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Cabuya, Lorrea Alexandra S.


Imperforate Anus

1 Assessment 2 Diagnosis 3 Planning 4 Intervention 5 Evaluation

Subjective Data: Ineffective Breathing After an 2-3 hour the Establish rapport with Goal partially met.
Pattern related to patient will manifest the patient and SO After 2-3 hour of
"mabigat nga ang Rationale: To gain trust and
paghinga niya" as stated abdominal distention effective breathing nursing intervention
encourage cooperation.
by the client's SO. and rigidity pattern with normal the infant ventilation
respiratory rate, Assess respiratory improved as
depth, and oxygen status noting signs of evidenced by:
saturation respiratory distress Infant's skin is pinkish in
Objective Data (tachypnea, dyspnea, color.
Dyspnea (RR - 67bpm) grunting retractions) RR of 76bpm
Poor oxygen saturation Rationale: Tachypnea
indicates respiratory
Shallow breathing
distress esp when RR is
Nasal flaring >75cpm after the first hour
Meconium did not come of life. Expiratory grunting
out 24-48 hours represents evidenced by
Neonates vomit green attempt to maintain alveolar
expansion. In color nasal
flaring is a compensatory
mechanism to increase
diameter of CRAP nares &
increase oxygen intake.

Assess skin color for

development of
Rationale: Lack of
oxygenation will result to

Promote rest and

minimize stimulation &
energy expenditure
Rationale: To decrease
metabolic rate and oxygen
Cabuya, Lorrea Alexandra S.

Imperforate Anus

1 Assessment 2 Diagnosis 3 Planning 4 Intervention 5 Evaluation

Subjective Data: Impaired Skin After an 8 hour shift Establish rapport with The goal is met.
"mainit yung parte kung Integrity related to the patient's skin the patient and SO The SO understands
saan siya inoperahan, Rationale: To gain trust and
colostomy as around the stoma how to do proper
atsaka mayroong sugar encourage cooperation.
evidenced by: are will be pink in wound care.
at namamaga rin" 'hindi There is stitching drain. appearance, and Keep Sterile dressing The patient's skin is
ko rin naman alam kung The existence of the free from skin technique around dry and free from
anong gagawin ko" as incision. damage, incision free wound care skin damage after
verbalized by the SO The presence of skin Rationale: A sterile
of redness, no technique reduces the risk
the 8 hour shift, the
Objective Data: irritation.
There is swelling and
swelling and of infection in impaired incision site is free
Affected area hot,
redness. drainage. tissue integrity. This involves from redness,
tender to touch. the use of a sterile absence of swelling
The skin around the procedure field, sterile
Skin and tissue color and drainage.
colostomy wet and no gloves, sterile supplies and
changes (red, purplish,
drainage. dressing, sterile instruments.
Swelling around the Check every two (2)
initial injury hours for proper
High pitched cry placement of casts and
Presence of moist and assess skin tissue
lesion in the area integrity
Rationale: Mechanical damage
to skin and tissues (pressure,
friction, or shear) is often
associated with external

Instruct patient,
significant others, and
family in the proper care
of the wound, including
handwashing, wound
cleansing, dressing
changes, and application
of topical medications).
Rationale: Accurate
information increases the
patient’s ability to manage
therapy independently and
reduces the risk for infection.
Cabuya, Lorrea Alexandra S.

Imperforate Anus

1 Assessment 2 Diagnosis 3 Planning 4 Intervention 5 Evaluation

Subjective Data: Deficient Fluid After an 3-4 hours Establish rapport with The goal is met.
"pangalawang gabi na Volume related to the patient's fever the patient and SO The SO understands
nga siyang nagsusuka at Rationale: To gain trust and
nausea, vomiting, will be gone, as well and learns how to
nilalagnat, hindi rin encourage cooperation.
fever or diaphoresis as the vomiting. The monitor I&O, also the
gaanong umiinom ng
patient will manifest Provide a comfortable causes of
tubig" "nangangalumata
stable vital signs and environment by dehydration.
na nga siya lubog na din
have balanced input covering the patient The patient
ang pisngi" as verbalized
and output. with light sheets. manifests normal
by the SO Rationale: Drop situations
Objective Data: where patients can vital signs and the
Fever (38.7C) experience overheating to patient is free from
prevent further fluid loss. fever and vomiting.
Sunken Fontanels Educate SO about
Sunken eyes possible causes and
Weak pulse effects of fluid loss or
Decreased skin turgor decreased fluid intake.
Poor capillary refill Rationale: Enough knowledge
Cyanotic aids the family in taking part in
the plan of care.

Teach family members

how to monitor output in
the home. Instruct them
to monitor both intake
and output.
Rationale: An accurate
measure of fluid intake and
output is an important
indicator of a patient’s fluid
Administer intravenous
hydration if needed.
Rationale: Severely
dehydrated patients or
patients unable to take oral
hydration may require IV
hydration to maintain
appropriate hydration level.

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