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Software security – Lab 5

Open IntelliJ Idea.

File-> settings - > Plugins - > search for ‘SpotBugs’

Select ‘SpotBugs’ plugin and install it.

Static Code analysis demo

Open the project dbsample using IntelliJ and select it. Build the project using Rebuild all.

Analyze for bugs (Analyze->Spot Bugs-> Analyze project files including test files). Export the report to an
html file, using the arrow sign in the spot bugs output window. Fix the sql injection vulnerability and
export the report again.

Hint: There’s a button called ‘export results’ in the Spot bugs output window.

Dependency vulnerability check

Use the OWASP Dependency Check command line tool and check the dependency vulnerabilities of a set
of libraries that you may have (you can download some gitlab project for this purpose or use the same
dbsample project). You may use the following references to do this.


bash <<owasp dependency check directory>>/bin/ -s <<path of the directory to



Archive the results of the two html reports from the IntelliJ plugin and the dependency vulnerability
report to a single zip file and upload to the courseweb link. The zip file name should be your registration

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