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\P1 NUR 102- NUTRITION A patient has a stage 4 pressure ulcer on their sacral area.

What type of
foods would the patient most benefit from?*
(LABORATORY) = a. Dried beans, eggs, meats
The nurse is conducting a dietary assessment on a client who is on a vegan
A patient with gout should follow what type of diet?* 0/1
diet. The nurse provides dietary teaching and should focus on foods high a. High-calcium diet b. Potassium-modified diet
in which vitamin that may be lacking in a vegan diet?* 1/1 c. Low-purine diet d. Renal Diet
= b. Vitamin B12
A nurse is conducting a follow-up home visit to a client who has been
A patient with anemia would benefit from which diet?* 1/1 discharged with a parenteral nutrition(PN). Which of the following should
= a. Legumes, organ meat, and dark green leafy vegetables
the nurse most closely monitor in this kind of therapy?*
= d. Temperature and weight
The nurse is instructing a client with hyperkalemia on the importance of
choosing foods low in potassium. The nurse should teach the client to limit A client with heart failure has been told to maintain a low sodium diet. A
which of the following foods?* 0/1 nurse who is teaching this client about foods that are allowed includes
a. Grapes. b. Carrot. c. Green beans. d. Lettuce.
which food item in a list provided to the client?*
= d. Dried apricot.
What is a balanced diet?*1/1
= a. A diet that consists of the right nutrients in the right quantities
A patient is on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. What type of foods can the
A patient who has a colostomy is complaining about having excess gas. patient eat?* 0/1
You ask the patient to tell you what he has ate in the past 48 hours. Which a. Fish, milk, and poached eggs b. Chicken, cheese, and grilled
food would you suspect is causing the patient excessive gas?* c. Boiled eggs and chocolate milk d. Oysters, yogurt, and turkey
= a. Cherries, Radishes, and Watermelon
Which vitamin is given in large doses to facilitate wound and bone healing?*
Nurse Ping knows that this procedure will obtain adequate information in =c. Vitamin C
order to identify nutrition-related problems, systemic process, make
decisions for her patient, this is what?* A client receiving abdominal surgery has a large abdominal wound. The
= d. Nutrition Assessment nurse should encourage the client to eat which food item that is naturally
high in vitamin C to promote wound healing?*
A client who is recovering from a surgery has been advanced from a clear = b. Oranges
liquid diet to a full liquid diet. The client is looking forward to the diet
change because he has been bored with the clear liquid diet. The nurse Which of the following is not a disaccharide?*
should offer which full liquid item to the client?* = d. Galactose
= c. Custard
Daily nutrient intake value that is estimated to meet the requirement of
Which of the following are essential amino acids for infants? EXCEPT* half of the healthy people in a life stage and gender group*
= d. phenylalanine and glutathione = d. Estimated Average Requirement

A patient was recently admitted for a Deep Vein Thrombosis and was Nurse Lengleng knows that this barrier includes disability, dentures, intact
started on Coumadin. During your education with the patient you would GI, allergies what it is called?* 0/1
instruct the patient to avoid what food?* a. physical barriers to nutrition b. Sociological barriers to nutrition
= b. Lettuce c. health barriers to nutrition d. psychological barriers to nutrition

Calorie and nutrient requirements during adolescence* What are some signs you aren't getting enough protein?*
= a. Are higher than during adulthood because of growth and = b. Your hair falls out
developmental changes.
Based on references the "war on obesity", insurance-incentives for gyms in a human is the examination of the body using the sense of touch.*
dimension falls under what barrier?* 0/1 The nurse knows her instructions about vitamin B12 are effective when
a. political barriers to nutrition c. Socio economic barrier to nutrition the client verbalizes he will*
b. physical barriers to nutrition d. Ecologic barriers to nutrition = c. Eat vitamin B12–fortified cereal.

While social barriers to nutrition includes?* Which food provides the only animal source of carbohydrate?*
= a. holidays, family meals
= c) Milk
Which of the following would be the best snack for a 2-year-old?*
= b. Banana slices Which population is at risk for combined deficiencies of thiamin, riboflavin,
and niacin?* 0/1
Carbohydrates are also known as * a. Pregnant women b. Vegetarians c. Alcoholics d. Athletes
= a. Hydrates of carbon

Name the major storage form of carbohydrates in animals?*

= c) Glycogen

In making Nutrition diagnosis it is the statement that has: problem,

etiology, signs and symptoms. e.g. Problem (from sheet) related to
Etiology as evidenced by Signs and Symptoms. As dietitians we also use an
intake as the problem first*
= a. PES statement

What is the metric unit for volume?*

= a. Liter

The nurse is teaching a client who has iron deficiency anemia about foods
she should include in her diet. The nurse determines that the client
understands the dietary modifications if she selects which items from her
= d. Oranges and dark green leafy vegetables

The nurse instructs a client with renal failure who is receiving hemodialysis
about dietary modifications. The nurse determines that the client
understands these dietary modifications if the client selects which items
from the dietary menu?*
= a. Mushroom and blueberry.
= c. Palpation

The nurse teaches a patient who has had surgery to increase which
nutrient to help with tissue repair?*
= b. Protein

Which correctly defines the total fiber adequate intake?*

= a. 25 g/day for women and 38 g/day for men

Foods in this group should be consumed often by teens due to their

large amount of calcium and should be either lowfat or fat-free.*
= b. Dairy

The nurse is planning to teach a client with malabsorption syndrome

about the necessity of following a low-fat diet. The nurse develops a
list of high-fat foods toavoid and should include which food item on
the list?*
= c. Cream Cheese

The nurse is caring for a patient who has multiple fractures from a skiing
accident. To best promote bone growth, the nurse should encourage the
patient to eat foods high in calcium and vitamin D. Which food selection
by the client indicates an understanding of foods that are high in
calcium?* 0/1
a) Orange juice from concentrate b) Cottage cheese
c) Tofu d) cheese

As a nurse you know that this is clearly defined (measurable markers)e.g.

medication use, body composition, anthropometric data, laboratory
values, you are dealing with what?*
= a. Nutrition Care Indicators

Patients may be deficient in which vitamin during the winter months?*

= b.) D

Simple sugars are;* 0/1

a. The major of energy for cells
b. Vital to normal body functioning
c. Essential for cells to gain energy from carbohydrates
d. Substances that build up into proteins

A patient is suffering from a broken jaw. Which foods would be most

beneficial for this patient?*
= b. Soup, pudding, and ice cream
= c. Protein
Food/Nutrition-Related History, talks about?*
= a. knowledge/beliefs
And she noted that another type of barriers includes natural disasters, "cold
The nurse is caring for a client with cirrhosis of the liver. To minimize the snaps" in produce regions, she is aware that this will falls on?*
effects of the disorder, the nurse teaches the client about foods that are = a. Ecologic barriers to nutrition
high in thiamine. The nurse determines that the client has the best
understanding of the dietary measures to follow if the client states an When developing a teaching plan for a patient who has chronic diarrhea,
intention to increase the intake of which food?* which of the following foods would the nurse suggest as an appropriate
= a. Pork source of potassium?* 0/1
a. Tomato juice b. Pinto beans c. Milk d. Broccoli
A patient asks you what vitamin is best for eye sight. Your response is:* 0/1
a. Vitamin B12 b. Vitamin B6 c. Vitamin C d. Carbohydrates should compose of a person's daily calorie intake.*
Vitamin A = c. 55-65%

The client asks if her 10-year-old daughter needs a weight loss diet. Which
of the following would be the nurse’s best response?*
= c. “Ten-year-old girls are about to enter the growth spurt of puberty,
and it is natural for her to gain weight before she grows taller. Diets
are not recommended for children, although healthy eating and
moderation are always appropriate.”

AMDR (acceptable macronutrient distribution range) for fats is*

= d. 20-35% of cal

During an admission assessment, the patient reports that he takes vitamin

E supplements twice a day. The nurse should explain that taking vitamin E
supplements twice a day*
= b) can lead to toxicity.

Which health problems is a consequence of eating too much added sugar?*

a. Overweight b. Diabetes c. Heart disease = d. All of the above

Which class of carbohydrates is considered as non-sugar?*

= c) Polysaccharides

The nurse is teaching a client who has iron deficiency anemia about foods
she should include in her diet. The nurse determines that the client
understands the dietary instructions if she selects which of the following
from her menu?*
= b. Oranges and dark green leafy vegetables.

You are taking care of a patient with severe COPD. What type of diet would
best suit this patient's needs?*
= b. Pureed sweet potatoes, ground turkey & gravy with mash

Which carbohydrate provides the most bulk to the diet?

= b. Fiber

A patient is admitted for diverticulitis. The patient has been on a full

liquid diet and has been tolerating it well. Now the MD has ordered the
patient a new diet. You would expect to find what type of food on the
patient’s lunch tray?*
= a. Piece of white bread, skinless white potatoes, and white rice.

While emotional barriers to nutrition includes that affects many

patients or people to move forward with their diet plan and
= d. depression, denial

A patient has a low magnesium level. Which food of the selection below is
the highest in magnesium?*
= a. Avocado

Healthy eating plans includes the following EXCEPT?*

= d. Variety of portion sizes depending on preferences

Radley and Rael go hiking. Radley brings 7/10 liters of water. Rael brings
500 milliliters of water. How many moremilliliters of water did Radley
bring than Rael?*
= a. 200

These are organic compounds formed by the linking of many smaller

molecules of amino acids*
= a. Protein

You want to prepare for a cup of coffee for Bran your patient, a cup of
coffee is 6 oz. How many mL's does that equal? (Remember: 1 oz. = 30
= d. 180 mL's

Older adults doing resistance exercises to rebuild lost muscle may also
need to increase their intake of what nutrient to achieve their
= a. Data sources and tools for Nutrition Assessment
A mother asks why toddlers shouldn’t drink all the milk they want.
Which of the following is the nurse’s best response?* A patient who develops pernicious anemia after gastric surgery needs
= a. “Consuming more than the recommended amount of milk can supplemental*
displace the intake of iron-rich foods from the diet and increase the = d. Vitamin B12
toddler’s risk of iron deficiency anemia.”
Sugars which differs from each other only around single carbon
Which organ relies almost exclusively on glucose for energy?* atom is called epimer.*
= d.) Brain
= a) True
A patient has anemia. An appropriate goal for that the patient would be
for him to increase his intake of which nutrient?*
= d) Iron

How many teaspoons are in 1 tablespoon?*

= b. 3

Class of carbohydrate which cannot be hydrolyzed further, is known as?*

= d) Monosaccharide

A mineral likely to be consumed in inadequate amounts by older adults is*

= b. Potassium

Which statement made by an adult patient demonstrates an

understanding of healthy nutrition teaching?*
= c. I will make sure that I eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

What is the function of carbohydrates?*

= c. Short term energy

With regard to protein absorption, all of the following are true EXCEPT:*
a. dipeptides and tripeptides are absorbed by carrier mediated
b. amino acids are absorbed by broadly specific active transport
c. hydrolytic enzymes secreted in the gastrointestinal tract
help limit the amount of dietary protein absorbed.
d. absorption occurs in the intestine.

A patient is started on the diuretic Spironolactone. Which foods should

the patient be careful to avoid eating too much of?*
= c. Bananas

Nutrients most likely to be deficient in an adolescent’s diet are* 0/1

a. Vitamin A and folate b. Protein and vitamin C
c. Zinc and phosphorus d. Iron and calcium

A patient’s potassium level is 6.0. Which food should the patient avoid?*
a. 6.0 is a normal potassium level so the patient can eat whatever
they wantwithout an effect
b. Raisins
c. Rice
d. Egg yolks

The acceptable macronutrient distribution range for carbohydrates is*

= b. 45-65% of cal

A patient just had a Wound Vac ® placed on her abdomen from abdominal
surgery. Which foods would help promote wound healing?*
= a. Citrus fruit and tomatoes

Dietary fiber*
= b. enhances the rate at which chyme moves through the intestine.

It is healthiest to get your daily carbohydrates by eating...*

= b. Fiber-rich fruits and whole grains

The nurse instructs a client with chronic kidney disease who is receiving
hemodialysis about dietary modifications. the nurse determines that the
client understands these dietary modifications if the client selects which
items from the dietary menu?*
= a. Cream of wheat, blueberries, coffee

Which describes a function of the patient's medical chart?*

= d. Keeping a record of what has been done for the patient

A client is recovering from debridement of the right leg. A nurse

encourages the client to eat which food item that is naturally high in
vitamin C to promote wound healing?*
= d. Strawberries

In order to get a definitive date a screening or referral form, patient

interview, medical records, etc. so that accurate data will support
patient problem and diagnosis, what is this procedure?*
A client with hypertension has been told to maintain a diet low in sodium.
The nurse who is teaching thi client about foods that are allowed should
include which food item in a list provided to the client?*
= d. Summer squash

Which of the following snacks would be best for a patient who wants to
eat who has nausea?* 0/1
a. Cheese b. Peanuts c. Banana d. A milkshake

You have a patient who just had a stroke and has garbled speech. What
type of diet do you expect the patient to be prescribed after a speech
evaluation?* 0/1
a. Soft diet
b. Full liquid diet
c. Mechanically altered diet with thin liquids
d. Mechanically altered diet with nectar thick liquids

The nutrition care process ends*

= c. when nutrition goals are met

You can buy 2 pints or you can buy..*

= d. 1 quart

A patient is diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and must follow a

specific diet. Which spices are okay for the patient to use daily?*
= b. Ginger & Bay Leaves

A patient is post-opt from gallbladder surgery and is ordered a clear

liquid diet. Which of the selection can the patient have?*
= a. Apple Juice

Fructose is*
= c. absorbed into the enterocyte by protein-facilitated, passive diffusion.

The nurse is instructing a client with hypertension on the importance of

choosing foods low in sodium. The nurse should teach the client to limit
intake of which food?*
= c. Smoked sausage

How many fluid ounces are in 1/2 cup?* 0/1

a. 6 c. 8
b. 4 d. 16

A patient receiving dialysis should avoid what type of foods?* 0/1

a. Canned soups, cold cut sandwiches, and Chinese take-out
b. Fresh fruits and vegetable, poultry, and beans
c. Steamed broccoli, broiled mackerel, and artificial sweeteners
d. Microwaved sweet potatoes, boiled cabbage, and artichokes

It is the key goal of menu planning is to include foods that will provide
adequate amounts of all nutrients essential to meet the physical needs of
the individual on a daily basis*
= b. Nutrition in Meal Planning

Which of the following is also known as invert sugar?*

= a) Sucrose
17. Weight loss lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes only when it achieves a
P2 LAB NUR 102 weight within an individual's healthy BMI range*
1. Which of the following statement is correct, EXCEPT?* Correct answer = b. False
a. People with diabetes should control servings of starchy
vegetables, such as potatoes, yams, peas, and corn. 18. Alcohol is more likely to cause hypoglycemia when consumed without
b. People with diabetes can eat as many fruits as they want. food rather than with food*1/1
c. People with diabetes must pay attention to the amount they're eating. = a. True
d. None of the above
19. Phase of dumping syndrome that the patient experience symptoms of e
2. Nurse Jake is discussing the importance of exercising to a client diagnosed nausea, vomiting, cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and feeling full after
with Type 2 diabetes whose diabetes is well controlled with diet and eating only a small amount of food. Weakness, flushing, dizziness and
exercise. Which information should the nurse include in the teaching about sweating may also accompany early dumping syndrome* 1/1
diabetes?* 1/1 a. Early b. Late c. Middle d. Middle-late
a. Eat a simple carbohydrate snack before exercising.
b. Carry peanut butter crackers when exercising.
c. Encourage the client to walk 20 minutes three (3) times a week.
d. Perform warm up and cool down exercises

3. All of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia? EXCEPT* 1/1

a. Irritability c. Shaky feeling
b. Hunger d. Feeling warm

4. The risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus includes, EXCEPT* 1/1
a. Familial history c. Humid environment
b. Being overweight d. High intake of fat foods

5. Which nutrient directly raises blood sugar?* 1/1

a. Carbohydrates b. Protein c. Fats d. Fiber

6. All are true about Hypoglycemic/Hyperglycemic, EXCEPT* 1/1

a. Results of blood glucose monitoring
b. Effects of diabetes or its complications on functional status
c. Adherence to diet regimen, exercise regimen & meds
d. None of the above

7. Control of total caloric intake to attain or maintain a reasonable body

weight, control of blood glucose levels, and normalization of lipids and blood
pressure to prevent heart disease, EXCEPT* 1/1
a. Blood glucose levels in the normal range or as close to normal
as is safely possible
b. A lipid and lipoprotein profile that reduces the risk for vascular
c. Blood pressure levels in the normal range or as close to normal
as is safely possible
d. None of the above

8. Metabolic disorders characterized by elevated blood glucose, disordered

insulin metabolism; may have impaired insulin secretion, cells that do not
respond to insulin normally, results in hyperglycemia* 1/1
a. Diabetes mellitus c. Cardiovascular problem
b. Diabetes insipidus d. Renal problem

9. 5-10%, autoimmune destruction of beta cells, may be inherited or

triggered by environmental toxins or infections, need insulin therapy,
usually occurs in childhood/adolescence but can occur much later, first
sign may be ketosis* 1/1
a. Diabetes type I c. Gestational diabetes
b. Diabetes type II d. Diabetes insipidus

10. 90% of cases, often asymptomatic, some insulin is produced, insulin

resistance and relative insulin deficiency, beta cells become exhausted over
time, risk increases with obesity, age, decreased physical activity, genetics,
prevalence increasing in children* 1/1
a. Diabetes type I c. Gestational diabetes
b. Diabetes type II d. Diabetes insipidus

11. Nutrition therapy among patient with diabetes is needed because most
serum glucose depends on dietary intake; Medical Nutrition Therapy
remains a cornerstone in the treatment of diabetes and continues to prove
quite effective in the overall management of the disease*0/1
Correct answer = b. False

12. Currently, there are no MNT recommendations that can be made for the
prevention/delay of type 1 diabetes. Children that are overweight and
obese are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The MNT that are
prescribed to these children are similar to adults who have pre diabetes or
type 2 diabetes.*
= a. True

13. Children with diabetes has the following medical nutritional plan, EXCEPT*
a. Balancing diet, physical activity, and insulin therapy
b. Maximizing episodes of hypoglycemia
c. Manage risk factors and prevent complications of diabetes
d. Maintain optimal blood pressure and lipid levels

14. All body cells use glucose for energy to some extent; under normal
conditions, cells of the brain and the rest of the nervous system rely solely
on for energy* 1/1
a. Glucose b. Protein c. Fats d. Lipids

15. The progression of prediabetes to diabetes is inevitable?* 1/1

= b. False

16. The cornerstone of nutrition therapy for diabetes is to eat a low-

carb diet.* Correct answer = b. False
40. Which beverage usually contains gluten?*
20. A disorder that damages your small intestine and keeps it from a. Fresh fruits b. Wine c. Vodka d. Beer
absorbing the nutrients in food. The damage to your intestinal tract is
caused by your immune system's reaction to gluten. Gluten is a 41. Which of these snacks is generally not gluten-free?*
protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.* a. Popcorn b. Pretzels c. Rice crackers d. Oatmeal
a. Dumping syndrome c. Peptic ulcer
b. Celiac disease d. Gastritis 42. What foods should you eat for liver failure,
EXCEPT* Correct answer = c. Meat or
21. Nurse Kent knows that the only diet treatment that is acceptable to Protein
celiac diseaseis?*
a. Gluten free diet c. Regular diet 43. best oil to cook with for bile disease*
b. Fad diet d. Low salt low fat diet a. Avocado b. Coconut c. Olive d. Canola

22. It is now known to be an important cause of ulcer formation; scientists

are exploring what foods may have a role in fighting against an infection*
a. H. Pylori b. B. Pylori c. E. Coli d. Syphilis

23. Which of the following gives the correct progress of food along the
alimentary canal?*
= d. Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI, Rectum, Anal
Canal and Sphincter

24. What is best used for detecting small or healing ulcers?*

a. Endoscopy c. Barium Radiography
b. Urea Breath Test d. Abdominal CT

25. People with celiac disease cannot eat which kind of food?*
= d. Grains, especially wheat, rye, and barley

26. Which of these is a symptom of celiac disease?*

a. Weight loss b. Excessive gas c. Joint pain d. All of the above

27. A patient with chronic peptic ulcer disease underwent a gastric

resection 1 month ago and is reporting nausea, bloating, and diarrhea 30
minutes after eating. What condition is this patient most likely
a. Gastritis b. Celiac disease c. Dumping syndrome
d. Peptic ulcer disease

28. A patient is recovering from discomfort from a peptic ulcer. The doctor
has ordered to advance the patient’s diet to solid foods. The patient's lunch
tray arrives. Which food should the patient avoid eating?*
a. Orange b. Milk c. White rice d. Banana

29. What are the foods that will help or recommended for patient with
stomach ulcer?
a. Leafy greens b. Licorice c. Turmeric d. Dairy products

30. It contains sulforaphane, a compound that exhibits anti-H. pylori

activity. Some research. Trusted Source shows that the fatty acids
contained in olive oil can also help treatment*
a. Broccoli b. Turmeric c. Garlic d. Green tea

31. What could be the cause for nausea, bloating and upper abdominal
discomfort that happens to occur when I consume coffee, soft drinks,
chocolate or fatty cheese?* Correct answer
c. Peptic ulcer

32. In order to prevent dumping syndrome Nurse Kurt needs to advice

patient to eat foods that will help the patient to cope with the said
condition, except*
= a. soda, juice, Ensure, Boost, cakes, pies, candy, doughnuts.

33. Life style changes to cope with patient diagnosed with celiac
disease includes, EXCEPT*
= c. High-sugar foods such as soda, juice, Ensure, Boost,
cakes, pies, candy, doughnuts, cookies, fruit cooked or
canned with sugar, honey, jams, jellies.

34. For celiac disease, these are the foods that most likely needs to be check
in order to avoid recurring of the signs and symptoms of the disease,
= d. Gluten free pasta and oats

35. Nurse Pia advices her patient who will have gluten free diet for
some things to remember, and it should not include what?*
Correct answer
d. Try adding a serving of fat to meals and snacks such
as butter, margarine, gravy, vegetable oils, and salad

36. there are several types of ulcers; they are named based on their
anatomic location or the circumstances under which they develop. Which
of the following is the most common type of peptic ulcer?*
Correct answer = a. Duodenal ulcers

37. Which of these foods is not naturally gluten-free?*

a. Rye b. Rice c. Milk d. Soda

38. What is many gluten-free products

low in?* Correct answer = b. Fiber

39. What is gluten?*

a. Preservative b. Starch c. Enzyme d. Protein
44. What foods should you not eat with liver failure, EXCEPT* because they* Correct answer
a. Alcohol b. Sugar c. Salt d.None of the above d. contribute to fluid retention

45. Causes of liver cirrhosis includes the following, 69. In a case of hyperkalemia, the following nutrient may be restricted:*
EXCEPT* Correct answer = d. Eating sugar a. potassium b. Protein c. Calcium d. phosphorus
70. Fruits are an especially rich source of*
46. Risk factors of acquiring gallstones includes the following, EXCEPT* a. potassium b. Protein c. Calcium d. phosphorus
a. Menarche b. Ethnicity c. Obesity and weight loss d. Age and
Gender 71. The vitamins renal clients may have an increased need for are*
c. vitamins B, C, and D
47. What important functions are affected by severe, acute, or chronic liver
disease?* 72. Purine-rich foods include:*
a. Blood clotting a. Meats
b. Elimination of water, salt, drugs, and toxins from the body
c. Manufacture of blood proteins
d. All of the above

48. Aqeel a 62 years old male, diagnosed with cholecystitis. Which diet,
when selected by the client, indicates that the nurse’s teaching has been
= c. Low-fat, high-carbohydrate meals

49. Alcohol in body affects the function of the brain and includes the
a. Causing sedation c. Increasing anxiety
b. Fast reaction d. Act as stimulant

50. Effects of excessive alcohol consumption on nutrition status, EXCEPT*

a. Widespread malabsorption occurs as result of damage to GI mucosa
b. Quick metabolism function
c. Reduction of thiamin (Vit. B1) absorption & activation
d. Disruptive effect on metabolism of medication.

51. In a low-cholesterol diet*

= b. fat-free milk is used instead of whole milk

52. Examples of foods particularly rich in potassium are*

= d. bananas and oranges

53. When the heart muscle reacts with pain because of inadequate blood
supply after activity, the condition is called*
a. cerebral accident b. Edema c. Hypertension
d. angina pectoris

54. Sodium is commonly

found in* 1/1
a. sugar b. freshf ruits c. baking soda and baking powder d. coffee
and tea

55. A client with angina pectoris might be advised to follow a diet*

= d. in which saturated fats are limited

56. A sodium-restricted diet may be ordered for clients with*

a. angina pectoris b. Lipidemia c. Congestive heart failure d.

57. When water accumulates in body tissues,*

= a. the condition is called edema

58. It is thought that excessive fats in the blood over time contribute to*
a. congestive heart failure b. Hypokalemia c. Plaque d. edema

59. In a low-cholesterol diet*

= b. fat-free milk is used instead of whole milk

60. Foods allowed in a low-fat diet include*

a. cheese b. Sausage c. cooked vegetables d. all soups

61. The kidneys maintain the body’s*

a. acid-base balance b. fluid balance c. electrolyte balance d. all of
the above

62. The specialized part within each nephron that actually filters the blood is
called the*
a. ureter b. Glomerulus c. Filter d. capillary bunch

63. Kidney disorders may be caused by*

a. Diabetes b. Burns c. Infections d. all of
theseCorrect answer
d. all of these

64. The temperatures in the danger zone that encourage bacterial growth are
= c. 40° to 140°F

65. The general term referring to the inflammatory diseases of the kidneys is*
a. nephritis b. Nephrosclerosis c. Uremia d. nephrolithiasis

66. The term referring to the hardening of renal arteries is*

a. nephritis b. Uremia c. Nephrosclerosis d. nephrolithiasis

67. The condition in which stones develop in the kid- neys, ureters, or bladder
is called*
a. nephritis b. Nephrolithiasis
c. polycystic kidney disease d. glomerulonephritis

68. Sodium and water may be restricted in the diets of renal clients
73. An example of nitrogenous waste found in the urine is* 98. Frozen foods should be*
a. ureter b. Uremia c. Urea d. all of these Correct answer = c. thawed in the refrigerator
74. Hypertensive patients can benefit from all of the following dietary
99. Leftover foods should be*
and lifestyle modifications except:* = a. put in the refrigerator immediately after meals
a. including fat-free or low-fat milk products in the diet.
= b. reducing total fat intake.
100.Someone who is capable of spreading an infectious organism but is
c. Consuming generous amount of fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts
d. Reducing sodium intake not sick is called a*
a. food handler b. Transport c. Carrier d. fomite
75. Dietary lipids with the stronger LDL cholesterol raising- effects are:*
a. monounsaturated fats b. polyunsaturated fats
c. saturated fats d. plant sterol

76. Risks factors for atherosclerosis include all of the

following except:* Correct answer = d. Elevated LDL

77. Patients with mild hypertriglyceridemia may improve their

triglyceride levels by:* Correct answer = d. Limiting intakes of
refined carbohydrates

78. The nephrotic syndrome frequently results in:*

= c. elimination of metabolic waste products

79. Dietary recommendations for patients with nephrotic syndrome include:*

a. High protein intake b. Sodium restriction
c. Calcium and potassium restrictions d. Fluid restrictions

80. Which of the following nutrients may be unintentionally restricted

when a patient restricts phosphorus intake?*
Correct answer = b. calcium

81. Most kidney stones are made primarily from:*

a. struvite. b. uric acid c. calcium oxalate d. cystine.

82. Treatment for all kidney stones includes:*

= d. a fluid intake that produces more than 2 to 2 ½ liters of urine

83. A person with chronic kidney disease who has been following a renal
diet for several years begins hemodialysis treatment. an appropriate dietary
adjustment would be to:*
= b. consume protein more liberally.

84. If a patient with acute kidney injury should require a high protein
intake, which additional treatment may be necessary?*
a. Frequent dialysis b. use of diuretics
c. enteral nutrition support d. Fluid restrictions

85. A person with chronic kidney disease who has been following a renal
diet for several years begins hemodialysis treatment. an appropriate dietary
adjustment would be to:*
= b. Consume protein more liberally

86. The most common cause of chronic kidney

disease is:* Correct answer = b.

87. A slice of apple pie supplies 350 kcalories with 3 grams of fiber; an apple
provides 80 kcalories and the same 3 grams of fiber. this is an example of:*
Correct answer = a. kcalorie control.

88. Elevated ldl concentrations in the blood are associated with:*

= d. a high risk of heart disease

89. Three factors that lower the concentration of ldl and raise the
concentration of hdl in the blood are:*
= d. weight control, soluble fibers, and physical activity.

90. Strawberries, low-fat yogurt, poached egg, and whole wheat toast would*
a. be allowed on a calorie-restricted diet

91. What temperature should pork dishes be cooked to for it to be

safe to eat?* Correct answer = a. 160 degrees Fahrenheit

92. A BMI of 26 is classified as*

a. Normal b. Overweight c. Class 1 obesity d. Class 2 obesity

93. Which of the following substitutions results in a healthier choice?*

= a. Beef loin instead of beef rib

94. What is the refrigerator temperature in storing food?*

= b. 34-40 degrees

95. How many seconds you need in washing your hands properly
before and after handing food.*
= b. 20 seconds

96. When are you required to wash your hands?*

a. Before starting work b. Before putting on disposable gloves
c. After using the restroom d. All of the above

97. What are the components of guided nutrition counseling?*

= d. Open-ended questions, reflective listening, summarization,
and asking permission
8. It is a systematic approach to providing high quality nutrition care.

RBE LAB NUR 102 The NCP consists of four distinct, interrelated steps

a. Nutrition assessment
b. Nutrition diagnosis
c. Nutrition intervention
1. What are the rules for measuring liquids?*
d. Nutrition care process
1/1 9. One of the domains in nutrition assessment compose of height,
a. Use a liquid measuring cup on flat surface, read at eye level
b. Fill a dry measuring cup up to the rim until it looks round on top weight and BMI what is this domain?
c. Hold a liquid measuring cup up at eye level
d. All of the above *

2. When measuring brown sugar, you must 1/1

a. Anthropometric measurements
* b. Food/nutrition related history
c. Biochemical data
1/1 d. Chief history
a. Pack it down in the dry measuring cup
b. Sift into a liquid measuring cup 10. It touches the physical appearance, muscle and fat wasting, swallow
c. Sift it to get rid of the lumps
d. None of the above function, appetite, and affect

3. There are 2 cups in every pint of liquid. How many cups would you *

need for 3 pints of milk? 1/1

a. Anthropometric measurements
* b. Food/nutrition related history
c. Biochemical data
1/1 d. Nutrition-Focused Physical Findings
a. 3
b. 9 11. Nurse Kevin is assessing patient personal history, medical, health and
c. 6
d. 12 family history as well as treatments and use of complimentary/alternative

4. Which part of a recipe tests how much you know about equipment medicine what is the domain he assessing for?

and techniques? *

* 0/1
a. Anthropometric measurements
0/1 b. Food/nutrition related history
a. directions c. Biochemical data
b. Ingredients d. Chief history
c. Yield
d. Nutrition 12. Data or indicators used to determine the client's nutrition diagnosis.

5. To chop food into tiny pieces *

* 0/1
a. Signs and symptoms
1/1 b. Problem or nutrition diagnosis
a. Mince c. Etiologic cause
b. Dice d. Contributing risk
c. Fold
d. Chop 13. In making nutritional care plan, all are the following critical thinking

6. It is a systematic approach to collect, classify, and synthesize skills that we need to reminded of, EXCEPT?

important and relevant data needed to identify nutrition-related problems and *

their causes. 0/1

a. Finding patterns and relationships among the data and possible causes
* b. Prioritizing identified problems
c. Identifying signs and symptoms that are measurable or their change may be
1/1 tracked
a. Nutrition assessment d. Solving medical conditions
b. Nutrition diagnosis
c. Nutrition intervention 14. You as a nurse educating your patient knows that implementation is
d. Nutrition care process
the action phase and involves the ff, EXCEPT:
7. Sophia made 14 L of lemonade for a party. Her guests drank 9500
mL of the lemonade. How many milliliters of lemonade did Sophia have left
over? a. Accomplished in two distinct and interrelated steps: planning and
b. Collaborating with the client to carry out the plan of care
c. Communicating the nutrition care plan
d. Modifying the plan of care as needed
a. 4500ml
b. 5000ml 15. Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation purpose is to
c. 4525ml
d. 6000ml *

a. Determine and measure the amount of progress made for the nutrition a. Complex lipids
intervention and o whether the nutrition related goals/expected outcomes are b. Slower acting carbs
being met. c. Fast acting carbs
b. Setting goals and prioritizing d. Simple carbs
c. Collaborating with the client to carry out the plan of care
d. Communicating the nutrition care plan 24. Includes candy, cookies, cake, soda, juice, and sweetened beverages.

16. It gives your body the nutrients it needs every day while staying *

within your daily calorie goal for weight loss. 0/1

a. Fast acting carbs
* b. Slow acting carbs
c. Simple carbs
1/1 d. Starch
a. Healthy eating plan
b. My pyramid 25. It is healthiest to get your daily carbohydrates by eating...
c. Calorie
d. Diet plan *

17. Nurse bimbo is teaching a client who has iron deficiency anemia 0/1
a. Lots of chocolate
about foods he should include in the patient diet. Which he needs to b. Simple sugars
c. Fiber-rich fruits and whole grains
emphasize? d. Fruit juice with lots of added sugar
* 26. If you're patient is trying to avoid added sugars, which ingredient

1/1 should you teach him to watch for on food labels?

a. Oranges and dark green leafy vegetables
b. Nuts and fish *
c. Butter and margarine
d. Milk 1/1
a. Raw sugar
18. The major of energy for cells b. Molasses
c. Corn syrup
* d. All of the above

1/1 27. Which sugars are present in Sucrose?

a. Protein
b. Simple sugar *
c. Fats
d. Amino acids 1/1
a. Fructose and glucose
19. Nurse Cardo knows that food group is composed of five different b. Glucose and glucose
c. Glucose and galactose
subgroups, from "dark leafy" and "dry beans and peas" is called? d. Fructose and galactose
* 28. A substance you need to grow and live is called a

1/1 *
a. Grains
b. Meat 1/1
c. Vegetables a. Balanced diet
d. All of the above b. Nutrient
c. Calorie
20. Nurse Emeng knows that a patient balanced diet is? d. My plate
* 29. This type of nutrient is needed in larger amounts and includes

1/1 proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

a. A diet that consists of the right nutrients in the right quantities
b. A diet that consists of eating fruits and vegetables *
c. A diet that consists of eating diary food
d. None of the above 1/1
a. Carbohydrate
21. Are organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. b. Micronutrient
c. Mineral
* d. Macronutrient

1/1 30. This macronutrient is a building block for the body's tissues
a. Lipids
b. Carbohydrates *
c. Hydrates
d. Protein 1/1
a. Carbohydrate
22. It stores extra carbohydrate as glycogen and releases it later, when b. Protein
c. Micronutrient
your body needs it. d. Mineral
* 31. Compounds that help to regulate body processes.

1/1 *
a. Liver
b. Pancreas 1/1
c. Stomach a. Fats
d. Intestines b. Vitamins
c. Minerals
23. Health carbs such as multigrain bread, brown rice, lentils, and beans d. Carbohydrates
are also called? 32. Elements in food that help your body work properly.
* *

0/1 1/1
a. Fats
b. Vitamins Macadamia nuts, Olives and olive oil.
c. Minerals
d. Carbohydrates *

33. A collection of chemical reactions that takes place in the body's 1/1
a. Monounsaturated fats
cells. Determines the rate at which our bodies break down and use food for b. Polysaturated fats
c. Saturated fats
energy. d. Trans fats

* 41. What macronutrients are insoluble in water?

1/1 *
a. Calorie
b. Metabolism 1/1
c. Nutrition a. Carbohydrates
d. Nutrient b. Fats
c. Minerals
34. Classify the following protein according to its function: hemoglobin, d. Salts

oxygen carrier in the blood 42. Molecules that are made of one molecule of glycerol and three fatty

* acids are called:

1/1 *
a. Transport
b. Enzyme 1/1
c. Structural a. Carbohydrates
d. Storage b. Polymers
c. Proteins
35. Classify the following protein according to its function: amylases that d. Triglycerides

catalyze the hydrolysis of starch. 43. Unsaturated fats that are liquids are called:

* *

1/1 1/1
a. Transport a. amino acids
b. Enzyme b. animal fat
c. Structural c. glycogen
d. Storage d. oils

36. Such as artificial trans fats and saturated fats, are guilty of the 44. Proteins are polymers of:

unhealthy things all fats have been blamed for: weight gain, clogged arteries, *

an increased risk of certain diseases and so forth. 1/1

a. Amino acids
b. Glucose
c. Nucleic acids
d. Sucrose
a. Bad fats
b. Good fats 45. Toxicity of what vitamin causes interference with anti-clotting
c. Phospholipids
d. Linoic acids medicine?

37. What nutrient is a source of energy and helps your body to absorb *

vitamins? 1/1
a. Vitamin K
b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin A
a. carbohydrates
b. fats 46. Functions: mineralization of bones (raises blood calcium &
c. minerals
d. protein phosphorus via absorption from digestive tract & by withdrawing calcium from

38. What's good about albacore tuna, salmon, and sardines? bones & stimulating retention by kidneys).

* *

1/1 1/1
a. They're high in antioxidants a. Vitamin K
b. They're high in omega-3 fatty acids b. Vitamin E
c. They're high in flavonoids c. Vitamin D
d. They’re high in fats d. Vitamin A

39. Eat a doughnut at breakfast and large fries at lunch and you've had 47. Bacterial syntheses in digestive tract, green leafy veggies, cabbage

* type veggies, soybeans and vegetable oils are sources for what vitamin?

1/1 *
a. The maximum daily recommended allowance of bad fat
b. Five times the daily recommended allowance of bad fat 1/1
c. Three times the daily recommended allowance of bad fat a. Vitamin K
d. The target daily recommended allowance of healthy fat b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin D
40. Fats protect the heart and support insulin sensitivity, fat storage, d. Vitamin A

weight loss, and healthy energy levels. Healthy choices include: Avocado,
48. (Retinal): Fortified milk, cheese, cream, butter, fortified margarine, 1/1
a. Lipids
eggs and liver are good sources for what? b. Carbohydrates
c. Starch
57. _________ is a nutrient your body needs to grow and repair cells and to
a. Vitamin K work properly.
b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin D *
d. Vitamin A
49. Functions: antioxidant (quenching of free radicals), stabilization of a. Amino Acids
b. Proteins
cell membranes, support of immune function, protection of polyunsaturated c. Enzyme
fatty acids and normal nerve development. 58. Why do we need protein?
* *

1/1 1/1
a. Vitamin K a. For energy
b. Vitamin E b. To repair bones and muscles
c. Vitamin D c. All of the above
d. Vitamin A
59. ________________ is a systematic approach to providing high quality
50. Toxicity of what vitamin causes: Augments the effects of anti-
nutrition care.
clotting medications, general discomfort, nausea, blurred vision and fatigue?
0/1 a. Nutrition Care Process (NCP)
a. Vitamin K b. Nutrition Assessment
b. Vitamin E c. Nutrition Diagnosis
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin A 60. The purpose of nutrition monitoring and evaluation is to?

51. ____ is a type of nutrient and just like protein and carbohydrates, your *

body needs some fat for energy, to absorb vitamins, and to protect your heart 1/1
a. Determine and measure the amount of progress made for the nutrition
and brain health.
intervention andwhether the nutrition related goals/expected outcomes are
* being met.
b. Collaborating with the client to identify goals of the intervention for each
1/1 diagnosis
Fats c. Finding patterns and relationships among the data and possible causes
b. Lipids
61. A nutrition ___________ is a purposely planned action(s) designed with the
c. Protein
intent of changing a nutrition-related behavior, risk factor, aspect of health
52. What is the worst type of fat?
status to resolve.
a. Polyunsaturated fats 1/1
b. Monounsaturated fats a. Intervention
c. Trans fats b. Diagnosis
c. Monitoring
53. Polyunsaturated fats include Omega 3 and ________ fats
62. The definition of nutrition is:
a. Omega 7 1/1
b. Omega 6 a. The study of the effect of food and how it is processed in the body
c. Omega 4 b. The science of how nutrients are obtained for people to use
c. The study of how energy flows throughout the body and how it is processed
54. For a woman who is 35 years old, how much of her daily calories should
63. What is the metric unit for volume?
come from fat?
. Liter
a. 10%-20%
c. meter
b. 20%-35%
b. Gram
c. 40%-30%
d. Kelvin
55. Which of these has the most saturated fat?
64. Odemar has 5 liters of water. He divides the water evenly between 4
buckets. How many milliliters of water does Odemar pour into each bucket?
0/1 *
a. Lard
b. Butter 1/1
c. Coconut oil a. 2000
b. 1250
56. Fats and protein are also necessary for energy, but they more of a long-
c. 1000
term fuel source, while fulfill the body's most immediate energy needs. d. 2500

65. The NCP challenges the dietitian to: 74. Vitamin D can be obtained from _______________.

* *

1/1 1/1
a. learn more terminology c. provide standardized care a. Carrots
b. utilizes critical thinking skills b. Cereal
c. provide standardized care c. Wholegrain food
d. develop the PES statement d. Sunlight

66. Which describes a function of the patient's medical chart? 75. Anemia is caused by a lack of what mineral?

* *

1/1 1/1
a. Communicating information between medical professionals and the public a. Folate
b. Evaluating medical care for the client's family b. Calcium
c. Upholding the Joint Commission's standards c. Iron
d. Keeping a record of what has been done for the patient d. Sodium

67. What is a balanced diet? 76. A healthy diet in pregnancy is needed to

* *

1/1 1/1
a. A diet that consists of the right nutrients in the right quantities a. Prevent miscarriage
b. A diet that consists of eating fruits and vegetables b. Prevent birth defects
c. A diet that consists of eating diary food c. Help the baby develop and grow
d. None of the above d. Preserve the baby

68. Simple sugars are; 77. Getting groceries at the store may be difficult for elderly because:

* *

1/1 1/1
a. The major of energy for cells a. They may not have access to transportation
b. Vital to normal body functioning b. Carrying grocery bags from the car to their house may be too much
c. Essential for cells to gain energy from carbohydrates c. They may have difficulty visually reading food labels and counting money
d. Substances that build up into proteins d. All of the above

69. Nutrients are: 78. Body composition shifts with age, showing what changes?

* *

1/1 1/1
a. Substances that nourish the body and are used to obtain energy for the body a. Increase in bone mineral and protein
b. Substances the body uses to make chemical reactions occur throughout the b. Decrease in fat mass and increase in fat free mass
body systems c. Increase in fat mass and decrease in fat free mass
c. Chemicals that aid in the function of muscles and organs in the body d. Increase in water composition and fat free mass
d. Chemical that helps improve muscle growth.
79. Which of the following food items believed to be complete meal or balanced
70. What is the function of carbohydrates?
a. Long term energy storage 1/1
b. Short term energy a. Vegetables.
c. Information storage b. Milk.
d. Building muscles and cells c. Fruits.
d. Honey.
71. What nutrient is a source of energy and helps your body to absorb
80. Which statement by the patient with type 2 diabetes is accurate?
1/1 a. "I am supposed to have a meal or snack if I drink alcohol"
a. carbohydrates b. "I am not allowed to eat any sweets because of my diabetes."
b. fats c. “I do not need to watch what I eat because my diabetes is not the bad kind."
c. minerals d. “The amount of fat in my diet is not important; it is just the carbohydrates
d. protein that raise my blood sugar.""

72. Eat a doughnut at breakfast and large fries at lunch and you've had: 81. "The nurse is discussing the importance of exercising to a client diagnosed

* with Type 2diabetes whose diabetes is well controlled with diet and exercise.

1/1 Which information should the nurse include in the teaching about diabetes?
a. The maximum daily recommended allowance of bad fat
b. Five times the daily recommended allowance of bad fat *
c. Three times the daily recommended allowance of bad fat
d. The target daily recommended allowance of healthy fat 1/1
a. Eat a simple carbohydrate snack before exercising.
73. Which statement is NOT true about saturated and unsaturated fats? b. Carry peanut butter crackers when exercising.
c. Encourage the client to walk 20 minutes three (3) times a week.
* d. Perform warm up and cool down exercises

0/1 82. What is best used for detecting small or healing ulcers?
a. Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats
b. Saturated fats are solid; unsaturated fats are usually liquid *
c. Saturated fats are solid; unsaturated fats are usually liquid
d. Saturated fats are healthier than unsaturated fats 1/1
a. Endoscopy
b. Urea Breath Test
c. Barium Radiography 1/1
d. Abdominal CT a. Avocado toast
b. Butter toast
83. Which of the following gives the correct progress of food along the c. Peanut butter toast
d. None of the above
alimentary canal?
91. Which is better for your heart health?
a. Mouth, Esophagus, Pharynx, Stomach, SI, LI, Rectum, Anal Canal and 1/1
Sphincter a. Chicken
b. Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, LI, SI, Rectum, Anal Canal and b. Pork
Sphincter c. Fish
c. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Pharynx, SI, LI, Anal Canal and Sphincter d. Beef
d. Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI, Rectum, Anal Canal and
Sphincter 92. Medically speaking, which term refers to kidney function?

84. A patient arrives to the clinic for evaluation of epigastric pain. The patient *

describes the pain to be relieved by food intake. In addition, the patient 1/1
a. Hepatic
reports awaking in the middle of the night with a gnawing pain in the stomach. b. Dialysis
c. Renal
Based on the patient's description this appears to be what type of peptic ulcer?
d. Urinary
93. Common non-specific symptoms of chronic kidney disease include:
1/1 *
a. Duodenal
b. Esophageal 1/1
c. Gastric a. Increased urination at night
d. Refractory b. Swelling of hands and feet
c. Loss of appetite
85. A patient is suspected to be suffering from Celiac Disease. The physician
d. All of the above
orders an endoscopy. If the patient has Celiac Disease, what finding will be
94. People on dialysis should maintain diets high in __________________.
discovered with the endoscopy?
1/1 a. Protein
a. Over exaggerated intestinal villi b. Fats
b. Ulcerations in the small intestine, specifically the Jejunum c. Fibe
c. Flat intestinal villi d. Carbohydrates
d. Cobble-stone appearance throughout the small intestine
95. Your kidneys are what part of which system in your body?
86. What is hepatitis?
1/1 a. Reproductive system
a. inflammation of the liver b. Gastrointestinal tract
b. inflammation of the gallbladder c. Respiratory system
c. inflammation of the pancreas d. Urinary system
d. inflammation of the intestines
96. What is the most common cause of kidney disease?
87. Late-stage chronic liver disease is called ___________.
1/1 a. Drug abuse and smoking
a. Liver failure b. Uncontrolled diabetes
b. Liver cancer c. High blood pressure
c. Cirrhosis d. B and C
d. Fatty liver disease
97. Which of the following criteria would most likely be on a nutrition screen in
88. When teaching a client about pancreatic function, the nurse understands
the hospital?
that pancreatic lipase performs which function?
1/1 a. prealbumin value c. weight change
a. Transports fatty acids into the brush border b. serum potassium value
b. Breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol c. weight change
c. Triggers cholecystokinin to contract the gallbladder d. cultural food preferences
d. Breaks down protein into dipeptides and amino acids
98. Characteristics of successful dieters include all of the following except:
89. What causes pancreatitis?
1/1 a. Maintaining a daily food journal
a. Excessive alcohol consumption b. Adhering to a strict eating plan
b. Genetic disorders c. Counting calories
c. Gallstones d. Eliminating all carbohydrates from their diets
d. All of the above
99. Directive, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by
90. Which is better for your heart health?
helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence to change*
a. Nutrition counseling
b. Motivational Interview
c. Nutrition education
d. Assessment

100. The minimum time food workers should wash their hands is:

a. 5 seconds
b. 30 seconds
c. 20 seconds
d. 40 seconds

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