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Abbottabad University of Science &Technology

Department of computer science

Assignment NO: 02
Course: English
Course Code : CSc112L
Submitted To :Miss Sammar Ayaz
Submitted By : HamidZaheer ,Mudassir Farooq
Mahooz Shakeel, Malik Bilal Qamar , Malik
Jawwad ,Habib Awan ,Mehar Ali ,Mudassar
Mumtaz,Muhammad Ali,Muhammad Faizan
Class :CS 1-B
Submission Date :23 -01-2023
1. Accord: concurrence of opinion
2. Credit:an estimate of ability to fulfill
financial commitments
3. essay :an analytic or interpretive literary
4. consul :a diplomat appointed to protect a
government's interests
5. credible:capable of being believed
6. tread :put down, place, or press the foot
7. perpetual :continuing forever or
8. vanity :feelings of excessive pride
9. flourish :grow vigorously
10. theology :the rational and systematic
study of religion
11. creed :any system of principles or beliefs
12. plague :any large-scale calamity
13. brace :a support that steadies or
strengthens something else
14. dreary :lacking in liveliness or charm or
15. dainty :something considered choice to
16. benevolent: showing or motivated by
sympathy and understanding
17. opera :a drama set to music
18. haughty :having or showing arrogant
19. beseech :ask for or request earnestly
20. prodigy: an unusually gifted or intelligent
21. hypothesis :a tentative insight that is not
yet verified or tested
22. slack :not tense or taut
23. manifestation :a clear appearance
24. dogma :a doctrine or code of beliefs
accepted as authoritative
25. wilderness :a wild and uninhabited area
left in its natural condition
26. cohere: cause to form a united, orderly,
and consistent whole
27. Conscientious: characterized by extreme
care and great effort
28. arbitrary :based on or subject to
individual discretion or preference
29. affliction :a cause of great suffering and
30. Gruff: blunt and unfriendly or stern
31. yoke: a wooden frame across the
shoulders for carrying buckets
32. placid: calm and free from disturbance
33. ominous :threatening or foreshadowing
evil or tragic developments
34. impetuous :characterized by undue haste
and lack of thought
35. insurrection :organized opposition to
36. authority:acquiesce agree or express
37. felicity :pleasing and appropriate manner
or style
38. vindicate :show to be right by providing
justification or proof
39. temperate :not extreme
40. incredulous :not disposed or willing to
believe; unbelieving
41. peruse :examine or consider with
attention and in detail
42. plausible :apparently reasonable, valid, or
43. plausible:pparently reasonable, valid, or
44. languid :lacking spirit or liveliness
45. imp :one who is playfully mischievous
46. caravan: a procession traveling together
in single file
47. cloister :residence that is a place of
religious seclusion
48. scourge :something causing misery or
49. sundry: consisting of a haphazard
assortment of different kinds
50. vexation :anger produced by some
annoying irritation
51. conceit: the trait of being unduly vain
52. cask :a cylindrical container that holds
53. rampart :an embankment built around a
space for defensive purposes
54. efficacy :capacity or power to produce a
desired result
55. decorum :propriety in manners and
56. cant :a slope in the turn of a road or track
57. Gnaw: bite or chew on with the teeth
58. Thesis: an unproved statement advanced
as a premise in an argument
59. fleece :outer coat of especially sheep and
60. sordid :foul and run-down and repulsive
61. importune :beg persistently and urgently
62. fortitude :strength of mind that enables
one to endure adversity
63. privation: the act of stripping someone of
food, money, or rights
64. prodigal: recklessly wasteful
65. Brazen: unrestrained by convention or
66. pestilence :any epidemic diseasewith a
high death rate .
67. pecuniary :relating to or involving money
68. precarious :not secure; beset with
69. hypocrite :a person who professes beliefs
that he or she does not hold \beacon a fire
that can be seen from a distance
70. miscellaneous :having many aspects
71. Gruff: blunt and unfriendly or stern
72. Calumny: a false accusation of an
73. precinct :an administrative district of a
city or town
74. parity :functional equality
75. squall: a loud and harsh cry
76. adroit: quick or skillful or adept in action
or thought
77. motley: consisting of a haphazard
assortment of different kinds
78. assemblage :several things grouped
together or considered as a whole
79. belligerent :characteristic of an enemy or
one eager to fight
80. slick :made smooth, as by ice, grease, or
81. carcass :the dead body of an animal
82. reverie :an abstracted state of absorption
83. vindictive :disposed to seek revenge or
intended for revenge
84. gaudy :tastelessly showy
85. aperture: a natural opening in something
86. antecedent :a preceding occurrence or
cause or event
87. vestige: an indication that something has
been present
88. plumb :exactly vertical
89. droll: comical in an odd or whimsical
90. benign :kind in disposition or manner 91.
ember a hot, smoldering fragment of
wood left from a fire
91. pernicious :exceedingly harmful
92. oversight :an unintentional omission from
failure to notice something
93. arid :lacking sufficient water or rainfall
94. harangue: a loud bombastic declamation
expressed with strong emotion
95. premiere: the first public performance of
a play or movie
96. parry :impede the movement of
97. tithe :a levy of one tenth of something
98. surly :unfriendly and inclined toward
anger or irritation
99. caper :a playful leap or hop
100. pique :call forth, as an emotion, feeling,
or response

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