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How to Measure Psychological Safety

We know psychological safety is essential for high performance teams: it enables sharing of

ideas, admitting and learning from mistakes, highlighting risks, and challenging (and
improving) the way we do things. Psychological safety is the primary foundation for team
performance as well as organisational agility and change.
Innovation is so critical for creating products that delight customers and serve critical
business needs, and psychological safety is a fundamental enabler of innovation. There
are many other great benefits from building psychological safety in organisations.
Before you measure psychological safety:
Have conversations with people in your organisation and teams. Ask how people feel about
the level of psychological safety in their teams and in the broader organisation. Attempt to
find out how much people understand of the term psychological safety – or if they’ve heard
of it at all. These conversations will help you craft the survey language better, and help you
decide on the best approach to take.
Most importantly though, before measuring psychological safety, ask yourself these
important questions. Make sure you are well prepared, understand what you’re doing, and
can follow through with actions as a result.
Download the psychological safety action pack for the full suite of tools to measure, build
and maintain psychological safety.

Measuring psychological safety is powerful, but it’s

also dangerous.
If you’re embarking on an improvement journey, measurement can be a powerful
exercise, but it also has its dangers. We must be conscious of sampling bias (where only
people who feel safe to complete the survey do so, skewing the results), and of “Campbell’s
Law“, by which if decisions are made as a result of the survey, it may incentivise people to
alter the ratings accordingly – again, skewing the results. Even measuring itself, particularly
if no action is taken as a result, can harm psychological safety. Don’t do this lightly, and
ensure that change is catalysed as a result. Imagine how team members would feel if asked
to complete this survey, which requires them to be vulnerable, and then perceive that the
information is discarded afterwards, no attention is paid to the results, and no changes are
made as a result.

Campbell’s Law, image by

It’s essential to only do this as part of a broader programme of psychological safety

practice improvement and as part of an open dialogue with your people. This practice also
only really works for long-lived teams that have had the opportunity to build habits and
practices – it won’t make as much sense for short-lived or brand new teams who don’t yet
have embedded practices and behaviours. For short lived teams, use the “team performance
exercise” instead (which is also a great practice for long-lived teams too!).
Four powerful impacts
By surveying agreement with these statements, you’re actually doing four powerful
things –
1. Surfacing any issues that are impacting psychological safety,
2. Educating people about what psychological safety is,
3. Making psychological safety safe to talk about, and
4. Most importantly of all, making explicit and encouraging the very behaviours
that increase psychological safety!
(This is the rationale for modifying them from Dr Edmondson’s original 7 statements.)
Below are ten questions that you can ask yourself or your teams to determine the level of
psychological safety in your team. Be aware of cultural and language differences that may
impact the survey significance. Change any questions that might not make sense to your
team, and modify language as necessary. We’re not trying to repeat this across different
organisations (so we don’t need to worry about replicability in different contexts) – we’re
trying to have the greatest relevance and impact for our own context.
Our experts at Psych Safety provide survey design,
delivery, analysis and recommendations for
organisations of any size. Contact us to enquire how
we can help you measure, build and maintain
psychological safety in your organisation.
When carrying this exercise out with your team, (ideally) perform the survey
anonymously – if it’s possible that your team are psychologically unsafe, they will be more
likely to be honest if the survey is anonymous. If the team are very psychologically safe, then
it won’t matter if the survey is anonymous or not.
Note: this is a great exercise for a long-lived team – don’t carry out this exercise with
a short-lived team (such as a temporary project team). Instead, use the psychological
safety matrix workshop to more qualitatively address and create psychological safety.
Simple but powerful dialogue
Personally, I believe that conversations and dialogue are more powerful than metrics, so
you may decide to use these statements not as a survey, but primarily as a talking point, and
have some really valuable discussions with your team about them. If you’re familiar with
the Action Research approach, this is a good example.
 Not everything that can be counted counts, and not
everything that counts can be counted.
William Bruce Cameron
Where possible, add a “comment” option for each question so people can provide some extra
detail if they wish to. It’s important to obtain qualitative feedback for each statement as it will
facilitate and clarify some of the actions that you may need to take in order to build
psychological safety in the team.

Ask your team to score agreement with the statements below (using a 1-5 or similar scale,
1 being low and 5 being high: this is called a “likert” scale).
1. On this team, I understand what is expected of me.
2. I feel my ideas are valued, and I feel safe in suggesting them.
3. If I make a mistake on this team, it is never held against me.
4. When something goes wrong, we work together to find the systemic causes.
5. I feel able to bring up problems and concerns.
6. Members of this team never reject others for being different and nobody is
left out.
7. It is safe for me to take an intelligent risk on this team.
8. It is easy for me to ask other members of this team for help.
9. Nobody on this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines my
10. Working with members of this team, my unique skills and talents are valued
and utilised.
This survey, adapted from Dr Amy Edmondson’s “The Fearless Organisation”, alongside
many other tools, is included in the psychological safety action pack which you can
download now and use with your teams. Again, you should consider whether all these
statements are appropriate for your team(s), and whether any changes should be made,
especially if English is not a native language of your team members. These are example
statements – you will want to modify and choose the ones most suitable to your language
and context. You may want to reduce the number of questions, especially for a first attempt,
as it will help increase your response rate, so pick the questions that matter most to you.
These statements are from Dr Edmondson’s original research. The key point is to ensure that
you use the language, statements, and practices that have most meaning for your teams and
Repeat the survey after a period of time (the timescale is up to you) to evaluate any change in
the different areas psychological safety and to demonstrate to your team that you’re
committed to continuous improvement.
A score of 50 per team member would represent the most psychologically safe team in the
world. This is somewhat unlikely. In reality, a score of 50 may highlight an issue where
people feel unable to answer truthfully, so investigate further if that is the case.
The lower the aggregate score for the team, the lower the general psychological safety.
However, the power of this survey is really in the detail.
Identify the statements with the lowest scores and the widest range of responses. These are
your areas that require action, and are where you can make the largest difference whether
you’re in charge of the team or not. It may be, for example, that there are new team members
who don’t feel as safe as the team members with a longer tenure.
Read the rationale for each statement below and consider what actions you can take or
behaviours you can encourage to raise the scores.
In Practice:
Use a survey tool such as Typeform, Surveymonkey, or the free Google forms service to
build your own survey.
See an example here in Google Forms: – and feel free
to make a copy.

What do I do now?
After you’ve used the survey, you must take some actions to address any issues that have
arisen. If you ignore the results, you could inadvertently damage psychological safety and
make it more difficult to address in the future. Where your teams score low for any of the
questions, take a look below and see what actions you could take as a result.
1 – On this team, I understand what is expected of me.
It is essential that team members understand what is expected of them in terms of delivery
(speed, quality, cost, and other factors) and behaviour (everything from dress code and
punctuality to coding standards) to foster psychological safety. Ensure tasks are clear and
well defined, behaviour expectations are explicit, and negative behaviours are dealt with.
2 – I feel my ideas are valued, and I feel safe in suggesting
It can be daunting to suggest an idea to other people, particularly if it’s not fully formed yet.
But some of the best outcomes result from suggesting ideas that aren’t quite ready. And the
more ideas we can play with, the better the outcomes for the team. A more diverse team will
generate more diverse ideas – but will require psychological safety in order to suggest them
in the first place.
3 – If I make a mistake on this team, it is never held
against me.
A psychologically safe team will never blame a member of the team for a genuine mistake if
their intentions were good. Indeed, by enabling mistakes to be made without a fear of blame,
you enable innovation and risk taking that can drive your organisation ahead of the
competition. Utilise systems thinking and DevOps approaches to prevent mistakes before
they happen or mitigate the impact of mistakes when they do.
4 – When something goes wrong, we work together to find
the systemic causes.
Related to the previous point but important enough to warrant its own question, a system of
discovering the root causes of mistakes and failures means that not only do team members
feel able to take risks without being blamed, but every single “failure” is an opportunity for
learning and improvement. By building psychological safety through these retrospective
exercises, everyone on the team gets to learn from mistakes, meaning mistakes are a gift, not
a threat. Look for all the causes of an incident or failure, not just the “root cause”. And don’t
forget to look for the causes of success too!
5 – I feel able to bring up problems and concerns.
In a psychologically safe team, all members of the team are able to bring up problems and
tough issues, ranging from personal struggles to concerns about other (even senior) members
of the team. This psychological safety is crucial for allowing both vulnerability to show when
you’re struggling and need help, and courage to raise difficult topics.
6 – Members of this team never reject others for being
different and nobody is left out.
Evidence shows that diversity in a team results in higher quality products and happier team
members, but diversity in itself is not enough: it is crucial that team members are all included
in decision making and delivering results. To facilitate psychological safety (and high
performance) every member of the team needs to be invested in the decisions made and the
outcomes generated. This is particularly crucial for remote and distributed teams, where it is
more difficult to see if a team member is becoming disengaged.
7 – It is safe for me to take a risk on this team.
Mistakes happen unintentionally, but risks are about taking actions that might not work, or
may have unintended consequences. Psychological safety provides the framework for
positive risk-taking, enabling innovation and ultimately, competitive advantage.
8 – It is easy for me to ask other members of this team for
In psychologically unsafe teams, team members try to hide their perceived weaknesses or
vulnerabilities, which prevents them from asking for help. In a psychologically safe team,
members prioritise the team goals over individual goals. Helping others helps achieve the
team goal, and because team members feel safe to ask for that help, psychologically safe
teams achieve more of their goals than unsafe teams.
9 – Nobody on this team would deliberately act in a way
that undermines my efforts. 
In an unsafe team, members compete with each other to achieve their individual goals, and
may even undermine other team members if it could benefit them or it is perceived that doing
so may elevate their “rank” within the team or organisation. In a psychologically safe team,
that counter-productive competition doesn’t exist, and the success of the team is more
important looking good in the eyes of others.
10 – Working with members of this team, my unique skills
and talents are valued and utilised.
We all bring our own unique experience, skills and knowledge to the teams that we’re in, but
we also bring our own prejudices and biases. In a psychologically safe team where members
are valued for being their true selves, biases are less likely to manifest. Indeed, team members
may feel safe enough to identify, raise, and discuss their own biases or those of other team
members. By doing so, we provide space for each individual to maximise their potential from
utilising their own unique skills and talents.
Regularly Measuring Psychological Safety
Be sure to regularly survey your teams’ agreement with these responses to determine if your
strategy is working and to identify trends and early warning signs of problems in the team.
By regularly measuring the degree of psychological safety on your team, you can begin to
build your own unique strategy for developing and maintaining it. For instance, this may
involve running more regular retrospectives or by workshopping the team’s values and
Measurement is only a small part of the process. Download a complete Psychological Safety
Action Pack full of workshops, tools, resources, and posters to help you measure, build, and
maintain Psychological Safety in your teams.
Remember to be patient: this is a journey, not a destination, and work on your own
psychological safety too. You can’t effectively help others if you don’t look after yourself.
When you’ve completed the survey, you can work on creating and maintaining psychological
safety in your workplace with these ten key behaviours and actions.

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