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I will answer 4 Questions-

1.Why students are not interested in learning from colleges? What they
expect from colleges?
2.How Stimulation Program + Mentoring will help in this?
3.What will be the Roles of Teacher’s in this Model?
4.How will College measure the success of this program?

1.Why students are not interested in learning from colleges? What they
expect from colleges?
If we see from a broad view, schools & colleges are a training program in which students are
prepared for certain things.

Why students are not interested in learning from colleges
This questions can also be said like what are the training constraints faced during training.
1. Lack of relevance: Some students may feel that the content being taught is not relevant to
their interests or career goals. They may see little connection between what they are
learning in college and what they want to do in the future.
2. Teaching style: Some students may find the teaching style in college to be dull or uninspiring.
They may feel that the lectures are too dry or that the material is not presented in an
engaging way.
3. Lack of autonomy: Schools and colleges can be very structured environments, and some
students may find this lack of autonomy frustrating. They may feel like they don't have any
say in what they learn or how they learn it, which can lead to a lack of engagement.
4. Pressure and stress: Schools and colleges can be highly competitive environments, with
students often feeling pressured to perform well in exams and assignments

What they expect from colleges

1. Quality Education: Students expect to receive a quality education that will prepare them for
their future careers. They expect the college to have experienced and knowledgeable faculty
who are committed to teaching and who are available to answer questions and provide
support when needed.
2. Accessible Resources: Students expect to have access to a wide range of resources to
support their learning, including textbooks, online resources, libraries, labs, and study
3. Career Preparation: Students expect their college to provide them with opportunities to gain
practical skills and experiences that will help them succeed in their future careers. This could
include internships, co-op programs, and career counselling.
4. Diversity and Inclusion: Students expect their college to provide a welcoming and inclusive
environment that embraces diversity and promotes tolerance and acceptance. They want to
learn in a space where they feel safe and respected.
5. Flexibility: Students expect their college to offer flexible learning options that fit their needs
and lifestyles. This could include online courses, evening and weekend classes, and hybrid or
blended learning formats.
6. Support Services: Students expect their college to provide a variety of support services to
help them succeed academically and personally. This could include tutoring, counselling,
health services, disability accommodations, and financial aid.
We want to drive students through intrinsic motivation and not through any extrinsic motivation. So
what do we have to do?

2.How Stimulation Program/Action learning program will help in this?

We have to change the strategy of learning from classroom training to Stimulation training

Why do we have to shift?

Behaviouristic Learning where there is one-way communication from teacher and student just
listen to Constructivist Learning where students become self-educating and self-evaluating.

An example of behaviourist theory in action is a teacher using a system of rewards and punishments
to shape students' behaviour. For example, a teacher might use a token economy system in which
students earn tokens for exhibiting desirable behaviours, such as completing assignments or
following classroom rules.
Constructivist theory:
Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just passively
take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences, they
build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing

Stimulation programs in college can have numerous advantages for students. Some of the key
benefits are:

1. Improved learning outcomes: Stimulation programs help students to engage actively in their
learning, which can improve their retention of information and understanding of complex
concepts. This can result in better grades and overall academic performance.
2. Enhanced critical thinking skills: Through participation in stimulation programs, students can
develop critical thinking skills, as they are required to analyse and synthesize information,
solve problems, and make decisions.
3. Increased creativity: Stimulation programs often involve creative thinking, which can help
students develop their imagination and come up with innovative solutions to complex
4. Greater confidence and self-esteem: Stimulation programs can help students to build
confidence and self-esteem, as they take on new challenges and succeed in them.
5. Opportunities for socialization: Stimulation programs often involve collaboration and
teamwork, which can provide opportunities for students to socialize and build relationships
with their peers.
6. Preparation for future careers: Stimulation programs can help students to develop skills and
knowledge that are relevant to their future careers, such as communication, problem-
solving, and critical thinking.

Stimulation Program Process

The Freshers will attend first 1 day class with the seniors of 2 nd year to learn how this new program
works and through the senior’s behaviour the freshers will automatically understand how to behave
in class and how to solve problems. Note- the first batch of this program should be taken the most
care because from them only new students are going to learn. – Social Learning Method is used
Step 1: - In morning class of 8am- students will be given a 1,2 or more question based on their
module, in which they will be treated as a business owner of their firm and they have to solve this
problem. Students will be given 2 hours to solve the problem.

Questions like-

1.How you will sell a product which is a commodity in the market?

2.How you will ensure that there are no loopholes in the company?

3.How you will reduce the cost of production and though increase production in certain scenario?

4.Are Salesman and HR managers same? If Yes, then How?

The above examples are the most simple questions but the questions could be made according to
the real life business scenario by teachers.

Step 2: - At 10am the student’s mentor(teachers) will come and there will be a group discussion held
by the students on how every different student solved the problem, through this students will raise
their knowledge through curiosity and they will get the right solutions from their classmates and
through the mentor(teacher) interactions in between the group discussions whenever class goes on
the wrong directions.

Step 3: - Mentor should always judge every student about what today’s course outcome he/she
can’t understand and should ask questions to them and give a solution to them through another
student who you think that this student has understood the concept through this one will learn and
another will reinforce the learnings.

If you notice then we have also used KOLB’S Learning styles

Learning can be considered a dynamic cycle that involves four stages: concrete
experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active
experimentation. First, a trainee encounters a concrete experience (e.g., a work problem).
This is followed by thinking (reflective observation) about the problem, which leads to
generation of ideas of how to solve the problem (abstract conceptualization) and finally to
implementation of the ideas directly to the problem (active experimentation).
Implementing the ideas provides feedback as to their effectiveness, so the learner can see
the results and start the learning process over again. Trainees continually develop
concepts, translate them into ideas, implement them, and adapt them as a result of their
personal observations about their experiences.

3.What will be the Roles of Teacher’s in this Model?

Teacher’s qualification should be good enough and should have minimum 5 years of
corporate experience because if you expect students to be businessman then student
should get exposure of how corporates work.
There will be no word like teacher will be used, only mentor will be used because now a
day’s teacher is one who just give one-way knowledge without understanding student’s
Whereas mentor is one who gives guidance to one who is seeking help from one person,
here mentor is not going forward to teach anything but in fact students/learners themselves
comes to mentor for seeking some guidance or knowledge.
Teachers have to prepare some really good business scenario questions which will engage
the students for finding solutions.
Teachers have to never shout on anybody because this will lead to a fear for students to not
ask any questions and due to which their curiosity will die.
Mentor have to give internal marks of 50% weightage out of 100%. And that 50% will be
given according to the judgement of mentor that weather that particular student have
understood there course outcomes or not. There should be daily course outcomes due to
which every students have to work every day for 50% internals.
Maximum A mentor(teacher) will handle 20 students max. because otherwise the quality of
mentoring will be decreased.

4.How will College measure the success of this program?

Level 1- Reaction about this module should asked from the students that weather they like
the module engagement and questions given to solve weather they were hard or too easy.
And students have to rate from 1 to 5 with reasons.
Level 2-Learnings means what they have learned, is that applicable by them in real or they
just attended the group discussion. This could be tested by a written paper in which only
case study based questions will be asked. Through this college can assure their leanings are
Level 3-Behaviour means which students should be judged by their allocated mentor that
weather the curiosity of student is increased or decreased, weather the quality of questions
asked are increasing their quality or not.
Level 4-Results are what we expect from the students, and that is grasping knowledge
about their module and this could be easily checked through their final exams. Mentors
(Teachers) will be judged upon how much marks they have given in their internals and how
much they got in real in paper. So, that students have to work every day being engaged and
teacher have to also work every day to prove their markings and how can he teach the
course outcomes which the student have not understood according to him.

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