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Nama : Dhea Ayu Rieska Putri

Nim : PO.71.24. 2.22.080

Tentang : Hipnosis dan Relaksasi pada ibu hamil dengan Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Key Word : Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Hypnotherapi, Relaxation, Pregnancy, Aromatherapy
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1 Gro Vol 37, A total of 210 women consented to We found that women https:// Havnen, G. C., Truong,
C. Havnen, (2019) participate in the study, and 153 with HG reported M. B. T., Do, M. L. H.,
dkk Women’s interviews were performed. The suboptimal management 10.1080/ Heitmann, K., Holst, L.,
interviews lasted an average of 48 and a lack of support 0281343 & Nordeng, H. (2019).
on the
managemen minutes, ranging from 25 to 120 minutes. from healthcare 2.2019.1 Women’s perspectives
t and Of these, 107 women met the inclusion professionals, despite the 569424 on the management and
consequenc criteria and were included in the final severe psychosocial consequences of
es of study sample, and 96 women (89.7%) burden of illness and the hyperemesis
hyperemesis completed the online questionnaire. A high impact on their gravidarum–a
gravidarum flowchart outlining the patient inclusions daily activities. Greater descriptive interview
–a and exclusions that led to the final study awareness and study. Scandinavian
descriptive sample is depicted in Appendix Figure 1. knowledge are needed journal of primary
interview The average age of study participants among healthcare health care, 37(1), 30-
study was 30.5 ± 4.5 years. Participants were professionals to improve 40.
mostly married, cohabiting, or in a care for patients with
relationship (92/96, 95.8%), had a HG. Understanding
university or college education (60/96, patient perspectives and
62.5%), and were not pregnant (76/107, acknowledging the
71.0%) at the time of study inclusion impact of the illness are
(Appendix Table 1). Nearly 3 out of 4 important factors for
women (77/107, 72.0%) had experienced optimal HG
hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) during the management..
year prior to the study. Thirteen women
with more than one HG pregnancy chose
to focus on their first experience with
2. Tale Early Vol. 20 Out of 892 patients in the cohort, 888 Inadequate total maternal https:// Meinich, T., & Trovik,
Meinich maternal (2020) could be cate- weight gain during J. (2020). Early
and Jone weight gain gorized into four prepregnancy BMI pregnancy, 10.1186/ maternal weight gain as
Trovik as a risk groups, and for not regaining s12884- a risk factor for SGA in
factor 784 women, the pregnancy lasted for ≥ prepregnancy weight by 020- pregnancies with
for SGA in 24 weeks. In week 13–18 and 02947-3 hyperemesis
pregnancies total, 746 of these pregnancies were having a low gravidarum: a 15-year
with singleton preg- prepregnancy BMI may hospital cohort
hyperemesis nancies in which the infant was classified be considered in- study. BMC pregnancy
gravidarum: as SGA/not dependent risk factors for and childbirth, 20(1), 1-
a 15-year SGA and LGA/not LGA. Baseline data delivering a baby that is 10.
hospital for the 892 small
cohort study patients included in the study are shown for gestational age in
in Table 1. pregnancies complicated
Comparing these baseline data to the by hyper-
general Norwe- emesis gravidarum.
gian delivery population using the Regaining prepregnancy
publicly available weight by
statistical bank from the Norwegian Birth week 13–18 is also an
Registry independent predictor of
[24], we found no statistically significant achiev-
differences ing the minimum total
regarding maternal age, parity or BMI maternal weight gain
(data not goal spe-
shown). However, through 2002–2016, cific for BMI
13.2% of 747, classifications.
161 Norwegian women were smokers, a Prepregnancy BMI and
significantly early
higher prevalence than the 5.1% of the pregnancy weight gain in
837 hyperem- HG pregnancies matters
esis patients in our cohort (p < 0.001). for
pregnancy outcomes,
highlighting that
nutritional treatment
differences accord-
ing to prepregnancy BMI
and severity of weight
loss is
important during this

3. L Fiaschi, Clinical 2019 Overall prevalence of clinically recorded Previous focus on Fiaschi, L., Nelson‐
dkk manageme NVP/HG was 9.1%: 2.1% had hospital hospital admissions has https:// Piercy, C., Deb, S.,
nt of admissions, 3.4% were treated with greatly underestimated King, R., & Tata, L. J.
nausea and antiemetics in primary care only, and the NVP/HG burden. 10.1111/ (2019). Clinical
vomiting in 3.6% had only recorded diagnoses. Although primary care 1471- management of nausea
pregnancy Hospital admissions and antiemetic prescribing has 0528.156 and vomiting in
and 62
prescribing increased continuously increased, most women pregnancy and
during 1998–2013 (trend P < 0.001). admitted to hospital have hyperemesis gravidarum
gravidaru Younger age, deprivation, no antiemetics prescribed across primary and
m across Black/Asian/mixed ethnicity, and before this. An urgent secondary care: a
primary multiple pregnancy were associated with call is made to assess population‐based
and NVP/HG generally across all levels, but whether admissions study. BJOG: An
secondary associations were strongest for hospital could be prevented with International Journal of
care: a admissions. Most comorbidities had better primary care Obstetrics &
patterns of association with NVP/HG recognition and timely Gynaecology, 126(10),
levels. Among women with NVP/HG treatment. 1201-1211.
who had no hospital admissions, 49%
were prescribed antiemetics, mainly from
first-line treatment (21%
prochlorperazine, 15% promethazine,
13% cyclizine) and metoclopramide
(10%). Of those admitted, 38% had prior
antiemetic prescriptions (34% first-line,
9% second-line, 1% third-line treatment).
4. Nayana Study of 2020 The mean age of the study population Mild liver dysfunction in DOI: Gaba, N., & Gaba, S.
Gaba, Saura Liver was 26.59 ± 5.15 years and the mean HG can occur in over 10.7759/ (2020). Study of liver
bh Gaba Dysfunction period of gestation was 13.27 ± 2.48 50% of the patients. cureus.8 dysfunction in
in weeks. 60.3% (38/63) of the patients had When diagnosis is not in 709 hyperemesis
Hyperemesi some form of abnormality on the LFT. doubt, no further gravidarum. Cureus, 12(
s The mean total serum bilirubin (TSB) intervention is required 6).
Gravidarum was 1.56 ± 0.84 mg/dL, mean aspartate with regard to the LFT.
transaminase (AST) was 46.63 ± 30.89
U/L and mean alanine transaminase
(ALT) was 51.35 ± 42.86 U/L. ALT was
higher than AST with statistical
significance (p
5. Kannan Interventio 2018 Twenty studies were included in the Acupuncture, https:// Sridharan, K., &
Sridharan, ns for systematic review and 18 in the meta- acupressure, and Sivaramakrishnan, G.
Gowri treating analysis. Acupuncture (OR: 18.9; 95% methylprednisolone were 10.1080/ (2020). Interventions for
Sivaramakri hyperemesi CI: 2.1, 168), acupressure (OR: 26.7; observed with better 1476705 treating hyperemesis
shnan s 95% CI: 2.5, 283.1) and therapeutic benefits than 8.2018.1 gravidarum: a network
gravidaru methylprednisolone (OR: 6.7; 95% CI: other interventions for 519540 meta-analysis of
m: a 1.1, 38.8) were associated with better treating HG. However, randomized clinical
network control of HG symptoms than standard of the pooled estimates may trials. The Journal of
meta- care. Acupressure decreases the change with the advent Maternal-Fetal &
analysis of requirement of rescue antiemetics (OR: of results from future Neonatal
randomize 0.06; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.44); ondansetron head-to-head clinical Medicine, 33(8), 1405-
d clinical with reduced hospital stay (WMD: −0.2; trials. 1411.
trials 95% CI: −0.31, −0.01) and diazepam
with reduced risk of hospital admission
(OR: 0.11; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.95). The
quality of evidence is very low.
6. Rachel Assessment Number : In our study, most participants diagnosed The data presented in this https:// Mares, R., Morrow, A.,
Mares, dkk of 609 with hyperemesis gravidarum trialed at research provides insight Shumway, H., Zapata,
managemen (2022) least three medications, most of which into the suffering that 10.1186/ I., Forstein, D., &
t were ineffective and/or had severe side patients with these s12884- Brooks, B. (2022).
approaches effects. The most used medication for diagnoses face day-to- 022- Assessment of
for treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum is day due to the lack of 04922-6 management approaches
ondansetron, a standard antiemetic, with efficacious, well- for hyperemesis
fatigue and constipation being the most tolerated treatment gravidarum and nausea
and nausea
and reported side effects. All data in the options. Establishing this and vomiting of
vomiting of dataset was coded as categorical and gap in treatment can pregnancy: a
pregnancy: analyzed using contingency tables using facilitate the retrospective
a Mantel-Haenszel Chi square tests. development of effective questionnaire
retrospectiv treatments that will analysis. BMC
e provide relief for pregnancy and
questionnair thousands of patients. childbirth, 22(1), 1-8.
e analysis
7. Olivia K. Patterns of 2021 Of the 550 survey respondents, 84% Respondents reported https:// First, O. K.,
First, dkk experienced weight loss during using cannabis primarily MacGibbon, K. W.,
Use and
pregnancy; 96% reported using because prescribed 10.1055/ Cahill, C. M., Cooper,
Self- prescription antiemetics and 14% medications were self- a-1749- Z. D., Gelberg, L.,
reported reported cannabis use for HG. Most reported to be 5391 Cortessis, V. K., ... &
Effectivenes respondents reported using ineffective. Although the Fejzo, M. S. (2022).
s of cannabis/CBPs (71%) because their survey approach has Patterns of Use and
Cannabis prescribed antiemetics were self-reported inherent limitations so Self-reported
for to be ineffective. More than half of results should be Effectiveness of
Hyperemesi cannabis/CBP users reported using interpreted with caution, Cannabis for
s products daily or multiple times per day in this sample, cannabis Hyperemesis
(53%), primarily via smoke inhalation was self-reported to be Gravidarum. Geburtshil
(59%), and mainly either delta-9- more effective than fe und
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) only or prescription medications Frauenheilkunde, 82(05
THC dominant preparations (57%). in alleviating HG ), 517-527.
Eighty-two percent of cannabis/CBP symptoms and enabling
users reported symptom relief, compared pregnancy weight gain.
to 60% of prescription antiemetic users. Therefore, depending on
Among patients who reported weight loss the safety profiles,
during pregnancy, 56% of cannabis users randomized, double-
reported gaining weight within two blinded, placebo-
weeks of treatment, compared to 25% of controlled trials of
prescription antiemetic users. cannabis compared to
other antiemetics are
warranted to determine
whether cannabinoids
may provide an effective
alternative treatment for
8. Siti Hypnother Vol. 4 The results showed a result of p < 0.001, Hypnotherapy can affect https:// Hamidah, S., &
Hamidah, apy to (2020) meaning that H0 was rejected, i.e. there mothers on a psychic Mudlikah, S. (2020).
Siti Promote is an average difference in weight basis about the 10.30994 Hypnotherapy to
Mudlikah Weight increase in the three groups of importance of eating / Promote Weight Loss at
Loss at measurement time intervals (p < 0.05). while pregnant for the jqph.v4i1 First Trimester on
First The caller's conclusion is a hypnotherapy health of mothers and .150 Pregnant Women with
influence with the weight gain of babies that are Emesis Gravidarum at
pregnant women. conceived. Muhammadiyah Gresik
Women Hospital. Journal for
with Quality in Public
Emesis Health, 4(1), 53-58.
m at

9. StephanieCa Hypnosis- Vol. 84 After the search string was run on the This review aimed to https:// Catsaros, S., &
tsaros, based (2020) understand the impact of Wendland, J. (2020).
JaquelineWe interventio different databases, we initially retrieved hypnosis-based 10.1016/ Hypnosis-based
ndland ns during 709 articles. In addition to those, we interventions on women's j.midw.2 interventions during
pregnancy childbirth experience. 020.1026 pregnancy and
and found nine articles on Google Scholar.
Even though there are 66 childbirth and their
childbirth After duplicates were removed, 659 several limitations for the impact on women's
and their
articles were screened by titles. Five generalization of the childbirth experience: A
impact on
women's hundred and seventy seven articles were results, the main findings systematic
childbirth are encouraging for the review. Midwifery, 84,
removed for irrelevance and the
experience: remaining 82 were screened by abstracts. use of hypnosis in the 102666.
A improvement of
systematic At that point, articles about emotional childbirth experience and
review freedom techniques, use of relaxation, particularly in alleviating
complementary and alternative medicine fear and pain related to
childbirth, enhancing
in general, studies using postnatal well-being, and
empowering women to
feel more confident and
in control of their
emotions during
10 Katrine Leisure- Vol.125 A total of 398 (1.1%) women developed In summary, our results https:// Owe, K. M., Støer, N.,
M.Owe,dkk time (2019) HG. Before pregnancy 56.7% conducted indicate that women Wold, B. H., Magnus,
physical LTPA at least 3 times weekly, while reporting LTPA less than 10.1016/ M. C., Nystad, W., &
activity 18.4% of women conducted LTPA less once a week before j.ypmed. Vikanes, Å. V. (2019).
before than once a week. Compared to women pregnancy had twice the 2019.05. Leisure-time physical
pregnancy reporting LTPA 3 to 5 times weekly, odds of HG compared to 002 activity before
and risk of
women reporting no LTPA before women reporting LTPA pregnancy and risk of
pregnancy had an increased odds of HG three to five times a hyperemesis
gravidaru (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.69; 95% week. The association gravidarum: A
m: a confidence interval (CI), 1.20 to 2.37). remained even after population-based cohort
population- LTPA-HG associations differed by controlling for study. Preventive
based prepregnancy BMI but not by prepregnancy BMI and Medicine, 125, 49-54.
cohort prepregnancy smoking. smoking. In stratified
study analyses we observed
that women with a BMI
within the normal range
and who were not
physically active had an
even higher odds of
developing HG in their
first pregnancy. Studies
with information on
duration and intensity
11 Mansour 2019 There was no significant difference The psycho-education https:// Shakiba, M., Parsi, H.,
Shakiba, dkk between the average values of HG in the based on relaxation Shikhi, Z. P., &
The Effect intervention group and the control group methods of this study had bi.nlm.n Navidian, A. (2019).
prior to the intervention. However, after a positive and significant The effect of Psycho-
of Psycho-
receiving psycho-education, the average effect on reducing the pmc/ Education intervention
Education value of nausea and vomiting in pregnant intensity of HG. It is articles/ based on relaxation
women of the intervention group (5.11 ± helpful to integrate the PMC691 methods and guided
1.60) was significantly lower than that in educational content of 1148/ imagery on nausea and
Based on the control group (6.00 ± 1.66) (p = this intervention in the vomiting of pregnant
0.035). caring programs of women. Journal of
pregnant women with family & reproductive
Methods nausea and vomiting. health, 13(1), 47.
and Guided
Imagery on
Nausea and
Vomiting of
12 Bunga Tiara The Effect Vol. 9 indicates that among 30 respondents Based on the research https:// Carolin, B. T.,
Carolin,dkk of Citrus (2020) involved, most of them were at the that has been Syamsiah, S., &
lemon age of 20-35 years old by 19 (63.3%) conducted in BPM 10.30994 Yuniati, R. (2020). The
Aromathera mothers and most of them were Titik Apriliana, South / Effect of Citrus lemon
py on categorized in primipara group by 13 Lampung in 2019 in sjik.v9i2 Aromatherapy on
Emesis (43.4%) mothers. the intervention with 30 respondents, it can .340 Emesis Gravidarum
mean value of 9.57; std deviationof 3.014
Gravidarum be summed up that Patient. STRADA Jurnal
and after the intervention of citrus lemon
Patient there is difference Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9(2),
aromatherapy with mean value of 6.40;
std deviation of 2.458. It obtainedp value inmorning sickness 599-604.
0f 0.000 (p<0.05) which means that level of first trimester
there is effect of citrus lemon mothers before and
aromatherapy on emesis gravidarum after given citrus lemon
mothers of pregnant mothers in Di aromatherapy. It is
BPM Titik Apriliana, South Lampung expected that community
2020. can choose citrus lemon
aromatherapy as one of
alternative methods in
decreasing emesis
gravidarum on first
trimester pregnant
13 Wirda,dkk Jurnal Of Vol. 5 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang Berdasarkan hasil https:// Wirda, W., Ernawati,
Islamic (2020) dilakukan tentang pengaruh aromaterapi penelitian yang telah E., Oktaviana, D.,
Nursing jahe terhadap penurunan emesis dilakukan di Wilayah 10.24252 Suardi, S., & Nofia, N.
gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester kerja Puskesmas / (2020). Pengaruh
pertama Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mangarabombang join.v5i2 Pemberian Aromaterapi
Mangarabombang Kabupaten Takalar tentang pengaruh .17631 Jahe Terhadap
Tahun 2020. Maka berikut akan dibahas pemberian Aroma Terapi Penurunan Emesis
variabel-variabel yang telah diteliti.Total Jahe terhadap penurunan Gravidarum Pada Ibu
responden pada penelitian ini adalah 10 emesis gravidarum maka Hamil Trimester
orang yang diperoleh dari wilayah Kerja peneliti dapat menarik Pertama Di Wilayah
Puskesmas Mangarabombang Kabupaten kesimpulan : 1. Hasil Kerja Puskesmas
Takalar penelitian dengan Mangarabombang
menggunakan uji Kabupaten
berpasangan (uji t) yang Takalar. Journal of
dilihat yaitu pengaruh Islamic Nursing, 5(2),
penurunan emesis 127-135.
gravidarum prepost, nilai
mean 0.500, standar
devisiasi sebesar 0.527.
Test di dapatkan nilai p
14 Hamidah, Nursing Vol. 2 Based on table 1 it is known that Emesis gravidarum https:// Carolin, B. T., & Lail,
dkk and Health (2022) emesis gravidarum of pregnant women in the N. H. (2022). The
Sciences pregnant women in the intervention first trim 10.53713 Administration of
Journal group before being ester before being given / Lemon and Paper Mint
given lemon aromatherapy lemon aromatherapy nhs.v2i2. Aromatherapy towards
obtained an average value of = 10.09 an average 104 Reduction of Emesis
an effective decrease was obtaine of 10.09 and after
Gravidarum in Pregnant
d on the 7th day with being given lemon
Women in Trimester I
an average value of 3.76 so that the aromatherapy
difference in the average value of an average of 3.76 at Health Center
emesis gravidarum with an average Malangbong, Garut
before and after being given difference of 6.33. Regency in
lemon aromatherapy was obtained Emesis 2022. Nursing and
of 6.33. gravidarum Health Sciences Journal
Based on table 2 it is known that pregnant women in the (NHSJ), 2(2), 183-189.
emesi first trimester before
s gravidarum being given peppermint
of pregnant women in the intervention aromathera
group before being py
given an average of 9.97 and
peppermint aromatherapy obtained an after being given
average value of = 9.97 an effective peppermint aromatherapy
decrease was obtained on the 7th day an average of 6.79 with
with an average value of 6.79 so that the an average difference of
difference in the average va 3.18. There is a differ
lue of ence
emesis gravidarum in
before and after being emesis gravidarum
given peppermint aromatherap of in pregnant women
y was 3.18 in the first trimester
between giving lemon
aromatherapy and
eppermint aromatherapy
at Malangbong Health
Center, Garut Regency in
2022 with a significance
value of 0.000.

15 PinelopiVar Science Vol. 60 A total of 516 studies were identified In conclusion, this https:// Varela, P., & Deltsidou,
ela, dkk Direct (2021) through a systematic search. After the systematic review shows A. (2021). Hyperemesis
exclusion of duplicates (n = 86), the that the existing evidence 10.1016/ gravidarum and
remaining 430 studies were screened. is not sufficiently robust j.tjog.20 neonatal outcomes: A
After exclusions of the title or abstract of to determine the adverse 21.03.00 systematic review of
the paper, or of review articles, and not effects of HG on 7 observational
English-language papers, 31 full-text neonatal outcomes. HG studies. Taiwanese
studies remained to be assessed. Out of continues to exist as a Journal of Obstetrics
these, 16 studies were excluded with possible risk factor for and Gynecology, 60(3),
reasons, resulting in 15 studies for unfavorable neonatal 422-432.
inclusion in this systematic outcomes, and healthcare
review. Fig. 1 shows the Prisma flow professionals have to be
diagram of the selection process. aware of this possibility.
While the research
activity regarding HG is
intense, there are still
questions on the
association between HG
and neonatal outcomes.
conducting more studies
is necessary. Future
studies with homogenous
representative samples,
appropriate design, using
pregnancy and birth data,
preferably not self-
reported, and examining
various confounders and
adjusting for them in
multivariable models,
will greatly contribute to
the issue.

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