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! ch-oL§ Multi-OcPLneny Natuce of Environ m ental = Studies —. *Y Dezinition Le : > The word 'emitconmend? & derived From ve French word ‘envicon’ meaning encieele 9 Senroundings > The eminonment constr of both biotic mol abOHS substances ice. tira woter ,Phant , Sunlight , amimals , tenpercatuce ete, > Envicenment can be cle~neol as collechy & perm oF alk external ‘Yorces , in¥tuencet and conditions wich affect the Re, nature , behawieun and .the qrewth , devebPnect and. more oF Living ongeniem. Neweidn (1451) pastel. phe enyiranmente! obit 08° Poltowss: ot Phe inverd0hon of the bioHe ComPenents anergy Hhemselves ond _ together atte the abiotic ComPonents wes by the tone ov eonvirenmental Btealy | ot eet > The Kerowhedge of asic em civil engineer ng subieds “ond vantous Fechnodegias and engineering ame weeded For the built workd , SD Thet why the Sebsee! cnden Flidy 13 pane specially — gook, bY the name. oF + Gow ire mental engineering. and fechnofogy ee eee oe Enviconmental Science :- SU os highly interdisaplinowy but includes Vordou Basle and applied fields , Such of naturch SOC , Kuegamldses , ane soial sciences. D> Thus, \ Pillows thet she acience of eovimn. enviarmental stedies cy a mubti~ isciPlineng sence becuse Le AeA!s iH, varies brane, OF stedies De Chemstry, physics, Mite scence” madicat gcierce , oyricuttune , pubsic health, Banter) engineering ete. > Te deals ole whe study Of envirconmenhal tanditions phat obtect ne human begs and there enganiSr9, With pegarcls to nafung ‘ health , employment Lads , pollles’ obhtes, ant’, \ Omd obese all, géence, technology ond m ReSarrces Gonaeration gel management, Eniieenearitel Chardalig sl VU deals ie the chemical - phenomenon, tabi ng ' Place in she envieamment The” thendeat Phenomenon include he chemnioal compost ion , Skeuclune | reactions, prapen ties trancronts amd eHets 0% Chomedl —gpecios such as moter ond goil. ain, DU deals with she -hwengal ettect ot these SPECIE on ses Living ongandém pin ficulandly humor vbelngs and also the impact Joy - humané On -th@ — onvirernmont | | | Chews try non a * | at Botgony, ie Mathemedics % Engineering ws es oy) "s Architecture ‘s Religion, Gocielegy Prideshy, History , fpenatuce , Law [ Petes Bet Humom Eyvirconment —oonel nd oo Science %, pe oF Environmental Studi poe Bea tke divingy ond nan. Living. obiecte contedhute fo {ho See of this study In. different elds, Such of “Pllows 2 1, 5 This ansktutes the “Lving>corifonents. uthes ‘plants animals ete. dnd nen. Living components | ‘such os aoc ehotet , Boll. forest, mineral , dood meray , Sunlight , otmosPhene , oimate Ecos yates t-te a F The System Porumesl by the interaction. ov. a tommunit of emgantting —“with': their, physicas blot’) Smviranmont % aallel eoreyetor, DA Part of a Lange emsystom F% coke ® Biome, Biome coven huge aneas amd ane Chanactenisel by Hen | climate ond the HPes oF Plony and animal oxisiing ’ “nuded ents ere. + Moindy two type® of biomes ane: Nodenok Biomes , and Artizicial Blomes Ternnettrtadl b BlomeS ergy reel psf mart stub siaaond feels etc. > Tennestriat Biomes » OH vente, olaserns , CuLbvad af tands ete. end aquatic biomes ,o-g., Morne, the synesh water , estuary, oer AME un der category of neducel biomes Arohaded Fn ithe ontrticiel biomes ,” Ponal Blemes ate Biodiversity : Biodiversity means the whole vaciety of Lite on. eacths VU, Includes s.gemetics » species’, sys ten ond fomdseope diversi kes. Pollution Pan The pollution ts mani tested in vaaious dorms Guo 08" Yeme airt, wore, gol, Here noise eadioactive,.maune , magnetic, thermal » Solid wosie, electronic waste , economic sygion , political Syste ,., e- polluters “ere. Conservation of Neturtol Ri These Include Chngenvation oF onimal ono Plans Am abel _noteal hebiter (he, in-eitu consenvation) end angenvalon of animals and Plonis Yeo away” fave thelr natural habitat, Such of iy 20s and “Gonciusses , nespectively Ci.e:, ex- situ conservation), “NN Goviel , Ertical and Aestheic Problems : _ | The environmental efudiet cn also be made Por the Following prrblems ; agricudluce , eCenomic aeeth , green mevolution, gfytal warming | green house eFtect , pain wotere harvesting acid ran, deseoses, Ozone bole, Tnolusiriatigation, uckanization Consumensm, ete, Other Problems - Vordeus Reuee 29. weather eyyects , climatic Changes , Yhrod disatter , earth queke Lsoster cycle digaster etd, ges gape oF envicenmental Stadies . Pilicrssccinnae oF Environmental Stecliag ! ee ee ee > The. obseotve oy tHe environmental Studies 5 fe examine various Factor’ whith Lead to pollution Cf in, Woler , Yeo , oid ete, envirean mental dlamage Dito ont Cause therefore necessary: 1). eneate cuarreness about fhe envicenment,,., Palluton - ane melat eo cheanpul e¢tects on health, The requinements oF, pred emvinsrment .as yollewss Pure Ata: - : og The in shovtd be Ynee Prom the Vaneeal yoses and cuspendled matters. Since we petal team the “atmosPhenes TH conmet “be Lent peresnt pune: * : w— > The acceptable Gants | sugggtions fer then reeduction ond prevention cY various constituents Soa . b ee Hex maintalwing quality of oe one o elton g Sulphur dienide (90,) 1 30%g/m? Caken moneride (co)! em my /m? Nivteqen chionide (N02) : 20mg /m? Pure Woter * patron and pollutant Yee ware Should be used for dainking Punpese . The acceplorte values, OF various panameters oY water ane Fellow: y acbty: 4pm p® volue ; Hardness 3. 1q PP™ , Tubdty ss te lepPm en sikica ecole theeshodd number shout be bekewo 4 _ Odour Wien Pure Food :- Pune Food | Feod should be Pure and palaiosle . and Skowl wot be ~aduliercoted. In oddivion te mainteling 0° geod Unerensing growth oF populatan ond antadtention ond \aduspriatigaiton centribute fowls are POLLURC , water poLlertion , fomd (geil) Polletion and , Fed pollution, re Gince we ance Yeelng various ohallanges > ib 03 ‘eportien ce f8 make “the “public aware ot Pepe challanyes So ot uch as. fo S0ch ee -Priendly, Some of these chatlames one nage, «Hepatitis Povubation 7S qesidthing: at” the aate ok he ever eo yedt. 2e puts ‘considerable pressure On the 2h hak RldsodAe ed amd hampers Ty rote “galleprdind Hence) phe ~qreatest yonallamge: bebe ot = R Grit Ae Popubation grxeoth , Poverety \ - | The VOSt moasomity of our pecPle ame derencleny on the natural resources for yhenwe basic Needs Of Yood , duel, shelter and fedeler . S Envinonmental dlepradation advensty attects the poor who depend on the mogoust ces CE thei environment, Thus , these are The greatest ohallamqe betere us. Aix and Whsen Pollution -- Ae cin ond wader ote the essential components For the sucvivel of the Living organisms , Wome a great challange ert Seung the ait and woter polluteon . Prablens, Agricultural Growth :- pss ee ee aa There & oryrienlt weal geodth Gn the Neh Yielding vadieres . Ret duo tf Hse the Physiact Struthane, of the coil onc noyune o¥ the Borg howe been spoiled ny Med oF this, the pele must be acquaint, ehth the method f° susiain agricultucal {eis the environment , Land Deqradation :- : \Woter ond wind enoston and \neneate witour domagig causes Lod olegnactetion, Postume Long ate Ovengrazed by tnesteck . Suk legradotion sje be welded, a Reduction of Gremetic Qvensity !- The rapid Tadusfrdculin tion amd wrtbowizet ten causes deforesiotion . This resulta in the dleencas © OY wild genetic atecks amel hence? the fess of genetic diversity. Remedial mronsures one PR be foken ye check the deenens 99 genet ¢ diversity - Impact of Unbanizatio 2 Becawe oF aduginiatisation , wobenization Ss growing mapidly . Hence ,a maior challange 3 fe cope with ghe apd tuunban zation So ch-02§ 7! Natural Resources :- The natural resources Can be defined of tre things 7 materiel? of the note , that can be put te some use by human beings Yon al ie gee th , development , Comyat ond other mecessHies ane catled as “Notutal Sources”, EG.vi- Aim, conten, goik, Forest , animals, minerals metals, eretezy andl other Substances ort Some examples oY natural mesowtces Kyat ane etitsel by human dengs. Types oF Notunal Resources '- ALL he netunal resources can be dletinef divided ite two Cato gees }— “Gy Exhausible Natural Redounces Gi) Tnexhaustble Nacumal Resources Yeehoustivle Natural Resources asia er saa > hese ane Gole, Yorests, wootert , CU, Petroleum, natural gab, riinenals ec hes congumed on. exhausted theaugh e ane Continuous Use Or masuse . 5 Exkoustible narunal mesaunces cen be Stunicher. divided mie tH cata paries : gy Renewor te Narenal ReroweeeS SB None renewable Nettwral ReBourrces Ey } EE foo ee eet ee al i uC =] These regounces ane these which . CO" mot . 2 on be exhausted theaugh cen fimors misuse eq, ait ond Sundin’ | Renewable Resource8 !- DS The natural .eesources gare consumed // exhausted gaaaigh -Gentiviees use and ce be recovered bY very hand ed¥ont® eared Yor ony pastels ane called Reneviolt Resources, Yor eg, Sess, Forests » graeteeer, 3 Tn pera words we con Sar that au Kenewabe mesourced ace rephemnished Hye norutah cyckes . ort manuslly, 4) Fon example ontyyen in ain PS reepenishe] theo ugh phoro Synthes’d . 2 Fooest % maintained themselves ord mamually J Srwihandy Yresh sater ] avallarle Prong oyeted Qo manually tr. > The nape rresourtces arte’ useful te _hemen sediety Aq one ep orcother, Aen we aa engded “Goose Ontnunes yal ef uselud plonts, amimels and materials by estobliching a balanced cfcle of heuer # ond rene Non- Renewable Resources +_ ee > Non penewdbhe pesvucces one not eplentonable, OR WE cam mot get hac our Coal md Petroleum reserves ym gus ive Hee , i ones thed ane consumed cera pletely | 5 Exomfles ane ;- metatg Cimon, capper , zinc ett) cond , O14 deposits | winerals , Sere , otinenal, salls(phosPhate, ni trates ,cenbenates) ete. > Minerals ane oeten catled the ‘sock’ resourced , -becqudse dheir ned mateniels 6-7 . 'o erst once, ondy be erinetted Yromy phe eant’s of nce > Cool, Petrolewr and natural gos ane called os ‘FOSSTL FUELS’ hecouse they one Formed rom dead remains ot plant .and anim al duced 5, ane corth Leng Ling ogo. They ane burnt 4 give oft energy, >) Minerals , mechs, galls and chemicals ef one jonmed ag ‘abiotle peesounees? as biological acbni ty not wevelved 9 hele erenacien . Ki nonol Resources '- A sl eee > Moyerals are naturally AcCUreerd eben ©% ComPounds that have bee) Foremed throug Slo Nmorganic preocess . Dvineral ta naturally oceuning a Aetinle chenteal composi #09 ong Tdonetiante "physical properties 3 ‘ ¢ 7 Minenats ORE Hon manewoble Suosden oes, TaPe8 of Minerals :- | ante nee Feurous ablor'-e.g - Vee Alums nivwry Lead, 296, copper. 1. Metalte Minerale Nen. Pennous 83.- Ltoniam, antimeny. DATSUNS, LEEK ey 2 Non-metattic Moenale — Guaplite, tei? cabs, Lime slong, Sand atone, aby yy Eine coy ~8§.- cat, naturel 1, Petro team TS used te provide emeregy, s Mineral | Frets This > Minerale needs te ve extracted Ynom eant’s Anterior, This precess Ts known as wining, waiming operation oceernds praug h four gto ag 3 . Paseperting ~ searching nainore!2 LL . Y Exploration - Assessing cize , Shape Lacotion, econemic value of depesit . 3 ») Development . wonk ef prefering accers tO depesis se that minerals con be extmacted taom it. Y exploration - extracting rineats Enviren J nes. cminanmental etteot SPE cioting wines Y Derenesiahon % Exfinction of species The ney canth = seVing madhinary omd blasting — cause problenr oF noise | ipreton, Resid depletion of igh grade mineral, 5) forced migrate oF arial, wastage a upper gol Layer ond Vegetation, : ) Ozone depletion, Sek enssion’ WY Green house gas Aweners eS Ie) Exciresomental peltukio) yy Natunat wozendS 2) People ceehated with ageing cetect bg aust A potseresS gag feads f ski ond dong ditse® - [ap Quek and wie gases Snciaecttly ottect ain, humidity, tenponatete . Wy) Deryerestarion and chime? ceeatts Pron radstall core aftects plants » animals , Mineral Resources of Tndia: - + India hes sictticient quantities oF WR) ghantiommy — copper, esd, Bre oS > Tren smenale ane yeund in sutticiont qeey wy cure counted. About Fad OF Vaan dcpedies Cae in oniesa 4 Bihar, DIndta hod ‘world's Lacgest deposit oF Coat P Net te pussia , India has Langest Suehly NY moqgonese, This shang canens O06 ° Madhy Pradesh, Mahanasita . Bihar, Onissa ¢ aneA D> Chaosise cleposlts > cure fend iy gihat, Andrapralesh » authath , 5 Undia “produces M7and oY world's C4, These ane “tend ig Bihan, Andhnaprad Petraler deposits gre found in ASSO? d Avene, D> Pomna ddowonds belt Ps on hy Liamorr| Predteing paren in our country , wneh covers district of Pomna , chhatrapert ia medhys Pradesh > Bourire deposit ane Yeund jy Bihac, cemtnal Tomilnada, UP. kemnotaka , % "Feast Regmnces : > Girontist estimate oat India ender Perast. ghoutd Ideally hove 38% of its amd y Today we wee onky eoett SH 2 Thus wer need not ondy t protect existing Yerests ~ pur algo “te Tere’ € out Yen ests: Use of forest ResourcS | - pa ee % Reduce the rate oF guntace run-off water > Prevent Flash loads and sei) enosion, > provent effects of deaught. Qo Marg eeiy CO, . . > mantery Leal abimate Condition | 2 meaimtoin Boil nutrory : d Absonphion gy gelon- heat cluning erape ~ promshinationy + Local Use: - > Fuel weeel amd choresel “Fore cocking DS Timbet- household aaticles amd Congimucte , 2 Gbeq- weaving 2d, Goes feel nabs ° Red Faults > Medicinal — Plants Deyonestarion-:— eee tele ety MON ston Commnereith end other ponpeses EdLekS OF Gedgnestation »_ 2 SOL -degnaditon onl git eeoslon 2 teas of Vegetation Covert, > westraRen of natugal habs lott amd lesa oY ate, F D Onengs in cdimatic condi on, 2 Environmental polation ~» Domose js ecosystem, 7 Reda chien Aw gdh eronstee, > The Pettern of eeetinfall hag chonge to dlevenested areas, 7 COWSE gletad -earving . > Prevention oF pumen gettelment to forests ances, > Prakibivion oe setting up agriculiuge inte Forest Londs , D Contraed wining in. yorestS areas, > con reel on vert grozing in HM areas | 3 Contesd on anginuction of forge dom Ao Forest cree? Case Study s- a Te Te need te imetucle decal mmunitis Yq Paneer management + | “> TX 19RD an annemgenent neta) weetmean fecal communis and “Ferest depantment called sem (Seat frst cory entt) neat vie) o 5 TEM pegued new guidedine in 270 . Te says , 25% of ome Fre -ortes must 90 40 Local Communl ty leet Piraxen Resources | ~ SS white rte of earth's surface TS By bi water , only tess thom 24h ot eoodere 13 fresh water ia ean of ice COPS ond | ladens. Only debs tren ot pp owolletic ter humon use. | Over _usiticadion of water '- > Gaownd pte, Owe bine, + > Greed water cong bivacte abolt seks Oe tetal ~dneth water. 9 towering of waters Tolls « Excessive use of grovend water reasieting Ao rapid heplemion of qroamdentet \4 vanloud region feating go towerlg et SEPM heP NS coma dying ok well, 7 Gobeil -sileieter te Tt ocquth “when grpumd wotert inant. HTS merece ghan Tale necharse mote. Te” nesuly sq sintng ot. lend Ce wh damage ge budleling >it 7 5 Lt OCcems iN the YORh oft sineam , rivens Lokes , ponds , wetlond . JA wapid rise 19 popatafon , exponsion Im Andustey amd ogeiculture has ineneosed So the use of water hag ineneased HFG perm yeon. wore, A sqeuniclpo supptiat D> Agedcultun¢ — use mexcinqum > pest one wed in domestic Aydustehes . aod 8 : 3 Ghteds have been een contwied . flood . thed Wis pesple | co Benlons environ ented hora ds > Oe fonestahen couses damage .erspS amd desire homes "S .Rivers chonge ond tens of yersable valuoble soik ts dost the 5°4* PAs +e Yor Bt are qatred ays course ducing Meods ad epi oteT cetun #4 down the mountain side, Caused EAL enosien, > choods anc consed by both natural ag Well o& hHemenmade Due to neavy Tain ot e for Aond Slale | phuking of nee Flow of river «' Cauges Ylood, Mftete—mare CERRO Nor sonasde cases ate feyerastaHen , Oven! grazing cons fruction ACH villes, Droughts | S The condivion ot dayness For prolong ed Period 43 gatled Amought. De wesulls whe, 5 beh erenage maingall for aq aren Ane? Nonmal. > Homan qepvitied fine gepenesiation | OxeR grazing ining causes dlesertticaten, Phud nereados the chance of dnought. | DThE problem ef — grcought con be saved ba Yn ereasing content of alee motsters, He omount rf preapitsion , 2? Ory donming teh Mique and WAFET Prsenvation Scheme algo nelpyul DAM - BenetS 9rd Problems ;- —>_Hegdre-—ele Benet'e3: - 7 : quad eleokioity . yenenadion > Chood cantrel ond $6i > Teed qoR09 guciiny oe pertods . yj Waker supply pegm area oF excess +? oko ct Qw waren , > dishing, L prestecHan Problems » - > Fragmentation and ticwoifermtion oF 1vecs > Serdous yapack on eco system, ? O¥SPlacememt oy. people , animals. PD water — aga’ . arg and gatinieation of seutramndiz fond. . 2 Dor prealet algo Lead to fewerted nuidiflonal status when Aighly preductive field oe ~fsoded . ¥en od = Resources : growth and develepment > Food Ty sssenta “Fore CF ding” ongantem. Nerderts 9r8 oussheble trom plonts A aminal . World Food Paeblem :- “> wonkd’s ~Gaed peamuctien hee weenersed these Bo years, but there is Peres ducing host opid “poputarion growth. Abur He millions people die oveny year dine {0 malnudd Hon, + According te edpimat€ about 300 mudied “penple sire umderbourished in India. An 64 ot 109 eoeteea poputotion growth divided Ante two 5 Good production Lagging berind > feed «An gidtiowney, com be extegordes . Nd ™ +>—.—— ——_————_——_.., Under- _ngucisherment ~ pecple who meceive fess deo 90% SF HOR Mhninu,, died injqake on feng - term ong coneiderted emdon- nourishment . Mab-naunishment — Occur? te nodnition | Ambalonce , Lack of vilawins Pasteing, Impact 6% Over -grazing - — Tk eccuns when grazing saapass the ceaniting — capacity otf fend, ThE OMEN) Sradiy 7s maximum poputation phat Con be supported by system on gestern able basis , Collanings ane maiy Wn pact of overt grazing ey crap Pretdu then — 9%) Overtgnazing —memeves vegetal cover ot SrL DE reduced humen centent _ Ad ao nesult more water i dest Fon ‘eoosy stew « i fel 4o dose St wegetal cover ot soil, PERE TS chomee of scl erosion . Y Overcgrezing .atde cts composition oF Plante popularien amd ws genet Moms Invasswe ployik grew tn Over grated area _ Ettect of Modern Aguicultauce ; A Moder) agricultural pratkice has beth | pesitive and negative orldecis, OTe TS based crpon technodegies Like use oy WrPretied Sead, Chemical Yontitizecs .pasticides, > Intensive Forming hove reduced Yortitity ome producing. of soil. 3 Use ct chemical “fertilizer contaminate Geound water ot nitrate, S The presence of excess nitcete in oldlaking woken Te dangereus “Fore haven health amo} may be damgeradd Yar yodenig . Niet meact Wi “haemoghbin end damage ne the ORYTRN transport by blard . TMS Tndivon te cabled bluebadly Syndicomre | P Intensive lncdgation a bainging andecwater Soluble salt t SeL gur¥ace ord: inerrant os sabnity of serd. : The forge amen df fertite Land becemes Baling and preter Lagged ane 4 a | 5 ry gperied VCMAPS Gen every Yeon, ferLiey ot ond meduced , pecans < Sad Perey Te maintoined by divecs€ omritoion by a wide aonge of Plant and animal species | te Fereitizere - Pesticide Peoblem > —- | zen et used to sof 5 Ferd Ply etre l ten fe greed, Go Fad praduction whiK be mime): Y Excesswe use gf fouBzer \neacrtes Revel of nibmater ‘in geound weer, For ER caus2h D Use og. Phosphoric seid, accumulation oF phespeeet® 1” when g. ecosion accuses F1 mary fronsyen fo. water bodies, attectiog aquatic Lite, |. To conqreol Angeets , pets use pesticides bus it etfect hi Te coud? umjon booly WE we pot anak fed. Comer, Bluth detect ; parkingen's diesst, 2 Apptien Ban oy cxcasd pos ades attest) SOL Bere ty 2 cessive use rfay poresen Yada . > TA mary homage Nenportind — sol.f miaw. org ontsn . Hand Resounces : | Te Includes Nits, valleys, Phaing , wetlond , nven bosin Lomd Degaadaton + _ u . > De Nocnessing population , ne | Fe Preducing tod imeneasts . Hence “ene 8 mone Pressure en Simited famd resources @Wth ome gesting dedlraded due fe ever expliteten . 3 56y, of tal area of coumtay 2 suffering due te Lond degradation, » Couses of degradation of Lond - sik erasion water Legging Bali nization Con tommination of soit with 7 Industrial waste. Sek Enoson!- eh Eason DT netens to dose ot © SupertHelal Layer of Bork due te achon of wind, OAteT , keeway heman Sacto. SDE pos’ been espimat@d that mane then 6000 milion wnneg ger svik %_ being eroded annudlly Te resulls in bess oF denlity, > %& ~ hadically 2 types 1) Geodsgica Enasion Wy Acekeroted Enesion S various acters whith ecirtect ait erosion Tcbide goil the, vegetaton cover, SlePe oy ground , geil mid- managertent . S wind a alse eespensinle Yea tand enesion rough — galrarien, guapension , audface once TS cagemuational Glt Yoaning + Centon Fores J wind breaks. 3 steip cxopping. 4 Oegarie Foreiny % Teanact worry pop peatoton) Deserrdcation + — > gesottification TS Process bY which Potential of anid on Seminatd dalle 3 Ik Asada, fe Conversion oF lnnigated onep dond 40, 1deaert. 2 Dt TB Characterized hy dewegetortion , depletion ct ground water, scl ensslea , salinization Causes of Desentitication + _ > Deforestation > Over grazing > maining > Tt % Budden collapse of tange masa of will cide . ya Te mostly oceurt — py On Steer slopes | W where dleainege TS | Problem | WM) On beeches §) Gack Causing Land elides : aches Causing Land efides > - '} Natural factor — 3) Excessive wolefall Wy forest Hine WD Ropid tempertotuae Change Wy Eaath quakes , Manmade Fock — iy mining Both i) Undeageraund excavation ' Wey Peorap ing” seid’ dreativiing ground mater dot Wy Hage are oF movntoin ane cat dicing constaweon oF rvadg . Tt make moonfain elope weak nesulting In dondslide . Role of Indiwisual ™ conservation 0% raxwral Rasennees > Evers heen being wisely go thet iy gives madimum beneyit qo present generation og wetl of datune genenatien , should vse mesoucced Se Conservation of water |- = aia” 86 Y Continuing — remning OF wotere taps Should be aneided whide washing Ny Thstall water Gowing piles , W) water dealage io pipe Ghauld be resp, YW) Dake yantgation and Sprinkle may, Prathised . i YY Radin water harvesting Congenvation of Energy '- 3 Glan cacker may be Uéed, Swe cen use. elediric vemicle > Make habit cYy- awitoking Lights, Fan when not Vy Use, Brome com Joumney te mininize Use ok Petraal. SD minimise ait conditiener +0 Seve eneney, Consensation o¥ ssill 1° | Ty Don'e Lhresw IEECHEN’ WEEE amd male CoripoSt + fi 2 Dont use Strang Flow of water -fe | HERG OR, : 3 Avoid over inrigation ey agciculeudl Heth a Prevent water Lagging ond SaLiNaHon, > Use of argonic Compose. ; eee eosin Sustameble Agriculture.» - | oe ee S maintain goig ered tiby. smale optimum use of feclidizers spaisides, = — Yn Stenoge to minimize the > Adapt post hanvest technofogies | nator whe. ef Daemon Gee style: > There B a big gop coneueners develPed amd deueloP ing counties, S Mone avebeped Cowl country cong HRS aa of world’s poputafion but whe BF% a Nakoral megsounces . On oyna end dees developed countered constitute Fez worlds _pepuletion ood ube only 12% ok natural resources + eqween ith and pepoer? only >There TS a huge gap b poore Tn this o8e ‘pth HONE gone micher amd poort 1 becoming, merce por , This Leds % unsustainable develspment. The solution te this probdem Ts bo hawe more equrrapse distcbufion of egourc2s om income. use OF Natural resources S Gon esuitabde ag have te Lever down raore eveleped cabin! than Level of consumption . Sp that thes € ressources Com We Shaced by peor pesPle. py dé <= SThere ws need of equitable Use o resources ‘for gugqaineble development cf momlind . wor Ba cropten-03 | fSysTEM f 1 hall on 2 ithe ecmkegy dented -frcom Bletiorereel ‘ : alt ain Tt nant Logg’ meening 2 So eohoyy ig Studfel of home of nature Te 1S defined 08 gcrenti¥ically Study of Wtetacton od aregenism with each other ond ait thd environment, Eosysten }- an ginucterad 4 functional unit of nakure where. Living orcgaais™ ‘intenaet among themselves — and also «ait» Suncaundi ngs Physical onvironment » PTe algo” Snebuded plants; trees Fishy vied , water, 5 Every thm in) ecasyste 1S, dependent on eath oxhorn . 3 Gronemal - Chacateustics of Bovsystems : - 4 Eossysten’ So Sieuckual and PoncHon af wnt of Sising ond nov =, Living, Components LOS Sqveooment rwteracting _ oh 200% other to produce a stable sysiem, > Ecosystem -cansidened’ ab ‘ime oe eal OF Bokgical community ond 1S asset ated iT _s Physicel OA Chemical Components oF tne» emvireonment edith mtenactions > The internation result in continious Production , ConsomPHOM and exchange OF material —petween the Diving ond nen_Living Bomponent® of sng onvirwnment following cyclic processes , 2 Eorsystoms undergo chonges Say kha biotic Amel alelotle Camprnents continously. A th Chomge iw omy ome Component of the eeeSy Stem Cause ohmamged i alt thE ComPomentsS of the; Ccogystem, FY The Tametlon . of xhe €cosystem = depends oN thE ENE LAE Flow and cycking ot Chemical eLOMENtS thrash - end wt the easyst en. POEL D The nature of ecosystem clepends on the species Kiddliversity of the, ecosystem, > The ecsyste “con be distributed by hume? ackities amd “ghe msi adverese ev te“ of he — daStunbamce im the ‘oss oF wiodvet sity > + . The cComphexty oY on ecosystem cecicler \ hE energy — requimement gy The ecosyore™ ane Channcterized iby a wlde Vardety io bediversity oY species , The spelled ane bloele Components Twckuding — preducers , congue ona Agcampesers , The structure wt ecegystemn «means thet haw the Bobsgica! comaunity (ies the ising wh there popudation, Lite history, Components , oreganBms pesdnction ete) ond the Biotic Buh, o& Water, Bork . negearents, ete, ane enremped ity cespect to ctimaric canditons (e-8., femperratune | ight, humidity ett.) in cosy shen, Dep tage bass > Every ecesysions hos | T° mraore,, components: Sy plodie an’ Being “compoonts ” T) Abiotic on’ nioh-Living components ~~ oo ¥ Ni. Y Bloke Components i ee Saar > Boric om Ling components e% att ecesystems “metucle all Forms of LiFe, €9-) ¥LR2 amd “fauna , D> On we base of thele nutritional | | fever (on trophic Aevet) they om PS | Classitied pte two 4728: © Ausotreephic Components \ | 2} Hetercoteophic Component 1») AutotroPhic — Components !— > These one gel? - nowt SNR orgonism | Noetuding green plonts algae .amel protosynihehe bacteria x D> The autotrophg are also known 36 Producens because they praduce there OWrn ood. > These producer take ation + ener Jt For yt Sen send canvert nto Chemical energy wwicr. re used by Pladt Mere gyekee recut, ema geuelspment » Tht Use Conon clionide a caahon Somee’ Fon ood. JUS Hetercotreaphic Componeris: > These include alt Livdng organism igen Commot — PREPERC tnein own Fea bet depend a mat ato teoPhs directly om indinectly Yon od. > They ane also brown as Consumecs . 2 They usitise ogame matier og Cantor gounce Yor “Food ' Aninial behong te Has Catagory > The heterdtwPhs (wnsomers ) ane further chossv¥ied Anjo Foo greseePs © 4 a) Macro consumers” bS pjeredconeummere® ay Maceo Consumers. | These depend on other Camwaumrties Fo fyeire) food. seconting §— 4o thelt rratuce of York they On bE chagrBied oF 57” qhese- Yeed on, SEP ‘plants “amd une called erbivores (plant eters), These smclude ywseckd, rabbit ,-goat, coe, deere, ‘modents ete, GW). Secondary _.Consume7s +— . Thee gunive oD -primanty Consumers ond ane ‘called “Conrivered (animal eases). Sag | Dog, cot’, Prog, crow, wold Pon, Swe; Meare ee) 3 wd ee ee } os Tertion' Consumes | ~ —N They depend 09 seandary 0° They gunvive os well as seco Cengumets . Lion, tiget , vulture , howk | Leoperd » man peleng to this grou? , SOMMERS () Micro Gnswn Pt *- Nee knawn of gaprotcephs wnctud€ These ee alse (2, aeanpesor cemuitg), The pacteria seen, qlogellates and = ackinemycetes » They ate afvided inte tuo qrpups i & Pano sie @) goprepy te © Paccastec De They get there “feed fare is Nog ongontsey. They cause diseases wwch nally Leads 46 death, @) Sap reephyic i pee ie ak These one decemposets They teed on. oganic easnpour § oF dead. plon ts on animals. They auoenb some ot the decompe Site praducts ae moleadé nurdonts G, e, Anomegenic gun. gtences ) “ee tee SAL ond aamoghere . “They plo! NERY AmPerdont node Aes An ecosystey Sn: pogeochex ‘cal exe a bees 899) Components :- The non. Living Part of am eco Sstem ts clad THE abiotic component’ which tacludes Wmengome and organic gubsiarcet ag well as he Physical om climatic factors, Tse tMmoOEPheRE , h ylaosphenc and, Eitheephore , ty Chewical Yactons '- in These. Weludes organic aml inonganic seebstances | Tnonganic. \- Ths wwolides waters minerals, qoses 4c. The elements , Imergani¢ es em row ™ Chis caphyh rs the green pigment amd thes PEt \V phetesynthesds . Ty 7 an imporctant Anpeganic gue stemee, a > The omaunt of rmongaric -.gubstonces Ae P,S.0,N,H, ee,,-present in ghe AVI ronment ok am ecosystern, OL ony gyen time TS called the“ siending singe om stonding acality , Se ) esis Proteins, conbohydrates , tats , Litids , eee , Orin d Bids, eke. ~OOILE the, onganic comPonents eer ny the dead omimal and plots, ead ose YH the excreta of the animal in whe “een system, OE nanan : od y Aaa ~\ ned Av the plogeothemica! PH OAey! D.These ane wre. BY bacteria and Yogi in convert oreganic campasnds inte vmor genic Hoar nich ane nefused ny the ploak . Bacrerta amd Yomgi prus nek He wotle syste? , wich pa cteia Cf. ANA gyrorie components of the ec %) Physical Encton ¢ Light, wis tere, pomnperrcher® 5 humid HE malnget , wind ond soit @ ashes con, the,« chinadle “nedine! she “oreracHon petween cere Bette ecosystem | onich gee ound abiot Components WO tHe Functions (QPrecess) of Ecosystem: - eae s: Nae aras at ee fenctions of (on emsyste een he Bicong Voteradtion yetwmenr “the Bietic and abiot® Components of the ecosystem heLving The ae con syste gpecttic Sted devel « > each catted —preaphic water “eles > genall Fh edn ED Phyto Plankton -> _5 pig Eh, (pend syste") 2) G.nad5 ) Gross haPPer -p Meuse > oud t > fox 9 wold > Len grass Lond ecosyste“7) Chonacheristic ot Yood Chain !- c devel -> Producer 5 Gnes8 > Rabe! -S ist Jpreapht 3 Small hesbrores Cnsome/ plonts & ore eoten bY Longe conniver®s . > The pronsfer oF ererst Fem owen trai qo Wghee graphic tevek decret?. Too types ot Yood Char) !- Stas wre ot Ford chal temas Yrom gre? plant to herbvonss then ends oF corniv anergy oF eae orl Sy there BQ toss of devet thuugh cesPination, exotatieyy = xp yD. spettires Feod Chay - Te atents From clead organic moter Ge, dead onmals , Plants omd Fallen Looves ete) amd goed t detrdtus feeding orgamis (re, detrivered 9. oacherta , Sei nates . Worms dungi ere.) ond on te ther ® PredateRs The ecosystems Like mangrave amd estuarine follow auis Yad chain whith do not depend o7 bole energy but depend. On the tnbluy ot ongonic matters produced ww othee Sastens Exornpdes )~ yy Dead organi mother > Bactercia -> Pretezca Rovrgers | YY Dead Plents/ Fallen feoves > sok nites > Insets > Lizards, W) Deed organic mettiet > Desrwores > prectors , Food Web - > Web meons " neteork” | sua a8 spiders web the inden - csanetfiorn ot digterot jadividual Food Chains theagh dit deren F sured oP ongantimy ts called Pood _web. SIr othen weeds, a “Fmd eb consists OL a number of Liner tod chelns . 3 eter web, Te OS . Seem that Some congamens feed on a ‘Single species. omt Mast Congumens ave alse mulerde Pr Source

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