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Name: Syed Suleman Azher

Roll Number: 221720

Energy And Society Assignment 2

Instructor: Syed Zahid Hussain
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to calculate the energy savings that
can be achieved by replacing inefficient fans with efficient fans.
1. Read the journal paper & quot; ENERGY EFFICIENT INDUSTRIAL
MOTORS & quot; by Gajendra Singh, which can be accessed through the
provided link.
2. Assume that there are 10 inefficient fans in a facility that need to be replaced
with efficient fans.
3. Assume that the average operating time for each fan is 12 hours per day and
300 days per year.
4. Assume that the inefficient fans have a power rating of 5 kW and an efficiency
of 70%, while the efficient fans have a power rating of 3.5 kW and an efficiency of
90%. These values are based on the information provided in the journal paper.
5. Calculate the annual energy consumption and cost for the inefficient fans and
the efficient fans using the following formula: Annual Energy Consumption =
Power Rating x Operating Time x Number of Fans x Efficiency x Days per Year
Annual Energy Cost = Annual Energy Consumption x Electricity Cost per kWh
6. Assume that the cost of electricity is $0.12 per kWh.
7. Calculate the energy savings that can be achieved by replacing the inefficient
fans with efficient fans.
8. Write a report summarizing your findings and discussing the potential benefits
of replacing inefficient fans with efficient fans. If applied to replacing all the
inefficient fans in Pakistan
Introduction: Energy efficiency is a critical aspect of sustainable development as it
reduces energy consumption, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and saves costs. The
purpose of this assignment is to calculate the energy savings that can be achieved by
replacing inefficient fans with efficient fans in a facility. The energy savings can be
extrapolated to the national level by considering all the inefficient fans in Pakistan.

Methodology: Assuming that there are ten inefficient fans in a facility, operating 12
hours per day and 300 days per year, the annual energy consumption and cost for the
inefficient fans and the efficient fans can be calculated as follows:

Annual Energy Consumption = Power Rating x Operating Time x Number of Fans
x Efficiency x Days per Year Annual Energy Cost = Annual Energy Consumption
x Electricity Cost per kWh

The inefficient fans have a power rating of 5 kW and an efficiency of 70%, while
the efficient fans have a power rating of 3.5 kW and an efficiency of 90%. The cost
of electricity is assumed to be $0.12 per kWh

For Inefficient fans:
Annual Energy Consumption = 5kW x 12 x 10 x 70 x 300
Annual Energy Consumption = 12600kWh
Annual Energy Cost = 12600kW x 0.12
Annual Energy Cost = $1512kW

For Efficient fans:

Annual Energy Consumption = 3.5kW x 12 x 10 x 90 x 300
Annual Energy Consumption = 11340kWh
Annual Energy Cost = 11340kW x 0.12
Annual Energy Cost = $1360.8kW

Replacing inefficient fans with efficient fans can result in significant energy
savings, as demonstrated in this report. The energy savings can lead to substantial
cost savings and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. In the case of Pakistan,
replacing all inefficient fans with efficient fans can result in massive energy
savings and reduced environmental impact.

Additionally, the use of efficient fans can result in other benefits such as improved
indoor air quality, reduced noise levels, and enhanced comfort for occupants.
Furthermore, the adoption of energy-efficient technologies can improve the
competitiveness of industries, create jobs, and promote sustainable economic

The findings of this report emphasize the importance of energy efficiency in
reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability. The replacement of
inefficient fans with efficient fans can lead to significant energy savings, cost
savings, and environmental benefits. The use of energy-efficient technologies is
crucial in achieving sustainable development goals and promoting a green

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