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Nama : Paulus Kindi

Nim : 322110016

Kelas : B.Sore

Subject : Metodology in Tesol


Genre Best Intruction (GBI)

In the Genre-Based Instruction Text-Based Learning Model or Method, the teacher introduces
the text and its objectives, as well as its features, and guides students to produce texts through the
process of scaffolding.

And then Text-Based Learning is learning that is oriented towards students' ability to compose
text. This learning method is based on text modeling and analysis of its features explicitly and
focuses on the relationship between text and the context of its use.


1. the teacher introduces the text and its purpose, as well as its features
2. guiding students to produce texts through the process of providing assistance
3. involves a process in which the teacher assists students in producing texts and gradually
reduces this assistance until students are able to produce texts on their own
4. giving students practice in various kinds of texts until they are able to produce texts
without the help and guidance of the teacher

Communicative Language Taeching (CLT)

The Comunicative language teaching is learning method that emphasizes student interaction
Learning as the ultimate goal of learning.


1. provide students to interact with fellow friends in learning.

2. free students to ask questions to the teacher
3. the teacher gives understanding through interaction so that student goals are achieved
4. emphasizes interaction as a means and ultimate goal of learning.
Interesting teaching method in my opinion

there are lots of good methods to use in teaching but this time I am very interested in the best
learning genre method because this method emphasizes the principle of the importance of
teachers developing student awareness and considering language learning as a social activity.
and also helps develop students' critical thinking skills.

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