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Section A Multiple Choice Questions It is often prudent to eliminate the choices that are obviously wrong first. Then you choose the most 1, On the data sheet of your exam, you will note this formula: Fo = Gam, d celeration, g, at the surface of a planet p, From this formula, we can calculate that the gravitational a is given by: a) Gmm, 2. Andy the astronaut has a weight W on a particular planet. The same planet has moon with half the mass and half the radius of the planet. His weight on the moon is:- a) 2W b) Ww o) W/2 4) W/4 3. Astrid the astronaut visits the asteroid belt and lands on 4 spherical bits of rock as follows:- Asteroid name Asteroid mass (megatonnes) Asteroid radius (km) Wocky 2.0 O57 Rocky 4.0 10 4 Mucky 8.0 40 © Yucky 16.0 20 4 Astrid’s weight is a maximum on which bit of rock ? : a) Wocky b) Rocky c) Mucky d) Yucky Astrid before take-off 4, A fanatical future civilisation builds a “Tower of Babel” above the tomb of their greatest leader Ms Understood. The words on her tomb read “You must go through the process!” The tower rises 500km above the earth of radius 6700km. At the opening, the new great leader and master problem solver feels somewhat light headed as he gazes down from the tower top. We wish to compare his weight and mass at the top of the tower to that at ground level. You would expect:- Weight compared to ground Mass compared to ground a) Greater same 500km b) Less same c) Same same d) Greater less 5 An unpowered spacecraft orbiting a spherical planet in a circular orbit may be expected to have constant:- a) momentum b) velocity c) acceleration d) speed 6. Maud Mangler is a world champion shot putter. She hurls the metal ball with antinitial velocity of 30 ms at 30° to the vertical as shown, Horizontally, the initial velocity of the ball is moving at, in metres/sec :- a) 50 sin 30° b) 50 cos 30° ce) 50 sin 30° d) 50 cos 30° 8. The famous Russian space station MIR orbited the pl A projectile is launched at angle @ and velocity V from a level horizontal earthly surface. The true statement is :~ a) The projectile velocity remains constant b) The projectile speed remains constant c) The acceleration constantly changes d) The launch and impact speeds are identical 1 for many years before being brought ited the earth once in less than 2 hours. down to earth in the Pacific Ocean. Towards the end it or! The true statement about MIR is :~ a) It was a geostationary satellite b) It attained escape velocity soon after launch c) It orbited outside the earth’s gravitational field before re-entry d) It’s many occupants accelerated with the same acceleration as the MIR capsule. 9. During projectile motion, in the period of time after launch and before impact, which of the following quantities does not remain constant? :- a) horizontal velocity component b) vertical velocity component c) horizontal acceleration component d) vertical acceleration component i, A satellite orbits the earth clockwise and is at the position $ showa on the diagram. The directions of its velocity and acceleration vectors are, respectively :- a) up page, right b) up page, , up page ©) right, right d) right, up page 11. The purpose of the Michelson-Morley experiment was to != a) measure the length contraction of light caused by a moving aether b) measure the velocity of light c) measure the relative velocity of the earth through the aether d) prove that the aether did not exist. 12. Einstein’s relativity theory is most useful when measuring the motions of objects moving at high velocities relative to each other. In these circumstances, when measuring space, it is necessary to introduce a fourth dimension. This fourth dimension is - a) mass b) length c) time d) energy. 13. Inertial frames of reference must :- a) be subjected to length contraction b) be subjected to light travelling at different velocities in different directions c) experience time dilation for events occuring within them d) be travelling at constant velocity. 14. Satellites are not launched from earth using cannon because :- a) the cannon would need to be fired horizontally to achieve orbit. b) atmospheric friction would slow the satellite causing orbit failure. c) the muzzle velocity would be much too low to achieve orbital speed. d) the satellite speed could not be adjusted during the flight to that necessary to obtain orbit. IS. Satellites are often launched in three stages. During the first stage of launch the acceleration:~ a) is constant because the rate of burn of fuel is constant and hence the force is constant. ases as the fuel is used up. ses as the rocket mass decreases. 4d) is constant because the reduction in thrust force is balanced by the reduction in rocket mass. 16, An Indian test cricketer hits a sixer straight up into space. Richie B gazes up after it whilst inton- ing “Good shot that”. The 10cm diameter ball is travelling at 0.9c and receding directly away from earth radially. It is possible to measure the sideways dimension of the ball as it moves relative to us using modern technology, which the Indian technologists thoughtfully apply for the benefit of the Australian television audience. You would expect the observed sideways dimension of the ball to be = a) greater than 10crn b) equal to 10cm ¢) slightly less than 10cm (within 90% of it) d) much less than 10cm 17. In 1969, the first Apollo mission journeyed to the moon. During the mission weightlessness was experienced by the 3-man crew :- a) during launch. b) during lunar descent. c) only in deep space when the earth’s gravity exactly balanced the moon's. d) in space with motors shut down. 18. The main consequence of the Michelson-Morley experiment was ‘- a) the abandonment of the aether model for the propagation of light b) a more accurate measurement for the speed of light ¢ c) the discovery of the time dilation of light d) the discovery that the speed of light varies with the velocity of the observer, 19. On the HSC physics formula sheet are some equations that apply to projectile motion. When a projectile is launched at an angle to the horizontal on a level surface, it rises to a maximum altitude then falls. At the point of maximum altitude :- 20. A single-stage rocket of total mass 500kg is launched from earth. The rocket motor produces a constant thrust of 20,000N by mixing hydrogen and oxygen liquid fuels. This is a graph of the total fuel remaining during 30 second bum. You will note that the initial fuel mass is 450kg :- Mass inkg Time in secs ‘The upward acceleration at the end of 10 seconds may be expected to be in metre see?» a) 20,000 - 98 500 b) 20,000 - 98 300 c) 20,000 - 98 350 d) 20,000 - 98 450 21. One design for 2 DC motor is as follows. The torque direction is viewed from above Battery Graphite Brush You would expect in this motor the ~ a) current to flow from B to A and the torque to be clockwise. b) current to flow from A to B and the torque to be clockwise. c) current to flow from B to A and the torque to be anticlockwise. d) current to flow from A to B and the torque to be anticlockwise. 22. This piece of equipment is fairly easy to construct but the current is large and tends to vapourise the mercury. Mercury vapour is toxic Battery Wooden Block Copper wires Mercury in bowl With the power on, you would expect the left wire in the mercury bowl to move a) into the page b) out of the page o)lefi d) right 23. Two electric wires X and Y carry currents as shown. Point A is midway between the two wires. When the 2 amp current through wire X is switched off, the magnetic field strength at A due to wire Y is Bteslas. wire X wire Y 2amp A Lamp When both currents in X and Y are on, the magnitude of the magnetic field at A is:- a) B into the page ») B out of the page c) 2B into the page 4) none of the above 24. Transformers are devices that : a) increase the energy ouput from primary to secondary b) increase the power ouput from primary to secondary c) work on DC but not AC d) change voltages and current from one part of an electrical grid to another. 25. Points P,Q,R,S are positioned near wires or moving charged particles as follows: P. Se eee, 7 electron moving Q alpha particle moving R. —_———— electric current in wire The direction of the magnetic field is into the page at point a)P Ss. electric current b)Q in wire into the oR page ds 26. Lenz's Law states :- a) The magnitude of the induced EMF is such as to oppose the time rate of cutting flux b) The magnitude of the induced EMF is proportional to the time rate of cutting flux c) The direction of the induced EMF is such as to oppose the change which caused it 4d) The time rate of change of the induced EMF is proportional to the time rate of cutting flux 27. Faraday’s Law states :- a) The magnitude of the induced EMF is such as to oppose the time rate of cutting flux b) The magnitude of the induced EMF is proportional to the time rate of cutting flux c) The direction of the induced EMF is such as to oppose the change which caused it 4) The time rate of change of the induced EMF is proportional to the time rate of cutting flux. 28. A wire AB cuts a magnetic field as shown as it moves from position AB to CD in 10 seconds. The distance between A and C is 1.0 metres. The wire is 10 metres long and the field strength 10 Teslas AG 1 RX xX yx xX xX xX XK x 1 Kee XX Xx x, 1 Rx | xt x x xX xX) =X LO TESEAS ! miei 09 ee ee 10m ! Ne x x X)exx lx x x x x x €im> he true statement is :- a) By applying Lenz’s Law the induced current in the wire is up the page b) By applying Lenz's Law the induced voltage in the wire is down the page c) The amount of cut flux is 100 Webers d) By applying Faraday’s Law the induced voltage is 100 Volts 29. Two long perallel wires carry equal currents in opposite directions. The force between the wires is F. s, we now halve the separation between the wires. The Being the sort of people that would worry ra new force between the wires should be:- a) 2F attractive b)2F repulsive ©) 4F attractive d) 4F repulsive 30. This is a loop of wire containing a galvanometer. A magnet ' is passed from behind, right through the centre of the loop as shown You would expect the current in the loop to be:- a) clockwise b) anticlockwise c) clockwise then anticlockwise d) anticlockwise then clockwise o Induction < Coil 50,000V Crude AC Sparking due to induced current [i _+% Bo Oscillating Spark Reflecting Plates Receiving Antenna with gap In this experiment, the spzrk in the receiving antenna was first observed by:- a) Michael Faraday b) Heinrich Hertz c) Charles Augustine de Coulomb d) James Clerk Maxwell a2 Cathode A beam of cathode rays is generated in a cathode ray tube as shown, A horseshoe magnet is used to apply a magnetic field into the page as shown by the X symbols, The deflection of the beam may be expected to be: a) into the page b) out of the page c) up the page d) down the page 33. The Earth’s magnetic field normally points due north in this sunburnt country of ours. N This magnetic field can exert forces on the moving charges in AC power lines. Such power lines are shown oriented below as viewed from an aircraft with north up the map. The power line which might be expected to experience the least magnetic force due to the earth’s field is: a) b) 34 A wire is coiled about a rotor that is free to rotate about the axis shown as a dotted line. A potential difference is applied by brushes between X and Y with X positive. What should follow is as follows: a) AB will move up and CD will move down. b) AB will move down and CD will move up ©) AB and CD will experience zero force in this position ¢) AB will experience a similar force to CD so the coil will not rotate 35. A proton from the solar wind approaches an earth’s magnetic field line at an angle of 30° as shown. It travels at 500 ms"! Proton charge 1.6 x 10% 30° > The force on the proton is initially a) 10° x $00 x 1.6 x 10°! N out of the page. b) 105 x 500 x 1.6 x 10°! N into the page. c) 10°5 x 500 x 1.6 x 10"! x 0.5 N out of the page. 4) 10°5 x 500 x 1.6 x 10°! x 0.5N into the page. 36. In experiment A, an aluminium plate Al is supported by a wire at a pivot point P and set swinging in a vertical plane in P and out of the page passing between magnet poles as shown ane The time for it to stop swinging, T is measured. In experiment B, the time T is measured with the magnets removed. In experiment C, the magnets are present and the Al plate is hs replaced by an identical sized copper plate. Experiment D, is the same as A but vertical slots are cut into the aluminium plate The time T would be the largest in experiment : A)A B)B HE D)D 37. The purpose of the radial magnetic field in this electric motor is to produce a Rotor with windings showing current flow at front “ye Current is fed to windings using a DC commutator ct front (Not diagramed) a) constant clockwise torque on the rotor. b) straight line applied magnetic field. c) constant anticlockwise torque on the rotor. d) torque which varies sinusoidally with the DC input current in the rotor coil. aS Primary Coil Secondary Coil Power supply Switch Various power supplies are fed to the primary coil. The ammeter will read zero when a) AC poweris first switched on. b) DC powers first switched on c) AC flows continuously in the primary d) DC flows continuously in the primary a8. S Cathode rays of charge -e and velocity v N encounter a magnetic field B between the L poles of the magnets shown. The force on each particle in the cathode ray beam is :- [peony Pim + a) Bev into the page b) Bev out of the page s c) Bev up the page d) None of the above 40. Two father and son Aussie scientists were the first to develop a device which used X-rays to work out the positions of atomic particles in crystalline solids. Their summame was :- a) Rutherford b) Oliphant c) Bragg 4) Florey 41 10V The electric field between the two capacitor plates shown is:- a) 10 x 0.01 Newtons/Coulomb up the page b) 10 x 0.01 Newtons/Coulomb down the page ©) 10/ 0.01 Newtons/Coulomb up the page d) 10/ 0,01 Newtons/Coulomb down the page Helmholtz Coil Cathode rays are deflected by Helmholtz coils shown. The coils produce a magnetic field up the page by a right hand screw rule. To balance the magnetic deflection of the Helmholtz coils, we need to apply an electric field: a) into the page b) out of the page c) up the page d) down the page 43. beeeee cathode Capacitor plates are used to apply an electric field as shown. The deflection of the cathode rays is :- a) into the page b) out of the page c) up the page d) down the page 44, When cathode ray tubes were first invented, there was a debate between British and German physicists concerning what cathode rays were. The British claimed that they were charged particles The Germans believed that they were E.M.R. rays. The German evidence for their viewpoint was :- a) The cathode rays in early experiments were not seen to be deflected by electric fields b) Heinrich Hertz was able to transmit cathode rays through space using spark gap transmitters and aerials. ¢) Cathode rays formed shadows on the front of a maltese cross tube. d) Cathode rays caused paddle wheels to rotate 45. The purpose of an eleciron gun is to:- a) generate electrons at the cathode in thermionic emission b) accelerate the electrons using electric fields. ©) focus beams of a set velocity onto a screen d) all of the above. 46. Which of the following is true about a black body curve:- a) Plank was able to model it by assuming that EMR is emitted in quanta as electrons move between quantised energy levels b) The curve is a graph of frequency versus wavelength for radiation emitted by “ideal” black hot objects. c) Our sun isa perfect black body at its surface. d) Einstein used the black body curve to explain why photons have momentum. 47. A grown crystal of silicon is doped with impurities of the valence 3 element boron. Compared with pure silicon, this crystal will :- a) act as a better superconductor than silicon at low temperatures b) conduct electricity by the migration of positive holes c) conduct electricity better by the migration of electrons d) be more insulating because of a deficiency of bonded elecirons. This would tend to trap any electrons attempting passage through the crystal. 48. The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons froma crystal surface when the surface is irradiated. The wusual property of the photoelectric effect that could not be explained by classical physics was:- a) It works only for light, hence the name “photoelectric effect”. b) There is a threshold intensity of energy below which electrons are not emitted. c) There is a threshold frequency of energy below which electrons are not emitted. d) There is a threshold intensity above which crystals become superconductors 49. A crystal of pure silicon is grown from the molten state and doped so that it becomes an N-type semiconductor. The true statement is: a) It contains impurities ofa valence 3 element b) It is electrically neutral c) It is negatively charged and capable of becoming part of a solar cell 4) The bonds around some individual silicon atoms are incomplete. 50. The scientist who described the photoelectric effect in terms of a light particle theory was :- a) Thomson b) Hertz c) Einstein d) Planck. 51. A material that conducts electric current by the migration of gaps in the bonds between the crystal atoms is:- a) silicon doped with hydrogen of valence 1 b) germanium doped with galium of valence 3 c) silicon doped with germanium of valence 4 4d) Germanium doped with arsenic of valence 5 52. The formation of Cooper pairs of electrons is used to explain: a) the splitting of spectral bands emitted by excited sodium atoms b) how a magnet is made to hover above cold superconductive material c) why doped N-type semiconductors have lower resistance than materials such as silicon d) the movement of current through very cold superconductive crystals. 53. The following diagram shows, with a circled X, an electron moving into the page. As you can see, it encounters a magnetic field B and an electric field E. The force due to the electric field is stronger than the force due to the magnetic field, Which arrow best shows the new force on the electron ?: ayo —> 0 ee Sarees 54. The invention of cathode ray oscilloscopes enabled scientists to :- a) measure AC waveforms accurately b) study new forms of elecromagnetic radiation c) study the effects of oscillating magnetic fields on piezoelectric crystals d) measure the ratio e/m for a wide range of charged panicles. 55. A positiviey charged kroton atomic particle, from the solar wind of the massive red star Beetlehouse, enters a magnetic field as shown: Magnetic field B into page x x x x xX xX KX KX <—-©) Meet my Kroton The motion of the Kroton should now be :- a) up the page and curved b) down the page and curved ¢) out of the page d) into the page 56. In an impoverished, dirty, vandalised high school , a tired grey-haired old clown holds a magnet near an ancient cathode ray tube shown:- - oe Crom + The north pole of his magnet points into the page before the glass. The beam deflects down. It is already known that cathode rays are emitted by the cathode. This experiment has proved that cathode rays:~ 2) pass from negative to positive b) can be deflected by electric fields c) are streams of electrons ¢) are negatively charged 57. You may have performed experiments using a box of discharge tubes, which were, in turn, to the high voltage electrodes of an induction coil Floating electrode Hy ( (4 ‘( : Common terminal The purpose of the experiment was to = a) measure the ratio e/m b) observe the effect of electric fields on cathode rays c) observe the effect of magnetic fields on cathode rays d) observe the effects of different air pressures on cathode rays 58. You may have performed an experiment on cathode rays using a railway tube. This tube bombarded a lightweight paddlewheel with cathode rays. The wheel spun. The phosphor dots glowed and the audience went “ah!” The experiment proved that cathode rays :- a) travel at high speeds b) have wave-like properties c) have mass d) are capable of ejecting electrons from a target material Anode + The essential purpose of J.J. Thomson’s apparatus above was to measure for electrons: a) charge e b) velocity v c) mass m d) none of the above 60. Early triodes and early transistors were used to a) select and filter out individual carrier waves from an aerial b) amplify radio signals c) convert AC to DC currents in a process called rectification d) modify the movement of electron beams in cathode ray tubes Section B Longer Response Questions 61. A rocket drifting in space has a total mass including fuel of 2.5 x 10°kg. It then accelerates under aconstant thrust of 2.0 x 107N. The following graph shows fuel bum for 3 minutes of time a>) ao BS MASS is) OF REMAINING FUEL 10 x 10%kg 05 i 0.0 10 20 3.0 Time after rocket start up (minutes) a) From the graph, calculate the rate of loss of fuel mass in kg min’' during the first 3 minutes. b)(i) Calculate the mass of rocket plus fuel 3 minutes after the burn. (ii) Contrast, using calculated values, the acceleration at start up and at t = 3 minutes. Account for the difference 62.Draw sketch graphs for a single stage rocket burn for the following quantities. The rocket has a motor which delivers constant thrust until fuel exhaustion. a)s/t_b)v/t c)alt d) Fit e) pit 63. Calculate the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at 30° to the horizontal on earth with an initial speed of 500 ms“ 64 Big Bertha blasts again. (Our soldiers detested this German seige gun). A projectile is launched at an angle of 30° toa horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 500 ms", Determine the horizontal distance to impact and the impact speed. 65. In the Pfarden solar system, mass is measured in chunks, time in clicks and length in legs. On the Pfarden planet Klotz, one moon Lune orbits with a period of 1.00 x 10° clicks at distance 4.00 x 10° legs from the planet centre. A second moon Hoon is twice as far out as Lune. Calcu- late the period of the second moon, 66 In the Nerd solar system, the natural satellite Looney orbits with a period of 10 sec at a distance of 8.0 x 106 metres from the planetary centre. AW a) Define the term “geostationary satellite” and suggest a reason why the Nerds might like to build one. b) If the Nerd planet takes 8.00 x 103 secs to rotate once on its axis, determine Typical the distance of the geostationary satellite from the planet centre. Nerd 67. The period of the earth moon orbit is 27 days 7 hours. We will assume an orbit radius of 400,000 km. Use this data and the data sheet to calculate the mass of the earth. 68. Space vehicle designers have had to solve a number of problems. List problems associated with atmospheric re-entry. 69. a) Analyse and interpret one of Einstein's thought experiments (Gedanken) involving mirrors and trains. 6) Discuss the implications of time dilation and length contraction for space travel 70. Explain what is meant by the relativity of simultaneity. 71. A S00 metre long space-trawler was launched from earth in the Silurian geologi- cal period by my honourable ancestors. It contains an alarm clock which still rings on the hour, driving my cousins batty. The present speed of the earth relative to the trawler is 0.999C. Calculate: a) The length of the trawler as seen from earth. b) The time between “rings” to an observer on earth 72 .Quiline an experimental investigation that you performed to calculate the value of g in your laboratory. /ndicate quantities that you kept constant during the investigation and quantities that you varied, 73. a) Contrast the concepts of mass and weight b) Derive an expression for the acceleration due to gravity on earth in terms of the radius and mass of the earth, 74. A venusian spypod of mass m watches us from an orbit far above the earth. As it’s cyclopean inhabitants goggle at these crazy bipods, it descends from distance r, above the tarth’s centre to distance r, to get a better look. a) Define the term “gravitational potential energy”. f the earth, the gravitational b) Calculate, in terms of the mass m of the pod and mass m, potential energy for each pod position. c) State which position r, or r, has the higher gravitational potential energy. Justify your answer. d) Sketch a graph of gravitational potential energy against travelled distance for a space probe passing a planet such as Jupiter in a slingshot orbit e) Calculate the increase in potential energy of a stone of mass 20kg raised through a height of 10m on the moon where g = 1.6 ms‘ 75. Data for earth is as follows:- Tear 6.4x 108m Mann = 60x 10%kg a) List the essential characteristics for a geostationary satellite b) Calculate the altitude of a geostationary satellite c) Contrast quantitatively the period of a geostationary satellite with another satellite orbiting at an altitude of 600km, 76. Outline the aether model for light as it was originally proposed. List reasons why the model was rejected. 77. One technique for measuring the value of g on earth is to drop a mass from rest off the top floor of a schoo! building and to use a stopwatch to time the fall. The value of g cen be calculated using an equation of motion. Assess the limitations of this method and outline a better method that you used to evaluate g 78. An astronaut takes 30 minutes to dine on scragglepus steak at a distance of 200 Parsecs from earth and moving at 0.90c relative to earth. Her twin on earth takes 30 minutes to dine on real cat. Calculate the time for :- a) the scragglepus feed b) the kitty crunch as seen by the other twin 79. This is a diagram of the Michelson-Morley experiment:- THE MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER Observation Point D Half Silvered Mirror Mirror B vty 20% Light Source S T a) Outline the purpose of the experiment b) Describe the path of the light from the source and the data gathered in the experiment ¢) Outline the important conclusion from the experiment. 80. Martian invaders fire a projectile at 45° to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 500 ms! on a level plain. Analyse this information and calculate the :- a) horizontal velocity of the projectile b) time to impact ©) distance to impact d) impact speed 81 An American transformer operates off mains of 120V AC. It has 500 turns in the primary circuit and 20 turns in the secondary circuit. Both coils are wound around a post of laminated soft iron. a) Calculate the voltage across the secondary circuit b) Describe the purpose of the soft iron post c) Explain why the post consists of parallel laminated strips d) The transformer is described by those who know this business as “ideal.” If 5.0 amp flows in the primary, determine the ideal current flow in the secondary. Show mathematical reasoning, 82 a) Explain why, as an electric motor begins from rest, a back EMF will build in the rotor coil. b) Explain why powerful electric motors often have more resistance insérted into the circuit using a rheostat as the motor begins to tum 83 a) A DC generator lacks a radial magnetic field. Sketch a graph of its output EMF against time. b) Sketch a similar graph if'a radial magnetic field was used, 84. This is a diagram of a moving coil galvanometer. a) Outline the concept that boffins call “the motor effect” b) The central coil in the meter is square. Identify the sides of the coil that experience a force and state the directions of the forces on these sides. c) State the direction of the current inputted to the coil. d) Explain the purpose of the spring. ) % ye Soft Iron Core al Current Radial Magnetic acres Field Cait 85. x x x x x Xx x xX x x x x A wire loop has a cross sectional area of 0.1 metre”. A background field has a magnetic flux density of 2.00 T into the page. The field is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in 0.01 sec. a) calculate the magnetic flux in the loop. b) use Faraday's Law to calculate the induced EMF across the ends of the wire during the field reduction. 86 a) Explain why AC generators are used to power the local grid. b) Contrast a step-up with a step-down transformer in terms of current and voltage transformation The Moving Coil Loudspeaker 87. ge cone Permanent Moving Magnet electromagnet AC current coil or Audio in 88. This is a simplified diagram ofan electric motor. Mathematically describe how you would evaluate the torque of such a motor. Outline 3 ways of increasing the torque of the motor. 89. —— ee Two parallel conductors are Sem apart and $ metres long. They carry currents of $00mA in opposite directions. Determine the force on one of the wires. 90. Anelectric motor has 300 turns in the shape of a rectangle measuring Sem x 6cm. It carries a current ‘of 3.0 amps in a field of strength 8.0 T. a) Determine the torque on the rotor b) State the direction of the torque c) Outline why many motors have radial magnetic fields 91 One particular solar wind particle is an electron. Use the data sheet on page 50 to find its mass. Let us assume it is travelling right attwice the speed of sound (Mach 2). Assume the earth’s magnetic field at a particular point has a strength of 1,0 x 10°7T into the page. a) Calculate the magnetic force on the electron. b) By assuming the magnetic force is always centripetal, calculate the radius of the resultant circular motion 92. a) Sketch a typical commutator, labelling its 3 parts. Outline what it does. Discuss its importance in the development of electric motors. b) Explain why electric motors and generators usually contain laminated iron cores 93 Fixed wire 5.0 amp ————- > 5.0 amp 5mm eS ‘The wires are 10cm long, Wire resting on balance pan A demented physicist sets up the above equipment to measure the force between the wires a) With current off in both wires, the reading on the balance is 0.200g. Calculate the downwards force on the balance. b) Calculate the theoretical force between the wires with current on as shown. c) Hence calculate the new theoretical reading on the balance with current on d) Suggest one way of increasing the force between the wires without blowing the 5 amp circuit breakers on the power packs supplying the current 94, a) Describe mathematically the force on a solar wind proton particle crossing the earth’s magnetic field vector of magnitude 10° T at an angle of 10°. The proton moves with a velocity of 100km/sec. b) Predict its subsequent motion within the earth’s magnetosphere 95. A cathode ray vacuum tube is set up as a mass spectroscope to measure the relative masses of two isotopes of hydrogen H! —- + and H2. For this purpose it is evacuated and small amounts of natural hydrogen gas added. The atoms ionise forming cations and V electrons. a) State the directions of movement of electron and cation flow in the tube. b) Contrast the masses of the two cations. c) State the direction of an applied magnetic field necessary to cause the cations to move in circular motion and initially down d) The force due to the magnetic field is centripetal. Derive an equation showing how the masses of the cation particles can be measured in terms of cation charge q, velocity ¥, applied magnetic field B and radius of circular motion e) Predict which hydrogen isotope will demonstrate the greater radius of circular motion Justify your answer. This setew is used to balance the sea saw inialy 96. A laboratory current balance exactly balances two forces. The first force is the weight force of ___Wnentne tela appiea,coton a 0.050g piece of string shown at the top of the Neteboionce Ths teodie first diagram and the bottom of the second coos ete diagram. The second force is the force of the solenoid magnetic field on the 5 amp current going from left to right in a 2.5cm length of wire inside the solenoid. This force is also down. Electric wie tobe repelies by fers a) Calculate the weight force of the string length b) Determine the direction of the magnetic field inside the solenoid necessary to produce : a downwards deflection on the 88 strips acl as pivots Solenoid and current input for wire length. ae c) Hence use the balancing act Balance rests LZ to determine the magnitude of inside main coil ~~ UN zy the magnetic field inside the solenoid (NB. the top diagram plate is turned around and inserted into a String is balancing mass the bottom solenoid as shown.) 97a) Sketch the mtemal workings of a step-down transformer. Explain the function of each part b) Contrast a step-up with a step-down transformer. c) Explain why current flows in the secondary. 98 Explain why Westinghouse’s electricity distribution system to cities repaced the Edison system. 99. Outline an experiment that you performed to produce an alternating current, Describe two ways of detecting the altemating current. 100. The following equipment is used to research this syllabus formula :- Fixed wire 5.0 amp —_> 5.0 amp Smm Tr Wire resting on balance pen 2) Outline how you would study the effect of changing d on F b) Identify any extra equipment that you might need to perform or improve the experiment ©) Predict the shape of the F/d graph expected. 4) Contrast this shape with that of an F/I, graph 101. Modern cathode ray tubes incorporate an electron gun a) State the purpose of the electron gun b) List its components in order of use in the appliance c) Describe the function of each component. 102. Modern buildings are protected against lightning strikes. Outline how this ig achieved. 103. You should have carried out an investigation where you used an induction coil to apply a high voltage across:- a) a tube containing a paddlewheel b) a tube where you deflected a cathode ray beam using a magnet. State the inferences you made in these experiments. Justify your inferences. 104 a) Outline the Hertz experiment where radio waves were first successfully transmitted through space. Include a diagram b) Describe how radio waves are produced in the equipment. c) Contrast the properties of these radio waves with that of light, 105. a) Define the term superconductivity b) Sketch a graph of absolute temperature against electrical resistance for a superconducting material ©) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using superconducting materials as switching devices in modern computers. 106. P-type N-type semi- semi- conductor} conductor One design for a modern solar cell is shown above. The cell works when electrons are generated in the undoped silicon via the photoelectric effect a) Explain why modem solar cells are designed to be thin and non-reflective b) Contrast the crystal structures of the 3 layers. c) Explain why, in an irradiated cell, the P-type semiconductor becomes the negative electrode. ) State the direction of hole migration in the P-type wafer. Justify your answer. e) Outline what is meant by “electrons are generated in the undoped silicon via the photoelectric effect. 107. Albert Einstein and Max Planck were friends and colleagues, It is claimed by some that they held differing views concerning the role of the scientist in commenting on social and political issues. Outline Einstein’s views on this matter and debate the correctness of his attitude 108. This is a diagram of the apparatus used by a famous British scientist to measure the ratio e/m for electrons, a) Identify the scientist. b) State the directions of the electric field vector E and magnetic field vector B that are used to deflect the cathode ray beam c) In the first part of the great man’s experiment, the forces by the two fields are adjusted until they exactly balance and the beam is undeflected. Write expressions for the force by each field in terms of e,v,m, E and B. Equate the two expressions and solve for v in terms of the other variables. d) In the second part of the experiment, the electric field is turned off and the magnetic field force is centripetal. Write an equation equating magnetic field force with centripetal force. e) Hence use your two equations to solve for the ratio e/m 109. —— 20.0cm A stream of cathode rays are projected from the left, half way between the plates with velocity 1.0 x 10° metres/sec. a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field between the plates 'b) State the direction of the deflection of the cathode rays by the ficld. Justify your answer. c) Calculate the force acting on and the acceleration of each electron as it enters the field » Positive anode ~~~ Negative grid - | QO: Heated - Cathode 8 TRIODE VALVE TRANSISTOR Both the devices above are part of the history of the electrical age. a) State a common use for each and outline how one of these devices achieves that purpose b) Outline reasons why the transistor has replaced the triode valve in modem electronic devices. ©) State one reason why the semimetal silicon has replaced the semimetal germanium in semiconductor devices. 111. a) Outline the main characteristics of superconducting materials b) List limitations that prevent their widespread use. ©) Outline the advantages of using superconductors in Maglev trains. 112. Physicists speak of “electron band structures” within crystals. a) Outline what “electron band structures” are b) Contrast the “valence band” with the “conduction band” cc) Contrast the band structures of a typical metallic crystal with a crystal of an insulator. Maximum KE of emitted electrons Frequency of light x 10°* Hz The above graph plots maximum kinetic energies for electrons leaving the surface of a metal which has been irradiated by EMR of different frequencies. a) Identify the name of the process where electrons are emitted from a metallic surface when stimulated by radiation b) Use the graph to identify the threshold frequency for this effect. c) Calculate the energies of photons with this threshold frequency. d) Explain the significance of the work function @ and /abel this quantity on a sketch graph of the above. 114, Superconductor type, Container with liquid nitrogen a) Explain why, in the Meissner effect above, a small magnet will hover above a superconductive cool material. b) Explain why the effect is not suitable for levitating large objects c) Outling the essential differences between a type | and type II superconductor. 115. a) Outline advantages of Maglev trains over normal trains. b) Outline disadvantages of Maglev trains over normal trains. c) Explain one way a Maglev train can be made to hover using superconductors. 116. a) List some technologies that may be improved by the incorporation in their design of superconductors. b) Explain why the use of superconductors would improve one of these technologies. ©) Contrast the limitations of using both type 1 and type I] superconductors 117. Explain the differences in electrical conductivities of a) a metal such as copper. b) a semimetal such as silicon c) an N-type semiconductor d0 a P- type semiconductor. 118. A primitive solar cell is constructed by joining wafers of P and N type semiconductor materials together. a) Contrast the two materials in terms of their crystal structures b) Describe the mechanism by which current normally flows through a P-type material c) Describe the mechanism by which current normally flows through an N-type material 4d) The solar cell is irradiated with light. Describe how the two wafers become charged. 119. Describe how the BCS model attempts to explain how superconducting materials superconduct 120a) Contrast the internal components of a colour television with a black and white television Explain how a colour television functions in terms of the : (i) purpose of the electron guns (ji) formation of a picture on the screen (iii) production of a range of colours on the screen b) Solutions Multiple Choice 1D 2A 3A 4B SD 6A 7D 8D 9B 0A IIC 12C 13D L4C 15C 16B 17D 18A 19D 20C 21C 22 23 24D 25A 26C 27B 28A 29B 30C 31B 32D 33A 34A 35C 36B 37A 38D 39B 40C 41C 42A 43C 44A 45D 46A 47B 48C 49B SOC 51B 52D 53B S4A 55B 56D 57D S8C 59D 60B Solutions Longer Response 61a) time rate of mass loss = (2.3-0.5) 106 kg/3 mins = 6.0 x 10° kg/min b(i) mass of rocket after 3 mins = (2.5- 2.3 + 0.5) x 10°kg = 7.0.x 105kg (ii) At launch a= F/m = 2.0x 107/ 2.5 x 10° = 8.0 ms? At t=3 sec a=Flm =2.0x 107/7.0 x 10° = 29 ms? The acceleration increases because the mass being pushed (by a constant force) is decreasing, 62. a) upward sloping curve (as the acceleration is increasing because mass is decreasing for the same force.) b) upward sloping curve (the acceleration is changing and so must the velocity) c) upward sloping straight line (the acceleration is increasing uniformly with time) d) straight line parallel to time (the thrust force of the rocket motors is constant.) e) rising straight line graph. (By Newton’s 2nd law Ft = mv - mu. Force is constant, so change in momentum depends directly on t.) 63. We choose positive up We then resolve in the vertical direction u, = $00 sin 30 = 250ms"! We then list our assets 1 yy 250ms We then consult with the listed formulae Aha v,? Uy + 2a Ay Solving for Ay get 3189m, 64. We choose positive up. We then resolve in the vertical and horizontal directions uy = 500 sin 30 = 250ms"! u, = 500 cos 30 To find the range, we need t. To find t, we consider the vertical motion first. We then list our assets t=? We then consult with the listed formulae Aha Ay =uyt+ 1/2a,t? 0 = 2501 -4.9¢ The solution to this quadratic is t = 0 or 51.02sec. Consider the horizontal motion Dx = u,t = 500cos30 x $1.02 = 22.092km Impact speed is same as the launch speed (S00ms"!) as energy is conserved (KE is same at same height). 65. For all satellites of the one big mass pP = GM Tz ane ‘The left hand side ratio for all satellites equals the right hand side constant Solving for T, get 2.83 x 105 clicks 66a) A geostationary satellite has the same orbital period as the planet's period of rotation. Geosta- tionary satellites tend to remain in a fixed position over the same land surface. This makes it easier to relay signals between the satellite and the ground b) The satellite and Looney both share the same primary. ae ie Ty? 7, So Solving for r, get 3.2 x 105 metres 67. T = 2358000 sec r=4x 108 metre G = 6.67 x 107! units Solving for M get 6.81 x 1024 kg which is different to the value on the data sheet because of the approximation in the moon’s distance. 68a) The problems associated with atmospheric re-entry include :~ The need to shed a large amount of velocity Avoidance of killing astronauts by burning of capsule Avoidance of killing astronauts by excessive deceleration Avoiding “skipping” off atmosphere and being lost in space To shed velocity, avoid skipping, and to avoid excessive deceleration and overheating, the re-entry angle is limited to the range 1.0° to 6.2° to the horizontal. At the end a drogue shute is used. To avoid capsule melting, a heat shield is used. The shuttles use silica tiles and reinforced carbon to absorb the heat. 69a) We imagine that we are observing light bouncing offa ceiling of a moving train. To the occu- pant, the light is seen to bounce straight up and down. To an observer on a station, the light appears to bounce at an angle an travel a longer path to the ground, Because light can only travel at the one speed, the event, to the platform observer, appears to take longer. Time is dilated. b) The implications of time dilation and length contraction for space travel are simple: Events would appear to proceed more slowly in the opposite system to all observers. A crew leaving earth and returning would return to a much older planet. For a 40 year trip at acceleration g, the trip would take 48,000 years. Achieving that Ig burn for that time would require an impossible mass of conventional fuel 70. If two alarm clocks, timed to ring after | hour, are placed in two inertial systems moving at different speeds relative to an observer, they will appear to ring at different times, Yet they should Ting simultaneously. This demonstrates that so called simultaneity of events is relative to the velocities of the observed systems, yh -v4e2 = 500 vi + (0.999¢)/e? = 22.4m 7la) Ly Bl vi -v¥/e? = Lhour / vi - (0.999¢)2/c? = 22.4 hours b) T, 72. We created a pendulum and measured its total length from pivot to end. We allowed it to undergo small oscillations around a pivot and did several runs at measuring the number of oscillations in 120 seconds. From this we calculated the mean period for one oscillation, T. We then calculated the value for g using the formula T= 2x Vi/g 73a) Mass is the amount of matter in an object and can be estimated inertially or gravitationally. Weight is the gravitational force acting on a mass. b) mg = Gmm, r g ote 74a) The gravitational potential energy of a mass m, at a point above a large attractive mass m)is defined to be the work done to move the mass m, from an infinite distance away to the point, As we are being helped by the field in doing this, Ep is always negative. ©) ry is smaller than, , 80 Ep.) has a smaller negative value than Ep(_2 SO Epg,1) has the higher potential energy. This is to be expected. Higher objects have greater PE by PE = mgh. 4) (diagram right) e) Ep=mgh = 20x 1.6 x 10=320) 75a) Geostationary satellites are designed to remain above the same point on the earth. To do this the have to have the same orbital period as the period of the carth’s rotation. b) T= 24 x 60 x 60sec G = 6.67 x 10"! units M = 6x 10% kg We then substitute these nightmarish numbers into this nightmarish formula and solve for r: = GM 7 4x2 Get r= 42,300km. Which has 5 significant figures instead of the | in the M value. Forgive me Lord for I have sinned. I did it to save these poor souls from a more horrible number. Altitude = 42,300km - 6,400km = 35,900km c) Once more unto the breech dear friends once more ! Pp = GM T2 4a? This time we solve for T. Get 5818 sec or 1,62 hours. Compare this with 24 hours. Low earth orbiters are Speedy Gonzalez compared to the leisurely geostationaries which are at much higher altitudes. MIR and military satellites are low earth orbiters. 76. The aether model was proposed because other sorts of waves needed a medium to travel through This aether was the stationary vacuum of space that matter moved through. The earth should move through this medium. Light should travel at c relative to its medium The reason that the model was rejected was that the M-M experiment proved that light travelled at c in all directions. Fither the earth was stationary or there was no aether. 77. You could use the method in Q72. Another alternative is to use a burette at a goodly height above a bench. Drop drips onto a noisy surface. Adjust the crip rate until one drip arrives as another leaves. Count drips per 30 secs and calculate T. Measure s and use an equation of motion to determine g, Some schools use expensive dataloggers which are an inappropriate use of very scarce recources and perform like paid slaves. Who knows what goes on inside the box? 78.T,=T,/ Vi -v/e2 = 30 mins / vi - (0.9¢)/c? = 68.8 mins 79a) The purpose of the experiment was to measure the speed of the earth through the aether by measuring the variation in light speed as the experiment stage was rotated. b) Light leaves S and is split by the halfsilvered mirror into two paths SCBD and SCAD. The two rays recombine at D and should form an interference pattern. The pattern did not change as the stage was rotated c) The conclusion was that light travelled at c in all directions and that the aether was not moving relative to earth. This is clearly silly as the earth, at the very least, is moving around the sun. It cannot be stationary. 80a) uy = 500 cos 45° = 354 metre/sec b) Choose +ve up uy = 500 sin 45° Ay =0 100 sin 45° -4.91 t =Oor72.2sec c) Ax =uyt = 354x 72.2 =25.6km 4d) Impact speed, by the law of conservation of KE, is the same as the launch speed, ie 500 ms"! 81a) Vp/Vg = n/n Stns V5 =4.8V b) The purpose of the soft iron is to concentrate the magnetic field lines, increasing the fficiency of the induction process c) The laminated strips discourage the flow of induced eddy currents which heat the iron and waste energy. ) Power in = power out InVin ie TourVour $x 120 = Ipyp x 4.8 Tour = 125 amp 82a) As the rotor wires tum, they are cutting flux. By Lenz’s Law, an EMF is induced which partially opposes the EMF that caused it. So the induced EMF is opposite in direction to the applied EMF. b) The initial current is higher because the back EMF depends on the speed of rotation. The high initial current is reduced using a rheostat to avoid coil burnout. 83a) ¥ AS iM. b) Vi eee The zero readings occur because the split ring insulation hits the circuit 84a) The motor effect is the sideways force on moving charges or current carrying conductors when they enter a magnetic field. In electric motors, the force causes the torque b) The left side with current out of the page experiences a force roughly up the page and parallel to the pointer. The right side with current into the page experiences a force roughly down the page and parallel to the pointer. c) Out of the page on the left, then right, then into the page d) The torque is proportional to the current in the coil. The spring progressively tightens as the needle swings producing an increasing opposing torque. This allows the current torque to be measured on the scale. 85a) 6 = BA =2 x 0.1 = 0.2 Webers b) € = do/dt = 0.20.01 =20V 86a) Households use lots of current. If large amounts of current were sent overland between towers, a very large proportion of the power would be lost as heat. To solve the problem, we look at the power formula: It is better to send power overland at high voltage and low current to minimise these energy losses ‘This means that voltages need to be changed at several places in the national grid. The only device which can change large voltages efficiently is the transformer. Transformers only work on AC power. b) Power is conserved so Power in = power out InVin= TourYout Step up transformers increase voltage and reduce current Step down transformers decrease voltage and increase current, 87. AC from the input is fed to the moving coil electromagnet which is sometimes called the voice coil. This AC includes audio frequencies in the range 50 --> 25,000Hz. The motor effect in this case is the force by the permanent magnet field on the current carrying wires in the moving coil. Because the AC is changing polarity, the force reverses causing the voice coil and cone to vibrate in sympathy. This makes the noise. 88. The theoretical torque can be measured using the formula t = BAIn cos@. So I could measure the magnetic field strength, loop area, current in wire, number of loop turns, cos @ and multiply them together, Alternatively, you could cause the motor to pull a loop of string attached to a spring balance and use the formula t = Fd, where F is the balance reading and d the rotor radius. To increase the torque, you can increase the field B, number of turns n or current I. 89. FE =k 1 d F=5x2x107x0.5x0.5 / 0,05 =5x 10°N repulsion 90a) t = BAIncosd = 8 x 0.05 x 0.06 x 3 x 300 = 21.6Nm b) Clockwise c) Radial fields cause § = 0 and cos = 1. So the torque is constant Bay = 10°7x 1.6 x 10°!9 x 680 N down page 91. Fa = 1.088 x 10°3N down page r =mviBq =9.1x 10! x 680/107 x 1.6x 10°19 =3.9x 102m 22a) THE SPLIT RING COMMUTATOR Insulating Material Split brass ring with connections to rotor wires output wire Graphite (generator) Brush Commutators reverse the polarity of the current as the device revolves by half rev. This prevents the torque from reversing with each half rev and stopping the motor. DC motors would not work without commutators. b) Motors and generators have current carrying conductors and the iron core cutting flux. This generates fast eddy currents in the low resistance material that can damage the device by radiating heat. Laminated iron sheets restrict the eddy currents to a 2D motion 93a) 2x 104 x 9.8 = 1.96 x 103N b) E =Iklb = 0.1x2x107x5x5/5x 103 = 10% Nattraction d c) Fy = Fg - Fg = (1.96 - 0.1) 109 = 1.86 X 103N d) Decrease the separation between the wires. 94a) F = Bqv sin 8 = 10° x 1.6.x 10°! x 10° sin 10° = 2.8 x 10°2°N perpendicular to B and v. b) It will spiral along the magnetic field vector towards the pole then will be reflected back....etc. 95a) Electrons left to right. Cations right to lefi. b) The deuteron cation is twice as massive as the proton. c) B into the page. d) Bqv = mv7/r So m= Bar/v ¢) The cation charge is the same for each. So the force is the same. The H? is more massive, has more inertia, and so ris larger for H2. 96a) F= mg= 5x 105x9.8=4.9x 164N b) Out of the page by the right hand palm rule. B=4.9x 104/5x2.5 x10? =3.92 x 103T 97a) Primary Secondary Laminated core ‘The primary coil contains AC. This produces a changing magnetic field which induces current to flow in the secondary coil. The laminated iron core attracts and concentrates the magnetic field lines. b) Step up transformers increase voltage from the primary to the secondary. Step down transformers decrease the voltage. c) AC in the primary produces a constantly moving field which oscillates with the frequency of the AC. The stationary coils in the secondary are constantly cutting the flux of the dancing field. So by Faraday’s Law, an AC is induced to flow in the secondary. 98. The Edison system was a low voltage, high current system. Because of the high current, the wires heated. So there was a very high percentage energy loss in the Edison grids limiting them to less than 15km in length. The Westinghouse AC system used step-up and step-down transformers to produce grid which was mostly high voltage and low current. Heating and energy losses were minimal. The invention of the triple-phase system by Tesla, which produced three lots of electricity for each generator spin, further improved efficiency. 99. Get a 50 year old hand generator that has survived since the last time our glorious and garrulous governments gave state schools any money for science education. Crank the handle and hope the belt and globe still works. The AC might be detected by two of : a) the emission of light by the small bulb in the unit b) connecting the output to the input of a CRO. Select low voltage and high time/base variable. c) connecting the output to an AC voltmeter. 100a) All readings on the balance are converted to kilograms after the “zero” value 0.002g is subtracted. The force readings are calculated using the weight force formula W = mg. Vary the wire separation and tabulate d in metres against F. b) You would need ammeters, wires, power packs and rheostats in each wire circuit. c) The graph would be of the form Fd = c which isan hyperbola. 4) The F/I, graph would be of the form F = ad, which is a straight line through the origin 101a) The purpose of the electron gun is to emit electrons, accelerate them , and to focus the beam ‘onto a screen. b) The heated cathode element; the electron accelerator, the focusing lens. c) The element spits out electrons by thermionic emission. It is also negative and repels them. The electron accelerator is an anode with an axial hole for the electrons to pass through. The electric field between anode and cathode accelerates them. The focusing lens uses the curved electric field at the end of the capacitor plates to focus the broad beam onto the screen - much like a convex lens does to light. Magnetic lenses can do the same thing. 102. High points contain plates or points which are connected by robust wires to other plates buried in the ground. When lighting strikes the conductive plates, it is earthed in preference to striking the house 103a) The paddlewheel spun in the path of the cathode rays. The inference was that the cathode rays were particles with mass and momentum. Some particle momenta was being transferred to the paddlewheel vanes. b) The magnet when held with north into the side of the tube deflects the beam down when the cathode rays travel from left to right. This proves that cathode rays are moving negative charges as moving negative charges would be deflected down. 104a) Hertz used an induction coil and parabolic mirror to transmit radio fre- Induction Fe quency EMR through space to a receiving Coil 50,000v aerial. A spark was seen to form ata gap in 7" \ Crude AC the receiving aerial. Sparking due to b) The spark produced in the gap in the eee cue transmitting aerial is a crude form of AC. : This produces EMR that radiates outwards [ial atc. eel ig 7 RB c) Radio waves demonstrate all the a Oscillating - ‘Spark properties of light waves except that their frequency is lower and the wavelength is higher. These properties include :- propagation in straight lines at c, ability to be refracted, reflected and diffracted Receiving Antenna Reflecting Pl eflecting Plates arian 105a) Superconductive materials have minimal resistance to the flow of current. Once current flows nsuch material, it keeps going indefinitely. b) Resistonce in Ohms Temperature in K c) Advantage - switching occurs very quickly allowing superfast computers. Disadvantage - superconducting materials must be very cold. Achieving this is costly and hazardous 106a) They need to be thin to allow light to penetrate to the undoped layer in order to eject electrons. They are non reflective so that the incident light is absorbed and used. b) The undoped silicon forms 3-D covalent lattices where each silicon atom is bonded with 4 others using single covalent bonds of two shared electrons. P-type material contains impurities ofa group III element which causes holes in the silicon crystal structure. N-type material contains impurities of a group V element which causes a surplus of electrons in the silicon crystal structure. c) Electrons, ejected from the undoped silicon by the photoelectric effect, migrate into the P-type semiconductor filling some holes. The P-type wafer was electrically neutral. The extra electrons make it negative. d) The holes in the P-type wafer would migrate right. They are created on the left of the material as, electrons are lost to the wire in the bridging circuit. They migrate to the right where they are filled in by electrons from the undoped silicon. This means that electrons are migrating left through the other two layers. e) In the photoelectric effect, photons strike the electrons in the silicon and liberate the electrons. 107. Einstein was isolated from his first wife during World War I, he being in Germany and his wife in Switzerland. Consequently Einstein hated the war and distributed pacifist literature in Berlin. He was a passionate man. Post war he used his reputation as a famous scientist to become an outspoken and politically active public figure. He toured the world, lecturing on all sorts of subjects, supporting the League of Nations, pacifism and intellectual cooperation, He raised money for Jewish Palestinian settlement and even dabbled in theology. In support of Einstein, I would say that scientists are highly intelligent people and have as much right to comment on non scientific issues as anyone else. Indeed we need to learn to communicate with the rest of society, or we will be marginalised, ruled by incompetents, and our discoveries used for evil intent. Against Einstein, I would say that scientists need to maintain a pure and open scientific mind when researching. An unbiased mind aids the lateral thinking that produces discovery and is vital to the correct interpretation of data. A researcher with a bias against cats will inevitably discover that they are carcinogenic. Scientists also need to stand firm against controllers who order them to falsify results for the good of the company or government, In our new authoritarian globalised heirachial social structures, this is becoming a problem 108a) J.J. Thomson ) E down from + to -, B into the page by a right hand rule °) EB Fa-eB Faery evB=cE so v=EB d) Fy=Fe soevB=mv2ir so em = wiB ) we substitute E/B for v_ get e/m= E/rB?

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