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Abbottabad University of Science &Technology

Department of computer science

Assignment NO: 02
Course: English
Course Code : CSc112L
Submitted To :Miss Sammar Ayaz
Submitted By : M.Habib, M.Ibrahim ,M.Mahroos, M.Mohiz Ali,
M.Mussawir, M.Nisar M.Qasim ,M. Saad, M. Sajjad, M. Saqlain ,M.Shoaib
,M.Talha Hussnain,Haider ali khan

Class :CS 1-B

Submission Date :23 -01-2023
1) . Ambivalent:
Meaning: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
2). Forsake:
Meaning: abandon or leave.

3) Impudent
Meaning: not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

4) . Inept
Meaning: having or showing no skill; clumsy. inexpert, amateurish
5) . Novice
Meaning: a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
6) . Salient
Meaning: most noticeable or important.
7). Umbrage
Meaning: offence or annoyance.
8) . Serendipity
Meaning: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

9) Quaint
Meaning: attractively unusual or old-fashioned..

10). Truculent
Meaning: eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant.
11). Intractable
Meaning: hard to control or deal with.

12). Delineate
Meaning: describe or portray (something) precisely..

13). Daunt
Meaning: make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive.

15). Idyllic
Meaning: like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
. Anomalous
Meaning: deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.

18). Friable
Meaning: easily crumbled.

19). Protean
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or easily.

20). Recondite
Meaning: (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse.

21). Boisterous
Meaning: noisy, energetic, and cheerful

20). Inveigle
Meaning: persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery
21). Sodden
Meaning: saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through.
22). Perfidious
Meaning: deceitful and untrustworthy

23). Conundrum
Meaning: a confusing and difficult problem or question.

24). Denouement
Meaning: The final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are
drawn together and matters are explained or resolved

25). Stolid (adjective)

Meaning: calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation
. Dissemble
Meaning: conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs

29). Dilatory
Meaning: slow to act

30) . Garner
Meaning: gather or collect (something, especially information or approval)
31) Abrogate– To revoke something formally.
32) Abstruse– Difficult to understand.

33) Accede- Yield to anothers’ wish or

34) Blandishment– Flattery intended to

35) Calumny– A false accusation of an

36) Circumlocution– An indirect way of

expressing something
37) Demagogue– A leader who seeks support

by appealing to popular passions

38) Enervate– Weaken physically,

emotionally, or morally.
39) Sesquipedalian– A foot and a half long.

40) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious–

Something that is extraordinarily good

41) Abnegation Denial: renunciation of a
doctrine or belief.
42) Ambigue: An ambiguous expression or
43) Athleisure: Comfortable and casual

footwear & clothing designed for exercise

and rigorous activity.
44) Broigus: Angry or irritated.
45) By-Catch: A catch of fish that cannot be
put to commercial use.
46) Blert:A cowardly person, someone who is

47) Comp:Providing products or services free

of charge as a token of appreciation, a favor.

48) Cryptocurrency:Virtual or digital currency

used on the internet

49) Cringe:To feel ashamed or embarrassed

by what someone else is doing or saying.

50) Deepfake: A recording or image that has

been altered convincingly to misinterpret

what someone is doing or saying.
51) Delicense: To deprive a vehicle,
business, or person of their license (official
permission to operate).
52) Destigmatizing:The process of removing

social stigma or negative connotations

associated with someone or something.
53) Eradicate: To destroy something

completely down to its roots.

54) Ebullient:Unrestrained joyously.

55) Efface:To remove, typically by erasing or

56) Abnegation Denial: renunciation of a

doctrine or belief.
57) Ambigue:An ambiguous expression or

58) Athleisure:Comfortable and casual

footwear & clothing designed for exercise

and rigorous activity.
59) Broigus: Angry or irritated.

60) By-Catch :A catch of fish that cannot be

put to commercial use.

61) Blert:A cowardly person, someone who is
62) Comp:Providing products or services free

of charge as a token of appreciation, a favor.

63) Cringe:To feel ashamed or embarrassed

by what someone else is doing or saying.

64) Deepfake:A recording or image that has

been altered convincingly to misinterpret

what someone is doing or saying.
65) Delicense:To deprive a vehicle, business,

or person of their license (official permission

to operate).
66) Kwell:To talk proudly, admiringly, or

enthusiastically about something.

67) Knell:The sound of a bell rung very

slowly; a toll.
68) Kip:Informal word for ‘sleep’.

69) LOL :Abbreviated form for ‘Laugh Out

Loud’. Used commonly for communicating

informally on social media platforms.
70) Lethargy:To display an unusual lack of

energy or inactivity.
71) Largesse:Generosity or kindness in
bestowing money or gifts.
72) MultifariousDiverse: or multifaceted.

73) Municipal:Related to a self-governing

74) Microfinance:Financial services that are

provided to individuals & communities in

rural & developing areas.
75) Nomophobia:Anxiety about lack of access

to a smartphone or mobile phone services.

76) Naivete: Lack of worldliness &

77) Nascent:The beginning; being born.

78) Onboarding:The process of integrating a

new employee into a team or organization.

79) Oat-Milk:Milk prepared from oats; used

commonly in cooking and in drinks.

80) Onset:The early stages, or beginning of.
81) Pronoid:A person who is convinced of
others’ goodwill towards themselves.
82) Puggle:A young platypus or echidna.

83) Pertinacious:Someone who is stubborn &

84) Quotidian:An event or task that is of daily

85) Quisling:A traitor

86) Quaff:To swallow greedily or hurriedly in

a single draught.
87) Rat-Tamer:Informal for a psychiatrist or a

88) Recalcitrant:Resistant to authority or

89) Raconteur:A person who is skilled in

telling anecdotes.
90) Sandboxing:The restriction of a code or

piece of software to a specific environment

on a computer system that can be run
91) Self-isolate:To deliberately isolate
oneself from others; to undertake a period
of self-imposed isolation.
92) Shero:A heroine; a hero of the female

93) Topophilia:An emotional connection to a

physical environment or a particular place.

94) Truthiness:Something of a seemingly

truthful quality that is not supported by

evidence or facts.
95) Tract:An area of land that is extended.

96) Unlawful:

illegal, illicit, illegitimate, against the law

97) Bequest:
legacy, inheritance, endowment,
98) Gullible:
credulous, trustful, naïve, innocent,
99) Deceptive:
misleading, illusory, illusive,
100) Definition: giving an appearance or


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