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Abbottabad University of Science &Technology

Department of computer science

Assignment NO: 02
Course: English
Course Code : CSc112L
Submitted To :Miss Sammar Ayaz
Submitted By : Faizan Ali,Farman Ali,Ghazanfar,
Haider Ullah,Hamad Yousaf,Hamid Shah,Hammad
Ali,Hamza Ali ,Hamza Shahid,Hamza Shahzad,Malik
Hamza Tariq
Class :CS 1-B
Submission Date :23 -01-2023
1. Abate –to lessen or reduce in intensity or
2. Abhor - to detest or hate intensely
3. Abrasive - harsh or rough in manner or
4. Abstemious -characterized by restraint,
especially in the consumption of food or alcohol
5. Abstract - existing in thought or as an idea but
not having a physical or concrete existence
6. Acclaim - enthusiastic approval or applause
7. Acquiesce - to accept or comply with
something without protest
8. Acrimonious - angry and bitter in language or
9. Admonish - to warn or reprimand someone
10. Adroit - skillful or clever in using the hands or
11. Banal: lacking in originality, freshness,
or novelty; boring or predictable
12. Bellicose: demonstrating aggression
or willingness to fight
13. Benevolent: well-meaning and kindly
Benign: gentle, mild, or harmless
14. Bequeath: to pass on or hand down
something to someone else, typically in a
15. Berate: to scold or criticize someone
16. Blatant: obvious, flagrant, or
conspicuous in an offensive way
17. Bleak: lacking in warmth, life, or
hope; dreary or depressing
18. Blithe: cheerful, carefree, or
19. tumid :abnormally distended
especially by fluids or gas
20. filigree: delicate and intricate
ornamentationrubric category
21. intemperance :excess in action and
immoderate indulgence of appetites
22. narcissist :someone who is
excessively self-centered
23. tautology:useless repetition.
24. Uxorious: foolishly fond of or
submissive to your wife settled into a very
25. Quixotic: not sensible about practical
26. Abhorrent: offensive to the mind
27. elixir :a substance believed to cure all
28. potpourri :a collection containing a
variety of sorts of things
29. Actuarial: relating to statistics to
calculate insurance premiums
30. Ciliated: having a margin or fringe of
hairlike projections
31. Raspy: unpleasantly harsh or grating
in sound
32. acidulous :being sour to the taste
33. Sesquipedalian:a very long word (a
foot and a half long)
34. Dolorous: showing sorrow
35. Dogma:a doctrine or code of beliefs
accepted as authoritative
36. perpetual :continuing forever or
37. Trepidation: a feeling of alarm or
38. matrix :an enclosure within which
something originates or develops
39. benevolent: showing or motivated by
sympathy and understanding
40. Benign: kind in disposition or manner
41. belligerent :characteristic of an
enemy or one eager to fight
42. beacon :a fire that can be seen from a
43. impetuous :characterized by undue
haste and lack of thought
44. ineluctable :impossible to avoid or
45. assemblage :several things grouped
together or considered as a whole
46. xenophobia :a fear of foreigners or
47. vexation :anger produced by some
annoying irritation
48. peruse :examine or consider with
attention and in detail
49. pernicious: exceedingly harmful
50. experiential :of or relating to direct
observation or participation
51. skein :coils of worsted yarm
52. unfettered :not bound or restrained,
as by shackles and chains
53. chaperone: one who accompanies
and supervises young people
54. brazen: unrestrained by convention
or propriety
55. affliction: a cause of great suffering
and distress
56. doppelganger: a person who is almost
identical to another
57. droll :comical in an odd or whimsical
58. beleaguer :annoy persistently
59. oversight :an unintentional omission
from failure to notice something
60. Dotage: mental infirmity as a
consequence of old age
61. nettle :plant having stinging hairs
that cause skin irritation
62. levity :a manner lacking seriousness
63. buccaneer: someone who robs at sea
or plunders the land from the sea
64. vanity :feelings of excessive pride
65. acuity :sharpness of vision
66. parity :functional equality
67. equivalence :essential comparability
and interchangeability
68. impasse :a situation in which no
progress can be made
69. indiscrete :not divided or divisible
into parts
70. exhume :dig up for reburial or for
medical investigation
71. purvey: supply with provisions
72. cloister :residence that is a place of
religious seclusion
73. preamble: a preliminary introduction,
as to a statute or constitution
74. axiom :a proposition that is not
susceptible of proof or disproof
75. aphasia :inability to use language
because of a brain lesion
76. desuetude :a state of inactivity or
77. Insularity: lack of openness to new
ideas; narrow-mindedness
78. Ichthyology: the branch of zoology
that studies fishes
79. conceit :the trait of being unduly vain
80. purgatory: a temporary state of the
dead in Roman Catholic theology
81. dissemination :the act of dispersing
or diffusing something
82. indemnification :compensation for
loss or damage or for trouble and
83. megalomania :a psychological state
characterized by delusions of grandeur
84. restitution: the act of restoring
something to its original state
85. hearsay :gossip passed around by
word of mouth
86. pusillanimous :lacking in courage,
strength, and resolution
87. malevolence :wishing evil to others
88. ennui :the feeling of being bored by
something tedious
89. Prosaic: lacking wit or imagination
90. precocity :intelligence achieved far
ahead of normal development
91. invidious :containing or implying a
slight or showing prejudice
92. gregarious :temperamentally seeking
and enjoying the company of others
93. effrontery :audacious behavior that
you have no right to
94. torpor :a state of motor and mental
95. pummel: strike, usually with the fist
96. manumit :free from slavery or
97. detonation :the act of setting off an
98. Profundity: the quality of being
physically deep
99. presage :a foreboding about what is
about to happen
100. fleece :outer coat of especially sheep
and yaks

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