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School: Trento National High School

Teacher: Angelesdiosa T. Paman

Teaching Dates March 9, 2020 (Grand Demonstration)
Grade/Level: Jupiter 8
Learning Area: Science
DETAILE Quarter: 4th Quarter

A. Content Standards: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of the species as being
further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system

B. Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the
activities that communities engage in to protect and conserve endangered
and economically important species

C. Learning Competencies
The learners shall be able to classify organisms using the hierarchical
taxonomic system (S8LT-IVh-20)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, students must be able to:

A. discuss the life cycle of Aedes aegypti;
B. instill the importance of having a clean surroundings; and
C. give the signs and symptoms of dengue.
II. CONTENT Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

Science 8 Teacher’s Guide. Pp. 182-183

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia C., et al. 2013. Pp. 257

3. Text book Pages

4. Additional Materials from
5. Materials Chalk, visual aids, handouts, markers, manila papers, scotch tapes

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand. May I
request Annabel to lead the prayer? Yes, Ma’am.
Everyone let us pray.

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning, classmates!

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re great!
That’s good to know.

b. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, kindly list down who
are not around this morning and hand Yes, Ma’am!
it to me afterwards.

c. Setting of Standards
Before we will start our lesson this
morning, and to have a productive
discussion, I want everyone to read G- Give thoughtful feedback
our class rule called GROUPS. and
R- Respect everyone in the
O- On task all the time and
U- Use soft voices.
P- Participate actively and
S- Stay with your group.

Very good! I hope that you will obey

our house rules ‘til the end of the
Yes, Ma’am!
A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting the
New Lesson
A. Review

What was our topic last meeting? Arthropods, Ma’am!

Yes, Kurth?

Yes, you are right, Kurth!

Thank you.

What are the groups under Phylum

Arthropoda? We have crustaceans, arachnids,
Yes, Maybe? millipedes and centipedes and
insects, Ma’am.

Very good!

What do we call the process of

growing new skeleton in arthropods? Molting, Ma’am.
Yes, Magdalino?

Very good, Magdalino! Please take

your seat.
What do we call the outer covering It is called exoskeleton, Ma’am.
of the arthropods?
Yes, Judy Ann?

Exactly, Judy Ann!

What are the examples of We have lobsters, shrimps,

arthropods? scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites,
Yes, Steve? millipedes, centipedes,
butterflies, dragonflies, bees,

Very good, Steve!

None, Ma’am.
Any clarifications about our previous

B. Motivation
Today, we will have group activities.
But before that, kindly proceed to
your respective groups now and form
a circle.

In a minute, I want you to think of Yes, Ma’am.

your group name that incorporates to
an animal and perform its sound. (Thinking & Practicing the Sound)
Are we clear?

And your 1 minute starts now.

(Group 1 performing)
Time’s up!
Let us hear the sound from the first (Group 2 performing)
(Group 3 performing)
What about from the second group?
(Group 4 performing)
The third group?
(Group 5 performing)
Let us hear the fourth group?

Lastly, the fifth group.

Before we proceed to our first

activity entitled “KNOW ME”, let
me introduced to you our Minus
Point Chart.
 Noisy group – 3 pts./head
 No participation – 2 pts./head

Now, I have a picture puzzle here on

the board. You are encourage to
describe the given pictures to
uncover our mystery picture. If your
group wants to answer and to be
recognize, just perform your groups’ Yes, Ma’am!
sound. The first group to identify our
mystery picture will get a 5 point in
their Tally Sheet. Am I clear?

Let’s start!

1. Picture of Papaya leaves

2. Picture of an Off! Lotion
3. Picture of tires with stagnant
4. Picture of Julia Montes in the
teleserye 24/7
“Meow! Meow! Meow!”

Yes, we have the Group 4 who It is a mosquito, Ma’am!

would like to guess our mystery
picture on the board. And what is (5 Claps)
your answer, Group 4?

And you got it right, Group 4!

Let us give them a 5 Claps!

Now, just raise your hand if you

want to answer to the following
questions. Almost everywhere, Ma’am but
mostly in dark, cold places.
Where can we find these
Yes, Dave?

Correct, Dave!
It’s because they’re harmful
Had you ever kill one? Why do you organisms.
want to slap the mosquito that bites
Yes, Mike?

Yes! Thank you, Mike! About mosquitoes, Ma’am.

B. Establishing the Purpose

Can you guess now what will be our
for the Lesson
topic this morning?
Yes, John Paul?

Very good, John Paul!

This morning we will going to

discuss the Life Cycle of Aedes A. discuss the life cycle of
aegypti or the dengue carrier Aedes aegypti;
mosquito. And for this session, B. instill the importance of
please read aloud our lesson having a clean
objectives. surroundings; and
C. give the signs and
C. Presenting Examples symptoms of dengue.
/Instances of the New
Unlocking of Difficulties Larva – a very young form of
an insect that looks like a worm.
Before we proceed to our discussion Pupa – an insect that is in the
this morning, let us first define the stage of development between
unfamiliar words that we’re going to larva and adult.
meet along our discussion. Please Cycle – a set of events that
read. happen again and again in the
same order.
Repellant – a substance that is
used to keep something out or
Biocontrol – the reduction in
numbers or elimination of pest
organisms by interference with
their ecology.

D. Discussing New
Concepts and Practicing
New Skills #1

This time, let us have another group

activity entitled LET’S LEARN
OF Aedes aegypti. I will be
distributing an envelope that has a
handout, marker and a 3x3 paper
tarpaulin inside. Each group are
given 5 minutes to discuss within
their group the classification and the
life cycle of Aedes aegypti, the signs
and symptoms of dengue and the
ways on how to prevent dengue.
Write on the provided paper tarp the
important details that you have
discussed within your group.
Afterwards, your group
representative will discuss to the
class the groups’ output guided with
this rubric:
Yes, Ma’am!

Am I clear?

Kindly come forward, group leaders

and get your envelopes.

G1: Classification of Aedes aegypti

G2: Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti: Stage
1 and2 (Group Activity: Collaborative)
E. Discussing New G3: Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti: Stage
Concepts and Practicing 3 and 4
New Skills #2 G4: Signs and Symptoms of Dengue
G5: Ways on How to Prevent Dengue
Charice, Ma’am!
And your 5 minutes starts now!
G1: Discuss the classification of
Time’s up! Aedes aegypti mosquito
It is under Kingdom Animalia,
Phylum Arthropoda, Class
Insecta, Order Diptera, Family
Let us have the representative of the
Culicidae, Genus Aedes and
first group?
Species Aedes aegypti.
Aedes aegypti is a mosquito that
can spread the dengue fever. The
mosquito is a small, dark
mosquito of approximately 4 to
7 millimeters with typical white
markings on the legs and a
marking of the form of lyre on
the thorax. Females are larger
than males.

(5 Claps)

None, Ma’am!

Thank you, Charice! Group 1 get 10

points. Let’s give 5 claps to Group 1. The mosquito is a small, dark
mosquito of approximately 4 to
Questions/clarifications on the report
7 millimeters with typical white
of the first group?
markings on the legs and a
Now, how are you going to marking of the form of lyre on
recognize a dengue carrier mosquito? the thorax.
Yes, Novie?

Crizza, Ma’am!

Very good! G2: Discuss the Life Cycle of

Aedes aegypti Stages 1and 2
Stage 1: Female mosquitoes lay
Let’s have the second group now. eggs in clean and non-flowing
water. Examples are rainwater
that has collected in old unused
tires and those in flower vases.
The eggs are white but later turn
into shiny black. Usually this
stage may last for only minutes
to two days in warm climates
but can reach a week in cooler
temperatures. Eggs can survive
even for a year and are
immediately hatched once
submerged in water.
Stage 2: Mosquito eggs hatch
into larva (plural: larvae). It is
the second and the most easily
seen stage of mosquito
development. A larva always
lives in water and eats a lot of
algae and organic matter. It
breathes in air from above the
water surface through a tube
called siphon. When disturbed, it
dives down to the bottom, so it
is called a “wriggler”. It returns
to the surface to breathe. This
stage usually lasts about five to
seven days.

(5 Claps)
Thank you, Crizza! Group 2 also get
10 points. Let us give 5 claps to the None, Ma’am!
second group.

Questions/clarifications on the report

of the second group? Female mosquitoes lay eggs in
clean and non-flowing water.
Where do female mosquito lay their
Yes, Jonash?

You are right, Jonash! Anabel, Ma’am!

G3: Discuss the Life Cycle of

Let’s have the representative of the Aedes aegypti Stages 3and 4
third group now. Stage 3: The third stage consists
of the comma-shaped pupa
which continue to stay at the
water surface. The pupa breathes
through two small tubes called
“trumpets”. It dives downwards
quickly when disturbed. It stops
eating and grows shorter. Then,
it encases itself with the pupal
case, it continues to change and
grow. This stage takes only
about two to three days. If the
water dries up before the next
stage, the organism dies.
Stage 4: The adult mosquito stay
in cool areas on land after
hatching. It flies as far as one
hundred meters to mate and look
for food. The male mosquitoes
feed on flower nectar and are
usually found near breeding
sites. It is the female mosquito
that bites animals and people to
feed itself with blood. It
continues the cycle by laying

Thank you, Anabel! Group 3 get a 10 (5 Claps)

points also.
Let us give 5 claps to the third group.
None, Ma’am!
Questions/clarifications on the report
of the third group?

The pupa breathes through a two Trumpets, Ma’am!

small tubes called?
Yes, Efraim?

Very good, Efraim! You’re really

listening to the reporter.
No, Ma’am. The male
Do male mosquitoes feed itself with
mosquitoes feed on flower
Yes, Reyland?

Very good! Naivy, Ma’am!

G4: Discuss the Signs and
Let’s have now the fourth group
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is a mosquito-
borne disease caused by a virus.
Symptoms, which usually begin
four to six days after infection
and last up to 10 days, may
 Sudden, high fever 40̊C
 Severe headaches
 Pain behind the eyes
 Severe joint and muscle
 Fatigue
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Skin rash, which appears
two to five days after the
onset of fever
 Bleeding (such as nose
bleeding, bleeding gums,
or easy bruising)

Thank you, Naivy! The fourth group

get a 10 points also.
Let us give 5 claps to the fourth (5 Claps)

Questions/clarifications on the report None, Ma’am!

of the fourth group?

When do these symptoms of dengue

It usually begin four to six days
fever begin?
after the infection, Ma’am!
Yes, Hubert?

You a right, Hubert!

Maybe, Ma’am!
Now, let us have the last group G5: Discuss the Ways on How
representative. to Prevent Dengue Fever
The best way to prevent the
disease is to prevent bites by
infected mosquitoes. To protect
 Use mosquito repellents,
even indoors.
 When outdoors, wear
long-sleeved shirts and
long pants tucked into
 Make sure window and
door screens are secure
and free of holes. If
sleeping areas are not
screened, use mosquito
 Get rid of places where
mosquitoes can breed
such as old tires, can or
flower pots that collect
F. Developing Mastery rain.
 If you have symptoms of
dengue, speak to a
Thank you, Maybe! Group 5 get 10
points too.
Let us give 5 claps to the fifth group. (5 claps)

Questions/clarifications on the report

of the last group? None, Ma’am!

Any follow up questions/clarifications

on the Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti? None, Ma’am!

Since there’s none, let us have

another group activity entitled
“HAPPY or SAD IN Aedes
aegypti”. I will be distributing each
group a happy and a sad mosquito
face. Raise the happy one if the given
statement about the Aedes aegypti is
TRUE and raise the sad one if the
given statement is FALSE and each
correct answer is equivalent to 1 Yes, Ma’am!
point. Am I clear?

Let’s start!

1. Aedes aegypti mosquito is an


2. Aedes aegypti carries and

transmits through its bite the
virus that causes dengue.

G. Finding Practical
Application of Concepts
and Skills in Daily 3. It is the male Aedes aegypti
Living mosquito that bites animals
and people.

4. The male Aedes aegypti

mosquito lay eggs in clean
and non-flowing water such
as the flower vases.

5. Eggs can survive even for a

year and are immediately
hatched once submerged in

1. Based on your study of the

Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti,
how important is water to the

2. Why it is important to have a Water is their means of

clean surroundings? existence.

3. As a student, what can you do To avoid the breeding places of

to prevent the spread of these dengue-carrier mosquitoes.
dengue in your house or in
the community?

Methods to prevent spread of the

disease are: 1) control of the
vector, that is, preventing
reproduction of the mosquito by
removing breeding places, 2)
avoiding mosquito bites by
using mosquito nets or installing
screens in windows and door, 3)
using safe repellants, trapping
and killing larvae and 4)
Let us have another group activity employing biocontrol by
entitled COMPLETE MY PATH. introducing predators of
This is a chance for the group that mosquitoes such as dragonflies.
has least scores to gain points. You
are going to pick a picture here on
the table and paste it on the chart of
the Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti
correctly in the board to add 1 point
in your score. Am I clear?

Let us have the fifth group Yes, Ma’am!

representative first.

Next, the fourth group representative. Maybe, Ma’am!

H. Making Generalization Followed by the third group Naivy, Ma’am!
and Abstractions about representative.
the Lesson
And we have the second group Anabel, Ma’am!
Crizza, Ma’am!

Each group except from the Group 1

get a one point in their Tally Sheet
for this activity.

Now, what is the classification of

Aedes aegypti mosquito?
Yes, Kimberly?

It is under Kingdom Animalia,

Phylum Arthropoda, Class
Insecta, Order Diptera, Family
How many stages does Aedes Culicidae, Genus Aedes and
aegypti go through in its life cycle? Species Aedes aegypti.
Yes, Princess?

Very good!
Four (4) Stages
In which stage does a young
mosquito stop eating?
Yes, Naivy?

Very good! Third stage.

What disease does Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes carry?
Yes, Glemar?
And where are their breeding places?
Very good! Dengue.
Clean and non-flowing water.
And how are you going to prevent
dengue from spreading?
Yes, Ricky?

Methods to prevent spread of the

disease are: 1) control of the
vector, that is, preventing
reproduction of the mosquito by
I. Evaluating Learning removing breeding places, 2)
avoiding mosquito bites by
using mosquito nets or installing
screens in windows and door, 3)
using safe repellants, trapping
and killing larvae and 4)
Very good! employing biocontrol by
introducing predators of
Any clarifications/questions about mosquitoes such as dragonflies.
our topic for today?

Let us now total the groups’ score.

None, Ma’am!
The Group 1 has 40 points.
Group 2 has 38 points.
Group 3 has 36 points. And, Group 4
has 30 points.

And the winner for today’s activity is

the Group 1. Please come forward all
members of the Group 1 to receive
your ribbon.

Now, get a ¼ sheet of paper and we

will have a quiz.

Directions: Read and analyze

carefully each statements. If the
statement is TRUE, write +++. If the
statement is FALSE, write 000. Each
correct answer is equivalent to 2

1. Aedes aegypti is the principal

carrier of the virus causing
J. Additional Activities for dengue. They can be found in +++
Application or a clean, non-flowing water.
Remediation/ 2. Female mosquitoes lay eggs
Assignment in not clean and flowing 000
3. Eggs can survive even for a
year and are immediately
hatched once submerged in +++
4. The eggs are white but later
turn into shiny black. Usually
this stage may last for only
minutes to two days in warm
climates but can reach a week
in cooler temperatures.
5. The male mosquitoes feed on
flower nectar and are usually
found near breeding sites. It +++
is the female mosquito that
bites animals and people to
feed itself with blood.

Study in advance about the

Chordates and Vertebrates on pages
258-259 of your Science 8 Learners

Good bye, class and see you around. Good bye, Ma’am!

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