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Question #1: What would you check if Top Drive System (TDS)
malfunctioning continuously even though all the required periodical
maintenance and inspections are done correctly and on time?

Answer: In this case, I would check the TDS alignment since the alignment
between the Top Drive and the centre of the well is crucial to avoid accidents
and improve the lifespan of the machine and its components. This is the
reason why the alignment procedure is recommended in its maintenance

Therefore, TDS Manufacturers (NOV, etc,) propose kind of methodology for

aligning the Top Drive with the well centre based on recommended
misalignment tolerance.

The same issues we had in the past in Kashagan field with one of Saipem
Drilling Rigs. Due to misalignment of TDS there was high vibration which
impacted to equipment performance.
Question #2: What are the latest requirements for the bolts and nuts?

Answer: For bolts & nuts we reference to API 6A/ API 20E/ 20F which they
reference us to ASTM A193/ A194/ A320

Going through the ASTM A193 & A194 Standards latest revision published
in 2022, we can find number of changes/ updates like:
▪ Minimum stress relief temperature requirements for B7M products
▪ Change of “body length” to “nominal length”
▪ Minimum stress relief temperature requirements for grade 7M & 2HM products
▪ Etc,

Instead of re-writing the change I decide to put screenshots on the following


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