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Comprehensive exercises

Each worksheet comprises a complete range of exercises — multiple-choice,

structured and free-response — to give you all the practice you need. The
questions are designed to support learning with understanding and give you a firm
grounding in conceptual understanding. Challenging questions are indicated with an
asterisk(*). A Trial Examination at the end will further build your exam confidence.

Stru ctured Questio
Section A: Multiple-C Section B: s in the spac
es provided.
hoice Questions wing question tes. The table
Answer the follo rent metal nitra reaction.
Choose the correct answe solutions of diffe () indicates no
A cross
r and write its letter ss to aqueous ates a reaction.
in the brackets provide added in exce A tick () indic
d. Metals were
1. Which of the following
1. rvations obtained.
processes is exother mic? records the obse Zinc nitrate
Nickel(II) Silver nitrate
A Decomposition by heat l Magn esium (colourless)
of zinc carbonate into Aqueous meta Copper(II)
nitrate (colourless)
B Formation of glucose and zinc oxide and carbon nitrate
oxygen during photosy dioxide nitrate s) (green)
C Conversion of glucose nthesis (colo urles
to carbon dioxide and (blue) 
D Sublimation of dry ice water during respiration 


2. Which of the following ( ) Copper 
does not involve an endothe 
rmic change?  
A An iron nail rusting in Magnesium  
B A few drops of ethanol Nickel 
drying up 
C A potted plant making  
food in sunlight Silver 
D A candle melting 

Zinc mos t reac tive metal.
with the
3. A thermometer is placed ( ) tivity, starting
r of their reac
in water and the tempera metals in orde
(Figure 1). A liquid, X,
is then added to the
ture is measured at
room temperature (a) Place the
(Figure 2). water and the tempera
ture is measured again r changes?
following colou
react to give the
meta l nitrate would
l and aqueous
(b) Which meta
32 n:
26 (i) Blue to gree
22 ical
(ii) Colourles
s to blue: ate that a chem
20 that would indic
r observations
state two othe
colour changes,
Figure 1
Figure 2 (c) Apar t from n place .
reaction has take
What conclusion can be
drawn from Figures 1 and
A The process of mixing
liquid X and water is exother
B The temperature increas mic.
ed by 3.5°C.
C The temperature decreas
ed by 4.0°C.
D The graph that shows
the temperature change
s after X is added to water should be: to rust?
can cause iron
the conditions that
Temperature/°C 2. (a) What are

Name: tion.
room example of oxida
rusting is an
(b) Explain why
temperature ( )

Trial Examination

( )
Trial Examination
104 Workshee
orksheett 13 pore) Private Limite
International (Singa
Answer all questions. all Cavendish
© 2013 Marshall Cavendish © 2013 Marsh
International (Singapore
) Private Limited
Worksheet 10 1. An isotope of element
78 Z forms an ion, Z3–. The
(S)CMWB_13.indd 104
What is element Z? Z3– ion has 18 electron
s and 17 neutrons.

-Response Que stion A Argon

Section C: Free B Nitrogen
ing question. C Oxygen
Answer the follow
facturing ammonia. D Phosphorus
process for manu
shows the Haber
1. The diagram below 2. Benzoic acid occurs naturall ( )
y in some plants. It is
preservative. The melting widely used in the food
and boiling points of benzoic industry as a food
acid are shown below.
nitrogen liquid z Melting point: 122°C
process X
condenser ammonia z Boiling point: 249°C
N2 : H2 = 1 : 3
Which of the following
occurs when benzoic acid
at 2000°C is cooled to
Distance between particle 100°C?
s Energy of particles
hydrogen A increases
process Y B increases
C decreases
D decreases
and decreases
unreacted nitrogened increases
hydrogen recycl 3. A student is asked ( )
to confirm the presenc
hydrogen. e of Ca2+ and I– ions in
ing nitrogen and Which of the following a salt solution.
X and Y for obtain observations is incorrec
(a) (i) Name the processes t?
A add ammonia solution Observation
B add sodium hydroxid no precipitate
e solution white precipitate, insolub
into C add barium chloride solution le in excess
hy gen
hydro g gases is converted D yellow precipitate
re of nitrogen and add dilute sulfuric acid
ibe how the mixtu white precipitate
(ii) Briefly descr rter. ( )
4. A substance, X, has
ammonia in the conve the following properties:
z Melting point: 3550°C
z Does not conduct electric
*2. (a) In an experiment, 25.0 cm3 of hydrochloric acid was placed in an insulated container. Aqueous Which of the following
sodium hydroxide of concentration 1.0 mol/dm3 was then added to the acid, 2.0 cm3 at a substances is likely to
be X?
time. The mixture was then stirred and the highest temperature reached was recorded after A Diamond
rea on.
in the reacti
each addition. The graph below shows the results of the experiment. en and hydrogen B Graphite
ing unreacted nitrog
advantage of recycl C Copper
(iii) Suggest one
D Poly(ethene)
( )
© 2013 Marshall Cavendish
of nitrogen International (Singapore
ced when 36 dm
) Private Limited
ted to be produ at room
ammonia is expec es are measured Paper 1 171
What volume of 3 reaction? (All volum
(b) (i) of hydrogen in the
30 reacts with 72 dm
temperature and




5 Worksheet 15 127
Private Limited
ional (Singapore)
Cavendish Internat
© 2013 Marshall
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Volume of NaOH added/cm3 7/22/12 7:18 PM

(i) State why the reaction is exothermic.

(ii) From the graph, what was the maximum temperature reached and volume of sodium
hydroxide added?

(iii) Calculate the concentration, in mol/dm3, of hydrochloric acid used in the experiment.
Handling information
and solving problems
Data-based questions in the worksheets present
information and problems in real-life contexts.
You will evaluate, interpret data and solve
© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited Worksheet 13 109 interesting problems applicable to everyday life.


(S)CMWB_Frontmatter.indd iii 8/16/12 9:48 AM

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