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Page No. 32 _ = NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Agreemen} Vs effedive ashen ——_|| Px vate Lims4ed Chexein after) zefe Signed by and Getween Rambandy Gs the “Company” a private limibed “a Company having Vis Registesec] of AGE Pl ae and Digambar jemte_ CheseinaFte a referred as the 'Pmployee! Slo me. Vishwarsrac lente. residing Tamar Complex athane Collectyoel weferres| to as the 'l pastes The Company has employad mr. Digaumbas- kate Sing 46) 4) TOnvaw 20/0 and his Gosvemen} ts lol fo preted the ConfidenHel informa c IA \sclosed by fhe Company in ie Course ef Employment be px, fate | disclos ore) | mode available b fhe Compa 7 Scanned with CamScanner [pews 93 —T anahes potty Cempleyce) including ok et Vimiked be ‘infermation acq from employees 1 Wade Sevets | StraHaic plens: \nventive lans and the disclosess cushanne® \nferrpahed } Computes progtamme) Sof} ware de jdababases | marcehing ——_ Pleens; Finances 4 ConfedenHa \nformation ovigmally secelved Aver Lhd ParHes | Infermatien relating fe eeny type of technolegy . makesial cohelhen— comen one oral reungi bo |e or ‘\nkangible shat! be deerned "Con fFedi enh «} Theormetlon Tn additlern line. ex\stence ard reoms of- this agreemenks Shal| alsa be +yeele of as ConfidenHa} fgreement RestejcHons and Exceptons - the Employoes agrees bo mainraln the ConfecdenHall cf the Contiden)) Information disclosed prior to MWe ckecutlon of Kis Aagteemen} during bhe Course of empleyment> +o pyveven} Uauthorised dissem jnabion ox use for period of wo (+) Yeats from He dube of last adisclosuve by War Scanned with CamScanner Poge No. Uy _ | $.|_ Non- Srscloser - the Employec expressly aaren thal he) She shal) pst use Ho” Gnfedenlia} Trformshien pvoulde by the Lommpany 19 Vive developme| or deluery ax For persens] soy, Services for bis [Ree acon aceoun} ao fox Giccount gf mM previding oF any ero WP any third pasty. _ 4 | Ownexship ef Grfdclenii a} \[Thfosmation _ = Ail GnfidenHal Information anf _ ali materia} itenrs delivered ty tHe Comp on and nothing is Qranted te the emplouee by this _ Agrcemen} or by ack of disclosuse S|| Return of Matexia} and Dowments - Pelion ef distrudion of materials Shel) vet ceelise he omployee lo \ts obligations ca Hee Gytidentality , Upon bre xequect cf the Gmpany ,the Employce addy Cer ‘thabk Vie has, _ Gmplied uith Ve provisions fF _ hig proqvams Scanned with CamScanner PETA TELA To employee agsee Fo not Non - CIXCUMVENTINE "¢ Crcimven} bre Gmpany and cone usith business assodates , clients aad othes thivd party Vendoas ‘WwiredUced by the Company this | hon- ClyclmvenHen provisions shell expire at the end cf -wo (2) yoars from the terminaHen of this figreement | # || Non- Solicitabton «- for a Period of Hee (3) years after He termination of bhis Agreement} the employees agrees that he |The will not Solicit the work oF provide Sexvice or adler for assist olfhess atilh oppertuniky fo do some , any C\ien} cf any the Gmpany Ho fempering in Unie ernployse iS ormployed by ne Company ana for Feo yorars fellocing Hoe 2m) nablon of Employees employment ati be Gm mpeny the Gmpany Shall) mot (@) wreques} Induce or attempt fo Gmpery fo Curt} or eancwd Scanned with CamScanner Employee agree be velsin Sald informaHon a8 GnfidenHal and het fe se Sad ‘informabion as Coni dent} and noF fe Use Sal nfermalion av GonfidenWe] + and aot to Use and sald ‘Informeahon or his or hew awn behalf oe [disclose Some bo any thivd porrte{is Derre ~ ployee Towne - — Employ ea “Siqnehire - fae Gmpeny Designahion - Scanned with CamScanner

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