05usage of Portable Power Tool

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Document No OHS/RA/G-05

Risk Assessment Record

Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 1 of 2
Activity Description:- Usage of portable power tool.

Risk assessment reference number: PPD/RA/G-05

Details of the task/ operation:
• Tools/ machines involved: grinding m/ c, drill m/c, cutting m/c, buffing m/c
• Location specific hazards shall be identified by the site before starting the activity

Sub Activities

• Connecting the power tool to power line.

• Placement of job
• Carrying out required operation on job
• Removal of job
• Removal of Power connection

Hazard Severity Likelihood Risk Rating

(H- Hazards, C- Controls) (S) (L) (S*L)
H1 Electricity (C1,C2,C5,C13) 6 6 36
H2 Machinery - Moving parts (C1,C3,C4,C5,C6,C14,C15,C17,C18,C20) 3 3 9
H3 Flying objects/ particles 3 3 9
H4 Fire (C16) 2 1 2
H5 Dust (respiratory) (C3,C4,C15) 2 3 6
H6 Noise (C15) 2 6 12
1. Injury to persons
2. Electric shock
3. fatality
4. Burn
5. Wrist pain
6. Breathing problem
7. Work related upper arm disorder.
8. Ringing in the ear/ deafness
Persons exposed
Person engaged in the work and persons working near by area.
Document No OHS/RA/G-05
Risk Assessment Record
Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 2 of 2
Control measures to be taken:
C1 Ensure that the power tools are having inspection tags.
C2 Electric connection to be routed through ELCB’s only.
C3 Do not use PPT without guard wherever applicable.
C4 Do not leave the machine unattended while on the job.
C5 Do not attempt to carry out any adjustments / repair / cleaning while the machine is running.
C6 Do not meddle with ON / OFF switch of the power tool
C7 Periodically clean the goggles while working.
C8 Inspect the wheels for damage, expiry dates etc before fixing and carry out “tap test”.
C9 Grinding wheel shall be changed as per manufacturer’s instructions.
C10 Check the casing of the tools for any damage.
C11 Do not apply more pressure assuming that it will speed up the job.
C12 RPM rating of the grinding wheel should be more than the RPM of the machine
C13 Do not abuse the power tool. Use only industrial plugs and connectors
C14 Do not use the sides of the cutting wheel for sharpening etc. since it will lead to breakage of the wheel.
C15 Use PPE such as face shield (with elastic head band)/ goggles, ear plugs, dust mask
C16 Use hot work permit system wherever necessary. Remove flammable materials nearby
C17 Store the cutting/ grinding wheels in dry locations in the stores.
C18 Use proper hand tools for fixing wheels
C19 Keep the objects properly fixed. Do not hold the objects in an unsafe manner
C20 Avoid loose clothing/ use hair net
C21 Use appropriate barriers to control flying particles
Legal Requirements to be followed:
Section no: 10.1 of code of construction safety practice of DM. (ii) DM-TG-9,14,15,16,18,19
Training requirements of the personnel involved:
Inspection of Power tools, CPR, First Aid
Related emergency procedures, if any:
Emergency vehicle
Verification of the implementation of control measures:
Power tool inspection check sheet
Any other information:
Assessed by: Risk Assessment Committee
Review instructions:

1 Negligible 91 to 100 1
2 Minor 75 to 90 2
3 Lost time injury 50 to 74 3
4 Major 25 to 49 4
5 Severe 6 to 24 5
6 Fatality 0 to 5 6
Severity of the Hazard × Likelihood of Occurrence = Risk rating.
1 – 7 Low
8 – 16 Medium
17- 36 High

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