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First published20OT

Produced by PearsonEducation Asia Limited, Hong Kong


ISBN-l0: 962-00-5880-

Publisher:Simon Campbell
SeniorEditor: Howard Cheung
Editor: GeorgeWells
Illustrators: Balic Choy,Bernd Wong
Audio Production: David Pope and Sky Productions

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The Boost!Speakingcomponent is dedicatedto some key peoplewho have been instrumental in helping me grow as an
EFL professional, namely Gordon Lewis, JakeKimball and AndrewWright. I d also like to thank the many colleaguesI've
enjoyeddiscussingYLand Teenagereducationalissueswith through KoTeaTESOL and the IAIEFLYoungLearnersand
fason Renshaw

The Publisherswould also like to thank the following teachersfor their suggestionsand comments on this course:
TaraCameron,RosanneCerello,Nancy Chan,ChangLi Ping,foy Chao,IessieChen,JosephineChen,ChiangYing-hsueh,
Claire Cho, Cindy Chuang, Linda Chuang, Chueh Shiu-wen, Mark de Boer, Mieko Hayashida, Diana Ho, Lulu Hsu,
Eunice Jung, Hye Ri Kim, Iake Kimball, JosieLai, Carol Lee,Elaine Lee,Melody Lee, PeggyLi, Esther Lim, Moon JeongLim,
Jasmin Lin, Martin Lin, Catherine Littlehale Oki, Linda Liu, Tammy Liu, Goldie Luk, Ma Li-ling, Chizuko Matsushita,
Geordie McGarty,YasuyoMito, Eunice Izumi Miyashita, Mari Nakamura,Yannick O'Neill, Coco Pan, Hannah Park,
Karen Peng,Zanne Schultz, Kaj Schwermer,MiYeon Shin, Giant Shu, Dean Stafford, Hyunju Suh,TanYung-hui,
Devon Thagard,John and Charlievan Goch,AnnieWang,Wang Shu-ling,Wu Lien-chun, SabrinaWu,Yeh Shihfen,
Tom Yeh,Laura Yoshida and Yunli Yun.

policyis to use
fromsustainable forests

The Boost! SkillsSeriesis the definitive ond comprehensive

four-levelseriesof skills books for junior EFLlearners.The series
hos been developedoround oge-oppropriote,cross-curriculor
topics thot developstudents'criticol thinking ond exominotion
techniques.It follows on integroted skills opprooch with eoch of
the skills brought together ot the end of eoch unit.

The twelve core units in Boost! Speaking 4 follow o cleor ond

tronsporent structureto moke teoching ond leorning eosyond
fun. The speokingskills build ond progressocrossthe four levels
of Boost! Speaking ond ore correlotedto the next generotion of
testsof English.

You will find the following in Boost! Speaking 4:

@ Age-opproprioteondcross-curriculortopics
€ Realisticond relevont contextsfrom students'lives
@ A voriety of diologuesond speechesfor formol ond informol
€ Pronunciotion proctice on word ond sentencestresspotterns
Eachunithasan age-appropriate
and A verysimpleintroduction
of thetargeted
topic. unitskillis orovided.
ili' Studentswill Studentswill
findthetopicdirectlyrelatesto their = be introduced to the speaking
own livesandstudy. skillin a clearand
be engagedand motivated to learn. understandable way.


4 1 r':
rrl r I

i:l+i rld:'a
:::e,:2_ 1 aiorn! on lhe

Belttr toke b€'duse it couLd

3 lhouqhl il wds $rptosed to b'r

i{'lh }ou'
!:i fdlng vour

1 Thc wcolher rctoil soys il'll b! cold ond rornv

whof w€ \dw on fic trip
2 w.'11 hove d tc$ oboril
2 i a c ke t

-= 5 a.Yway

To helpstudentsspeakmoreaccurately
on \'d
rplll andconfidently,
^ r^' ' Ho$

' 'hi' r' I ' r\uol

or lormo\'on\"''o'r" 9 patternsarepracticed.
th$K '"
2 Do vou
+ learnhowto stresskevwordsand

A modeldialogueor speechis presented

a noticing
,i,, be exposedto a varietyof dialogues
and TheCD at the back
speeches for formaland informalspeaking. of the Student
= discoverthe speakingskillfor themselves Bookprovides
withoutthe needfor longexplanations alldialogues and
Thespeakingskillis combinedwith listening,
Keysentences the unitskillarepracticed,
thathighlight readingor writingtasks,
wordsor phrases.
togetherwithsubstitutable Studentswill
Studentswill @ preparefor an oraltask basedon reading
tF developthe skillsneededfor accurateand andwriting/listening
speaking. iF developlanguage skillsneededfor the next
* be ableto followguidanceto prepareand generationof integratedtestsof English.
presenttheirown dialoguesor speeches.

Listen to lhe dialogue D€(ide if ea{h $tatehent is tr/ee or Fatse

lock ond Cosey are talking obout o fi€ld trip Tru€ / Folse

Ihe field tip b tomor.ow True / Fobe

lock tells Cdsey to take o comero on the field trip True / Folse

There will be some interesing onimah to see on True / Folse

Doni the field hjp

5 They orc golng skiing in the mountoins Tru€ / Fobe

5 Cosey hos b€en to the wildlife pork before True / Fobe

:;f Work with a (lassmdte. Ask about ths field rrip your classmate planned in
Activiiy F on page 11 and write thc answers

Whai do You need to tok€

I When ore you going Whot will the weothel

:i on the hiP?

I Use the informatton from Activity I to tell the class about your rlassmate"s

12 licld triF.

Aftereverytwo coreunits '.t
<-' ea(h word lhei write ihe number
svllabtes and undernne

thereis a reviewwhich s
r;; stes'.d

consolidates the speaking ro!ndafonr

skillsalreadystudied. rh€n undedin€ th' ltressed words

lil gay ea(h tcnre'(e .--
Studentswill ;' ,.""""'""
'""'' N'J


*es, ?h€n
rhe ,hporranr
$-n' tun d$co!*
" r \'n\ hro,harion
be ableto seetheir i-o .,.;"; .;.,."'"
ilA d

ot tle sildlfP


progressin using ooo* tnt o'uot"

','*ff :bnabou'isoineond
speaking skills. {*ff f il,f ;:f "-:#Hi'::":l;:T""ff
buildon previously
and naturaldialogues -
^6f trdo5\ufl'\diobi

or speeches.


a dialogue
and Usingshortened
Field Trip Leisure sentences
aboutgoingona field p.9

Terrible Weather GeosraphyParaphrasing paragraph
about p .1 3

Review1 p.17


a dialogue
and Apologizing
Sorry I m tate! People explaining
wheresomeone is p. 19

a speechabout
Usinggood somethingat your
A Safer Sehool social
0eilvery school
thatshouldbe P'23

Review 2 p.27


What do you Culture

and Complimenting
a dialogue
and p.29
People andcriticizing
think? compliment

Artsand Presenting
a Present
a movie
The Review Entertainmentreview review.

Review3 p.37


messages voicemessagesfor p.39

Givea speech
abouta preference
usingpersuasive P'43

Review 4 p.47

a dialogue
more aboutwaysto
Our Environment i,'j;J,.'.'"o information cleanupihe P'49

and a group
Explaining a planfora
Thinking Green Nature plan groupproject. P's:

Review 5 p.s7

a dialogue
Passport, "o fl:il:,.:"."
please! FJj'i'J withanofficerat p. 59

Customsor Social
Studies andconcluding
of a P'63
language? arguments

Review 6 p.67

Pronunciation p.69
Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6
a review

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 1O
a groupplan

Un it 1 1

Unit 12

Field Trip

Listenand read.

Kwon: , Going on the field trip

Lucy: Yeoh.Andyou?
Kwon: Sure. Bettertoke o jocket
becouseit could get cold.
Lucy: Reolly?Thought it wos supposedto
be worm tomorrow.
Kwon: Don't think so. The weother
report soysit'll be cold ond roiny.
Lucy: OK. Toking your notebookwith
Kwon: Yeoh, better.We'll hove o test
obout whot we sow on the trip.
Lucy: Test? About the museum or the
Kwon: Both. Thot's whot Mondy told me,
Lucy: Not much time for fun then, if
we'retoking notesoll doy ...
Kwqn: Guessnot.

I Answer the questions.

Where could you insert these words into the diologue to moke more complete sentences?

a You'd b I c we'd d Are vou e Is it f There's

Do you think this is o cosuol or formol conversotion?How con you tell?

Using shortened sentences
When you anehavingcasualconversations, you can use shortenedsentencesto speaKmone
quickly.Don'tshortensentencesin writingonfonmalspeaking. In questionson statements,you
can skipunstnessed words beforethe mainvenb,adverb,adjectiveon negative:
(Are you) Going?/ (You'd)Betten / (l) Don't think so./ (ls it) For me?

Listenand repeat,Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 Going on the field triP tomorrow? closs outing, groduotion triP

next week, next month

2 Bettertoke o iocketbecouseit could get cold. on umbrello roin

3 Thought it wos supposedto be worm tomorrow. cold,roiny, cloudy

4 Toking your notebookwith You? textbook, bockpock, cell Phone

1 to.mor.row 1 The weother report soysit'll be cold ond roiny.

2 2 We'll hove o test obout whot we sow on the trip.
3 sup.posed 3 About the museum or the oquorium?
4 n o t e . b o ok
5 Whenu followse or I in a word,it usually
makesitsown syllable
6 an.y.way
Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then listen and practice
it with a classmate.
Tom: Oh yeoh. And they hove o gome tomorrow.
Don: It's going to be fun. He'smissingout! 1

Tom: OK. Think Brettwill be going too?

Don: Yeoh.Bettertoke somesunscreenbecouseit's going
to be reolly hot tomorrow.
Tom: Going on the field trip to the beoch?
Don: Don't think so.He'sin the bosebollteom.

Preparea dialogueabout going on a field trip.

Useshortenedsentencesin your dialogue.

Useful aquarium museum observatory

words wildlifepark theater

r Presentyour dialogueto the class.

1 ]ock ond Coseyore tolking obout o field trip. @.;i Folse
2 The field trip is tomorrow. True/ Folse
3 |ock tells Coseyto toke o comero on the field trip. True / Folse
4 Therewill be someinterestingonimols to seeon True / Folse
the field trip.
5 They ore going skiing in the mountoins. True / Folse
6 Coseyhos been to the wildlife pork before. True / Folse

Work with a classmate.Ask about the field trip your classmateplanned in

Activity F on page 11 and write the answers.

Whot kind of triP is it? Whot do You need to toke

ond whY?

When ore you going Whot will the weother

on the trip? be like?
TercibleWeather i

and read"

Peoplein different ports of the world hove

found mony woys to live with extreme
weother.A good exomple is the plocesin the
world thot experiencetropicol storms.People
living in theseplocesbuild strong foundotions
for buildings to withstond strongwinds. They
olso build living oreoshigh obovethe ground
to ovoid floods. Stormscon olso cousehuge
woves,so citiescloseto the oceon con be
shieldedwith big seowolls colledlevees.

Teqcher: So,you've reod the possoge.Who'd

Iike to tell me quickly whot it wos
obout? Go oheod, Nick.
Nick: Bosicolly,someplocesin the
world get terrible weother.For
exomple,there ore somewoys to
survive in plocesthot get tropicol
storms.Strongfoundotions protect
buildings from winds. Living high
up con sovepeoplefrom floods.
Leveescon protect citiesfrom big
wovesin storms.

Answer the qr,restians.
I How is Nick'sexplonotionthe someos the possoge?
2 How is Nick's explonotion different from the possoge?

To panaphr"ase
meansto nestateinfonmation usingyour own wonds.Paraphrasing
is a good
wayto summanizeinformationand showyou undenstand it well.
' Takenoteswhileyou listenor neadto get the most impontantinfonmation.
' Usethe notesto expnessthe infonmation usingwords and sentencesyoufeel comfontable
using-don'ttry to copysentencesexactly.
' Changesome nouns,venbs,adjectivesand sentencestylesbut keepthe same meaning.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork wath a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 Who'd like to tell me quickly whot it wos qbout? porophrose,summorize

2 Someplocesin the world get terrible weother. countries extreme
3 Thereore somewoys to survive in plocesthot get typhoons, tornodoes, snowstorms
tropicol storms.
4 Strongfoundotions protect buildings from winds. eorthquokes,typhoons

Listenahd repent.Thenunderlinethe stressedsyltablesfor e h vnord

1 ex.treme 1 Stormscon olso cousehuge woves.

2 e x . p e r . i . en ce 2 Living high up con sovepeoplefrom floods.
3 3 Leveescon protect citiesfrom big wovesin storms.
4 foun.da.tions
5 pro.tect
6 cit.ies Whenwordsend in -fion,the syllable
Readthe paragraphand completethe paraphraseusing words from
the box.
,_r4i :f!:E:::jro o?r:iri{ Js

j exomple woys speciol sofer inside using ,

Peoplein very cold plocessurvive despite

severeweother.Housesin the for north
ore well insuloted to keep heot in, ond the
windows often hove two pones of thick gloss.
The roofs ore designedto moke snow slide off.
Snowploughs removesnow from roods, ond
choins ore wropped oround cor tires to stop
them from sliding on icy roods.


Bosicolly,there ore (t) to live in very cold ploces.Good insulotion ond

double window pones keepthe heot (2) houses,for (r)
(4) roofs keepthe snow off them. (s) snow ploughs ond
tire choinsmokesdriving on roods(e)

Work with a classmateand paraphrasethe paragraph.

A drought is on extreme form of dry weother

over o long period of time. There ore o voriety of
woys to live through times of drought. Formers
con use irrigotion-chonnels ond pipes-to bring
woter in from rivers or lokes.Peoplecon reduce
their woter use by recyclingthe woter they use for
woshing ond cleoning, ond by instolling woter
tonks to collectroin woter.

F i r sut n d e r l i nt e
keyinformation fromthe
passage. Thenchange
s o m en o u n sv,e r o sa n o
, Presentyour paraphraseto the class. adjectives whereyoucan.
Readthe description.Work with a classmateand
paraphrasethe paragraphusing your own words'

For thousonds of yeors, people hove used wool for worm

clothing. However, wool is not woterproof. Now there ore
new moteriols which ore light, woterproof ond windproof,
like Gore-Tex. Some people like to weor Gore-Tex clothing
becquse it keeps them worm ond dry. Gore-Tex olso hos
the obility to "breothe," ollowing sweot to escopewithout
ollowing woter in.

Listenand take notes. Useyour notes to preparea paraphrase.

Preserityour paraphrasefrom Activity I to the class.

Sayeach rd. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underline
the stressedsyllable.
cities tomorrow i extreme supposed

tropical foundations l protect aquar ium

Say each sentence. Then underline the stressed words.

2 Stormscon olso couseterrible flooding.
3 Seowolls con protect citiesfrom huge wqvesin storms.
4 About the oquorium or the wildlife pork?

Work with a classmate to complete the conversation about going on a

field trip. Then practice the conversation together.

SpeokerA: Going

SpeokerB: Certoinly om.

SpeokerA: Of course.Better

SpeokerB: Reolly?I thought it wos supposedto be

SpeokerA: Doubt it.

SpeokerB: oK.
SpeokerA: Yeoh,better.

Readthe passageand take notes.Then
presenta paraphraseto the class'

Typhoon Tip wos the biggestond Notes

most intensetropicol cycloneever
recorded.It grew out of stormsin the
north-westernPocificOceon in 1979,
ond ropidly becomeo truly mqssive
typhoon: ot its peok it wos olmost
holf the sizeof the United Stotes.
Fortunotelythe storm weokened
beforeit Ionded in |opon. It coused
floods ond o lot of domoge to fishing
boots, but ot its full strength it might
hove cousedo lot more destruction.

Listenand take notes.Then paraphrasethe important information

to a classmate.

Sorry I'm late!

Listenand read.

Yumiko: Good morning-sorry I'm lote.

Teocher: Come in, Yumiko. Where hove
you been?It's 10:30.Clossis
neorly over.
Yumiko: I'm sorry I didn't get here on
time. The thing is my fother
fell ond hurt his leg this
Teqcher: I'm sorry to heor thot, Yumiko.
Let'shope your fother is
OK soon. Do you hove your
homework for me?
Yumiko: Uh, octuolly,no ...
Teocher: I con understondwhy you ore
Iote, but whot hoppenedto
vour homework?
Yumiko: Thot's becousewith oll the
confusionthis morning, I
forgot to put my books ond
foldersin my bog.
Teocher: Hm. Well, I expectto see
your homework first thing

r Followthe instructions.

Underlinethe ports of the conversotionwhere someonesoys"sorry." Which "sorry" seems

to be different from the others?
Circle the ports of the conversotionwhere reosonsore given.
A p o l o g i z i n ga n d e x p l a i n i n g
When you needto sayyou anesonryaboutsomething,it is alsoimportantto givea reasonon
You can
. apologizeby saying Sorry, Sorry I'm (adjective)or Sorry I didn't (action).
. start a neasonor explanationwith Thats because...or The thing is ....

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 I'm sorry I didn't get here on time. do mv homework. come to school

2 The thing is my fother fell ond hurt his leg. my mother is sick, our cor Lrrokedown

3 Let'shope your fother is OK soon. mother,ount, grondmother

4 With oll the confusion this morning, I forgot homework,proiect,notes
to put my books ond foldersin my bog.

Listen and repeat. Then underline the stressedsyllable for each word
and the stresseduuordsf*r the sentences.

1 Good morning-sorry I'm lote.

2 2 Where hove you been?
3 h a p . p e ne d 3 Do you hove your homework for me?
4 c o n . f u . si o n
5 In somespecial lsis
6 fold.ers stressed ('thethingis"),but in normal
useit is usually

Completeeach phraseby matching the two parts.
Then listen and practicewith a classmate.

1 Wellthe thing is,iJ l a heor thot.

2 I'm sorry to i. b wonted to go but I couldn't.
^ -, \
3 )ee,li
'\j I c didn't coll you yesterdoy.
4 Thot's becousemy j d I'm going to be very busy tomorrow.
5 I'm sorry I i e brother wos using the phone oll doy.

Usethe table below to help you plan a dialoguewhere someoneis apologizing

and giving explanationsto a friend.

Setting: Chorocter1: Chorocter2:


Why is Chorocter1 opologizing? Whot qre the explonotions Chorocter 1 gives?

1 1

Remember to usethe
you learned
expressions to start

Presentyour dialogueto the class.

Listenand completethe dialogue.

Kiki: Hi Yoo.You look o little (t)

Whot's up?

Yoo: Did I tell you we hove on (2)

student in our closs?His nome is Tom.

Kiki: Yeoh,sure.Whot's the (3)______ ?

Yoo: Well, during closshe keepsinterrupting the teocher

to osk (4)___ I think it's moking
the teocher (5)_ ____ _-_, but Tom doesn't seem to notice.

Kiki: See,the thing is, in some countries it's OK to osk o lot of questions in closs.

Yoo: You ond I know thot it's o bit (e) here.How con I help him?

Kiki: Well, you could tell him how it's sometimes(z) to interrupt
the teocher.

Yoo: Do you think thot would be enough to help him (a)

Kiki: Well, you could tell him to (e) the other students ond try to
copy the woy they do things. Moybe thot would help him (10)
how to interoct in closs.

r Work with a classmate.Taketurns asking and answeringthe questions.

1 Whot is Yoo'sproblem?
2 Whot two suggestionsdoesKiki moke?
3 Which suggestiondo you think Yoo should follow?
4 Why do you think Yoo should follow thot suggestion?
A SaferSchool

Listenand read.

What could be done to moke your

school safer?

In my opinion, my schoolwill be soferif o new

spqceis found for studentsto ploy boll sports.
Currently studentsploy soccerond boseboll in
the moin yord. This is where oll the students
go during recessand lunch breoks,even if they
ore not ploying gomes.
Studentscon get hurt if they are occidentolly
hit by o soccerboll or boseboll.The school
would be soferif studentsployed boll sportsin
o ploce owoy from the moin yord.

I think my schoolwill be sofer if there ore more

teocherson duty during recessond lunch.
At the moment, there ore two teocherson
duty during thesetimes. Thereore not enough
odults to wotch the students.
Bullying is o problem ot my school,ond it
usually hoppensduring recessin the school
yord. If there were more teochersoround, it
would put on end to bullying.

r Answerthe questions.

1 Whot ore the three moin ports in eoch response?

Whot doeseoch port focuson?
2 When do the speokersuselong pousesin their response?

U s i n gg o o d d e l i v e r y
Deliverymeansthe way you speak,how fast and where you use pauses.Gooddeliveryis
importantduningformal speaking.
especially For gooddelivery
. don'tnushand try to speakat a nonmal,relaxedpace.
. use cleanpauses[1-2 secondsJ after phnasesand sentences.
. planthe differentpantsof your answenand pauseslightlylongen[2-3 secondsJ
the main parts.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

My schoolwill be soferif o new spoceis found for exercise,woit for the bus
studentsto pioy boll sports.

2 This is whereoll the studentsgo during recess. of lunch breok, ofter school

3 At the moment, there ore two teocherson duty during no, seven

Listenand repeat.Thenunderlinethe stressedsyllablefor eachword

and the stressedwords for the sentences,

1 space I think my schoolwill be soferif there ore more

teocherson duty.
2 soc.cer
3 re.cess
2 Bullying is o problem ot my school.
3 It usuolly hoppensduring recessin the schoolyord.
5 du.ty
Sometimes whenwe communicate an
o p i n i o nw, e s t r e stsh e p r o n o u n
U t h i n k. . . ) .
Mark the placeswhere there should be short pauses(/) or
longer pauses(//). Then listen and practicewith a classmate.

How con school buses be mode sofer for students?

"': In my opinion, ( ) oll schoolbusesshould hove seotbelts, (__) ond students
should be mode to weor them. (--) At the moment, there ore olmost no seotbelts
on buses,(__) ond studentscon get up ond move oround. ( __)
Sofetyis importont on schoolbusesbecqusethere ore so
mony students,(_) ond the bus con move or stop very
suddenly.(--) Studentscon get hurt if they foll. (_ _)
The buseswould be much soferif there were seotbelts,
(--) ond studentsshould hove to use them at oll times.

Think about something you would like to be made safer at your school.
Describeit and say why it needsto be safer.

C Soy how the problem con be fixed

to moke your school sofer.

B Describethe problem.

Markoauses between
pauses l i g h t llyo n g e r
betweenthe mainparts.
Presentyour responseto the class.
Readthe notice and take notes.

New School Rules Notes

Pleosetoke note of somenew Moin ideo:
schoolrules to be followed
from now on. No running
is ollowed in the corridors Detoil
ot ony time. Also, students
ore not ollowed to bring ony
bottles or cons to school, Detoil 2:
only plostic contoiners.Lost,
no boll sportsore ollowed to
be ployed in the moin school
yord ony longer.

Listenand take notes on Samnsopinion.

Moin ideo:

Detoil 1:

Detoil 2:

Detoil 3:

Work with a classmate.Discusswhat the notice is about and how Sam agreesor
disagreeswith it.
Sayeachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underlinethe

duty confusion I accidentally bullying

nearly soccer t homework happened

Sayeach sentence.Then underlinethe stressedwords.

1 Bullying is o problem ot her school.

2 Do you hove your project for me?
3 Whot hos he done?
4 Shethinks her schoolwill be better if there ore more students.

For each prompt, preparean apology and explanation.Practicesaying

them with a classmate.

1 Teocher:Where hqve Apology:

you been?It's 10:00
ond the first two
clossesore over! Explonotion:

2 Friend: You still Apology:

hqven't given my book
bock to me. You'vehod
it for three months. Explonotion:
Where is it?

3 Mother: I hove your Apology:

report cqrd here ond
I'm so surprised.Your
moth scoreis so low Explonotion: -..-
this semester!
Whot do you like leqst qbout your school ond how con it be improved?


o Whot do you like leost?

b Why don't you like it?

How con it be improved?

How do you think your hometown could be mode into a sofer ploce to live?

o Whot needsto be sofer?

b Describethe problem(s).

Soy how the problem(s)con be fixed.

\,fhat do you think?

Huong: Hi, everyone.I've olmost

finished my pointing for the ort
competition. Here it is. Whot do
you think?
Dovid: I don't like it. It's terrible.
Yuri: Oh, be quiet Dovid. You'reso
unkind sometimes.Huong, I
think the pointing looks greot.
It's very creotiveond unique.
Huong: Thonks,Yuri.
Solly: I like it, too. Did you soy you've
olmost finished it?
Huong: Yeoh,I still hove o little more to
odd to it. Any suggestions?
Solly: Well, I think it's o little too
bright ot the moment. Moybe
you could use somelighter
Huong: Thot'so good ideo.Thanks!

Answer the questions.

1 Who likesHuong'spointing ond who doesn't?

2 Who doesHuong thonk ond why?
3 How doesSolly soy she doesn'tlike something?How is this different from Dovid?
C o m p l i m e n t i n ga n d c r i t i c i z i n g
When we tell othenpeoplewhat we think,we can use complimentsto say nicethingsand we
can use cniticismto saywhat we don'tlike.Complimentsmakepeoplefeelgood,but we needto
use cniticismcarefullyto not offendpeople.
. To compliment,use nicewondsto show younfeelingsand positiveopinion(ltb very creative
and unique).
. To criticize,givea complimentfir"stand then make kind suggestions(Maybeyou coulduse
some lighter colors?).

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 I've olmost finishedmy pointing. ort project

2 I think the pointing looks great. reolly good,fontostic,spectoculor

3 It's very creotiveond unique. originol, speciol

4 It's o little too briqht ot the moment. complicoted, simple, dull

5 Moybe you could use somelighter colors? moke it simpler,use fewercolors

Listenand repaat.Thenunderlinethe stressedsyllablefor each rd

and the strersedvuordsfor the sentences.

1 c o m . p e . ti .ti o n 1 Whot do you think?

2 un.kind 2 Did you soy you've olmost finished it?
3 cre.a.tive 3 I still hove o little more to odd to it.
4 u.nique
5 s u g . g e s .ti o n Weoftenemohasize
wordslikealmostand /lttleto
6 col.ors meaning.
a specific
Match each criticismto the thing i t is cr iticizing.

1 It isn't very interesting.i a Your friend's porty

2 It wosn't much fun. b Your lunch
3 It doesn'ttostetoo good.i c Your clossmote'sessoy

Preparecomplimentsand/or polite criticismabout

the things in eachpicture.


Remember to adda comoliment before

andincludea nicesuggestion
howthe thingyoudon'tlikecouldbe improved.

Presentyour complimentsand criticismto the class.

Draw a quick picture.Then ask two classmates
what they think of your picture and write
down their responsesand suggestions.

Nome: Name:

*- Response:


Tell the classhow others felt about your picture and the suggestionsthey made.
The Review

Listenand read
the book review.

The book I reod is colled'svery funny ond

enjoyoble.Personolly,I found the choroctersinterestingond
the storyline fost ond exciting. The outhor, Eoin Colfer,hos
o good senseof humor ond he'svery creotive.
There ore six importont choroctersin the book:
o Artemis Fowl-the moin chorocter,o boy genius who
wonts to get o lot of money
o Butler-Artemis's amazingbodyguord
. Holly Short-o foiry police officer (my fovorite
chorocter-she's owesome!)
. Foqly-o centourwho hos incredibleskills with
computersond technology
o fulius Root-commonder of the foiry police squod
. Mulch Diggums-o dworf thief who is skilled ot
The story follows the odventuresof Artemis os he coptures
Holly from the foiry kingdom underground ond usesher
to get o ronsom of foiry gold. There ore mony funny jokes
ond o lot of oction. I think o lot of other peoplewill enjoy
the book, too.

Answer the questions.

1 Whot informotion doesthe review give obout the book?

2 Whot informotion is given in eoch of the three ports of the review?

Presenting a review
To neviewsomethingmeansto giveinformationand expressyoul"pensonalopinionabouta
book,movieor play.When presentinga neview
. saythe title,who wnoteon directedit, and giveyounovenallopinionaboutit.
. giveinfonmationaboutthe main chanactersand younfavonitecharacters.
. givean ovenviewof the storylineand say why you think othensmay or may not likeit.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 The book I reod is colled Artemis Fowl.

2 It's very fun ond enioyoble. exciting,interesting,scory

3 I found the choroctersinterestingond the dull slow ond boring

storyline fost ond exciting.
4 There ore six importont choroctersin the book. two, mony, severol

5 The story follows the odventuresof Artemis' o boy nomed Chorlie

1 l y.
p e r . s o n . al 1 The outhor, Eoin Colfer,hos o good senseof humor.
2 2 There ore mony funny iokesond o lot of oction.
3 ge.nius 3 I think o lot of other peoplewill enioy the book,
4 in.cred.i.ble
5 In a review,we usually
the namesof authors,
Match the detailsin the movie review.Then practicepresenting
it with a classmate.

1 The movie I choseto wotch is a Chorlie ofter he gets o golden ticket to visit
Willy Wonko's amazing chocolote foctory.
2 Personolly,I think it's o very i b Charlieand the ChocolateFactory.
3 The director,Tim Burton, c will love this movie ond wont to seeit ogoin.
4 The moin choroctersore i- d Chorlie Bucket,Grondpo |oe ond Willy Wonko
5 The storyfollowsthe odventures (ployed by my fovorite
ofi _r octor, fohnny Depp).

5 I think olmosteverybodyi knows how to moke

o movie thot kids of
oll ogeswill enjoy.
f exciting ond
entertoining movie.

, Preparea movie review.

I Nome of movie
2 Director
3 My generol opinion

4 Moin chorocters

Fovorite chorocter
(ond why)

Overview of

Why othersmoy or
moy not like it

remember to pausebetween
Presentyour review to the class. the differentDarts.
ReadSarah'sreview and take notes.

I recently readThe Hobbitby Notes

I. R. R.Tolkien.I found the Moin ideo:
choroctersvery interestingond
the storyline very exciting. The
moin choroctersin the book Detoil
ore Bilbo Boggins,Gondolf the
Wizord ond thirteen dworves
led by the fierceThorin Detoil
Ookenshield.Bilbo is my
fovorite chorocterbecouseof
his brovery ond cleverness.

Listento Joe'sreview and take notes.

Moin ideo:


Detoil 2:


Work with a classmate.

Soroh presentedo review foe olso presentedo review
of the book TheHobbitby of TheHobbit.However,he
I. R. R.Tolkien.Shedescribes tells us obout ...

Sayeachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underline
the stressedsyllable.

characters unique i technology ! personally

suggestion l, .i genlus i. _,1 incredible ii
colors i

Say each sentence. Then underline the stressed words.

1 Did she soy she'solmost fixed it?
2 Shestill hos o little more to write obout it.
3 The outhor, Pom Green,hos o good senseof humor.
4 We think o lot of other peoplewill enjoy the movie, too.

Pretend your classmate has made two things. Use the table to plan
a dialogue to present to the class.

A Whot did your friend moke? I B Why do you like/not like thesethings? :

1__ 1 .

C Preporesomecomplimentsoboutwhot you like: i

D Preporesomepolite criticism obout whot you don't like:

Preparea book review. Practicepresenting it with a classmate.

1 Nomeof book
2 Author
3 My generolopinion

4 Moin chorocters

5 Fovorite chorqcter
(ond why)

6 Overview of

7 Why others moy or

moy not like it

' Presentyour reviewto the class.

rJrI missed

Listenand read
the three voice

Hi Lizzy-it's fung here.Sorry I

missedyou. You must be busy. I wos
just colling to remind you obout thot
scienceproject.We hove to hqnd it in
tomorrow. Hope you hoven't forgotten
qbout it! Give me o coll when you get o
chonce-ony time before8:00. Seeyo!
.B Hello Lizzy-lt's Mom. I'm stuck ot
work ond won't be home until obout
7:00. Your fother's going to be lote os
well, so you'll need to get your own
dinner tonight. I'll coll you on my way
home. Loveyou!
Good ofternoon.This is Mr. Hong
colling from the librory. I'm sorry to
bother you, but it seemsyou hove some
overduebooks to return. We'rewoiting
for ScienceMade Easyand PegasusSpy
Kids.Pleosecoll us sometime todoy ot
555-239I.Thonk you very much.

Answerthe questionsand follow the instruction.

1 Who left eoch messoge?

2 Underlinethe ports of eoch messogethot exploin why the personis colling.
3 Which messogeis most formol?How con you tell?
When you phonesomeone,you may needto leavea voicemessage.To do this well
' use diffenentstyles of speakingfor family/friends(casual)and peopleyou don't knowwell
. alwayssaywho you aneand why you anecalling.
' leaveyout'contactdetailsif the other pensondoes not knowyour numbenand say a time
they can callyou.
. speakvery clearlyand not too fast so that it is easyto undenstand

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

I wos just colling to remind you obout thot science our meeting,the hiking trip

Give me o coll when you get o chonce-ony time tonight, this week
3 I'm stuck of work ond won't be home until obout 7:00. in o troffic jom, running lote
4 This is Mr. Hong colling from the librory. Miss Lee dentist's office

Thenunderlinethe stressedsyllablefor ea(h word

1 sci.ence 1 We hove to hond it in tomorrow.

2 2 Your fother'sgoing to be lote os well.
3 chance 3 Pleosecoll us sometime todov at 555-239'J..
4 to'night
5 li.bra.ry W h e ng i v i n gp h o n en u m b e r w
s ,e
sayot andstress eachnumber.
6 re.turn
Usethe information to preparea voice messagefor each person.
Practicewith a classmate.

Messogeto Your mother:

o Lote, studYing in librorY
. Will coII when coming

womon whose
Messogeto your friend: Messogeto o
. Hqve o moth bog You found:
test tomorrow
. Coll me beforeg:00 . I found Your bag
. CoIl me some time

r Preparea voice messagefor each person.

1 Your friend A member of your fomily

a Reosonfor colling: a Reosonfor colling:

b Instructions/Request: b Instructions/Request:

c Coll me bock: c Coll me bock:

Presentyour voice messages

from Activity F to the class. usethe correctstyle
or formal).
Listento the two voice messagesand take notes about each.

Subject: Subject:


Compare your notes with a classmate. Take turns

a s k i n g a n d a n sw e ri n g th e q u e sti ons.

1 Whot is Koko'sproblem?
2 Whot two suggestions
doesMrs. Leemoke?
3 Which suggestiondo you think Koko should follow?
4 Why do you think Koko should follow thot suggestion?

Presenta voice messageto the classwith another suggestionthat might help

Phoneor email?

If you hod to send on importont

messogeto a friend, would you
prefer o voice messogeor on emoil?

, Personolly,I would preferto leove o voicemessogeon

my friend's cell phone. As we oll know, you con corry o
: cell phone oround with you. We con checkfor messoges
onytime no motter where we go. Also, heoring the tone
in o person'svoicegivesmore meoning to o messoge.
In oddition, cell phonesmoke o sound when you get c
voicemessoge.Todoy I got o voicemessogefrom my
mom reminding me obout my moth exom. With emoil,
I wouldn't hove known obout it until much loter.

From my point of view, I would preferto /

sendmy friend on emoil. I'm sure mony
of us would ogreethot emoil is the most
common woy to get messogesthesedoys.
Let'sfoce it-we checkour emoil very
often. Thesedoys you con olso reod emoil
on your cell phone-you get the messoge
on your computerond your phone! I get
importont messoges like thot all the time.

I Followthe instructionsand answerthe question.

1 Circle the ports of eoch onswerwhere the personshowstheir moin preference.

2 Find ond underlineexpressions
in the text wherethey ore osking other peopleto ogree
with them.
Who do you think giveso better exomple to support their preference,the girl or the boy?
When you givea prefenenceand want peopleto agneewith you,it is calledpersuading. A good
wayto persuade is to use keyexpressionsand suppont your pneferencewell.Youshould
. use expressionslike:4s we all know.../ fm sure many of us wouldagree that... / Letb face it,
.../ Of course, ...
. use neasonsand examplesthat other peoplecan undenstandand agreewith.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

As we oll know, you con corry o cell phone use o cell phone to send messclges
oround with you.

2 I would prefer to send my friend qn emoil. Ieove o voice messoge,send o text messoge

3 Emoil is the most common woy to get A cell phone moke colls
messoges thesedoys.

Thesedoys you con olso reod emoil on write, check

your cell phone.

Listenand repest.Thenunderlinethe stressedsyllablefor each rd

and the stressedwords for the sentences.

1 pre'fer 1 Personolly,I would preferto leove o voice messoge.

2 m e s . s a g.e s In oddition, cell phonesmoke o sound when you get
3 re' o voice messoge.

4 3 I get importont messoges

like thot oll the time. Whenpersuading, the
5 com.mon
expressions of
at the beginning
6 i m . p o r . t an t sentences
With a classmate,practicesayingthe responseby adding expressionsin the
placesmarked with a star [*] and an examplewhere you see [Ex].

Would you prefer to get o new cell phone or o new


phonesqre still cheaperthon good computers. I

could sovemore money if I stick to buying o cell phone.
The computer I hove is not very new, but it con do
everything I need.The newestcell phoneshove so mony
amazing feotures.
why buy o new computerwhen the new phonesthese
days con do mony of the some things o computercon?

Choose a preference and prepare a response with reasons and an example.

Which would you prefer-writing on essoyon o piece of poper or sending it to the

teocher by emoil?




Presentyour responseto the class. Usepersuasive\#l
in your
look at the topic and preparea responseusing persuasiveexpressions.

Would you prefer to talk to an overseosfriend on the phone or in on online chot room?


Presentyour responsefrom Activity H to a classmate.Takenotes on your


I Tell the classwhy your classmate'sresponsewas or wasn't persuasiveto you.

chance tonight forgotten r em inding i

messages important science

Say each sentence. Then underline the stressed words.

1 Your sister'sgoing to be there os well.

2 We hove to complete it by Soturdoy.
3 Personolly,I would preferto sendon emoil.
4 I receiveimportont messogeslike thot every doy.

work with a classmate.use the information given to leavea voice

messagefor each person.

Messogeto your father Messoge to q teocher

. needhim to comeond get you lost the homeworktosk sheet
from schooleorly todoy
coll bock before9:30
. coll bock of school

ffitretr €* Bh* qF*ss.

Do you prefer to reod obout sciencein o book or

by finding informotion on the Internet?


Do you prefer to use an online dictionory or o poper dictionory?


, Do you prefer to wotch a movie on your

computeror TV?
l. Notes

Our Environment

listen and read.

fock: Cho, rememberthot pork ronger who

come to tolk to our closs?
Cho: Yes?
fock: Well, I've been thinking obout some
of the things she soid.
Cho: Like whot?
fock: Like, thot "protecting the environment
storts in our own neighborhood.,,
Cho: Go on, I'm listening.
fock: I think she meont, you know, thot it
wos up to us, too.
Cho: Us?Whot do you meon?
fock: Well, we con do o lot of little things to
help, like removing trosh from gutters
ond thot sort of thing. Thot woy it
won't end up in rivers or oceons.
Cho: And?
fock: And if enough of us get together,well,
you know ...
Cho: So,whot ore you suggesting?

Circle the ports of the diologue where one personosksthe other personto continue tolking
or to exploin something.
Look ot cho's lost question.whot do you think ]ock might be suggesting?

Getting more information
Youcan helpothenpeopleexpnesscomplicatedideasby usingsimplekeyexpnessions to show
and suggestwaysto continueexplaining.
that you are interestedand listening,
. To ask a pensonto continuetalking:Yes?/ And?/ Go on.
. To ask a person to explain:Like?/ Like what?/ What do you mean?/ So, what are you

and take turns sayingeach

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmate
sentenceusingthe wordsgiven.

1 Rememberthot pork ronger who come to tolk to our closs? scientist,forestronger

2 I've been thinking obout someof the things shesoid. wondering,finding out more

3 Protectingthe environment storts in our own home, city, school


4 We con do o lot of little things to help, like removing trosh recycling poper,using less
from gutters. woter,re-usingmoteriols

1 I think she meont, /ou know, thot it wos up

to us, too.
2 n e i g h ' b o r.h o o d
3 r e . m o v . in g 2 Whot do you meon?

4 gut.ters 3 So,whot ore you suggesting?

5 e.nough Thesoundseighand
ough containonlyone
6 s u g ' g e s t'i n g vowelsound.
:.i I::1:,,lr t :,'
il,i:, ri,i:11 ;;. ;,,: ".,: ;;:.,,:'
Completeeach phraseby matching the two parts. Then
and practicewith a classmate.

1A: I think moy be peoplecould help. a you meon?

B : I-ike@ b ond?
2A: I think thot it's, well, o little difficult. c on, I'm listening.
B: whot aoO d who?
3A: We sow thqt show qbout wholes,right? you suggesting?
B : Yes,
4A: If we could col lect money, well ...

B: whotor. fl
5A: I think I know somewoys to help ...
B : Go i_-l

Preparea dialogue about ways to clean up the neighborhood.One person is

encouragingthe other to continue talking and explaining.

Presentyour dialogueto the class.

Write about some ideas you have for protecting the environment.

Now tell your ideasto a classmate.Write down your classmate'sideas.

Reportyour classmate'sideasto the class.

Thinking Green


Listenand read. ry

Teocher: So how ore oll the Thinking

Greenprojectscoming olong?
You should oll hove o plon by
now. Yong, whot's your group
Yong: We'replonning o poster
presentation-o reolly huge
poster,octuolly! First of oll,
Soois looking for imoges of
noture-cleqn ond unspoiled.
After thot, Chin-Moe will be
seorchingfor newsqrticles
obout someof the domoge
done to the environment.
Then, Youro'splon is to contoct
componiesthqt hove green
policiesond to write up some
cosestudiesto ploce on the
poster.And qs for me, well I'll
be interviewing the Minister of
the Environment.We're reolly
excitedobout this project!

: Answer the questionsand follow the instruction.

1 Whot is the first stogeof this group'splon?

2 Whot is the lost stogeof this group'splon?
3 Underlinewords in the diologue thot show future octions or plons.
E x p l a i n i n ga g r o u p p l a n
When you are explaining
a planwhere manypeoplewill be doingdiffenentthings,it is impontantto
. breakthe planinto stagesand explainfrom the finstto last stage.
. talk about the plannedactions usingplanningon + ing or willbe + ing.
. connectpeopleto specificactions,and linkactionsthat will happenat the sametime.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 We'replonning o posterpresentotion. o slide show, on interoctive

2 Soois looking for imogesof noture. wildlife, pollution, foctories

3 Chin-Moewill be seorchingfor newsorticles. informotion, photos,ideos

4 Youro'splon is to contoct componies. the moyor, the Ministry of the

1 p r e . s e n .ta .ti o n 1 You should oll hove o plon by now.

2 u n . s p o i le d 2 I'll be interviewing the Minister of the Environment.
3 ar.ti.cles 3 We're reolly excitedobout this project!
4 con.tact
5 pol.i.cies
6 in.ter.view Weusuallv stress
namesof jobsandpositions.

r Usethe details to explain the group plan to a classmate.

Plqn: Video Presentotion

Stage 1 Stoge 2
Brion: Borrow two video Brion: Recordscenes
comerosond with Scottond
microphones Kerry
Scott: Find unspoiled noturol Tom: Record|ody
scenes interviewing
Kerry: Find scenesof pollution students
]ody: Find studentsto

Work with two classmates.Usethe table to plan your own group project to learn
something about the environment.

Stoge I Stage2

I n c l u dyeo u r s eilnf t h e
p l a nu s i n gl a n g u a gl ei k e, 4 s
for me, well (m going to ....
A Greener School
To creoteo greenerschool,somenew
schoolrules hove been odded to follow
ot oll times.
Pleoseleqve oll cons ond glossin the
new recyclebins outsidethe cofeterio.
Leoveoll your wostepoper in the
speciolboxesthot hove been ploced in
eoch clossroom.To sovewoter,pleose
do not use the foucetsin the bothrooms
for more thon 3Osecondsot o time.
Thonk you to oll studentsfor helping
to moke our schoolmore friendlv to the

Listenand take notes on Kim's opinion.


Moin ideo:

Detoil L:

Detoil 2:

Detoil 3:

Work with a classmate.Discusswhat the notice is about and how Kim agreesor
disagreeswith it.
say eachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand undertine
the stressedsyllable.
enougn articles presentation interview
polrcres i gutters environment suggesting

Sayeach sentence.Then underlinethe stressedwords.

1 You should both hove o plon by Sundoy.

2 So,whot ore you soying?
3 I'll be interviewing the Minister of Educotion.
4 We'rereolly tired ofter this tosk!

Completethe dialogue using words to get more information. Practice

the conversationwith a classmate.

chon: Do you know thot pork we posson the woy to schooleochdoy?

Chon: Well, I noticed there is olwoys o lot of trosh lying oround there.
Chon: Well, it seemslike such o shome.

Chon: It's o pork-it should be beoutiful. Moybe we

could do something.We could find some
smort woys to keepthe pork cleon oll the time.
Preparegroup plans for each of the topics, Presentone of the plans
to the class.

Plon: Making more people qwore obout endangered species

listen and read.

Officer: Welcometo Conodo. Your

Hyeon-Joo: Here it is.
Officer: Your nome ond oge?
Hyeon-foo: Hyeon-JooLee.I'm 14.
Officer: Whereoboutsore you from,
Hyeon-foo: Whereoboutsin Koreo?
Officer: Yes.Whot city do you come from?
Hyeon-foo: I'm from Seoul.
Officer: And who ore you stoying with
Hyeon-foo: Excuseme?
Officer: Will you be stoying with o host
fomily in Conoda?
Hyeon-foo: Yes.The Thompsons.
Officer: Do you know the oddress?
Hyeon-foo: It's in Toronto.I hove the oddress
written down here.Would you
like to seeit?
Officer: Yes,pleose.Thqnks Hyeon-]oo.

Follow the instruction and answerthe questions.

1 Circle the questionsHyeon-fooosks.why doessheask eoch of them?

2 Whot informotion did Hyeon-foowrite down beforeshe orrived?
Givingprecise answers
In somevenyfonmalconvensations, it is importantto giveinfonmation very carefullyand
clearly.To do this,you needto
. pay attentionto keywondsin the conversation.
. listenvenycanefully and makesure you undenstand what is beingasked.
. say if you do not understandand ask fon more infonmation.
. say impontantinfonmation
very clearlyand slowly.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 Whereoboutsore you from, Hyeon-foo? keshi,Mondy

2 Whot city do you come from? country, town, oreo

3 Will you be stoying with o host fomily in Canodo? Austrolio. the United Stotes

4 Do you know the oddress? nome of the host fomily,

telephone number

1 Your nome ond oge?

2 I hove the oddresswritten down here.
3 Would vou like to seeit?

whenwe repeatsomething
Practicesayingthe sentenceswith a classmate.Underlinethe
keywords in each sentence.

1 My nome is Poul ond I'm 13. I'm from Englqn{L.

2 I orrived in Vqncouversevenmonths ogo.
3 My city is colledOsoko.
4 Where con I find out how to completethis form?
5 How much doeso bus ticket cost?
6 I'll be stoying in Brisbonefor 12 months.

Preparea dialogue with an officer at immigration.

Practicethe conversationwith a classmate.
'i':tr.::j::r ,.:i, i
t.i:"p,), ,tt.!1;t-,i, . t j it it

A Whot country ore you orriving in?

Questions: c

r Presentyour dialogueto the class.

Listenand completethe dialogue.

Coco: Hi Poul. When do you (t)

for comp in Austrqlio?

Poul: Next week.Actuolly, I'm o little bit worried.

Coco: Why's thot? You should be (z)

Poul: Well, I'm worried obout speoking (3) ot the oirport ond stuff. I
heord they osk you o lot of questions.

Coco: Well, it's not thot bod. When I went to the StotesI monoged fine. But it's o good
ideo to be (+)

Poul: How?

Coco: Well, you could (s) oll the questionsyou think they'll
osk ond then proctice role-ploying the situotion with o friend. Like me!

Poul: WoW you'd help me with thot? Cool.

Coco: The other thing you con do is to write down (e) informotion. You
know, like the nome ond (z) of your host fomily.

Poul: Thot's o good (a) Thonks!

Work with a classmate.Taketurns asking and answeringthe questions.

1 Whot is Poul'sproblem?
2 Whot two suggestionsdoesCocomoke?
3 Which suggestiondo you think is the best one?

Tell the classabout the information you should write down or practicebefore
going on a trip.
listen and read.

Answer the questionsand follow the instruction.

1 Whot is the moin ideo of Stocy'sconclusion?How many times doesshe stoteit?

2 Whot ore the three orgumentsStocysummorizes?
3 Underlinethe ports where Stocypresentswhot peopleon her teom soid.
Summarizingand concludingarguments
Ina debate,
isto conclude
Thisis donebysummarizing
differentarguments,and then makinga ,conclusion
to show how these angumentssuppontthe
position.In your summarizingconclusion,
. nestatethe debatetopic cleanly.
. summarizeeach angumentin order usingformal expressions(First,...explainedthat.../ ...
went on to say that .../ Finally,...pointed out how ...).
. concludethe arguments with a pensuasiveexpression(Tyingthis alltogether .../ Thisall
goes to show that .../ | think we can all agree ...).

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

First,Yun-Heeexploined how you con get into very difficult, uncomfortoble


foo-Chon went on to soy thot knowing customsshows culture,troditions

peoplethot you respecttheir woy of life.

Finolly, Doniel pointed out thot one con leorn obout troditions, woy of life
customsfosterond more eosily.

1 d i s ' c u s se d Pleosesummorize ond conclude

your teom's orgument.
2 lan.guage
Our teom hos shown very strongly
3 e m . b a r . ra ss.i n g areonlystressed
thqt customsore more importont.
4 sit.u.a.tions w h e nm a k i n g
Leorning obout customsis a pointabout
5 point.ed definitely more importont. specific people
6 d e f . i . n i t e.l y o rt h i n g s .
Match the parts of the argument. Then listen and practicesaying
the sentenceswith a classmate.

Decideyour position on the topic. Preparethree argumentsto support your

position and practicesummarizingand concludingwith a classmate.

Which will help you to leorn Englishmore-reoding on Englishnovel or listening to


r Presentyour summarizingconclusionto the class.

Readthe passageand take notes.
Should schools spend more money on English books
or English softwore?

Our teom hos shown very strongly Notes

thot it is much better to spend
Moin ideo:
more money on English softwore.
Tony exploined how students
need more listening proctice, Detoil 1:
so softworeis importont. fulie
went on to point out thot these
doys,books con be reod online, Detoil 2:
so softworeis better thon more
books. Finolly, Gory orgued thot
studentsfeel more comfortoble Detoil 3:
with new technologyond books
feel old-foshionedond boring.

Listenand take notes.


Moin idea:

Detoil 1:

Detoil 2:

Detoil 3:

: What is your opinion about the topic?

say eachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underline
the stressedsyllable.

embarrassing host written , _, address

pointed welcome passporr - language

r Sayeach sentence.Then underlinethe stressedwords.

1 Your nome ond oddress?

2 I hove the telephonenumber written down here.
3 our teom hos shown very strongly thot longuoge is more importont.
4 Tolking obout customsis definitely more interesting.

u saw a traffic accidentwhile in a foreign country.The police

have arrived to ask you some questions.practicegiving answers
with a classmate.

1 Yourfull nome ond oge,pleose.

2 Where ore you from?
3 Who ore you stoying with?
4 Whot's your full oddresshere?
5 Do you hove o contoct phone number
you con give us?
5 OK, where wereyou going when you
sow the occident?
For the topic below practicesummarizingand
concludingthe argumentsusingthe detailsgiven.

Which country is better to go to for on Englishcamp:

Conodoor Austrolio?

Position: I think Conodq would be


Conodo hos mony beoutiful ploces Austrolio hos very interesting

to visit, Iike the RockyMountoins i onimols to see,like kongoroosond
ond the Greot Lokes. I koolos.

Conodo hos o pleosont climote ond Austrolio hos o nice worm climote
offersskiing ond snowboording. i ond beoutiful beoches.

For the topic below, make notes for both argumentsand then practice
summarizingand concludingboth with a classmate.

If you go obrood to study English, is it better to stoy with o host fomily or

live with other studentsin o dorm?

Position: Host fomily Dorm


Argument 2: I



hap.pened 20 p.20

chance 44 p.40 home.wor k 20 p.20

host 64 p. 60 4 p.10

please 64 p. 60 lan.guage 70 p.64

space 26 p.24 20 p.20 4 p.10
pass.port 64 p. 60
point.ed 70 p.64

pre.fer 49 p.44
a d . d re s s 64 p. 60 pro.tect 10 p.14
cit.ies 10 p.14 re.cess p.24
col. o rs 33 p.30 re.turn 44 p.40
com.mon 49 p.44 sci.ence 44 p.40
con. t a c t 58 p.s4 50c.cer 26 p.24
dis . c u s s e d 70 p.64 sup.posed 4 p.10
du.ty 26 p.24 to.night 44 p.40
e.nough 53 p.s0 u.nique 33 p. 30
e x . am 49 p.44 un.kind 33 p.30
ex.treme 10 p.14 un.spoiled 58 p.s4
f old . e r s 20 p.20 e 64 p.60
for'got 20 p.20 writ'ten 64 p.60
ge.nius 37 p.34
gut.ters 53 p.s0
4 p.10 4 p.10

58 p.s4 33 p. 30

26 p.24 70 p.64

37 p.34 70 p.64

37 p.34 53 p.s0
20 p.20 10 p.14

33 p.30 37 p.34

44 p.40 37 p.34

10 p.14 58 p.54

49 p.44 70 p.64

58 p.s4 37 p.34

44 p.40

49 p.44

53 p.s0
58 p.54
49 p.44

53 p.50

53 p.s0
33 p.30

4 p.10

10 p.14

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