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CHAPTER 3 Worksheet C



Chapter 3
Natural Law

Intended Learning Outcome

Within the chapter, the pre-service teacher (PST) must:
1. recognize how Thomas Aquinas made use of ancient Greek concepts to provide a rational
grounding to an ethical theory based on the Christian faith;
2. identify the natural law in distinction from, but also in relation to, the other types of law
mentioned by Aquinas: eternal law, human law, and divine law; and
3. apply the precepts of the natural law to contemporary moral concerns

Time Element: Week 7-9

Direction: Provide answers for each item. DO NOT delete any element on this worksheet.
Answer the questions right after each item or provide another page where your answers can be
found. Upon submission, include the worksheet with answers in the same document. Only one
document in .doc file type shall be submitted; do not make it into a PDF or JPEG file type.

This activity is worth 50 points. Make sure to provide what is asked in each item.

We find the lines blurred between fact and fiction, between news reports and advertisements. We are
accustomed to hearing and reading fake news. We are inundated by figures and statistics that we can barely
comprehend, much less confirm. We are told to consider alternative facts and to not take seriously everything
we might hear our political leaders say. We read and revel in and then repost the most hyperbolic and hysterical
statements without asking ourselves whether we or anyone else should reasonably maintain this. We are now
in the “post-truth” era.
This label of “post-truth” means that we are more and more becoming habituated to disregard or at
least to devaluate the truth. It is a tendency to think of truth as insignificant in view of other concerns. This is a
significant question in the field of media ethics, as practitioners in that field –news reporters, writers,
investigative journalists, and advertisers – out to ask the question as to what extent the integrity of their work
might be compromised in view of other interests, such as popularity, profit, higher viewership or stronger sales.
Yet, this issue is not limited to people working in media, caught up in statements and exchanges of dubious
worth. It should be considered by anyone who wants to take seriously Aquinas’s claim that reason and a
concern for truth are what makes us human.


1. Go online and look for instance of what might be “fake news.” See whether you are able to determine
the veracity of the news report. Detail your findings and opinion below. You can provide a checklist for
this, and tick on the boxes that apply.

"Bongbong Marcos Victory Party in Amanpulo"

It was reported that Val Villanueva stated that “BBM has booked the whole island of Amanpulo for his
victory party. The days of Imeldific yore and opulence is back.” Upon reading the articles, and the other
sources as a cross-reference, I concluded that the report was completely a fake news. Also, upon
checking online, I have read that Presumptive president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his family flew to
Australia and did not hold a victory party in Amanpulo.

My strategy to confirm if the said news is a legit one or fake one is by cross-referencing or reading
another credible source just to make sure. By doing so, I would be able to identify if the said news
spread truths or lies.

2. In view of Aquinas’s assertion that reason is what makes us uniquely human and that being reasonable
opens up both and epistemic concern for truth, and also a social concern of being in relation with
others. Provide a set of screenshot/screengrab of online discussions about a topic, whether it can be
found in the comment section in Facebook, or a Twitter discussion in threads with comments, etc. The
discussion may be of the people you don’t know but make sure that it there is an obvious argument
present. As a tip, there are a lot of arguments in the comment section in a post of a news outlet. After
providing the screenshot/grab, give us a context of the discussion and make sure to answer these
questions: How does this discussion show “reason” and justify the fact that we are humans and not
animals? Do the people involve search for epistemic truth or social concern of being in relation with
others? Explain.


-The following pictures above were all about the announcement of Presumptive President-elect
Bongbong Marcos Jr. that he will appoint his running mate and presumptive VP-elect Sara Duterte as
the next education secretary. On the comment section, it is evident that some agree and supported to it
but others did not and expressed their disappointments and opinions on the said decision. It is clear in
the comment section that the arguments of those who oppose to it stated that VP-elect Sara Duterte
doesn't have any experiences or prior knowledge in the field of education compared to those individuals
who have great qualifications and capabilities.
-With the laid opinions of positive and negative comments regarding the news, I could say that it
justifies the fact we are humans and not animals. Simply because we have the ability to comprehend
things and give our free opinions regarding on a certain matter. Another reason also that those
discussions justify the fact we are humans because in terms of human ability, we could express our
sincere emotions whether we are agreeing on it or we are disappointed on it.
-Yes. The people involve search for epistemic truth but not in social concern of being in relation with
others. They just want to be satisfied with the truth that is why they expressed themselves for seeking
the truth. Also, people who are involved were not in the social concern of being in relation with others
because in my perspective, they did not seek any attention or aim to attract others. They were just
there, expressing of what they think what is good, bad, right or wrong.


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