial. His behavior is as cautious as bringing up old memories

"Lia will understand."

He looked happy for some reason.


"You'll understand if I kill Gelbrun."

Eric was embarrassed.

Damn. I tried to get some information, but I fell for Evan's pace. Ivan had already
fallen into his own world. I knew from experience that normal conversation was
impossible when it happened like that.

"No one in the world understands a murderer.”

"What do you mean, there are people who understand if there is a justification. You
feel the same way, don't you?”

Eric was speechless.

The CIA is officially known as an intelligence gathering agency for national

security, but it has actually engaged in a wider range of activities.

Among them was murder.

But it's a necessary murder. Like now.

Eric looked at the body of a Russian agent lying far away and turned his head.

"If you're human like us, but a normal woman understands murder? It's impossible to
bring the Virgin Mary."

"No, I'm telling you the truth."

Evan frowned frustratedly.

"Do you know why humans are unhappy?"

Instead of answering, Eric decided to listen to Ivan. I wasn't even a human being
to hear that Evan would answer anyway.

"Because I believe that all men are equal. But the world is not fair, let alone
equal. Do you know who made it happen? God. We are unhappy that God the damn God
shares an unequal life equally among all men."

As expected, Ivan did not disappoint Eric. You're making sophistry that no one can

"So we have to try to overcome that absurd life."

Evan jumped up and looked up at the sky.

"She's the one who told me the truth."

"Lia Henriksen...…?”

"Yes, so even if this misfortune comes, Lia will accept it."

Evan spread his arms. Gestures like the savior of Rio de Janeiro, he added.

"Because we are poor souls who share unequal lives equally."

As Ivan bowed slowly, a devilish smile hung around his mouth.

Eric thought.

If pure evil takes on a human form, it must be Ivan Yelka.


Lia stopped in front of her room.

The door was slightly open. There must be someone inside. Even the heinous intruder
seemed unwilling to conceal his presence.

Lia took a slow deep breath and opened the door wide. And when I looked up, I
forgot how to breathe.

A man was standing.

It was a man with a mysterious atmosphere. His hair color was very unique. It was
the opposite color of Lia. silvery white hair shining with such pure radiance that
even darkness can't penetrate.

On the other hand, the eyes, which were seen through the flowing hair, were sharp
and transparent blue enough to shed all the falsehoods that existed in the world.

A beam of light appeared from somewhere in the dim room and seemed to illuminate
only that man. It was thanks to the beauty that evoked exclamations, or the
appearance of a man felt like a saint in a religious painting.

A man as white as an angel.

The man had a frame in his hand. It was a frame with a picture taken by Lia from
the nursery. The eyes of the man looking at the picture were friendly as if they
were compensating for the lonely years in the frame.

The man, who felt Lia's sign, lifted his head. Only then did Lia inhale the breath
she was barely holding. I felt possessed for a moment.

Soon, the ringing sound as good as the ecstatic appearance tickled my ears.


The first word embarrassed Lia.

The strange intruder greeted him naturally as if he were the owner of the room. For
a moment, Lia felt like an uninvited guest. However, the man showed a bright smile
as if he were welcoming Lia, and even showed the ease of introducing himself.

"My name is Ivan Yelka."


"You're Lia Henriksen, right?"

His voice was very calm.

a gentle sound that relaxes the listener But the content contained in it was
horrifyingly heartless.

"It looks like something terrible happened here today. When I arrived, they were
all dead."

Ivan put down the frame in his hand.

As if talking about today's weather, I could see that he is a dangerous person who
is deeply related to this.

"I'm glad I found you. No. In this case, did Lia come to see me?"

What's good about it?

Lia was tied up in the blue eyes that looked at me. His eyes, which seemed to
transcend the world, bent like a mischievous child.

An unidentified man who introduced himself to Ivan Yelka.

But one thing was certain.

This man won't give you what you want.

What I want.

All I want is...….

"It's all right, Lia. You're the one I'll protect


At that moment, a bullet from outside the window was framed between Ivan and Lia.
Fragments of the broken frame scattered through the air. It all seemed slow to Lia
like slow motion.

'You just have to take one more step. That's where my grave will be.'

And someone whispered.

So Lia ran.

To win what he desperately wanted, he ran out of the window where the bullet flew
like a signal player.


What I want.

I want death like rest.

From the cradle to the grave, there was no country to take responsibility for me.

The same was true of the family.

Death is the only way out of this pain.

Leah, who opened the broken window with all her might, pushed her upper body out. A
cold wind penetrated the skin. Something flashed between the endless spruce


I'm here.

The target is me.

Lia opened her eyes wide. At that moment her body fell back.

"Unexpected behavior is difficult."

Evan whispered.

His voice was still sweet, but the breath on his skin stood somewhere angry. He
wrapped one arm around Lia's body and at the same time held out the other hand out
of the window.

Evan pulled the trigger without looking out. Still, the bullet hit the mark. A
scream was heard in the distance.

(Playing hard to get)

Ivan shot one after another.

The ensuing roar turned Lia's eyes. Ivan was covering his ears with a large palm,
but the sound of the gunfire right next to him seemed to rip his eardrum.

"Me and Lia are a team from now on. You're gonna help me get out alive, aren't

Finally, Ivan, who put down the gun, asked, giving strength to the arm that wrapped
around Lia's body. When Lia didn't answer, she shook her body this time.

But Lia couldn't answer. I didn't mean to ignore it.


Ivan's voice calling me was heard in the fading consciousness.

Alas. My voice is getting farther and farther away.

* * *

Mayor Langde resigns. The reason is unclear. There is speculation that political

I don't know the specific reason why my father resigned. The current government
also did not make an official statement.

After his father's resignation, the family was on thin ice. Both parents were
extremely sensitive. Ishana, a pianist, rarely stayed at home on her performance
schedule. Naturally, it became Lia's responsibility to serve her parents.

'Oh, my father. You drank too much.'

"I can't turn it off!"

My father lived in a drunken state for a while.

My mother, who was a nobleman, was always conscious of the public eye. This time
again, most of the employees were fired and all the household chores were passed on
to Lia.

Things aren't gonna get any worse here. God will only give you pain to endure.
Otherwise, is human life too pitiful?
Lia endured only with this belief.

Although he was not a devout believer.

an unidentified threatening letter to the Henriksen family What's he after, Leah


Meanwhile, Lia got a stalker.

The stalker acted perverted by sending threatening letters cut and pasted letters
from magazines or leaving boxes containing trash in front of the mansion.

"How did you behave like this to follow you?"

"I can't go out because I'm nervous because of you!"

Gelbrunn and Sarbina were busy blaming Lia. In fact, the pain that Lia, the victim,
received, was left on the back. Lia had to tremble with fear whenever she went
grocery shopping or visited a public institutions.

What if he gets stabbed?

Is that the stalker who's been staring at me?

Lia's mind and body became more and more impoverished in a situation where even her
family was not helpful.

"The house is running so well." I shouldn't have let such a bad girl like you into
my house from the start. I feel sorry for my parents.'

Ishana left a hurtful comment, saying, "It's amazing that there's a man who follows
me every time I visit my house because he likes you."

I don't want to bother my family anymore. Allow me to be independent.'

"Do as you please."

'...Well, are you sure you'll let me?'

'Come on, you useless thing. Don't ever show up in front of me again.'

When her father managed to get out of alcoholism, Lia took great courage to ask for
it. And Gelbrun cut off Lia, who was worthless, with a single sword.

You're really leaving the house? Do you know how terrible the world is these days?

Surprisingly, Sarvina opposed Lia's independence. He didn't like the disappearance

of his daughter, who would be treated like a slave.

'I understand your concern. But there's the stalker problem, and I want to stand on
my own feet now.'

'Yeah, do as you please. Instead, I can't support anything. Do you understand?

Sarvina openly discriminated against her sister.

While Ishana was generous in many ways by giving expensive piano lessons since she
was a child, she remembered even the smallest things and stirred up the money she
spent on Lia.

"I'll call you more often, mother."

Don't call me for a while. I was a fool for raising a daughter like you."

So Lia got on the train with the little money she had saved. Fortunately, the
stalker who bullied her disappeared after leaving Langde.

I thought it was the end.

* * *

"Oh my...!"

Lia fluttered up like a fish out of the water. Instinctively, I felt sideways and
there was a rattling sound in my hand.


Lia blinked slowly.

My right hand was handcuffed. As I moved my eyes along the chain attached to the
handcuffs, I saw an iron head.

Lia pulled the chain with her hands. However, the chains fixed to the iron head
were so strong that they could not be cut without tools. Even if there was a saw,
it was questionable whether it could be cut with its own strength.

"Are you up?"

I heard a familiar voice.

Lia quickly turned her head in the direction of her voice. There stood a man I met
before I lost my mind.

Ivan Yelka.

An unidentified man in his room.

The place where he was standing was dim because the light was out of reach.
Nevertheless, the outline of his face was clearly visible. I didn't even know it
was because of the clear features.

And blue eyes that suck people in.

Again, he was distracted by his blue light, and things around him were recognized
one beat slower.

"Where am I?"

Lia looked around quickly.

She was on the bed. A white mat on an iron frame. It was a simple design that could
be seen in any household. The same was true of other furniture.

However, most of them were made of plastic and iron, not wood. In addition,
wallpaper and flooring were materials used in sterilization rooms. There was only a
ventilator attached to the wall without any windows.

"I think I'm a realist compared to the freaks who make underground bunkers out of
fear of space invasion."

Lia didn't say anything. No, I couldn't.

Ivan looked awkward when his joke didn't work.

"You know, Lia. Why don't you let me hear your voice? I'd appreciate it if you'd
consider my situation where I can't go up close and look."

You can't come close?


Lia glanced at Evan.

Still, he had his hands behind his back. Don't tell me, are my hands tied? Like
yourself? So you're stuck here with him?


Before I lost my mind, I remembered what Evan had said.

LIA and I are a team from now on. You're gonna help me get out of here alive,

Maybe that Evan wasn't an accomplice to the man who killed his parents.

Lia gulped down, swallowing her saliva. And then he opened his mouth with

"C, who are you? And where are we?”

Ivan tilted his head to Lia's question.

"Huh? I told you everything.”

Evan thought something over and went on very slowly. Like a slow-motion video.

"My child's name is Ivan Yeelkaya. And here's a lot of...….”

"Don't joke around!"

Leah shrank after a loud noise.

Where did this courage come from? However, Ivan's behavior was absurd enough for
timid Lia to raise her voice without realizing it.

Fortunately, Ivan showed no signs of discomfort. I just stood there and blinked
like a cow.

"I'm not asking you that. No, thanks. So what happened to the original owner of
this bunker...…?”

I said it was definitely my former master.

So the owner is that guy? Aren't you trapped here together? I was crushed by the
uncertain situation. I felt suffocated with fear and nervousness.

"My former master... Well, the former owner is probably dead, right?"

My heart was pounding.

"So it would have been up for auction. I bought this house on a legal basis, so
don't worry. I thought I'd use it someday. Of course, I didn't buy it for this

"That means..."

Lia's face was pale.

"Did you imprison me here?”

Lia asked in raptures.

Maybe this guy was the stalker that was bothering me? It was time for doubt to turn
into conviction.

"No, confinement? That's why I feel like a criminal!”

Evan jumped up and down.

The sight made Lia even more confused. I couldn't understand what the man wanted,
why he was trapped here, from one to ten.

"What are you hiding behind me?”

Lia pointed out Evan's attitude, which has been bothering her for a while. Is he
tied up? Or is he holding a weapon? I don't know.

One thing was certain. That I'm in a different situation with that man. Contrary to
what a man says, we can never be a team.

Lia couldn't trust this man.

"Oh, I see."

A small sigh burst out of Ivan's mouth as he glanced behind me. You mean this?
Ivan, who murmured softly, slowly raised his back-hidden hand behind him.

His hands were not tied as expected, but there was nothing unexpectedly heard. What
is the reason for standing with your hands behind your back as if you were tied up
or holding a weapon?

His empty hands seemed to laugh at him.

Like you're playing with me.

Everything was a joke to that man.

People's lives, situations like this. Everything.

"I was hiding my arms behind me because I thought it would look threatening.”

"……cow, have you ever thought that hiding your hand was more suspicious?”

Confused Lia stammered to her words.

"Really? But you'll be scared if I approach you and stroke you, right? Can I come


Evan pretended to step on her feet, and Leah freaked out and ran back. The back hit
the hard iron head. Even with a small pain, my heart seemed to pop out of my mouth.

"Look, you're scared.”

Ivan clapped his tongue sadly at the shivering Lia. And I did the leg that I
stepped on right away. He gently hid his hands behind his back again.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt Lia."

Evan closed his eyes gently. He looked as if he were confessing. But no matter how
gentle you pretend, the truth hasn't changed.

"You want me to be locked up like this, and believe me? Uncuff me, please
Whenever my body trembled, the handcuffs on my wrist limped. Lia held the cold
chain tightly in her hand like a rope and waited for Ivan's answer.

As Evan's silence lengthened, Lia was anxious.

Finally, the closed eyelids crept in.

"You can't."

Ivan's answer was harsh.

And the gaze he encountered was as sharp as if he would push his body into pieces
with just his eyes.


Lia closed her mouth tightly.

Maybe this is who this man really is. Maybe he read Lia's fear, Evan gently
loosened his stiffened face and smiled.

"No, you can't."

He tragically stretched his tongue. Even though she seemed to act cute at first
glance, Lia was not relieved, but just horrified.

"You're going to surprise me if I let you go, right?"”

Ivan said with his eyes wide open.

"Unexpected action?"

"I don't fall for it even if you pretend not to know with an innocent face."

Evan smiled. A smile soon faded from his face.

"You were going to die, right?"

Lia felt as if she had been hit on the head.

"What if I let you go? You're going to die again, aren't you?" We put away
dangerous things, but humans can die easily with just a clip if they want to."

"It's, no, it's not. I can't believe I'm going to die."

Confused by being caught inside, Lia didn't even notice that Evan had a lonely
expression. Evan did not ask back. Instead, she just stared at Lia quietly with her
squinty eyes.

I was suffocated when I faced the blue eyes. It was like the eyes of a judge
digging into my sins. I felt like all my faults were reflected in that transparent

"Then why did you run to the window where the bullet came from?”

"……that is, to see the criminal's face."

Lia replied with a look of lost soul.

Why are you telling this lie?

It doesn't make any difference to be honest. But somehow I wanted to hide it. The
act of running to the window was the result of an intense urge to self-destruct.

Ivan was right.

Lia tried to kill herself. I didn't want to live.

Why? Why didn't you want to live? Lia asked herself.

It was time to find the answer.

"Why did you come to your room without running away after seeing your parents'

Evan caught off guard one after another.

There was no longer a smile on his face. However, it was not that I was angry or
that I despised.

It was just a lonely, hurt look somewhere. To the point where the viewers feel
sorry. To the point where he is ashamed of himself for trying to take his life by
borrowing other people's hands.

Oh, I'm embarrassed.


Tears that reached the limit fell.

I don't know why.

It was an impulse, but it was based on a complex emotion that could not be
explained simply by impulse.

The future that awaits me is so obvious. I don't think there's ever going to be a
happy thing like there's always been a happy thing.….

Such an expression of consciousness led to the impulsive result of suicide. The

momentarily degenerated accident slowly regained its reason.

Lia realized how pathetic she had done. He didn't have the courage to die, so he
tried to borrow someone else's hand. Even considering the killer of his parents as
his savior.

How pathetic.

Not enough time to really chase the criminal.

Lia was pathetic in crying, so she wiped away tears with her hands. Whenever the
handcuffs tied to my right hand brushed my cheek, the cold permeated my skin.

"Don't cry, Lia."

Evan murmured in a sorry voice.

He stood motionless in place to abide by the rules he had set unruly for not
approaching Leah. When Lia finally stopped crying, Evan opened his mouth.
"I have a responsibility to protect Lia.”


Lia asked back in a drenched voice.

"Those who are abandoned will never forget those who picked them up."


"Then who saved the life of a dying person?"

The answer turned into a question before I knew it.

"Is he a lifesaver? No, I don't think you'll be as good as an enemy”

At first glance, the giant man looked like a frightened child soaked in rain. Lia
blinked and opened her eyes. The hallucinations soon dissipated. After a shocking
incident, something seemed to have been seen.

"You hate me, don't you? You saved LIA who was dying.”


When I saw Ivan's weakly drooping eyebrows, my heart ached strangely. Did he think
he would resent it? He just did the obvious thing. It couldn't have been wrong to
save a man who was about to die in front of his eyes.

The bad thing was the criminal who killed his parents. And it was the same for him
to give his life to such a criminal.

It was when Lia was about to shake her head.

"It's okay if you hate me. I want Lia to stay alive.”

Ivan smiled broadly.

"Anyway, I saved you, so I'll do my best to protect you.”

Evan's responsibility started out of his selfishness after all. And Lia didn't even
know the root of the selfishness.

"Why do you want me to live?”

"Because I need Lia.”

Evan answered without a wink.

"I want a proper answer. Not that sloppy answer."

"There's no better answer than this"

Evan frowned slightly. Rather than being angry, Lia's question looked simple to

"……I don't know if you can trust me. I don't know why my parents were killed.…. Why
did you lock me up here...….”
When Lia gibbered, Ivan lamented as if he had gained enlightenment.

"What about this answer? I'm working as a CIA informant now.”


Lia's eyes on Evan changed in an instant.

Suddenly, Ivan remembered my childhood while watching an American spy movie.

The slums were crazy about American goods, especially the dollar. A country
welcomed everywhere. Indeed, America was on the side of justice.

"Did your father have anything to do with the CIA?”

"It's like that."

It's a sad story, but I swallowed it back.

"Maybe your father's resignation as mayor...….”

"LIA, you're quick to sense, aren't you?" It's gonna be easier to talk to.”

Evan looked at Lia with admiration.

"Gelbrunn once gave information to the CIA when he was mayor. I went to the

Ivan said without mentioning the most important point.

The fact that he went to kill Gelbrun.

But by the time Ivan arrived, Gelbrunn was already dead. His wife, Sarvina. The
only one alive was Lia Henriksen.

In fact, Ivan had no intention of meeting Lia. I preferably didn't want to run into
her for the rest of my life. The people I'm involved with are all tangled up and
lead a life without answers. In other words, humans who became unhappy the moment
they were involved with themselves were also a truck.

But suddenly Lia jumped into my life. What can I do? I have no choice but to take

Don't be unhappy.

You should have run away instead of opening the door.’

Poor Lia.

Anyway, since I brought him here, Ivan was going to take responsibility and protect
Lia. It had to be. Now Lia was her own property.

"It's not a crime alone. But it was sloppy to say that the organization was

Ivan whispered.

"The biggest problem is that we don't know whether the culprit was aiming for only
one Gelbrunn or the entire Henriksen family. Once you've been shot, the latter
weighs on it, because it may have been just to deal with witnesses. I'm just saying
that maybe she was after me, not Lia. At the end of the day, I'm not sure about

It was an expression that instantly reassured and trusted people even if they did
not use professional terms.

"One thing for sure, Lia's life could be in danger. I brought him here just in
case. This place is safe."

"I wish you'd told me that from the beginning...….”

It would have been nice.

Lia lowered her head deeply. The tension felt like a balloon pricked by a needle.
The word CIA member quickly dispelled doubts about Ivan.

Come to think of it, the posture of shooting out the window was unusual. He didn't
even look at it and even hit a sniper from that distance.

Yeah, it won't be a stalker. More than anything, a man like this is a stalker. It
was far from the image of a stalker. I thought it would be a more gloomy and scary

"That's all I can tell you."

Evan evoked the atmosphere with a creepy tone.

"No more than that is confidential."

He bent his eyes again with a smile.

"Wait! My sister is on a tour. If the unsub was after my family, she would be in

Lia said in a wistful voice.

Ivan's eyes rolled sideways. He traced Ishana's record in the report. Come to think
of it, you said you were a pianist. Though his skills looked terrible.

It was the same with the culprit who killed the Henriksen couple. A criminal with
such poor shooting skills would not risk chasing a touring pianist.

"It's safe."


"She's safe. There's nothing more to worry about.”

"Oh, how can you be sure?"

Lia stammered.

"Just. Persimmon?"

Evan didn't want to talk long on this topic. So I didn't even try to understand
Lia. He wants to talk about Lia, because her sisters are out of the spotlight.

It was just an absurd answer for Lia.

Instead of asking more, Lia busily fumbled around. It was to find a cell phone. Of
course there could not have been.

"Can I at least get in touch with you?"”

"You can't."

Ivan shook his head.

It wasn't a firm tone, but I didn't think I'd back down easily. But it was the same
with Lia. It was about time that the trust in this man, who had barely built up,
was about to crack.

"Think about it. If Lia stays with her sister, she'll only give her a chance to
deal with it at once.”

Ivan said, banging his two diagonally forefinger. The fingers overlapped in an X
shape looked like a target.

An opportunity to deal with it at once.

Lia recalled her father and mother who were killed in the same place. If it wasn't
for this guy, he'd be like that. Ivan was the only hope that emerged while Lia's
life was collapsing.

Lia clutched her trembling hand. When she came to her senses, she was reflecting on
her impulse to give her life to the criminal. At the same time, her unconsciousness
warned that Ivan should be in tune with his mood here.

Lia opened her mouth, looking at Ivan's face.

"……Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

Evan laughed with delight.

"If there's anything you need my help with, I'll always cooperate.”

At Leah's words Evan was, uh, silent. It was a face of thought. Then he said with a
fresh smile.

"There's nothing to cooperate with. You just have to relax here. I'll kill the
criminal...…, Until I find it."

Ivan, who naturally changed his words so that Lia wouldn't notice it, grumbled and
asked softly.

"Can I get closer now?”

The blue eyes shone innocuously.

Lia nodded softly, as if to ask if she would trust her. Evan came to bed in a bed.
His legs were so long that in a few steps his shadow cast over Lia's head.

"Can I sit next to you?"”

Ivan asked, still with his hands behind his back.

"? Go ahead."

Lia stepped aside slightly. Ivan sat next to her, and the seat tilted to one side
because of his weight. It was much bigger when I looked at a close distance.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?"

Ivan looked into Lia and asked.


"I was surprised because I suddenly fainted.”

Ivan laughed.

It was no longer surprising to see him speak innocently after such a situation. A
CIA agent would have been put on all sorts of dangerous missions.

Lia decided to believe that she would be just a little unusual. If I didn't think
so, I couldn't get my precarious mind together.

"Don't worry, the doctor will be here soon.”


Evan replied as if he was surprised.

"Well, I'd love to take care of everything, but...….”

Evan's speech was slurred.

Leah vaguely realized that his eyes were looking up and down at me. However, fear
was more felt than discomfort. I felt as if I were in a cage with an empty lion.
Ivan still had his arms behind his back.

"A little bit, right?"

asked Evan, crumpling his face.

Lia understood what Evan was trying to say a beat late. She nodded obediently with
her mouth closed, and Evan looked away as if he had never done so.

Just before the silence created an awkward atmosphere, Ivan began to chatter. It
was a very casual story. But not a word was heard.

"So - LIA. Are you listening?"


The brain, which reached its limit, may have automatically blocked stories
unrelated to life. Lia felt sorry for Ivan, who somehow tried to reassure me. But
it was really the limit.

"I'm dizzy."

The field of view was shaken.

Is it an earthquake?

No, it was me who was shaking.

* * *


When I opened my eyes, my right hand was still handcuffed. There was an IV in his
left arm. Lia stared blankly at the dripping sap and licked her dry lips with her

"You have anemia."

The strange voice turned my head to the temple. But the owner of the voice was not
a stranger. Apparently, it's a familiar face.

Who is it?

Who was it?

"First of all, I gave you a tranquilizer. And we took blood for a simple test. I'll
get the results tomorrow afternoon.”

"……you, God."

The voice cracked and came out how long I had been asleep. Lia tried to raise
herself, but the hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"I'm lying down. And just answer the questions."

There were only two in the room, Lia and the doctor.

Leah, who stared at the doctor, finally remembered her identity.

Hesder Berghagen. Professor Hesder...….’

Lia knew Hesder.

Hesder was a prominent doctor who graduated from medical school at a young age and
was named 10 women who shone in the 21st century organized by a famous newspaper.
It was also the same gate as Ishana, Lia's older sister.

It was obvious that Hesder knew me, too.

In the past, they became speakers at events to help flood victims. I haven't seen
her again since, but a short conversation showed her to be a good person.

An intelligent, determined, confident person. Leah looked up to Hesder, the

opposite of her. The way he pioneered his own way was wonderful.

"Hesder, professor...….”

"Only answer what you ask."

A cold, subdued voice seemed to roar. At that moment, the image of his mother
overlapped on Hesder's face.

Lia shut her mouth tightly.

"My teeth are healthy. My eyesight is good at 1.0, 1.2."

Hesder flapped through the files. Is that my information in there? Lia, who had not
yet recovered her senses, blinked blankly.

On the other hand, Hesder's eyes were full of irritation and fatigue. The red hair
tied together looked unusually dry.

It was completely different from what Lia remembered. It was like a completely
different person.

"You were diagnosed by an obstetrics and gynecology clinic at the age of 15 because
of irregular menstruation. Was it an abdominal ultrasound?"


Lia's face turned red.

Her parents, especially her mother Sarvina, were exceptionally conservative only to

So until she read the sex education pamphlet distributed by the school, Lia thought
that menstruation was originally irregular.

Concerned about her health, she secretly visited the gynecologist without her
family knowing. I don't know why, but I felt like I had to keep it a secret. The
kind doctor reassured Lia and sent her back, saying it was not a problem to worry

But for Sarvina, it was a big problem that her young daughter went to see a
gynecologist alone. The mother scolded Lia without asking for details.

"Who did you hang out with to see a gynecologist?"’

"Why can't you say it properly?"

You're determined to humiliate me, aren't you?’

"What are you going to do if there's a weird rumor going around?"

The misunderstanding soon cleared up, but Sarvina did not apologize. Since then,
irregular menstruation has continued. But Lia couldn't visit the hospital again
because of the terrible memory.

"What's your condition now

"I'm fine now…….”

Actually, it wasn't okay.

But I wondered what would change if I said it. Rather, it was comfortable not to
have menstruation. Lia was just uncomfortable and uncomfortable with this
conversation. But Hesder continued without mercy.

"There's nothing more to check."

When Lia was sick, she was detained in the name of recuperation at home instead of
visiting a hospital, so Hesder did not have much to check.

"It says you don't take any medication regularly, and I'll prescribe you iron pills
and multivitamins first."

It was a health supplement that didn't need a prescription for the room. That's how
Hesder raised himself. Then I sat back on the chair to see if I found an item that
I had not checked.

"How's your right hand?"

This question was not readily answered.

"It says the surgery was successful, but do you still have any aftereffects?”

"There's no problem living your daily life."

Lia clasped her trembling fingertips.

"Then that's good."

Hesder rose as soon as he heard the answer.

She was like a human being made of tin. Tin Woodman, who doesn't have a heart and
can't say a word of comfort.

But Lia didn't hate such Hesder. I was relieved that I met a familiar face in this
terrible situation.

If a celebrity like Hesder comes in and out, it means this isn't such a dangerous
place. However, he could not completely clear his doubts about Ivan Yelka.

"Well, professor,"

Lia managed to get up and call Hesder. As if he was sorry for being blunt all
along, Hesder hesitated to look at Lia.

"Is he out there?"

Leah asked with a low voice.

"I mean, a man named Ivan Yelka. I heard you're a CIA official.”


Hesder's face turned pale. She turned quickly, biting her lips regretfully.


Lia called her urgently.

"Professor Hesder……!”

Oh, damn it.

Hesder gritted his teeth.

A voice that seemed to cry immediately grabbed his ankle. The melancholy sound was
heard with the voice of my sister.

Hesder also remembered Lia.

She was so sweet and caring that I couldn't believe she was the unlucky sister of
Ishanna Henriksen. Well, it's only natural that there's not a drop of blood in it.

"What do you want to ask?"

"I didn't mean to get you into trouble…….”

"It's hard enough to talk to you. There's nothing I can tell you."

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know how you got here, but...…. Thank you."

Lia stammered on.

Hesder looked at Lia with a frown of anguish. As I faced only the black eyes as if
I were going to be sucked in, my conscience ached.

He no longer asked where he was, what the man who locked him up was, what the hell
happened, and when he was in trouble even though he could beg.

Lia's eyes were filled with resignation. It was when Hesder couldn't stand it
anymore and tried to turn his back.

"Actually, I was nervous the whole time I came here, but I was relieved to see the


"If you're here, you mean this isn't such a dangerous place, right?”

Hesder laughed.

Don't worry. Le Eden is the most dangerous nut in the world.

"……Are you coming again?”

Lia hesitated to ask.

"If you stay healthy, today will be the last day."

I suppose.

Lia calmly accepted the situation. Although he lived a life far from his health, he
vowed not to be sick for Heather.

Hesder seemed to hate to be in this space. Had Hesder gone like this, he would be
left alone, but holding her would not make any difference.

"Go home safely, professor."

"……I'm fine with you, too."

I couldn't bring myself to say that this place would be safe because of my
conscience. Thus, Hesder ran away from the room.

* * *

"……… damn it."

Shit, shit. Hesder rummaged through his pockets and took out a pack of cigarettes.
How did you get caught up in this crap? I was trying to light a fire with a
lighter, but my fingers kept spinning.

Did you imprison Lia Henriksen? You're crazy.'

It was a source of trouble to receive a call from an unknown number. It would have
been more problematic if I didn't get it. With that one phone call, Hesder's
perfect life went downhill completely.

"There's no smoking here."

Evan appeared from nowhere and took away the long, thin cigarette in her hand. When
did he show up? Hesder looked at him with a pale,

"……I did as I was told."

"Yes, good job."

Ivan replied, puffing his cigarette.

"You didn't say anything useless, did you?"

Ivan asked insinuatingly.

'A dog's. You were all listening anyway.'

Hesder took the ballpoint pen from the front pocket of his jacket and handed it to
Ivan. Evan also broke the ballpoint pen containing the wiretap in half.

The broken ballpoint pen came back into the front pocket. My heart was heavy as if
I had put lead in it. Hesder wanted to punch Evan with a smile on his face.

"……Please carry out the contract properly."

"Contract? Did we make a contract?”

Evan tilted his head naturally.

Hesder screamed inwardly. Ivan smiled innocently while looking at Hesder's face,
which was ripe red.

"Ha ha. I'm just kidding. No, I'm not kidding."

Ivan tapped his finger on the side of his head.

"If you do what I tell you to do, you're supposed to let the 'problem' never
happen. So he forgot everything about our contract, why? You don't like it?

"……No, it's very reliable."

Hesder, relaxed, was sarcastic.

"I guess you have time to be sarcastic"

At that moment, Ivan's atmosphere was reversed. Hesder closed his mouth firmly. The
fuzz on the forearm seemed to stand stiffly in the flesh. A huge overwhelming
shadow hung overhead.

"Shall we find out where that relaxation came from?”

Evan tilted his head crookedly.

"Oh, I don't have any. I think it's...….”

Hesder stammered incongruously. Ivan, who was staring at the scene, burst into

"I'm going to chew my tongue. Don't be afraid. I don't touch girls and kids."

Ivan took a step back and raised his hands lightly as if he were surrendering.

"Well, I'm going to leave one for you because I feel dirty."

Hesder raised his head suddenly. She was on the verge of tears. I'm barely holding
back on my pride. Evan frowned.

"I get annoyed when I see a grown man crying. Tears don't solve anything.”

Evan put his hand in his pocket.

"Okay, I'll give you this, so let's stop right?

Ivan threw something lightly as if feeding a dog. Hesder took it in a stoop. Tears
fell from his confident eyes.

"Oh, stop."

Hesder swallowed his tears miserably.

What she held in her hand was a USB. The address of his only brother who died in Le
Eden and defected abroad.

"You even got a body to steal a criminal's brother. She's an amazing sister. I was
touched by the sisterhood.”

"Do, your brother is not a criminal! It's just that the situation drove him...…!”

Hesder countered.

"You should say that in front of a judge, not me."

Evan's face lost his smile.

Then he spoke in a gracious voice like a shepherd guarding a lamb.

"Don't worry, you know? My mouth is heavy, but it's that expensive."


"If you pay a fair price, your brother's safety will be guaranteed for life."

Ivan grinned, rubbing his thumb and index finger vulgarly. Another USB appeared
when I unfolded my rubbing hand.

Hesder couldn't take his eyes off the USB. Evan clenched his fist quickly.

"Well, when are you going to get rid of the other one? I'll do whatever you ask me
to do.”

Evan had a strange sense of surprise.

'If there's anything you need my help with, I'll always cooperate.’

Come to think of it, Lia said something similar. It was amazing. It's the same
thing, but why is it so different depending on who you say it?

So did tears.

When Lia cried, her heart ached like the world was collapsing. No, it wouldn't hurt
so much if the world collapsed.


Evan breathed out a long breath.

Is it love?

I guess it's love.

Ivan rubbed his sad chest and threw the rest of the USB to Hesder. It's all getting
annoying. I need to get back to Lia.


The USB rolled into a corner because it was a beat late to reach out. Hesder picked
up the USB and hugged it in his arms almost as if it were crawling.

"Just take it."


"And let's never see each other again.”

I didn't have enough time to talk to Lia, but it was unpleasant to keep talking to
a woman who didn't care.

"What are you doing?"

Get lost. Evan opened his eyes to the door, and Hesder ran with his mouth shut.


As soon as Hesder opened the door, the black cloth blocked his view. But Hesder did
not resist.

I was surprised for a while, but rather, I followed the hand that led me


A black sedan came out of the forest path.

Eric checked the back seat through the room mirror. Hesder, wearing a black cloth
like a veil, sat in an odocana. She was a prominent doctor in academia.

Why did you call a doctor? Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen would have all been killed.’

Evan can't be hurt.

Eric tapped nervously on the steering wheel. And it reminded me of the last

- Eric, we're at the mansion. But there's a problem.

"What do you mean a problem?"

Since the word "problem" has rarely come out of Ivan's mouth, Eric could hardly
hide his nervousness from the moment he answered the phone.

The CIA decided to assassinate Gelbrun Henriksen.

The reason is that he is associated with Boak boss Felice Ingel.

Boak was a gang member of Le Eden and was based in Langdesh. In Le Eden, the gang
was a powerful criminal organization with the same status as the mafia.

When Gelbrun was mayor, he was able to manage Langde peacefully, which is full of
poor and criminals, because he joined hands with Felice, the gang's boss.

Gelbrunn has tolerated all crimes committed in the slums. Unless the problem is
outside the protected area.

That means that people in the slum sanctuary live without a touch of life and are
exposed to crime.

The CIA spent a long time trying to destroy the Boaq organization that extended its
influence to the United States. Of course, there were other political purposes.

Finally, he succeeded in arresting most of the executives and officials. Among them
was Gelbrun. According to the CIA's plan, Gelbrun also had to be punished.

But Gelbrunn was a snake-like man.

He demanded an amnesty in exchange for handing over information from the Boaq
organization. The current Le Eden government also tried to end the case by
resigning as mayor.

Gelbrunn was a politician in the ruling party. Taking Gelbrun to court was a
scramble for the Le Eden government. In the end, it only saved the image of the

Politically calculated, Gelbrunn's career as a politician ended. It was an awkward

ending for the CIA.

Felice Ingel, who was finally caught by the CIA, went to Alcatraz, the worst

However, Gelbrun ran for mayor again and was elected with overwhelming votes due to
lack of it.

This was a clear signal that the current Le Eden government was turning a blind eye
to politicians joining hands with the organization.

Sure enough, Gelbrunn was planning to join hands with Felice's twin brother
Rousseau to stop the slum riot. And the current Le Eden government has tolerated

- The target is already dead Your wife, too.


- It doesn't appear to be the work of the organization. He's an amateur.

'……just check inside more for now.'

When Ivan visited, Gelbrunn had already been killed. There seemed to be more than
one person targeting him other than the CIA.

- I shot him in the leg. Send someone to the slum to look for a cripple.

"What? Ivan. Where are you now?"

- I have something to do. Anyway, the target's dead, so you don't mind if I leave?
The only task he was given was assassination.

Evan! Wait! Damn it!

I also lost contact with Ivan, who went on a mission, for half a day. And when
contacted again, Eric was carrying a woman named Hesder Berghagen.

"You can take it off now."

Eric said as the car neared the city center. Hesder nervously took off the cover.
The curly red hair stretched out in a mess.

"What the hell happened inside?”


Hesder said nothing.

"I'm a CIA agent. I'll guarantee your safety, so you can tell me the truth."


Hesder couldn't help but laugh at the word "guarantee."

"Why don't you at least buy me a drink?"


"It will work better for you than the obvious lies. Your face isn't bad either."

Eric shut up as Hesder came to his mouth shut up.

"You're protected by him."

Hesder thought.

She once had the help of a dangerous man to exile her criminal brother abroad. So I
had a vague idea of how this floor works.

There is a kind of unwritten rule on this floor.

I don't touch a madman.

And the crazy guy was Ivan Yelka.

the white devil of the afterlife

Ivan Yelka's myth began in a slum in Langde. What was revealed about the birth was
unclear. There was a theory that he was a child of an aristocrat, and there was a
saying that he was an illegitimate child of a famous politician.

Anyway, Ivan, who grew up as a common orphan on the street, naturally joined the
gang, and was promoted at a high speed from a low-level member to an executive

And he died.
He is said to have been caught up in an inter-organizational uprising.

The organization Ivan was in also collapsed.

I thought so, but one day, I came back to life and walked around the slum again.
This time he joined a small organization. Soon the organization grew to match the
Boak managed by the Ingel twins.

However, he was pushed out of the power struggle with Boaq, and Ivan was scouted by
Boaq in Felice's eyes. On the other hand, Felice's younger brother Rousseau
disapproved of Ivan.

As expected here, all the organizations in which Evan worked had a bad end.
Rousseau thought so again, and Felice didn't listen.

As a result, Boaq's older brother Felice and younger brother Russo split up.

A few years later, one of Le Eden's largest organizations, Boaq, was destroyed by
the CIA.

Evan was finally identified.

Ivan was a double agent who infiltrated the gang by disguising his identity and
stole all the information he had obtained from the CIA.

He was the messenger of hell who personally bought a plane ticket to Alcatraz,
which is called the worst prison on earth for his bosses.

After it became a hot topic, sweeping not only the gangs but also the whole back


No one touched Ivan.

He had the CIA on his back. I didn't act as a spy for the CIA with a strong sense
of justice. Sometimes they didn't give the information the CIA required.

The information he handed over to the CIA was the tip of the iceberg. Evan gave
information to various agencies at high prices as needed.

As a result, Ivan has established personal connections in various fields. In any

case, this behavior has drawn a common conclusion.

It was the collapse of the organization that I was working on.

If yes, why?

I don't know.

Who knows the insides of a madman?

One thing is certain, Ivan's specialty was to come up with a smiling face and
pierce a hole in his stomach and disappear leisurely.

"So if you're not going to buy me a drink, don't ask me any more. Whether you're a
CIA agent or a member of the Le Eden government has nothing to do with me.”
Hesder's voice was firm. He was determined not to turn Ivan Yelka into an enemy.
Eric also gave up. He was a CIA agent in the first place, but he had no knack for
questioning. It was all up to Ivan.

Eric turned up the radio volume to neutralize the awkward silence. There was a
lively jazz song that didn't match the situation.

The night view of downtown Le Eden reflected in the car window was dazzling. The
glaring lights obscured the darkness of the street, but the smell of blood on the
Henriksen family could not be hidden.

* * *

knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the door outside.

It would have been Ivan without asking who. As Lia expected, Evan opened the door
and came in. A low head came up slowly to reach the door.

"Hello, Lia."


Evan was dressed differently from when we first met.

Then did he sleep a whole day? How long has it been since I passed out? It was hard
to tell the time because there were no windows. It's a house built underground in
the first place, so there's no point in having a window.

"I don't even have a watch."’

Lia looked at the handcuffs still stuck in my wrist. Looking at the chain that was
twisted like a snake, I was confused whether I was protected by the CIA or

"How are you?"

When asked, Lia gently raised her head.

"I asked him to put me on a tranquilizer while I was sleeping. No one is sane when
they see their parents' bodies."

Professor Hesder said he also gave me a tranquilizer. No wonder my head went blank.
Leah clasped her trembling hands. I felt a strange gaze while sitting still like

Lia looked up secretly. Evan was standing like a trained dog again, waiting for her

"You can come closer."

As soon as Lia's words fell, Evan approached the bed. If it had a tail on it, it
would shake like crazy. Even though I imagined it, I couldn't laugh.
"Did you get the treatment well?”

"Yes, he said he'd give me some medicine. Well, did you get home safely,

How did Professor Hesder come to be my doctor? He said he had studied abroad in the
U.S., but maybe he was related to the CIA at that time.

Lia decided to think only as far as she could understand. My head was going to
explode if I thought more. Even if she thought about it anyway, she had only a few
options to choose from.

"Are you worried?"

"I don't want you to be in danger because of me."

"Don't worry. The CIA's elite agent is taking you home."

Ivan gave a big smile.

'Elegant agent...'.’

Although she lived for more than 20 years as a daughter of a father of a politician
and a mother of noble blood, her past life felt endlessly normal when she talked to
Ivan. And I realized anew how calm my life was.

I didn't expect to be involved in this. Lifetime.

Tears filled my eyes when I remembered my parents' death.


Then I had a throbbing pain in my left arm. Even tears dried up in pain. As Lia
grumbled, Evan asked with her eyes wide open.

"What's wrong, LIA?"

"Pa, my arm hurts...….”

"Oh, my. I can't release the handcuffs."

"No, my left arm. It's stiff."

Lia blinked her moist eyelids. Only then did Ivan check the IV fluid.

The pack filled with sap had suddenly turned into a wrinkled skin like an old

"There's a little bit of blood flowing backflow. Can I touch it? Can you raise your
arm? There you go. Good boy."

Ivan took a bite and touched Lia's body. He pressed the skin down with sterile
cotton and carefully extracted the needle. Ivan's hand movements were unnecessary,
but the problem was Lia.

Lia's body was shaking so much that red blood flowed down her arms. Lia raised her
arms high in surprise. The sound of blood dripping on the sheet was horrifying.

And a strong red color.



red wine strewn across the floor a fallen mother a broken piece of glass a father's
pipe The terrible scenes that I was trying to suppress came back to life in my

"I'm worried about you. I need to be able to go somewhere!"’

'Come on, you useless thing. Don't ever show up in front of me again.’


I had this thought.

What if it's the stalker who used to bully me when I killed my parents? What if you
two died because of me? Evan said the killer's method of murder was sloppy. That
means you're more likely to be an ordinary person...….

"Oh, oh."


I was out of breath.

I felt like I was in a tank full of water, no, sand. Lia grabbed the title with
both hands as her ribs were tightening.

"Oh, my god. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.…!”

"Shh. It's okay. Lia, do as I say. First of all,"

Ivan was saying something.

But not a word was heard. I was told to do as I was told, but I couldn't do
anything because I couldn't hear it properly.

'You're gonna die. You're gonna die.’

Alas. I wish I were dead! Everything happened because of me.

It was when everything was grayed out in front of my eyes.


My lips folded.

Soon, Ivan's fingers brushed his hair and gently wrapped it around his neck. Lia's
body, which was convulsing, drooped against Ivan's hand.

"Ha, ha....”

The warm breath rushed into my mouth. Leah devoured it as if it were a water of

The color returned to the world where the view gradually became clearer and black
and white.

The first color that caught my eye was the beautiful blue eyes as if they had
rescued the sea level.

"That's right. That's nice boy

"Ha, ha....”

As the lips fell, the transparent saliva stretched thin. When she regained
consciousness, Lia was lying on the bed properly. His chest, which had been going
up and down, also calmed down.

"Are you calm now?”

Evan sat by the bedside and hung Lia's hair behind her ears. When I put my hair
aside from the sweat, my clean forehead was revealed.

"Well, what if he died because of me...….”

Lia opened her mouth.

"There was a stalker...…. If he's the one who killed my parents...….”

Tears streamed down the stone cheeks, creating a clear path. Lia moved up and down
and sobbed.

"Because of me, my family...….”

Disillusioned with myself for not being able to do anything. It was terrible that I
had to confess to a man I had never seen before without knowing how the situation
was going, and trust everything.

Also, if the stalker was really the culprit, it would have been like wanting to die
at the hands of the stalker who had been bothering me so much.

What the hell can I do?

"Help me, please, please find the criminal...….”

Nevertheless, I can only ask this kind of favor.

It's pathetic.

It's really pathetic.

Wasn't it me who had to die? Lia blames herself like a habit and drives her soul to
death. It was still hard to stay sane.

"Shh. Lia is safe."

Ivan came close to his forehead. His warmth sank and he felt heavier and heavier.

"I'll protect Lia."

Ivan stroked Lia's cheek while making eye contact. It was natural enough to feel
that all of them were acting, even though they were worried that their bodies would

But I wasn't in the mood to argue about that. The big hole in the chest is getting
bigger and bigger and bigger. I felt like my soul was escaping through the hole.

Why am I alive?

Why do I have to live?

With that question, the consciousness faded.

* * *

"My parents... what? Murder? What are you talking about?"

Ishanna's face turned pale.

The corners of my eyes, which were always raised coyly, trembled. When I returned
to the hotel after the performance, more than 20 missed calls from the head of the
security office were piled up.

"Miss Ishanna."

When the call was finally connected, the security chief reported the situation in a
breathtaking voice.

"Where and what did you do! You murderer! You killed him! What's your salary?
You're so sad and you can't protect your parents?”

Ishanna screamed like a madman.

The sound burst open the bathroom door. It was a middle-aged man as old as his
father who opened the door.

"Ishana, what the hell is going on?"

"Oh, Tom!"

Ishanna slumped like an actress facing a tragedy. Tomsen, dressed in a ridiculous

outfit covered only by a towel, scurried away and hugged her.

"My father...! My mother was murdered! You two...!"

"What, what? The Gelbrunn guy?

Thomsen's forehead was dripping with sweat. He took a breath after dropping Ishana
for a moment.

"What should I do? They haven't identified the culprit yet. I'm scared. I'm so

Ishana was hugged by Tomsen. Thomsen rubbed his sweaty palms on the floor and
comforted Ishana's shoulder.
"I'll call the Commissioner of Police right away. My lovely angel Ishanna, there's
nothing to be afraid of.”

Ishana wiped her eyes with tears that smudged with tears. And asked hesitantly.

"Well, we'll have to cancel the show, right? It's a tour that you've spent a lot of
money on...…. I'm sorry."

"Ishana, it's not about money right now. It's a show like this. It's always good to
open again. Of course, Ishana's fans will be upset, but everyone will understand."

Ishanna nodded.

The news that his parents were killed was shocking, but not surprising. Yeah, why
are you involved with a gang? Ishanna gritted her teeth with her head down.

What does that mean? What do you mean your father is resigning? Seo, is it because
of your Swiss account? How many politicians are taking money back? All right, Lia.
She stabbed him.’

It has nothing to do with Lia. I've already asked someone to look into it. He
doesn't even know the Swiss account exists in the first place.’

"Then why...!"

It's not a secret fund issue.’

'There's another problem?’

Ishanna, I'm sorry to keep it a secret from you. It's a problem that only he and I
knew because we were worried for nothing.’

"What is it?"

'Your father works with a gang.’

'It doesn't make sense. Gang? Are you out of your mind? We're a family of
politicians. Do you know what kind of gangster family we are?’

Hey, watch your language. It's like a gang, like a vigilante. They manage the slums
for us. We can't take care of the beggars, can we?’

The secret that my parents had been hiding was amazing.

His father was working with Felice Ingel, the boss of the Boak organization. And my
mother was tolerating it.

"Isn't he resigning because he's caught?" What are you going to do?!

'Where is Le Eden's ruling party now? It's the party your father belongs to. That's
why it's over. If it were someone else, I'd be in jail.’

What happens to your father now?’

First of all, we're going to take a break and discuss what's going to come.’

"Then you're just unemployed!" Oh, I'm embarrassed to carry my face around!

I wish I'd just pop dead instead of resigning. It was like a bolt from the blue for
Ishana, who was in her career as a pianist.

'The American show is just around the corner! How could my parents do this to me? I
can't cheer you on, but you're ruining everything! You guys are parents after all

Ishanna, you think I don't know what you're doing behind the scenes?’

"What did you say?"

"I tried to pretend I didn't know because of your father, but I can't.’

"So what?’

You're dating Tom Sen. Hibik, right? Are you out of your mind? He's a married man!
You're the only one with a child! And he's your dad's friend!’

Why are you talking about that now?’

If you get caught, your dad's career as a politician is over!’

I'm glad it ended before then! Now, who's the one who ruined our family? At least I
didn't get caught!’

Sarvina raised her voice to Ishana for the first time in her life.

How can you roll around so vulgarly? If only you were half like Lia...…!’

Sarvina closed her mouth late, but she couldn't pick up the words she spit out.
Ishana felt incredibly betrayed by her mother that day.

"Ha. You're taking her side without any blood?" When you can't eat it, you can't

"Ee, Ishanna." That's not what I meant...….’

What else is it's not? Didn't you always think that? Is it good to treat your own
daughter like a rag? You must be so relieved!’
Ishana, who left the house, immediately called Tomsen.

- Ishanna, what's going on all of a sudden?

'I'm so tired. Ugh, come here right now. I'll be waiting at the hotel we always
meet. What?

- I told you I'm in trouble today.

'Oh, yeah. I remember. You said you had a family reunion I'm always behind the
scenes. After all, your family is more important to you now! You liar! Crying...!

Ishanna cried as the world was about to leave. Thomsen, who was restless throughout
the meeting, eventually abandoned his family and went to Ishana.

As a result, the relationship between the two grew stronger.

"Tom, I'd be dead long ago without you.”

"My dear, what a horrible thing to say. How can you die without me?”

Thomsen held a woman his own age in his arms and whispered in a jingle.

"Hug me."

Ishanna's right arm approached between his crotch, tapping Tomsen's thigh like a
piano keyboard.

The corners of Tomsen's mouth twitched. He flipped Ishana's body so sleek that she
was not considered highly obese.

* * *

Lia slowly lifted her eyelids.

I had a strange dream of kissing someone in the thick fog. However, the breath of
the opponent who entered the mouth was as vivid as reality.

"Are you up?"

Lia turned her head in the direction of the sound. Evan was sitting next to the bed
with his chin on his back and smiling.

"Lia sleeps a lot."

Ivan chuckled.

The approaching hand naturally handed Lia's hair behind her ears. Suddenly, there
was anxiety that the kiss might not be a dream.

But why?
Why did I kiss Ivan?

Lia's memory was sparsely interrupted. As if someone had cut it clean with a knife.
It was due to extreme stress.

'It doesn't make sense.’

It was only a dream, too, Lia wrapped up her confused mind. And it felt different
when I raised my right hand like a habit.

"I changed it to a light rope.”

Evan, who noticed Lia's movement, said quickly. Lia pulled her right hand out of
the blanket. What connected the handcuffs was a white rope, not a cold chain. like
a white snake

"How is it? It's not cold even if it touches your skin, right?"”

It's not heavy. Evan put his face close to him and asked patiently. Each time, the
breath that fluttered like a spring breeze touched my skin.

"I'd like to let you go, but...….”

Ivan's thick eyebrows are twisted into a line of fate. There is nothing I can do.
Because you're about to die. The blue eyes seemed to whisper like that.

"Will you understand, LIA?"

Lia did not answer.

Instead, I wrapped a rope around my left hand a couple of times and rubbed it
gently with my thumb. The surface was soft, so I didn't think it would hurt even if
I was swept by bare skin.

I'm out of my mind.’

Lia thought, blinking her eyelids blankly.

For whatever reason, it was the man who locked me up.

It was not enough to force the radius of activity to be restricted. But thanks for
turning the chain into a rope.

It was fortunate that the words of thanks didn't come out of my mouth. That spirit
still seems to be there.

"Aren't you thirsty?" Do you want some water?”

Evan asked as if he remembered.

"You haven't had a sip.”

As Ivan said, Lia's mouth was dry without moisture. But I didn't get an answer
easily. Even though the body craves moisture so desperately.

"……Well, I'm sorry."

Lia's voice cracked terribly. The bloodless skin of shame even turned red. It
wasn't simply because of the split in the voice.

I had to pee even though I didn't drink anything.

No, I didn't know it was natural because I was injected with sap while sleeping.
Once I was conscious of the doctor, my lower abdomen became stiff. I even felt numb
as if I had a stone on my bladder.

It was when Lia was at a loss.

"I'll show you the room. The bathroom is attached to the room.”

Ivan, who was carefully observing Lia's strange behavior, readily rose. Lia looked
up and he was smiling kindly.

"Can I help you?"

"No, I'm fine."

Lia came down the bed without Ivan's help. The bathroom was only five steps away.
Evan kindly opened the door for me.

"The rope won't shut the door completely. But the length is just right, so it won't
be uncomfortable to walk around inside.”

Evan tilted the door as Lia entered the bathroom. As he said, the rope didn't close

Lia peeped into the bathroom. Unlike the room that was like a sterilization room,
it was an ordinary bathroom decorated with a modern design.

There was a bathtub and a shower room, and the toilet was separated by a
transparent glass wall. There was no water on the floor. The sink also had no sense
of use. I felt like I entered a model house.

"Should I do my business here from now on?"’

Lia, who opened the glass door and went inside, dragged her pants with hesitation.
When I gently sat down on the toilet, I got goosebumps because of the cold

A chill penetrated through the bristling fluff. When I hurriedly tightened my

stomach, a few drops of urine turned into a long, thin stream of water.

It's dripping.

The sound of urine seemed to ring exceptionally loudly. I wanted to hurry out, but
I was worried that the sound would be louder if I put strength to wrap it quickly.

Less than a minute felt like 10 minutes. I just wanted the two doors that weren't
completely closed to serve as sound insulation.


Leah foamed her hands. I wanted to wash away my shame, but it wasn't enough. My
eyes ached with contempt as if I had sat down on the side of the boulevard.

When he came outside, Ivan stood with his arms folded against the wall with one
shoulder leaning against the wall. The smiling face with its beautiful bent lips
couldn't be so annoying.

Although she was observant enough to find out that she was in a hurry to go to the
bathroom only by looking at Lia's red face, she seemed unable to show her
consideration far away while she was doing her business. It was obvious that he was
standing on purpose, not because he was dull.

"Should I live under surveillance even going to the bathroom from now on?"’

Until we catch him?

"Come here, Lia."

Ivan's voice blocked the continuing thoughts. Evan was walking toward the bed when
Lia looked up.

The wide shoulders, wide open, shook gently along the steps. Strangely, Ivan looked
more threatening from the back.

When I faced him from the front, I appealed for harmlessness with a smile, but I
didn't know because I couldn't tell what kind of expression it was when I looked at
my back like this.

"Come on."

Ivan handed over cups and pills containing water.

"It's iron and vitamins. Vitamins are especially important. Because we can't get
sunlight here.”

Ivan's words seemed to imply that he would never see the sun in his life. Lia
swallowed fear along with the nutritional supplements she put in her mouth. The
nutritional supplements will be my nutrient, but this fear will not be digested.

"Let's lie down now."

Evan acted more like a guardian who treated severe patients than an agent who
protected witnesses. Lia hugged her knees with her back tightly attached to the bed

"What will happen to me from now?"’

I was trying to imagine a future that I couldn't imagine, but I heard a rustling
sound next to me.

"I thought about it while Lia was asleep, and I think I should change the furniture
in the room.”


"If I stay in a place like this, I'll go crazy in a week”

I'm going to go crazy in a week. What does this man want to say? I couldn't tell if
it was to reassure, to scare, or to mean.

"Just changing furniture will change the atmosphere.”

While Lia was speechless with embarrassment, Evan was looking closely at a magazine
she didn't know where she had brought it from.

'Furniture catalog...….’

You're going crazy in a week?

No. In this situation, I was still on the verge of going crazy if I looked through
the furniture catalog calmly. Lia's fragile spirit began to crack.

"I like walnut wood, but I don't think it'll suit this room. White would be nice,
but it'll be no different from now, right? How about Orc? Wouldn't it feel cozy?”

Lia, who couldn't stand it anymore, intervened.

"Who's the culprit?"


Evan took his eyes off the magazine and looked up.

"You have to find the culprit."

Even now, the criminal who killed his parents must be walking around somewhere in
Le Eden with his eyes wide open. If he couldn't find the criminal, he had to stay
locked up here.

Under the watch of this man, Ivan.

The shame I felt in the bathroom made my face red again.

"Yeah, I'll catch him."

Evan answered calmly.

Lia grabbed Evan's hand as she turned over the paper. Where this courage came from,
she was also surprised.

For a moment Evan's body was stiff. As he swallowed, the walnut-like scowl shook.

You shouldn't provoke me like this.

For Ivan, this behavior of Lia felt like active courtship. It wasn't a distressing
thing that heated up the lower body.

If Lia knew, she'd be dumbfounded.

Evan swallowed a groan and a groan.

"It's not time for you to relax...….”

"I'm not free. I've never been this busy in my life”

Evan managed to calm down his lower body at Lia's seemingly blaming comment on me
to blame. He covered up the catalog and laid it down on the bed. And I folded my
palms over the back of Lia's hand that grabbed my wrist. The shaking vibration was
delivered intact.

"This job is the most important thing to me.”

"Picking furniture?"

Lia's eyes twitched as if she were about to burst into tears. Ivan also felt sorry
for Lia, who couldn't understand me at all.

Poor Lia.

You didn't understand my situation.

I feel sorry for him.

"It's a place for Lia to stay for a long time, so I want to decorate her

Lia didn't want this answer.

No matter how hard I tried to decorate it, no one was satisfied with this
situation. It was a matter of course. Would it be comfortable to change a few
pieces of furniture while being monitored to go to the bathroom?

"You don't have to worry about me."

I hope you don't mind. Lia calmly repressed her feelings of being furious. The
unconscious was warning that Ivan should not go against his will. He was the king
here. Like father was king in the house.

"Really. I'm fine.….”

"Well, Lia, you seem to misunderstand something, but I don't care what happens to
anyone other than Lia It means Lia is the only one I care about. Did you get it?"

Evan asked softly as if he were talking to a child. It took Lia a long time to
understand what he was saying.

He sounded like confessing to his loved one. This is why I can't understand it
more. Yeah, this guy, Ivan Yelka, was a very unique personality.

It might be some kind of metaphor.

I'm responsible for protecting Lia.’

Ivan Yelka was a member of the CIA. And he was a survivor who witnessed the murder
of his parents. You may stand in court as a witness in the future...….

I'm protecting the witness.’

Lia interpreted Ivan's words in her own way. Now everything is right. The reason
why Evan locked himself up here by any means, and his persistent attitude.

Because that's his 'work'.

"You're saying there's a separate agent who's after the criminal? Your role has
taken me.…, I'm protecting it."
Sometimes the human brain draws positive conclusions when faced with extreme
circumstances. It was a kind of self-protection.

In particular, Lia's spirit, which witnessed the death of her parents, was as
precarious as a sand castle. She accepted the situation to the extent that she
could understand it.

"Yes, I have to keep Lia safe.”

Ivan gave a vague answer again this time. I answered the question steadily, but the
important point is not scratched coolly.

Evan will be watching my every move. Because that's his role.’

I could feel Ivan's intense gaze. I could tell without turning my head. I felt like
I became a lab animal in a cage from a prisoner in prison. Still, Lia calmly tried
to accept the situation.

"You understand now, right?"

Evan opened the catalog again in front of Lia.

The paper flapped over before my eyes. Lia couldn't say anything until Evan left to
prepare dinner.

* * *

"I'll be right back, so I have to be nice and wait?"’

As meal time approached, Ivan disappeared outside with the catalog. I thought it
was about 5 p.m. when you said you were preparing dinner. Unless I got a watch, I
had to infer the time through conversation as I do now.

'I'm frustrated and anxious because I don't know the time.’

Lia hugged her knee, putting the catalog she had been fiddling with in a corner.

The rope connected to the wrist hit the thigh. It was thinner than the chain.
However, even if you pull it roughly, it seemed impossible to cut it without tools.

There was only one way to solve this. I have no choice but to get Ivan's help.

"What if I let you go? You're going to die again." Dangerous things are put away,
but humans can die easily with just a clip if they want to.’

To do so, I had to reassure him first. You have to be sure that you won't kill
yourself. Words alone will not be enough to make up for the impulsive act of
running to the sniper and gain credibility.
"I have no choice but to behave as I am told."

Lia put her forehead on her lap. The sound of heart flapping and blurred breathing
were intertwined in the body crouched like a shrimp.

I was relieved to be left alone, but my head was filled with complicated thoughts.
I know it's no use thinking about the situation outside, the funeral of my parents,
the safety of my sister, but I couldn't stop.

"Lia, please look over here!"

Where and what were you doing while your parents were killed?’

"Lia! Lia!"

There is a vivid auditory hallucination as in reality.

If I hadn't been trapped here, I might have had to deal with all the problems by
myself. At first glance, Lia could not forgive herself for that she could not
forgive herself.

I might have been the one who should have died.’

This self was insanely repugnant.

* * *

"It's time for dinner, Lia."

Evan appeared with a wooden tray.

On the tray was a bowl of porridge and a glass of Louis Vos tea.

"I prepared soft food."

Evan sat down with a chair by the bedside. He muttered to himself, as if he were
talking to himself, not to strain his hunger.

The smoke rising was imbued with a rich flavor unique to wild honey. It was a light
Nordic style porridge boiled with very fine grains in milk. Whenever Evan stirred
the porridge with a spoon, a sweet smell spread softly.

"Well, ah..."

Ivan took a spoonful of porridge and pushed it in.


When Lia was stiff and motionless, Ivan moved the spoon in front of my mouth.

"Oh, sorry. It must be hot."

Evan blew his breath away to cool the porridge.

The outline of the round lips was exceptionally colored. Suddenly, I remembered a
dream of kissing someone in a thick fog. And Ivan's face was overlaid on the blurry
opponent's face.

No, it's not.

Lia shook her head to herself, saying, "No way."

"I'll eat it myself."

Lia hurriedly tried to take the tray from Ivan's hand. Then Ivan leaned back and
shook his head. Evan wouldn't let go of the tray in his hand like a child who
didn't want his toy taken away.

"I made it.”

"You made it for me, didn't you?"”

"Yeah. He said he'd feed him himself. Why?"

Lia was speechless.

"Is there a problem?"

Evan folded his eyes and laughed. There was no such nonsense. Lia advised Ivan like
an adult.

"You're supposed to eat food yourself It's not someone feeding you...….”

My head throbbed to the point where I felt like chewing the headache medicine. I
was confused whether I was talking to a child or an adult man.

"No, LIA. That's not the case with my food."

Ivan shook his head slowly and pushed a spoonful of cold porridge.

"Now, ah..."

Someone seems to have wound up a spring back in time. Lia looked at the spoon in
front of me in vain again and opened her mouth reluctantly.

For now, Ivan had to act as he wanted. To break the shackles on the wrist.

"How does it taste?"

asked Evan, staring hard.

Lia munching porridge and then tea to refresh her mouth.

"It's delicious."

I didn't forget to give him a faint smile.

Maybe he liked Lia's answer, Evan took another spoonful of porridge that was losing
heat and blew it. Ivan sat close to the chair on the bed while Lia chewed on the
"Is there anything you want to eat?" What do you like? I'll practice and make it
all for you.”

"Ummm. Eup. Now, hold on a second."

Evan added as Lia quickly swallowed the porridge to answer.

"It's okay. You can tell me slowly."

I'm not running away. Ivan folded his eyes beautifully and added with a smile.

"It doesn't matter."

Maybe he didn't like this answer, but a smile disappeared from Ivan's face. With a
cold stare, Lia hurriedly opened her mouth.

"A normal meal."

"A normal meal?"

"……Yes. The usual meal at home."

There was no food that came to mind right away, so I had to put it in moderation.

In the first place, Lia did not know what ordinary meals were eaten at home. The
Henriksen family rarely got together to eat unless it was an official occasion.

After I became an adult, I used to work as a secretary and simply eat a meal with
salad or sandwiches. It was because Sarvina disapproved of her sitting down and

I was always used to being stuck somewhere and eating.

an ordinary home meal

I didn't even know that's what I really want to eat. I was embarrassed because I
felt like my true intention came out without realizing it.

"You'd better buy a dining table."

"……Yes, that's better.”

When Lia hung out, a bright smile spread on Ivan's face. Leah smiled awkwardly
after him.

At least it's easier to sit at a table and eat. I really felt like a patient when I
was eating the food given to me in bed.

I thought this guy would feed me at the table.

The next day.

Evan set up a meal for Lia to eat and headed to the city center early in the

Each house was decorated with colorful lights, and the streets, which were usually
desolate, were also excited with the unique atmosphere of Christmas.

Ivan tapped the handle with his fingertips and hummed the Christmas carol. In the
passenger seat, Lia and Bonn's furniture catalog were cherished yesterday.


The chime rang as I entered the store.

It was early, so Evan was the only guest. The clerk came straight up. At the same
time, there was a vibration in my pocket. When Evan took out his cell phone, the
clerk naturally returned to his seat.

The caller was Eric.

"Merry Christmas."

Ivan greeted in a cheerful voice. There was a faint sound over the cell phone, as
if to suppress anger.

- Where are you, Ivan?

"I'm on my way to get a present from Santa Claus."

- I'm not in the mood for a joke.

"Really? I guess Eric didn't get a present because he was a bad kid. I've been nice
this year and I've received a lot of presents."

Evan hummed carols and fiddled with Christmas trees decorated in the store.

- You're in Le Eden, right?

"It's a furniture store downtown."

- Furniture store? What the hell are you doing there?

"Mom, can I nag you later?" I'm an adult now."

- I want your mother to, ha. No, thanks. Let's call it quits.

Eric's voice was deeply irritated.

It was clear to my eyes that he wrinkled his forehead and pressed down on his tired
eyelids. Evan walked to the side without CCTV and put the cell phone on his

"So what did you decide to do?"

Evan asked, flipping through the catalog.

Two days after the incident, the CIA must have been looking for a new way.
According to plan, Ivan was going to assassinate Gelbrunn and disguise it as a
Rousseau gang.

Rousseau Ingel.

He was the twin brother of Boaq boss Felice Ingel, who is now in prison.

After the fall of the Boaq organization, the slums of Langdesh were dominated by
Rousseau's forces. Gelbrunn joined hands with Rousseau to repeat what he had done
with Felice.

Before that, the CIA's purpose was to separate Gelbrunn and Rousseau and intervene
again. But by the time Ivan arrived, Gelbrun's body had already been damaged.

- We're having an internal meeting.

It was expected that Eric would not tell all the decisions. The reason why he is
looking for Evan so desperately is probably because he was worried that his
unexpected behavior would disrupt his plan.

- It's a sensitive time for everyone because the plan went awry. Don't cause
trouble by acting alone.

Unsurprisingly, there was an obvious nagging.

"All right."

Like this.

Evan folded the catalog he was holding in half. I held the cell phone that I was
holding on to my shoulder and stood upright. It's the CIA's plan. Anyway, finding
the fugitive was the top priority.

"I'll give you a full moon.”

Evan's voice is gone from mischievous.

Evan's hidden appearance in the dark has become exceptionally threatening.

"If the CIA doesn't find him in there, I'll go out myself, and then I'll take care
of him in my own way."

Ivan's eyes flashed sharply as if to cut through the air. Eric chewed his lips to
keep the tension from escaping.

- What are you gonna do for 15 days?

"Huh? What did you say? I can't hear you, Eric."

Evan murmured, dropping his cell phone far away. Eric asked in an urgent voice.

- Don't tell me, are you looking for her? I mean Lia Henriksen. We're missing right

"Oh, the battery is dead. Too bad, I wanted to talk to you longer. Tell the
director that it's Merry Christmas."
Ivan pressed the shutdown button as it was.

As I turned my back lightly, an employee standing in the distance caught my eyes.

Evan folded his long legs and walked toward the staff.

The employee asked as if he had been waiting.

"Is there a product you're looking for?"

"I'm looking at furniture to put in my new bedroom. Oh, the LED lights to put in
the room. My fiancee is sick and can't go out for a while.”

Ivan said with a smile.

"You came at the right time. We're holding an event to give wine to buyers on
Christmas Day."

The staff took out the pamphlet that was stuck in the front pocket of the uniform
and showed it to Ivan. It was an event held with a famous French wine brand.

"If your fiancee's health is not good, you can also get a gift certificate

"No, I'll have wine."

"Then can you choose a wine type?”

Evan carefully sank a picture of wine clearly printed on the pamphlet. Oh, no. I
don't know what wine tastes like.

"Rosé in the middle."

Evan chose rose wine, a romantic figure between red and white wine.

And on the way back, I stopped by a wine shop and picked French red wine, white
wine, and non-alcoholic wine and loaded it into the car. If you put them in each
type, you'll have a few preferences.

What kind of wine does Lia like?’

Evan was as excited as a child at the thought of learning new information about

* * *

I'll go out and come back. I'm eating breakfast first.’

When I opened my eyes, a note and a meal left by Ivan were placed on the table next
to the bed.

Lia, who casually touched the note, turned her head to check the time like a habit.
But all I could see was achromatic wallpaper. She didn't even know it was Christmas


The breakfast Ivan left behind was two slices of honey and whipped cream-coated
toast, fresh orange juice, and strawberry with a clean tap.

Lia gently put her palms on the toast.

"It's warm."

There was still heat left. It seemed like it had just been made.

"Is it still morning?"’

Leah curled up like a shrimp and lay down. I just didn't feel like eating. However,
I had to get up again and bring a tray with meals.

To solve this...….’

Lia sighed deeply as she looked at the rope connected to her right hand. If you
don't eat breakfast you might think you're rebellious. It was difficult.

After all, there was only one thing that could be done now. Giving Ivan confidence.
It is ironic that we should give trust to someone we cannot trust.


Lia took a bite of the toast. The crunchy texture met with soft whipped cream and
became moist. When chewing strawberries, the sweet and sour taste spread and saliva
was also secreted.

But I felt like eating a rock. Chewing something and turning it over to the back of
the neck itself was a struggle.

Come to think of it, I didn't like eating since a long time ago. For Lia, eating
was just an act of pushing the nutrients she needed a day so she wouldn't

Oh, my God, Lia. You're gonna eat it all by yourself?’

"Looking at the picture in the last article, you look so stylish." It was in vain
to dress me in an expensive dress.’

From an early age, Sarvina was sick of Lia. A nobleman, she wanted Lia to stand in
public in perfect form.

Sarvina argued that he should not be vulgar like a whore, and allow for the grace
of a sick impression, but should not look shabby.

In modern times, the word aristocracy is considered a product of the old days of
classism. Nevertheless, the Le Eden government officially recognizes the title and
succession of the nobility. In the best welfare state in Northern Europe, where
people are equally responsible from grave to cradle. Why? I think like this. What
we, the aristocrats, inherit is the upright mind responsible for the weak. That's
the true aristocratic spirit and pride that the 21st century needs. My dear
daughter Lia, I also want you to inherit this pride.’

Sarvina said in a documentary titled "Modern Nobility" produced by Le Eden Public

Broadcasting. Like Gelbrunn, Sarvina also devoted her life to living the life of a
noble and benevolent lady.

One of Sarvina's achievements is picking up a scruffy Asian orphan It was the fact
that she was transformed into an aristocratic girl. Of course, after the camera was
turned off, Lia was firmly educated not to forget that she was still from a scruffy
Asian orphan.


After barely eating, Lia caught her breath. Then he pushed the tray into the corner
as if he had been waiting.

When will he be back?’

Lia thought, fiddling with the rope on her right hand. If he disappears like this,
will he be locked up here for life?

Let's not imagine that.’

Lia jumped to her feet.

While Evan was away, he looked around the room carefully, but there was no income.
The bathroom vent was not wide enough for people to enter, and the door leading to
the outside was naturally locked.

There was nothing to do in here, so I vaguely began to count the seconds. When I
counted to seven minutes, I felt like I was tangled up like a spider's web.

Suddenly, I remembered reading an article that there were no watches, windows, and
mirrors in the casino. Because windows can recognize the passage of time through
light, clocks were the same reason. This is because the mirror reflects the face
that has been exhausted by gambling.

There were only two watches and windows in the space where Lia was trapped except
for the mirror in the bathroom. In other words, it means that as time goes by, you
only have to face yourself who will become more haggard.

And only Ivan knows how much time has passed.

I wish I could know the time.

Lia recalled the need for a watch again.

'If you ask me to put on a watch...…, Do you want me to hold it?’


Then the door opened.

Lia quickly got out of bed and stood on her legs. A refreshing greeting was heard
from over the door.
"Hello, Lia."

Ivan came in with his head down. This is because the height of the door was low
compared to his tall height.

He had a long box on his side. When Lia looked at her, she lifted the box as if she
had been waiting.

"Ta-da. It's a gift."


As Lia stood still, Evan sat down and began to unpack the box. What he took out was
a cylindrical LED stand light.

"I'm sorry I should have bought it in advance.”

Evan installed lights on the bedside table.

"In countries with extreme nights, some cafes use LED lights instead of the sun.
It's not perfect, but it's an artificial sun that's reproduced close to reality.
Look, you can set the brightness by time zone.”

Evan turned the lever and kindly showed me how to use it. Lia stood between the
beds and listened. The illuminated light shone brightly like a Christmas tree.

"You're done eating"

Ivan, who found an empty tray, looked at Lia. He didn't hide a big smile. Lia was
relieved. I thought it was a good thing I ate everything even though I was in pain.

"I'm proud of you. I'm so glad you're alive, Lia."

Evan said in an overwhelming voice.

Raised by her stingy parents, Lia was stunned for a while. But I quickly came to my
senses. The opportunity came sooner than I thought.

"I don't want to die anymore...….”

Leah added hastily.

"It's safe as long as you're here. The CIA will find out who killed their parents.
……So, can you loosen your wrists?"

Lia crept up her bound wrist. When there was no answer, Lia glanced at Ivan. There
was not a smile on Ivan's face.

Did he make a slip of the tongue?

What if I don't get a chance again?

My body trembled with anxiety. So I didn't even notice that Evan was just around
the corner.

"LIA, you're clever than I expected"

Evan gently lifted Lia's chin.

Lia's whole body hardened when her eyes met the blue eyes hidden under the abundant
eyelashes. The blue eyes seemed to chew on my trembling flesh. It was a persistent
gaze like a hawk flying in the air and aiming for its prey.

"But it's not sneaky. You have to be more brazen about this kind of request. I
would've been fooled”

Evan swept Lia's chin and let her go lightly. The sound of a fluffy grin is
scattered. Lia lowered her head to calm her fluttering heart.

Evan stared at such Lia.

A woman who is not really sly. But the clumsiness was lovely. The only thing I can
say is that he's trying so hard to roll his tiny little head that he wants to roll
in his mouth.….

'You're safe while you're here.’

"You don't mean it."

There was still deep distrust, fear, and fear in Lia's eyes as she looked at me.
Evan again admired Lia's poor performance.

But Lia, you'll find out soon enough. The fact that this place, no, is the safest
place for me. You'll realize it from the bottom of your heart.

Ivan also wanted Lia to believe in him. I could wait for you even if it took a
year, 10 years, maybe a lifetime. She won't be able to get away with herself.

Lia, you're mine. Does it?

He came into his cradle, and he was with him to the grave. Detention was part of
Ivan's amiable welfare policy. The people of the country he created were only Leah

"Not yet."

Evan pulled lightly on the rope connected to Lia's wrist. When Lia's body tilted to
the side unexpectedly, she grabbed her shoulder with her palm to support her from

"……Well, just watch."

Lia, who lost her confidence, asked in despair. No, it was almost a pleading voice.

"Huh? Watch?"

"Can't I?"


Evan, who was sleeping, rolled up his sleeves. The thick forearms were clean
without any wounds, but the reddish veins stood out, giving a scary impression.

The sudden roll of sleeves scared Lia. Fortunately, Evan simply unwrapped the watch
from his wrist.

"That's all I can give you right now. Are you going to be okay


Lia was handed the watch Evan gave. He looked like a child who received a Christmas
gift when he held a men's watch that would not fit me.

Ivan smirked.

"Lia, do you like this design?”

"If I could check the time……, I don't care about anything."

The first thing I wanted was a wall clock, but the wristwatch didn't matter.
Anyway, the functions were the same. It was like an expensive watch, but for that
reason, it was imperative to refuse.

As Lia predicted, Ivan's watch was an expensive product customized with 46mm blue
plates from a Swiss luxury watch brand. As it is a customized product of an
expensive brand, the price was to receive an order only for that year. The last
product on the market easily exceeded the price of a car.

"I'll give it to you if you need it. To be honest, I don't really look at my watch.
It's just for decoration.”

Evan turned his watch wrist lightly. Lia suddenly raised her head.

"No, I'll borrow it for a second...….”

"Those who can cherish things should have them."

Ivan smiled and even clasped the watch in Lia's hand. The touch of metal on the
bare skin was cold. The movement of the second hand seemed to transmit like a

"You'll save me, right?"

asked Ivan quietly.

Why, it feels like Ivan wanted to give me this watch from the beginning.

"It must be an illusion."

Let's just think you were lucky to get a watch.

"I'll cherish it.”

Instead of rejecting his favor, Lia nodded modestly. And I carefully put down my
watch next to the bright light of the stands. I finally felt like I had done

"Anything else you need?"

Ivan asked, tilting his head.

The illuminated side of the face was exceptionally bright. On the contrary, there
was a shadow from the point where it crossed the high nose bridge. The distinct
outline of the features made the shadow darker.

"None, no..., I do. It's not a thing."

"What is it?"

"Can you eat with me?"

At least if we eat together in the future, we can eat the food ourselves. That's
what I meant. Eating alone is also hard work, but if Ivan was eating what he was
fed, he would have an upset stomach if he drank water.

"Did you hate it when I fed you?"

Lia closed her mouth tightly to a surprise question.

"No, it's not that I don't like it. I feel lonely when I eat alone.….”

"Are you lonely? I'm feeding you"


Evan gently lifted Lia's hand.

Lia shook her shoulders.

Since when? A man who couldn't come close without my permission with his hands
behind his back came so close. And to come to terms with it naturally.

Lia was completely at the mercy of others.

With this white man's black cheek.

"Yeah, it was lonely. It's okay. I'll cherish you a lot from now on. I don't feel

Ivan looked at Lia with regretful eyes.

"Things should be kept by someone who can cherish them.’

For a moment, he said that things should be in the hands of someone who can cherish
them. Lia looked up with difficulty.

brilliant blue eyes

It was clearly blue, but it felt creepy like ice that froze blood. In addition, the
lips opened with coy curls give out a breath of excitement.

Lia saw obsession through Ivan's eyes. I felt a strong possessive desire that I
couldn't hide. Looking into his eyes, I felt as if I were an object.

one's possessions

Evan's hands were full of energy. A hand buried in the big palm screamed. Lia said
whining as she dropped her caught hand.

"Oh, it hurts...….”

Only then did Ivan open his hand wide.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"……It's okay."

Lia rubbed her hand.

The fingerprints were red. I thought Ivan could break a bone if he gave him sincere
strength. The idea sent shivers down my spine.

While Lia was scared alone, Ivan suddenly put his face close to him. An
exhilarating breath touched my cheek. However, unlike his breath, Ivan smelled
incredibly refreshing.

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't like me anymore?”

Lia shook her head.

At last Evan smiled.

"Okay, then I'll have to prepare two servings for today. I think it'll take more
time. You will understand, won't you?”

Evan put Lia in front of the light and turned the lever. The light of the light
became clearer and clearer. Before I knew it, the room turned bright as if it had
opened a window.

"Lia is enjoying the sun while preparing for the meal.”


Lia replied obediently.

It was just an ordinary light that could be seen everywhere, as if it were to be

sucked into it.

I understood a little about the feeling of the fire moth that jumped into the fire
even though I knew that its whole body would burn.

After all, there was no other answer to this life.

* * *

"Can I help you?"

"Huh? No. It's okay. Sit back."

A few hours later Evan came in with a table. It was a circular table that I bought
at the furniture store today. Multiplayer table, but Evan is stool, looked as small
as to hear it.

After a set of tables and chairs to move off lightly, Ivan who is wearing on the
shoulder cloth. Cover the table is a linen tablecloth and flowed down gently. The
silverware is one over in place.

And ‘ cut the rope?’

Looked a knife with his eyes glued on the work she heads on the handle delicate
patterns. Ivan, who noticed her eyes tapped a knife.

" Carl was only when dinner with me. Don't think to be siphoned off to counting the
number of all. "

“I think, prison ....”

" a terrific noise. Have you been to jail?”

" I can't."

“I have.”

She's in the quickly turns his head.


Ivan's voice, which subsided, was very well harmonized with the words he uttered.

Alcatraz called Prison Island.

More than 70% of the inmates were felons who were sentenced to life in prison. In
addition, it is located on an uninhabited island infested with white sharks, so
there were no escaped prisoners living there. Compared to Alcatraz, this place felt
like heaven.

"Why are you in such a dangerous place...….”

"Have you read about Felice Ingel, the boss of the Boark organization, being
imprisoned there? That's when I visited with CIA agents."

Evan smiled.

Only then was Lia relieved and relieved. On the contrary, Ivan asked, crumpling his

"You thought I was an ex-convict?"

"Oh, no, it's not that...….”

"Your voice is shaking"

Fortunately, Ivan showed no signs of discomfort. He laughed mischievously, then

spoke calmly with a smile.

"Lia. I'm not as dangerous as you worry about me."

Words without any persuasion followed. However, when her eyes met with blue eyes,
Lia was overwhelmed by the urge to give the answer she wanted.

"There are times when I have to deal with dangerous people because of the nature of
my job, but doesn't that mean I'm dangerous? Just because a banker deals with a
debtor, it doesn't make him a debtor."

"……Yes, that's right."

Lia did not refute the nonsense once. I felt like I became a machine that
automatically produced a set line when I pressed the button. This alone proved
enough that this man was in danger.

"Come and sit down."

Evan, who had already finished preparing the meal, took out the chair. Why is fear
ahead of admiration for his gentlemanly consideration?

As Lia sat down, Evan put a napkin on her lap and went across.

Salmon steak with sliced ham, mashed potatoes, Caesar salad, and sauce, which was
baked whole in the oven, was neatly placed on the plate. It was spectacular for the
home meal that Lia asked for. But it was a strangely familiar composition.

"Did you prepare it yourself?"

"Yes, I think I can eat it properly now, so I prepared a lot. Do you like it?”

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Lia, will you hold the glass?”

Lia hesitated at the sight of the wine glass.

Since a long time ago, I was weak in alcohol, so even if I drank wine with a low
alcohol content, my face would heat up. It is already difficult to stay sane in
this situation, but there was nothing good about drinking.


"Drink, a little."

Ivan paused for a moment, but smiled and nodded.

"There's wine without alcohol. Shall we use that?"

"Yes, please."

Ivan brought the pre-bought non-alcoholic wine. Lia sat quietly in her seat until
he came. With his head down like a prisoner in front of a judge.

"Lia, do you know what day it is today?”

Ivan asked, pouring wine.

The empty glass filled up with wine little by little.

"I don't know. What day is it?"

"The first day Lia and I ate together."

Lia swallowed her empty smile.

"I was happy that Lia asked me to eat with her. Thanks to you, we're going to eat
together on Christmas."


The hand holding the wine glass was strained.

'Christmas. It was Christmas.’

Lia realized a strange sense of surprise.

The dish Ivan prepared was the food for Christmas.

[I hope to spend Christmas with my family]]

An illustration of Saint Peter (St. Peter) on a postcard sent by his father came to
mind. A young couple met on a train, a taxi driver with a thick beard, and the sky
was dark as if they were in the polar night.

It was all just a few days ago.

I can't believe I'm having a Christmas dinner with a man I don't know what his
parents are thinking about.

If the killer hadn't broken into the Henriksen family, he'd be eating with his
family by now. Of course, he would have been there all through the meal.

When all the family members fell asleep like that, they would have filled their
stomachs with leftover food and cleaned up the table where their seats did not even

Lia's Christmas was always marked by her father's coldness, mother's abusive
language, and sister's bullying. There was no good memory.

The situation was similar today when I didn't spend it with my family. Even with
such a sincere meal in front of me, I didn't feel happy, but I just felt guilty.

'This useless thing. Don't ever show up in front of me again.’

You've become very ungrateful, haven't you? I don't know the grace that you raised

"I shouldn't have let such a jerk like you into my house from the beginning." I
feel sorry for my parents.'

My late parents seemed to resent me in hell. Maybe this is hell for me? My parents
were murdered, and I'm a man who's locked up in this place.….

Lia suddenly looked up at the sound of my name calling.

"I mean, I've never been happy on Christmas before in my life."

Ivan just spoke calmly, but the look was even more pitiful. It was as if I were
looking at myself in the past.

'No, it's not.'

Leah hastily drove out the faintly spreading pity. This man should not be
emotionally assimilated. Don't give your heart to others. You shouldn't believe it

"LIA is my Christmas present this year. So I'm glad."

Nevertheless, I sympathized with him for a while.

I can't believe I'm a Christmas present. Your life is so pitiful.

* * *


Leah curled up in bed and fiddled with her watch. The blue dial looked just like
Ivan's eyes.

Every morning she started the day looking at her watch.

After checking the time, wiping the glass with a soft cloth and putting it in place
has become a natural routine.

The watch was the only way to connect the outside world. Ivan got most of Lia's
requests, but refused electronic devices and newspapers that could know the
external situation for "safety reasons."

The full moon has passed before I know it.

Just as what happened in here did not affect the outside, neither did the outside
affect her.

Lia became somewhat aloof from her parents' death and her situation. Sometimes
vague fears swelled up as if to swallow everything, but over time, even he calmed

A white rope was still hanging from the wrist. It shadowed Lia wherever she went.
When I looked at the floor, I felt like a white salmon was following me.

There has been no significant progress in relations with Ivan.

He maintained a safe distance from Lia, but when he suddenly came to his senses, he
was close enough to reach the flesh. Then, just before Lia became wary, she
naturally widened the distance again.
As this happened repeatedly, rather, the vigilance wore off little by little by

Is it a relief that nothing dangerous happened? Nothing in particular was



Except for the first shower.

When Lia couldn't take off her clothes because of the handcuffs on her right hand,
Evan released the rope only then. Also, I was worried about whether I should do
this every time, but I brought a top with open sleeves the next day.

Ivan monitored Lia's every move for the first few days, and then gave her time to
be alone. It was because if it was "protected" for too long, it would adversely
affect Lia's mind.

The reason didn't matter. Thanks to her, Lia was able to take a shower or complete
her personal business.

"Are you leaving?"


Lia naturally handed over a basket of laundry. At this time, it was one of the days
that was no different from usual.

"Well, Ivan."


Since when did I naturally call his name.

"What do you do outside?"

When was it that I asked him questions without hesitation?

A full day outside was too short to bring about a major change in relationships.
But the time in here passed on a different trajectory than the outside. A day felt
like a week, a week felt like a month.

"It's no different than when I was here. Except that Lia isn't there."

Ivan said with a smile.

At that moment, Lia felt her right hand sink heavily. There was no occasion. It's
just a sudden realization.

Don't get used to it.’

You shouldn't accept such an abnormal situation as your daily life.

"Can't I go out with you?"

I have to go outside.

We had to expand the scope of our activities even a little.

We have to cut off the rope.

The calm heart began to run.

'You're clever, but you're not sly. You have to be more brazen about this kind of
request. I would've been fooled’

Evan's advice suddenly came to mind.


"Do you want to go out? Why?"

"...because I want to be with Ivan?"

Last time I said I was lonely eating alone, Evan willingly accepted my request. So
I thought I could say something similar this time.

But Ivan didn't respond.

Lia glanced up in anxiety and looked at him.

Ivan in front of me was like an inorganic material covered with human skin. If I
made a slight hole in my skin, I thought sand would flow down instead of blood.

"Lia gets lonely a lot."

Ivan, who was standing like a fused robot, opened his mouth. At the same time, the
corners of the eyes bent gently and the corners of the mouth slowly rose.

When the smiling expression was finally completed, Ivan suddenly put his head in.

"All right."


Lia asked back like a habit. Later, he realized that Ivan had allowed him to go out
together, and he couldn't hide his bewilderment.

Was it this simple? Or have you given her trust without her knowing it?

While Lia stood in vain, Evan released the rope fixed to the head and held it in
his hand. Ivan pulled the rope slightly and raised his right hand.

"Come here, Lia."

Following Evan, Lia stood like a puppy who went for a walk outside the world.

'It was like a family home.’

The walls and floors were plastered with smooth tiles as if they were going to slip
through the dust, so it didn't feel like a cellar at all.

There was a coffee table and sofa in the center, and a " 카운"-shaped counter was
attached to one wall. The iron shelf next to the sink was neatly arranged with
ingredients from the dishes Lia had eaten over the past two weeks.

In addition, coffee machines, toasters, and refrigerators were all from the same
company. It was like a space that used both a living room, a kitchen, and a
restaurant. Evan usually seemed to spend time here.

"Do you want some coffee?"

Ivan asked, tying the rope somewhere else.

"Yes, please."

Lia naturally sat on the sofa. When I turned my head, I saw a laptop on the table.

Is the internet working?’

I put strength into my fist without realizing it.

'No newspapers. A magazine, too. It's dangerous because there's a lot of

provocative stories out there.'

When I asked for the newspaper, I remembered what Evan had said. The Henriksen
couple were killed, and their daughter, Lia Henriksen, went missing, so there must
be a mess outside.

'Missing...' Am I missing?’

Come to think of it, I didn't even know how I was officially announced. Journalists
may be looking for me with their eyes on them. They're a bunch of gossipy monsters.

"That's right. There was laundry. I'll be back after washing the machine. Are you
being nice here?”

A cup of coffee clattered onto the table. Evan tapped Lia on the head and
disappeared into the laundry room with a basket of laundry.

'That's the laundry room...….’

The laundry room was the farthest from Lia's room. Lia quickly looked around while
Evan was away.

The door believed to be the entrance could only be left by entering the password,
and the other door was an ordinary handle using the key like Lia's room.

Lia glanced at the laptop.

The flat laptop was like a Pandora's box. Lia sneaked open her laptop.

I even thought it would be nice if the password was set. Then I'll be able to cover
my laptop without any regrets.

It's not locked, is it?’

Lia's eyes were alive when she saw the screen.

There was no lock.

However, it was unfamiliar to the general public who could not have learned
programming. White letters on the background of the black bay. It was a text-based
operating system DOS.

'That's a relief. I can move the keyboard.’

I tried to cover the laptop with a sense of emptiness, but I could only operate it
with the keyboard without entering a command.

Lia checked the closed door again. She quickly manipulated the arrow keys to locate
the photo folder.

Like this.

When I typed twice, a picture appeared on the screen.

It was a newspaper article.

Related to Leah Henriksen.

'It doesn't make sense.’

It wasn't just newspapers. All the posts posted on the portal site and SNS were
captured. There was even an article written in Korean.

Tap, tap, tap.

The hand pressing the keyboard accelerated. It was all about himself.

"Why didn't you leave your hometown because of one pervert?"’

Suddenly, the taxi driver's words came to mind. The pounding heart calmed down as
if it had poured cold water on it. Lia turned the screen around and covered the


I couldn't help but laugh.

Did you really believe that?’

Lia buried her face in her trembling hands. There was a crunch of breath in the
palm of my hand.

'Professor Hesder. Is the professor safe? He looked scared. Maybe because of me...

His face was blue as he stroked his palm.

'It's hard enough to talk to you. There's nothing I can say.’

Lia jumped up and walked to the counter. When I opened the drawer, the knife and
fork were neatly placed. It was a tableware that I used every day, every day, every
time I ate with Evan.

'I'm counting all the numbers, so don't try to steal them.’

Lia put the knife back in the drawer, which she had picked up with difficulty.
After losing strength in her legs, she sat down and took a short breath.

"Hide the knife. What?" Are you going to stab me?’

Lia pressed herself.

Will I be able to do it? I have to. Is there any other way? While agonizing, I
heard the door opening behind my back.

"LIA? What are you doing there?"”

Before I knew it, Ivan's large shadow covered Lia's body like a tent. Lia muttered
with a stunned face.

"……I was looking for sugar."

"Here's the sugar. I put it in the second compartment."

Evan lowered himself and handed him a sugar stick.

"Should I leave it in a better place?"

Lia looked up Puth's head. Ivan smiled brightly as his eyes met.

"Like the laptop you put on the coffee table?"

Leah swallowed a question that had filled her throat. I hated him for having his
laptop in such a visible place.

* * *

Evan was a stalker.’

Doubts turned into conviction.

Lia's mental state was as thin as a sheet of ice, and easily collapsed with even a
tiny crack. It was like a miracle to go through such things and endure until now.

The brain, which took all the situations positively, finally began to work the
other way around. Just like the water that used to flow underneath flows back in an
Lia was angry.

He was caught by a stalker, and he was so pathetic that he believed in the nonsense
of CIA or organization

What can I do?’

At the same time, it became powerless.

In the end, just because Evan is a stalker didn't change anything. It's impossible
to get out of here on your own.

'What do you want from me? Why did you lock me up here?…!’

Lia screamed silently, burying her face in the pillow. Then I fell asleep as if I
had fainted. When I woke up in the morning, the cover was soaking wet.


Lia wiped her watch with a clean cloth. The second hand swept the dial. The time
was close to seven o'clock.

And I had breakfast with Ivan as usual.

"Do you want more syrup?"”


Lia naturally held out a plate of pancakes. Evan put syrup around Lia's pancake.
Evan's nonchalant appearance of eating was pitiful.

How shameless.

No. I didn't even know I was shameless. I also acted as if nothing had happened.
Was I able to be this shameless? It was as if someone was connecting a thread to
the body and controlling it.

"Do you want to go out together?"


Evan allowed Lia to come out again today. It even changed the rope to a longer one.

Now she could roam from room to room. I might have been truly grateful if I had not
seen the photos stored on my laptop.

I was out of my mind.

Yeah. I was out of my mind.

Maybe even now.

"If you want to eat something, you can come out and eat it."”

"Thank you, Ivan."

It was a great development. One step further from here might loosen the rope. Even
if it was released, Lia's trust in Ivan had already disappeared without a trace.

I did. It didn't matter whether he trusted me or not.

"The Notebook"

Lia still bit her lips when she saw the laptop lying in the corner of the coffee

Why keep it in the spotlight?

Are you provoking me?

I didn't even know I was leaving it on purpose.

Evan is that kind of person. I look down arrogant from above, deceiving others with
a smiling face, playing with a desperate heart, and struggling with such pain.
People like me are always beaten.

Stupidly, stupidly...….

'He's probably enjoying watching me get scared.’

Lia looked away as if she were looking away.

How dull of himself to react without a doubt to the bait left by the hunter.

* * *

The anger didn't go away until that night.

The fireball, which was digging in the stomach, seemed to be poking its esophagus
to get out of its mouth.

[It's pretty. [I think he'll live like him even in other countries]

[No, no, in front of the white horse]

[They're having a hard time because of stalkers]

[Isn't it a rumor?]

[She's the daughter of the mayor, so I'll leave the stalker alone]

[When did you get fired for corruption?] You didn't watch the news? I]

[He didn't get fired but resigned]

[What's wrong with him? [He must have resigned because he has something to do with
it] [He's pretending to know]
Memories suppressed under unconsciousness poured out like bursting. Bad rumors,
prejudiced eyes, and numerous discriminations that followed Asian adoptee Lia all
her life.

"Why didn't you leave your hometown because of one pervert?"’

Stalkers who bothered Lia were monsters that they were embodied in human figures.

The contents of the threatening letter that had been flying home a day were revived
dozens of times in my head.

When I walked on the street, I was afraid that a stalker would attack me, so my
personality was already more shy.

I couldn't easily open my heart to others. Everyone I met in my daily life was an

And now.

Leah was already living with a man who had dropped her life to the abyss. At the
same time it was the man who shattered my faith.


Lia slowly rose to her feet.

When I turned on the light, the light shone on the watch placed on the table. The
watch resembles Ivan's eyes.

For some reason, I miss the color of the warm blue sea.

Lia put her hand gently on her chest.

I felt like I had a big hole in my chest and all my emotions were flowing through
it. No sadness, no anger, no loneliness, even the soul.

I, uh, believed in Evan.’

Lia had to acknowledge her feelings. This intense anger was caused by a sense of
betrayal. You're as angry as you believe.

I always lived without dying.

There were countless reasons why it was okay to die, but on the contrary, there
were few reasons to live. It was like the world was ordering me to die.

It's okay to hate me. I want Lia to stay alive.’

'I'm proud of you. I'm so glad you're alive, Lia.'

How did you feel when you heard this?

In the inside,

Maybe I felt saved.

I believed at least this man wouldn't threaten my life. During his stay, he
believed that he sincerely wanted to live.

Not necessarily for the protection of witnesses, but with a pure heart of pity for

But it wasn't.

"Why do you think so?"

Why would a man I've never seen before want me to live? Even my family didn't
really care for me, but did you think that a single drop of blood cared for me with
pure altruism?

'Dirty...' It's because of the desire.’

Transparent tears flowed down the muddy eyes like minerals. Lia wiped away the
tears with the back of her hand.

After my parents died, I felt like I was sinking into the darkness where I couldn't
see an inch ahead.

In such darkness, even a small light like a candle served as a guide.

Evan was such a presence for Lia. a lifesaver who emerged from a hopeless reality
and saved his life

But it wasn't. He was a stalker who did it with plans to kill all of Lia's family,
isolate her and own her forever.

Ivan just wants to own himself like a thing. Objects. possessions. Then there was
only one way to destroy his life.

Presenting the 'death' he so wanted to prevent.

'Cause if I die, you'll suffer.’

Ordinary people would have taken the means to escape, but Lia was not. She was
already mentally stretched to her limit. Her brain has lost its normal way of

Above all, the idea that he was useless was still deeply embedded in his
unconsciousness. He was ready to throw himself on the cliff whenever he had a

I'm gonna die to drop you into the abyss. Once again, a strong desire for self-
destruction broke out inside Lia.

It was dark in the living room.

As Lia opened the door wider, the light in the room shone on the living room,
allowing her to recognize the outline of the furniture. Lia carefully went to the
counter and opened the drawer.

It's dripping.

Lia held the knife in her hand.

The handle was unusually full when it met the cool air underground. The cold energy
brought me to my senses. Also, I felt weak when I faced a sharp blade. I never
thought I'd stab anyone.

Not to mention my body.

Don't hesitate. Lia pulled herself together.

Where is Evan?’

Lia glanced back.

Evan seemed to use one of the closed rooms as a bedroom. Or go out for a while.

Then, a faint light leaked through the gap in the closed door.

It was the laundry room.

Lia crept forward, turning down her footsteps.

"Ugh. Sigh....”

I heard a rough breath inside.

Leah took a step back in astonishment. I grew up in a conservative family and had
no sexual experience, but I had a vague idea of what was going on inside.

"No way. With my clothes?"

I tried to shake off the disturbing imagination that was spreading in my head, but
a groan came out again from inside.

Lia put the knife in her pocket that almost fell. My heart was about to burst with
a flapping heart.

You can't run away. Even if you run away from here, waiting for me is just another

When I quietly opened the door, Ivan, who bent over with his left hand on the
drawer, stood.
It was a feast of white flesh.

Evan had nothing on top. He looked slim when he was wearing clothes, but when he
took them off, his muscles were full. The body seen from the side was as thick as a


A groan flowed through Ivan's tightly closed teeth. The right arm, seated between
the legs, was busily moving up and down. The damp air smelled of sweat.


Evan tilted his head back as if he had reached the situation. The Adam's apple,
located in the center of the soft curved neck, sticks out. Looking at his upper
body, he seemed like a dancer crossing the stage, not self-defense.

At that moment.

Feeling cold, Ivan turned his head toward the door. Ivan and Lia's eyes crossed in
the air. The slightly loosened pupils gave a strange impression.

When she encountered blue eyes that shone beautifully enough to ignore the
surrounding background, Lia suddenly remembered the day she first met Ivan.

My name is Ivan Yelka

You're Lia Henriksen, right?’

But that day and other foreign air blocked the relationship. Unorganized,
disorganized silver hair, exceptionally flushed skin that shakes along the sound of
sweet breath...….

Every time Evan breathed in, his chest muscles swelled up. And instead of a frame
containing Lia's childhood, his bloodshot hand held a hard standing genitalia.

The lump of lust hidden in the white and holy shell as it appears in mythology was
dark red. Lia's instinct recognized Ivan as a male, not a human being, at this

I was out of breath.

'We have to run.’

However, my legs did not move as if I had applied glue on the floor. At the same
moment, I could feel Ivan's eyes going through him.


Evan looked surprised.

Even after speaking, embarrassment appeared on his slightly open lips. The wide
open eyes shook out of proportion.
"If you have anything to wash, you can put it in the basket...….”

He, who was blurring the end of his words, added with a smile.

"Were you in a hurry?"

What seemed urgent was his genitals. The pillars were swollen with the spirit of
vomiting semen immediately.

Even now, transparent glandular fluid was flowing out of the urethra. Evan clasped
his ears as if to stop the situation.

Put it in the basket if there's anything to wash?

It was amazing.

"Why are you so nonchalant...…?”

I'm so agitated.

"My, what are you doing with the clothes I used to wear? This, this, this...…!”

A screeching scream popped out of Lia's mouth. Evan stared at Lia, still covering
her ears. Then he explained the situation in a quiet tone.

"I put all of Lia's clothes on the drying rack. I think there's a misunderstanding,
but I'm defending myself here because it's the farthest from Lia's room."

That's an excuse.

I couldn't even laugh.

"……don't lie."

At Lia's words Evan swallowed a groan. He began to squeeze his genitals into his
underwear. My big body was shaking because I was in the middle of my erection, so I
couldn't go in well.

Finally, the genitals were stored, but the zipper did not go up. Evan shrugged his
shoulders as he looked at the convex old man with a face that gave up trying to zip
up. Then he calmly opened his mouth.

"I've never lied to Lia.”

I just saved my breath. Everything that has been said to Lia has been true. So Evan
was proud.

Lia stared at Ivan with trembling eyes. a shameless person It's all falsely marked
from head to toe.

"I was stuck in a place like this in case I got caught, and I was quietly self-
defense, but I was criticized as a liar by a pervert. It's really upsetting."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Lia, stop saying things you'll regret."

Ivan frowned as he stroked the back of his neck with his hand shaking the wet
pillar a while ago.
"Regret? I regret the past time I trusted you the most...…! I can't believe I
trusted and relied on a man like you as a guardian.….”

Tears fell from Lia's eyes.

Evan looked at Lia hesitantly. Then his eyes bent gently. He asked in a moving

"Really? Did you really trust and rely on me like a guardian?”

"Ji, why are you talking about that now...…?”

You're a perv stalker. Lia muttered scornfully. It was the most vulgar word she
ever said in her life.

Evan doubted my ears. Stalker? I'm Lia's stalker? He asked back, his eyes wide

"What? LIA, do you think I'm a stalker?”

"Yes, it's you. The pervert stalker who followed me around in Langdesi!"

"If you're going to treat me like a stalker, can you bring more evidence?"

Evan responded shamelessly.

"I saw your laptop."

Lia opened her eyes wide. But the body was visibly trembling. She shot back to hide
her anxiety.

"How do you explain that my laptop was full of photos and articles?”

"I just collected it because I thought it would help take care of Lia.”

"It's probably imprisonment...!”

"Well, I'd be more systematic if I was going to imprison him. What kind of stalker
would put crime data in such a visible place in the first place? It doesn't matter
who looks at it, so I left it as it is. I'm proud."

Ivan spread his hands and lifted them lightly. It's a gesture of surrender, but
it's full of ease. In my right hand, a slightly dry gland was stuck in a deep-cut

Ivan, who belatedly realized that Lia was looking at his right hand, quickly closed
his palm and added.

"I'm a CIA informant. Of course, I've locked all the confidential data. More than
that, Lia. You're mean to touch other people's stuff without their permission? I've
never touched Lia's stuff."

"You don't have my stuff here."

Lia replied tearfully.

"You don't have it? It's all for LIA.”

"I never wanted to!"

While the hectic conversation was going on, Evan was just around the corner. When
Lia realized, she had already been caught on both wrists.


Evan pushed Lia's body against the wall. The thick palm did not wrap around his
back and hit him painfully, but his wrist caught in his left hand throbbed.

"I got you."


Evan lifted Lia's wrists above her head with one hand. The hand that was covering
my back slipped into my pants pocket.

"I thought I wouldn't do anything stupid anymore, but are you going to betray my
faith like this?”

Ivan asked, taking out his knife.

How did he notice what was in his pocket? Evan's breath clinging to the skin was
chilling. On the contrary, heat was conveyed from the lower body, which was closely
attached. Leah swallowed the scream as the still-extinct genitals poked her.

"Did you try to kill me? Or were you going to die in front of me?”

The blue eyes shone keenly.

I felt like I was through my head. Lia could not answer. I couldn't think of what
to say to satisfy this man.

After all, nothing has changed. Still standing in front of this man, he becomes a
servile weakling.

When Lia didn't answer, Ivan sighed. The drooping breath threatened the skin. In
front of his nose, Ivan shook the knife he had taken. The knife showed Lia's
frightened face.

"I believed in Lia."

Evan muttered in a sad voice.

"It's bad, Lia. It's really bad."

The shaking knife came to a standstill.


Soon the knife flew round and round in the air. The blade fell into the wall with a
thud. Lia shook her shoulders. It was as if it had stuck in my throat. Before I
knew it, even my tears were dry.


Evan called her name quietly.

"First of all, can you apologize for hiding and calling yourself a trash stalker
with no answer to your self-defense?"

"…… He, he never said that."

"The meaning is similar."

Ivan shook the bound Lia's wrist lightly. Lia closed her eyes tightly and bit her
lips. The stubborn resistance gave another sigh.

"I'm the one who got caught suddenly opening the door and masturbating Shouldn't I
be in a situation where I'm rather angry? Or what? Do you have voyeurism?”

His attitude was so brazen. Almost enough to get caught up in his pace. When Lia
didn't respond, Evan kept waving her arm.

"You don't even answer me now."


"I've never felt so ashamed in my life.”


"Who's responsible if you get impotence from trauma?"

Evan got closer together. Soon after, whenever I was stabbed in the stomach in the
back of my ear, I felt nauseated. It was as if he was patting his stomach with his

"Shi, I don't want to....”

"Huh? I can't hear you because your voice is too small."

"I can reach them all. I can reach it.….”

Tears welled up again in my eyes, which were dry as a stone.

An unusually weak face turned red only around the eyes. A contradiction in which
blood circulates in the ascetic shell as if it would break the pain. A
contradiction that attracts opponents while resisting.

The contradictions clumped together to create a sharp image. There was a crack in
Ivan's heart. It was the last remaining reason.


Lia's body lay on the floor in an instant. The cold air permeated the floor. Lia
floundered like a drowning man. Ivan did not budge even if he pushed with both
hands. I felt like I was going to be crushed to death.

"Yeah, all right."


"Let's calm down and talk about it."

"Shi, I don't want to. Ah……!"

"Shh. Even if it ends soon?"

Ivan pulled down his underwear with one hand. In an instant, a mass of exorcised
flesh popped out and tapped Lia's body.

"Oh, my...!"

Lia shrank in fright.

"I don't want to talk to Lia with my ass up. It's not like I'm a pervert."

The heat was transferred to Lia's stomach. The steam seemed to come up from the
reddish flesh. I'd rather lose my mind.

Looking up, I encountered a half-released blue eye, and when I lowered my eyes,
there was a chest muscle that swelled along the sound of rough breathing. Lia
rolled her eyes frantically and closed her eyes completely.


Evan wrapped his palm around his ears and turned them round. The clear sap from the
urethra soaked the palms of the hands. As if doing a preliminary work, a wet sound
came out when I started applying the piston after evenly coating the liniment.

"Ha. Ha."

Like this.

With his eyes closed, Ivan's moan sounded more stark. Even the tremors of my arms
waving their pawns on my stomach.

But I didn't mean to open my eyes again. Lia clasped her hands together. It was
hard to interlock my fingers because the blood didn't flow properly. Lia held my
hand as if it were a lifeline and prayed that this terrible moment would pass

"Ugh. Ha, LIA...….”

It seemed very natural to defend oneself by calling my name.

"It's not once or twice."

Ivan had long been distracted by shaking the disgusting flesh between his legs.
Every time Evan called my name intermittently, Lia's heart was about to pop out of
her mouth.

Evan's wild breath poured down like rain. The heat that touched my forehead went
down like stroking my nose and lips and tore through my chest. The invisible heat
continued to spread down.

Like a spark.

The fire became an unquenchable flame and swept through Lia's lower body. The ship
was hot. A numb feeling that I had never felt before came up from my tightly
clumped lower abdomen.

'My body feels weird. What's wrong with him?’

It was half the battle to rub the genitals and defend themselves. I was just
overwhelmed by a huge body well over 190 centimeters. But in this situation, the
body was excited.

It wasn't normal.

The brain, driven by extreme tension, may mistake fear for sexual excitement. Or
maybe the superficial desire that was asleep under the unconsciousness opened its
eyes. There was no taboo in my unconscious mind.

Either way, it's the worst.

"It's hot."

The part where I was ashamed to put it in my mouth was furious.

Lia unknowingly twisted her thighs and rubbed them. The more he did, the more
enthusiastic he became.

As soon as Lia lifted her knee up, she bumped into Ivan's testicles that were
hanging. Ivan's eyes, which had been closed, flashed open.

The sudden stimulation put strength close to my buttocks. When the peach-colored
knee pressed down on the testicle, the sperm filled the sac cried out.

"LOL. Haha."

A hollow smile flowed out of my mouth. The brow narrowed with a tinge of color. The
pain of being hit by the scrotum has become stiffer rather than withering. At the
same time, Lia's pathetic appearance of shaking her body underneath me ignited a
sadistic pleasure.

to the chilling point of one's

"It could have been cheap, Lia."

Evan looked at Lia with a frown.


Lia belatedly realized that her knee was pressing Ivan's testicles. She quickly
straightened her knees.

Evan smacked his lips regrettably.

"Why? You can press it harder. I think I can wrap it quickly if Lia helps me."

"……No, I don't,"

"Yes, I'm not forcing you."

Evan patted Lia's wrist with her thumb. Then he began to move his stopped hand
again. Finally, the urethra sprang and vomited a large amount of semen.


Evan wrapped his palm around his ears and wrung it like a squeeze. The semen filled
up in the narrow space. Inside, I felt sorry for the sperm that could not reach
Lia's womb and was meaninglessly abandoned.

"Oh, my God...! Laughing."

Ivan put his forehead together. The body, which stopped upright in that state, was
greatly moved. Lia lifted one eyelid gently.

The blue eyes, which always stared at her as if she were restrained, were hidden
under her thick eyelids. The shaking of unusually long and abundant eyelashes for a
man caused mysterious tension.

When I saw Evan's pleading face, I felt guilty as if I had opened the door of the
taboo. Even though it was him who was guilty.


Lia took a breath that was stopping. I smelled something unfamiliar for the first
time in my life. It was a primitive smell as if it had returned to a time when only
breeding instinct existed.

A humid, hot, heavy scent that irritates the nose.

I felt dizzy every time I took a breath. I felt like I was breathing with my face
buried over a conspiracy that grew densely in Ivan's groin.

"Oh, it was cheap."

Ivan opened his eyes and smiled. Strangely, his dark eyes were moist with color.

But the action was naive. Especially, like a child who caught an insect, the palm
of the hand with lumpy semen is spread out.

(Playing the guitar sound")


A white lump of semen spilled over Lia's body. Lia took a deep breath as if an awl
had fallen off.

The coat rasped in the semen. The semen fabric clung to the skin. It's a terrible
touch. It was a sensation I didn't want to know for the rest of my life.

Evan's semen was as large as the thick scent, so it felt like it would penetrate
the belly skin and settle deep in the stomach.

"Where were we?”

asked Evan with a more refreshed face.

However, the situation in the lower body was different. The reddish flesh was still
gushing like steam.

The disgusting blood vessels here and there were also more strained than the first.
If you poke it, it really seemed like semen would overflow instead of blood.

Why isn't it decreasing?

Ivan's genitals did not die after throwing up so much semen. Evan, who saw Lia
shivering with cold sweat, smiled awkwardly, thinking the same thing.

"I took a step back and I'm still alive. At this rate, I can't talk to you until
"Well, it's just....”


"Just, paper, let me go. You can take care of it by yourself.….”

Lia clenched her teeth and said.

"You can't."

Evan put his head close together.

"Misunderstanding needs to be resolved right away. If you cover it up and pass by,
it'll just pile up.”

"You're going to do it again...…?”

This crazy thing? Lia swallowed the back horse.

"I can't help it. There's no other way.”

Evan replied in a brooding voice. And Lia glanced at her narrow, chubby lips.

"Lia can't wash it."

"Mi, I believe you! You're a CIA agent, you're not a stalker, you're not a pervert.
So please let me go. Please...."

At Ivan's light words, Lia burst into tears like a child. Shame and fear dominated
her mind.

I cried so sadly that I felt sorry for him. Of course, Ivan's eyebrows were the
only ones that drooped. His pet peeve reacted to Lia's sniffle by the minute.

"Lia, don't cry. It was a joke, huh?"

When her hands, which were tied to both hands, fell off, Lia tried to run back,
touching the floor. However, Ivan failed because he hugged himself tightly with his

"Why do you keep running away? Let's talk”

"Gasp. No, no. Don't touch...…!”

"Oh, really, don't struggle. If Lia touches it, it gets hard. I'm holding it in."

Evan broke out a groan, a groan.

If it doesn't help you, then...….

Lia, who had thought this far, resisted even more fiercely. At least the minimum
safety distance that relieved Lia has long disappeared.

Between the tightly attached bodies, the ugly self-portrait has grown in volume. A
white snake seemed to be coiled around. Every time she moved her body, the snake
wrapped around her right hand shook as well. It was a white rope tied to the wrist.

"Oh, I feel good."


Evan began to nudge Lia's body. His waist, which shook according to his instinct
without finding a space to enter, was very clumsy. But it was enough to get to the


The second situation was quick.

It was because Lia's thin hair hit me like a whip. And the breath of the palm of
his hand, the small body that came into his arms, drove Ivan crazy.

Every breath I took seemed to be addicted to the fullness that seemed to fill me
up. On the contrary, there was a warm desire to fill her stomach.

Evan slipped down. And then things went on. The urethra was chirped out of the

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...….”

Leah gasped for breath.

It was because of the muddy semen sprinkled all over the face.

Every time I blinked, the semen tangled in my eyelashes stretched thin. I couldn't
open my mouth because a lump of semen splattered on my lips. I'll come inside when
you open your mouth.

"Ha. Lia. Lia."

Ivan rubbed his languid body against Lia due to a series of circumstances.

It was after a long time that I was surprised that Lia, who was fiercely resistant,
was docile. Ivan, who gently looked up and saw Lia, lamented greatly.

"Oh, my God."

The semen, which sprang out like the stem of the first pee in the morning, was
soaking Lia's face.

"I'm sorry, Lia. You were surprised, right?

It was an apple close to inertia. I could no longer feel the sincerity in Evan's If
I was really sorry, if I was really worried, I wouldn't be shaking my ass like a
dog in a rut.

When Lia didn't answer, Ivan whined. Before I knew it, the color that was flowing
in my eyes disappeared and the innocent color was shining.

The dog in a fit of heat had quickly turned into a child who had first masturbated
by rubbing his/her jaw clumsily against a cushion between his/her legs. The problem
is that the cushion was Lia.

"I'll wash you clean, so don't be angry, Lia."

Ivan's arms wrapped around his waist. Lia held out with the utmost strength.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of.”

The seductively curved eyes were dangerous.

Lia shook her head with her mouth shut. Evan was about to hug me and head for the

"What? LIA is looking at mine as she wants, and she doesn't want to show her?”

"I didn't ask you to show me...….”

In the end, Lia, who couldn't stand it, opened her mouth. And he hurriedly closed
his mouth to see if the semen stuck to his lips would come inside. Eventually, the
spilled semen collected narrowly between the lips.

"Whoa. I'm just kidding. Why are you scared?"

Evan tried to lift Lia up again, talking like a child. But Lia held out again this
time. Evan, in trouble, frowned and groaned.

"I can't."

Before long, the arm around my waist was loosened. It was time for Lia to be
naively reassured. The wet bump on my cheek.


Ivan's tongue licked his cheek.

The broad tongue licks the semen on the skin. The smooth flesh felt as rough as the
tongue of a cat and an animal with prickly tongue bumps.


Glazed lips were rich, munching on Lia's skin like a goldfish. Evan raked the semen
here and there and gulped it down.

There was a pile of towels piled up not far away. If I could wipe the semen, I
wouldn't mind clothes that haven't been washed yet.

Nevertheless, Ivan was wiping his face with a perverted way of licking and
swallowing semen with his tongue. Lia had no choice but to stare helplessly at
Ivan's wooden pole, which shakes every time she swallows semen.

Now, the two were similar to a fierce beast rolling a small animal's head in its
mouth to kill time. I thought my sharp fangs would chew my skin right away.

'In my mouth, it's in.’

The semen, which had narrowly accumulated in the gap between the lips, flowed into
the nose. Lia nipped her molar. It was preventing even-grown teeth from touching
the tongue, but it was only a matter of time.

"Huh? Did it go into your mouth?"”

As expected, Evan noticed.

He put his forehead together and folded his eyes wide with a smile. Rich eyelashes
curled beautifully into a fan shape. Those blue eyes turned into red warning lights
and seemed to flash endlessly and send warnings.

"……… hehe!"

Lia twisted herself with all her might. But Ivan was faster. Lia's small hand,
clutching her chin, forced her head up.

"Open your mouth, Lia."

"Ha, ha...….”

When Lia didn't listen, Ivan pulled up his teeth and bit her upper lip. With a
small groan, a bright red gum with murky semen was revealed. Ivan's tongue
scratched the semen stuck in between as if it had eyes.


And the lips folded.

No, it was more appropriate to say that it was eaten than piled up. The tongue,
which forced itself into the mouth, invaded where semen was not stained.

As Ivan's tongue went deep, Lia's tongue was deprived of a place to rest. Her mouth
was too narrow for two tongues to stick together.

"Hmm...! Ugh!"

If you hide your tongue behind you, the red tongue will persistently follow as if
to fill the gap. When my Adam's apple was pricked, I felt nauseous. Tears welled up
at the irritation of my nose.

Lia opened her tongue and pushed it away to try to block Ivan's. But it turned out
to provoke Ivan.

Ivan accepted the act as a pleasantly enticing temptation, not a resistance. Ivan's
long tongue flexibly wrapped around Lia's tongue. And the bumps on the tongue
rubbed together as if they were going to wear out.

"Ugh, yup, yup...…!”

Evan crumbled around Lia's waist with his right arm. The bulging chest was crushed
by a hard body and throbbed. The sound of the heart flapping as if it were going to
explode is delivered. Ivan responded with a more enthusiastic kiss.

"Ha, ha, ha...…!”

"Whoo. Ha. Lia

Evan was completely absorbed in kissing.

The stimulus I felt for the first time was so good that I couldn't stop. My tongue
throbbed. The tongue has become as firm as a palm. Evan continued to smack and rub
Lia's tongue.

'In my mouth, I don't feel it, I don't...….’

Lia was also distraught. Hot breathing fluctuates and saliva is mixed. Whenever the
tongues rubbed against each other, the mucous membrane stung as if there was static
The flesh that penetrated the proposal was no longer felt with the tongue. I felt
like I had a penis in my mouth. It felt even more so because the soggy scent of
semen was soaked in the forced breath.


Then Ivan's tongue suddenly lifted Lia's tongue.

When there was no semen to suck anymore, he turned to saliva. The tongue poked
under the tongue and poked the mucous membrane like a cock. When I tapped the gland
under my tongue, saliva was secreted.

"Ugh... Ugh..., Yes!"

A clear mouthful of saliva gathered under the tongue. Every time Lia's tongue
flapped up and down, there was a splash of water.

"Yes……, ugh!"

Lia managed to swallow her saliva with her mouth open and moving the scruff. Evan
gulped down the saliva that she couldn't swallow.

I think I'm going to pass out.’

Finally, the moment Lia wanted so much was approaching. By the time his mind was
dim, Ivan had lost all the moisture in his mouth.

There was a sense of surprise in the fading consciousness. It seems that this is
not the first time I've had my lips met with Evan. I was also used to the sense of
blurred consciousness at the same time as my lips fell.

ah ah.

I feel heavy.

The color faded from all visible objects and finally the dark fell.


Ivan, who had his tongue clenched, pulled it out. Even then, she put Lia's swollen
lower lip between her teeth and chewed it well. With the lips moving away, the
grace stretched thin.

"LIA. LIA...….”

Ivan licked around Lia's mouth like a big dog who rushed to greet her owner after a
long time. I was attracted by the urge again and tried to covet the appetizing
lips, but suddenly I came to my senses.


But why are we...….

"Why were you kissing, LIA?"

There was no answer back.

When Evan escaped the ecstatic trance, Lia had already lost her mind. Evan gently
shook Lia's limp shoulders, wrapped around her arms.


Evan whispered Lia's name again.

When the hot breath touched the earlobe, the closed eyelids twitched slightly, and
the sound of pain flowed from the slightly opened lips. That's where the
unconscious reaction ended there.

Evan clicked his tongue sadly.

I wanted to kiss you more.

In the middle, Lia also rubbed her tongue, so she must have liked it.

Ivan looked at the breastbone, which was gently revealed through the stretched
neckline. I wanted to rub my chest, which was gently crushed in my body, until it
left a thick hand mark. I wanted to wash the nipple, take off my pants, bury my
face between my crotch, and smell it.

It is to observe Lia's reaction by biting, licking, and biting from the small head
to the cute little toe. I wanted to know where she touched and cried in a pretty

But even if you caress him as he is, you'll only hear him groan. Ivan smacked his
lips and glanced at Lia's curved body.

I decided to be satisfied at this point for today.

First of all, when Lia wakes up, we have to clear up the misunderstanding again. It
was thrilling to look at me as if I were criticizing, but I couldn't live my whole
life being treated as a perv stalker.

Evan looked silently at Lia, who was hanging in her arms. So I didn't budge for
about 30 minutes. Before I knew it, the stimulator and the colorless skin became
transparent as if it were showing inside, and the hair that was wet with sweat and
stuck to the forehead was long dry.

"What do I do, LIA? I think I'm really going to be a pervert.”

Ivan lowered his head and whispered.

"But you'll still love me, right?"”

Ivan clasped Lia tightly, rubbing his face against her cheek with an ecstatic
expression. After a while Ivan put his ear to Lia's lips.

"Huh? Will you love me?" Whoo, I'm glad. I love you, too."

Ivan's lips gently sank and fell on his round forehead. Even after moving Lia to
bed, Evan was busy looking at her until dawn.

Except for going out, I would always peek at sleeping Lia. She sometimes moaned
about nightmares, but mostly fell asleep like a corpse.

For the first few days, I thought I was really dead, so I gently touched the tip of
my nose. It was only when the faint breath crumbled in the palm that I took my hand
with confidence.

As expected, Lia, who was sleeping soundly, was never tired of seeing her. To
capture this image in my eyes, I could stay up all night for days and days.

* * *

Lia had a dream.

A giant snake was chasing in the hazy fog.

It was a white snake. To make matters worse, it was hard to breathe because sticky
mucus stuck to my face.

Then he suddenly realized that he was trapped in a nightmare. Dream. It's a dream.
As soon as she realized that it was a dream, Lia wanted the nightmare to continue
forever. I didn't want to wake up from a dream.

The reality will be more brutal.

(Playing with words)

My eyes opened at the same time as the alarm on my wristwatch.

Raising herself up, Lia was the first to feel her face. The skin, which was soaked
with saliva, was soft without moisture.

The hand, which was wandering around the face, lingered around the neck and swept
down the chest. The coat was stiff around the belly. I thought I'd crack my clothes
up. It was a spot of semen.


Leah freaked out her hand.

I obsessively rubbed my bare hands against the sheets. Didn't you touch your
clothes? For a moment of relief, something was tugging at the right hand.

'The rope...'

The length of the rope tied to the bed head was shortened. I thought it would be
less than a meter. It's a road you can't even get out of bed.

The hand holding the rope trembled. Lia remained stiff without even thinking about
turning off the alarm on her watch. It was time for the alarm to stop ringing

Someone opened the door.

"Hello, Lia."

The greeting that I heard enough to put a scab on my ear reminded me of the day I
first opened my eyes in this strange room. Even then, the man appeared through the
The head lowered and came in slowly, making eye contact with the blue gaze.

Ivan Yelka.

Disgusting beast!

"I didn't prepare breakfast because I thought I wouldn't be in the mood for a

Like this.

Evan stood leaning against the closed door. Unlike yesterday, when I was only
wearing pants, I was dressed up and down today.

"Last night, both of us were out of our minds and things seemed to have gone wild.

I was taken aback by the brazen question.

How dare you tie me and myself to the same level.

"I'm not in my right mind.….”

Lia murmured with her head down.

"You're the one who's out of your mind!"

Lia yelled.

Evan opened his eyes wide. But as if it were an expected reaction, he didn't look

He rubbed his right hand across the neck with his hair. I thought I would calm down
after a nap, but it was very difficult because I went crazy.

"Lia, don't be angry and calm down.”

Evan raised his hands gently. There was nothing on the thick palms. But now it was
more familiar to him to have a reddish genitalia than to have a gun in his hand.

It was just one time.

However, that one time was completely imprinted on Lia's mind.

"Let's calm down and have a conversation today because I'm not going to freak out.

"Don't come."

"It's okay. We're just going to talk."

Evan slowly approached the bedside.

The way he came up with his hand on the bed sheet was like a stretching leopard.
Leah opened her eyes wide and gazed at Ivan, who was approaching her, breathing

"Even if you don't do anything?"

"Oh, my...!"

Ivan's hands gently wrapped around Lia's cheek.

I could feel Lia's eyes touching between my legs. Evan had a good conscience. The
little horse that made a mess of last night was now well stored in his right thigh.

However, it was cute that Lia's cheeks twitched wildly in the palm of her hand, so
I almost kissed her. Evan held back her urge and looked at Lia with a friendly

The smile made Lia feel sick. The hand that comforted me. a consoling voice Warm
eyes. It was a little clumsy, something strange, but I didn't think he was a bad

By the way, this is the price of the faith.

"What do you want from me? What do you want from me?….”

Lia, who was muttering in a frenzy, suddenly raised her head. She giggled with Ivan
as she made eye contact.

Oh, this isn't good.

Ivan had an ominous hunch. However, he had no choice but to answer the ensuing
provocation of Lia honestly. Because I didn't want to lie to her.

"I want my body.”

"If that's what it means. Yeah, I want to have sex with Lia.”

Not right now. No, honestly, it doesn't matter if I do it right now, but there was
a lot left to prepare. I had to clean my annoying nails, and I didn't buy condoms.

Anyway, it was time to prepare all of them and kindly add that it was not too late
to make love after the misunderstanding was resolved.

"Then why don't you do it?"

Lia shot back.

There was a deep hatred in her dark eyes and an indelible contempt in the corners
of her mouth. When she reached the level of desperation, even a timid woman like
Lia showed her nails.

"Are you serious?”

Evan's eyes glistened eeriely.

Lia instinctively dodged the gaze. I know. This kind of provocation is like a
terminal that squeezes out the remaining strength before dying, and everything will
go his way anyway.

Ivan Yelka was an omnipotent god here. His words are the law, the absolute truth. I
was just a helpless human being.

"Not now. Lia's out of her mind."

Evan admonished with a benevolent look.

When I listened to Ivan, I was under the illusion that I really wanted him to be

"……You did such a pervert in front of me, and now you can't? It's you who's out of
your mind, not me. No. I don't know if I'm out of my mind. Yeah, I don't know. I
don't know what your standards are.”

They lock people in these places and make them crazy by setting strange rules on
the subject of arbitrary wielding. Even a pseudo-master would not act like this

"Just get it over with. It's awesome, please

Lia begged sobbingly.

Without knowing what to finish, Lia begged flatly. In the end, even if he pretended
to be strong and provoked, this was his true self.


Evan was also not happy with Lia's collapsing At the same time, I realized that
today was the appointment I told Eric.

I'll give you a full moon. If the CIA doesn't find him in there, I'll step up
myself, and then I'll deal with him my way.’

As much as caring for Lia, it was important to find the criminal who broke her
family. I don't like it when a killer who might be after Lia gets around. I left it
to the CIA while she was taking care of Lia, but until today, I couldn't find the


Ivan pondered for a moment.

When the CIA failed to catch the criminal, it tried to leave after emotionally
stabilizing Lia. And now that the worst-case scenario happened, it has also failed
to stabilize Lia.

It was irresponsible to leave Lia alone. Indifference and neglect were the worst
violence. Confinement. Confinement is fine.

To be honest, I don't feel like using the word imprisonment, but Lia recognized
this situation as imprisonment, so there is no choice.

In any case, if this situation should be called "custody", affection by necessity

was a young confinement. There won't be an adult who leaves a child who keeps
trying to jump into the driveway.

The person who watches such a figure must be a psychopath without emotion or a
sociopath who has no conscience.

Unfortunately, he was far from sociopathic. He was faithful to his duties more than
anyone else, and especially felt a strong sense of responsibility for what he


Lia is mine.

Since it has become my property, I have to cherish and cherish it that much. For
Ivan Yelka, possession and responsibility, obsession and madness were a far cry
from each other.

He was a man beside himself enough to lock Lia up here by that narrow margin.
However, the more severe patients are, the more they do not know that they are out
of their mind.

Ivan truly believed that all his actions were for Lia.

"All right, Lia."

Evan spoke in a calm voice.

"This is the only way to resolve the misunderstanding. I have to be away for a

You're going away for a while?

In a different atmosphere, Lia secretly looked at Evan. Just as life hovered in the
ruined place, a light of hope spread to the corner of Lia's devastated heart.

"I'll bring a witness.”


"Yeah, I just need to get someone to vouch for me, right? That will clear my
misunderstanding of being a stalker."

Evan replied with a straight face.

"You mean you're going to bring another agent?"

Lia asked back in an incredulous voice. You drive a man to the cliff, grab him just
before he falls, and whisper hope again. But her eyes were clearly more alive than

"Oh, and I'll bring the doctor who examined Lia last time. That would be more
reassuring, right?”

Evan patted Lia's head kindly. At that moment, Lia hardened.

"Oh, no."

Leah clung to Ivan's arm, pale and sick.

Evan tilted his head inward. Isn't this what you want? Lia and Hesder are close, so
I "commissioned" her to see a doctor.

"Professor Hesder doesn't matter. Don't involve him……!”

Lia remembered Hesder's face, which had turned pale. She was as afraid of this
space as Lia was.

'It's hard enough to talk to you. There's nothing I can say.’

I was the only one trapped in this terrible hell. Lia let go of her arm and opened
her mouth.

"Just call the agents you work with. He's enough.”


Evan stared at Syria.

"……No more, I don't want anyone involved in my problem."

Lia answered weakly, looking at the white line still tying my right hand.

Evan reflected on Lia's words.

Lia doesn't want anyone involved in my life. It's okay to say that it's fate that
Lia jumped into my life.

"Yeah, I see."

Evan nodded in agreement.

"But you'd better see a doctor. I'm worried about Lia's health.”

But he immediately changed his words.

Leah can't be left alone with a man, he swallowed the last word.


The criminal's whereabouts were still unknown.

The bullet used by the criminal was a priest, so it was impossible to track it. As
a result, less than 10 CIA agents were busy in the temporary office. It's just an
office. The shell was an old abandoned factory made of concrete.

There was no division of labor at all to the extent that it was unbelievable that
all of them were elite agents. While making a call, writing a report, backing up
data, squeezing a bundle of paper into a document shredder, and pouring coffee
while whitewashing documents to be handed over to the headquarters.

Eric also didn't sleep deeply for more than a week, but at least he didn't make the
mistake of stepping on his fellow agent's shoes while walking with his eyes open.

'It's a mess.'

Eric gnawed his teeth at the trampled shoes. The cigarette vibrated as it went into
my mouth. Eric dodged outside, splashing his cigarette with one hand.

- I got the report. What do you want to tell me?

"I have nothing to say."

Eliza McClain was the first female director of the CIA. Eric was elected as a
direct agent for Eliza, then deputy director, and still worked for her.

- Why was Ivan Yelka excluded from the search for the Henriksen couple's killer?
Did I attach a pet dog, not a sniffer dog?

Eric immediately understood Eliza's parable.

Unfortunately, Ivan was neither a sniffer dog nor a pet dog, but a mad dog biting
his owner's neck. No, it was a hybrid that had no loyalty to only do its job,
whether the owner's neck was bitten or not.

"During the full 15 days, he said he had personal business, and he didn't cooperate
in tracking down the culprit."

Really? I heard a murmur close to talking to myself over my phone. Eliza accepted
too easily. As if I had expected.

- You said you'd step up in 15 days, right?

"……Yes, that's right."

Eric replied with a grim look.

- Hand over all the data you've researched so far to Ivan.

"I'm in trouble, sir. You don't know how he'll abuse the data in the future."

- Information that hasn't been found for 15 days is like industrial waste. Yeah,
Eric. Why don't you destroy everything at this time?

"Important data collected by agents,"

- Evan must be a CIA agent.

Eric shut his mouth gently when the director cut off the horse. It was Elijah who
first attracted Ivan to the CIA.

Eric took a slow deep breath and drew the line in a calm voice.

"I'm officially a CIA informant. Ivan Yelka isn't a full-time, well-tested agent
like us."

- You've grown a lot, Eric. You know how to correct your boss?
"I'm sorry."

I heard a sigh of relief over the cell phone. Whenever the director's sigh was
heard, Eric's heart tightened I repeated the release.

I felt like a child who was scolded by his parents. Of course, Eric was a sincere
son who never let his parents down.

He has never missed the first place in an exam and has excelled in sports. The CIA
and the Central Intelligence Agency were the places where they entered prestigious
universities as the top students and graduated as the top students.

It was simply the standard of an elite course.

But no matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to satisfy this woman. Eric
experienced guilt and frustration that he had never felt in front of his mother's

I let this woman down again.

Inertially, I feel defeated.

- Do you think a man's pride is more important than my orders?

I felt like I was penetrating my fragile heart by the voice of Eliza.

- Eric, you gotta be nice, huh?

The voice that followed was soft. It was a sweet voice as if sugar crystals were in
the ear and rolling.

Eric pulled his tie lightly. The distorted brow created an ascetic atmosphere.

- I'm telling you twice in particular because it's you. Hand this over to Ivan
Yelka. You take your hands off.


The call was cut off as it was.

The last thing I heard was an order to say, "You're off the hook." It was really a
boss who was stingy boss.

Eric slid down with his back against the concrete wall, holding his hand with his
cell phone in his hand. Before long, there was another vibration in my hand.

- Eric, did you talk to the director on the phone?

It was Evan.

It's not eavesdropping. It's just that Eliza and Ivan are both human beings who
have rolled enough to roll on this floor, so they know exactly what's going on.

It was Elijah and Hana, my immediate supervisor, who would speak to Eric at this
time. Evan was also anticipating what kind of conversation Eliza and Eric had.

- The director must have ordered me to delegate all my powers

Ivan was as bouncy as he was on the last call.

- The "evidence" you've been looking for for 15 days will be discarded. What can I
do? The trash can is the place to go


- Come on, Eric. No matter how hard he tries, he can't satisfy his mother. Like
Eric's not satisfied with me. Right, Mom?

Eric gritted his teeth.

Eric had a crush on my boss, even a woman the size of his mother. Ivan found out a
secret that no one had ever found out, and the baby boy, who wasted his age,
scratched it from time to time.

"……let's stop playing family games and just tell me what to do."

- I have a favor to ask of you.

Evan said in a clear voice.

Eliza must know that she has a subtle inferiority complex to Ivan. She was a woman
who had no qualms about putting her subordinates on her limbs. I love such things.

- Do you think a man's pride is more important than my orders?

Eric answered obediently, bending his pride.

"Yeah. What's your request? If you need the information we've collected, we'll
collect it by the end of the day

- No, I don't care about trash Eric, you throw away your own trash. The CIA didn't
even teach you that?

I suddenly thought that I might have been really eavesdropped. No, he's just a bad-
tempered man, this guy.

- It's a personal request as a colleague.

A snake-like voice clenched its ears.

"Do these guys still look like colleagues?"

For a moment, more than a few years ago, things crossed Eric'

'You're naive, Eric. Unfortunately, I can only see him as a traitor to your boss."
Elijah, then deputy director, accepted Ivan Yelka as an unofficial member of the
CIA. And with Eric, he ordered the Red Mafia to search for agents who were

Finally, I gathered my connoisseurs in one place.

Eric hesitated. They were colleagues who watched sports games, drank coffee, and
chatted together until yesterday.

When I returned home, I had a wife, and there were ordinary men waiting for my
lovely child. I can't believe you were taking a lot of money with the mafia without
even knowing your family.

I couldn't believe it.

"If you can't kill me, I'll take care of it."

What? Wait, Ivan! You have to go through due process and arrest him

'The deputy director ordered the shooting of suspected men and disguising
themselves as the Red Mafia.'

"...the deputy director?"

Yeah, that's a relief, right? It turns out he's my master. Killing a good man makes
me feel bad. 'Cause I can't sleep with my feet out.'

Hit it! Hit it!

The sound of the gunfire that rang out that day came to mind as clearly as if it
had happened in front of my eyes. Even the smell of gunpowder in the air is clear.

'Everything will be dealt with. The rest of the family won't know until they die
that my husband and father are mafias."

Evan comforted Eric, who had fallen into a trance. But it didn't work. Because of
the subtle inferiority complex he used to feel? No, it wasn't that kind of problem.

Ivan was also acquainted with them. Rather, they were closer than Eric, who was
blunt. Even though Ivan was a temporary agent from the Le Eden gang, not an
official CIA agent.

Evan was a friendly man. I remembered not only the names of the agents' children
but also their ages. One child even baked a birthday cake himself and gave it to
him as a gift.

It was the child of a man who turned into a cold corpse on the floor.

How can you not hesitate?

'Oh, what a relief. This makes everyone happy, doesn't it?'

What the hell?

Does it mean that I've become happy?

When I look at this guy, I feel like something is going wrong. I feel like I made
the wrong choice even though it must be the right thing to do. Anxiety, as if you
are twisting or not by force to fit an unsized tooth.

"Then I'll be on my way."

Ivan left the scene as if he were leaving the company dinner. A few days later, a
joint funeral was held for the killed agents, and Ivan greeted the family with a
sad look.

After the funeral, it was time to stay and talk with Ivan alone. Only then did Eric
realize why he felt something wrong every time he saw Evan.

My heart ached because the children cried. I wish I could shed tears with you.
Eric, how do you cry so well? "Did you practice secretly?"


The reason for this strange alienation.

Other colleagues came and the conversation ended there. But Eric wasn't. The
conversation still lingered in his mind. Maybe he's a person who lacks emotions? I
had that suspicion.

Then Eric began to observe Ivan.

As expected, Ivan laughed as he watched his colleagues laugh in the pub, and when
he mediated the scene of the accident on the TV in the lounge, he added my voice to
the unfortunate sigh of others.

"Eric, why do you keep observing me these days?"

I wanted to pretend I didn't know, but I can't ignore it anymore," Ivan added with
a smiling face.

It was when he was about to apologize for his rudeness.

I just didn't have time to learn how to express it.’


I felt like I was hit in the back of my head.

Emotions, they're not learning. People cry when they are sad and laugh when they
are happy. I'm not trying to copy you. It's a natural phenomenon.'

Eric, do you want to say that I'm not human?’

Ivan folded his eyes and laughed.

It was really comfortable after I came to America. Americans laugh all the time,
all they have to do is laugh. But now I don't know what expression to make.’


Why are you scared? Eric, am I a vampire? Just as not everyone is good at singing,
I just lack the talent to express my feelings. Just because everyone does it
doesn't mean it's a given. Did you understand?

Emotions are not a matter of talent.’

'Yes, yes. Keep living like that!’

Evan screeched like a child and made a straight face.

When he wasn't smiling, he gave off an atmosphere that he didn't belong to this
world. Like water and oil, a sense of alienation that could not be mixed with the
reality we were standing in was enveloping him.

Do you think I look abnormal? You brand me as abnormal and you make yourself a
normal person. I'm not blaming Eric. Most humans do, don't they? Me too.’

Evan forgave Eric for his rudeness. His blue eyes were infinitely transparent as if
to illuminate all the images in the world.

But don't forget. The fact that depending on the way you look at it, you can always
get off the rails of a normal person.’
a normal person's rail

an unorthodox connection

an immoral yearning for Eliza

Maybe Evan has noticed Eric's love for him since this time.

It was just as Eric expected.

Evan was also observing Eric. Realizing that he was persistent in observing
himself, he found Eric's weakness, Eliza.

Those who fight monsters become monsters. If you look into the abyss, the abyss
will look into us.

Ivan Yelka was another figure of the abyss.

an abyss that is infinitely transparent and white

* * *

- It's a personal request as a colleague.

Ivan has two requests.

First, contact with Hesder Berghagen.

Second, stay at the Safe House with her for a week.

Safe House was the place where he first took Heather. She didn't even say what
happened in there.

'Can we know now?’

I didn't want to know at the same time. At least I hoped it wasn't the worst thing
I could imagine. Eric tried to ignore the presence of Lia Henriksen in his head and
got into the car.

Tracking the location of civilians was a piece of cake for CIA agents.

Hesder Berghagen.

She was in the art gallery. There were not many visitors because the venue was
remote and it was an individual exhibition of unknown foreign artists.

As soon as he entered the exhibition hall, he could find Hesder.

It was more noticeable because she was wearing a yellow plum-colored trench coat
and loosening and brushing her waist-length curly red hair.

Eric took a slow deep breath and approached behind her. Hesder slightly moved to
the side, perhaps because he felt the presence.

"I personally like this writer."


Realizing the identity of the man he spoke to, Hesder fixed his mouth for a
momentarily. However, he did not lose his sarcasm by gently rolling up the corners
of his mouth.

"It's the worst comment I've ever made."

"Do you spend your holidays cultural life?"

Eric once again tried an emotionless small talk.

"Is it because of what I said last time?"

Hesder turned to Eric.

"If I pretend to work, I'll follow you when I see your handsome face"

She took her hand out of her pocket and stroked Eric's jawline. It was as sharp as
a cut, but it didn't bleed. Hesder rubbed his index finger and thumb blandly and
thrust it into his pocket.

Hesder looked rather stubborn, but she was an undeniable beauty. Like a model, he
was tall and confident in his walk, and his voice was confident.

The sarcastic tone that comes from that confidence will also be felt as an
attractive element to those who see it. However, for Eric, all of these factors
only made him feel uncomfortable.

"Go ahead. I'll be there."


Eric was embarrassed by the absurdly innocent attitude.

"Why are you surprised? I'm sure you've been ordered by him anyway. I heard you're
a CIA agent You know best what will happen if you go against Ivan Yelka's words on
this floor?"


As expected, it was uncomfortable to be with a woman who said everything she wanted
to say. It reminds me of Eliza. Eric's expression darkened.

"Then I won't explain more. Let's go."

Eric picked up Heather and headed to the place where Evan was waiting.



Hesder stared blankly at my face in the car window. This time he didn't cover his
You've earned the confidence that you won't reveal this to the outside world. She
actually acted like nothing happened.

But it wasn't really all right. Even if she had a bolder personality than the
average person, she was an ordinary woman in her 30s.

I couldn't sleep for days because I felt guilty about leaving Lia in such a place.
I had to live with sleeping pills. Calling me as a doctor means Lia has health
problems, too.

"What can I do?"

It has already happened.

Ivan was a nutcase, but at least he didn't order a doctor to kill a man. If you
were going to kill someone, you'd kill yourself. Maybe I can order to save a half-
dead human being.

Anyway, Hesder himself did his duty as a doctor. I treat patients who came to me
regardless of whether they were guilty or not. It was like that again this time.
All she has to do is treat Lia. It was impossible to get her out of the cage.

But I can't help feeling worried.

"……Is the child all right?"

Hesder spoke for the first time in the car. Eric made eye contact through the room
mirror. Seeing that there was no answer, he didn't know yet.

"Okay, I'll check it out myself.”

* * *

The car carrying the two people entered a place where the Internet did not even
work. It was a forest surrounded by pointed spruce trees. It was a place that made
people feel helpless rather than the wonders of nature.

'If you get lost, it's perfect for you to die missing.’

Even so, a warning sign was posted at the entrance to the forest. It is said that
more than 10 missing people disappear from here every year and no bodies were

In the center of the forest, a man stood.

The whole world was white with snow last night. If I didn't wear black, I might
have missed it. His smooth skin was pale without blood. His head was white, and his
existence itself was a ghillie suit.

"Hello, my friends."

Ivan stood up straight and said,

Eric and Hesder exchanged glances and approached Ivan. Only around him felt
exceptionally cold.
"I'm going to be away for a week, so I've been calling to look after the house."

Evan handed Eric a security card.

"I sent you the password via email. Did you check it?"


Eric seemed to be the only one who could go in and out freely for a week. Hesder
asked, looking at the two men alternately.

"What am I supposed to do?”

"Oh, the professor is here, too. I'm sorry. I said let's not see each other again,
but I broke my promise.”

Pretending to be surprised by what he sang. Hesder asked again, sighing.

"Do you need surgery?"

"No, Lia is healthy.”

Maybe? It looks fine on the outside. Evan muttered. At that moment, Eric put his
arm in between the two.

"Evan, please talk to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Is that Lia Henriksen in there right now?”

Ivan and Hesder smirked at the poor performance. But Evan was kind enough to hang
out with.

"Why do you ask if you know everything?"

"I only expected it. The fact that you would have done such a thing

"You thought about it, right?"

Ivan shrugged his shoulders.

"Eric, it's annoying to pretend to be innocent It doesn't matter if you just show
your face and go back anyway.”

Evan hit back mischievously.


"I just need your guarantee.”


"Lia suspects me as a pervert stalker. I was just trying to protect you. It really
hurt my heart So prove you're the CIA."

Evan gripped my chest and sighed deeply. Eric was full of energy.
"I've imprisoned an innocent citizen, and I deserve to hear that. Whatever the
reason, it's a crime."

Hesder whistled as he listened in silence. I thought you were calm, but you know
how to punch me. The situation turned funny, but Hesder had to check Lia's
condition quickly.

"It might be better to be in here."

Eventually, Hesder stepped in.

Evan looked surprised. She looked at Eric and continued.

"The TV and newspapers were all over the place. That damn girl...…, No, because
Ishanna's got the worst of it."

Eric's spirit was also dampened to what extent he sympathized with her.

Leah Henriksen was excluded from the list of suspects in the murder of the
Henriksen couple. This is because the time she got off the taxi and the estimated
time of her parents' death did not match. Lebeden police focused on the kidnapping
and proceeded with the investigation.

When the story of the Henriksen couple's murder was announced, Ishanna held a press
conference immediately.

My parents cheered and supported my sister's dream of playing the piano. Although
Lia turned the road in a different direction, I tried my best to do her part and
got here. The two deceased people wouldn't want me to give up the show for this.
Because you raised me strong. A week later, the performance at Le Eden Hall will be
a testament to our Henriksen family's family. I won't run away or hide even if he's
after me.

I hope the investigative agency in Le Eden will find the criminal as soon as
possible and punish him accordingly. That's it.'

After the funeral, Ishanna attended the tour as scheduled. Some critics praised
Ishana as a genius created by tragedy.

Of course, all of them were bought by Tom Sen Hibik with money, but as a result,
Ishana was in the spotlight around the world.

While Ishana's Le Eden Hall performance continued to sell out all the seats, there
was no contact from the criminal for more than 15 days. On average, it has been a
long time since the kidnapper demanded ransom.

At the second press conference, Ishanna took the podium with her lawyers. She made
a shock announcement that her brother may have disappeared in horror at the sight
of his parents' bodies.

'Lia, I know it's hard, but please come back. I need your testimony to catch the
criminal. I'll do my best to protect you.’
After the video was updated on the Internet, the Henriksen sisters' reputation was
sharply divided. Some cursed Lia as an evil witch from the East, and the situation
was similar in the Korean community.

Rumors made by Kim Min-ji and those claiming to be elementary school alumni have
been constantly posted. Lia's firepower declined when it was revealed that she was
adopted before entering elementary school, but there were still a lot of comments
rethinking her personality.

It would have been similar if she wasn't missing. No, it was worse’

Hesder knew Ishanna better than anyone else.

Ishana will praise herself by emphasizing Lia's inability to protect her parents at
the scene of the incident. Lia was jealous of the unwelcome attention she received
because she was Asian.

A woman who was born with everything in her hand that others would envy, but is
anxious to take away everything that poor people have.

Ishanna was not satisfied. At the university, there was also a poor hobby of
choosing only married professors and having dinner together at the house where my
wife was waiting.

But do they feel superior?

I just can't understand it.

"By the way, I can't believe we're holding such a press conference while the
disappearance investigation is underway. Shouldn't we be sued for the confusion of
the investigation?"

Hesder questioned Eric. But Eric was a CIA agent, so I had nothing to say. But they
also had enough information about Ishanah and Lia.

"Ishana Henriksen is the lover of a politician. The politician has a close

relationship with the Commissioner of Police Le Eden."

Hesder smirked.

It was a life that didn't go beyond my expectations.

"Then can I go and check on Miss Lia now?”

"Come on, let's go in together. Lia might be surprised if we go in one by one.”

Ivan smiled and looked at Eric with a smile.

"Come on, Eric, you decide, too.”


"I don't care if you just stamp your face. But if you tell this to the outside
world with that petty sense of justice.”

Evan lowered himself gently.

"You'll pay for it."

The piercing voice made my hair stand on end. Eric shut his mouth tight. Hesder,
who couldn't stand it, grabbed Eric's arm.

"I don't have any complaints about this situation. Anyway, someone has to take care
of Miss Lia while you catch her."

"The professor is quick-witted and has a cool personality, unlike anyone else."

Evan was greatly impressed.

How can you expect that you're going to catch the criminal? Well, there was no
reason to be away for a week otherwise.

"It's imprisonment. It's a clear offense. Don't you know?"

"Do you think I'm here because I'm clean?"”

Hesder let go of his grip and poked Eric in the chest.

It's the same for you. So shut up and do what Evan tells you to do. Hesder's eyes
said so.


Eric rolled his eyes nervously and whispered to Ivan.

"This has nothing to do with the CIA. I'm acting on my own terms. So don't let him
get away with it."

"I'm touched, Eric."

Ivan grabbed his chest and tapped Eric on the shoulder.

"You're a romanticist. Excellent. I'll take Eric's credit if I find him. Take it as
a wedding gift to the director."

Evan who was talking made a mistake.

"Oh, in order to do that, I have to divorce him first"

Eric bit his lower lip firmly. And nervously, he hit Ivan's hand on his shoulder
and took the lead in the direction of the entrance.

Hesder followed with a rather impatient walk, and Ivan followed slowly like the
owner who came out for a walk with his dog.

* * *

Lia couldn't believe the sight before her eyes.

I just need to bring someone to guarantee my status, right? Then the

misunderstanding that I'm a stalker will be cleared up.’

Evan brought in two people as promised. He's over 180cm tall and he's an Asian man
who looks tired

"…… Professor Hesder."

Lia's face turned white when she saw Hesder.

Eventually, I called the professor back here. What should I say? I had nothing to
say even if I had ten mouths. Lia dropped her head and touched only her innocent

Hesder, on the other hand, did not resent Lia. It wasn't her fault to be trapped
here in the first place. Lia, who was bitten by a crazy dog, was just pitiful.

"Everyone, sit comfortably. What kind of coffee do you like?"

Ivan asked as he walked to the coffee pot.

"Americano, please

"I like espresso."

Hesder and Eric ordered one after another. Leah, who was absent-minded, replied a
beat late.

"I don't mind anything."

Lia was just stunned by the whole thing.

I couldn't believe that so many people gathered here. There were only a few more
coffee cups, but the table looked full than usual.

"It's not Americano."

"……why did you ask if you're going to do this.”

Hesder with a coffee cup frowned. The same was true of Eric. It was all a latte
with sugar. Both of them hated sweets, so they took a sip and put it down.

"I couldn't help it because there's only one day left until the expiration date of
the milk.”

Ivan replied, pretending to be sorry.

When the CIA informant from the organization became a frugal housekeeper, Hesder
and Eric were just amazing.

"This is LIA's.”

Ivan put down his coffee cup in front of Lia, leaving the two bewildered people
behind. Lia's coffee was Americano, which was softened with a little sugar, as

Ivan sat on the armrest of the sofa where Lia sat and looked at Eric and Heather
He got straight to the point.

"This is Eric Han, who has been working with me for a long time. He's an elite
agent trusted by the director. Right, Eric?"

Ivan asked, tilting his head.

Eric calmly swallowed his anger and looked at Lia.

"Nice to meet you, Lia. I'm Eric Han. The CIA is currently tracking down suspects
in the murder of the Henriksen couple. As you may have heard, Ivan will be away for
the next week to track him down. In the meantime, Professor Hesder and I will
protect Miss Lia."

Eric was a typical image of a CIA agent. The main character in the crime
investigation drama seemed to have emerged as a reality. It seems tricky, but it
was the voice that gave trust to the other person and the behavior that was

"You didn't show your ID card."

Eric took a black leather wallet out of his pocket and opened it. Under the golden
badge, there was an ID card with the name, photo, and date of birth.

"In this situation, I want you to trust us and cooperate."

Just as the moral conflict outside was all acting, Eric was convincing Lia with a
calm tone of voice and persuading her. Since the comparison line is Evan, he
decided that he could give credibility even if he tried a little effort.

His idea hit the mark.

"Can we get out of here if we find him?”

Instead of answering immediately, Eric rolled his eyes at Ivan. Lia also glanced at
Evan sitting next to her.

Everyone who gathered here realized that it was Ivan who took the initiative.

"Of course, Lia."

Evan leaned down like he was crouching down and made eye contact with Lia. He added

"If we catch the criminal, we'll get out of here. You're looking forward to it,

Lia was not at all relieved even though she said she could go out.

Even if I get out of here, can I run away from this man, Ivan Yelka? I was confused
whether I was under the CIA or in the hands of Ivan Yelka.

"It's already this late I should get going. Don't fight with the three of you and
get along well.”

Evan, who got up, gently stroked Lia's head. Hesder followed him up. She couldn't
take her eyes off Lia's right hand.
In fact, I felt like I was going crazy because I was worried since I came in here.

A white rope tied to Lia's hand.

"Now, hold on a second."

"Did you call me, professor?"

"……Are you going to leave it like this?”


Hesder glanced at Lia's hand with his mouth shut. Only then did Ivan groan as if he

"You don't have to tie him up like this when he's not a criminal."

It's uncomfortable to look at. Hesder murmured in a low voice. Eric also looked at
Evan carefully as if he sympathized with him.

There was a moment of silence.

It was a very short time, but it was a breathtaking silence as if it were drowning.
In the end, Lia opened her mouth first.

"It's all right. There's a good reason."

"Did you hear that? Lia has a good reason for that.”

Ivan stood behind Lia and laid his hand on her slender shoulders. The person
concerned said it was okay, but what could he do? In the end, Hesder did not refute
whether he had anything to say.

Lia was just afraid of this stifling situation. I wanted to send Evan out as soon
as possible. Even though I was turning my back, I felt like my blue eyes were
looking at me like they were going to eat me.

* * *

Evan left.

The three men became silent at a rapid rate. Hesder looked inside, and Eric sat
with a blank face. Lia felt as if she had become a subject trapped in a narrow
space to study a phenomenon.

"I'm sorry, professor."

Lia hesitated for a long time and said.


"You didn't want to come here...….”

Hesder put down what he was looking at and approached Lia.

"No, I'm relieved to see that Lia is healthy.”


"I was very sensitive back then. Lia wouldn't have been in a hurry either. And……."

Hesder held Lia's hand gently. She added in a stiff voice.

"I'm sure you both went to a good place. So Lia, from now on, just think about

Hesder's sincere consolation moved Lia's heart. Ivan was like an inorganic material
in the skin of man, and every word of Hesder dug deeper into his heart.

"With two CIA agents and me, a doctor, the killer won't be able to touch Lia's

Hesder turned and looked at Eric. When Eric didn't say anything, Hesder coughed.

"Right, Eric?"

Eric nodded in silence.

"Isn't it annoying to pretend to be quiet?"”

As Hesder whispered with a mischievous face, Lia was bewildered as if she were
sweating profusely. Only then did Eric ask.

"Is there a joke in this situation?"

"What can't you do? Let's live with a smile as I'm about to feel uncomfortable.
Whether you like it or not, you're a housemate, right?"

Eric, who was bickering with Hesder, looked at Lia.

The thin cheeks were well-fleshed, and the nutrients seemed to have been properly
supplied. Is it an illusion if you look healthier than you see in the picture?

His eyes were like that, too.

You can tell what's inside by looking into a person's eyes. Lia's black eyes in the
picture were empty as if she had lost her focus. Now, various emotions such as
fear, confusion, and relief seemed to be mixed up.

If I had to get one, would it? At least it looked like a living breathing man. for
a man in custody for 15 days

But I don't know. The inside may be rotten and disheveled.

Eric decided to do the best he could to the poor woman.

"If you need anything, feel free to tell me. I'll get it for you."

"I need sour coffee beans and Company A cereal. H. Also, could you buy me
comfortable clothes to change into?”

Eric sighed with his fingertips supporting his throbbing forehead.

"I didn't ask you."

"Lia, do you need anything?"”

Lia shook her head as her eyes were on me.

"…… Evan saved me everything I needed."

Eric was the limit. I could no longer face depressed Lia. He sprang to his feet,
double-checked what Hesder needed, and left.

* * *

"There are only women left."


The conversation didn't go on.

Still, Leah couldn't look straight at Hesder, and Hesder pretended to be calm, but
she was also nervous.

But I had to say what I had to say. Now was the time when Eric was away.

"Did he touch you?"

Lia's shoulders moved up and down.

"I know it's hard to answer. But I'll help you as much as I can."

I didn't want to think of the reason why Ivan Yelka imprisoned Lia Henriksen here,
but as a human being, the accident was bound to flow in a bad way.

At first, I thought it was simply protecting the witness. Even though he threatened
to bring him back, he was a CIA member.

But I soon changed my mind. Evan's eyes looking at Lia were filled with
inspiration. It was the moment when the inorganic eyes, which seemed to be
imitating a human mask, were animated.

Eric, a CIA agent, also seemed to have only recently learned that Ivan had locked
Lia here. Or you know it like me, but you hide it in fear and turn away.

"In the end, he's going to be taken advantage of by Ivan because he's as weak as I

Ivan Yelka imprisoned Lia Henriksen.

As soon as I said that,

Everyone who gathers here becomes an accomplice.

On the contrary, if you stick to your role, you could return to your normal daily
life a week after you promised.

Except for Lia.

"Of course I don't mean to let you run away."

Hesder looked at Lia's expression.

She was smiling faintly. It wasn't a look of resentment, disappointment, or anger.

Rather, he is relieved by his answer.

"As a doctor, what I can help with is drug contraception."

"It's all right, professor."

An answer came out between Lia's lips that seemed to collapse and become sand.

"I told Evan. I don't want to involve you in my problem."

But it came, after all. Lia smiled bitterly. If everything went his way, at least I
was enough to be swayed by him.

"Maybe that man, Evan."

Lia rolled in and bit her lips. After such a long pause, he opened his mouth.

"I'm not going to force myself to commit a crime.”

"How can you be sure?"

Hesder frowned.

"I want my body."’

'If that's what it means. Yeah, I want to have sex with Lia.’

"Then why don't you do it?"

Not now. Lia is out of her mind.’

"……he has his own rules. Unless there's anything special, move within the rules.”

Lia held on to her trembling fingertips as if to calm them down.

Even when we first met, Evan didn't come to me with his hands behind his back.
Sometimes the safety pin popped as if it had been pulled out, but unless it
stimulated him, the safety pin was fixed in place.

Honestly, I don't know what's going to happen. But I don't want to worry the
professor any more. You might want to get involved in this...….’

The two stared at each other in silence. And shared the same feeling. A huge wall
that cannot be helped by human power, and a sense of helplessness inevitably felt
in front of the wall.

In Hesder's head, the thought he had in the car returning after examining Lia came
There is a kind of unwritten rule on this floor.

I don't touch a madman.

And that nutcase is Ivan Yelka, a very simple truth.

"I understand how you feel."

Hesder nodded mildly.

Inside, I was relieved by Lia's attitude not to get involved in this anymore. And
disillusioned with this self.

"……If Evan catches the criminal and gets out of here,"

Lia hesitated and looked at Hesder's countenance. Hesder noticed what Lia hadn't

Then I'll run away on my own.’

A small spark flared inside Lia's black pupils. Hesder quietly held Lia's hand and
alluded to her determination.

The conversation ended shortly. However, it was enough for a camaraderie-like,

affectionate feeling to bloom between the two.

At least that's what Lia felt.

* * *

Evan's warning was simple.

The deadline is a week.

Putting Lia's safety first and taking care of her, listening to all her demands,
and finally, the two should not conflict.

To put it simply, even if Lia asks to go outside, she should not be listened to
because she is in danger. Even if you want to hear outside news, you can be
emotionally unstable, so you shouldn't.

It was like this.

Hesder sarcastically said to himself, "It's a confinement full of love with great

But there was no veto, either. If Ivan Yelka wanted to, we just had to follow.

"I'll leave it here."

A few hours later, Eric came back.

Hesder checked the items he had brought as if he had been waiting. Leah also opened
the package next to Hesder. In the meantime, Eric put the food he packed from the
restaurant in a dish.
"I'll help you."

Lia came up quickly and tried to help. Eric tried to refuse, but Lia's eyes were so
desperate that she reluctantly nodded.

"Please just move the plates of food to the table.”

"Oh, did you buy something to eat?"”

Hesder burst in and took his share. The three sat around the coffee table and

"I'm going to buy more to go. Will it be okay?"

"I don't care. If only I could eat my favorite cereal in the morning.”

"I'm fine, too."

The two agreed to Eric's proposal.

In the first place, it was not an atmosphere for the three people to gather in
front of the counter and cook in a friendly manner. It was best for Eric to buy
food from outside like now. Or we can eat three meals a day. Ivan won't forgive me
for that.

Make sure to feed them fresh food. Eat a nutritious meal. Got it?'

Hesder praised Eric's sense of buying food, but he was cold-hearted about the menu
selection. As Ivan advised, it was a nutrient-rich food, but it was not delicious.

Hesder grumbled the whole time he ate. Eric only mechanically put food in his mouth
and chewed it. He didn't seem angry with Hesder. If she shut her mouth, she'd
suffocate in the heavy air filling it. Hesder didn't look too happy.

"It's fun."

At last, Hesder, who had nothing to say, put down the plate with a tired look. The
plate was clean because I scratched it all away for complaining.

"What's funny?”

Eric asked inertially.

"Just. This situation?”

Hesder smirked.

CIA elite agents, promising young doctors and adopted daughters of murdered
politicians. At first glance, it felt like a late-night sitcom to see a combination
of people sitting around a table and eating like a crime movie.

"Oh, I have to eat dessert after dinner. Please give me a cake next time I go out.
What about you, LIA?
Hesder changed the subject naturally. When asked, Lia answered with an awkward
smile while her eyes were wide open.

"……I'm fine."

"Then let's just buy the cake. That's nice. All you have to do is sit still and
order without lifting a hand.”

Hesder grinned at Eric with his chin on his back.

Lia looked at the figure with puzzled eyes. I'm sure this situation is very
disturbing for Hesder, but where does he get that relaxation?

Since this happened, he seemed to think that he was on vacation.

Of course, it wasn't that I didn't understand Hesder's way of thinking. Lia once
thought, too. Sitting on a train coming to Langde, I want to disappear without a
sound and end the rest of my life in a place where no one knows.

It wasn't the way it was it?


"I'll do an identification test."

Evan naturally presented a camouflage identification card from the CIA.

Armed police officers roamed around Langdesh, perhaps because of the Henriksen
couple's murder. However, strict security around a certain point has also become

The background has also changed.

The sidewalks were overgrown with weeds, the roads were shaking like unpaved roads,
and the buildings where the paint had been removed were broken or covered with
wooden boards. All the windows of the store were blocked with iron bars except for
the entrance.

Even without a warning sign, it was found to be a dangerous area at once. Anyone
with a good mind would have turned the car around here. However, Ivan went deeper
and pulled over to the shoulder.


Evan, who got out of the car, took out a 38-caliber revolver under a tree that had
run out of leaves, checked the bullet, and stabbed it into a pistol holder.
Even if it was loaded, it weighed a little more than 1kg and felt like it was
wrapped in its hands. It was also small in size, making it easy to hide here and
there on the body. For that reason, it has been adopted as a police supply gun in
many countries. Le Eden Police and the CIA also distributed the revolver to agents.

Of course, it was before Ivan entered the CIA that he liked the model. It was a gun
taken away by a corrupt police officer. I'm still using it very well.

Perhaps the police who were robbed of their guns ended up with very light
disciplinary action. The police in Le Eden, especially Langdesh, were famous for
corruption. So Ivan didn't let him live. This was Le Eden's bare face, called

Evan started walking somewhere.

There were a total of nine entrances to the slums, and he headed for the main area
of the gang, so it was a path that he thought was missing. The same was true of
slum dwellers. I didn't do anything for my life.

Evan used the road. It's been the most familiar street since childhood.

Until they entered the city, they did not encounter not only slum residents but
also gang members. The gang members, who were about to start their activities late,
shut up in their home base after hearing that a silver-haired lunatic appeared. The
collection center, who came out to collect protection money, also hurriedly turned

"Not much has changed.’

Standing on the same street, Evan thought casually.

The only vibrant place in the slums is this city. At the same time, risk has
increased as much as population density. Even ordinary restaurants were plastered
with rusty bars, except for the entrance, like gun dealers.

"Damn, your son hit you first!”

"It's a dollar. It's a dollar. It's only for dollars here."

"Argh! Spit it out!"

The residents of the slums sat idly on the muddy streets, playing cards, eating
cheap cup rice, and smoking cigarettes.

"Hey, hey."

Then, the first person to find Evan hit the person next to him. One by one, I got
up and left. There was also a merchant who closed the store.

It's Evan.

It's Ivan Yelka.

T-shirts with stretched necks, corduroy pants with unknown marks, and mismatched
socks. Among the people dressed as if they were in a clothing box, Evan was like a
creature from another world.

His spotless clean appearance made him an exceptionally alien. The residents of the
slums were distracted by their attractive appearance, but avoided their seats,
trembling with familiar notoriety. Only people who didn't know or notice Ivan Yelka
were left on the street.

Evan stood in front of the only store open. Under the sign that said "tattoo," a
warning was written, "No more than two people entering."


The hinges screamed as soon as they pushed the door because of how old the building
was. Evan went deep, putting the bead feet aside.

It was very humid inside the store. The humid air smelled of naphthalene and felt
like a corpse trapped in a coffin. It wasn't supposed to be this atmosphere. The
owner seemed to have changed.


The changed owner was lying on a leather sofa with his face covered with porn
magazines and taking a nap even though he left the store door open. His forearm was
full of tattoos because he was afraid it was a tattoo parlor. It was a pattern that
ran inside a white short-sleeved T-shirt with taco sauce on it.

Evan took out the revolver and grabbed it.

Like this.

A magazine lifted by a gun fell to the floor. The shopkeeper still didn't open his
eyes. It wasn't medicine. The smell of cheap sparkling wine was strong. Drinking
from daybreak is a good thing to do.

Ivan was kind enough to tap his forehead with a gun. Only then did the shopkeeper
open his eyes. When his eyes met, Ivan crumpled his expressionless face and

"Hola, Amigo!”

"Hostia, what a surprise!"

The shopkeeper stood up in fright. No, I tried to get up, but I had to lie down as
the 38-caliber revolver's gun was blocking me.

"Do you know who I am?"

The shopkeeper, who used to swear in Spanish, shot back in fairly fluent Le Edenic.
Language skills are essential to success on this floor. It was important to
integrate well into the culture of the country.


Evan tilted his head.

The gun pressed down on the man's forehead. Evan lowered himself slowly. The
oppressive atmosphere surrounding him also subsided.

The man gulped unconsciously. The muscles all over my body became stiff body.
Nervous. No, overwhelmed.

"Any great person would have already heard of me."

Ivan tapped my ear with his other hand. Then he added, pretending to think

"But I don't remember hearing anything about you In other words, killing you here
won't do me any harm."

Ivan closed his eyes and smiled softly.

It was a smile that looked dangerous as if a smile was cut out of a thin dough with
a knife.

The man's chest twitched. The liquor ran off at once and for all.


It's been less than a month since I took over the store, but the person I don't
want to meet the most came from the floor.

Ivan Yelka. The last rumor about him was that he put Felice Ingel, the boss of the
Boaq organization who dominated the slums, in jail. He was a total nutcase. Who
else did he come here to score this time?

"You seem to know me."

The man responded with a flinch.

"It's totally up to you whether we can be friends or not.”

The man nodded mildly at his words.

Ivan gently loosened his grip on the gun. The man muttered something in Spanish.
I'll do as I'm told, please save me, God, the same obvious words.

Evan got up, dropping his gun.

The man followed him up and lifted his upper body. And I looked up at Evan. A round
fluorescent lamp with a smashed cover and exposed intact blinked on his white head.
The figure was like a saint or an angel painted on the torch.

The man was blind.

Oh my god.

In fact, it was right to be blind. With intense pain, a white flame broke out in
front of my eyes. The man grabbed the kicked right eye and rolled under the sofa.

"Argh! My eyes! My eyes!"

"Shh. Let's not make a loud noise. Don't you have a doctor's license? Treat it

Ivan lifted the man's face with his gun hand and examined the area he kicked. The
eyelashes were soaked with blood.

"Oh, I don't have a license. Shit, I'm a tattooist...…!”

"You think I'm asking because I don't know?”

Ivan asked, poking the wound with his thumb. The man screamed and wept like a

For some reason, tattooists performed large and small operations on this floor.
Just as barbers performed surgery in the Middle Ages.

It was only possible in the slums to treat tattooing on the body as the equivalent
of cutting and sewing with a knife. Criminals and immigrants who cannot visit
hospitals with confidence naturally flock to these places. Like a moth running into
the fire.

Unfortunately, the CIA doesn't know the physiology of this floor. For them, the
tattoo parlor was strongly recognized as a drug trafficking site. Therefore, this
place was naturally excluded in pursuit of the criminal who injured his leg.

I shot him in the leg. Send someone to the slum to look for a cripple.

What's the population of Langdesi that makes it so hard to catch a cripple? You
even put a marker on me. Ivan clapped his tongue inside.

Eric and the other agents seem to have gone back without much income after only
busting up the Amen store. I felt sorry for Elijah, who had these idiots under his

"A man in his early 20s who is over 170 centimeters tall and under 175 centimeters
tall and weighs no more than 55 kilograms."

Evan came to the point with a grain of salt.

The trees in the direction the criminal was shooting have thin branches. Only
underweight men were able to hold out at that height. And the physical conditions
that can come out when calculating height and ballistic etc. are further narrowed.

He was caught in his early 20s because of his inexperience and courage at the crime
scene. The assassination of a politician couple was only possible with young blood.

"And I hurt my leg. I gave him a 9mm bullet. I'm not sure if it's left or right."

"Well, he didn't come to me. Except for the idiot who shot him in the ear two days
ago while playing with a gun at home, he was just a bunch of regular tats...….”


Ivan's voice tilted with his gaze. It was as sharp as if it would shave the flesh
immediately if it didn't give the answer it wanted. The man who was racking his
brains clapped his hands as if he remembered.

"Poo, Poo-se! I heard Poo-se lamenting before. The kid who came to see me before
Christmas, he took out the bullet and sewed it, but he didn't pay for it and ran
away...…. But he didn't tell me which part he hurt...….”

the little fellow who came before Christmas a bullet lodged somewhere in the body
The dates were also roughly consistent. The lucky goddess seemed close to getting
this much information from the store she first entered.
"Is Pusset Mexican, too”

Ivan lifted himself up and asked.

"Yes, yes, most of the people who paint on the floor."

"Come to think of it, I've never cooked for you in Mexico."


"My girlfriend."

Ivan answered, looking directly at the man.

A girlfriend out of nowhere? The man couldn't get a handle on Ivan's accident. But
he grinned servilely to keep up with the mood.

"Hahaha, you had a girlfriend...….”

"I want to make you feel different sometimes. People who are always locked up don't
have much to enjoy but eat."

The man who understood Ivan's words rolled up the corners of his mouth vulgarly.

He crept back and opened a drawer in the iron closet. He deliberately rummaged
through the drawer lying flat on his stomach to appeal that he was not taking out a

"A different feeling, right? There's a perfect item for it, so I'll give it to you
especially. That's enough to try it out right now. There's a nice establishment
nearby, so at least there, kkk!"

Evan stretched out his long legs and instantly thrust the man's head into the
ground. The drawer also fell with a loud noise. White powder spilled out of the
torn envelope.

"You're making me sad, aren't you?"

Evan muttered in a sad voice.

Every time a situation repeats every time This distance does not change over the
years. It was cute to recommend alcohol and cigarettes. However, if you let your
guard down a little, you'll attract drugs, women, and even playgrounds.

Ivan was not shaken even in a situation where anyone else could pretend not to win.
There was no reason to be shaken.

It's just sad.

I'm so sad about this hopeless world.

I can't wait to go see Lia. I want to go back right now. I miss Lia's scent. Why do
I have to be sentimental in this crappy shop over Lia? Why am I here?

Why would I...

"Did I ask you to give me that kind of advice?”

Evan's eyes were bloodshot.

He leaned over and looked at the man. Blood poured into the head and the veins in
the neck swelled. I'm angry. I'm really angry. The flesh permeated the blue eyes.

The man barely turned his face against the heel. Ivan's eyes were beside him.

"Consideration that the other person doesn't want is violence. Or is that it? You
don't think I can satisfy Lia because I'm sympathetic? Did it look like that?

It seemed like a crazy person to talk about what the hell triggered it and what no
one asked. Are you serious about saying sympathy with that face and that body?
Would the women have let it go?

The ensuing question disappeared with intense pain.

"But I'm doing my best. I'm trying as hard as I can. H. I'm still nervous because I
left Lia alone! Will I eat well or sleep well? Are you getting along with your new
friends? Do you understand this feeling? You don't know, but I know people like you
well. He runs to the brothel as soon as his libido builds up, and he brags about

The black shoes pressed down on the man's face. Each time the man burst into a
dying sound. There was a crack in the jawbone. One of my eardrums seemed to burst.

"If you don't know, learn now. Love cannot be bought with money. You shouldn't buy
women with money."

Finally, Ivan, who pressed him, sprang to his feet up. Evan took a slow deep

"Oh, I feel better when I tell you."

Ivan swept his chest down with one hand.

"I guess these thoughts piled up without realizing it. It's refreshing to scream.

Ivan asked, looking down at the man. But there was no return. The man was foaming
and fainted.

"You must have been very tired."

You've been sleeping since before I came. Ivan looked at the man with pitiful eyes.

It was time to leave the store like that. Evan made a mistake. You said Lia's name
while shouting in excitement. Ivan fiddled with his lips and turned his back.

There is nothing I can do.

Ivan took his hand to the pistol house. And aimed the gun at the fallen man.

When I came outside, the more gloomy sky welcomed Ivan.

And the smell. The smell inside the store was no joke, but the smell of the slums
is beyond imagination.
What are people like?

Both adults and children have gloomy eyes, giving off an atmosphere that seems not
to be approached recklessly.

Then, a group of children came out of the same building and dispersed in all
directions. Most of the children who run actively on the streets where the old
water is cold are "carriers."

The large jacket, which was probably taken away by the homeless, flapped every time
he ran with his arms still in his hands. Only God knows whose orders those children
are, what they carry, and how much they are paid.

Small children can hide in places where adults cannot enter and release
information. Like a rat. In addition, it costs less. And yet Evan did not use the
children as sources.

Children do not know the value of information. And he was an underdog who had
neither the head nor the strength to protect himself after passing the information.

An adult who uses such children is cowardly.

Ivan grew up in that very cowardly adult world. Expecting an adult who can rely on
this floor and has normal thinking was as absurd as a pharmacist's success in

Evan recalled the voice of someone who had been sunk in memory.

How much can you afford?’

People don't buy and sell with money.’

The man said.

Money can't buy and sell people. It was the first time I knew that things that I
took for granted were not actually natural.

The meeting was special.

It was a moment when moral standards were engraved on the soul of an ignorant child
who was as white as white paper. Every moment together was special, so it may have
been more affectionate.


While Ivan was nostalgic about his childhood, a cat approached him.

The cat rubbed its head against Ivan's long legs. It seemed very familiar to bite
the smooth body and wind the tail at the end.


It was a white cat with a grape-like black dot on its butt. It looks like a
snowball. One day, someone said. When I see something white and clean, I want to
leave a footprint at least once.
As the cat tried to rub its head again, Ivan lifted his legs gently.

* * *

It's been five days since Evan left home.

Eric bought Trump on the second day.

The main games were poker or blackjack. Chip replaced Hesder with cereal. However,
it has never been more than two rounds. It was like a semi-forced activity during
the break given by inmates so that they did not go crazy.

After the game, we went to do our own thing. All they had to do was read a book,
mop the shiny sink by wiping it too much, or sit blankly with the lights Ivan left
at their maximum.

Hesder felt great about Lia, who had endured weeks without going crazy in this
situation. The same was true of Eric. He was less able to go outside than the
previous two, but he seemed to choke under invisible pressure when he came inside
the safe house.

Lia thought about what would happen in the week that I was given. Ivan will find
the criminal who killed his parents. For some reason, I had a strange belief that
he would succeed.

Eric also agreed with that part. He comforted Lia that Evan would be safe if he
caught the criminal. But what's next? I don't know what happens after that. Because
I didn't ask you in detail. And I felt like I would avoid even if I asked.

If we find the unsub, can we get out of here?’

'Of course, Lia. If we catch the criminal, we'll get out of here. You're looking
forward to it, right?

However, even if Lia caught the criminal, she could not imagine herself free. There
was still anxiety in the palm of a man named Ivan. Stronger certainty was needed.

"Mr. Han."

"Please feel free to call me Eric."

"Yes, Eric. Actually, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

While Hesder was taking a shower, Lia sneaked up on Eric. I didn't expect Eric to
give me the answer he wanted, but I was expecting something inside.

"Did the CIA really lock me up here for witness protection?"

"I told you so."

Eric's answer was neat.

But Lia noticed for a moment that his black eyes were shaking. Hesder asked the
other day. Maybe that guy, Evan, didn't touch me.

There were more than one strange thing.

In fact, maybe these two people are being used by Ivan? There was no doubt that
Eric was a CIA agent, just as Hesder was a doctor.

But what if even that CIA agent can't guarantee my life?

You're the only one who can believe.

"He committed a crime against me.”

Where did that courage come from? Leah couldn't believe it even when she said it.
But this was the only way to shake Eric.

"……now, what."

Eric was taken aback.

Lia's hand worked.

Ivan said. Lia is neither crafty nor shameless. But not now. Evan, I don't know,
thought this guy could cheat.

So I felt more guilty. Do you think the man in front of you is a normal person like
me and Hesder?….

"You've got a weakness for him, haven't you?" That's why they're helping me lock
myself up."


"I don't know what's going on out there. But at least I'm not the one the CIA
needs...…, I knew it."

Lia's voice gradually lost her confidence.

"In the first place, I was immediately taken here after the incident, and I didn't
even see the criminal's face. It's not a proper witness. That's why I don't
understand. Why should I be locked up here in the name of witness protection. It
doesn't make sense...…!”

At that moment, Eric grabbed Lia by the shoulder. Lia closed her mouth in amazement
The hand on my shoulder trembled.

"Crazy boy."

murmured Eric.

I wasn't saying that to Lia. The target was, of course, Ivan. However, the voice
was so bloody that Lia felt a strange sense of guilt because she seemed to have
caused public anger by lying.
"Just once. Please let me go outside just once."

At Lia's words, Eric withdrew his hand and took a step back. There was something
deep on his face.

Conscience and fear were playing a fierce tug-of-war inside him. I didn't dare to
predict what would happen if I went against Ivan's request. But the words of those
who defied his nerves were familiar.

"I won't ask for your help. I don't want anyone else to suffer because of me. I
just need to see what it's like around here...….”

Lia begged Eric earnestly.

"When you go back, you will escape from this place.”

"You're going to do something that even a CIA agent can't do alone, a vulnerable
woman like you?”

"If you fail, will you only get caught again?"”

Lia replied with a sad smile. Eric fell asleep.

Before I knew it, the sound of water in the bathroom decreased. Hesder will be out
soon. I had to end this conversation before that.

It wasn't because he was worried that Hesder would tell Ivan. I knew he wasn't the
one. I just didn't want to drag her in.

Eric and Lia were thinking the same thing at the same time. It was a strange
camaraderie that bloomed less than a week after we met.

"Yes, because Ivan Yelka doesn't kill children and women."

But you lock the girl you like in the basement, and it's not enough, and you're
doing it on your own? I thought there was no sexual desire, but it was an illusion.
Eric licked his dry lips and opened his mouth.

"Tomorrow, I'll tell you the way to get out of the car before sunset."

Lia couldn't believe it when she heard it. But what followed was even more

"Professor Berghagen will go to bed with sleeping pills and leave."


"This is the only way to avoid her eyes. You can dress up as if you're drunk and
asleep while drinking."

She's always looking for the wine on the shelf. Eric thought to himself.

"It's not a bad idea to have an excuse if you get caught."

Is there a better way, Eric asked with a fed-up look. Lia clasped her trembling

At last she nodded.

* * *

The red sunset colored the streets.

Evan was sitting in the car. It was glass with thick tinting, so I couldn't see the
inside from outside.

After visiting Jose, who had treated the criminal, and confirming his identity, he
narrowed down the presumed residence to three places. The two places that I visited
earlier were empty.

This was the last time.

It was once a rental house that housed more than 20 households. It was cut in half
again, and about 40 households lived illegally. After one fire, half of the
building was completely destroyed and now it is a hideout for troubled children.

Until now, the only entrance was occupied by a group of teenagers. Those who
dressed up with fake luxury jackets, shoes stolen from tourists, and snapbacks
sneaked out of the outlet were smoking cigarettes together.

Although he is a teenager who does not have money to buy a pack of cigarettes, he
has been living in one place for too long. Is it a keeper? How much would they have
paid to hire such a person?

Big heads, big heads. But it's not worth the price of your life. Those guys don't
know. The fact that they're protecting the mayor and his killer.

Evan glanced at the clock in the car.

This is the sixth hour.

'It's the keeper.'

Evan opened the car door as soon as he was sure.

There are no houses around here. The only place where people live is a store, but
the slums stopped operating at sunset. It was very easy to kick out a delinquent
teenager in this street.


First of all, get closer and announce your presence.

"What? Do you need help?"”

"This is our area, so get lost."

And then he pulls out a gun, and this time, the gun he pulls out wasn't a revolver.
It was an automatic pistol. of a size recognizable from a distance

"Damn it!"

"He's got a gun!"

As soon as the opponent finds the gun, insert the loaded bullet with the other
hand. After pulling the slide back and making a clatter, the preparation is as good
as done.

"It's time for good children to go home."


Evan fired a bullet into the sky.

At that moment, the bullies spread out into the streets with their heads wrapped
around them as if a spark were falling. One of the tallest boys scrambled into the

But Ivan was faster. He snatched the boy's neck in a flash.

"I'll go back and eat with my parents. You're the boss, aren't you? Set an example
for your men."

"Damn it! Do you think there's a parent or something?”

The boy, caught by the nape of his neck, shouted as he was dragged by Ivan. The
snapback I was wearing flew away in the wind. Evan frowned because his exposed face
was younger than he thought.

"That's why I didn't want to come back here.”

Ivan muttered.

"Who called you?" Damn you. He's coming in on his own, holding his poo. Are you a

"What's wrong with you? I'm hurting you hurt."

Ivan asked back, drooping his eyebrows.

"I learned it from your father! Chew, you punk!"

"Really? That's why you're so rude. No wonder. I don't have a father."

Evan nodded understandably. The boy crumpled up his face as it appeared to ignore.
Ivan asked regardless.

"How much did that guy in there give you?”

"500 dollars a day. Do you have any complaints?"

The boy answered without delay. Five hundred dollars. I thought it was a lot of
money. Well, digging doesn't mean $500.

"Do you know what that means?”

"It means you were making money lying down.”

Until you get here. The boy glared at Ivan. I could have saved 400 by giving it to
the guys I've been on guard with.….

"You're wrong. It means your life is worth $500."

Evan threw the boy away. And I pulled the slide again.

"I need to interrogate the guy who's hiding in there Of course I'll kill all the


"I hope this street will be empty until I come out."

The boy gulped down his saliva. Sweat trickled down on my forehead. The man in
front of me was really, really out of his mind.

The boy crept up to avoid the beastly blue eyes. I didn't forget to look back
throughout the flight.

"That's smart. I like obedient friends."

Evan waved the boy off. Then I turned to the building.

What about the friend who is hiding inside.


Evan kicked the ragged front door. The door, which had barely reached its end, fell
to the floor.

The dust came up, but Ivan didn't budge an eye. It just disappeared slowly through
the dust rising like a haze.

* * *

Hit it! Hit it!

Ivan's back wall was hit with a bullet.


Evan murmured in a tone of utter surprise. It was rough for a welcoming greeting
and still poor aiming skills. Ivan rubbed the powder off the wall with the tip of
his shoe.

"Gustaf Delholm."

And as soon as he stopped, he called the criminal's name quietly. There was a
rustling sound inside. It was definitely responding.

"I've done my research on you. I'm Ivan Yelka. I've come to pick you up with the
CIA's permission."

As soon as Evan finished speaking, a pistol swept up the floor like a top. It was a
sign of surrender. Evan stepped lightly on the pistol and stopped and put it away.

Evan went into the room.

The wall where the wallpaper was torn and the concrete was exposed was full of
mold. There was a man in the corner with a wet blanket and cloth. It was the
murderer who killed the Henriksen couple.

But it wasn't a ferocious look for a murderer. His body was smaller than Ivan had
expected, and his eyes, as big as a calf, were frightened. He had probably been
told that he had a good impression before this happened.

Around the area, leftover bread and drinking PET bottles rolled around. He looked
more like a bum than a murderer.

"F, Are there any cops outside?"

"No, I'm alone."

Evan crouched down in front of Gustav.

"How's your leg?"

When Evan made a chin gesture, Gustav hesitated to remove the blanket and show his
injured leg. It was sewn somewhat sloppy, but the bullet was definitely taken out
and not added.

"Ha ha. You sewed it right."

Evan admired Pussy's ability.

Gustav didn't know it was Ivan who shot him. It seemed to be mistaken that it was
shot by a security guard who belatedly figured out the situation, but Ivan did not
feel the need to correct that part. Because that wasn't the point now.

"Listen. If you cut me off or deny me in the middle, I'll turn the other leg into a

Gustav clenched his teeth and nodded. I liked his gentle manner. Evan continued in
a very benevolent voice.

"The family relationship is grandmother and aunt, father with arm discomfort, and
three younger siblings."

Evan counted, bending his fingers one by one.

"My brother, one year younger, died in a gang fight, right? It was Gelbrun
Henriksen who covered it up."

When he talked about his brother, he opened his folded fingers at the same time.
Like a bomb explodes. And Gustav's eyes were filled with tears.

In the past, it was Boaq's boss Felice Ingel who dominated the slums. And his twin
brother Rousseau caused trouble by crossing his brother's power everywhere.

In the process, citizens of slums were also killed. Gustav's brother did. And
Gelbrunn, who was looking after Felice at the time, completely covered up the

As if nothing happened.

Then, for some reason, Henriksen resigned as mayor. When news broke that he was
running for mayor again, Gustav was on the verge of madness.
That terrible monster will be king of Langde again. It was unforgivable.

"When I was angry at the news of Henriksen's election, I started to get acquainted
with an illegal immigrant who made a homemade gun in a bar. Information on CCTV and
security was obtained from the service who worked in the mansion."

Gustav couldn't look up at Ivan's meticulous interrogation. It was clear that there
was no way out.

Moreover, from Gustav's point of view, Ivan was no better than a benefactor. Rumor
has it that he handed over information to the CIA and heard that Felice was put in

"…… Why is the CIA after me, not even the Le Eden police?”

Gustav gave a squeezing voice.

"Americans are very interested here and there."

Ivan smiled.

"So, do you admit all the crimes?"

Gustav was an ordinary civilian. If I had to say, it was a poor man who lived from
hand to mouth. I endured this far with the simple idea of just being caught, and
running away if I could.

Now that he's caught, there's only one answer he has to say.

"……Yes, I did."

"All right, I'll admit the crime. There's a question I'd like to ask personally.
Were you trying to kill the whole Henriksen family?”

"Women, I didn't kill the woman."

Ivan nodded.

"Yes, the autopsy revealed Sarvina Henriksen's cause of death was a heart attack."

But he's not the one I'm asking. A smile disappeared from Ivan's face.

"There's one more.”

Leah Henriksen, the second daughter who arrived late that day at the scene where
her parents were killed. Gustav was preparing to shoot from the tree.

"Lord, to kill...…, I did."

"Yeah, I see."

Surprisingly, Ivan only nodded calmly. Thinking about something, he clapped his
hands as if to evoke the atmosphere.

"Then let's do this."

Gustav raised his head in amazement at the sound of applause.

"Your family is struggling in the slums. I'll issue you citizenship in Sweden,
Norway, or any country you want. In the case of living, working, and younger
siblings, the tuition is fully provided. Gustav instead. You need to go to jail.”

Gustav stared vacantly at Ivan.

"Go to the police station and confess. You're Rousseau Ingel's subordinate. You
don't have to make up a lot. You know how this floor works, don't you? Did you have
some of your friends? I'm sure they're all dead. Yeah, you can act like them.”

"Joe, are you saying that you're a member of the organization?”

"He's a quick-witted fellow."

I like friends who don't have to talk. Ivan murmured, rubbing his palms. He
explained more details, then stood at an angle and looked down at Gustav.

"Do you have any questions?"

"……my, what is my sentence? My brothers are still young, and my father is not
feeling well, so I need a pillar of the family."

"It's life imprisonment."

Ivan laughed as if he was asking for the obvious. Gustav's face turned pale. It
wasn't a joke. Soon Evan's smile disappeared from his face. in a real way

"I can't help your sentence. Do you know why?"

Ivan snatched Gustav's head.

"Lia Henriksen is my fiancee.”


"Gustaf, think about it. Can you just let the man who tried to shoot your fiancee
go around the streets in good condition? Even if it's 10, 20, or even 30 years
later. If the killer gets out of jail in 30 years, will my fiance and I be
comfortable for the rest of the year?"

"Yes, Mr. Yelka, I...….”

"Shh. I'm just asking. Would you sleep comfortably?”

"Well, I, uh, you know I wouldn't...…. I'm fully reflecting on myself. I'm just

"Well, that's how people are. His family is important, but others can't help it.
The kids you paid $500 to keep watch, I could have killed them today. Do you know?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...….”

"If you're a man, you shouldn't touch women and children. That's the minimum rule.”

Gustav wept terribly. He was also struggling with guilt. Evan looked pitifully at

"I like emotions that aren't black or white like this. It's human, right? So it
puts you in a moral dilemma.”
Ivan's blue eyes stared at Gustav's face. How long has it been, he spat out.

"But when it comes to Lia, I can't stand it."

It's moral, it's outrageous, it makes me want to quit everything. For Ivan, Lia's
survival was a top priority. I don't care about other people's sad stories.

"So you'd better accept my offer, Gustav Delholm. No more deals."

Evan lifted himself up, letting go of his hair.

"Yes, yes, yes, I see, yes, yes...…. The end!"

Gustav nodded.

The appearance of shaking with fear did not appear to be the criminal who committed
the daring crime. In front of Ivan Yelka, Gustav was nothing more than an ordinary
human being.

At the end of the conversation, Ivan took out his cell phone. The call was
connected before the tone was heard. Usually, he answered the phone with a break on
purpose, but he seems to have been in a hurry.

"Director, how have you been?”

- I hope it's good news, Evan.

I heard an answer a beat late over the cell phone.

"I don't know if it's good news Let's listen and decide. We found the culprit. It's
a civilian with nothing to do with the gang. My brother was caught up in a gang
fight, and Gelbrunn covered it up You've worked so hard to make a homemade gun,
haven't you?"

- It's a revenge killing.

Eliza nodded as if she knew it.

Gelbrun Henriksen covered up all organized crime in the slums. The citizens in it
were not even human. In the end, he was not a political rival or a member of the
organization, but a poor man he despised most.

- Damn it. I was trying to put together Gelbrunn and Russo at the same time.

I heard a dull sound over the cell phone.

The image of Eliza slamming down the desk was clear to my eyes. She usually looks
bold, but when she's cornered, she's become violent.

Evan didn't like that look very much. It was funny how Eric was scared like a child
when he saw Eliza.

"It's still possible.”

- What?

"I made some deals."

Ivan rubbed his index finger and thumb like a habit.

- How, no. Let's start with the conclusion.

"The court told me to testify his identity as a servant of Rousseau Ingel, not a

The CIA planned to lay the blame on Rousseau after killing Gelbrun. Only then can
we arrest Gelbrunn and Rousseau at the same time.

But by the time Ivan arrived, Gelbrun had already been killed. The criminal was an
ordinary civilian, not a member of the organization. So I was going to turn the
civilian into a gang member.

- Do you think Rousseau would order such an amateur to kill? It's a professional
that's all around. I've already been to the connection center. It's impossible to
replace the test results. You know, Ivan?

"Yeah, so you have to stress that you're a subordinate, not a fortune teller. He
did a great job to get Rousseau's attention."

- Rousseau has too many holes to escape. He doesn't know anything about it, so it's
all right to pick it up.

"What if Rousseau encouraged his men like that?”

- Encouraging?

"The boss of my old organization also promoted me recklessly when I got him by the

Eliza was silent for a moment. She seemed to think in her own way.

- Well... ...Rousseau has just taken over the slums, so it's still a mess inside.
They must have expanded the number of people in a hurry. As long as we don't stall,
we'll stand a chance.

"That's why I like you.”

Evan stretched with a refreshed face.

- All right. What are the conditions that the other party asked for?

Evan grinned at the frightened, trembling man.

"Conditions for families to be granted citizenship and housing, work and tuition in
the country they want."

- What's your sentence?

"It doesn't matter if it's a life sentence."”

Gustav's expression was filled with despair.

"As long as the safety of the family is safe.”

However, he bowed his head as if he had given up on Ivan's words.

- Yeah, that's what I know.

"Oh, but if you want to do this, you have to comply with my terms."

- Are you asking me to make a deal?

"I had a hard time convincing Gustav, too.”

Ivan replied in a wistful voice.

- Yeah, what's the deal?

"I can't say it here, but I'll e-mail it."

Evan glanced at Gustav. Perhaps Gustav wants to find out Henriksen's guilt as well,
but that's not what Evan wants.

Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen died and no longer harmed Lia. But if their sins come out
into the world, then Lia will be tied up and pointed out. At worst, she could have
been on the investigation list on behalf of her dead parents.

- That's what I know.

Eliza snapped off the phone.

Evan turned to Gustav.

"I'm proud of you. If you give false testimony, you can send Rousseau to prison
after Felice.”

Gustav shed tears. Ivan looked at him indifferently with his chin on his back and

"Oh, lastly, I know it's not, but I want to make sure."


"Have you ever stalked Leah Henrikson?”

"Uh, there isn't. I didn't do anything like that. I'm really sorry for him and his
girlfriend. At that time, I was blinded by revenge...….”

"Then that's fine

Evan gave Gustav enough painkillers to walk to the police station and went out.
This concluded the deal.

Gustav Delholm went to the police station and turned himself in.

He was Rousseau Ingel's subordinate, who broke into the Henriksen family's mansion
and killed the couple in order to stand in the eyes of the boss. Of course your
wife died of a heart attack.

'At the time, rumors were rampant in the organization that the boss was not on good
terms with Gelbrunn. Anyone who puts a bullet in the face of the mayor of Gelbrunn
will be offered a position as interim boss. Of course I thought you meant it.….’
It was good news for the Lebeden National Police Agency, which wanted to end the
investigation in a hurry.

This is because the voice of distrust has been raised not only for the criminal but
also for the police, who cannot find Lia Henrikson, who has no news whether he is
missing or fleeing. The rest of the work is in the hands of judges, prosecutors and
lawyers to be bought by the CIA.

"You're doing great.”

Evan eavesdropped every conversation Gustav and the police had in the car.

He held a long cylindrical object in one hand. And I poked it with my other finger.
It was a self-defense apparatus for men.

Originally, it was used to shake the genitals, but Ivan only put his fingers in it.
My fingers are so thick that I'm full of them. I used to practice fingerling with
this every day when I had time.


It was then.

A cat jumped out of the back seat. He thought the self-defense apparatus was a toy.
Ivan put the self-defense apparatus into a glove box.

"Oh, it's not your toy."

The cat scratched the glove box.

"Have you been here the whole time?”

When he went in to find Gustav, he left the car door open on purpose, but he seemed
to have been hiding in the car without coming out at that time. It was a white cat
that I met in the slum. I was bored walking around alone, so it was a source of
trouble to put him in the car.

"The investigation is over, partner. You should go home now, too."

"Oh my gosh."

The cat cried long and rubbed its head against the gear stick this time. Evan
lifted the cat in his arms.

"You look just like Sauvignon.”

Evan admired in a small way.

A long time ago, there was a white cat named Sauvignon with a black dot like a
grape on its butt. It was a name given to me by others.

Anyway, Sauvignon liked to rub his body against his legs. When I raised one leg, I
went to the other leg, wrapped my tail, and purred. If you keep repeating it, at
the end, you jump up and grab your legs and don't let go.

"You do, too. I couldn't believe my eyes.”

"Oh my gosh."

Evan looked every inch of the cat he held.

"Are you descended from Sauvignon? Street cats have short lives, so they're not

Evan put the cat in the auxiliary seat and opened the door. Come on, get out. Come
on. I tapped my butt, but the cat didn't budge.

"No, you can't."

"Oh my gosh."

Why does a cat cry? He seemed to ask.

"Lia is allergic to cats."

Evan whispered a secret.

I didn't hear it directly from Lia. It was information obtained from her medical
records. The fur allergy was a recent form. It used to be okay.

"You should go back to your family, too

"Oh my god!"

"You don't have any friends?"

"Oh my gosh."

Evan looked at the cat with pitiful eyes.

"It's okay. I'll take you to a neighborhood with a lot of friends. I don't think
slums are good for cats to live in. There weren't many cats when I lived. There was
no one to take care of him, and he was eager to kill him as he could see.”

Evan closed the door and drove somewhere.

"You'll find your family in your new neighborhood.”

Ivan kept talking to him. The cat blinked as if it understood Ivan's words.

"I left there and made a lot of friends. There will be a new family soon. I'm going
to have a baby. If only Lia would allow it.”

Evan smiled at the cat when the signal was ringing.

"Lia Henrikson, have you heard of it? She's an angel. It's a gift from God to me."

The name is pretty, too. Lia. Lia. There's really nothing that's not pretty. Evan
tapped the steering wheel with a rhythm on his finger.

It's all over now.

We've found the killer of the Henriksen couple, and the CIA plan will go ahead
without a hitch. All that remains is to return to Lia. Lia will be relieved when
the news of the criminal's prison sentence is announced. Oh, there's still a
stalker left. However, the investigation did not seem to pose a significant risk.

"We can't keep you locked up for too long."’

It might be okay to take a walk in a quiet forest. Lia was proud of her for holding
out without going crazy in this difficult situation. Was it right before I went
crazy? But I left my friends behind, so I'll be fine.


Then the cell phone rang.

It was a vibration sound that rang when certain things happened. Evan turned the
steering wheel on the shoulder as soon as he heard the sound. The cat, who sat in a
bread position and fell asleep, looked at Ivan with surprised eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Ivan apologized, staring at his cell phone. However, contrary to what he said, he
could not afford to care about the cat sitting next to him. The cat's pupils
swelled as his mood changed.

"……there was no place that wasn't pretty.”

Evan muttered.

A green dot on the cell phone screen was moving away from Safe House. It was a
tracking device on Lia. Evan slammed his head into the handle.

"I hate you, Lia. Why do you keep picking on hateful things?”

Evan turned his head to the side. As if blaming Evan for the cat's reckless
driving, wept loudly.

"I'm sorry."

Evan gently reached out and tickled the cat on the chin. The cat licked Ivan's hand
with a rough tongue.

Are you consoling me?

As expected, animals are better than humans.

Evan closed his eyes.

Who is it? The person who brought Lia out. It was in the car at the speed of
movement. Professor Berghagen wouldn't have joined hands with Lia to subdue CIA

"Is it Eric?"

I suddenly remembered Eliza, who was hitting the desk hard when she was angry. A
lot of people did, besides her. I thought about it every time. Such behavior seems
intimidating, so I shouldn't do it in front of people I like.

But Lia.

I'm really going crazy right now.

It's a mess in my head, and my heart is stuffed. My fingertips are trembling
noticeably. I've never done this before. H. I want to break it all down.

Why are you doing this to me? I'm trying so hard. Why don't you recognize me?

You thought you'd be safe out of me?

You're so naive.


Two hours ago.

Ivan's Safe House.

"They say they caught the criminal."

Eric said. It wasn't a lie. He obtained information from his connections that the
criminal had turned himself in to the police station.

"Well, really?"

Eric nodded. Hesder and Leah swept their chests at the same time.

In particular, Lia felt relieved and at the same time, her legs became weak and
collapsed. Hesder rushed to her aid.

ah ah.

Finally. Finally.

The criminal who killed his father and mother was caught. I forgot because of the
shock of being detained here, but the existence of the unknown killer was a great
stress for Lia.

an unknown being

Like a stalker, the killer did. Is there a saying that if you know your enemy and
you know me, you will definitely win? Lia knew better than anyone about her
weakness, but she did not know the identity of the enemy who committed this
terrible murder.

As the fear grew, his incompetence became clearer. I felt like my body was rescued
by someone who had been sinking endlessly into the dark sea floor.

Lia took a slow breath.

The body is properly oxygenated. It was cool.

As if one of the shackles that suppressed me had fallen off, I felt lighter.


I heard Hesder's voice shaking me late. Leah smiled broadly at Heather. Tears
formed in the corners of my smiling eyes.

Then Lia asked urgently as if she thought of something.

"Is Evan safe?"

Why? The reason why I'm worried about Ivan's safety is.

Leah regretted it late, but fortunately neither Eric nor Hesder rebuked her. Eric
replaced the answer with a light nod.


In an instant, the atmosphere became heavy.

Caught the unsub meant Evan was coming back, while Eric and Hesder were leaving.
And Lia is left alone with Ivan again.

"I'd like to see the madman who killed him."

Hesder spoke as if to evoke the situation.

"His face will be all over the papers soon, right? It's worth watching, huh?"

Hesder had no regrets about the death of the Henriksen couple, but was angry at the
part that drove Lia to this situation. Eric decided to carry out the plan at this
time. His gaze reached Lia.

"How about a toast?”

Eric asked.

Lia replied after a moment's daze.

"Well, there's a wine that Evan bought me before."

"The wine that Mr. Hesder has been eyeing?"

Eric and Lia exchanged words somewhat unnaturally. Fortunately, Hesder seemed to be
bothered by Eric's provocation.

"When did you say I caught your eye?"

She went into a fit of rage. However, soon he murmured with a look of expectation
as if he understood what the two were trying to say.

"It's a bit of a situation, but isn't it something to celebrate?"

"LIA, are you okay?"

Hesder looked at Lia and asked.

"Yes, I owe you two.….”

Lia alternately looked at the two, rubbing her trembling fingertips. The three were
thinking similar things at the same time. Can Leah Henriksen escape Ivan Yelka?

Hesder brought wine before the atmosphere became heavier.

"Drink it all before he comes."

Hesder emptied his first glass at once.

Eric pretended to pour the second cup and took the sleeping pill hidden in his
sleeve. The white powder quickly melted into the red wine. Hesder drank so much
that he thought it would be too much after that.



Leah looked at Hesder lying down.

My heart beat fast. Lia pressed her pounding chest as if it were bleeding. I felt
like a criminal. If this is a crime, is it a crime?

"Hurry up."

Eric, uncuffed by the head of the bed, approached with the rope round. Indeed, he
acted professionally once he decided. Lia was the only one who hesitated.

"Ivan will arrive as early as tomorrow morning or afternoon at the latest."

"Wait a minute."

Lia hurriedly brought something from the room.

What did he pack?’

Eric thought. But there was no time. I decided to ask questions in the car. The
door, which seemed unlikely to open for life, opened.

* * *

How long has it been?

The world, which took its first step outside the safe house, was covered with white
colors. The snow on the spruce tree glittered as if it had been sprinkled with

As expected, the safe house was in the middle of a vast forest. It was a wonderful
forest that could be hung in a frame anywhere.
Lia stood still and looked at the beautiful sight. My heart throbbed and choked at
the same time.

Suddenly, there was a sense of surprise that I had experienced before. When was it?

Oh, it was then.

The day I left my bed room and went outside.

What are you doing out there?’

It's no different than when I was here. Except that Lia isn't there."

Can't I go out with you?’

When the door opened and Ivan followed, he waited for Lia. Until Lia can adapt to a
new place enough.

"Let's hurry."

"……Oh, yes."

But Eric wasn't.

He dragged Lia to the car rather hastily. The worry that it might not start like in
the movie was a worry. Despite the cold weather, Eric's car ran through the snow
without hesitation.

"You can follow the wheel tracks, but it could snow, and if Evan drives, he'll be
caught in no time. Can you drive?"

Lia shook her head.

Eric slowed down so that Lia could look around. It didn't help. As if you've
repeated a few pictures, only the same scenery unfolded. There were no milestones.

"Then the only way to escape is to hide in the trees.”

"I can see the direction."

Lia took something out of her arms and showed it. Did you bring it from your room?
Come to think of it, I forgot to ask.

"It's a wristwatch."

"Yes, it has a defense function, so you can look at this.”

It was a watch that Evan gave me. It was equipped with various functions like an
expensive watch. Eric increased his speed after checking the time in the car.

Finally, a paved two-lane road came out. There was no car passing by.

"If you walk about 15 kilometers southeast of the road, you will find a small
motel. It will be easier to get a taxi if we get there.”
"What's next?"

"It would be a good idea to go to the police. But I don't recommend telling the
truth about what happened here. Because no one will believe it. That's all I can
help you with."

Eric manipulated the gears again. The car backed slowly back. Lia held her watch in
prayer. The blue dial looked just like Ivan's eyes. Eric glanced at Lia.

"The situation outside,"


"The media may be bothering Miss Henriksen. Even if we succeed in escaping."

"………I know. It's always been like that.”

Lia smiled sadly.

Perhaps it was best to be protected by Ivan in a situation where there was no

friend or relative to rely on. until the matter is settled

"But he is."

Eric frowned as if he didn't even want to recall. And then he opened his mouth with

"Ivan is going to give you a...…,”

The hard-pressed lips closed so easily. I tried to find another word to deal with
rape. But no matter how good the word is, rape was rape.

"That I touched you."

Leah slowly looked at Eric's distorting face.

It wasn't my fault, but I felt like everything was going wrong because of me. Eric
was also a grateful man who took great risks and brought me here.

"……I'm lying."

Lia bowed her head in guilt.

"I'm sorry. I thought you might help me if you said that."

"Is that so?"

Eric murmured something he didn't know if it was an answer or to himself. There was
no sign of resentment. Rather, he was relieved.

"But I thought it would be only a matter of time. I think he's obsessed with me. I
don't know why, but...….”

On the other hand, he was confident that he would not commit it if he refused. Like
I told Hesder. No, I don't know. Still, I couldn't figure out what kind of man Evan

What Evan wants from me.

What the hell is that?

It wasn't just the body. It was a secondary issue. Looking into his blue eyes, I
felt a longing as if I wanted to make a tiny lump of me and swallow it in one bite.


a possessive desire

feelings far from normal

"There are problems where there is no answer even if you think about it. How can a
normal person like us know what a madman thinks?"

Eric murmured with a tired face. He easily drew a line with Ivan. But Lia couldn't.
Ivan's presence permeated me deeper than I thought.

I'm a normal person.

"Just think about it. Just a way to get away from him."


"It's never too late to worry about what will happen after you run away."

It was an irresponsible advice that would not have been given to him. Eric was also
confused. Do you really want to help Lia escape?

Or just to screw Ivan Yelka? In a way, he was using Lia himself. Eric went back on
his way through his complicated mind with a tire.


Lia stared blankly at the setting sun.

The white-snowed trees turned coral, as if spring had come. I already missed the
day when I would see this dazzling sunset again.

* * *

Hesder was asleep until the two returned. Eric hurriedly handcuffed the bedhead.
Lia also arranged empty bottles and wine glasses as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, my head. What? Were you cleaning up without me?”

Later, Hesder rose to his feet.

"I'm sorry. It was loud, wasn't it?”

Leah, crouching in front of the table, looked at Hesder and answered. At that
moment, Hesder stiffened and then looked around pretending to stretch.

"……What about Eric?"

"I went out to load the garbage in my car."


CIA agents are no big deal, either. Hesder muttered grudgingly. I thought you'd run
away with Lia, but why are you back? A deep crease formed between her brows.

"Professor? What did you just say?"

"Oh, no. Never mind."

Somehow the atmosphere of Hesder was strange. Hesder looked at Leah and tried to
smile. Then she gently lifted her arm on Lia's shoulder. Her expression calmed

"Lia is like my sister."


"I've lived my whole life in peace with crime, and my life has been twisted by a
moment's mistake."

a momentary lapse

Hesder's voice sank heavily into Lia's heart.

What was the mistake I made?

If it was a mistake to be prepared to die in front of a man named Ivan Yelka that
day, maybe it was a mistake. If it weren't for him, the bullet would have
penetrated the soft body. It wouldn't have been complicated.

However, Ivan saved Lia as a result.

The CIA and the Le Eden police found the murderer who couldn't catch him. It's a
process, but it's a good outcome, right?

Lia was confused. Even though he knew Ivan was doing something wrong, he said,
"What if it wasn't for him?' It occurred to me that

Lia, who has lived obediently under her overbearing parents, had difficulty
distinguishing things like knives. I wish I had a smart personality like Hesder.
But she couldn't be Hesder.

"Lia seems to be worried about Ivan, so I'm saying this because I'm an old woman:….
Don't give him unnecessary affection. I wouldn't have locked you up here if I were
in my right mind."

Hesder said, piercing through Lia's head.

"I know the situation roughly. He saved Miss Lia from the crime scene and even
caught her. But was it really an act for you?”


"He saved you out of selfishness. He's a person who lives as he pleases. I don't
know about psychology or criminology, not my major. But this is for sure. In the
past, there were women who tried to love a man with antisocial personality
disorder. What do you think happened? Eventually, all the women were killed.”
Lia sensed through the conversation with Hesder that the end was close. Maybe, I
had a hunch that the real climax might begin soon.

"Do you mean Evan is a psychopath or a sociopath?"

"I don't know, but you're sure it's not normal, right?"

Lia was silent. And then he opened his mouth with difficulty.

"And I..., I don't like him."

"I know, just in case. The shell is great. The content is the problem."

Hesder shrugged his shoulders. Even in this situation, it seemed great not to lose

"Maybe it's because I don't trust people very well. Very often, I think of the
worst. So I brought it."

Hesder leaned over. She took something out of her ankle and handed it over.

"That's all I can help you with."

What she handed me was a folding survival knife.

"Why is this...….”

"It's not like you've never tried it before, right?"

Killing Evan. Hesder's eyes replaced the back horse. Lia's heart sank.

It's as Hesder said.

Once, I tried to stab with a knife. But it was Leah herself, not Ivan. He believed
that Ivan, who thought he was a stalker, would suffer when he died.

I was really out of my mind at the time. It wasn't long after my parents were
killed, and it was right after I saw Ivan, who was defending himself by calling my

But now.

It was strange.

Why did I do that then? I felt unfamiliar with myself holding a knife, enough to
think that. Did the week with Eric and Heather calm down? I didn't even know I was
drunk on the stability brought about by peaceful daily life.

"Peaceful daily life? It's all abnormal.’

Lia shook her head inside.

Maybe this is what Evan wants. Getting used to the incarcerated situation. Being so
used to it that I am grateful for the slightest kindness. Of course, Evan's work is
more than a little kindness.

"Thank you, professor."

Lia was handed a knife by Hesder.

Hesder grinned. After all, however much younger, Lia Henriksen was a stranger. And
even if it was a family, salvation was his responsibility.

* * *

The night has grown old.

I was worried that I might stay up all night because I couldn't sleep until dawn.
And in her dream, Lia was trapped in the body of a seven-year-old child.

In a helpless body that can't do anything other than smile when strange adults come
to visit.

"Hey, Kim Minji! "Don't speak Korean from today!"

'Yeah, you're not Korean anymore.’

"Eat separately from us!"’

Can you speak Le Eden? Do you know how to talk like a foreigner?'

When adoption was decided, Lia was always alone.

The children at the nursery school left Lia out as if she had promised. The only
thing that didn't change was the director. She was a thankful person who comforted
Lia, no, Minji. She was the only warm adult in her life.

The director helped me imagine a wonderful future.

Minji, you'll be happy. You will do everything you want to do there and grow up to
be loved as much as you want.

On the day I arrived in an unfamiliar land, I wanted to be happy for the director.
If you don't become happy, the director will be a liar. If I don't get happy, the
director who sent me here will regret it.

I didn't want to be someone's burden.

I guess my parents threw it away because I was a burden, right? But you must have
felt a little better off because you abandoned me. It was probably from this time.
I don't want others to be unhappy because of me.….

It's too much to handle my misfortune.

So I don't want anyone else to have a hard time because of me. I'll bear that
misfortune again. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I think it's all my fault.

* * *
"Uh, uh...."


"Mr. Director..."

"What did you just say?"”

Lia, who unknowingly muttered in Korean, suddenly rose up. It was Hesder who woke
her up.

"Oh, no. I had a dream."

Lia pulled back her flowing hair. Then Hesder popped out a cup of water.

"Eat this."

"What's this?"

"It's an allergy medicine. Ivan told me to feed him before he arrived."

Lia swallowed the medicine without any resistance.

"It's supposed to arrive in an hour."


They were talking calmly, but a different atmosphere was weighing on the two. Lia
hurriedly took a shower and prepared to greet Ivan.

* * *

Evan is back.

He looked disheveled unlike when he left the house. His face was especially bad.
The silver hair, which was always neatly swept over, flowed down and covered my
eyes, and the sound of the slightly open lips vomiting was like the breath of a
beast stabbed in the lungs.

Fortunately, he was fine. The clothes were as clean as they were when they went
out, and there was no smell of blood or noticeable trauma. However, it was no
wonder that blood was dripping on the floor when I saw him standing.

He's like.

It's like, you know.

I felt as if I were barely standing.

in a precariously

"We've got the culprit.”

Evan snapped out a word.

His voice sounded like he was squeezing a wound.

It was so strange to see that. In the past, I would have bragged in a very
triumphant voice. His subdued atmosphere felt awkward as if he were wearing ill-
fitting clothes.

Lia suddenly realized.

Maybe this is Ivan Yelka's real self.

"Did Eric tell you the details?”

Evan glanced at Eric. The silver hair split open the right eye. Still, there was no
emotion in the freezing blue eyes.

This time Evan stared at Heather.

"And, professor."

Hesder flinched his shoulder.

"There must be a cat in my car. I brought him here because I felt sorry for walking
around the street alone. Professor, will you take care of me? You can find another

Ivan added in a rather exhausted voice.

"It's my job, but I don't have time or energy."

Ivan touched my neck with his head down. It was such a vague move that I didn't
know whether he was trying to relieve fatigue, hide his nervousness, or get angry.

"What are you doing?"

As the three stood still, Ivan asked. The drooping hair was covering the front, but
I could feel the life through it.

Aren't you going?

A ferocious look ordered on behalf of the voice. Eric and Hesder hurried toward the
entrance like soldiers who obeyed orders. Lia looked at the backs of the two men
moving away.

The door opens

It's closed.

Lia is left alone with Ivan again.

Fortunately, when the two returned, the ferocious atmosphere surrounding Ivan was
further eased. He has now turned into a white, tired-looking beast. But in the end,
the beast was a beast.

Lia picked and picked what to say and spoke with difficulty.

"……Are you okay?"

"Yes. No."

Evan replied like a broken machine.

"What do you need?"

"I don't have any."

Evan approached, cutting off the horse.

It was as if a huge concrete wall was collapsing in front of me. As Lia faltered,
Evan also stopped.

Lia bowed her head as if she were running away. I could feel Ivan's eyes combing me

"Oh, I remember."

At last he spoke.

"Can I sleep in Lia's room?"”


"I'm going to bed."

Lia suspected that she had misheard. In the meantime, Evan swung to the bedroom
without permission. Soon after, there was a sound of the sheets turning off.

What happened?

You're going to sleep?

Really, is this the end?

Lia crept up to the door.

Ivan's large body was lying on the bed. Every time he breathed, I could see his
upper body swelling.

* * *


Lia was crouching in the corner of the bed, pressing her arms and clasping chest
like he was bleeding. Evan, who returned after a week, lay on the bed that Lia used
and slept like a corpse.

Is he really dead?

Leah approached from time to time and gently touched the tip of his sleek nose.
When I felt my breath, I took my hand back with confidence.

On one occasion, Ivan felt Lia's signs, so he hugged the blanket tightly and
murmured like a child. I touched the cat. Take allergy medicine. Of course, I
couldn't understand because I was buried in a blanket.

"No, I'll go wash up."

Then Evan suddenly got up. Lia looked at Ivan with her eyes wide open like a
surprised cat. Evan crossed his arms in an X-shape and took off his T-shirt.

The upper body in the shape of an inverted triangle with fine-developed muscles was
revealed. It was a solid body that didn't match white skin.

Lia turned her eyes hastily. Evan slipped off his trousers and threw them into the
laundry basket and went into the bathroom.

Leah was bewildered, not knowing what to do, and he brought his change of clothes
and put them at the door. The bathroom door was completely closed, but I could hear
a faint sound of water dripping.

I feel like I'm watching Evan.’

I felt strange. It also turned out differently than expected.

an anticipated situation What kind of situation did I expect? At least it wasn't

this situation.

"Pile up the laundry. I'll clean it up.”

Evan brushed the water with a towel and walked to bed in his underwear. Lia, who
unknowingly saw a thick front, bowed her head hurriedly.

A large body fell as if diving on a sheet. Ivan's hair was still soaking wet.

"If you sleep like this, you'll catch a cold."


Evan buried his face in the pillow as if he was too lazy to answer. Lia brought a
dry towel and wiped only the exposed area thoroughly. I was worried that this
behavior might stimulate him sexually for no reason.

Naturally, his eyes were on Ivan's lower body.

I was lying on my stomach, so I couldn't see. The brief that absorbed the water
only showed the tight butt. When I wore the clothes, it looked very flat, but when
I took it off, it was nice to see my elastically raised hips.

But Lia couldn't afford to admire his curved figure. Because Ivan's naked body felt
like a weapon. She gently pulled the quilt over her bare skin.

(Singing "WHlol.

Lia crouched in front of the dryer and stared blankly at the running laundry. In
the end, I even did the laundry myself. Evan still lay in the darkened room and
slept like a corpse.

What the hell is wrong with him?

I didn't know it was to relieve the fatigue of chasing the criminal for a week.
Didn't the CIA and Le Eden police solve the failure alone?

"Was it dangerous?"

Lia knew nothing but the result of catching the criminal, so she knew what kind of
situation it was, how dangerous it was, and Lia knew nothing.

One thing was certain. Evan looked tired and tired. To the point where I want to
take care of him.

Lia crept up.

I boiled porridge with ingredients in the refrigerator. When the sliced vegetables
were boiled with oats, they somehow looked like porridge. Come to think of it, it
was my first time cooking here. It was Ivan's job to always prepare meals.

It breaks my heart to see a sick person. This was as good as Ivan's intended wish.
Lia had a personality that she couldn't leave someone in need alone. Again, that
unnecessary tenderness sprang up.

"Evan, I've made porridge

Lia sneaked into the room.

Steam came up from the porridge bowl in the tray. Suddenly, I remembered the day
when Ivan first prepared a meal.

How did he feel? Did he worry about me? Would you have taken care of me so
carefully if you hadn't been worried? Is this man really different?

Questions that could not be answered were swirled.


A small sigh was heard in the dark.

Lia pressed the switch to turn on the light. Evan, who had risen before I knew it,
was looking at Lia. The exhausted blue eyes sparkled like a child. Leah held back
her thin, disheveled hair.

"Did you make it for me?”


Lia answered hesitantly. He even tried to smile.

I see. Ivan murmured. As Lia approached, a white blanket floated into the air.
Ivan's arm snatched the blanket and pulled it. His huge body disappeared into the

"I'm not in the mood to eat."


Ivan lay with his back against Lia, turning around with a blanket. Lia sat in a
chair beside the bed and looked at Ivan. A cocoon. Or a sulky child.

But the words that followed made him realize that he was a dangerous man.
"When I die, the door to the safe house opens automatically."


"If I die outside, Lia will be trapped here for life. It's a device to prevent it.”

Lia put the tray down on the table. My head was tingling as if I had been stabbed
in the back by a sudden conversation.

Ivan, who was lying with his back turned, slowly rose up. The white quilt flowed
down weakly like a cloth wrapped in marble.

a clean, smooth back a white skin that is as white as a feather after tearing off
one's shoulder But if the wings really did come out, they seemed to be black and
hideously distorted.

Evan turned around.

"Lia. I always told you.”

Slowly. Slowly. He approaches.

"I want Lia to live."

Run away.

Instinct whispered to Lia.

But I didn't budge. Before I knew it, Ivan's blue eyes were just around the corner.

"Why did you try to run away? Did you really think I'd keep LIA here forever?"

"Oh, how did you know...…?”

"How did they know?"

Evan's eyes narrowed.

Lia rolled her eyes stiffly with a compromise on the tray. Eyes met with a blue
dial that resembles Evan.

'This is all I can give you right now. Are you going to be okay?'

The watch that Evan gave me.

It was so natural that I didn't notice. I didn't know you had a tracking device on
that watch. I thought Evan was using it normally.

But it wasn't. It was a watch prepared to spy on itself from the beginning.

Not having a watch in the house was an eye trick to make Lia anxious and receive a
watch with a tracking device without any doubt.

"Well, I..., I know that if I run away, I'll take my watch...….”

"Yeah, I thought she wouldn't run away with nothing because she's smart."

Lia bit her lips.

A sense of betrayal swept her heart again. a vague fear that follows it I couldn't
tell from where to where his plan was.

Then Ivan grabbed Lia's hands.

"I'm really angry."

Evan popped his face in. I thought the water had disappeared, but his body smelled
slightly wet. It was like a bloody smell accumulated over the years.

"But I decided to understand. It's probably because Eric and Professor Berghagen
are worried about Lia. You must have felt so bad for Lia who was caught by a madman
like me, right? That's why you picked up the car, showed me the way to escape, and
gave me the weapon, right?”

Lia's face was pale.

"How far do you know?”

"How far do you think you know?”

Ivan clasped his fingers in his grasp. With a little effort, his fingers broke in
half and seemed to fall to the floor. Lia's body trembled like an acorn.

"I don't think I can keep my promise, Lia."

"……what, what, no!"

Lia was shocked to understand Ivan's words.

"You said you'd let him go if you caught him...…!”

"I can still get out now.”

Ivan put his forehead together and whispered.

He was thinking of an armed police officer. It takes time before Rousseau is

completely imprisoned and his organization collapses. Above all, media
organizations like Hyena were still after Lia.

"I just thought it was dangerous. Let's go out when things settle down."

Dangers? Lia was full of beans.

"You are the most dangerous person to me. You pretend to care about me, Evan, but
what you did...…!”

Lia was speechless.

She looked at Evan with rather startled eyes. I was surprised by myself rather than
surprised by Ivan's brazen attitude. The heterogeneous emotions slowly raised their
heads and shook Lia.

Ivan found the criminal who killed his parents in a week. Honestly, how relieved I
was when I found out.

No, don't think about it. This man, this man...…!’

Lia tried to recall Hesder's advice.

And Ivan's actions contradicted Hesder's words conflicted in his mind. Is Evan
evil? Is it a good person or a sinner? If that's not the case.

Finally, Lia asked for an answer in a squeezing voice.

"Why me..., Are you doing this for me?”

It was painful.

To prove to yourself that you are worthless.

I'm a worthless person.

A dagger seemed to be lodged in my mind. I had to say, though.

"I'm a man of no value. You know, the CIA isn't great enough to protect him, and
his parents were killed, and he can't do anything. He's incompetent. He can't even
die.…! All over the place.…?!”

The following words were drawn into Ivan's mouth. The word that was not fully
uttered turned into an unstable breath. Rather than a kiss, it was more of a forced
fit of pieces.

A clumsy act of trying to block a hole where terrible words burst. I didn't care if
my teeth hit, but somehow I bumped my lips and rubbed my tongue together to cover
my mouth.

It was such a cruel kiss that I thought it would be better to block it with my

"Well, yeah, uh...…!”

It wasn't until Lia turned her eyes like she was going to faint that Evan took off
her lips. The transparent gift stretched long. Lia's mouth was full of saliva left
by Ivan.

However, Ivan was not satisfied and bit Lia's lower lip with personal spite.

"It hurts."

It hurt so much that I was shedding tears.

Ivan licked the bite slightly and released it and said,

"You're not supposed to say that."

"……What do you mean?"

Leah, who was white in her head, asked inertially. My plump lips tingled. It just

"A word of no value."

"……It's true."

"Can you talk to others like that?”

Lia hesitated.

"……I can't. How can you say that?

Lia frowned as if she didn't want to imagine it.

"Yeah, you shouldn't say things to yourself that you can't say to others."

Evan added in a soft tone.

Before I knew it, the pods that had been woven like spider webs were released, and
Ivan's hand wrapped around Lia's face. His palms were only wrapped around his
cheeks, but his ears were covered wide. When the tip of the finger was slightly
closed, the cartilage at the end of the soft ear was also folded.

The lips came again.

This time it wasn't meant to be a cover.


an unknown kiss with him

But it seemed like this was the first time. A new sensation filled my mouth.

It's warm and soft. Evan came in, delicately brushing through Lia's teeth, and
clasped her tongue. The warmth of the sunset from the outside was revived in my

"Ha, ha....”

There was a sound of the tight flesh falling. Lia's lower lip still had the teeth
marks he had engraved.

Ivan slowly looked through the traces he had left and made eye contact with Lia.
The black eyes, mixed with various emotions, were directed at me.

Is he scared?

I guess so.

I think I'm angry.

No, Lia was taking it apart. Unlike himself, who trembled terribly, Evan was calm
except for his breath being a little sweet.

"Are you okay, LIA?"

Evan looked at her with funny eyes.

Lia, who saw what she didn't realize, looked at Evan with a surprised face. Ivan
has a pull in his lower abdomen. I like this look.

I want anything to be directed at me, whether it's anger, sadness, or despair,

rather than being numb like a corpse. When I saw Lia's lively appearance, my mouth
kept watering.


It looks really delicious.

To the point where I want to chew it up.

"What do you mean, resentment, hhhhhm.…!”

Ivan's lips overlapped again.

Perhaps because of the provocation a while ago, Lia resisted weakly. He turned his
head to the side and pushed his tongue in like a wave and groaned. In the end,
however, Ivan was caught in the face and drooped and gave him his mouth.

docile Lia

He's nice, too.

Evan scanned Lia's mouth more meticulously. He tapped his teeth as if counting the
number and scratched his teeth and teeth as if he was trying to remember the shape.
Every time, Lia's face trembled in her hands.

It must be crazy.

Lia thought, breathing in. It must be crazy. You're not gonna feel this way unless
you're crazy.

a feeling of consolation Whenever Ivan's tongue and my tongue rubbed together, I

felt like someone was hugging me warmly.

Each time, a warning sound went off in my head.

"An, uh...."

"Don't say no."

When Lia came to her senses, Evan quickly took the horse away and shook her mouth.
Again, I am absorbed in the hazy energy. Lia finally came to her senses and opened
her mouth.

"Hmm…, that,"

"I don't want you to stop."

Evan has been pushed in.

Even though Lia's mouth was said to be the limit, he found a place to come in. I
put my swollen tongue aside and put mine in. Then it seemed to whisper, "Look, you
can go in."


My lips barely fell off.

Lia took a deep breath like a person who came up to the surface while diving deep
into the water. The two, who experienced a fierce kiss that they had only seen
through the screen, breathed heavily this time, regardless of who came first.
"Whoo... Whoo."

"Ha, ha.... Sigh……."

Evan spat out a short breath aggressively like a boxer, and Lia spat out a long,
crumbling breath.

From breathing to personality, the two had no chemistry. Nevertheless, if you stick
it on, it looks plausible. Just like creating a chord with different instruments.

Lia looked ahead with her hands on her swollen chest. Ivan's chest muscles are also
bursting. Compared to his steeply moving upper body, Lia's chest was on the calm
side. But her heart was beating like crazy in her palm, too.


Lia's gaze went down without her knowing. After passing through the balloon-like
puffy chest muscles and perfectly woven abs like carved marble, you can see a clear

And a thick, long blood vessel that runs to the bottom of the navel.….


His eyes turned and his body rose. Evan put Lia in bed in an instant.

"Where are you looking at?”


Evan lifted Lia's chin with her index finger.

"I'm not going to give it to you even if you beg me."”


Lia understood Ivan's words a beat late. Before long, his face flared up. Lia
looked at Ivan's naked upper body and hesitated, not knowing where to put her hand,
and closed his mouth tightly.

It wasn't long before I realized it was a mistake.

a grandkidle

"Oh my god"

When Lia pulled out in surprise, Evan was smiling with her tongue out.

Ivan's licked part throbbed as if he had been burned. Lia clasped her numb hand and
looked up at Ivan.

"Do you want my sleep?"”

Evan lowered himself and whispered. Lia was greatly embarrassed by the gesture of
kindness, as if to give her another chance.

"Well, I never said that...…!”

Lia closed her eyes tightly and turned her head.

"Really? You looked at me imploringly

Ivan shrugged his shoulders, saying, "If not, then not." Breathing, which was
excited with an enthusiastic kiss, quickly returned to normal and was a relaxed
attitude. And that playful smile on that relaxed face.

It was my usual half.

Lia was both relieved and frightened. Because he's a time bomb guy who doesn't know
where to go.

"I won't question Eric and Professor Berghagen any more."

Evan took that much into consideration and hinted that he had called the two.

"Now we're fair.”

"……What do you mean fair?”

"I told you, when I die, the door to the safe house opens. If Lia kills me, it's
over. It's simple, right?

It wasn't fair, it wasn't simple.

While Lia was confused, Ivan's hand pulled Lia's pants. Lia also tried to reach out
late and grab the pants that were going down. But Ivan was faster.


Soon the thin, white thighs were revealed. Leah managed to hold on to her
underwear. He held tight as if it were a lifeline and stared at Ivan.

"Last time, I did my own self-defense, didn't I? This time, Lia is the only one who
goes in a good mood. Let me help you.”

Ivan said shamelessly.

"Blood, I don't need it, stop...…!”

"If you don't like it, kill it. I won't stop you."

Ivan's lips pierced his ear. His breath was like an awl digging a glacier.

"Professor Berghagen would have given you a weapon. Was it a gun or a knife?


When Ivan, who was whispering, tilted his face to the side, his hard neck was
revealed. It was as if it had an iron core. Ivan tapped his index finger on the

"If it's a knife, here. If you stab this part, you'll die immediately."


"It's no use looking at me like that. Lia is bad for trying to escape. And yet I
forgive Lia, and I make her feel good.”
Come to think of it, Evan giggled, saying, "It's not fair at all." The savage
laughter made Lia clasp more tightly around the waist of her underwear. I could
feel the conspiracy crumbling.

"Good girl, Lia."

A shadow resembling Ivan approached.

"It's time to feel better."


"Huh, ah, ah...…!”

Ivan's index finger rubbed against his underwear along the shape of the cleavage.

Leah was barely defending her underwear, clutching her waist with one hand. The
other hand scratched Ivan's shoulder.

Underwear has long lost its original function.

The bottom plate surrounding the negative was damp as if it had been soaked in
water. In addition, as the cloth wet with affection was rolled into the vagina, the
area surrounding the skin was reduced, and a thin plot even popped out.

"Lia. I'm soaking wet. Why don't you just take it off?"

Ivan patted Clitoris and asked.

"Uh, hah, hh...…!”

Like when I was on my period, the lumped sorrow burst out. I was so excited that my
thighs were shaking even though I just rubbed my underwear.

"Poor thing. You don't have the strength to take it off by yourself, do you? I'll
take it off for you."

Ivan put both hands on Lia's waist. Lia instinctively raised the waist rubber band
that she grabbed so that her underwear wouldn't come down.

Was it a problem that I did my best? At that moment, the bottom plate gathered in
the middle and turned into a T-pants-like shape.

When the underwear got stuck between the paper sheets, the frowned eyes opened. The
feeling of underwear penetrating between the noise order was creepy. Lia hardened
her wings like a butterfly caught.


Evan exclaimed quietly.

Ivan paused for an unexpected minister. And slowly observed between Lia's legs.

Lia's voice was exceptionally red compared to other parts. The contrast was more
pronounced by the whiteness of the skin. There was also a very thin plot covering
the pale pink flesh.

Who knows? Black hair, black eyes, pale skin, and a woman wearing only achromatic

Evan's scruff was noticeably wobbly.

The thickly filled laboratory was stiff. After straightening out, the soft Jaji-
sal, which had been drooping, became thicker with blood. The brief was too narrow
to accommodate the growing pawns over time.

I want to put it in.

I want to put it in there and shake it like a dog.

I want to wrap it inside Lia.

I want to get my child pregnant.


I could feel Lia's body rattling as her hand turned between her legs without
realizing it.

Instead of taking out the pawn, Ivan gathered the underwear that wrapped around
Lia's hips in the middle. The ambiguous shape has now turned into a complete T-
pants that wrap around the anus.


When Evan pulled the string gathered in the middle, Lia's upper body was greatly
moved. That was not the end of it. Ivan continued to pull his underwear in the
direction of his navel.

Clitoris and Jill were burning hot. I felt like sawing with a rope between my

"Uh-huh, hah-huh.…! "Bite!"

The increasingly intense stimulus produced a sound that did not know whether it was
a scream or a groan. Lia hurriedly wrapped her hands around my mouth. Now the
underwear was playing completely out of Ivan's hands.

uncomfortably tightening pressure between the noise sequences And the dizzying
pleasure that follows makes my head dizzy. My body didn't listen. As a result of
the rebuttal, Jill-gu sucked his panties like lips.
I'd rather take it off...….’

The feeling of the fabric stuck between the hips was also creepy. I felt like I
opened my eyes to a sense that I shouldn't know. I didn't think I'd be able to go
back to the old days.

"Do you want me to take it off?"

Ivan asked, piercing Lia's insides. I couldn't afford to answer questions that flew
like an arrow. Evan took Lia's underwear off in an instant.


In the midst of peeling off, the affection thickened. The coolly subdued
underground air clung to the contours of the body. Lia felt a strange sense of
freedom when her loose underwear came off.


Ivan lifted his underwear with his thumb and index finger. It was like a duster
that squeezed water once. This was especially the case when he was soaking wet and
drooping with sorrow. It didn't look like underwear unless you unfolded it.

Evan turned his wrist and clasped his underwear. When he tightened his arm,
affection trickled down his fist. The deep affection fell on Lia's chest.

Toad, toad.

It was heavy as if a brick had fallen.

"This is all from Lia's body."

Ivan grinned.

Lia gasped with her mouth closed. I couldn't move like a martyr with a nail in both

The sweaty top absorbed even the sorrow and the feeling of permeating it was
creepy. A tepid snake seemed to crawl around. It was a clear proof that my body was
excited about this perversion.

"You were happy enough to get wet, right?"

The untouched nipple became upright. Not only the papilla but also the whole body
was communicating with Ivan's voice. The sneaky whispers seemed to twirl over the

"Can I put it in now?"

Ivan buried his lips in his earlobe and whispered.

I have to tell you, I have to open my mouth to quit. It was only time to pull the
hand that pressed down on his mouth.

"Silence means permission."

In an instant Ivan's middle finger penetrated Jill.

His thick joint bone was pushed in by tapping the vagina entrance. It burned even
though it was wet enough. It seemed to burn and dry up.

"Ha, ah, ah...…!”

Leah leaned her head back, wrapped around her slender neck as if she were
strangling her neck. My body trembled. The pain coming up from the cracked flesh
puts a strain on my hands.

Lia was really strangling herself. Each time, the vagina tightened more tightly,
doubling the pain.

"What are you doing?"

Ivan tied Lia's hands with one hand and lifted them up. His blue eyes groped for

"New Suicide Law? If you're sick, you'd rather strangle me, Leah. What?"

Ivan tightened his wrist. It seemed to leave a mark. His handprints on his wrist,
and the heat left by him deep in his body, seemed to be imprinted forever over

"Oh, my God.!”

Evan began to scratch his insides. The finger, which turned in the direction of the
navel, moved like a hook and dug through the inner wall.

Lia floundered her limp legs. I tried holding and pushing the sheet with my toes,
but it was not enough to beat the rising sun when I scratched the mucous membrane.

"Huh, ah, ah...…!”

Unrefined groans popped out randomly because his wrists were also tied.

Ivan's hearing was also more sensitive than ever. Her groan seemed to tap on me.
Adrenaline was being released wildly.

"It looks like you're even putting your nose in your boji."

Well, Evan, who breathed in, grinned.

"It smells so wet that I can smell it all the way here."

If you dig a ripe peach with your finger, will it smell like this? It wasn't just
Lia's moans and the squirming of the water that excited Ivan. The smell of skin,
which was normally closed calmly, opened and was dizzying.

"Ha, ha, ha...…!”

Lia turned her head away from her persistent observation of me. The crumpled sheet
touched the tip of my nose. As I inhaled, Ivan's body scent suddenly came in.


Oh, I did.
Evan was sleeping here.

Instead of a towel, he wiped his body after taking a shower on the bed, so it was
natural that his scent was strong. But it was too thick. Even if he turns his head
to the opposite side, his scent is revived in his nose again.

I felt as if I were in Evan. Even though Evan came into my plan.

"What do you think, Lia? You have to focus on me."


For a moment, a blurry vision burst into flames. Just as broken and electric
current flows, even groans could not be shaped by sound due to strong stimuli that
could not be compared to the previous ones.

"Oh, oh...!"

Lia just stammered out a groaning sound with her wide open mouth. Ivan's eyes shone
unusually. He poked up the flesh he touched a moment ago.


Lia's moan was also rolled up.

Ivan raised the corners of his mouth like they were tearing apart. At the same
time, abundant eyelashes were also bent. It was a smile like a male peacock
spreading its colorful tail.

"It's here, right? Lia's voice."

Ivan asked, tapping Lia's sexual intercourse. Lia couldn't understand what he was
asking. Even the reason to feel ashamed has melted.

"It's worth practicing."

Ivan put his face close to Lia's face. and observed Lia with a force of count even
the fluff on her face.

"Yeo, yeo, practice...…?”

Leah just inertially copied Ivan's words.

Yes, practice. Ivan answered with a smile.

"I practiced finger-ring every day with a self-defense device."

I reproduced the quality exactly as it wasIt was a Duney hype. It wasn't until I
tucked my finger into Lia's body that I realized it was a lie. Lia's vagina was
softer and more comfortable. I didn't even order it, but I tightened it on my own I
even solved it.

But it was narrow. It was too narrow even if it was too narrow.

Can I put two fingers in? In fact, I wanted to put it in deeper and remember the
shape of the vagina thoroughly. I found a place where Lia felt well, but it was too
shallow. I thought there would be more sexual feelings inside that deep inside that
hasn't been reached yet.
"Uh, gee, lie...….”

"Huh? Do you think it's a lie?"

Evan smiled.

As if to show the results of the practice so far, she raucously tapped Lia's voice.
It felt as if a drill was in a rage. My lower stomach trembled. with only one

"Ah, ah, ah...…!”

"I cut my nails two days ago, but I washed them clean in the shower, so it's okay."

Ivan raised his fingernails slightly and scratched down the thick flesh. Lia's
vaginal wall

"I'll be careful not to bleed."

In a way, it was something I said to myself.

It was an act of braking so that it would not bleed, hurt, and touch Lia's body
preciously. Evan was patient.

For example, Eric, who took Lia out of the room, did not kill her in front of his
eyes and held it in. I could have put a bullet in my head as soon as I saw it. Of
course, I didn't forgive you. And Gustav. We're going to deal with it when it's not
worth using. Anyway, I wanted to focus only on Lia now.

"Oh, I can't stand it."

However, as expected, with her lower legs clearly exposed, Angandae ran out of
patience when she put Lia in front of her. Evan pushed her middle finger and then
her index finger into her.


Fingers crossed in an X-shape in the narrow vagina. The mucous membrane contracted
in all directions and crushed the fingers. Evan widened the inside with his fingers
using scissors. As soon as it widened, it closed again, but I felt that the vaginal
wall was adjusting to the size of my finger.

"I'm proud of you, Lia."

"Oh, yes, oh, oh...…!”

Evan kissed the gasping Lia on the forehead.

As I've felt before, Lia seemed to live a very complicated life. How much trouble
this little hair has. I wanted to suck them up every time I kissed them. And you
only plant good memories.

Like now.

"Lia, have you ever felt so good in your life?”

Ivan whispered softly.

Lia's eyelids trembled because she felt the peak she didn't know how many times.
Lia's body tightened at the bottom I was letting go and hoping that my finger would
come deeper.

"You can keep feeling this good if you're by my side by side.”

"Well, well."

As if reading the mind, my fingers were pushed into the uterus. Lia shuddered with
strange satiety. I was even excited by the joy that was ahead. But that was the

Because I lost consciousness as it was.

* * *

"Why did you come back?”

"What do you mean?"

"You went out with Miss Lia yesterday.”

Eric tightened his grip on the handle. No wonder you drank too much wine. She was a
quick-witted woman.

Eric glanced at the room mirror. The white cat Ivan said sat in the back seat like
a boss and picked out the fur.

"I only gave directions to run away."

"It's amazing. I've been acting like a fool for the most.”

Hesder snorted with his arms folded. Eric glanced at her with a cold stare and
silently stared straight ahead.

"And what did I do?"”

"……I never asked that."

"I gave him a knife. Use it as a weapon if you can."

Eric slammed on the brakes.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"He must have given me a knife because I was out of my mind.”

Hesder buried his face deep in his hands. And he screamed like a madman. He burst
into a fit of anger. Surprised by her sound, a flock of birds fluttered across the
sky. The cat's pupils were also swollen.

God damn it, everything's a mess

Hesder murmured hysterically.

Eric glanced at her and sighed. I couldn't leave a woman in such a remote place.
However, I was not in the mood to take you to the front of the house.

Let's drop it off at a nearby hotel. And we go our separate ways. Forget everything
that's happened in the past week. It was time for Eric to decide so.

"Let me ask you one thing. Why is the CIA so eager to get rid of gangs in a small
country in Northern Europe?"

Eric was silent.

"Is it for political purposes?"

Eric's eyes wiggled at Hesder's words.

"I guess I'm right. The current opposition party; the current party not in power.
The main opposition party is friendly to the United States, so it will be in the
national interest for them to win the next presidential election."


"I heard that an opposition figure will fill the vacancy of Mayor Langde, right?"
So the CIA took the lead in cleaning up the gang.”

Unlike the ruling party, the opposition party did not compromise with the gang. Of
course, the ruling party did not do that from the beginning. In the end, when the
water collected, it was bound to rot, and the U.S. has established political
connections with the opposition party, not the already stagnant ruling party.

"You're very interested in politics.”

Eric stuck to his insensitive attitude.

"I don't want to be bullied without knowing anything about my life, and every day,
I'm freaking out."

"Not knowing is sometimes the medicine."

Eric couldn't wait to finish this bloody conversation. But Hesder still had
something to ask.

"Are you going to reveal that Mayor Gelbrun has colluded with the Boaq

"Gelbrunn is a politician in the ruling party. If we reveal that, it will hurt the
ruling party."

Finally Eric replied.

"……I think I was punished for being dead."

said Hesder, looking out the car window. Erik responded unexpectedly to her
sentimental attitude. But I soon found out why.

"Is it because of Miss Lia?”

"Yes, it doesn't matter if Ishana is the only family left behind. This case comes
up to the surface. Who do you think people will bite?”
Ishanna had a hole to get out of, but Lia would be buried. Because she was the
secretary of the Henriksen family. You'll have to go back and forth to court
countless times to prove your innocence.

"It's not under my jurisdiction."

Eric drew a line.

Ha. You're going to leave now?

"Then please ask a high-ranking person. Hesder Berghagen will vote for the
opposition party in the next presidential election."

Eric smirked.

But smiling wasn't smiling. After all, wherever I went, it was hell to wait for Lia
Henriksen. It's either living in Ivan's arms without knowing anything, or getting
out of him and hitting the cruel world with his bare body.

Eventually, Eric drove Heather to the front of the house. Before parting, Hesder
hugged the cat that Ivan asked for.

"You didn't plant any surveillance chips here, did you?"

"I don't know."

"Oh my gosh."

The cat intervened in their conversation. How lovely he cried, and Hesder, who
doesn't like animals very much, was moved.

"Yes, yes. I'll trust you."

Hesder held the cat tightly, though awkward. Eric checked that she was going into
the building and turned her head.

* * *

Eric, who stayed at the hotel as a forgery, unfastened his tie and threw it away as
soon as he entered.

Standing in front of a huge window glass, the sky-high buildings looked as small as
miniatures. The past time felt like a dream.


Then the cell phone rang.

It was the director.

"Yes, sir."

- I've sent you a professional lawyer, so try to meet him tomorrow afternoon.
"I see."

I had no time to catch my breath. Eliza gave me a lot of work without a lot of

But this side is better. When I was busy, I didn't have to be obsessed with vain
ideas. There were so many things he wanted to forget.

- And.

Eliza took a breath and continued.

- The fact that Gelbrunn had a connection with the gang is asked.


Eric was suspicious of my ears.

- I consulted with the ruling party. We won't reveal any more of Gelbrun's past, so
they'll cooperate in this investigation.

"Well, well, what good do we have?"

Eric just couldn't understand. Eliza snorted.

- Of course not.

"Then why?"

- If you'd caught him first, this wouldn't have happened Are you really asking
because you don't know?

Eliza shouted loudly.

Then she added calmly.

- I made a deal with Evan. I told him to bury Gelbrunn's corruption in exchange for
false testimony.

"Do you know why he put such conditions?"

- Why should I know that?

Eric shut up with a colder voice than a glacier.

Yes, Eliza was a cold-blooded woman who would overlook Ivan's kidnapping for a
purpose. She was in love with such a woman, but at times she was horrified by her

- For us, no, what matters to me is Le Eden's next presidential election. If the
damn opposition candidate doesn't win, I have to take off my clothes right away.
You know, I put my life and my life on this.

Eliza emphasized clearly what I was trying to say in a powerful voice.

"……I'll keep that in mind."

The line was cut off.

It's all a show anyway. One agent like me was enough to move as his superiors
wished. He was nothing more than a strand of brushes to complete their big picture.

But Evan was different.

He always put things in his favor. Many people criticized Ivan Yelka as a cowardly
traitor who sold out his organization and a "kknappool" of the CIA.

But no. A little closer look at him and you'll realize how ridiculous it is. By
then, you will regret even your decision to get close to him.

Just like yourself.

* * *


When I opened my eyes, I felt refreshed as if I were flying. It's been a long time.
Sleeping so sound. I even felt like I had a pleasant dream instead of a nightmare.

It became blurred at the same time as he opened his eyes, but he seemed to have
savored the sunlight hitting his head while leaving his body to the calm current.
And the gentle breeze grazed the bridge pleasantly

a springlike dream


As soon as I woke up, spring disappeared and the dry air of cold winter wrapped
around me. Lia still stared blankly at her hand tied to the rope.

It was like a snake. A white salmon that clenched my wrist and wouldn't let go.
Wherever I went in the Safe House, this snake-like rope followed me.

It was time for Lia to frown gently.

"Are you angry?"

The voice heard from the side turned my head to the temple. Evan was sitting by the
bedside with a chair.

The moment I saw him, the distorted expression changed mildly. Lia looked at Ivan
as if she had a question mark on her head.

"Are you angry?"

Ivan asked again.

Lia couldn't answer the sudden question. Am I angry?

Ivan drooped as Lia sat still reflecting on the question.

"Lia was a little sore even after she fell asleep. 5 minutes? No, 10 minutes. No.
About half an hour."

The time has increased.

"It's so hot..."

Lia still couldn't understand what Evan was talking about.

"Look. It feels better to scratch your nails like this, right? I'm glad I didn't
cut it close.’

Unknowingly, his eyes turned to Ivan's hand.

Memories came to mind before I fell asleep, no, I fainted. The tight underwear
between the yinbu, the pressure that weighed on Clitoris, the feeling of lumpy love
coming out of the flesh, the sound of wet breathing.

Fingers. Fingers...….

"I held back what I wanted to put in. It was about to explode, but I took it out of
the bathroom by myself.”

As Lia raised her head, Evan, who was talking, shut up. And then he smiled. It was
like a child's face asking for compliments, saying, "I did well, right?"

I thought I had a good dream...….’

It wasn't.

The languor I felt as I left myself to the fluttering waves was the pleasure Ivan
had come from pulling under me.

My head began to throb. Lia bowed her head with her hands on her head. Then Evan
popped his face.

"Lia, don't be angry. If you say no, I won't do it again."

Evan added as if he remembered.

"What you said before is also valid."

Lia turned her head. Black hair trickled down to block the view. Evan kindly tucked
her hair behind her ears.

"……What do you mean?"

"If you kill me, you can get out of here."

"Joo, you can't get out without killing him?”

Lia asked in a wistful voice. It was disastrous to have such a conversation. Evan
looked sadly at Lia's distorted face.

"The criminal's prison sentence will be confirmed in two weeks. The unsub's a
member of Rousseau's crew, ah. Russo is one of the gang bosses. After Boak's
collapse, his organization took control of the slums."


What does that have to do with you? Lia was confused. Death of parents. CIA.
Murder. Gang. I didn't even know how far the alternative case would extend.

"To arrest the boss. Well, let's see, a month max?"

"You have to be locked up here for another month?”

"Lia, calm down."

I couldn't have calmed down.

"We've caught the criminal, so it's going to be different. There you go. I'll let
you go outside.”


"It must be hard in the city center because media outlets like Hyena are after

Evan looked at Lia's countenance with great regret.

media outlets like hyenas

Lia unknowingly responded to this remark. Hyenas. Yeah. They were like starved
jackals and hyenas. Since I was young, I have been following Lia around and
constantly pushing cameras and microphones.

They pressed the shutter at every opportunity to seal Lia's figure. The shutter
sound felt like the sound of a gun shooting. Invisible bullets penetrate countless
fragile bodies, and no one was worried about Lia.

'Be clear about what you've raised.’

'Smile, Lia. If you frown, we'll get cursed at instead. Do you understand?'

"If you're an Asian, smile even more." I can't see the change in my facial
expression. I look ugly.’

Words from father, mother, and sister came to mind one after another. Was he
immersed in romance that everything would be solved if he left Evan? No, he may
have tried to turn a blind eye to what happened after that.

Even if he escaped, a young Asian woman would easily be seen in Le Eden, and
reporters who smelled would run like bees.

"Lia, I tell you again and again, I'm not trying to keep you here, I'm trying to
protect you."

While Leah was engulfed by past trauma, Ivan slipped his hand on her shoulder.

"Now that you mention it,"

Evan glanced at the door.

"Shall we go out now?"”

He added.

"Let's take a light walk or something. The weather was nice today."


"I'm waiting here.”


Evan has gone somewhere. What the hell is going on?

Soon Evan brought some clothes and shoes to change. He unfolded his padded coat on
the hanger.

"Do you like it?"”

It was a long padded jacket with fur on its hat.

Since it is the top model of a luxury brand for women, it has a line around the
waist, giving off an elegant atmosphere. The material was also a high-quality
material that did not easily wear out even in rough weather and maintained a
thermal effect.

It was a brand that I knew well because I grew up with my adoptive mother who
insisted on luxury goods. But I've never worn it before.

"I prepared boots, too."

Shoes were also a luxury brand that has recently become popular among young people
in Northern Europe. It was a product that was faithful not only to its sensuous
design but also to practical functions suitable for use in winter, such as anti-
slip and waterproof effects.

"Wait a minute...."

Evan put boots on Lia's feet and even put padding on her. It's an appalling size
fit. Evan looked at Lia with proud eyes and even gave her gloves as if she

"Let's go, Lia."

In contrast to Lia's tightness, Evan wore only a classic black jacket over a tight
T-shirt. Maybe he felt Lia's gaze, Evan said with a smile.

"I don't get cold easily."

Then Lia was happy as if she were very worried about her. Lia just didn't
understand the urgent situation like this. Evan released the rope tied to Lia's
wrist and rummaged through the shelf.

You're really gonna let me go out?’

Leah stood, almost buried in her padded jacket, staring blankly at his back.
It was strange. It should be him who was trapped here the whole time, but Ivan
looked happier.

"LIA, will you give me your wrist?"

Evan is approaching.

Lia raised her right arm, thinking, "Yes, of course." He couldn't have taken me
outside without any action. He was a man with a wristwatch and a tracking device.


My wrist is handcuffed.

The cool iron felt creepy. Lia's gaze traced back to the chain that connected the


Lia frowned softly.

Evan had something hanging around his neck. It was a thick leather strap for a
choker, which at first glance looked like a dog necklace.

"The shape is a bit weird, right?"

asked Ivan shyly.

"It's definitely effective if you put less gunpowder around your neck."


Evan tapped a small chip in the middle of the necklace.

"When Lia pulls the chain and the pin comes off,"

He clenched his fists on both sides of his head and spread his palms at once.

"My head went banging.”


"Don't worry. The length of the chain is 3m, so it won't hurt Lia at all.”

It could be a little splattered, but. Ivan added, rubbing Lia's wrist gently.

Lia doubted my ears. You're saying he's got a bomb on his neck? I just went out for
a while and I couldn't understand why you were acting this way. That's on your
body. Is this man not afraid of death?

Evan said as if he had read Lia's mind.

"The problem is that Lia keeps trying to die."

"……not anymore."

"It's also a problem to jump into dangerous places."

"This is more dangerous...…!”

"Let's go."

Evan swung his back and strode. The chain that was hanging on the floor came up and

'No, if the pin is pulled out, the bomb will...…!’

Lia ran after him in a hurry.

"Please, please

Lia clung like a cicada to Ivan's arm. The trembling figure was really like a
cicada. Ivan smiled silently at the sight.

"It's crazy."

Does this man think he'd rather die than watch me die? The twisted obsession was
even self-destructive. At the same time, he acted innocent like a child who wanted
to return what he had received.

'There were women in the past who tried to love a man with antisocial personality
disorder. What do you think happened? Eventually, all the women were killed.’

No, professor.

The professor was wrong.

This man doesn't kill me. He's just a monster trying to carve his existence in
front of me.

* * *

It was the same scenery as yesterday.

The trees covered with white snow as if sprinkled with sugar still stood firm.
Although it was scattered by the wind, there were also wheel marks and footprints.
Probably Eric and Hesder's.

A landscape that is arguably the same as yesterday.

But I didn't feel the same exaltation or liberation as yesterday. It's because of
the man next to me.

Leah was walking with him, holding Ivan's arm desperately. My heart was in suspense
in case my foot sprained.

"Lia, aren't you scared?”

Ivan asked insinuatingly.

"What if a bomb explodes while you're with me?"”

Lia looked up at Evan.

Her blue face trembled. The dangerously shaky black eyes were saying this. That's
why we can't be apart. If you fall, the pin will be pulled out, and if the bomb
goes off, your head will fly!

Lia bowed her head silently.

I felt like I was going to have a trauma.

Evan only looked at her with an unconscious eye.


Lia breathed out a long breath.

When I came back from a hellish walk, my whole body was soaking wet.

"Poo, let it go. Hurry up."

Lia begged urgently.

"Lia, even if you don't whine,"

"Not my hand. Take off what's on your neck first...…!”

Lia slapped Ivan's hand on the approach. I don't know where this courage came from.
But all she had to do was remove the bomb from Ivan's neck.

Evan paused for a moment and unfastened the necklace from his neck.

"You don't have to be scared. It's designed to explode only when it opens over a
certain distance and meets the conditions for the pin to fall off. I wouldn't hurt

Evan explained quietly.

"Isn't it amazing? The CIA has a lot of fun toys."

"It's not a toy!"

As Ivan untied the necklace, Lia grabbed Ivan's jacket with both hands.

"What do you think of life as?" If you die, it's over. You don't know?"

Evan stood still and stared at Lia. He looked as if the person who knew it was
trying to die in front of me. The tide turned. Lia lowered her head like a sinner.

"Well, I'll tell you again and again. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I
want to live now."

How can I stop this man from being madly obsessed? Lia agonized over and over
"If you really want to protect me...…, Please don't do this."

Lia lifted her head slightly.

"You're the only one who can help me. Right, Ivan?"

Lia tried to pull the corners of her mouth.

Ivan's face flinched. Over the blue eyes, an undisguised obsession appeared. Evan
grabbed Lia by the shoulder and lowered herself.


You've finally realized.

I'm the only one who can protect you!

"Of course, Lia."

Evan hugged Lia's body without pain.

Evan was happy. I was very happy. The fact that she finally got along with Lia and
realized her need. I'm glad I risked my life, too, Ivan thought.

"I will survive and protect Lia."


"I promise."

* * *

The next day.

Evan was watching TV when Lia went out of the bedroom.

"Is it a dream?"

When I saw something that should not be here, my sense of reality ran away.
However, I realized that it was not a dream because of the flavor of the coffee
beans passing by the tip of my nose.

"Come here, Lia. Let's watch it together."

Ivan, who prepared coffee for Lia, knocked on the side of the sofa as if he had
waited. Lia hesitates I sat next to Evan.

Evan was watching the news.

How long has it been since we've seen the outside world? My heart was pounding as
if I were facing Eric and Heather here.

But a CIA spokesman was speaking at a news conference as if it were a fateful joke.
It said that Lia Henriksen is currently under CIA protection.
I thought Evan didn't lock me up as he wanted’

Lia glanced at Evan. He was calmly sipping coffee and watching the news. He snapped
down the cup he was holding with one hand.

"Ishana Henriksen, right?"


Ivan's head turned toward Lia. He touched the sharp tip of his chin with an
uncomfortable expression.

"Lia's sister. She said something weird, so there was a strange rumor about Lia."

"About me....”

After the news of the Henriksen couple's murder was announced, Ishanna held several
press conferences personally.

The first interview was to avoid ruining her tour, and the second one was to put
the spotlight on Lia. This is because public opinion arose that Ishana Henriksen
pushed ahead with the performance while her parents were killed because she was
blinded by her honor.

Ishanna then made a shocking announcement that Lia Henriksen had disappeared
because she was scared to see the criminal.

'Lia, I know it's hard, but please come back. I need your testimony to catch the
criminal. I'll do my best to protect you.’

Because of this, Lia was criticized on behalf of Ishana. Of course, Lia has been
blocked from the outside world, so she didn't know what specific words were
exchanged. It was only vaguely inferred from Ivan's words.

"What kind of rumor was it?”

"Lia doesn't need to know the details. It's a thing of the past.”

Lia looked at the TV and Evan alternately.

The screen changed before I knew it, and this time, a spokesman for the Le Eden
Police Agency came out and briefed on the murder of the Henriksen couple.
Everything was being worked out in a flash.

"If a person who talks nonsense appears in front of Lia, I'll make a hole in her


"I'm just kidding. Smile, please. If Lia makes that face, it hurts here.”

Evan rubbed my chest.

But it didn't seem like a joke.

This man was a man who would do anything for me. It even attracted the CIA. Use the
cards in one's hand generously.

There was no one more dangerous than Gambler, who had a lot of things and was
naturally fearless. And Evan was the only man who would bat for Lia, too.

That night.

Lia couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes.

"Are you really letting me go?”

"Can't you believe me?"

Evan was sitting on her knees in front of Lia, releasing her handcuffs. When Lia
panicked, he asked with a smile.

"You don't want to solve it, LIA?"

"Oh, no, it's not that...….”

The white salmon-like rope snapped. Lia looked at my wrists with bewildered eyes,
with nothing on them. Ivan put his hand on Lia's shoulder.

"You're not going to run away.”

The palm of my hand, which I didn't know how many people I killed, came down,
stroking Lia's shoulder.

"Because I realized it's safest to be with me. Right?"

Lia had no choice but to nod when the answer was set.

* * *

On the turntable, the black record board spun. Debussy's sweet melody tickled my
heart today.

One day, Evan played classical music every day. It was jazz on a rainy day.

And I brought a flowerpot.

Mainly dark plants that can be grown without sunlight. There was also an exotic
species that I had never seen before. It was Ivan's job to water it. He took care
of Lia and took care of all the pots.

I don't think I'll ever get tired.

Leah sat in an armchair brought by Ivan, and looked at him curiously, carefully
wiping the dust off the leaves.

Evan was a very family man, I hadn't noticed before. Often the focus was off, but
after a steady conversation, I also realized that he thought unexpectedly in common

Lia was holding a mug of warm milk that Ivan had burned, covering her knee with a
checkered blanket.

Ivan and Lia.

A great change has taken place between the two. The problem was that even Lia
didn't know what was going on now.

Evan has never been sexually approached since the day his escape plan was
discovered. Sometimes she flirted playfully or hugged naturally, but if Lia didn't
respond, she quickly hid her hands behind her back and stepped back.

It looked like a well-trained military dog.

And then.

If you do something against your mood, you will speak sophisticatedly, distract
yourself, and then engage in obscene behavior. Like a rutting male character.

But it was fine now.

Lia took a sip of milk.

Everything was so peaceful, like the smell of milk spreading gently in my mouth.
The interior of the safe house has become more comfortable over time. There were
also furniture that Lia chose. Except for the absence of windows, it was a
colorless space even if it was called a house.

To the point where I think it's not bad to live like this. Lia's body has fully
adapted to this situation. Even if you can't give a definite answer, whether you
agree with reality, compromise, or give up.

One thing was certain.

There were not many times when I sat still and rested. I felt like I was on a very
long vacation.


He seemed to have fallen asleep.

Lia gently lifted her eyelids at the touch that shook me up.


"Aren't you bored at home?"

Before I knew it, Evan also naturally called it a "house." And it's a little
different. When Lia no longer showed longing for the outside world, Ivan seemed
more anxious.

"Shall we go out in the car today?"”

Going out. Lia was distracted and looked away.

Every day, I walked in the surrounding forest for Evan and exercise. Of course,
that was the first and last time I went out wearing a necklace with a bomb on my

But I've never been out of the woods. Like Hansel and Gretel, who lost their way in
the witch's forest, the two only came back from circling through the forest.

"Isn't it too early to go out?”

Fear permeated one side of my mind.

Only then did Lia realize.

The fact that he's not ready to go out yet. Foolishly, Lia got used to the life in
the cradle provided by Ivan.

"There's a small town nearby. I don't think it'd be bad to go there once.”

"……Why should I go to such a place?"

"I hope LIA gets used to living outside"

Ivan retorted the question with a question. I couldn't even refute it because it
was right.

* * *

In the end, Lia followed Ivan.

There were also outdoor clothes prepared for when. Lia wore a turtleneck under a V-
neck knit made of cashmere. The bottoms were midi skirts with gentle wrinkles. He
wore a trench coat with a hat on the outside.

"Lia, you look like a model."

Evan giggled at Lia standing in front of the mirror. It was not an overpraise. Even
though he was dressed modestly, he felt restrained elegance in the unduly decorated

"Do you like it?"”

"……it's too much for me.”

Lia gave an honest appreciation.

"I don't waste any money on Lia."

Ivan stood beside her with a big smile.

Two figures were reflected in the mirror. Lia glanced awkwardly at Evan while
looking at my outfit. Even though I wore boots with slight heels, my head couldn't
exceed Ivan's shoulders. I always looked at him face-to-face or from behind, but
standing side by side like this made me realize the difference in physique with

"I want to go to Hills Street. There must be a lot of clothes that match Lia.”

Evan gave Lia a slight slap, and then muttered with a regretful face.

Hills Street was a luxury street in Le Eden, where young women in their 20s and 30s
gathered their preferred brands. It is a place where foreign tourists often visit,
so Lia, an Asian, could naturally mix.

"There were times when I walked past such places because of work. I didn't think
much back then, but when I see pretty clothes, I think of Lia."

I wanted to dress him up. Evan whispered, bending over his upper body.

Leah liked the clothes. The same was true of the meal. But it wasn't Ivan. He
wanted to give Lia only the best.

Lia turned her head to the mirror to avoid the gaze that stared at me. Unlike
himself, Ivan was plainly dressed. Neat clothes with no patterns or trendy designs.
The hanger was great, so I thought it would look good on anything.

Meanwhile, a pistol house with a waist caught my eye. The gun in the pistol house
seemed to be laughing at all the lies of the peace so far.

"Oh, you can cover this with a coat."

Feeling Lia's gaze, Evan put her coat around her.

"It's perfect, right?"

I couldn't say anything when I was asked lightly.

"I won't use it, but just in case."

Evan muttered significantly.

<The end of volume 1. Continue in the next volume>

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