10installation of Cable Trays

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Document No OHS/RA/E-10

Risk Assessment Record

Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 1 of 2
Activity Description:- Installation of cable trays
Risk assessment reference number: PPD/RA/E-10
Details of the task/ operation:
• Tools/ Machine involved: Drilling machine, cutting machine, Zig saw m/c, hammer, screw driver. Spanner, ladder,
• Location: Specific hazards to be identified by the site on daily basis.
Sub Activities
• Erection of Scaffold
• Marking for channel drilling
• Drilling the concrete wall
• Fixing of unifix
• Fixing of channel in wall
• Fixing of cable ladder using spring nuts

Hazard Severity Likelihood Risk Rating

(H- Hazards, C- Controls) (S) (L) (S*L)
H1 Slip/ trip/ Fall from height (C1,C2,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9) 2 3 6
H2 Electricity (C1,C3,C4,C5,C12) 3 3 9
H3 Slip/ trip/ fall – same level (C1,C5,C6,C7,C8,C12) 3 2 6
H4 Fixed objects – hit by (C1,C8) 3 1 3
H5 Sharp edges (C1,C8,C10,C11) 3 1 3
H6 Flying objects (C1,C4,C8) 3 3 9
H7 Usage of hand tools (Refer RA/Gen/11)
H8 Manual handling (Refer RA/Gen/12)
H9 Power tool hazards (Refer RA/gen/05)
H10 Scaffolds Refer the RA/Gen/23)
1. Injury to person
2. Electric shock
3. Burn
4. Muscular sprain
5. Fatality

Persons exposed
Workmen involved in erection work, other contractor working nearby.
Document No OHS/RA/E-10
Risk Assessment Record
Revision No 00
Issue Date 01/01/2008
Page No 2 of 2

Control measures to be taken:

C1 Toolbox talks to be conducted before the start of activity.
C2 The ladder used shall be in good condition
C3 All connection to the power tools shall be routed through ELCB’s only.
C4 Before use power tools must be inspected.
C5 Proper and adequate lighting (task and access) shall be provided for illumination.
C6 Adequate ventilation must be provided for proper air circulation. (Basement, risers)
C7 Walk ways/ gangways shall be kept free from material.
C8 Workmen shall be provided with safety shoes, helmet, face shield/goggle (cutting) light duty gloves.
C9 Fall protection shall be used whenever required
C10 End caps shall be fixed on the projecting edges of uni-struts
C11 Burs of trays, uni-struts etc shall be filed off immediately after cutting
C12 Terminal ends of cable trays shall be wrapped.

Legal Requirements to be followed:

Section no: 3.7, 3.8,10.1,10.5 code of construction safety practice(ii) DM-TG-15,18,19,20
Training requirements of the personnel involved:
Ladder inspection training, Scaffolding erection training, power tools inspection training
Related emergency procedures, if any:
Emergency Vehicles
Verification of the implementation of control measures:
Scaff Tag, Training records
Any other information:
Assessed by: Risk Assessment Committee
Review instructions:

1 Negligible 91 to 100 1
2 Minor 75 to 90 2
3 Lost time injury 50 to 74 3
4 Major 25 to 49 4
5 Severe 6 to 24 5
6 Fatality 0 to 5 6
Severity of the Hazard × Likelihood of Occurrence = Risk rating.
1 – 7 Low
8 – 16 Medium
17- 36 High

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