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Chapter 3 : elements & compounds


Alloy : a mixture formed by mixing a metal with a small amount of other metal (S)
or non-metal (s), e.g; steel, brass, bronze

Atom : the smallest particle of an element which can exist; it is an electrically

neutral entity made up of postively charged nucleus with negatively charged
electrons moving around the nucleus

Compound : a pure substance of two or more elements which have been chemically
combined, e.g; sodium chloride , water

Electrolysis : the chemical decomposition of an electrolyte ( a solution or molten

substance which conducts electricity ) by an electric current

Element : a substance which cannot be broken down into simpler substances by

chemical reactions, e.g; sodium, iron, oxygen

Mixture : it consists of two or more substances which are not joined together
chemically, e.g; air, pollution

Period : a row in the Periodic Table of Elements

Differences between an element and a compound

An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler form formed by
chemical reactions; however a compound is a pure substance formed by two or more
elements which have been chemically combined. Some elements are ; aluminium ,
carbon and calcium, and some examples of compounds are; water, sodium chloride and

Note on electrolysis

Electrolysis is a process by which electric current os pased through a substance to

effect a chemical change.

Electrolysis of water

It is also known as electrochemical water spilling. It is the process of using

electricity to break down water into oxygen and hydrogen gas.
Properties of metals

* Shiny appearance
* High densities
* High melting and boiling points
* Good conductors of heat and electricity
* Ductile ( can be drawn into wires )
* Malleable ( can be beaten into shape )

Properties of non-metals

* Dull appearance
* Low densities
* Low melting and boiling points
* Poor conductors of heat and electricity
* Non-ductile
* Non-malleable

Extra notes

* Cells are the building blocks of living things but elements are the building
blocks of all matter including living and non-living things
* There are 116 elements, 92 which are found naturally and the rest man made
* Each element is givine a symbol which is recognised internationally
* Groups in the periodic table ↓
* Rows in the periodic table →
* Lithium, sodium and potassium are in the same group ( they share similar
properties )
* Science tidbits: the russian scientist , dmitri ivanovich mendeleev, was the
first to arrange the 63 known elements during his time

Key points

* Elements can be classified as metals or non-metals based on their properties

* In the periodic table elements are arranged in columns called groups and rows
called periods
* Elements in the same group in the periodic table sjar similar chemical properties
* Elements have may uses and applications in daily life
* The uses and application of elements depend on their properties
* A compound is a pure substance consisting of two or moer elements which have
been chemically combined
* water , sallt , sugar, sand , plastic, carbon-dioxide and chalk are examples of
* The chemical reactions which take place during the formation of compounds can be
represented by chemical reactions
* Compounds share the following properties:
* They are formed by chemical reactions which involve an exchange of energy usually
in the form of heat and/or light with their surroundings
* They can 0nly be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions
Properties of compounds

* Compounds are formed by chemical reactions

* Compunds are only broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions
* Compounds can can different properties compared to their constituent element
* The elements which make up a compound are joined by a fixed proportion of mass.

Formation of compounds

* Combining elements during chemical reactions

* Combining compounds during chemical reactions
* Combining elements and compunds during chemical reaction
* *

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