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School IRINEO L.


Teacher Marvin G. Anos Section STE,AQUINO
Grades 1 to 12
Teaching Dates November 24, 2022 Area
DAILY LESSON LOG Time 2:00-3:00 PM Quarter 2 Week 1

The learner demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
A. Content Standards
when writing or speaking.
The learner explains the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in general and
Performance Standards
their function in particular sentence
After going through this lesson, learners will be able to:
B. Learning Competencies
 Identify the eight (8) parts of speech;
C. (Write the LC code for
 Appreciate the uses of the eight (8) parts of speech in our daily life and;
 Create a sentence using parts of speech.
Eight (8) Parts of speech (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction
and Interjection.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The eight parts of speech students’ text and workbook, pages. 1-33
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
Task 1 (Picture Analysis), Task 3 (Notebook Activity), Task 5 Test I and II (Pen and Paper Evaluation),
B. Other Learning Resources
PowerPoint presentation about eight (8) parts of speech.

Hello Class! Welcome to another fruitful and amazing journey! I hope you'll learn something new
and amazing this time!


Directions: Arrange the scrambled words to come up with the correct answer. Be guided by the
given pictures as example.

1. GNKI NOID (king Odin) 2. ACELPRE (Replace)

3. ROPMINATT (Important) 4. LYCKUIQ (Quickly)


A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

5. OBVEA (Above)

Process Questions:
1. In picture # 1, who do you think he is?
2. In picture # 2, what does the man doing?
3. In picture #5, where is the plane positioned?

Do you want some more? Let’s try Task 2

Where do I Belong?
Directions: Classify the given words according to its proper category.

1. Teacher 4. King Odin 7. Hairless 10. Fantastic

2. Dance 5. Listen 8. Walk 11. Woman
3. Charming 6. Carelessly 9. Quickly 12. Fairly

Expected answers:
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
C. Presenting examples/ King Odin Dance Hairless Quickly
instances of the new lesson Teacher Listen Fantastic Carelessly
Woman Walk Charming Fairly
Process Questions:
1. What have you noticed in the words in task 2? (words are indicating a person and action)
2. How did you classify them? (we classify them by Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb)
3. What do you think they are called? ( Parts of Speech)

D. Discussing new concepts 1. What are the eight (8) parts of speech?
and practicing new skills #1 2. Why do we need to know different parts of speech?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2

(PowerPoint presentation) What is it?

What Is a Part of Speech?

Parts of speech are among the first grammar topics we learn when we are in school or when we
start our English language learning process. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform
different roles in a sentence. Some parts of speech can perform the functions of other parts of
speech too.
Parts of Speech Definition
The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines parts of speech as “one of the classes into which words are
H. Making generalizations and
divided according to their grammar, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.”
abstractions about the lesson
The Cambridge Dictionary also gives a similar definition – “One of the grammatical groups into
which words are divided, such as noun, verb, and adjective”.
Process Questions: (Generalization)
1. Why do students need to know parts of speech?
2. How important are parts of speech in everyday life?

Task 3: Create, Underline and Identify

A4 APPLICATION Directions: In your notebook, create 5 Sentences that have at least 4-5 parts of speech in each
sentence. Then underline and identify the parts of speech.

F. Developing mastery (Leads 1.

to Formative Assessment 3) 2.


 Ask your students to get into group of 5.
 Give each group member 5 index cards and assign each person a part of speech.
VALUING  Have your students write 10 examples for their parts of speech on the 5 index cards. Ask
your students to write one word on the front and one word on the back of the card.
G. Finding practical applications  Set the timer to 5 minutes.
of concepts and skills in daily  After the timer goes off, ask each group to create as many sentences as they can using the
living cards. Ask students to write down the sentences they created on a sheet of paper.
 Set the timer to 5 minutes.
 After the timer goes off, have members from each group read the sentences they wrote
out loud.

Relevance – 15
Content - 15
Presentation –15
Overall Performance - 5
50 points

Task 5: Test I
EVALUATION Directions: Read the statements below and circle the correct answer.
Evaluating Learning
1. He bought it for (she, her)
2. (Fortunately, Unexpectedly) the dog bit the stranger although it looked very friendly.
3. Thomas usually goes (for, to) a swim after work.
4. My father’s (at, from) our cottage this weekend.
5. Should (I, Your) help you carry these books?

Task 5: Test II (Identify and Verify)

Directions: Read the statements below and identify the word being described.

Adjectives 1. It modifies or describe a noun or a pronoun.

Pronouns 2. Are words that are used to substitute a noun in a sentence?
Adverbs 3. It modifies or describe a verb or adjective or another adverb.
Interjection 4. Word used to express emotions.
Conjunction 5. It joins words, phrases, or clauses.

AGREEMENT Task 6: Read in advance!

J. Additional activities for Read the short story entitled “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”
application or remediation By Manuel E. Arguilla

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teachings strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked and observed by:


Pre-service teacher Master Teacher I

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