Influence of Major Social Media Platforms On The Political Awareness of Senior High School Students of Aldersgate College

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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Aldersgate College

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 1

Submitted by:

Catherine A. Licuapa

Marc Dave C. Yacapin

Princess Hannah Marie L. Bato

Hans Jenssen S. Lagera

Vincent B. Noble

Jian A. Gapuz

May 2021

This research paper entitled “INFLUENCE OF MAJOR SOCIAL MEDIA



submitted by Catherine Licupa, Marc Dave Yacapin, Princess Hannah Bato, Hans

Jenssen Lagera, Vincent Noble and Jian Gapuz n partial fulfillment of the

requirements of the research study in Senior High School has been examined and

is hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.

Mr. Jonathan Palitayan Mrs. Marissa Taguinod

Research Teacher Principal

Mr. Zander Gayagoy

CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................1
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND....................................................1
Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................3
Statement of Hypothesis......................................................................................4
Objectives of Study..............................................................................................5
Significance of Study...........................................................................................6
Scope and Delimitation........................................................................................7
Research Framework............................................................................................7
Definition of Terms..............................................................................................8
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................9
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES..............................9
Social Media Usage..............................................................................................9
Online Political Participation.............................................................................10
Youth Awareness of Political Issues..................................................................11
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................13
Research Design.................................................................................................13
Research Locale.................................................................................................13
Research Respondents........................................................................................13
Research Instrument...........................................................................................13
Data Gathering Procedure..................................................................................14
Treatment of Data..............................................................................................14
CHAPTER IV......................................................................................................15
Analysis and Interpretation of Data...................................................................16
CHAPTER V........................................................................................................21
Summary of Findings and Conclusions.............................................................21

Table 1. The input-process-output framework of the research

Table 2. Profile of the respondents
Table 3. Effect of social media on the students’ political knowledge
Table 4. Distribution of registered and unregistered voters
Table 6. Perceived presence of political parties on social media
Table 7. Seeking political information on social media
Table 8. The credibility of political information available on social media
Table 9. Perceived importance of staying informed about political issues
Table 10. Changing political views after being exposed to social media
Table 11. Spreading political information outside the digital platform

This research aimed to determine the influence of major social media platforms

on the political awareness of senior high school students of Aldersgate College in

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya using a comparative qualitative research design. Results

revealed that Social media has improved the students’ access to political

knowledge, based on the responses. As most of the students observed, political

parties seemed to have a widespread presence on social media such as Facebook.

Most respondents appeared to rely on social media for political information.

While many students rely on social media for political information, only a few are

confident in the information they obtain online. Most students do not rely on

political information found online when selecting political candidates. While

students rely on social media for information, it does not directly impact their

voting decision. However, most students believe that they believe social media

platforms allow them to make their voices heard more loudly and effectively.
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Aldersgate College




With the invention of smartphones and social media, our daily lives

entered a new era. The new media has had a significant impact on how our

government institutions operate, how political leaders communicate, how

elections are contested, and how the public participates. Young voters are so

immersed in media that they learn about politics by searching Google, watching

documentaries, and so on. In recent years, people's hyper-connectivity in the

digital environment has highlighted the importance of constitutional rights such as

free expression and press freedom. Young people can express themselves by

tweeting, sharing pictures, and making videos.

Today, the youth can express themselves with a single click. Social media

can motivate political participation, raise public awareness, and transform

political agendas. A study by the advertising firms "We Are Social" and

"Hootsuite" in 2021 states that Filipinos spend an average of 4 hours and 15

minutes per day on social media, ranking first in the world. It suggested that, from

a political standpoint, the use of social media is critical, especially considering the

national elections in 2022. Candidates today can win through the help of social

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Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and others were never

meant to be utilized for political purposes. But as technology has developed,

many have recognized its potential for political mobilization. These websites have

benefited from leveraging how users share information, including political

opinions and ideas. It is now widely known that disinformation has spread

because it can stir strong emotions, raising social media usage. Election

campaigning's nature seems to fit in well with media techniques that have been

incorporated into technology. In a different sense, election campaigns and media

seem to go hand in hand; one serves the financial interests of internet businesses,

the other the goal of politicians and parties to garner some votes.

As such, determining the influence of social media usage on the political

awareness of students can help us understand the impact of digital platforms on

the youth’s participation in societal issues. This paper will attempt to identify the

influence of a major social media platform (Facebook) on the political views of

senior high school students at Aldersgate College. Hence, this research.

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Statement of the Problem

Recent studies show that because there are so many ideas, thoughts, and

opinions traveling through the social media platform, it is persuasive and

frequently attempts to alter or influence beliefs when it comes to political views.

This study will attempt to get a shallow insight on how a broader and more

advanced understanding of youth radical political participation, along with more

comprehensive measures of social media use, can help better understand the role

of digital platforms in influencing political participation and awareness among the

younger generation. The youth’s awareness of social issues such as those politics

may be telling of how engaged they will be in pertinent social issues in their

adulthood. The key aim of this study is to determine the engagement of senior

high school students at Aldersgate College in social media (particularly

Facebook) and determine whether it has influenced their political awareness.

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Statement of Hypothesis

This research paper will attempt to explore whether social media platforms

(particularly Facebook) influence the political awareness of senior high school

students of Aldersgate College. Studies cited in the literature review state that

social media influences the political awareness of students. This study will test

whether this is true for the senior high school students of the abovementioned

institution. Therefore, the hypotheses to be tested in this study are as follows:

Null hypothesis:

Social media influences the political awareness of senior high school students at

Aldersgate College.

Alternative hypothesis:

Social media does not influence the political awareness of senior high school

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Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aims to determine the influence of major social

media platforms (Facebook) on the political awareness of senior high school

students of Aldersgate College. Specifically, it aims to:

1. determine the profile of senior high school students of Aldersgate


2. determine the social media activity(ies) of students vis-à-vis Facebook

political posts; and

3. identify the influence of Facebook on the political awareness of

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Significance of the Study

In general, this study will show whether social media influences the

political awareness of senior high school students. This paper will try to shed a

light on the effects that social media has on political participation and how

students get information regarding political issues. The next section discusses the

significance of the research to different sectors.


This study aims to stimulate students to reflect on their lack of political

knowledge by improving their abilities in the hopes of increasing political

awareness through the media. The researchers also anticipate that students'

political consciousness will persist for a long time, ensuring that it will be present

in the future and that future generations will value the importance of studying



This study may benefit educators by raising their awareness of the effect

of social media on the information that students are exposed to. Educators are

expected to teach students information based on facts, and with the spread of

disinformation online, educators’ roles become more significant.


This research would be beneficial to the community because it will shed

light on the effect of social media and students’ interaction with the information
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they see online. Similarly, the community shapes how students may perceive the

information they receive.

Scope and Delimitation

This study limits its coverage to senior high school students of Aldersgate

College in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya only during the school year 2021-2022. Its

main purpose is to determine the influence of major social media platforms

(Facebook) on the political awareness of the students.

Research Framework

This section discusses the framework to be used in this research. This

study utilized the Input-Process-Output research framework which is summarized

in Table 1.


 Profile of the  Data processing and  A written report on
respondents analysis the implications
 Data on the  Cross-analysis of based on the results
Facebook activity of responses with of the interview
respondents existing literature  Recommendation
 Political views of based on results and
students implications.
Table 1. The input-process-output framework of the research

Definition of Terms

Political Awareness - a person's understanding or perception of politics and other

related issues(Puertollano, 2015).

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Politics – is a social activity comprised of leaders and officials who work for the

government (Puertollano, 2015).

Youth - persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years old (United Nations, 2017).



Social Media Usage

People nowadays rely on social media for information and use it

extensively. Teenagers aged 13 to 19 frequently use social media accounts to

access news, statistics, and data about politics and societal issues. Because the

digital era has had a significant impact on people's perspectives, it is critical to

determine whether the vast reach of social media and its free access impacts

Filipino teenagers' understanding of issues in the country and their engagement in

politics (Ibardeloza et al., 2022).

Before the advent of social media, newspaper space and radio and

television airtime were limited and expensive, making it difficult for young

people to express themselves or participate in politics through traditional media.

Nonetheless, recent findings in the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East,

and Africa indicate that youth participation in political activities is shifting the

paradigm to online public deliberations. By connecting youth with politicians and

like-minded individuals to share information and opinions, online social

networking sites such as Facebook have given rise to new hopes and
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opportunities. With Facebook's increasing role in political activities, participation

has taken on a new form. Posting and commenting online, joining, and creating

online groups, organizing protest events, participating in online discussions with

friends, and 'liking' a political figure or party's Facebook profile to indicate

political preferences have all become commonplace (Abdu et al., 2017).

Online Political Participation

Online political participation refers to Facebook-based political activities

such as sending political messages to politicians, commenting on a candidate's

Facebook page, soliciting donations for a political party, and sharing political

information (Blachfellner et al., 2010). As a result, the youth now have more

opportunities to participate in political affairs than previous generations (Journal

of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2016).

Moreover, because of the ease with which online activities, particularly on

Facebook, can be seen, read, and viewed by a large group of youth, it has a high

chance of reaching and encouraging them to participate. Gibson and Cantijock

(2013) discovered that paying attention to political news and sharing news has a

higher instrumental quality, especially when done online.

One of the reasons that young people use Facebook is to get political

information, and information quality is a significant predictor of online

interaction, which may also increase information sharing because online

communities lack face-to-face interaction. Nonetheless, information quality

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makes communication easier, clearer, and more understandable. The desire of

youth for political knowledge and information drives them to investigate how and

where they can obtain reliable information (Weedon et al., 2014). The ability to

interact with friends and share quality and accurate information motivates youth

to use Facebook.

Political interest is an attitude that can predict whether a person will be

politically active or passive. As a result, Facebook users who promote political

interests and influence friends in their network may be more likely to participate

in online politics (Effendi, et al., 2020).

Youth Awareness of Political Issues

The responses of Filipino youth to current societal and governance issues such as

corruption, child violence, armed conflict, and poverty appeared muted

(Ibardeloza et al., 2022). Young people's participation in formal political

processes is important because it brings democratic values to life, eventually

leading to the overthrow of authoritarian practices. They are usually engaged in

formulating today's and tomorrow's politics, utilizing the rights and knowledge

that has been bestowed upon them. The public has seen them advance their

agenda on various sociopolitical issues. They use social media platforms to raise

awareness and engagement to strengthen the government's response to the

country's emerging problems (Medina and Diestro, 2009).

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Historically, citizen participation in political processes has been regarded

as a critical component of an ideal democracy. As a result, participation is an

important component of political communication and democratic institutions

(Abdu et al., 2017).


Previous paragraphs highlighted the studies relevant to this research.

These studies highlighted that the era of the internet and social media paved way

for a more accessible platform for accessing information regarding social—

particularly political—issues among the youth. Facebook, among others, has

become an avenue for politicians to connect to their constituents in terms of

getting their message across to the popular, ion, particularly among the younger

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Research Design

A comparative qualitative research design was used in this study. This

method was chosen because it was appropriate for the study. This study was

carried out to determine the influence of social media on the political awareness

of senior high school students. Responses gathered from the sample population

were verified and compared to existing related literature. Inferences were then

made based on the results and comparisons.

Research Locale

The research was conducted at Aldersgate College, Solano, Nueva

Vizcaya. The researchers chose this locale since there hasn’t been a study of this

kind in the area.

Research Respondents

A total of 40 respondents from Aldersgate College, Solano, and Nueva

Vizcaya were purposively selected for this research. The respondents were chosen

based on their suitability to participate, and all strands were invited to take part.

The respondents had been categorized based on their profile: sex and year level.

Research Instrument

The study used a researcher-created validated questionnaire based on

related literature and studies to elicit the necessary information. To ensure that the
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questionnaires for content validation were correct, the research adviser checked

for any inaccuracies in the questionnaires.

Data Gathering Procedure

Due to the current restrictions brought by the pandemic, the study was carried out

online with permission from the school head of Aldersgate College for the

administration of the questionnaires. To easily reach a wide range of respondents,

a web-based questionnaire via Google forms was used. The respondents were

given the option of sharing the same link with other respondents who met the

criteria as well. The survey included detailed instructions and an explanation of

the study's true purpose.

Treatment of Data

The researchers used the following statistical tools to reach a definitive

conclusion about this study:

1. Frequency, Count, and Percentage were used in summarizing the profile

of the respondents.

2. The comparative analysis method was used to analyze the qualitative

portion of the study. It emphasized identifying, examining, and

documenting patterns in data that were relevant to the description of an

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This chapter includes a detailed presentation and discussion of the data

analysis and study results. This chapter contains ten major tables that help to

organize the findings. As previously stated in the preceding chapter, data is

interpreted descriptively.

This section contains a tabular presentation of data from the specific

research issue concerning the influence of major social media platforms on the

political awareness of Aldersgate College senior high school students. The

primary source of data is the interview, which is obtained through questionnaires

distributed to all senior high school students at Aldersgate College. The findings

will be presented about the research objectives of the study.

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Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The majority (70%) of the respondents were female, while more than half

(52.5%) were in Grade 12. This sample is representative of the actual distribution

of sex and population of Aldersgate College senior high school students. This is

summarized in Table 2.

Profile Variables Frequency Percentage

Male 12 30%
Sex Female 28 70%
Total: 40 100
Grade 11 21 47.5%
Year Grade 12 19 52.5%
Level Total: 40 100

Table 2. Profile of the respondents

When asked whether social media has improved their access to political

knowledge, most (72.5%) of the respondents answered: “yes”, 25% answered

“maybe”, while only a few (2.5%) answered “no” (Table 3). Upon further

questioning, the students revealed that they have learned about political issues

online in one form or another.

Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 29 1 10
Percentage: 72.5% 2.5% 25%
Table 3. Effect of social media on the students’ political knowledge
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The majority (67.5%) of the respondents were not registered to vote at the

time of the survey, as reflected in Table 4.

Grade Level Registered Unregistered Maybe

11&12 Voters
Frequency: 13 27 0

Percentage: 32.5% 67.5% 0%

Table 4. Distribution of registered and unregistered voters

When asked whether the respondents have participated in political polls

online, only 33.3% answered “yes”, most (59%) answered “no), while a few

(7.7%) were unsure.

Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 13 23 3

Percentage: 33.3% 59% 7.7%

Table 5. Respondent’s participation in online poll surveys

Most of the respondents answered that they noticed the presence of

political parties on social media platforms such as Facebook. Only a few

answered “no” while a few were unsure. This reflects that most political parties

have taken advantage of social media to reach more people and advance their

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Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 32 3 4

Percentage: 82.1% 7.6% 10.3%

Table 6. Perceived presence of political parties on social media

Most of the respondents appeared to have relied on social media for political

information. Among the most cited social media platforms is Facebook (Table 7).

This is in contrast with the study of Ibardeloza et al. (2022) which showed that

only a few students appear to rely on social media for any political news.

Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 29 7 4

Percentage: 72.5% 17.5% 10%

Table 7. Seeking political information on social media

According to the responses of the students when they were asked if they

were sure of the credibility of the information they get from social media, most of

them (60%) were unsure. This implies that although most of them rely on social

media for political information, there are only a few (22.5%) who are confident

with the information they gather online.

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Grade Level Yes No Maybe
Frequency: 9 7 24
Percentage: 22.5% 17.5% 60%
Table 8. The credibility of political information available on social media

For most of the students, it was very important to stay informed about

political issues. This is reflected in Table 9 below. These findings are related to

Medina's (2019) statement that the public has witnessed young people expressing

their opinions on a variety of sociopolitical issues. Youth are frequently involved

in shaping today's and tomorrow's politics, making use of their rights and


Grade Level Very Important Slightly Not

11&12 Important Important Important
Frequency: 28 6 6 0
Percentage: 70% 15% 15% 0%
Table 9. Perceived importance of staying informed about political issues

Most of the respondents have not relied on political information when

choosing their chosen political candidates (Table 10. According to the students,

information on social media rarely affected their decision to vote for a certain

candidate or political party. This implies that although the students rely on social

media for information, this information does not directly affect their voting

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Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 9 26 5
Percentage: 22.5% 65% 12.5%
Table 10. Changing political views after being exposed to social media


Most of the students did not attempt to spread political information

outside of social media platforms (Table 11). This may be because most of the

students belong to a community where most people have the same access to

digital platforms as they do. The majority of the respondents also expressed that

they feel that social media platforms enable them to make their voices heard

louder and more effectively.

Grade Level Yes No Maybe

Frequency: 14 14 12
Percentage: 35% 35% 30%
Table 11. Spreading political information outside the digital platform
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Summary of Findings and Conclusions

This research aimed to determine the influence of major social media

platforms on the political awareness of senior high school students of Aldersgate

College in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. This study utilized a comparative qualitative

research design to confirm the results of the responses. Tables, frequency, and

percentages were used to present the results for ease of presentation and analysis.

A self-made questionnaire was floated to 40 respondents who were purposively

chosen via a google form, in compliance with restrictions due to the pandemic.

Most of the students were female, and more than half were in Grade 12.

Social media has improved the students’ access to political knowledge, based on

the responses. Although a majority of them were not registered to vote in the

national elections just yet, some of them have participated in political polls

online. As most of the students observed, political parties seemed to have a

widespread presence on social media such as Facebook. This reflects the fact that

most political parties have used social media to reach out to more people and

advance their campaigns. Most respondents appeared to rely on social media for

political information. Facebook was one of the most frequently mentioned social

media platforms. Many students were unsure of the credibility of the information

they obtained from social media, according to their responses when asked. This
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implies that, while many of them rely on social media for political information,

only a few are confident in the information they obtain online. It was critical for

the majority of the students to stay informed about political issues. When

selecting political candidates, most respondents did not rely on political

information. According to the students, social media information had little

influence on their decision to vote for a particular candidate or political party.

This implies that, while students rely on social media for information, it does not

directly impact their voting decision.

Most students did not attempt to disseminate political information outside

of social media platforms. This could be because most of the students come from

a community where most people have access to the same digital platforms as they

do. Most respondents also stated that they believe social media platforms allow

them to make their voices heard more loudly and effectively.

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Based on the findings of this study, the following are recommended:

Students must be encouraged to engage in socio-political related activities.

Teachers may allow students time in class to express their opinions on political

issues, similar to quick speech activity. School officials may allow the students to

participate in various conventions or congresses that will engage them in politics.

Schools should also provide additional political education to students.

Lastly, it is recommended for future researchers to conduct this study in a

broader population and employ different statistical methods to be able to see the

significance of the studied variables to the problem statement at hand.

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Abdu, S. D., Mohamad, B., & Muda, S. (2017). Youth online political

participation: The role of Facebook use, interactivity, quality information,

and political interest. SHS Web of Conferences, 33,


Blachfellner, S. F., Edelmann, N., Parycek, P., & Seböck, W. (2010). The second

issue of the international, peer-reviewed open access eJournal of

eDemocracy and open government (JeDEM). JeDEM - eJournal of

eDemocracy and Open Government, 2(1), i-


Cantijoch, M., & Gibson, R. K. (2013). Engagement in the online campaign in

the United States and France. A comparative analysis [Paper

presentation]. EPSA 2013 Annual General Conference Paper. 

Effendi, R., Haryanegara, M. E., Sukmayadi, V., & Aziz, F. (2020).

Consumption of online political news and political participation of first-

time voters. JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL, 29(1), 71-


Ibardeloza, K. B., Badillo, L. T., Macatangay, J. M., Dela Cruz, K. R., &

Malabanan, M. P. (2022). Students’ exposure to social media and their

radical involvement in the societal issues in the Philippines. International

Review of Social Sciences

Research, 2(1).
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(2016). Journal of Computer-Mediated

Communication, 21(1).

Medina, M., & Diestro, J. (2009). The youth speak Forms, facilitators, and

obstacles to their political participation. Philippine Journal of

Psychology, 42(2), 291-313.

Weedon, A., Miller, D., Franco, C. P., Moorhead, D., & Pearce, S. (2014).

Crossing media boundaries. Convergence: The International Journal of

Research into New Media Technologies, 20(1), 108-

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March 11, 2022


Research Teacher


Warm Greetings!

We, the Researchers from Grade 12 HUMSS William Blake of Aldersgate

College would like to ask your permission to allow us to survey through the

google online form. This is given our Study entitled “Influence Of Major Social

Media Platforms On The Political Awareness Of Senior High School Students Of

Aldersgate College”. All information provided will be kept in utmost

confidentiality and would be used only for academic purposes. The names of the

respondents will not appear in any research or publications resulting from this

study unless agreed to. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly


Thank you very much!

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Respectfully yours,
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April 18, 2022

Dear Respondents,

Warm Greetings!

We, the researchers are conducting a study entitled, “Influence Of Major Social

Media Platforms On The Political Awareness Of Senior High School Students Of

Aldersgate College”. Part of the requirements of our study is to float the

questionnaire and gather the needed data to complete the study. In connection

with this, may we request you to be one of our respondents? This would be of

great help in completing our study. Rest assured that all the information that will

be gathered from you will be kept with the utmost confidentiality and will be used

for research purposes only. We appreciate your time and effort in helping us.

Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely yours,
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Grade & Section:

Respondent Information:

What is your age?

What is your gender?

Does the media help to improve your life and knowledge about your political
o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Are you registered to vote at the current address you reside at?

o Registered Voter
o Unregistered

Have you ever taken a political survey over the phone or online?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Have you ever noticed any political party’s activity on social media?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Have you ever searched for political information on social media?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe
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Are you getting correct information from the media?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

How important it is to you to stay informed about political issues?

o Very Important
o Important
o Slightly Important

Did you choose or change your political party based on information from social

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Have you ever verbally spread out the political information to people that don’t
have social media accessibility?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe
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