DLP in Animal Kingdom

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School: Trento National High School


Teaching Dates February 18, 2020
Grade/Level: Science 8 (Jupiter &Saturn)
Learning Area: Biodiversity
Quarter: 4th Quarter
DETAIL Session: M-F 9:40-10:40 & 1:00-2:00

A. Content Standards: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of the species as

being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system

B. Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the
activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve
endangered and economically important species

C. Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to classify organisms using the hierarchical
taxonomic system (S8LT-IVh-20)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, students must be able to:

A. identify the major group of animals;
B. describe the characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates; and
C. cite some contributions of animals to human

II. CONTENT The Animal Kingdom: Invertebrates and Vertebrates


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

Science 8 Teacher’s Guide. Pp. 178-179

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia C., et al. 2013. Pp. 248

3. Text book Pages

4. Additional Materials from
5. Materials Chalk, visual aids, charts

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand. May I
request Annabel to lead the prayer? Yes, Ma’am.
Everyone let us pray.

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning, classmates!

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re great!
That’s good to know.

b. Checking of Attendance
I will check your attendance
according to your seat plan.

c. Checking of
Please pass your assignments.

d. Setting of Standards
Before we will start our
lesson this morning, and to
have a productive discussion,
please listen and pay
attention to our discussion.
Do not do unnecessary
actions that can disturb your
classmate or the whole class
and cooperate to group
activities. Are we clear? Yes, Ma’am!

Very good!

A. Reviewing Previous A. Review

Lesson or Presenting
the New Lesson Last meeting, we discussed about
Yes, Kurth? Monocot and dicot, Ma’am!

Describe the roots of a monocot and

a dicot plant?
Yes, Paul? In monocot, the roots are fibrous
while the dicot plants has a tap
root, Ma’am.
Yes, you are right, Paul!
Thank you.

What about the leaf venation of the

monocot and dicot plants?
Yes, Andrea?
Monocot plant has a parallel leaf
venation while the dicot plant
Correct, Andrea! has a branch-like or netlike,
And the vascular bundles of the
monocot and dicot plants?
Yes, Angelina?
Monocot plants has a scattered
vascular bundles. On the other
hand, dicot plants has a ringed
arrangement of its vascular
Very good, Angelina! Please take bundles.
your seat.

And what about the difference

between a monocot and a dicot
Yes, Judy Ann?
Monocot has a multiple of 3 and
the dicot has a multiple of 4 or 5.
Exactly, Judy Ann!

Any clarifications? None, Ma’am.

B. Motivation
Now, I have word puzzle here. You
are encourage to answer the given
question to uncover our mystery
picture. Am I clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Let’s start!

1. The king of the forest. LION

2. Nemo’s blue fish friend. DORY
3. Man’s best friend. DOG
4. The big reptile that has been
captured in Agusan Marsh
last Sept. 3, 2011 was? CROCODILE
5. Patrick, Mr. Crab, Plankton
and Squid ward’s yellow
friend is?

What have you noticed in the riddles’

Yes, Ellen?
It’s all about animals, Ma’am!
Very good observation, Ellen!

What do you think is our lesson this

B. Establishing the morning?
Purpose for the Lesson Yes, Graham?
Animals, Ma’am!
Very good!
This morning, our topic will be the
Animal Kingdom. And for this
session, please read aloud our
lesson objectives.
A. identify the major group
of animals;
B. describe the
characteristics of
vertebrates and
invertebrates; and
C. cite some contributions
of animals to human

Unlocking of Difficulties
C. Presenting Examples
/Instances of the New Before we proceed to our discussion
Lesson this morning, let us first define the
unfamiliar words that we’re going to
meet along in our discussion. Please

Backbone – the row of

connected bones that go down
the middle of the back and
protect the spinal cord.
Asexual Reproduction – kind
of reproduction that does not
involve the combining of male
and female cells.
Sexual Reproduction – kind of
reproduction that associated
with sexes.

D. Discussing New Let us divide the class into 5 groups.

Concepts and Count 1 up to 5. Starts at the back.
Practicing New Skills #1
Please settle yourselves with your 1…2…3…4…5…1…2…3…4…5
groupmates now and choose your
group leader.

I will be distributing a handout,

sample pictures, marker and a
manila paper. You are given 3
minutes to discuss the 2 major group
of animals, their characteristics, their
mode of reproduction and, their
economical uses within your group.

G1: The two group of animals

G2:Common characteristics of
Invertebrates and Vertebrates
G3:Mode of reproduction among
Invertebrates and Vertebrates
G4: Economical uses of
G5: Economical uses of Vertebrates

After a 3 minute group discussion,

you are given another 2 minutes to
write it on a manila paper what have
you discussed within your group with
matching picture samples and tack it
on the board.
I will be the one to choose who
among the group members will
present their groups’ output to the
whole class.
Am I clear class?

In order for you to be guided in doing Yes, Ma’am!

your group activity here is our
Time management – 5 pts.
Presentation – 10 pts.
Content – 10 pts.
Cooperation – 5 pts.
TOTAL 30pts.
You may start.

(Group Discussion)

Let us have the first group.

Keith, you’ll present your groups
E. Discussing New output.
Concepts and
Practicing New Skills #2
The two major group of animals
are the invertebrates and
vertebrates. Invertebrates has
no backbone. Vertebrates has a
backbone. Example of
invertebrates are the jellyfish,
earthworms, squids and
leeches. Some of the examples
of vertebrates are the dogs,
Let us give 5 claps to Keith and to carabao, lion, frog, whale and
the first group. birds.

Let us hear the second group with (5 claps)

Althea as their group representative.

Invertebrate animals has no

backbone. More than 90 percent
of all living animal species are
invertebrates. Invertebrates are
generally soft-bodied animals
that lack a rigid internal skeleton
for the attachment of muscles
but often possess a hard outer
skeleton that serves, as well, for
body protection. Vertebrates on
the other hand, have a
backbone. They characterized
by a muscular system consisting
Very good, Althea! Let us give primarily of a central nervous
Althea and the second group a 5 system partly enclosed within
claps also. the backbone.

Eugene for the third group.

(5 claps)

Some of the invertebrates

reproduce through asexual
reproduction and mostly by
sexual reproduction. On the
other hand, vertebrates
reproduce sexually, and almost
all have separate male and
female sexes. Vertebrates have
one of the following three (3)
reproductive strategies:
OVIPARY refers to the
development of an embryo
within an egg outside the
mother’s body. This occurs in
most amphibians and reptiles
and in all birds.
OVOVIVIPARY refers to the
development of an embryo
inside an egg within the
mother’s body until it hatches.
This occurs in some species of
fish and reptiles.
VIVIPARY refers to the
development and nourishment
of an embryo within the mother’s
body. Birth may be followed by a
period of parental care of the
offspring. This reproductive
Thank you, Eugene. Let’s give the strategy occurs in almost all
third group and Eugene a 5 claps. mammals.

Let’s have Felix for the fourth group. (5 claps)

Invertebrates are especially

important as agricultural pests,
parasites, or agents for the
transmission of parasitic
infections to humans and other
Very good, Felix. Let’s give the vertebrates. Invertebrates serve
fourth group and Felix a 5 claps. as food for humans.

Lastly, the fifth group with group

representative Glemar. (5 claps)

Vertebrate serves as the

Supports commercial and
recreational activities such as
Source of food (meat & milk).
Source of transport.
Source of medicine (ex. Cod
Thank you, Glemar and to the rest of liver as a source of Vit. A & D)
the fifth group. Let’s give them a 5 Source of entertainment.
claps also.

(5 claps)

Any clarifications? Questions?

None, ma’am.
And for your next group activity, let
us use a graphic organizer. Each
group must give a detail to put in our
graphic organizer given by your
F. Developing Mastery classmates during group activity.
Am I understood?

Let’s start!
Yes, Ma’am!

Processing Questions:

G. Finding Practical 1. Describe some practical uses

Application of Concepts of animals.
and Skills in Daily
For livestock. Animals are kept,
raised, and used by humans.
2. How would the uncontrolled
killing/hunting of animals
affect the ecosystem?

It will create an unbalanced


Now, what are the 2 classified

groups of animals?
Yes, James?

H. Making Generalization
and Abstractions about Invertebrates are easily recognize Invertebrates and vertebrates,
the Lesson because they are lack of? Ma’am.
Yes, Maybe?

Very good!
They do not have a backbone.
Vertebrate animal’s common feature
Yes, Kearl?

Very good!
They have a backbone.

What are the 3 reproductive

strategies of vertebrate animals?
Yes, Sarlyn?

Very good! Ovipary, ovovivipary and


Any clarifications for our topic this


Since you’ve fully understand our None, ma’am!

topic for today, please get a ¼ sheet
of paper.

I. Evaluating Learning Direction: Identify the following

animals into invertebrates or
vertebrates. Write AAA if your
answer is invertebrates and BBB if
your answer is vertebrates.

1. Earthworms
2. Pig
3. Horse
4. Leech AAA
5. Bat BBB
6. Squid BBB
7. Octopus AAA
8. Snail BBB
9. Zebra AAA
10. Giraffe AAA

Read in advance about the sponges

and cnidarians in your Science 8
Learners Module pages249-250.
J. Additional Activities for
Application or

Good bye, class and see you


Good bye, Ma’am!

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