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Document No OHS/RA/E-04

Risk Assessment Record

Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 1 of 2
Activity Description:- Erection of control panel relays, LVAC panels, HVAC panels, Light and power distribution boards,
Battery charger panels.
Risk assessment reference number: PPD/RA/E-04
Details of the task/ operation:
• Tools/ Machine involved: Mobile crane, lifting tackles, pallet trolley, hammer, nail bar, ladder, Nylon (PP) Rope,
Monorail, uniformly sized wooden blocks.
• Location specific hazards shall be identified by the site before starting the activity.
Sub Activities
• Shifting of power control panels to desired location
• Making on the wall
• Marking the reference line for drilling
• Drill the concrete wall
• Hammering of unifix
• Hammering of bullet in unifix
• Fixing of power panel
• Fixing of screws.
Hazard Severity Likelihood Risk Rating
(H- Hazards, C- Controls) (S) (L) (S*L)
H1 Fall of material (C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11) 6 3 12
H2 Slip/ trip/fall – same level (C1,C2,C3,C6,C9,C10,C11) 3 2 6
H3 Slip/ trip/ fall – heights (C1,C2,C3,C6,C9,C10,C11) 3 2 6
H4 Hand tools (Refer RA/gen/11)
H5 Manual handling (Refer RA/Gen/12)
H6 Usage of crane (Refer R/A No Gen/22)
1. Fatality
2. Muscular fatigue
3. Back injury

Persons exposed
Workmen involved in erection work, other contractor working nearby, visitors/ public, Crane operator
Document No OHS/RA/E-04
Risk Assessment Record
Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 2 of 2

Control measures to be taken:

C1 Toolbox talks to be given to the workmen by concerned supervisor about the hazards and the precautions to be
C2 All openings through which persons may fall down shall be covered appropriately.
C3 Skilled and experienced persons shall be involved in the activity.
C4 Usage of crane Refer R/A/Gen/22.
C5 Area to be cordoned off and warning signs to be displayed.
C6 If any temporary access platform is provided, it shall be properly erected.
C7 All lifting gears (Dee shackles, lifting belt, pallet trolley, chain pulley block) must have valid test certificate.
C8 Tag line to be used and to be connected to the load.
C9 Walk ways / Gangways to be kept free from small wooden blocks and cables.
C10 Use of PPE like heavy-duty hand gloves, safety shoes, and Hard Hat.
C11 While using pallet trolleys, the load shall be placed in a stable manner and the pulling action shall be gentle.
Legal Requirements to be followed:
Section no: 6.2, 6.3,6.4 code of construction safety practice(ii) DM-TG-14,15,16,18,19,20
Training requirements of the personnel involved:
Banks man training, ladder inspection training
Related emergency procedures, if any:
Emergency Vehicles
Verification of the implementation of control measures:
Test Certificates copy, Toolbox Talk Records, Training records
Any other information:
Assessed by: Risk Assessment Committee
Review instructions:

1 Negligible 91 to 100 1
2 Minor 75 to 90 2
3 Lost time injury 50 to 74 3
4 Major 25 to 49 4
5 Severe 6 to 24 5
6 Fatality 0 to 5 6
Severity of the Hazard × Likelihood of Occurrence = Risk rating.
1 – 7 Low
8 – 16 Medium
17- 36 High

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