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Selim, Addey, Mohamed Noor Eldin , Mohannad, Mohamed aboelkomsan, Abdelrahman.

1. Submit a screenshot of your code from the EV3 app

2. Write an explanation of the code: Explain what each line of code does. Explain how the code was
developed. What factors did you take into consideration? Why did you decide on certain numerical
values? Did you use a POINT TURN or SWING TURN and why? (5 sentence minimum)

Starting with the first obstacle, the code for this was pretty straightforward, I made an event start,
which triggers the program, and then I added a move forward command which makes the robot
move forward, I set it for 7.4 rotations, and how I got that number is measuring the distance for one
rotation of the robot with a ruler, and then multiplying that number by the length of the duct tape
strip, and as a result, you get the number of rotations the robot needs to achieve a certain distance.
I also applied the same concept in the reverse part of the first program, but instead I set it for 7.3,
because there’s a 0.1 rotation uncertainty as a result of uneven bumps and shifts of direction
during the robot’s journey. In the second Obstacle, I applied the same concept in both the first part
and second part of the journey, additionally I added a shift in direction, causing the robot to rotate
103 degrees. All in all, I’ve used nomours concepts to complete this obstacle course, it was a great
learning opportunity.

3. What were some of the challenges that you faced during this lab? (4 sentences minimum)

During this lab, we faced several challenges, ranging from ones that were easy to overcome and
hard to overcome. The first challenge we faced was getting the number of rotations correct. We
struggled to understand how the rotation function worked and the line of code itself didn’t make
sense to us. However, we soon came to the conclusion that it had to do with the wheels, so we used
a ruler to measure the rotations and get our numbers correct. The second challenge we faced was
when we put the code to the test. When we were testing the robot vehicle, it would never move
straight, it would always move to the side. To solve this we tried cleaning the wheel, but that didn’t
work making it an even bigger problem. The current solution we have to this is by starting the car
at an angle so that when it starts moving then it stays on course. Another challenge we faced was
when our vehicle wouldn’t turn and we didn’t know why. However, eventually we came up with the
conclusion that the robot was out of battery, hence why it wouldn’t function properly.

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