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Kingkiller Chronicles JUMPCHAIN

by Ninjanon

+1000 CP


Drop In:

Edema Ruh:




The Common Wealth

The Aturan Empire






The Fae

Skills & Abilities: [100/200/400/600 scheme?]

Drop In Discounted:

Unnoticable/get away with stuff

Tinker(general selling/fixing+vengeance)
Some kind of thievery/free running or something
Felurian knock off (supernaturally beautiful and good in bed)
Edema Ruh Discounted:

Music/story telling club

Reputation (fraudulent and otherwise)
Some kind of acting/bluffing/disguise ability
Illien knock off{?}(play music in a way that expresses emotions, ideas, concepts, and events perfectly
all without using words. Sing until the blind know what colors look like, until the lame know what a
race feels like, until the fucking Cthaeh understands what sympathy is, etc )

Mercenary Discounted:

Fight club
Some kind of awareness/tracking/survival
Lethani (Some kind of wisdom/tactics or something)
Mighty Whitey (probably rename this as something that doesn't make me laugh) (possibly given with
genius capstone booster? If so, replace.)

Arcanist Discounted:

Artificer (Sygaldry) (Glyphs for enchanting)
Alchemist (Chemistry, but fuck the laws of nature)
Sympathist (Basically establishes link between two objects, so that whatever is done to one object will
affect the other)


Chronicler's Language (written code that can be transcribed faster than one can speak)
Grammarie (Fae crafting)
Glammourie (Fae illusions)
Genius (capstone booster? Possibly remove. Probably remove.)
Listener/Namer (two perks? One? Probably one.)


Talents (cash)


Holly Crown



Sympathy Lamp
Heat Sink

Reagents and Materiels

Duh Library (books, books, books, basically a copy of the universities grand library is added to your

A Gram (makes you highly resistant to magic)

Plumb Bob (poison which removes all inhibitions and morals)

Great Tree Blossom (heals all illnesses and injuries)

Antressor Instrument (perfect instrument)

Saicere knock off (unbreakable ever sharp weapon which is literally perfectly suited to you. You'll
never find a weapon which feels more natural to you, guaranteed)


Warding Stones (stones that create a wall between the two, no energy may pass through them or the
wall they make, command word to activate and deactivate, some kind of max wall size)

Frictionless Glass: A sheet of black glass, one side of which lacks any frictive properties at all.

Cold Stone: A piece of oddly shaped stone that maintains a temperate slightly above freezing, no matter
what the heat around it.

Companions may not purchase companions nor there upgrades.

Companion Creation/Import (50 CP each/ 200 CP for 8/+100-400 CP): A companion granted a free
background other than Irregular, with 600 CP to spend. Each 100 CP you spend further will grant them
all an additional 100 CP to spend on them selves. You may spend up to 400 CP in this manner. They
may take up to +600 CP in drawbacks each.

Canon Companion (50 CP): Took a liking to a canon character then? So long as you can pose a serious
enough threat to make them fight you all out by the time you leave this place were you to clash, you
may purchase them with this option.

Drawbacks: You may take up to +600 CP in drawbacks. You may take additional drawbacks for flavor

Man-Mothers +100 CP(Cultural ignorance about really obvious things, such as the existence of
fathers )

Until All Around You Desolation Rings +200 (You're in a pissing match with a powerful and spiteful
foe, just gets replaced if you get rid of them, will try to kill you every few months or so in a manner
that has a good chance of getting it done and can't be traced back to them. Makes your life hell in every
way possible.)

Darkling Eyes (bad temper)

Tinker Tanner (all items)

Pauper (perpetually broke)

Ruh Bastard (racial discrimination)

Skin Dancer (they go not for you, but those important to you, and try to kill you with them. Gotta have
companions to take. Perma death if killed.)

Scrael Infestation (spiders what would make Australia seem tame)

Adem Mercy +300 CP (no previous perks or warehouse, mutilated body barely capable of clumsily
shuffling around and picking up very light loads, incapable of healing or prosthetics)

Chandrian, Chandrian +300 CP (The Seven want your head. They are made immune to you and your
companions shit. Running and hiding is probably your only viable course of action)

Cthaeh Conversation +600 CP [more? Honestly the worst drawback, ever, and by far. Probably just get
rid of it.]

Home: You decide to pack your bags, take your stuff and abilities and head back home. It’ll be just like
when you left it, except for you of course.

Stay: You will remain here for the rest of your life.

Leave: To the next world, and the next adventure.


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