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INDICADORES DE LOGRO ENGLISH Read and talk about sickness. Ask about recommendation and good health.

alth. Express possibilities. Make compositions. Describe ongoing actions in the past. INDICADORES DE LOGRO SOCIAL Exchange information, Canadian general information. Recognize Canadian customs and food. Differentiate British seasons. Identify the different Canadian climate. Participate in leisure activities.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO MATH Recognize some kinds of operations using fractionaries. Practice different operations using fractionaries. Solve problems with fractionaries Identify the different kinds of operations with fractionaries. Participate in leisure activities.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SCIENCE Describe electricity, and describe the way to obtain it. Define algae. Differentiate the different types of energy. Respect for the nature and interest in its conservation. Study the algaes life.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO ENGLISH Use pictures to memorize. Collect English words from everyday life Write a profile about a famous person. Read and write a newspaper article. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SOCIAL Exchange information, Canadian general information. Recognize Canadian customs and food. Write a text about Canadian history. Differentiate Canadian seasons. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO MATH Recognize some kinds of operations and solve problems using fractionaries and decimal numbers. Practice the different operations using fractionaries and decimals. Solve multiplication and divisions using complex fractionaries and decimals. Identify the different kinds of operations using fractionaries and decimals. Participate in leisure activities.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SCIENCE Formulate hypothesis about changes and matter. Compare physical and chemical changes. Differentiate types of energy. Identify the kinds of energy. Participate in leisure activities.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO ENGLISH Collect English words from everyday life. Write a profile of a famous person. Identify differences between demonstrative pronouns. Describe a person of his/her family. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SOCIAL Recognize the most important aspects of Alanis Morissette. Identify some of the most important songs about her.. Complete information about her life. Understand why is she so important in her country. Participate in leisure activities INDICADORES DE LOGRO MATH

Identify the tangram as a math game. Know about tangrams history. Solve tangram exercises. Understand why the tangram is important to human beings. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SCIENCE Identify what ecosystem is. Recognize the classification of the chain food. Recognize the different cycle of matter. Talk about the importance of take care of our ecosystem. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO ENGLISH Keep conversations. Use imperatives in the conversation. Identify difference of possessive pronouns. Complete tenses with possessive pronouns. Participate in leisure activities


Recognize the most important aspects about Bryan Adams. Identify some of the most important songs about him. Complete information about his life. Understand why he is so important in his country. Participate in leisure activities INDICADORES DE LOGRO MATH

Identify Sudoku as a math game. Know about Sudokus history. Solve Sudoku exercises. Understand why Sudoku is important to human beings . Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SCIENCE Recognize the differences between the types of ecosystem. Talk about types of ecosystem. Classify the animals depending on the types of ecosystem. Recognize the different characteristics of the types of ecosystem. Participate in leisure activities.

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SOCIAL Recognize the most important aspects about Shania Twain. Identify some of the most important songs about her. Complete information about her life. Understand why he is so important in her country. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO MATH Identify the abstract reasoning. Know about abstract reasonings history. Solve abstract reasoning exercises. Understand why the abstract reasoning is important to human beings. Participate in leisure activities

INDICADORES DE LOGRO SCIENCE Recognize the different kinds of pollution. Analyze what we can do to take care of our ecosystem. Give examples about the way to protect our ecosystem. Know some problems earth has for pollution. Participate in leisure activities

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