The IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series A Guide To P

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The IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series: A Guide to Preparation and Use of

Compilations and Evaluationsa)

Article  in  Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data · June 2010

DOI: 10.1063/1.3380845


44 358

5 authors, including:

Heinz Gamsjager J.W. Lorimer

Montanuniversität Leoben The University of Western Ontario


Mark Salomon David Shaw

MaxPower Inc. University of Alaska Fairbanks


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The IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series: A Guide to Preparation and Use of
Compilations and Evaluations*

Heinz Gamsjäger
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie, Montanuniversität Leoben, Franz-Josef-Straße 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria

John W. Lorimer
Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada

Mark Salomon
2 Eastborne Drive, Little Silver, NJ 07739, USA

David G. Shawa…
Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7220, USA

Reginald P. T. Tomkins
Department of Chemical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102, USA

共Received 26 February 2010; accepted 26 February 2010; published online 1 June 2010兲

The IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series 共SDS兲 is an ongoing project that provides
comprehensive reviews of published data for solubilities of gases, liquids and solids in
liquids or solids. Data are compiled in a uniform format, evaluated and, where data from
independent sources agree sufficiently, recommended values are proposed. This paper is
a guide to the SDS and is intended for the benefit of both those who use the SDS as a
source of critically evaluated solubility data and who prepare compilations and evalua-
tions for future volumes. A major portion of this paper presents terminology and nomen-
clature currently recommended by IUPAC and other international bodies and relates these
to obsolete forms that appear in the older solubility literature. In addition, this paper
presents a detailed guide to the criteria and procedures used in data compilation, evalu-
ation, and presentation and considers special features of solubility in gas+ liquid, liquid
+ liquid, and solid+ liquid systems. In the past, much of this information was included in
introductory sections of individual volumes of the SDS. However, to eliminate repetitive
publication, this information has been collected, updated, and expanded for separate
publication here. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3380845兴
Key words: data compilation; data evaluation; IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Division; phase equilibria;
solubility; Solubility Data Series; solubility terminology and nomenclature; solution equilibria.

CONTENTS 4.1. Basic thermodynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.2. Alternative measures of solubility. . . . . . . . 6
4.3. Relation of mole fraction solubility to
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
various coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Recommended Terms and Symbols for
4.4. Salt effects: Sechenov 共Setschenow,
Expression of Solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CeueHOB兲 equation5,7,16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. List of Terms and Symbols not Recommended.. 6 5. Special Considerations for Liquid+ Liquid
4. Special Considerations for Gas+ Liquid Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6. Special Considerations for Solid+ Liquid
Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Corresponding author. Electronic mail:
* 6.1. Dependence on temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
This report is being published simultaneously by Pure and Applied Chem-
istry; see Pure Appl. Chem. 82, 1137 共2010兲. 6.2. Binary non-electrolyte solid+ liquid
© 2010 American Institute of Physics. system with compound formation. . . . . . . . 9

0047-2689/2010/39„2…/023101/13/$47.00 023101-1 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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6.3. Binary electrolyte solid+ liquid system Solubility data have long been widely used in chemistry
with compound formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 and an array of related fields of science and engineering for
6.4. Dependence on composition. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 many different purposes. For some intended purposes, highly
6.5. Specific ionic interaction theory 共SIT兲 precise data are required; for others, order-of-magnitude es-
applied to solubility equilibria. . . . . . . . . . . 10 timates are perfectly satisfactory. Because the SDS addresses
6.6. Constrained solubility equilibria involving an audience with diverse needs for data precision, all data of
solid solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 whatever precision are compiled unless there is strong reason
7. Compilations and Evaluations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 to believe that experimental shortcomings or other mistakes
7.1. Compilations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 render a report unreliable. The essential criterion for data to
7.2. Evaluations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 be recommended in the SDS is that two or more independent
8. Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 data sets 共i.e., from separate and independent laboratories兲
9. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 agree within their experimental error. It is every user’s re-
sponsibility to determine whether the precision and reliabil-
List of Tables ity of recommended data are suitable for the intended pur-
1. Basic quantities used in definitions related to Solubility measurements have been reported in the chemi-
solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 cal literature since the earliest days of chemistry. One of the
2. Quantities used to describe solubilities based tasks of the SDS is facilitating comparisons of data by con-
on mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 verting various measurements to consistent units expressed
3. Quantities used to describe solubilities based in unambiguous and accepted terminology. A major portion
on amount of substance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 of this paper presents terminology and nomenclature cur-
4. Quantities used to describe solubility based on rently recommended by IUPAC and other international bod-
mass and amount of substance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ies and relates these to obsolete forms that appear in the
5. Quantities used to describe solubility based on older solubility literature.
volume alone, or on mass or amount of The first volume of the SDS was published in 1979. Or-
substance and volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ganization, reviewing, and editing of the Series was handled
6. Quantities used in specifying conditions under by the IUPAC Solubility Data Commission 共V.8兲 until 2002,
which solubility is measured or in when, along with reorganization of IUPAC committees, these
interpretation of solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 functions were transferred to the Subcommittee on Solubility
7. Interconversions between quantities used as and Equilibrium Data 共SSED兲 of Division V 共Analytical
measures of solubility for C-component Chemistry兲 of IUPAC. Until 1996, volumes in the series
systems containing C − 1 solutes i and single were published in hard-cover book format. In 1998, publica-
solvent C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 tion was assumed by the Journal of Physical and Chemical
8. Terms that are considered obsolete for use in Reference Data 共JPCRD兲 published by the American Insti-
the SDS and their replacements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 tute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and
Technology 共NIST兲. During the 30-year life of the SDS,
1. Introduction great advances have been made in the preparation and dis-
semination of electronic databases. Selected parts of the SDS
The Solubility Data Series 共SDS兲 was conceived by the are currently available from the NIST web site, and SDS
late Prof. A. S. Kertes with the aim of providing a compre- volumes published as JPCRD articles are available in search-
hensive review of published data for solubility of gases, liq- able electronic form 共portable document format, pdf兲. The
uids, and solids in liquids or solids. As an ongoing IUPAC history of the SDS and the people and organizations that
project, the SDS exhaustively compiles and critically evalu- have produced it are detailed elsewhere.1–3
ates experimentally determined solubility data from the pri- A feature of each volume 共or technical paper, when pub-
mary chemical literature. Between 1979 and 2009, the lished in JPCRD兲 has been an introduction to one of solubil-
project has produced 87 volumes, each of which presents ity of gases in liquids, or liquids in liquids, or solids in liq-
data for a chemically related group of systems. Data are uids, as appropriate to the subject matter. While these
compiled in a uniform format. The data for each system are introductions were revised periodically, their repetitive na-
evaluated and, where data from independent sources agree ture led to the decision that a single introduction be prepared
sufficiently, recommended values are proposed. This paper is for publication as an IUPAC Technical Report and simulta-
a guide to the SDS and is intended for the benefit of both neously as a paper in JPCRD. In that way, reference could be
those who use the SDS as a source of critically evaluated made to these publications and repetition could be elimi-
solubility data and those who prepare compilations and nated. This Technical Report provides up-to-date require-
evaluations for future volumes. Individuals interested in par- ments for formatting data and compilation sheets, as well as
ticipating in volume preparation should contact the authors for terminology, symbols, and units, for use by both authors
of this paper or consult the IUPAC web site for further in- preparing contributions to the SDS and users. Updated ver-
formation. sions in this guide supersede all materials in the previous

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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introductions. The guidelines are consistent with those for application of quantity calculus, as described in Ref. 5 and,
publication in JPCRD.4 in latest form, in Refs. 6 and 7. The current list of symbols is
compatible with Refs. 6 and 7, although in Ref. 7 a number
2. Recommended Terms and Symbols for of changes and corrections have been made to definitions
Expression of Solubility listed in Ref. 8.
Terms and symbols involving composition of mixtures and
Terms and symbols used in describing solubility phenom- solutions are of primary importance in compilations and
ena have undergone significant changes since publication of evaluations of solubility, and these are summarized in Tables
the first volume of the SDS. These changes involve more 1–7, reproduced 共with some modifications兲 from Ref. 5 with
precise definitions of a number of terms and a systematic the permission of IUPAC, copyright © 2003.
TABLE 1. Basic quantities used in definitions related to solubility

Name Symbol Definition SI units Notes

Solubility 共general兲 s See Refs. 6 and 7 various 1

Mass m SI base unit kg 2
Amount of substance n SI base unit mol
Volume V SI derived unit m3 3
Molar volume Vm Vm,B = V / nB m3 mol−1 4
Partial molar volume of B VB VB = 共⳵V / ⳵nB兲T , p , n j⫽B m3 mol−1 5
Stoichiometric number of an ion i ␯i 1
Sum of stoichiometric numbers of ions in a salt ␯ ␯ = ␯+ + ␯− 1 6
Charge number of ion i zi 1
Partial pressure 共of gas B兲 pB pB = y B p N m−2 = Pa 7

1. Subscripts x, m, c, etc. may be added to the symbol s for solubility, giving corresponding new terms solubility (mole fraction basis), solubility (molality
basis), solubility (amount concentration basis), etc. 共see subsequent tables兲, in analogy with recommendations in Refs. 6 and 7 for quantities such as activity
2. The symbol m for mass should not be confused with the same symbol for molality in Table 4.
3. Litre, L or l, is an acceptable unit for volume.
4. For pure substance B. For a mixture, the mean molar volume is V̄m = V / n where n is the total amount of all components in the mixture.
5. For entities B. In the SDS, the C thermodynamic components are labeled i = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , C.
6. For a salt M␯+X␯−.
7. For gas B; y B is the mole fraction of B in the vapor phase, and p is the total pressure.

TABLE 2. Quantities used to describe solubilities based on mass TABLE 3. Quantities used to describe solubilities based on amount of
SI Notes and
Name Symbol Definition units references SI
Name Symbol Definition units Notes

Mass fraction w w B = m B/ 兺m 1 1 Mole fraction,


i=1 amount-of-substance x,y x B = n B/ i 1 1
fraction, amount fraction i=1

Solute mass fraction ws ws,B = mB/ 兺m i 1 2

i=1 Ionic 共species兲 mole x+ , x− x+B = p
1 2
共amount兲 fraction of salt
p 1+ 兺 共␯ −1兲x i i
Solvent mass fraction wv wv,A = wA/ 兺 wi 1 3 i=1

x−B =
Mass ratio ␨ ␨A,B = mA / mB 1 ␯+B

Ionic 共species兲 mole xA⬘ xA⬘ = ps
1 2
Notes: 共amount兲 fraction of solvent
1. For entities B; summation is over all entities, total number p. The entities 1+ 兺 共␯ − 1兲x
i i
may be thermodynamic components labeled i = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , C.
2. Summation is over all solute components ps.
3. Summation is over all solvent components pv = p − ps.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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TABLE 3. Quantities used to describe solubilities based on amount of fining activity coefficients of salts, and in tabulation of salt effects on the
substance—Continued solubility of gases. The concept can be applied to systems containing only
non-ionic species, where the term species (mole) amount fraction is appro-
SI priate.
Name Symbol Definition units Notes 3. Summation is over all solute components, ps in number. Where these
quantities are used in representations of phase diagrams, they are often
called Jänecke solute fractions.
Solute mole 共amount兲 4. Summation is over all solvent components pv = p − ps.
xs,B = xB/ 兺x
1 3

TABLE 4. Quantities used to describe solubility based on mass and amount

p of substance
Solvent mole 共amount兲
xv,A = xA/ 兺x
1 4
Name Symbol Definition SI units Notes

Mole 共amount兲 ratio r rA,B = nA / nB 1 p

Molality m m B = n B/ 兺 nM
i i
mol kg−1 1

1. For entities B; summation is over all entities, total number p. The entities
Aquamolality m共C兲 mB共C兲 = mBM̄ / M C mol kg−1 2
may be thermodynamic components labeled i = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , C. Symbol x is
usually used for components in condensed phases, y for those in gaseous
phases. The entities may also be particular assumed species in the system. Notes:
Thus, the nature of the species must be specified. 1. For a solute B in a mixed solvent containing p − ps solvent components,
2. These quantities are special forms of mole fractions for ionic species, are where M i is the molar mass of solvent component i. The standard molality
generalizations of those given in Robinson and Stokes,9 pp. 31–32, and refer is usually taken as m- = 1 mol kg−1.
to a mixture of ps binary salts i, each of which ionizes completely, and a 2. For a solute B either in pure solvent A or a mixed solvent with compo-
mixture of pv non-electrolytes j, of which some may be solvent components. nents A, C. Component C is a reference component, usually ordinary water,
B refers to any one of the ps electrolytes, and A is substance ps + 1 of the pv but any other solvent reference component may be chosen, when the term
non-electrolyte species. The sum of the ionic amount fractions of salts and used is solvomolality. The average molar mass of the mixed solvent is:
solvents 共electrolytes and non-electrolytes兲 is unity, so that C = ps + pv. For a
xA M̄ = xv,AM A + 共1 − xv,A兲M C ,
single solvent, xA⬘ = , so that 兺i=1
共x+i + x−i兲 + xA⬘ = 1. The quan-
1 + 兺i=1
共␯i − 1兲xi with xv,A the solvent mole fraction of component A. See Ref. 5 for the
tities are used in formulation of solubility equations for electrolytes, in de- history and uses of this term.

TABLE 5. Quantities used to describe solubility based on volume alone, or on mass or amount of substance and volume

Name Symbol Definition SI units Notes

Volume fraction ␸ ␸B = xBVm,B

* /
兺 x V*
j m,j 1 1,2

Solvent volume fraction ␸v,A ␸v,A = ␸A/ 兺␸

1 1

Mass concentration, mass density ␳, ␥ ␳B = mB / V kg m−3 2

Amount concentration, c cB = nB / V = 关solute兴 mol m−3 2,3

amount-of-substance concentration

1. The true volume fraction of component i is ciVi. Lack of knowledge of partial molar volumes has led to the convention that volume fractions are calculated
in terms of the molar volumes of the pure components, Vm *.
2. For a solute B in a mixed solvent.
3. Both symbols cB and 关formula of solute B兴 are used. The standard amount concentration is given the symbol c-, and is usually 1 mol dm−3. To avoid
ambiguity, the term concentration should not be used as a general term for the composition of a solution or mixture; e.g., “the composition in terms of mole
fraction,” not “the concentration in terms of mole fraction.”

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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TABLE 6. Quantities used in specifying conditions under which solubility is measured or in interpretation of solubility

Name Symbol Definition SI units Notes

Ionic strength 共molality basis兲 Im Im = 2
i i mol kg−1 1
2 i

1 2
Ionic strength 共amount concentration basis兲 Ic Ic = i i mol m−3 1
2 i

Salinity S See note 2 1 2

Chlorinity wCl See note 2 1 2
Mass density ␳, ␥ ␳=m/V kg m−3 3
Relative 共mass兲 density d d = ␳ / ␳- 1 4
Henry’s law constant kH kH,B = limxB→0共f B / xB兲 = 共⳵ f B / ⳵xB兲xB=0 Pa= N m−2 5

Solubility product, solubility constant Ks, Ks- Ks = 共␯⫾␥⫾m/m-兲␯ exp共−r␯ M w 兺 m␸ 兲 m 1 6

1. The summations are over all ionic substances. For a solution containing a single completely ionized salt B with ions of charges z+, z−, the definitions
Im = 共1/2兲兩z+z−兩␯BmB Ic = 共1/2兲兩z+z−兩␯BcB 共1兲
2. Used in reporting the composition of seawater. Salinity, S, is the mass of dissolved salts in sea water, brackish water, brine, or other saline solution divided
by the mass of the solution. Chlorinity, wCl, is the mass of dissolved halides 共reported as chloride兲 in sea water, brackish water, brine, or other saline solution
divided by the mass of the solution. See Ref. 7 for further discussion of these terms.
3. m is the total mass of the system. Mass density is equal to the total mass concentration. The term density may be used where there is no confusion with other
quantities such as energy density, etc.
4. The ratio of the mass density of a mixture at Celsius temperature t, pressure p to the mass density ␳- of a reference substance at temperature t⬘, pressure
p⬘. For liquid solutions, the reference substance is often water at 4 ° C, 0.1 MPa. 共In some cases, 1 atm is used instead of 0.1 MPa.兲 The older term specific
gravity is discouraged.
5. For a gas B. For discussion of various forms of the Henry’s law constant, see Ref. 7. For gases that react with the solvent, care must be taken to distinguish
between stoichiometric Henry’s law constants and species Henry’s law constants. Very often, the stoichiometric coefficient is tabulated. For example, gaseous
carbon dioxide dissolves in aqueous solution and partially hydrolyzes to produce hydrogen carbonate, carbonate and hydrogen ions. The stoichiometric
Henry’s law constant is calculated from the total amount fraction or molality of dissolved CO2, while the species constant is calculated from the actual amount
fraction or molality of CO2 as derived from calculations based on the equilibrium constants for formation of hydrogen carbonate and carbonate ions.
6. The definition is for a hydrated salt B 共in the absence of added electrolyte with one or more common ions兲 that dissociates completely in water:
M␯+X␯− · rH2O共s兲  ␯+Mz+共aq,sat兲 + ␯−Xz−共aq,sat兲 + rH2O共l兲, 共2兲
where ␥⫾ is the mean activity coefficient and ␸m the osmotic coefficient 共both on the molality basis兲, and M w is the molar mass of water.
Analogous solubility products may be defined using amount fractions, with the corresponding activity and osmotic coefficients. A definition based on amount
concentrations is difficult because of lack of a simple and consistent definition of the corresponding osmotic coefficient. For the distinction between solubility
product and solubility constant, see Ref. 7.

Table 7 contains formulae for conversions between pairs of the most frequently encountered quantities used to describe
solubility. The formulae are given for multicomponent systems, with simple directions for use with two-component systems.

TABLE 7. Interconversions between quantities used as measures of solubility for C-component systems containing C − 1 solutes i and single solvent C 共the last
component in the list兲. ␳, density of solution; M i, molar mass of substance i. For two-component systems, set summations to zero

xB wB mB cB

冉 冉 冊冊
1 1 1
x B= xB

冉 冊 兺 c 冉1 − M 冊
C−1 C−1 C−1

兺 兺m
MB 1 MC wj 1 mj 1 ␳ cj Mj
1+ −1+ −1 1+ + 1+ − MB +
M C wB Mj wB mB M C B MC cB B C
j⫽B j⫽B j⫽B

cB M B

冉 冉 冊冊
1 1
w B= C−1 wB C−1 ␳

兺 兺m M 兲
MC 1 Mj xj 1
1+ −1+ −1 1+ 共1 + j j
M B xB MC xB mB M B
j⫽B j⫽B

冉 兺冊 冉 冊
1 1 1
m B= C−1 C−1 mB C−1

兺w 兺c M 兲−M
1 xj 1 wj 1
MC −1− MB −1+ 共␳ − j j B
xB xB wB B cB
j⫽B j⫽B j⫽B

␳ ␳
c B=
MB + MC 冉 兺冉 冊 冊

共1 +

兺m M 兲+M
j j B

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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3. List of Terms and Symbols not The enthalpy term is thus the difference between the par-
Recommended tial molar enthalpy of B at infinite dilution and the molar
enthalpy of an ideal gas, both at the saturation pressure of the
TABLE 8. Terms that are considered obsolete for use in the SDS and their solvent. An equivalent deduction based on fugacities and an
extensive discussion of solubilities of gases are given by
Obsolete term Replace by Notes Wilhelm.11,12
For accurate work, the Henry’s law constant is evaluated
g per 100 g solution Mass fraction, wB 1,2 using a plot based on the formula in Table 6 and the activity
Mass% Mass fraction, wB 1,2 coefficients are estimated after correction to a constant ref-
Mol% Mole fraction, xB 1,3
erence pressure using the Poynting correction.11 The solubil-
Molarity Amount-of-substance concentration,
amount concentration, cB ity then follows from Eq. 共4兲, and is reported ideally as the
Molar, M or M mol dm−3 共or mol l−1兲 mole fraction of dissolved gas at standard partial pressure
Molal, m mol kg−1 and the saturation pressure of the solvent.12 Most work dis-
Number of moles Amount of substance cussed in the SDS is for low-pressure gases, those for which
Number of moles of B Amount of B 4 corrections for non-ideal behaviour are made using a virial
Overbar for partial Use VB, e.g.; restrict overbar to expansion including the second and third virial coefficients,
quantities, e.g., V̄B indicate an average, except in special and activity coefficients are assumed to be independent of
cases where the overbar is necessary to
distinguish the symbol for volume.
For the dependence of solubility on temperature, several
Notes: empirical equations have been used; see Refs. 11 and 13.
1. B in all entries refers to substance B. With the solubility expressed as the mole fraction of solute at
2. For column headings in a table, use 100 wB instead of mass%.
3. For column headings in a table, use 100 xB instead of mol%. standard partial pressure and at the saturation pressure of the
4. The name or symbol of the substance replaces “substance.” Do not use solvent, the left-hand side of Eqs. 共5a兲 and 共5b兲 becomes
“amount of substance of B” but rather “amount of B.” simply −ln xB. A common representation of solubility is then
given by the Clarke-Glew equation11,13 as derived in Ref. 14:

4. Special Considerations for Gas+ Liquid ln xB = A + B共Tr/T兲 + C ln共T/Tr兲 + D共T/Tr兲, 共6兲

4.1. Basic thermodynamics where A, B, C, D are empirical constants and Tr is a refer-
ence temperature, chosen preferably as the value roughly in
For a solute gas B that does not react with the solvent A, the middle of the observed range of temperatures. For an
both components are present in each phase, and equality of ideal system, the constants in this and other empirical equa-
the chemical potentials of B in the gas and vapor phases tions can be related to thermodynamic thermal
gives:10 quantities.13–15 Two points should be kept in mind: 共1兲 the
␮Bv = ␮Bv,-共T兲 + RT ln关f B共T,pA,s兲/p-兴 = ␮Bl = ␮Bl,-共T,pA,s兲 coefficients derived from a least-squares analysis are highly
correlated, so that addition of successive terms alters the val-
+ RT ln关␥B共T,pA,s兲xB兴, 共3兲 ues of preceding terms, rendering any thermodynamic values
where f is the fugacity, pA,s the saturation vapor pressure of uncertain; and 共2兲 for a non-ideal system, if the experimental
A, and the liquid-phase activity coefficients ␥i are referenced data follow an equation of this form, since the ideal part
to Henry’s law on the mole fraction scale; i.e., the activity determines the form of the equation, it follows that the non-
coefficient approaches zero at infinite dilution of solute. This ideal part also has the same form of temperature dependence.
equation leads directly to the solubility of gas B at the satu-
ration pressure:
ln xB = ln关f B共T,pA,s兲/␥x,BkH共T,pA,s兲兴, 共4兲 4.2. Alternative measures of solubility

where kH is the Henry’s law constant 共Table 6兲 at the satura- While most modern works report solubility of a gas in a
tion pressure: liquid as the mole fraction of dissolved gas under specific
conditions of temperature and pressure, as described above,
␮Bl共T,pA,s兲 − ␮Bv共T,pA,s兲 experimental methods traditionally determined volumes of
ln关kH共T,pA,s兲/p-兴 = , 共5a兲
RT dissolved gas as the primary quantity. This led to various
measures of solubility based on volume as follows. The defi-
and for the dependence on temperature 共with Tr a reference
nitions are derived mainly from Refs. 16 and 17, but with
ln关kH共T,pA,s兲/p-兴 = ln关kH共Tr,pA,s兲/p-兴 absorption coefficient, ␤ 共in gas solubility兲

− 冕 Tr
⌬slnH-共T,pA,s兲 1
. 冉冊 共5b兲
Now essentially obsolete. For a gas B absorbed by liquid
A, the volume of gas, VBg共T- , p-兲, absorbed by a mass of pure
solvent A, mA*, where VBg has been reduced to standard con-

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ditions of temperature 共usually T- = 273.15 K兲 and total pres- If the gas is ideal 共pBVBg = nBRT兲, the liquid is incompress-
sure, usually either p- = 100 kPa 共1 bar兲 or 101.325 kPa ible, and the ideal Henry’s law 共pB = kHxB兲 holds,
= 1 atm:
LV,B = ␣B共T/T-兲. 共13兲
␤B = 关VBg共T-,p-兲/VA*兴eq = ␣B共1 − pA/p 兲 -
For a rigorous relation between Henry’s law constant and
Because the volume of gas must be reduced to standard the Ostwald coefficient 共definition 3兲, see Refs. 11 and 22.
conditions, which requires knowledge of the appropriate Bunsen coefficient, ␣
equation of state, this coefficient is most useful for total pres- Measure of gas solubility, now essentially obsolete. For a
sures near the standard value. gas B absorbed by liquid A, the volume of gas, VBg共T- , pB- 兲,
This absorption coefficient is the Bunsen coefficient, ␣, in absorbed by a volume of pure solvent A, VA*, where VBg has
terms of the total pressure of the gaseous mixture of A and B been reduced to standard conditions of temperature 共usually
rather than partial pressure of B alone. The Bunsen coeffi- T- = 273.15 K兲 and partial pressure, usually either pB-
cient has been called an absorption coefficient. = 100 kPa 共1 bar兲 or 101.325 kPa 共1 atm兲:
Ostwald coefficient, L l,
␣B = 关VBg共T-,pB- 兲/VA*兴eq 共14兲
Four definitions have been used:
1. Ostwald’s original definition:17,18 Volume of gas, Vg, Because the volume of gas must be reduced to standard
absorbed at equilibrium divided by the volume of the conditions, which requires knowledge of the appropriate
pure absorbing liquid, Vl,*, at a specified temperature equation of state, this coefficient is most useful for total pres-
and total pressure. For a gas B absorbed by liquid A, sures near the standard value. If the gas is ideal 共pBVBg
= nBRT兲, the liquid is incompressible, and the ideal Henry’s
LV,B = 共VBg/VA*兲eq 共8兲 law 共pB = kHxB兲 holds:
2. Based on solution volume:17,19 Volume of gas, Vg, ab-
sorbed by a volume of saturated liquid, Vl, at a speci-
fied temperature and total pressure. For a gas B ab-
␣B = 关VBg共T-,pB- 兲/VA*兴eq =
冉 VBg共T,p兲
l, 冊冉 冊
T eq

sorbed by liquid A, = LV,B共T-/T兲. 共15兲

LV,B = 共VBg/Vl兲eq 共9兲 Kuenen (Künen) coefficient, S
Now essentially obsolete. For a gas B absorbed by liquid
3. Based on amount concentration:11,17,19–21 Concentration
A, the volume of gas, VBg共T- , p-兲, absorbed by a mass of pure
of absorbed gas in the liquid phase divided by concen- l,
solvent A, mA*, where VBg has been reduced to standard con-
tration of gas in the vapor phase. For a gas B absorbed
ditions of temperature 共usually T- = 273.15 K兲 and total pres-
by liquid A,
sure, usually either p- = 100 kPa 共1 bar兲 or 101.325 kPa
Lc,B = 共cBl/cBg兲eq 共10兲 共1 atm兲:
4. Based on infinitely dilute amount concentration:17,19–21 SB = 关VBg共T-,p-兲/mA*兴eq
Concentration of absorbed gas in the liquid phase di-
vided by concentration of gas in the vapor phase, ex- Because the volume of gas must be reduced to standard
trapolated to infinite dilution of absorbed gas. For a gas conditions, which requires knowledge of the appropriate
B absorbed by liquid A, equation of state, this coefficient is most useful for total pres-
⬁ sures near the standard value.
Lc,B = lim 共cBl/cBg兲eq 共11兲 The Kuenen coefficient is proportional to the molality. If
cB →0
the gas is ideal, the liquid is incompressible, and the ideal
Ostwald referred to definition 1 as the solubility of a gas. Henry’s law holds:
All definitions refer to absorbed gases that can be removed l,
SB = 关VBg共T-,pB- 兲/mA*兴eq = ␣BVm,A
* /M , l,
from the liquid by lowering the total pressure or increasing
the temperature. Thus, gases that react with the solvent, such where M A is the molar mass and Vm,A the molar volume of
as HCl共g兲 or SO2共g兲, are excluded. the solvent.
For mole fractions of absorbed gas less than about 0.01,
the definitions all give numerical results within experimental
error. In reporting experimental data, especially for gases of
4.3. Relation of mole fraction solubility to various
higher solubility, it is important to specify which definition is
being used.17
For definition 3, an amount nBg of gas from the gas phase is For an ideal gas dissolved in an incompressible liquid, and
absorbed by the liquid phase, so that where the ideal Henry’s law 共pB = kHxB兲 holds, the solubility
of the gas 共as a mole fraction in the liquid phase兲 is related to
Lc,B = 共cBl/cBg兲eq = 共VBg/VBl兲eq , 共12兲
the absorption, Ostwald, Bunsen, and Kuenen coefficients
so that definitions 2 and 3 are identical. by:

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1 1 1 solubility data that extend to, or close to, the critical solution
xB = = = temperature, another approach based on modern critical so-
1+ l, 1+ l, 1+ l, lution theory is indicated, with a fitting equation of the form:
* ␤
p-Vm,A * L
p-Vm,A * ␣
xB = xcB ⫾ 共B1/2兲兩␪兩␤ ⫾ 共B2/2兲兩␪兩␤+w + A1兩␪兩 ⫾ 共B3/2兲
= . 共18兲 ⫻兩␪兩␤+2w + A2兩␪兩1−␣w
1+ -
p M AS B ␪ = 1 − T/Tc , 共20兲
For other conversions between the above definitions and where subscript c indicates the critical value, ␤ = 0.329 is the
conversions between Ostwald and Bunsen coefficients, see critical index, ␣ = 0.11, w = 0.5 共first Wegner correction兲, and
Ref. 13. B1, B2, B3, A1, A2 are empirical constants. The absolute sign
on ␪ takes care of cases where Tc is a lower critical solution
4.4. Salt effects: Sechenov „Setschenow, CeueHOB… temperature. The ⫾ sign refers to both branches of the coex-
equation5,7,16 istence curve. Note that the second term of this equation
Expression of the salt effect that relates the change in solu- determines the overall shape of the coexistence curve, and
bility of a non-electrolyte 共e.g., gas or organic liquid兲 to should always be given as the leading term; subsequent
changing ionic strength of aqueous solutions, terms should be used successively in fitting procedures in the
order given. An extensive discussion of this fitting equation,
lg共so/s兲 = ksIs , 共19兲 including how to extract reliable values of both the critical
where so, s are the solubilities of non-electrolyte in pure solution temperature and composition from experimental
water and saline solution, respectively, ks the Sechenov pa- data, is given in Ref. 25.
rameter 共an empirical proportionality constant兲, and Is the Phase diagrams 共e.g., temperature vs. composition for bi-
ionic strength of the saline solution. nary systems兲 are often used to present a graphical overview
Other composition variables in place of ionic strength and of solubility.
Napierian instead of common logarithms can be used; see
Refs. 7 and 16. Salt effects can also be analyzed by use of 6. Special Considerations for Solid
Pitzer equations, e.g., in Ref. 23. See section on solid
+ liquid systems. Positive values of the Sechenov parameter
+ Liquid Systems
correspond to the commonly observed salting-out effect; Several types of fitting equation have been used in the
negative values to the less common salting-in effect. SDS to analyze the dependence of solubility on temperature
and, in multicomponent systems, on composition. The equa-
5. Special Considerations for tions are based on the solubility product Ks, but only systems
at constant pressure are discussed here. See specialized
Liquid+ Liquid Systems books on phase equilibria for more complex systems and
In principle, binary solubility of a liquid in a liquid implies higher-component systems.
the occurrence of two conjugate liquid phases in equilibrium Phase diagrams 共e.g., temperature vs. composition phase
at a given temperature and pressure. Commonly among stud- diagrams for binary systems; triangular diagrams, showing
ied systems, one component is water and the other an organic mass or mole fractions along solubility curves in ternary sys-
liquid. For example, in the system heptane+ water,24 the tems; triangular prismatic phase diagrams for ternary sys-
solubility of heptane in the water-rich phase at T = 298 K is tems to show both composition and temperature dependence兲
x1 = 5.3⫻ 10−7, while the solubility of water in the conjugate are often used to present a graphical overview of solubility.
heptane-rich phase is x2 = 6.0⫻ 10−4. For this system, as with
many others, data do not extend to the critical solution tem-
6.1. Dependence on temperature
perature, as is the case in other systems such as methanol
+ cyclohexane.25 In studies where monitoring of water pollu- The approach described below provides a rapid and reli-
tion is of major importance, the phase of interest is the water- able way of comparing data that exist over the complete
rich phase, and the critical solution point is of minor interest. range of composition of the system. Extensive examples are
In other cases, the conjugate, organic-rich phase is of inter- found in Ref. 26 for electrolyte systems. The basis of the
est. For instance, when ethanol, which is hygroscopic, is method is to construct an equation with a right-hand side
blended into hydrocarbon motor fuels, it is highly desirable which has a rigorous interpretation, and can usually be ex-
for water to not form a separate phase during storage. Here pressed in a suitable analytical form 共with reference tempera-
again, the critical solution point is of minor interest. ture and composition the melting point of a pure solid
For solubility data at temperatures far from the critical phase兲, and a left-hand side in which mole fractions are used
solution temperature, fitting equations of the form of the to construct a function Y共T兲 that describes the composition
Clarke-Glew equation or other empirical equation 共discussed change along the solubility curve. The examples below are
in the previous section兲 are adequate for many purposes. For illustrative of common types.

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6.2. Binary non-electrolyte solid+ liquid system ␯ +x B ␯ −x B

with compound formation x+ = ; x− = ;
1 + 共␯ − 1兲xB 1 + 共␯ − 1兲xB
This type of system includes many binary intermetallic 1 − xB
systems as well as non-electrolytes. For a binary non- ⬘=
xw 共28兲
1 + 共␯ − 1兲xB
electrolyte system of a solid binary compound B · rA dis-
solved in A with complete dissociation: along with symmetrical activity coefficients, to give:
B · rA共s兲  B共sln兲 + rA共sln兲 共21兲 − ⌬slnG-共T兲/RT = ln共x+␯+x−␯− f ⫾
␯ r
f w兲, 共29兲

− ⌬slnG-共T兲/RT = ln Ks = ln共aBaA
兲, 共22兲 where ␯ = ␯+ + ␯− and ␯
f⫾ = f +␯+ f −␯−.
The standard state refers to
the solid in its state at the particular T and p, pure water, and
where ai is the 共relative兲 activity of i. Use mole fractions as pure supercooled liquid salt under the same conditions.
composition variables, and symmetrical activity coefficients The deduction then proceeds using the same method as for
f i = 1 at xi = 1 to find: Eq. 共24兲, to give:
− ⌬slnG-共T兲/RT = ln共xBxA
r r
fBfA 兲
Subtract Eq. 共23兲 at T = Tfus 关the congruent melting or fu-
Y B共T兲 = ln 再 xB␯ 共1 − xB兲r共␯ + r兲␯+r
rr关1 + 共␯ − 1兲xB兴␯+r
=− 冎 冕Tfus
⌬slnH- 1
冋冉 冊冉 冊 册
sion point of the binary compound, where xB = 1 / 共1 + r兲兴 r
from Eq. 共23兲 at T. Since the left side of the resulting equa- fB fA
− ln , 共30兲
tion depends on T only, f B* *

Y B共T兲 = ln 冋 xB共1 − xB兲r共1 + r兲1+r

=− 册 冕 T

⌬slnH- 1
冉冊 where the enthalpy term is of the same form as Eq. 共25兲.
While the constants in the left-hand logarithmic term in Eq.

冋冉 冊冉 冊 册
共30兲 can be omitted in constructing an empirical fitting equa-
fB fA tion, it is recommended to retain them for consistency, espe-
− ln , 共24兲
f B* *
fA cially in systems where several hydrates exist as well as the
pure component.
where the enthalpy term is the standard enthalpy of solution For an anhydrous salt, set r = 0 and rr = 1. Equation 共30兲
共or fusion兲, referred to the standard states of pure super- gives Y B = 0 and slope dT / dxB = 0 at the congruent melting
cooled or superheated liquid components A and B and pure point, Tfus, 共stable or metastable兲 of the salt or salt hydrate
binary compound 共designated by *兲 at the given tempera- where xB = 1 / 共1 + r兲.
ture: In Ref. 26, application of the ionic mole fraction equations
⌬slnH- = HB- + rHA
- * .
− HB·rA 共25兲 is described for the pressure dependence of solubility and the
vapor pressure of saturated solutions.
The temperature and composition of the binary solid 共or The solubility of ice is of importance in many binary
pure solid, when r = 0兲 serve as a reference point for the aqueous electrolyte systems. The appropriate function Y B can
solubility curve. The enthalpy term may be represented by a be derived from Eq. 共30兲 by setting ␯ = 0, r = 1, except in the
Clarke-Glew type of equation, or any other suitable equation term in square brackets in the denominator. The enthalpy
that fits the data. Equation 共24兲 gives Y B = 0 and slope term is the enthalpy of fusion of ice at the given T and xB
dT / dxB = 0 at the congruent melting point 共stable or meta- along the ice solubility curve.
stable兲 of the binary compound. In all cases discussed above, the term containing ⌬slnH,
when expanded in a Taylor series about Tfus, gives an expres-
sion of the general form of the Clarke-Glew equation, for
6.3. Binary electrolyte solid+ liquid system with both ideal and non-ideal systems.
compound formation The enthalpy and heat capacity of fusion at the freezing
point of water are known accurately, and a special equation
The general solubility equilibrium discussed in this section has been derived for this case; see Ref. 26.
is: Ionic mole fractions have also been used to analyze solu-
M␯+X␯− · rH2O共s兲  ␯+Mz+共aq兲 + ␯−Xz−共aq兲 bility in ternary systems.27
The equation analogous to Eq. 共30兲 in terms of molality is:
+ rH2O共sln兲, 共26兲
Y B共T兲 = ␯ ln共␥m,BmBrM A/␥m,B
* 兲 − ␯共r␾ m M − ␾* 兲
m,B B A m,B
i.e., a solid salt hydrate that dissociates completely into its
constituent ions and water on dissolution. The solubility
product is 共writing w for H2O兲: =− 冕 T

⌬fusH- 1
, 冉冊 共31兲
␯+ ␯− r
− ⌬slnG-共T兲/RT = ln Ks = ln共aM aX aw兲. 共27兲
where the molality at the composition of the solid phase is
For the ionic system, ionic 共species兲 mole fractions x+, x−, 1 / rM A and ␾m is the osmotic coefficient 共based on molality兲.
⬘ 共Ref. 7兲 are used, where B is the anhydrous salt M␯+X␯−:
xw Note that Eq. 共31兲 applies to liquid phases with molality up

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023101-10 GAMSJÄGER ET AL.

to the order of that of the hydrated salt. It does not apply to According to the SIT model, there is a linear relationship
an anhydrous salt phase, where the molality becomes infi- between the measured logarithmic solubility constants
nite. However, the equation is useful for analysis of solubil- lg*K ps0 and the ionic strength Im of the background 1:1 elec-
ity under these conditions, and facilitates use of semi- trolyte. For the sub- and superscripts on the symbol for solu-
empirical theories of electrolyte solutions, such as that of bility constant, p indicates that a gas is involved in the equi-
Pitzer and co-workers, summarized and reviewed extensively librium, 0 that the central metal ion has no ligands, and *
in Refs. 26 and 27. Note that the enthalpy term still involves that a proton is involved in the equilibrium.
both fusion and dissociation, but the standard states are dif-
lg*K ps0 + lg ␥共Cd2+兲 − 2 lg ␥共H+兲 + lg a共H2O兲 = lg*K-ps0
ferent than those in Eq. 共25兲: the pure solid and pure water at
a particular T, p remain as standard states, but that for the 共33a兲
salt is the partial molar enthalpy at infinite dilution. While
the activity coefficient terms in Eq. 共31兲 may be transferred lg*K ps0 − ⌬z2D + lg a共H2O兲 = lg*K-ps0 − ⌬␧Im 共33b兲
to the right-hand side, the osmotic terms cannot, as they
The reaction interaction coefficient is ⌬␧ = ␧共Cd2+ , ClO−4 兲
contain the molality in an explicit form. Equation 共31兲 is thus
− 2␧共H+ , ClO−4 兲. The ionic charge is z. Thus, ⌬z2 = 2 and
best suited for cases where r = 0.
A 冑I m
D= ,
6.4. Dependence on composition 1 + B 冑I m
The solubility product, Ks, 共see Table 6兲 is used to describe where A = 0.509 kg1/2 mol−1/2, B = 1.5 kg1/2 mol−1/2 at 25 ° C.
dependence of solubility on composition, where again Pitzer The solubility constant lg*K-ps0 at Im = 0 and the reaction in-
equations are useful for expression of the activity and os- teraction coefficient ⌬␧ can be obtained as intercept and
motic coefficients. slope, respectively, of a linear least-squares fit to the data.
The Pitzer equations for activity and osmotic
coefficients28,29 use a standardized form of the Debye-Hückel 6.6. Constrained solubility equilibria involving
term describing electrostatic interactions between ions, and solid solutions
add a virial series of terms that depend on ionic strength and
account for short-range forces between ions of unlike charge At atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures, mixed
at higher molality. Values of the important Debye-Hückel crystals such as magnesium calcites Ca共1−x兲MgxCO3 or stron-
parameters require accurate knowledge of the static dielectric tiobarites Ba共1−x兲SrxSO4 may dissolve congruently in aque-
constant of water, which can be found in Ref. 30. An ex- ous solutions. This phenomenon has been called “stoichio-
ample of the use of Pitzer equations in the SDS is found in metric saturation.”36 From the thermodynamic point of view,
Ref. 31 for copper halides and pseudo-halides, and a detailed stoichiometric saturation is a constrained 共metastable兲 solu-
description of their application to a solubility problem is bility equilibrium.37 Recently, the implications of these con-
found in Ref. 32 for the system 共FeSO4 + H2SO4 + H2O兲. strained solubility equilibria for nuclear waste management
have been discussed comprehensively.38
6.5. Specific ionic interaction theory „SIT… applied 7. Compilations and Evaluations
to solubility equilibria
The formats for the compilations and critical evaluations
The solubility product of sparingly soluble ionic solids
have been modified in the transition of the SDS from a
provides information on their Gibbs energy of formation.
monograph series to journal publication. The following de-
These solubility products are usually determined in aqueous
scription reflects current 共2010兲 practice.
solutions containing an inert electrolyte in order to keep ac-
The structure and order of presentation in all SDS volumes
tivity coefficients of reacting species constant. To obtain
published in JPCRD is as follows. The title page with the
standard solubility constants valid at ionic strength Im
abstract and keywords is followed by the table of contents,
= 0 mol kg−1, it is recommended to extrapolate experimental
list of tables, list of figures, the authors’ preface to the vol-
solubility constants using the Brønsted-Guggenheim-
ume, critical evaluations, compilations, and cumulative ref-
Scatchard SIT model. This method is comprehensively de-
erences containing all the references cited in the preface and
scribed in Appendix B of the OECD NEA volumes on
the original publications cited in the critical evaluations and
chemical thermodynamics.33 In each volume, the selected in-
compilations in the same order as they appear in the preface,
teraction coefficients have been listed. The special notation
critical evaluations, and compilations. References in the
for solubility products is derived from the symbols used for
compilations that relate to publications for syntheses of ma-
stability constants; see Refs. 34 and 35 for a full explanation.
terials, experimental methods and procedures, and details on
The solubility constant of cadmium carbonate, otavite,
apparatus are not cited in the cumulative references; they are
has, for example, been determined in an ionic medium con-
given in parentheses within the body of the text of the com-
taining non-complexing sodium perchlorate of an ionic
strength Im in excess of the interacting ionic species.
A compilation is a summary of experimental determina-
CdCO3共s兲 + 2H+共aq兲  Cd2+共aq兲 + CO2共g兲 + H2O共l兲 共32兲 tion of solubility reported in the primary chemical literature

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for a particular chemical system of two or more components. Original measurements: References are abbreviated in
The format used for the compilations is, for the most part, the forms given by CASSI. Names originally in other than
self-explanatory; it contains all experimental data and meth- roman alphabets are given as transliterated by CA. In the
ods exactly as reported in the original publication. Normally, case of multiple entries 共e.g., translations兲, an asterisk indi-
a compilation is divided into sections headed in boldface cates the publication used for compilation of the data.
type, with detailed contents described below. Variables: Ranges of temperature, pressure, etc. are indi-
Based on a review of all the data in the compilations, the cated here.
evaluator’s task is to assess the reliability and quality of the Prepared by: The names of all compilers are given here.
data, to estimate errors where necessary, and to classify data Experimental values: Components are described as 共1兲,
as described below. Critical evaluations are only prepared 共2兲, etc., as defined in Components. Data are reported in the
where two or more compiled independent measurements of units used in the original publication, with the exception that
solubility for a given system at similar conditions of tem- modern names for units and quantities are used; see Tables
perature and pressure are available. The evaluation takes the 1–8. Usually, only one type of value 共e.g., mass fraction or
form of a summary in which all the data supplied in the its equivalent兲 is found in the original paper. Generally,
compilations have been critically reviewed. Details on the where necessary, the compiler converts reported results to
structures of compilations and critical evaluations follow be- consistent units 共often mole fractions兲 chosen by the volume
low. editor to facilitate evaluation and other comparisons. Data
produced in this way are identified by the word “共compiler兲”
7.1. Compilations and the sources of any ancillary data used 共e.g., atomic
Components: Each component of the system being com- weights, densities兲 are noted. Temperatures are expressed as
piled is listed according to IUPAC name, formula, and t / ° C, t / ° F or T / K as in the original; if necessary, conver-
Chemical Abstracts 共CA兲 Registry Number. The CA name is sions to T / K are made, sometimes in the compilations, and
also included if this differs from the IUPAC name, as are always in the critical evaluation. However, the author’s units
trivial names, if appropriate. Chemical formula is given ac- are expressed according to IUPAC recommendations as far
cording to: as possible. Errors in calculations, fitting equations, etc. are
Inorganic compounds: The name is determined by the noted, and where possible corrected. Material inserted by the
principles of naming in the IUPAC “Red Book;”39 first, the compiler is identified by the word “compiler.” Details of
accepted trivial name, second, the systematic name 共additive smoothing equations 共with limits兲 are included if they are
or substitutive nomenclature as needed兲. Then the CASSI present in the original publication and if the temperature or
共Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index兲 name, and last pressure ranges are wide enough to justify this procedure and
the CASSI number is given. if the compiler finds that the equations are consistent with
Organic compounds: The name is determined by the prin- the data. The precision of the original data is preserved when
ciples of naming in the IUPAC “Blue Book;”40 first, the re- derived quantities are calculated, if necessary by the inclu-
tained name 共if available兲, second, the systematic name 共ad- sion of one additional significant figure. In some cases, com-
ditive or substitutive nomenclature as needed兲. Then the pilers note that numerical data have been obtained from pub-
CASSI name, and last the CASSI number. For compounds lished graphs using digitizing techniques. In these cases, the
whose systematic name is too complex for general use 共such precision of the data may be determined by the quality of the
as many biomolecules and pharmaceuticals兲, the INN 共Inter- original graph and the limitations of the digitizing technique.
national Nonproprietary Name兲41 is given. Method: The apparatus and procedure are described
Polymers: The name is determined by the principles of briefly. Abbreviations used in CA are often used here to save
naming in the IUPAC “Purple Book,”42 which is compatible space, reference being made to sources for further details if
with Refs. 6, 39, and 40. these are cited in the original paper.
Components are ordered in a given compilation according Source and purity of materials: For each component,
to: referred to as 共1兲, 共2兲, etc., the following information 共in this
• saturating components; order and in abbreviated form兲 is provided if available in the
original paper: source and specified method of preparation;
• non-saturating components according to chemical fami- properties; degree of purity.
lies based on the IUPAC 18-column periodic table; Estimated error: If estimated errors were omitted by the
within carbon compounds, according to increasing car- original authors, and if relevant information is available, the
bon number; compilers have attempted to estimate errors 共identified by
• solvents according to chemical families based on the “共compiler兲”兲 from the internal consistency of data and type
IUPAC 18-column periodic table; within carbon com- of apparatus used. Methods used by the compilers for esti-
pounds, according to increasing carbon number. mating and reporting errors are based on the latest edition of
the VIM43 and the GUM.44 Helpful hints are to be found in
In each class, ordering follows the 18-column IUPAC pe- Ku.45
riodic table. The same order is followed in arranging compi- Comments and/or additional data: Compilations may
lations within a given volume. include this section, in which short comments relevant to the

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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023101-12 GAMSJÄGER ET AL.

general nature of the work or additional experimental and 共c兲 Graphical summary. In addition to 共b兲 above, graphical
thermodynamic data are included which are judged by the summaries are often given. Generally, experimental data are
compiler to be of value to the reader. shown as points 共using separate symbols for each compila-
tion, if appropriate兲 and smooth curves for fitting equations.
Care is taken to accurately represent the applicable range of
7.2. Evaluations any fitting equation by limiting the curve shown.
Where two or more compiled independent measurements 共d兲 Classification of values. Based on all available infor-
of solubility for a given system at similar conditions of tem- mation and professional judgement, the evaluator attempts to
perature and pressure exist, an evaluation is prepared. The evaluate compiled data according to quality. Four data cat-
evaluator’s task is to assess the reliability and quality of the egories are generally used: recommended, tentative, doubtful
data, to estimate errors where necessary, and to classify data and rejected. Data are recommended if the results of at least
as described below. The evaluation takes the form of a sum- two independent groups are available and they are in good
mary in which all the data supplied by the compiler have agreement, and if the evaluator has no doubt as to the ad-
been critically reviewed. There are three sections of a typical equacy and reliability of the applied experimental and com-
evaluation and these are described below. putational procedures. Data are reported as tentative if only
Components: The format is the same as for compilations. one set of measurements is available, or if the evaluator con-
Evaluator: Name and affiliation of the evaluator共s兲 and siders some aspect of the computational or experimental
the date up to which the literature was checked are given. method as mildly undesirable but estimates that it should
Critical evaluation: cause only minor errors. Data are considered doubtful if the
共a兲 Critical text. The evaluator checks that the compiled evaluator considers some aspect of the computational or ex-
data are correct, assesses their reliability and quality, esti- perimental method as undesirable but still considers the data
mates errors where necessary, and recommends numerical to have some value where the order of magnitude of the
values based on all the published data 共including theses, re- solubility is needed. Data determined by an inadequate
ports and patents兲 for each given system. Thus, the evaluator method or under ill-defined conditions are rejected. How-
reviews the merits or shortcomings of the various data. Only ever, references to these data are included in the evaluation
published data are considered. Documented rejection of together with a comment by the evaluator as to the reason for
some published data may occur at this stage, and the corre- their rejection. In some older SDS volumes, data were some-
sponding compilations may be removed, at the discretion of times classified as best. This term was undefined, but was
the evaluator and volume editor. probably synonymous with recommended as defined above.
Occasionally, it is not clear why two groups of workers The classification best is no longer used.
obtained very different but internally consistent sets of re- Data classifications are made based on degree of agree-
sults at the same temperature and pressure, although both ment between sets of independent data relative to the experi-
sets were obtained by reliable methods. In such cases, a de- mental error in each set. Thus, the degree of precision im-
cisive assessment may not be possible. plied by a particular classification is not uniform over all
Some solubility data have been published in a smoothed systems evaluated.
form. Such data are particularly difficult to evaluate, and 共e兲 References. All pertinent references, including all those
unless specifically discussed by the authors, the estimated publications appearing in the accompanying compilations
error on such values can be regarded only as an “informed and those which, by virtue of their poor precision, have been
guess.” rejected and not compiled are given here in the usual format
Many high-pressure solubility data have been obtained in as superscripts. As described above, the full bibliographic
a more general study of high-pressure vapor-liquid equilib- references are given in the cumulative references in the same
rium. In such cases, a note is included to indicate that addi- order as cited in the preface, critical evaluations, and compi-
tional vapor-liquid equilibrium data are given in the source. lations.
Since the evaluation is for the compiled data, it is possible 共f兲 Units. While the original data may be reported in the
that the solubility data are given a classification which is units used by the investigators, the final recommended values
better than that which would be given for the complete are reported in SI units when the data can be accurately
vapor-liquid data 共or vice versa兲. As an example, it is diffi- converted.
cult to determine coexisting liquid and vapor compositions
near the critical point of a mixture using some common ex- 8. Acknowledgments
perimental techniques that yield accurate high-pressure solu-
bility data. Thanks are due to Prof. R. Battino and Prof. H. L. Clever
共b兲 Fitting equations. If the use of a smoothing equation is for their advice on the section dealing with solubility of
justifiable, the evaluator may provide an equation represent- gases.
ing the solubility as a function of the variables reported in Membership of the IUPAC Analytical Chemistry Division
the compilations, stating the limits within which it should be Committee for the period 2008–2009 was as follows: Presi-
used. Least-squares analyses are described concisely in Ref. dent: A. Fajgelj 共Slovenia兲; Titular Members: W. Lund
46. For confidence limits, consult Ref. 47. 共Norway兲; B. Hibbert 共Australia兲; R. Lobinski 共France兲; P.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2010

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