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Class: MBA Marketing B Name: Richa Choubey

Sub: Business & Personal Ethics Roll No:
Assignment – 2

Organisation & Ethics

EY Values:

They are people who demonstrate integrity, respect, teaming and inclusiveness. People with
energy, enthusiasm and the courage to lead. People who build relationships based on doing
the right thing.

EY Ambition:

• To create long-term value as the world’s most trusted, distinctive professional services
• They create client value, people value, and social value and financial value.

EY Global Code of Conduct

Their Global Code of Conduct sets out a clear set of standards for conducting business. It
provides an ethical framework to guide them, especially when faced with complex and
challenging choices. They strive for a culture that emphasizes the responsibility and
accountability of all professionals for quality and trust.
The Global Code of Conduct is a clear set of standards for our business conduct. It provides
the ethical and behavioural framework on which they base their daily decisions. The Code is
anchored in values and beliefs and underpins everything they do.
Global Code of Conduct provides guiding principles grouped into five categories:
1. Working with one another
2. Working with clients and others
3. Acting with professional integrity
4. Maintaining our objectivity and independence
5. Protecting data, information and intellectual capital
By delivering these, they enhance and protect the organisation's reputation and build a better
working world for our people, clients and communities.
In emerging markets, integrity standards are improving, but strong corporate governance is
needed to prevent wrongdoing amid disruption.

Business Conduct & Ethics Framework followed by EY:

 Policy assessment and drafting
 Controls assessment and development
 Conduct risk assessments
 Developing and delivering training

 Risk-based conduct monitoring and controls testing
 Developing and embedding data analytics monitoring

 Investigating issues & whistle-blower allegations
 Reporting and KPI development
 Remediation of process and control weaknesses
The organization believes it is important to recognize that it is people, not systems and
processes, that commit fraud. Employees will behave with integrity if they understand why
and how the company does things instead of being forced to follow the rules. Especially in
the face of today's economic challenges, leaders must set a strong example of ethical behavior
for their employees. Otherwise, they will likely see a continued increase in reported fraud
incidents and regulatory interventions.

The survey results also show that emerging markets need to foster a stronger voice culture
among employees. Employees can play a key role in identifying and reporting misconduct,
but the survey found that many are not comfortable or safe in doing so. All leaders should
make it a priority to ensure that employees feel they can speak up about misconduct and that
reporting and accountability are part of the fabric of their organization's culture.

Organizations are under pressure not only to behave ethically, but to show it. To successfully
navigate the crisis of trust that is affecting businesses today, EY can help itself and its clients
build, evaluate, and improve the ethical and behavioral framework for business to respond to.
meet stakeholder expectations, while reflecting the latest thinking and technology.

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