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At the end of the lesson, you to be able: ❖ The way people relate to others, to family
1. Explain the nature of spirituality and religiosity and members, to peers in school, and to nature speaks
how it is manifested in daily life; of an individual’s core values.
2. Examine the different concepts of soul and the Spirituality talks about the sacred and transcendent.
importance of ritual; and ❖ In believing that death is inevitable, the different
3. Evaluate the varying view about the meaning of beliefs of what comes afterwards shape how
life. people choose to act and live their lives. The
The Inner Soul search for sacredness is also triggered by the drive
➢ The concept of the “whole person” is usually to attain peace and life fulfillment.
associated with the idea of human beings as ❖ Acceptance and/or contentment is fostered and
having physical and psychological aspects. established despite problems that may occur.
➢ Spiritually has been widely studied by a number of Many spiritual traditions encourage participation in a
researchers and academics across several community. Spiritual fellowship can be a source of social
disciplines but remains to be elusive in terms of support that may provide a sense of belonging, security,
having a standard definition. and community.
➢ Highlighting the mind-body-spirit connection, the
spiritual self is an ongoing, personal life journey, Strong relationships have been proven to increase
contextualized by the belief in a higher being, well-being and bolster life expectancy, which is perhaps
culture, relationships, nature, and the discovery of why one study found a strong association between church
meaning in one’s life. attendance and improved health, mood, and well-being.
➢ Aspect of the self that is associated with an Spirituality is a natural part of one’s developmental process.
individual’s process of seeking and expressing Its biological influence is rooted in how it is initially based on
meaning and how he/she is connected to the self, the awareness of what happens in the environment.
to others, to the moment and to everything else
that composes his/her environment, including the Further, in search for identity and ultimately, the self, it is
sacred and significant. important to contemplate about the here and now, as well
➢ Any experience that is thought to bring the as the future.
experiencer in contact with the divine; it is not just
any experience that feels meaningful. However, people are not born with innate spirituality. It is
➢ Posited as the individual’s personal relation to the something acquired as a result of various personal, social,
sacred or transcendent, a relation that then informs and environmental factors present throughout one’s
other relationships and the meaning of one’s own lifetime.
life. Religiosity
➢ Personal and private beliefs that transcend the ➢ defined as the adherence to a belief system and
material aspects of life and give a deep sense of practices associated with a tradition in which there
wholeness, connectedness, and openness to the is agreement about what is believed and practiced.
infinite. ➢ formal attachment to the set of beliefs, values, and
Spirituality talks about meaning and purpose that go practices of a particular religious sector.
beyond the physical realities of life. ➢ includes specific practices, proscriptions (what
❖ Phenomena happening in the environment and should not be done and avoided), and participation
personal experiences one goes through are in a specific community that shares the same
observed, and subsequently, meanings are beliefs and practices
assigned and philosophical rationalizations about ➢ the belief in and worship of a superhuman
why they happen are achieved. controlling power, especially a personal God or
❖ The meaning and rationalizations one makes gods.
influence the way life is viewed and become the ➢ a particular system of faith and worship
basis for one’s value orientations and personal ➢ an experience; a systematic attribution of human
standpoints. ➢ characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or
Spirituality is focused on a person’s connections to object
different aspects of his/her existence: to other people, The traditional concept based on Judaism, Christianity, and
to nature, and to sacredness and divinity. Islam regards god as an independent being, the creator of
❖ In the pursuit of and applying meaning to one’s life, the universe, and distinct from the universe that this
relationships are created and sustained not only supreme being created. It is widely accepted that this god is
with people but with other life forms or with a the highest being who shows concern for the suffering of
higher being.
humankind, the face of justice that manifests ultimate forms and experiencing the Divine
of rationality and morality. MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING
Logotherapy. - based on the guided principle that the
All agree that this supreme being is omnipotent primarymotivational force of every individual is to find
(all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent meaning in life; anchored on three basic principles:
(everywhere at once).
1. Ilife has meaning under all circumstances, eve the
1.) Belief 2. the impetus to live is one's will to discover meaning
- generalized system of ideas and values that shape in life; and
how members of a religious group come to 3. Humans are free to discover meaning in everything
understand the world around them. they do, in what they experience, or at least in the
2.) Rituals decision they make when faced with immutable
- are the repeated physical gestures or activities suffering.
such as prayers and mantras, used to reinforce
religious teachings, elicit spiritual feelings, and Regardless of how long one lives, one's life still has
connect worshippers with a higher power. meaning. Humans continually search for and work on their
3.) Spiritual Experience meanings for Frankl, there are three ways to find meaning
- refers to the promise of access to some form of in life: 1) doing an action, 2) having personal experiences
unique spiritual experience or feeling of immediate and interpersonal interactions, and 3) evaluating one's
connection to a higher power. attitude in the midst of suffering.
4.) Social Forms of Community Well-Being and Life Satisfaction
- religious beliefs and practices unite in one single Well-being, being intrinsic in nature, is an inner, personal
community called a Church, all those who adhere construct, associated with self-esteem, and
to them. self-understanding,
Specific practices like going to church and participating in
religious events are usually practiced by an individual On the other hand, life satisfaction is the contentment one
through the influence of parents. has with the direction their life is going, the circumstances
they find themselves in, and the elements that make up
Teachers sometimes aid in understanding the importance of their life's conditions.
attending religious affairs through the inclusion of such
activities in school programs. When well-being and life satisfaction are present,
happiness naturally flows.
Even the media established its influence to the watching ● Personality
public through programs that highlight morals, values, and ● Cognition
religious views which in turn shape one's character. ● Physical Health
● Vigor
Religiosity ● Environmental factors
● Communal ● Socio-economic Status
● beliefs and practices are within ● Home and Social Environment
religious groups, and religious ● Interpersonal Relationships
commitment, conservatism, ● Education
and skepticism are manifested Life satisfaction is also dependent on whether basic needs
● a religious person is someone and other goals are met. Healthy mindsets can lead to
who believes on a god or group healthy lifestyles should also be adopted. Engaging in
of gods and consciously forward thinking (enabling forethought and planning) and
adheres to the beliefs of his/her becoming community oriented are only some of the things
religion that can be done to enhance the overall quality of life
● individual Within the context of spirituality, being cognizant of one's
● attributes include the need for purpose in life, accepting limitations and celebrating
spiritual quest, ecumenical strengths, enabling love and concern for others, and
worldviews, compassion, engaging in behaviors that embody all these will
service, and inner peace
● a spiritual person places little
importance on beliefs and is
more concerned with growing

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